#Mediocre High School Basketball
coochiequeens · 8 months
The girls team with the boy was going to compete against girls who could not interact with him for religious reasons without any prior communication.
By Anna Slatz January 8, 2024
A girls basketball team from a Muslim high school in California may have canceled a game after the school’s board was made aware that the opposing team had a trans-identified male player.
On Thursday, January 4, Averroes High School was set to compete against San Francisco Waldorf in a girls varsity basketball event, but the event was abruptly canceled. While the school has not provided comment on the reason why the sudden forfeiture took place, the decision was reportedly the result of the institution being made aware that a male player was participating on the Waldorf girls’ team.
Averroes is an Islamic school in the Bay Area, and sources close to the matter speculate that the hesitancy to compete against Waldorf was due to religious objections regarding the Muslim girls risking physical contact with the male player.
While the name of the male student will not be released at the request of sources, Reduxx has reviewed past game footage featuring the boy on the Waldorf team. He is seen towering above his female counterparts, boasting an obvious height and limb length advantage. According to team rosters, the male student has also retained his “masculine” name.
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SF Waldorf playing a match against another California high school in November.
Speaking to Reduxx, Julie Lane of Women Are Real, an independent, California-based women’s advocacy group, revealed that information on the Waldorf player was first brought to their attention by a concerned father in November of 2023. His daughter had played a game against Waldorf, and had been left “traumatized” by the experience. Following the tip, Lane scouted out a Waldorf event to see for herself.
“The boy had an obvious advantage,” she says. “[The girls] didn’t necessarily run their offense through him, probably because they didn’t want to be targeted. But he got most rebounds and was able to jump much higher than the girls.”
She continued by noting that the male player “was not particularly skilled,” but that he had a longer range of arm reach and could jump significantly higher.
“They were at a complete disadvantage,” Lane says. “I caught one scramble for the ball with another player and my heart stopped. She was more than a foot shorter than him and could have been seriously injured.”
According to the statistics tracked by MaxPreps, the Waldorf Wolverines Girls Varsity team has won all but one game it has participated in over the past year.
Determined to raise awareness of the Waldorf player, the team at Women Are Real looked into the school’s upcoming games. Learning about their scheduled appearance against Averroes, a religious school focused on Muslim youth, the group then contacted the school’s board to alert them to the presence of a male on the opposing team.
“I was hopeful and thought there was no way this board would let their female athletes participate with a boy,” Lane said, noting that she never received a response from Averroes.
On January 4, Lane and some members from the Women Are Real team arranged to attend the match between the Waldorf and Averroes teams. But upon arriving, Lane was unable to locate the girls’ event. Confused, Lane approached some parents for answers, and was directed to speak to a female Waldorf student who had been sitting on the bleachers watching the boys’ game.
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But Averroes has avoided providing a concrete, official answer about their motivation for abruptly canceling the match, and did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Jean Berns, another representative with Women Are Real, believes the confusion and silence surrounding the cancelation suggests Waldorf’s male player was the cause.
“As the school hasn’t made an official statement we can’t say for sure why the game was canceled. However, none of the multiple reasons we have heard from various sources make sense. We heard from the school director that there were not enough athletes to field a team, yet they played a game two days later with more than enough players. We heard from others that the coach was ill, yet he was able to coach the boys team the same evening of the cancelation. All this mystery and secrecy leads me to believe that the true reason for the cancelation most likely involves the male athlete,” she said, adding that she was “relieved” when she learned the game had been called off.
“On one hand, I feel strongly that no girl’s safety should ever be compromised and that no girl should be competing against a boy unawares. On the other hand, I’m saddened that the result is girls quietly self-selecting out of sports,” she continued.
“Will girls’ sport die a silent death here in California? Seeing that the boys game went on made me angry. Nothing has happened to them. What message are we sending these young girls?”
Speaking with Reduxx, Marshi Smith of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports speculates that the confusion surrounding Averroes’ forfeiture may be the result of concerns about potential penalization from the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF).
“The CIF falsely claims that boys who say their ‘gender identity’ is ‘female’ have legal entitlements to girls’ opportunities and access to girls’ teams, dorms, locker rooms, scholarships, titles and records,” she explains. “Families and schools like Averroes are wrongly told they’ll be in violation of federal law if they don’t force their daughters to compete against or with males. Tragically, feeling powerless, teams will quietly forfeit more and more.”
But Smith says CIF’s threats are “false and unethical,” and calls on schools and families to push back against gender ideology-based policies.
“Families must boldly oppose this injustice against women and girls now. There are millions of Americans ready to champion them.”
UPDATE: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that SF Waldorf had won “every single” game it had competed in over the past year. This has been updated to reflect a single loss.
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itsallanimeandgames · 5 months
Suppression (2)
Alpha Hanamiya Makoto x Omega Y/N
Omegaverse  |  Angst  |  Drama  |  Romance
Warnings: Language, Violence, Mature/Suggestive Content
Hanamiya Makoto discovers you aren’t an alpha.
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Hanamiya didn’t bother with introductions, instead, he showed you around the club room and then the gymnasium. The guys were scattered around, some were warming up while others rested on the benches. One was even lying on the bench with a mask over his eyes in full slumber.
Your entrance brought them to a standstill, but Hanamiya paid them no attention.
“There’s a teacher in charge of overseeing us, but he never comes around. We just fill out the form weekly to notify our use of the gym and expenses when necessary for games or training camps.”
Everything seemed simple enough, but you wondered who exactly was Hanamiya Makoto? He was obviously someone influential if the school had allowed him to coach the team himself. It was similar to the deal you had been offered the other day.
“Like I mentioned before, you don’t have to know about basketball but I’ll teach you when necessary.”
You nodded.
“Any questions?”
"Do I have to decide now?” You looked around while adjusting your bag over your shoulder. It seemed the team was smaller than usual which made it ideal, but you weren’t too sure this was a good idea. Masquerading as an alpha could be easier if you kept other alphas close and your intuition was telling you Hanamiya was just that.
"Yes, unless you want to waste your time teaching opportunistic idiots to play a sport they aren’t remotely interested in and therefore will forever remain mediocre at best.”
That’s when you realized he had overheard your conversation. He knew exactly what you had been thinking too. You sighed, “I don’t want that...”
“Then welcome to the team.” With these words, Hanamiya called the others over.
You were only slightly intimidated by the group of guys that nearly towered over you with their height. Had this been back in middle school you would think nothing of them.
“So, we got a manager after all…” Yamazaki teased Hanamiya for doing something he had previously opposed. He would have gone on to further his point if it weren’t for Furuhashi jabbing his elbow into his gut to stop him from pissing off Hanamiya.
“A cute one too,” Hara seized his bubble blowing to smile at you. He appreciated your choice to opt out of wearing any stockings or knee-high socks. Like this, your legs were perfectly on display.
Although his eyes weren’t visible you caught his line of sight lowering more than needed to meet your eyes. But guys like him who openly flirted with such nonchalance were best ignored so you did nothing but greet them all.
“Hello, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” Your family name was always omitted from your greetings to discourage being associated with them. Unfortunately, most already knew you thanks to your brother’s slip of the tongue just before your high school entrance. He had revealed the school you would be attending in an interview when he was asked about you. 
“Seto and Hara are both in our class,” Hanamiya pointed out in hopes of keeping introductions short. “Furuhashi and Yamazaki, are the other two.”
“Hello,” you repeated your greeting to the two you had never seen before.
Hanamiya handed you the clipboard he had been holding. The first paper on top was a club form that stated you would be entering the basketball team as manager.  “Fill it out and take it to the administrative office.”
It was nearly complete, except for your name and signature. Presumably by Hanamiya himself.
“You can go home for today.”
And just like that, a whirlwind decision changed the course of your desired school life.
