fleurdecee · 7 years
Moving Fleur de Cee Blog Posts ---> Writeful Mind
Moving Fleur de Cee Blog Posts —> Writeful Mind
One thing I’m really good at is believing that I have the capacity to contribute to a gazillion blogs and still have time for everything else I want to do. Writeful Mind has “acquired” the posts of 4 different blogs since its creation and I do believe I have finally learned my lesson ~ no new blogs!
Fleur de Cee started out as a retail business venture, but we couldn’t compete with the other “big…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Letter: Dear Warrior Woman
Letter: Dear Warrior Woman
Dear Warrior Woman,
First off, allow me to tell you just how stunningly beautiful you are.
How do I know?
Because you’re a survivor. You entrusted your heart to someone who repaid you only by shattering it. Repeatedly. You learned to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and carry on. You take care of your family, despite the daily hardships you face and, for your children’s sake, you put on your…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Verbal Abuse
Word{s} Of the Day: Verbal Abuse
My mother would emerge from the bedroom looking smartly dressed and beautifully made up, anticipating one of her many social gatherings with her friends. I always looked at her in admiration, awestruck by her beauty.
My father would look her up and down and say, “You’re going out in THAT?” or “Good grief, you scared me with your makeup.”
And then…I would watch my mother’s face fall and feel…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
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Word Of the Day: Worn I have felt emotionally exhausted for more than a decade. You know that "crash" you experience after an immensely emotional incident or event?
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fleurdecee · 7 years
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Word of the Day: Ripples In yesterday's post, I mentioned the effects that "ripples" potentially have on an unknown amount of people over an unknown time period.
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Social Media Abuse
In the last several months, I’ve noticed a marked increase in online abuse taking place across my social media feeds. I never attack anyone in comments or on Twitter; if I do comment, I make every effort to be as polite as I can and end exchanges on a positive note, even if others are being hateful or rude. I think, for some people, it doesn’t matter how nice or polite I am; they just enjoy…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word Of the Day: Survivor
Word Of the Day: Survivor
“You are a hero because you are changing the world by saying no to domestic abuse.” ~ Domestic Violence Survivor
“I am a survivor.”
When you read that, what were the thoughts that crossed your mind? What feelings did that statement elicit? Did you believe it of yourself? Did you say it with conviction? Did you have doubts?
Doubts are normal, but they’re also the product of being conditioned by…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
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Word{s} Of the Day: Reaching Out If you have been following this blog for a while, you'll know that I always encourage our readers to "reach out" to trusted family members, friends or us here at Café Sanctuary.
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word Of the Day: Sociopath
Word Of the Day: Sociopath
“One of the cruelest things a person can do is to awaken someone’s love without the intention of truly loving them.” ~ Unknown
One of the biggest lies of our relationship was that there was actually a relationship, to begin with. To hear him talk, we had a connection like no other. What I found most endearing was that he was so open about his feelings for me, totally unafraid to declare his…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
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Word{s} Of the Day: Self-Worth “I don’t deserve abuse.” When you read that statement, it's important to ask if you genuinely…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Self-Care
Word{s} Of the Day: Self-Care
“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” ~ Jack Kornfield
One of the things I realized while I was experiencing abuse was that I was solely responsible for taking care of myself. As much as I craved the idea of my abuser taking care of me, I knew I couldn’t depend on him or anyone else.
As things between my abuser and me deteriorated, I recognized that I was in a do or…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Special Circumstances
Word{s} Of the Day: Special Circumstances
Today would have been our 20-year anniversary.
In March 2013, my abuser suddenly passed away and I experienced a very complex “grieving” process that has been difficult to unravel. It might have been easier if my kiddos and I hadn’t spent the last 5.5. years dealing with residual pain from the ongoing issues.
I always try to see the positives in every situation and count my blessings, but I admit…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Safety Plan
Word{s} Of the Day: Safety Plan
A good safety plan is your friend and it can mean the difference between life and serious injury or death. It’s difficult to think rationally and logically in the middle of an abusive situation, so it’s worth every minute you spend planning what to do if things get bad.
Do not wait until you’re ready to leave to have a safety plan. Put some time aside to work out the details of your safety plan b…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
For my post today, I’m reposting a piece I wrote on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in January 2015. 
The only things that I would like to add to what I’ve previously written is that:
I’m no longer in counseling.
I’m now in a relationship with my high school sweetheart and he has helped me immensely when it comes to dealing with panic attacks and PTSD episodes by giving me comfort, understanding,…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
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Word Of the Day: Physiological Effects We most often talk about the impact of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse, but what about the physiological effects? 
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: Physical Abuse
Word{s} Of the Day: Physical Abuse
When I was 17, my father raised his hand to me, intent on slapping me; if my mother hadn’t been there to stop him, he probably would have. I had little respect for my father before that day, but that incident ruined what little respect I had left. That he even considered hitting me made him a coward in my eyes. Anyone who would do that to his wife or children is not a real man. In that tense…
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fleurdecee · 7 years
Word{s} Of the Day: #MeToo
Word{s} Of the Day: #MeToo
There’s a trend right now on Twitter, #MeToo, for anyone who’s experienced sexual harassment or assault to virtually hold their hand up in declaration and raise awareness about this painful epidemic in our world today. How fitting that #MeToo is trending during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month because I want to talk about the aspect of sexual assault that happens in committed…
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