fitzthoughtsblog · 5 years
11-12-19: Anthony "Tony" Etchison, 1972-2019: A Tribute
11-12-19: Anthony “Tony” Etchison, 1972-2019: A Tribute
Senior class photo of Anthony “Tony” Etchison (1972-2019). Photo courtesy of the 1991 Noblesville High School Shadow yearbook.
Two Saturdays ago, hundreds of individuals of all ages came together in Arcadia, Indiana, to pay tribute to one man who truly personified the meaning of the words friendship, family, and fatherhood.
If anyone needed to see what type of impact the late Anthony “Tony”…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 5 years
10-27-19: Finally-First Fitzthoughts of 2019
10-27-19: Finally-First Fitzthoughts of 2019
Celebrating a rare blog post with a Charlie Harper sandwich. Ol’ Chuck approves. 
Only took a few months to follow up on my 3rd anniversary post. Better late than never to throw out some random thoughts from the local library on a rainy Saturday morning:
-first off shout outs to the following for responding/liking past posts in recent months: noahbriggs, olivermeyers, ellisnathaniel,…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 5 years
7/11/19- The Three Year Anniversary Post
7/11/19- The Three Year Anniversary Post
Finally got around to posting after a few months as today marks the third anniversary of establishing this cheap blog on WordPress. In tribute, a photo of Will Ferrell playing Ron Burgundy from the Anchorman movies:
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As always, now time to do more homework. Looking to post more before the weekend. Best wishes to all out in cyberspace.
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
12-8-18: Fitzthoughts December Update
12-8-18: Fitzthoughts December Update
Happy Holidays from the Harpers and the Fitzthoughtsblog.
Random thoughts from a cold, snowy Saturday morning in central Indiana:
-currently at the local library to finish this week’s Indiana TechPhD assignment as well as begin on next week’s 10 page page paper-the final one for the class-due a week from today.  Have no idea how the class is really going because we’ve turned in seven assignments…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
11-23-18: Thanksgiving Weekend Update
11-23-18: Thanksgiving Weekend Update
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Happy (belated) Thanksgiving to all out in cyberspace.
First post in five or so weeks. Here’s what I’m thankful for as we begin the 2018 holidays:
-my ability to still be in a PhD program by taking the philosophy to not get too overly stressed about how things are going. Works for me so far. Considering I still have another residency to attend next spring before even thinking about dissertation…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
10-20-18: Weekend Update
As the only sports team I follow that is currently worth a damn, here’s hoping Notre Dame‘s footballers keep up their winning ways when they return to action next Saturday against Navy. 
  Random thoughts for a rare Fitzthoughtsblog post during a rare Saturday without schoolwork……
-did not watch the local NFL team lose to a rookie quarterback as the Colts did the J-O-B to the J-E-T-S by a score…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
10-10-18: Fitzthoughts Fall Update
10-10-18: Fitzthoughts Fall Update
Don’t worry Chuck, happens to us all-I got a similar look on prom night.
  Been two and a half months since the last post, so figured better late than never to throw out some more recent takes on what’s been going on as of late in the midst of writing my term paper that’s due on Saturday……
-on the school front, went to my second PhD residency last month. Need to hit one more next spring in order…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
7-28-17: The Chuck Pagano Curtain Call: Remembering (Or Trying to Forget) The 2017 Indianapolis Colts
7-28-17: The Chuck Pagano Curtain Call: Remembering (Or Trying to Forget) The 2017 Indianapolis Colts
This wasn’t the only tackle Chuck Pagano’s main man Antonio Morrison missed as Pagano’s Indianapolis Colts stumbled to a 4-12 record in 2017. 
  There have very few times in the last three and a half decades that the Indianapolis Colts have been bad enough for me to say ‘enough: even my a– can’t watch this anymore.’
Thanks to the inability- or ineptness-of three individuals favored in the…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
7-21-18: Saturday Afternoon Fitzthoughts
7-21-18: Saturday Afternoon Fitzthoughts
Only the gentleman in the center remains as part of the Indianapolis Colts..mainly because he owns the team. First regular season game without the Dysfunctional Duo is set for September 9 against Cincinnati. 