After several days of practice, you managed to learn their names and positions. It was unintentional but you somehow managed to learn a lot about the game just by watching. The rest were tidbits of information Hanamiya threw at you.
For the most part, you helped with the paperwork, equipment maintenance, and taking notes on the practices.
As it turned out Kirisaki Daiichi was a school known for its basketball team. It was a strong competitor in the region and the country. Despite not being an all-alpha high school it seemed to always recruit an all-alpha team. This year it was no different.
It also explained why you had been chosen as manager.
Soon you were spending so much time around them that others misjudged your relationship.
One particularly annoying misjudgment was made by those interested in the alphas. Among them was a socially adept girl named Yua who, unbeknownst to you, had a past with Hanamiya.
As an omega, she knew her boundaries and hid her animosity to keep her image of superiority over the rest of the first-year omegas.
That is until a few months later.
You had finally fallen into a comfortable routine.
Official games were due to start soon which meant you were finally going to see them in action. Before that Hanamiya had you set up a few practice games. This required you to spend more time together.
Hanamiya was getting tired of having to wait until after or between classes to talk to you so he decided to make some changes.
You came into class to find your seat at the front of the class occupied by someone else. Just as you were about to confront her, she beat you to it.
“You think you’re better than us and look down on us...” The girl was so upset she voiced the narrative she had chosen to push now that you somehow managed to take her spot. “I don’t know what you did to Hanamiya-san you-” She bit her tongue remembering what he had told her.
You looked up and over to the back where a single empty seat was left in front of the previously mentioned dark-haired individual. A smirk blatantly adorned his face as he awaited you.
To stop the scene from escalating further you quietly accepted the seat change for now. Multiple pairs of eyes followed your every move as you sat down.
Your new seat was now in front of Hanamiya while Seto slept comfortably to his left and Hara sat in front of Seto. They all sat together in the far corner where they often did as they liked with little to no consequence. 
As soon as you settled into the seat you turned around to question Hanamiya. 
“Is there a reason for this sudden seat change?”
“We just wanted our manager to feel closer to the team,” Hara commented after popping his bubblegum a few times.
"It’s more convenient this way.”
“I see...”  You turned back around indifferent to where you sat. 
A sentiment Yua did not share.
From then on you found yourself merging into their group. It seemed easier to go along with them than contest their behavior. For the most part, they never bothered you although Hara did annoy you from time to time with his sexual comments or when they collectively got around to recounting their sexual exploits.
That’s when you would tune out and go off on your own or look for the golf enthusiast who was slowly inching her way into your life.
All in all, it seemed everything was going well in your school life.
By the time you realized what kind of guys they were, it was too late to turn back. Your name had become synonymous with the team.
After attending their first official game you were left stunned by their methods.
Outside the gymnasium, you stood off to the side watching Hara’s victim getting loaded into the back of an ambulance. The guy seemed much better now that they had administered some first aid, but you still recalled the way his groans of pain echoed through the gymnasium as he curled up on the shiny floors.
The other school’s staff held back from voicing their complaints when they saw you. It was yet another instance of your name precedes you. Instead, they silently filled out the paperwork required in times like these and handed you a copy.
The other players were a different story. They openly directed their pointed looks towards you. A few muttered their discontent out of earshot.
You bid them a safe trip back as you always did back when you were playing tennis. It was good sportsmanship overall, but you did it recalling the lessons your mother ingrained in you about her ideal image for you of a gracious winner.
Once they were all gone you heard someone approaching you. “What did you think of your first official game as our manager?”
You looked over your shoulder to see Hanamiya. He handed you your bag in exchange for the clipboard in your hands.
He glanced at the paperwork momentarily. His actual goal was to examine your reaction, a reaction that he had guessed yet awaited your response. It was pleasant to see everything turn out the way he had predicted. With you as their manager, they could get away with much more.
Truthfully you didn’t condone cheating or violence. 
“An elbow to the ribs...” you trailed off recalling how the other team immediately called out the foul. At the time Seto had slipped his mask up momentarily to explain to you that the others were blocking the referee’s view so it would go unnoticed.
They had only tested this out about twice before, in practice games before you had joined as their manager. It was Hanamiya’s way of breaking the opposing team, something he found much more entertaining than winning the game.
Perhaps the fact that you had been lying about yourself had shifted your moral compass to the point where you no longer found yourself able to judge others. “You could have won without that.”
“Easily,” Hanamiya responded, confirming your thoughts. “But,” he added. A smirk plastered on his face now that your eyes met his. “It wouldn’t have been as entertaining.”
Your lukewarm response was just as he had imagined. The day he happened upon your conversation in the hall he knew there was something familiar about you. It would take some time to draw it out, but he was sure you had the potential to resonate with him.
From then on, you dealt with Kirisaki Daiichi’s reputation, the one Hanamiya had carefully cultivated.
Kirisaki Daiichi began garnering the attention and social acknowledgment it had wanted. Because an alpha of your caliber attended the mixed school so proudly, higher society began to consider it a diamond in the rough that only your family had seen potential in.
As the proud captain brought you along to all practices and games. You were a sort of status symbol to Hanamiya Makoto, a bastard son of an important political figure. His mother, an omega, was the mistress who seduced a married man. There was little to no hope of him inheriting anything from his father although he was given the family name and enough money to live a comfortable life.
However, Hanamiya was not one to be satisfied with the bare minimum. He always wanted more than what life had dealt him. His eyes were always searching for opportunities just like the day of the entrance ceremony.
It was rare for someone of your caliber to enter a mixed school rather than the all-alpha high schools that were popular among your level of society.
Social status could be his if he played his cards right, so he began his greatest play yet.
Before you knew it the season had come to an end. Kirisaki Daiichi had made it to the Interhigh Preliminaries, but Hanamiya had no plans to go any further. For now, he was satisfied that his first year had gone successfully. He had managed to acquire the right type of people. 
Now here they were.
Seto was thankful to know he would be sitting out the whole game. He laid across one of the two benches that your team was to occupy, forcing everyone else onto one bench.
It didn’t really matter since they would be on the court most of the time.
As everyone stretched you approached Hanamiya inquisitively about his decision. The athlete in you seemed to come out suddenly and you were unable to comprehend how or why Hanamiya had decided this was as far as they would go. They had no plans to try and win their next game so they could be disqualified.
“Why not keep going?”
Hanamiya shrugged, he had no interest in the team they were going up against. Although he always wanted more he also was one to value his time overall. If it wasn’t entertaining or of value to him then he would not give it a second thought. He had accomplished his goal for his first year of high school. 
“We could easily win them even without our technique.” It was interesting how you suddenly showed an interest. Hanamiya took this as an opportunity to take the next step in engaging you. “Would you prefer we win?”
It was nonsensical to you as a former athlete yourself. When you play tennis you always played to win. No matter who it was you were against the goal was always the same.
“Don’t you want to win?”
Hanamiya didn’t respond, he simply smiled and walked off to speak to the others.
Seto had heard the entire conversation and sighed. He knew now that because of your comment, he would end up on the court.
As soon as the game began Hanamiya and the others went all out. Surprising even Seto who had finally sat up.
Your eyes widened as you noticed everyone was being much more aggressive than usual. You gasped when you saw a couple of players stumble out of nowhere. It took all your will to stop yourself from covering your nose, it was pheromones.
The other team’s coach was finally able to call a foul and a time-out to get his vulnerable players out.
When Hanamiya looked over at you he smirked as if this was his answer to your question.
During sports competitions, it was a well-known rule that all players had to take suppressants to ensure the safety of all genders. You were sure you had seen them all take their dose yet somehow one of them had managed to release some pheromones.
You looked over at Seto, “Didn’t they take their suppressants?” By now you had perfected your lies and were able to pretend like you weren’t phased by the pheromones in the air but honestly this time something felt off. Your throat became dry as if you would choke from simply breathing in the air.
