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Kid President Meets Actual President
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Christian preachers having a sad over the thought that one day they will not be able to pick on gays using the Bible to bash them.  Then they talk about suffering. Sheesh.
There will come a day if I preach fr Leviticus & Romans re: #homosexuality & it wil b considered #hate speech #intolerance #religiouslibert
I'm afraid you're right.  Gay marriage is a Trojan horse to criminalize Christian thought & speech Expand
 this is true its coming what things will we suffer for the name of #Jesus ! Expand
 If you are going to be a bigot at least be a good one: Ephesians,Matthew,Mark;use these bronze age archaic writings as your def Expand
God's Blessing to you sir
 No thanks,but I'd like all your tax breaks,and protected status.The US has always been and shall forever be a secular nation.
Oh the fun never ends for Bible using bashers.
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P.T. Barnum was honest: “I am a showman by profession…and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me,” my only aim is to put money in my own coffers.” - Republicans are not. Welcome to “P. T. Barnum’s Grand Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan & Hippodrome,” a traveling circus, menagerie and museum of “freaks,” aka Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
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The Drones
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Stong language.
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The folks opposing Chuck Hagel’s nomination to Secretary of Defense have apparently become so rapid that they can’t bother to confirm the actual existence of a group and make themselves look like fools when they cite a fake group - “Friends of Hamas” - in their campaign to scuttle his...
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Christian Republican Tells Lies
According to Chistian Liar Ted Cruz when he went to Harvard also known as Commie, Marxist School of Law, there were 12 Commies in the faculty to one Republican.  Of course thats why Pres. Obama is a Marxist Commie most radical president ever.
Harvard Law School responds.  
Harvard Law School Professor Charles Fried, a Republican who served as Ronald Reagan’s Solicitor General from 1985 to 1989, and who subsequently taught Cruz at the law school, suggests that his former student has his facts wrong. “I can right offhand count four “out” Republicans (including myself) and I don’t know how many closeted Republicans when Ted, who was my student and the editor on the Harvard Law Review who helped me with my Supreme Court foreword, was a student here.”
Fried went on to say that unlike Cruz (or McCarthy, who infamously kept tallies of alleged subversives), he had never tried to count Communists. “I have not taken a poll, but I would be surprised if there were any members of the faculty who ‘believed in the Communists overthrowing the U.S. government,’” he said. Under the Smith Act, it is a crime to actively engage in any organization pursuing the overthrow of the U.S. government.
So I guess that just makes Cruz a paranoid idiot liar.  But no problem.  He is such a great patriot and a hero to Christian Republicans.
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Those Who Can, Teach!
Those that cannot pass laws about teaching!
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Fave Quote Of The Day
Talking about the war between Rove vs. the Teabaggers like Rep. Steve King and Todd Akin.   "Yes, Steve King is as crazy as a sack of rats." Thanks Ed.
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As President Obama said in his inaugural address last week, America “cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it.” Yet that continues to be the direction we’re heading in. A newly-released analysis by the Economic Policy Institute shows that the super-rich have done well in the economic recovery while almost everyone else has done badly. The top 1 percent of earners’ real wages grew 8.2 percent from 2009 to 2011, yet the real annual wages of Americans in the bottom 90 percent have continued to decline in the recovery, eroding by 1.2 percent between 2009 and 2011. In other words, we’re back to the widening inequality we had before the debt bubble burst in 2008 and the economy crashed. But the President is exactly right. Not even the very wealthy can continue to succeed without a broader-based prosperity. That’s because 70 percent of economic activity in America is consumer spending. If the bottom 90 percent of Americans are becoming poorer, they’re less able to spend. Without their spending, the economy can’t get out of first gear. That’s a big reason why the recovery continues to be anemic, and why the International Monetary Fund just lowered its estimate for U.S. growth in 2013 to just 2 percent.
Robert Reich: The Non Zero-Sum Society - Guernica / A Magazine of Art & Politics (via guernicamag)
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He’s what would have been called several decades ago a moderate Republican, kind of a mainstream centrist with some concerns for liberal ideals and conceptions, but not much in the way of principle or commitment… Moderate Republicans have more or less disappeared. The Republican Party is quite overwhelmingly extreme that it’s hardly a traditional political party anymore. And the mainstream Democrats have become pretty much what used to be called moderate Republicans.
Noam Chomsky speaking to TYT’s Cenk Uygur on whether President Obama is a progressive. (via kileyrae)
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More Useless Rage On Fox This Weekend
Conservatives make gun issue new rallying cry. I know your surprised. Enjoy.
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Obama Caves On Birth Control
Never ever ever compromise with a bunch of idiot fools who call themselves christians. 
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Sean The Hackster On Fox
After ranting about how the President wants to take away free speech, Hannity breathlessly (and shamelessly) claims that Fox News is the "only media channel that has delivered fair and balanced coverage" of the president.  What do I have to say about this important point.  Sean Hackkity is always right in his sick little squirrelly twisted lying little brain. 
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“I’m not an expert, but I love the First Lady’s dress.”
Chris Matthews (via kateoplis)
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Parents do ‘not necessarily’ have a right to know if I’m armed
- Teacher Carolyn Cain (via msnbc)
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