  Random thoughts as I finally get around to posting on a rainy Saturday afternoon in central Indiana……
-The three above pictured individuals have made it a struggle for me deal with Indiana…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
7-11-18: The Two Year Anniversary Post
7-11-18: The Two Year Anniversary Post
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Been awhile since I posted but wanted to celebrate the Fitzthoughtsblog reaching the ripe old age of two. Hence the post of an unknown soul holding a cardboard sign.
Keeping with last year’s anniversary celebration we’ll throw out a celebratory GIF, and since I’m not original it’s the same one as before:
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May make it a tradition from hereon out.
Here’s to another two years-or even another two…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
6-16-18: 80's Movie of the Week: Hiding Out
6-16-18: 80’s Movie of the Week: Hiding Out
Before being known best for being Charlie Sheen‘s TV bro, Jon Cryer got a push as a prime time player in movies like Hiding Out (1987).  Keith Coogan observes Cryer’s fashion sense.
  With a 68 hour work week complete and a yard to mow, time for this week’s film review from the decade that favored parachute pants over polyester:
THE FILM:   Hiding Out
THE YEAR:   1987
THE STARS:   Jon Cryerheadli…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
6-9-18: 80's Movie of the Week: Hot to Trot
6-9-18: 80’s Movie of the Week: Hot to Trot
  Bobcat Goldthwait is the babyface with the late John Candy voicing his sidekick talking horse in Hot to Trot (1988).  
  Back this week for another review of a film I watched in the 1980’s. After realizing that my ratings system has been pretty kind (as of now I’ve never rated a film less than 3 out of 4) I figured it’s time to review one that doesn’t meet that criteria.  So here we go:
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
6-2-18: 80's Movie of the Week: Stand by Me
6-2-18: 80’s Movie of the Week: Stand by Me
Teenage versions of Wil Wheaton, Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman and the late River Phoenix star in Stand by Me (1986)
Back this week with the film from the only time I ever went to the theaters with Cori Lawrence:
THE FILM:   Stand by Me
THE YEAR:   1986
THE STARS:  Main four are the above pictured Wil Wheaton, Jerry O’Connell, Corey Feldman and River Phoenix.  Kiefer Sutherland makes his second…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
5-26-18: 80's Movie of the Week: Weird Science
5-26-18: 80’s Movie of the Week: Weird Science
Anthony Michael Hall and Ilan Mitchell-Smith share my reaction to sharing a night on the town with prime Kelly LeBrock in Weird Science (1985)
  If you’re going to make one memorable movie before following the route of actor to college professor Ilan Mitchell-Smith did some 33 years ago, then in my opinion it’s going to be hard to top the one that he did:
  THE FILM:        Weird Science
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
5-26-18: School Shooting In My Hometown: The Fearful Friday at Noblesville West Middle School
5-26-18: School Shooting In My Hometown: The Fearful Friday at Noblesville West Middle School
Gathering commences after a Friday morning shooting at Noblesville West Middle School. Photo courtesy of WTHR-13 in Indianapolis.
  Yesterday my hometown of Noblesville, Indiana made the national news. However the reasons for the news was due to events that neither myself nor many others would have expected.
As per this link from Indianapolis TV’s Fox 59 there was a shooting Friday morning at Nob…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
5-19-18: 80's Movie of the Week: Bright Lights, Big City
5-19-18: 80’s Movie of the Week: Bright Lights, Big City
80’s media favorite Michael J. Fox goes dramatic by embracing the party life just a bit too much in Bright Lights, Big City (1988)
  Going with a personal favorite featuring an out of the usual role from a 1980’s megastar who dominated both the box office and the tube during the decade of Reaganomics:
THE FILM:   Bright Lights, Big City
THE YEAR:   1988
THE STARS:  80’s icon Michael J. Fox,  the…
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fitzthoughtsblog · 6 years
5-16-18: The 100th Post
5-16-18: The 100th Post
  Posting a day later than originally planned due to no computer being available at the library after I left work last evening…which probably is not a good way to start out typing during this milestone of sorts. While I’ve had some long pauses from blogging in the 22 1/2 months since I first started this cheap inexpensive blog nevertheless it’s somewhat of an accomplishment that the fitzthoughts…
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