He had purposely made it so you saw everything, including that which he had not shown you before. Letting you in on his secret and watching for the slightest reaction at the revelation brought a sense of joy. Their tactics, signs, and overall game plan- and now even the fact that he used his dominant alpha pheromones to impose on the beta and omega players. He had done this so often to the point of perfection. Everything was meticulously calculated by the mastermind Hanamiya Makoto so he would only give enough to incapacitate those within arm's distance.
As the game progressed you remained silent as you watched them win the game that they had initially given up on. 
When they retired to their assigned locker room to change and gather their stuff you walked around the venue until you got to the infirmary. Through the slightly opened door you could smell the omega’s pheromones, the one Hanamiya had affected. It seemed he was now in full-on heat. 
To think he could get away with it so easily was strange. Hanamiya had been tested to see if the suppressant was in his system. When the results were positive it was determined there was no foul. Because he had indeed taken his suppresant it was all overlooked. How dominant an alpha was he that he is able to override the suppressant and release pheromones at will?
As a courtesy you closed the door wondering how incompetent everyone can be. This was a serious situation where someone could easily take advantage of the omega that had been left to rest.
You stood guard outside the door for a moment until the other team’s coach appeared with the doctor who had attended to the omega earlier. You offered an explanation before they could question you, “The door was left open, someone could have gotten hurt.”
To their knowledge you were an alpha, so they panicked slightly at their oversight. 
Not wanting to engage further you left to meet your team.
The whole bus ride back to the school was spent in silent contemplation. Had you never spoken up it could have been avoided. You knew you couldn’t afford to dwell too much on it. 
When you arrived at the school everyone said goodbye and went their separate ways while you and Hanamiya walked back to the club room. There was paperwork and equipment to submit. 
“So what did you think?” Hanamiya finally broke the silence.
“You cheated,” was your simple response. You didn’t want to elaborate or get into it with him so you put up your best front as a nonchalant yet honest athlete. An athlete that was frankly disgusted by their lack of sportsmanship. You knew they could play well; they had put the time and effort into their practices- even Seto. “Winning by cheating isn’t winning at all…it’s not fair-“
“Life’s not fair,” Hanamiya shot back. “I am simply taking advantage of the fact that I can manipulate the court. As dominant alphas, we were born to win.”
Life sure wasn’t fair.
Here you were pretending to be an alpha only to encounter a rare dominant alpha. You tried to leave quietly in hopes of avoiding danger, but you managed to utter a single word under your breath, “Pathetic.” 
He caught your wrist as you tried to walk away.
You looked back into his eyes, trying your best to seem unphased by his behavior. 
“What are you doing?”
Hanamiya released his pheromones into the whole of the club room. As soon as it hit your nostrils your hand jerked up to cover your nose and mouth, a dead giveaway of what he had suspected. It took seconds for your body to heat up with a sense of desire to touch and be touched by the alpha before you. You didn’t want to admit it earlier, but his pheromones were strong, much stronger than any you had smelled before. This specific scent seemed way too enticing.
“Hanamiya-” your body went limp unable to withstand the overwhelming presence of a dominant alphas pheromones. Thankfully he caught you before you could hit the floor.
It was faint but Hanamiya managed to make out a sweet scent mingling with his, something sweet and floral. A smirk made its way to his face realizing what was happening. You were going into heat because of him.
Your free hand went to reach for your smartwatch trying to call for help but Hanamiya overpowered you. He held both your hands in his with a strong grip.
Lightheaded, your eyes fluttered shut. This was the first time you had ever been exposed to such strong pheromones for so long without supervision.
Hanamiya heard you muttering about the heat your body was starting to feel.
You rubbed your thighs together needing some sort of stimulation. Your mind was running wild with thoughts of satisfying the urge you felt to mate, to be bitten, to be with an alpha.
Hanamiya tilted your head up to look at him. Your hooded eyes blankly stared into his in a haze of lust. “My bag-” you uttered with your last shred of decency. 
You needed your emergency suppressant. 
In that moment you wanted Hanamiya more than anything in the world. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his went to your waist. He stumbled slightly when you pulled him down to meet his lips.
It was a pleasant surprise.
You slipped your tongue past his lips and continued to passionately kiss him until your lungs cried for air. That’s when you came to your senses once again and pulled away to breathe.
Hanamiya grinned seeing you gasp for air.
With newfound clarity, you looked for the bag you had dropped and pulled out a syringe. In a single fluid motion, you removed the cap, picked up your skirt, and inserted the needle into your thigh.
Relief washed over you when the heat began to subside. Your body relaxed enough for you to control your limbs and sit on the cold hard floor.
He watched your chest rise and fall gently now that your breathing had returned to normal. It seemed the suppressant had done its job and blocked out his pheromones.
“I guess this makes us even.”
Indignant of his nonchalant attitude you chose silence. You needed your words to come out as stable as possible. Any sign of weakness would shame you into submission and although you had given in to his pheromones for a moment you were damned if you were going to submit to him.
“For what?”
“Well, I let you know one of my secrets... it’s only fair I knew one of yours.”
What irked you most was the fact that he already knew you weren’t an alpha. You needed answers.
“How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.”
Hanamiya was an extremely intelligent and intuitive person. His initial theory had proven to be correct what he didn’t know was the fact that he would uncover more than he had wanted to.
He had his fair share of omegas and none had ever smelled like you.
Just as you were about to threaten him to remain silent about everything your phone began to ring. On the screen, you saw your mother’s face.
You could barely get a word in when your mother began going off on a tirade. “Y/N where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Your brother will be there any minute now, I swear all you do is worry us. Can’t you just stick to the rules and-“
“Yes, Mother I understand” If you didn’t cut her off you were worried, she would say something triggering to your situation right now. You were at least relieved to know you had an excuse to part from Hanamiya. Surely, he wouldn’t insist on keeping you when you had someone coming for you.
When you attempted to get up off the floor you stumbled a bit. “I have to go,” you quickly gathered your stuff and walked out leaving a satisfied Hanamiya behind. You were certainly much more entertaining than he had originally thought.
A/N: Hello everyone it’s been a while but I finally wrote part two... 3 years later.
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kermit-the-hag · 6 months
tagged by the wonderful @destroya2005
are you named after anyone? not my first name, but my middle name is my maternal grandmother’s first name
when was the last time you cried? properly sobbing my heart out and ugly crying - last thursday because i got laid off. small bursts of tears are maybe every other day
do you have any kids? nope but would love to have some one day
do you play/have you played any sports? oh god i used to be so sporty before i graduated high school and it went all down hill lol. i’ve done dance (ballet and modern), rugby, netball, gymnastics, basketball, and tennis.
do you use sarcasm? never
what do you notice about people when you first meet them? their smile
what's your eye color? brown
scary movies or happy endings? bro what kind of happy endings? cause i’m not into that kind of massage lol definitely happy endings because i can’t deal with scary shit
any talents? i’m okay at baking and i can speak french (fluently) and māori (conversationally). tbh all of my talent left my body when i left primary school and was no longer reading above my age level lol i’m a very mediocre person
where were you born? aotearoa new zealand
what are your hobbies? does listening to music count? i basically only have time to do that in between working full time and studying full time
any pets? no, but i’ve always wanted a dog
how tall are you? 167 cm (i’m not giving in to american imperialism (literally lol) and using feet/inches so you can do the conversion lol)
what are your favorite school subjects? i loved history, classical studies, languages, and english. i also liked material tech (sewing and shit) and art but i sucked at them so dropped them.
what is your dream job? i’ve had so many dream jobs lol but if i go with my most recent one it would be to be a historian/history professor but i can barely get through my masters so the idea of doing a phd can fuck off. also uni lecturers get paid fuck all compared to lecturers in other countries. (also i just found out that lecturers are a different thing in the usa, but in nz professor and lecturer are used interchangeably and mean the same thing)
no pressure tag: @killyspinacoladas @impmunson @bettiebloodshed @justsheerfilth1 @highkingpenny @soaringornithopter @rhaenyyras @munsinner @sunflowerharrington @hellion-child @chaosgremlinmunson
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sluttysnails334 · 1 year
random South Park high school headcannons that I have
- Craig and Kyle are really good dancers ( they aren’t trained or anything just have good rhythm)
- Tweek and Stan are not ( but think they are )
- Stan and Nichole regularly talk about board games together
- Wendy and Bebe and Butters and Cartman are all Harry Styles fans
- Butters volunteers at the animal shelter
- Bebe was the first one to get a car, and it was a brand new Range Rover, and she got it at her 16th birthday party so everyone was there, and they were all jealous because she can’t drive for shit
- Kenny gives everyone stick & pokes
- I think all of the boys have ping pong tournaments together, Tolkien is the best and he lets everyone knows it. I think Craig is the second best tho
- Tweek chews on everything but mainly pencils, and it got so bad to that they would snap, Craig had to make him use mechanical pencils but he then would just gnaws off the erasers. ( His love language is biting )
- Cartman secretly enjoys musicals. He’s seen Hamilton at least 3 times.
- Kyle drives a mini van, bc his dad bought his mom a new car, not him so he got her old mini van, and since he has the biggest car he drives everyone around.
- Clyde plays baseball, football, and basketball and is mediocre at all them
- Jimmy is a huge Elvis fan
- Wendy is huge horror movie fan and makes Stan watch them and he always gets scared / chicken outs.
(the pencil chewing story might be from my real life but who knows lol)
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20k Masterlist
Butterfly (ao3) - merlypops luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 29k
Summary: Luke is depressed and Ashton makes him feel loved (and maybe Luke returns the favour too). Also Malum. Yes.
Denouement (Love is Almost Always Accidental) (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/ashton T, 28k
Summary: Ashton’s parents send him to boarding school in Paris, where he is immediately charmed by Luke. Unfortunately, Luke has a boyfriend.
Endlessly (ao3) - thesoulsailor E, 27k
Summary: “I know who he is.” The boy, Ashton, commented, closing his book. Not sparing Calum a single look, he hopped off his chair and started walking towards the back door of the room. His movements were rigid, tense as if Calum had offended him personally by just his presence. Which confused Calum more than it should’ve if he was being honest. Normally people were easy for Calum. He got along with almost everyone he met from the go. Not so Ashton. Ashton seemed to detest him and Calum had no idea why.
or Calum is the undisputed king of his high school, Ashton speaks through colours, Luke doesn’t let anybody touch him and Michael is so getting killed by for hiding that snake in their teacher’s drawer.
feeling the weight of the world (ao3) - babyblueliveshere calum/ashton M, 22k
Summary: duke university and the university of north carolina, ten miles apart, home to the most intense rivalry in all of college basketball. and now, they have the top two high school basketball recruits in the nation: ashton irwin and calum hood.
feels like i’m dreaming but i’m not sleeping (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum, michael/ashton E, 29k
Summary: “But saying that out loud is just..” the blonde boy trails off, his voice weakened and unsteady, “Makes me feel kind of pathetic, I guess.” “Pathetic?” Calum parrots, “Therapy isn’t just for people who have issues, Luke. I have patients who just like to tell me about their life because they want to. You have this preconceived notion that therapy is only for broken people.”
or, luke has too many problems but calum doesn’t mind them.
Gotta Be Cruel to be Kind (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 26k
Summary: “It’s just for a date or two.” Calum sounds exasperated despite Michael’s excuse being perfectly valid. “Ashton’s hot.”
“Ashton’s a shrew,” he corrects, voice biting. “I’m not going to… to tame him, or whatever, just so you can convince some twink to go on a mediocre date with you.“ 
Got to Get Out (ao3) - Emmybazy luke/alum, luke/ashton, luke/harry, luke/niall M, 21k
Summary: Calum and Luke have been friends all their lives. Calum starts getting more and more opportunities to get out of town, so he takes them. Something is telling him he needs to leave town every time he settles. Luke is there through it all.
Or, Calum is always leaving and Luke always seems to be waiting.
Honeysuckle - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton, ashton/ofc E, 28k
Summary: Ashton realizes fairly soon into touring that remembering names isn’t worth his time.
or, it’s the 1970s, Ashton is a homophobic lead singer and Luke is the new gay roadie on tour with his band.
How To Seduce Your Best Friend In 10 Days (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/calum E, 22k
Summary: When you have a crush on somebody for a long time and it gets unbearable: it’s about time to do something about it… That’s how Luke ended up with a great plan of his own… Or something like that…
Kiss Me Like Nobody’s Watching (ao3) - simplecharli luke/ashton N/R, 24k
Summary: Luke is bullied at his high school. Enter Ashton, a guy he met at a bar and who he didn’t know was going to be his new teacher. Complications and heartbreak ensue. Will they be able to get through it?
Luke Hugged Him Back Just As Tightly And Heard Michael Whisper ‘Friends’. (ao3) - destiel_lemmings E, 28k
Summary: Luke knew that this was going to be weird. He new roommate/ex-kitten were now even more indulged in Luke’s mind. The only problem was that his roommate was not only attractive but he knew Luke like the back of his hand, and Luke had just met the boy.
Or this is a continuation of ‘With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur.’ And Michael knows all of Luke’s quirks but Luke is just getting to know the cute boy that was once his kitten. This is the journey through their friendship and maybe even relationship?
my, my, those eyes like fire (ao3) - badomensbaby luke/calum E, 22k
Summary: “What the fuck?” he breathes out in a panic, eyes widening and abandoning the grip on his dick, almost frozen with shock. “Oh my god. No, no no-” There’s no fucking way. Luke’s nakedly scrambling off the bed in search of his phone, which ended up beside the entertainment center, luckily void of scratches but the photo that caused his panic-ridden phone throwing episode is still pulled up. And it’s unmistakably Calum.
Oil and Water (ao3) - dafeedil michael/calum E, 25k
Summary: Calum’s heart sinks a little bit, and he’s not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s because he’s allowed himself to fall victim to Michael’s seduction yet again, or maybe it’s because he’s disappointed in himself for being so willing to try something that could so easily be dangerous. Or maybe, the most likely of all, it’s because he can hear Mali’s voice in his head telling him how stupid he’s been to have found himself—quite literally—backed against the wall like this, with a boy he barely knows whispering dirty promises into his ear when he doesn’t even know the first thing about real relationships.
Or, Calum spends a night with the boy that smells like smoke, and as it always is with bad addictions, he keeps getting sucked right back in.
on purpose (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/ashton T, 20k
Summary: The desire to kiss Luke is overwhelming. Calum knows he looks ridiculous right now, but Luke’s right there, face inches away, smiling fondly at Calum’s stupid face caught between his careful palms. His eyes are different too. He’s not looking at Calum like he wants to fuck him. He’s looking at Calum like he wants to gently cradle Calum in his giant hands like a baby chick. Somehow, that’s even worse.
put the stars in our eyes (ao3) - burstintocolor (anchormate) luke/calum M, 25k
Summary: Ben hangs up, leaving Luke still reeling. His family thinks he and Cal are dating. And they weren’t surprised. They’d been waiting for it. His mum cried because she was so happy for him. And worst of all, he hadn’t had a chance to correct Ben. Luke rolls over on his bed, burying his face in his pillow and letting out a groan.
or, luke’s family thinks he’s dating calum. luke doesn’t correct them.
stained hearts (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M, 28k
Summary: “I’m not really looking for a serious relationship right now.” 
Okay. That’s okay. Good, even. Get to know each other before they get in too deep. 
“But I liked spending time with you and I liked having sex with you and I’d like to do it again.” Luke squeezes Calum’s hand, pulling Calum’s gaze to his face. He’s smiling softly, eyes illuminated by the sun, starbursts in his pupils and shadows of his curls in perfect spirals on his shoulders. “If you want.” 
Casual. Sure. Calum can do casual.
“I want.”
Subject Line - @daydadahlias (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton E, 20k
Summary: Maybe the sunrise doesn’t matter much after all. Calum can watch the sunrise any day. How many days will he get Ashton like this? Shirtless, sporting bedhead in a hotel room, with just the two of them for a few lazy hours alone?
Soon enough, they’ll be back on the tour bus and Calum won’t be allowed to hold Ashton’s hand anymore.
The Upside of Everything Wrong (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, luke/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 24k
Summary: “Well we’ve always kind of deviated, don’t you think?” He says with a sly little smile that metaphorically knocks Calum on his ass. His face turns red again, and why, why is Michael doing this to him? “I do think that.” He whispers. He leans a bit closer to Michael, and lets his head rest against the boy’s shoulder. “But this isn’t a date.”
or the one where Calum’s been betrayed by everyone he’s put trust in, and believes he’s unlovable until Michael appears, and shows Calum just how easy being loved can be
Tinted Windows - @daydadahlias​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton, michael/calum M, 21k
Summary: Luke doesn’t trust sleek cars with tinted windows and he certainly doesn’t trust the new kid on the corner who can’t stop smiling. Whores aren’t supposed to be that happy.
Words Have Two Meanings (ao3) - fourdrunksluts luke/ashton N/R, 22k
Summary: In a world where your soulmate is determined by their favorite song, people have gone, and continue to go, to extreme lengths to find their other half. Luke is certain Ashton’s his soulmate - even if every sign in the universe is telling him no.
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n8-shaw · 1 year
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LUKE SHAW (BRADLEY COOPER) -  49 years old : deadbeat “musician” father
MELANIE “MELLY” SHAW (ALYCIA DEBNAM-CAREY) - 24 years old : older sister
LIAM SHAW (COREY MYLCHREEST) - 23 years old : older brother
NATHANIEL “NATE” SHAW (JACOB ELORDI) - almost 22 years old
QUENTIN “QUINNIE” SHAW (EMILY CAREY)- 20 years old : youngest sister
Ella Shaw (neé Quentin) - Ella was the type of teenager who constantly made bad decisions, which culminated in her getting pregnant to her boyfriend of a couple months at 20. Their parents pressured them to get married, and despite the fact that they weren’t all that into that idea, they did it, popped out 3 more kids over the next four and a half years, and were in a very unhealthy relationship for their childhoods. She tried to make it work, at one point even moving back to Australia with Luke, but eventually she told him to go fuck himself, and relegated herself to raising the four kids mostly alone, moving them back to Sag Harbor where she grew up, and working multiple jobs to make it work, anything to just manage to pay the bills. She always wanted them to have opportunities she couldn’t, so she enrolled them in as many activities as she could possibly manage, hoping something would work out for them, like Nate and his swimming.
Luke Shaw - What to say about Luke Shaw? He was a terrible father, for one. He’s Australian, and uses it to his advantage. He was 25 years old to Ella’s 20 when he knocked her up while they were dating. He has always fancied himself a musician (a trait he passed on to Nate, not that he likes to acknowledge it), but with only mediocre talent, never got very far on making that pay the bills. When Nate was fourteen, his parents split up, and Luke pretty much dipped on the family completely, occasionally sending the child support payments he owed, but not regularly. He stayed in Australian as Ella brought the kids back to the US. When he is around, he tends to be at least mildly intoxicated, occasionally getting in fights, and a regular for needing to be picked up from jail in the morning from the combination of bar fights or public intoxication.
Liam Shaw - In all honesty, Liam is the foil to Nate in a lot of ways outwardly, but extremely similar inwardly, which is probably why they don’t get along very well. He was the football player to Nate’s swimming, and managed to be extremely popular in high school, with the ego to match. He was always down to be around people while Nate preferred to sulk alone. While they both ended up befriending the rich kids who vacationed in the Hamptons, Liam fit in in a way that Nate never did. Liam is in law school now, which Nate just absolutely rolls his eyes about every time he brings it up.
Melanie Shaw - Melly personality wise is actually the most like Nate. She comes off very aloof, takes herself extremely seriously, and tended to get herself into trouble, though she was usually able to talk herself out of it. She has a bit more charm than Nate does, which is not a hard thing at all. She also has the most work ethic out of all of them, despite the fact the she could probably just skate by on her personality. She played basketball and softball all through high school, and used that to get an athletic scholarship just like Nate and Liam did.
Nathaniel Shaw - see his bio here
Quentin Shaw - The baby of the family, and also the only sibling Nate really tolerates. Quinny and Nate are definitely a team against Liam and Melly, and that’s the way it’s always been. She’s a freshman in college, got all the brains Nate seems to have left behind in the womb, and the only person he actually genuinely openly likes. She’s also the only one who isn’t majorly athletic, because as she got older, she hated playing all sports, and she’s smart enough that their mother let her quit to focus on her academics.
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
I've rewatched season 4 of Stranger Things not that long ago and it still drives me up a wall how the Duffers and their writers' room managed to write Eddie as (almost) the perfect prototype of a shitty, toxic DM. I've been roleplaying and occasionally GameMastering for the past 22 years (give or take). I've played with good GMs, mediocre GMs, terrible GMs, stellar GMs. And Eddie Munson, for how he's written in the show, is a shitty GM, holy fuck, folks!
1 He scares his younger players into doing what he wants. The first time I saw season 4, my brain went "Feels like they're setting him up as the new human baddie of the season, feels like they're gonna pull a Billy-with-switched-plates on us..." because Eddie is introduced as seen through Dustin and Mike's eyes, and those are scared eyes. Not scared as in "he's gonna hurt me", but scared as in "he's volatile, unpredictable, and he's gonna make my life literal hell". Like a bully. Like he's not a hero or a good presence for those two kids. And then...
2 Eddie refuses to move that fucking D&D session. Which... WTF, man, what the fuck! You don't want to know the number of times my groups and I had to postpone a session because too many people couldn't be there because life! The way we played with one or two players less, knowing that M. would use his brother's character for combat, that while E. was away his character would conveniently get bonked in the head and pass out for the duration of that session! But it's an important day, I hear you say. It's the end of the campagin, you say. Then... dude! Since you've built to that session for months, it's the culmination of your whole campaign, you want YOUR PLAYERS to be there! It's a big day for the whole group, not just for the DM! What's the fun in having one of the main characters in the story being absent?! Which leads us to the fact...
3 Eddie demands that Dustin and Mike find him a replacement player. On your big fucking day when your campaign ends you DON'T want a random player to sit at the table and risk to have to decide the fate of the whole story (which, coincidentally, is exactly what ends up happening, how fun...)! You want YOUR players to be there for the grand finale! How can a rando appreciate the way you bring all the storylines to their conclusion? How can a rando know why that tiny detail that ties back to the second or third session is important? A rando can't! Bringing in a rando is just bringing in an arm to swing dice, at this point in a campaign. You've built to this session for months, then it won't kill you to wait for a week or two longer to play it! (And this ever-important session happens just before spring break, there are weeks and weeks left before school ends. They can fucking wait for Mike to come back from California and Lucas to not have basketball games! Which, oh, look at that...)
4 Eddie knows he's forcing two of his younger players to ditch their friend's big game, and he doesn't give a single fuck. D&D is clearly the best, superior past time ever, in Eddie's eyes, and fuck anyone who thinks differently. Fuck anyone who dares put anything above D&D. Sadly, Dustin and Mike are not old enough or emotionally strong enough to ditch a bad GM, not when he has painted himself in their eyes as their saviour from being high school loners and pariahs, so fuck their great friend Lucas, I guess?
5 Eddie's an elitist piece of crap to Erica. Saying "Oh, you play D&D? What level is your character?" is not only inherently stupid in D&D terms (you can create a 17th level character from scratch, tailored to the sole purpose of playing with a high level group, it's... it's a ttrpg, not a fucking videogame where you have to grind all the levels! Ghaaaaaaaaa!), but also the equivalent of going "You're wearing a Metallica t-shirt? List 5 of their songs!" on her. The kind of thing where you look at the tool in front of you, flip him the bird, and leave with a "Go get fucked by balrog, dickwad!"
In all of that, the problem is the shitty writing. I know that thematically and symbolically it's so juicy to have Lucas, who's been torn between the jocks and the nerd, stay with the jocks while he his nerd friends LITERALLY replace him with his sister. Oh, it's so tasty to have the Sinclair siblings throw the deciding ball/die in their respective games and win everything for their teams. I can almost hear the Duffers orgasm (sorry for the horrid image!) at the idea of it all, typing it down and then going to their editor asking for the alternating cuts, the parallels, and then, oh, the stark difference between Lucas' face falling because none of his friends is present on his big day and Erica being cheered on by these older guys she just met! And that shot when the basketball team leaves the gym and Lucas sees Erica so seamlessly incorporated in his other group of friends, so angsty, right? Right? You get it, audience, right? He's sad! So sad! *nudge nudge wink wink*
It's such lazy writing. It feels like paint by number and also unfaithful to the characters, and to Erica in particular. She may not love her brother to pieces, may not have been enthusiastic at the idea of watching a boring basketball game, but I can't see her having a single reason to go play one D&D session to close a campagin she knows nothing about with a group of older strangers (who treat her like crap), when up until this point she's been a closeted nerd.
And we all know that the D&D session must be there because we can build up Lucas' dilemma and introduce an audience who knows nothing about D&D to the concept of Vecna. (As one of my friends said when Vecna came up in the show, "Vecna? Again!? Haven't we already killed that squirrelly third-rate spellcaster at least once a decade for the past 40 years?!")
And you know what? It's double shitty writing. Because if it weren't for Joseph Quinn good performance, I probably would have ended hating Eddie all the way to the end of the series and not given much of a fuck about his death! Because, as I said, I actually disliked him for a good chunk of episode one. My first gut reaction to Eddie Munson was "Nope! Stay away! Bad guy! Shoo, shoo!"
You've written this guy as an asshole who can't be arsed to postpone a fucking D&D session; who thinks he's better than everyone else; who walks on the tables where other people are eating (EWWW!); who scares his youngest minions and forces them to do his biddings; who doesn't give a fuck if he's forcing said minions into ditching their friend; who treats a middle schooler like pure crap... And no, I don't think it's a matter of "oh, the guy has so many nuances", just... Fuck that guy! The guy the Duffers wrote is a shitty GM that I wouldn't want to play a single session with. I don't give a single fuck about the fate of the guy who leads the Hellfire Club. He's selfish and crappy to everyone. The guy who interacted with Chrissy, on the other hand? Yeah, I give many fucks about him. Just... keep him away from young, impressionable players that might learn from him how to become toxic GMs in the future! 😬
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danderoisen · 2 years
➽ lux et veritas! welcome to yale, ( DANIEL ‘DANNY’ PARK ). you’re a ( STUDENT ), aren’t you? your form says you’re ( TWENTY-THREE ), go by ( HE/HIM ), and excel in ( ANTHROPOLOGY ). but looking back at your college essay, i’d describe you as ( GETTING CAUGHT DAYDREAMING OF ADVENTURE DURING CLASSES; CRUSHED ENERGY DRINK AND BEER CANS IN OVERFLOWING TRASH CAN; LAUGHING AT 2AM UNTIL YOUR STOMACH HURTS ). keep out of the shadows!  [fc: jeon jungkook]
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danny park, just your average twenty-three year old friendly neighborhood spiderman nobody. a kid who you spot at the grocery store, trailing after his extremely loud but good-natured korean mother, sullenly adding things into the cart as she shouts them out. a kid who you might have known in high school for making that one winning shot for the basketball team, but then missing every game afterwards because he broke his ankle skateboarding. a kid who just left for yale university, way over his head amongst all the wealthy, well-educated elite students who made it here based on their own merits, not their uncanny ability to somehow manipulate elements (completely by accident, most times). danny shuffles behind the crowd in his baggy t-shirts and black cargo pants, wishing he could erase smell of despair and impending student debt.
his story? well, it began when his parents immigrated from south korea to los angeles, full of big dreams and empty pockets. his father was a bellman at a luxury hotel near koreatown, and his broken english was no hinderance when his enthusiasm took center stage. he guided those tourists to the best routes, found them discount tickets, booked them taxis to grand restaurants, showed them all the facets of LA his little family could never afford. his mom found work in a korean restaurant, and that’s where danny remembers most of his childhood, kicking the back of his brother’s seat as he ignored homework in favor of stealing slices of meat from the kitchen.
his, um, talents developed sometime around his tenth birthday, when the pool party he was hosting turned into some sort of tsunami. a neighborhood kid had been picking on him, making fun of the banchan his mom had set out beside the chips and dip, threatening to push him in the pool. danny’s anger exploded, and somehow the pool did too, the water churning dangerously and wiping out the lawn chairs with enormous waves. the kid got knocked into the pool, and the fear in danny’s gut had somehow ended the waves. the kid was okay, and ran from danny for months.  
( danny spent the next year thinking he’d get a hogwarts letter. it never came. ) 
after that fateful day, danny felt like he couldn’t escape his newfound powers. they came unexpectedly - one day, he’d forgotten to start the oven for his mom, and terrified of getting yelled at, he pleaded with the oven to heat up quickly. it shot to 500 degrees in a minute, and danny almost burned his hand checking. or the time he was hiking with friends in high school and rocks slid down the side of the mountain, almost knocking them off the ledge, until danny’s fear became so overwhelming that the rocks bounced over the small group, as if they were under a bowl of air. 
there was no rhyme or reason, and it happened so infrequently that danny could uneasily write it off as coincidence. until his third year at community college, when he decided to join the soccer team - and the wind would shift every time he got near the goal, sending the ball soaring through the air straight into the corner of the goal. everyone lauded him as the next big thing, and reps from universities came to watch him play. it felt ridiculous, danny knew he was mediocre at best at sports, but this? out of nowhere, he made every single goal? this was insane. 
and then one day, he was visited by a representative, and took an exam that made absolutely no sense, and two weeks later he got an offer for a full ride to freaking yale university. he was twenty-three, only one year from finishing an associates degree and maybe finding an admin job somewhere, and now yale wanted him to attend their prestigious school, sit next to prestigious future lawyers and businessmen and senators? and play soccer, but that part didn’t really matter - it was almost like an afterthought. 
his parents were thrilled (if not bemused), and danny couldn’t really decline such an incredible offer. they also said he could choose any major, so he went with his imagination and chose anthropology. all those Indiana Jones movies he binged as a kid endlessly were finally making good use. so he packed his bags that summer and moved into the dorms two weeks before the semester started - only to be met by the Admissions Director, Madeline Gaines, and told that he had magical abilities and would need to protect the country from a portal to hell. 
so it’s been a weird two weeks, to say the least. his emotions are all over the place - at one moment, he’s happy he’s not alone in his magical abilities, but then he’s also scared shitless as the prospect of learning to control it, and then intimidated by all the other members who somehow have their shit together and understand their magic. and yale is enormous, and he gets lost ALL THE TIME. 
he’s glad he’s got his roommate (WANTED CONNECTION) to help him along the way. 
personality wise, danny is just a goddamn sweetie pie, head filled with more fluff and laughter than actual serious thought. he enjoys being a watcher rather than a participant in activities, and when you think he’s just in the corner dozing off or glancing into space, he’s usually taking in everything and storing it away for later. but you can trust him (unless he’s one too many drinks down, and then you can never know what’ll come out of his mouth).
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hazza-bear-care · 2 years
The NeverEnding Tease
*Valerie was a close friend of Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley.... and by close, I mean they all work at Scoops Ahoy by day. But while Steve and Robin decoded secret Russian messages at night, Valerie worked at the arcade where she befriends the children Steve "babysits". She somehow gets roped into saving the world and drove Dustin and Erica up to Cerebro, where she witnesses the duet of "NeverEnding Story". A year later, she joins the Hellfire Club and just can't seem to stop humming a song.
Warnings: Mentions of drug and alcohol use.
*Hawkins, Indiana 1986*
As she walked into the cafeteria of Hawkins High, Valerie was bombarded with the raucous sounds echoing around her. Peers of all ages were rumbling about the championship basketball game that was happening that night, but Valerie couldn't be bothered to care seeing as she had to do Hellfire and work late at the arcade.
"Val! Saved you a seat!" The sound of her name being echoed through the cafeteria stopped her in her tracks, the voice belonging to Dustin Henderson himself. Valerie smiled at her young friend, sauntering over to the table the fellow Hellfire members had inhabited. Val slid into her regular seat in between Dustin and Eddie, greeting the rest of her party briefly before digging into her mediocre lunch the school had provided.
"Hey, Beautiful! How have you been?" Eddie asked Val between bites of her food. The nicknames never bothered Valerie; she actually enjoyed them, but she'd never admit that to Eddie.
"Not bad, Munson. Working too much, but I'm excited for Hellfire!" Val explained, noticing the way Dustin flinched beside her.
"Yeah, about that..." Dustin trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. An argument quickly broke out about cancelling Hellfire.
"I think I speak for the group when I say we need Hellfire tonight. I really don't want to work more than I already have to today." Valerie chimed in, the theatrics of Eddie's speech ending abruptly at the sound of her argument.
"Find a sub, or you'll regret it, Henderson." Dustin nodded quickly, silently eating the rest of his lunch before the bell rang.
While he was quiet, Valerie took the time to hum just a bit of "The NeverEnding Story" theme song. Dustin jumped, squinting his eyes at Valerie, who retaliated with a smirk in return.
The party reunited at 3:15, Dustin and Mike with Erica in tow.
"No. This is Hellfire Club, not Babysitting Club." Eddie sneered.
"You asked for a sub, we brought you a sub." Dustin replied, a sigh escaping his mouth in frustration. He and Mike had asked everyone in the school to play this session, each leading to a rejection. Erica was their last choice.
"Just let her play, Eds. It's only one session. What's the harm?" Valerie defended the freshmen and their choice to recruit Lucas' younger sister.
Valerie had tuned out the rest of the conversation that was happening, only snapping back into reality at the sight of Eddie and Erica shaking hands.
Hours later, Vecna was defeated, and Hawkins High had won their championship game. Valerie left her Hellfire friends as she rushed to her car, hoping to every deity that she would make it to her shift on time.
"Val! Wait up!" Eddie called from behind her, the sound of his chains clinking as he ran up to her.
"Eddie, I'm gonna be late! Keith is gonna kill me if he has to close by himself again." Val explained, tossing her bags into the station wagon parked behind her.
"Let's have a movie night your next day off. You can pick this time, okay?"
"Sounds good! I'm off tomorrow, actually. I have a bit of a weird request though: could we invite Dustin?"
"But movie nights were our thing! Weed, beer, pizza, maybe a little makeout sesh. We can't do that with Henderson third wheeling!" Eddie argued, dramatically pretending to stab himself in the heart.
"Eddie, I promise to fill you in on why I want to invite Dustin after work, okay? It'll be worth it." Valerie bartered.
"Fine. Call me at midnight?" Eddie caved, shooting Val a smile and a wink as she ducked into her car, practically speeding to the arcade.
Four hours later, Val was at home, stretching on her bed as she dialed Eddie's number, wanting to fill him in before sleep took over.
"Munson residence, Eddie speaking." His voice was husky and deeper than usual, a clear indication that he was high.
"I wanna invite Dustin to movie night because he sang "The NeverEnding Story" theme song with his girlfriend. I want to rent that tape and invite him. I'll rent the "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies too, but we'll have "NeverEnding Story" playing first." Valerie blurted out everything that was safe to say before Eddie could once again say no.
"Let's do it, Princess."
Weeks later, after everything had happened with Max and the Upside Down, Eddie, Valerie, and Dustin all sat in the trailer with a movie cued up and ready to go.
"You guys never told me what we were watching tonight. Is it scary? Funny? Some gross chick film?" Dustin asked, shoving popcorn in his mouth in between questions.
"Just watch the TV.... Dusty Bun." Valerie said with a smirk. Dustin shot her a questioning look as the TV lit up, a familiar tune following.
"You didn't. Val, please tell me you didn't!"
"Turn around! Look at what you seeeeeeeeeeeee!" Valerie screamed at the top of her lungs, tackling Dustin to the floor so he wouldn't run away.
"In her face! A mirror of your dreeeeeeeaaaaaammmms!" Eddie continued singing, laughing along with Val as she pinned Dustin.
"Come on guys! This isn't funny!" Dustin screamed back, but the sound of Eddie and Valerie singing overpowered the young boy's argument.
"It's a little funny, Dusty Bun." Valerie countered.
"You're never gonna live this down, buddy." Eddie finalized.
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vipetriol · 2 years
You got mail! The letter contains a small program of a show attached to it called ‘The Sweet Plum Fairy.’
I suppose I did start at the wrong foot. You are correct when you say that we are not obligated to be truthful in our letters but rest assured that I will be truthful in my words and for this exercise, you can take them at face value. You may decide whether to stay weary of me afterwards, and due to this being mostly anonymous until the end, I’m sure no one will bat an eye if you do (I surely won’t, haha). However, we cannot let paranoia rule our every judgment. It's said that the stranger in front of you is as much your enemy as you make them to be, after all.
That said, I’m sure you already know this as vice housewarden, so I won’t elaborate any further.
Let’s get along as long as we’re doing this exercise.
As promised, here are some things about me.
I like watching Spelldrive games. I would play the sport, but my flight’s mediocre at best.
My family back home can be a little rambunctious, but they are very much the reason why I do my best in this university.
Since it’s the season, I usually go to the community theater to watch the yearly ballet when I am at home during the holidays. You may have heard of it, but it’s called The Sweet Plum Fairy, or Sweet Plum. I heard that you enjoy dance, so I feel that it would be a good jumping off point for conversation. What sort of dance do you enjoy? I personally prefer waltz.
Hopefully this helps avail your concerns. Though we may be penstrangers that are stuck with each other, if we are going with the proper tradition, I would be your pen pal, but I also don’t think we’ve reached that threshold yet, so I decided to compromise. Perhaps this exercise could help us learn more about each other. Is there anything you wish to ask, I'll be sure to answer it to the best of my ability. In the meantime
May this letter come well and I look forward to hearing more about you.
Sincerely, Your Penquaintance
Hello again, 
To start off, I hope you have taken no offence despite my skepticism— It’s nothing personal. As a rule of thumb, I prefer to err on the side of caution. That's all there is to it. 
While I understand how it could be seen as paranoia, there are plenty of reasons to be wary. Many of the students here have a penchant for ill-conceived pranks, underhanded schemes, or being openly hostile without good motive. Even those I deal with on a day-to-day basis (especially those I deal with on a day-to-day basis) are prone to getting involved in nonsense antics. I wouldn’t have to remain vigilant if I didn’t experience these things first-hand.
Every. Single. Day.  
Incidents aren’t the exception, they’re the norm, and it’s always better to prepare and adapt, rather than have any regrets later. 
But since you’ve (apparently) chosen to be forthright with me, I should return the courtesy. Thank you for humouring me despite my rudeness.   
I don’t really consider myself to be a star player by any means, but Spelldrive is also an interest of mine. Flying is liberating in its own way, and the strategy and magical precision involved in the gameplay help hone one’s reflexes and thinking in equal measure. Maybe once the weather clears and temperatures rise, we’ll be able to get back into practice. It's a nice change of pace, alongside basketball and dancing. 
Which brings us to the latter...I don’t have a lot to say on the topic. I picked up traditional dancing with Kalim when we were younger, and I was also taught how to waltz to attend social functions as his retainer. It's an essential skill to have when working for the Asim family. To be honest, a couple of my classmates would benefit from learning some basic ballet stretches as well. If not for the sake of their joints, for the sake of their P.E grade. But well, if nothing else, dancing helps me clear my head, and brings some fond memories.
Back during high school, my friends and I used to breakdance together in the local markets. Nowadays, aside from dancing at Scarabia’s parties and entertaining guests, some of my clubmates insist on interrupting practice for the sake of learning new dance moves…It’s a complete mess, but it's not all bad, in a weird way.
...Ah, sorry for digressing, I think that's enough for today. I won’t waste any more of your time. 
Once again, thank you for your patience,
Jamil Viper
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somethingscft · 1 year
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FULL NAME keith richard lane jr. BDAY october 31  AGE 27 GENDER cis male SEXUALITY bisexual PRONOUNS he/him SKILLS insulting • rapping • streaming
HEIGHT 6'2"  BODY TYPE skinty PIERCINGS both ears TATTOOS a lot
he's mostly dreadlocks, tattoos, and designer clothes. he always looks high (because he is) and smells like weed and some tom ford fragrance. a luxurious stoner.
MOR. ALIGNMENT chaotic neutral MBTI estp  ZODIAC scorpio
past his appearance, the first thing people usually notice about keith is that he has absolutely no fucking filter. he says whatever comes to mind -- no matter how offensive, insulting, or just plain rude it is. he very self-aware and knows that there are consequences to his actions, but life is just more interesting that way. he knows when to turn off the extra-ness, and at those times, he could be serious, sensual, and even compassionate. generally, he's mean, childish, and dangerously impulsive. but he's funny! no one really takes him seriously because he's practically all bark and no bite. keith is an absurd human being. he's usually under the influence of some drug, usually weed but sometimes opioids or mdma. he doesn't drink, though -- tastes nasty.
his streaming persona is a lot like his normal one. keith is constantly teasing his chat, but it's all for entertainment. he usually reacts to funny clips on the internet or the latest pop culture scandal. or he's making music live. or playing the most chill video games like animal crossing or the sims 4. deep down, keith is a big softy and he likes interacting with the people who love him for whatever reason.
PLACE OF BIRTH miami, fl ETHNICITY african american
as long as he could remember, keith and his family had always been rich. his father was a famous musician in the 90s and early 2000s, and has since branched out into several creative fields (think lenny kravitz). keith is his father's chet hanks: the out of control son we love to hate. despite being fed with a silver spoon in his mouth -- attending the most elite private schools, receiving access to unimaginable resources -- keith decided to squander it on a life of pure hedonism. he does whatever he wants when he wants, and his family has given up on trying to change him. it's less stressful to just let him be. his personality, along with his immense privilege, made keith feel invincible when he was incredibly mediocre.
at school, he was always one of the only black kids, and he was pressured into being cool. in reality, he was a huge nerd! he loved anime and playing video games (still does). but he felt obligated to wear the flyest kicks, crack jokes in class, get numbers from girls he didn't care about, and play basketball. he hates basketball. still, he played his role until high school ended, and all of his friends left him behind in his father's guest house.
with nothing else to do, keith took to the nightlife -- partying and meeting other lost souls. during that time, he befriended some young rappers, falling in with their crew. with them, he discovered he had a talent for rhyming -- not exactly a passion. it was just a hobby for awhile before some of his music went viral. it's been a blur of tours, managers, campaigns and deals since then. even now, keith is still doing what he wants: making music when the mood strikes, streaming more frequently to a massive audience, and living the bachelor life.
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21kworldschool · 2 years
15 Successful People Who Were Homeschooled
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The pandemic disrupted the education sector by first keeping children away from school. And then taking learning into children's homes. Homeschooling acquired a whole new meaning when teachers streamed live into students' workstations at home.
However, traditionally, homeschooled children did not attend regular school. They learned at home, either from parents or tutors.
Some of these unconventional pupils went on to become well-known and successful. 
Scroll down to read about 15 successful people who were homeschooled.
Theodore Roosevelt 
One of fourteen children, Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, was born in New York City.
Roosevelt and his brothers were homeschooled because they experienced various physical issues. Teddy was accepted to Harvard in 1878, a testimony to the children's mother, aunt, and French governess' teaching abilities.
Jamie Anderson
Jamie Anderson, who won the snowboarding gold medal at the Olympics, attended homeschooling classes with her seven siblings while raised in South Lake Tahoe. Most homeschooled students are still required to concentrate on fundamental subjects like mathematics and reading.
Justin Bieber
When Justin Bieber was found on YouTube and propelled into the spotlight, he was 12 years old. While on the road and establishing his musical career, he continued to take online homeschool programs. In his native Canada, he had completed public elementary school, but by the time Justin Bieber's debut single was played on the radio, he had started homeschooling.
Simone Biles
At age 13, Simone Biles started homeschooling so she could devote all of her attention to professional gymnastics. She acquired freedom by studying at home, which helped her career soar. She currently holds 19 medals - a record for most Olympic and World Championship medals - making her the most accomplished American gymnast.
Misty Copeland
Dancer Misty Copeland performed for one of the most esteemed ballet organisations in the United States, the American Ballet Theatre. In 2015, she became the first African-American woman to be elevated to principal ballerina in the company's history. To have more time for dance practice, Misty started homeschooling in the tenth grade.
Alexander Graham Bell
Up until he was 11, Alexander Graham Bell's mother taught him at home.
He later enrolled at The Royal High School in Edinburgh, Scotland, where he scored typically subpar grades. Bell's first innovation, a tool to de-husk wheat, was unveiled when he was 12 years old, even though he was regarded as a mediocre student.
Hilary Duff
Hilary Duff, a former child actor, is somewhat best remembered for her starring in and as Lizzie Maguire - the popular Disney television series. Duff met with great success as a singer and actor throughout her adolescence. From the age of eight, her mother taught her at home.
Thomas Edison
At seven, Thomas Edison's mother, a school teacher, took him out of school and educated him at home since he was seen as a challenging child at the public school in Port Huron, Michigan.
Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez is another young celebrity who switched to homeschooling to concentrate on her acting career. Gomez studied with a teacher to ensure she completed all of her homework on schedule while filming for her different film and television appearances before making top-charting songs.
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling could not even read at the age of 10. In addition, he frequently encountered issues at school, experienced severe bullying, and had an ADHD diagnosis (ADHD). Although a single parent, Ryan's mom decided to withdraw him from school so she could homeschool him.
Blake Griffin
Blake Griffin was homeschooled all through his elementary and middle school years. After that, he went to Oklahoma Christian School for high school so that he could play basketball for their team. Griffin was selected first overall in the 2009 NBA Draft and made his NBA debut.
Bethany Hamilton
Bethany was sailing when a tiger shark grabbed her when she was 13 years old. Her left arm was amputated as a result of the unfortunate incident. Only two months had passed when Bethany remounted her surfboard and vowed to keep competing.
Nick, Joe, and Kevin Jonas
The three Jonas brothers initially achieved recognition as a band, then individually in the fields of music and playing. They were all taught at home, beginning at a young age.
 Sage Kotsenburg
Sage Kotsenburg, a competitive snowboarder in Utah, received homeschooling through the Alpha Omega Academy. The second of five kids, he started snowboarding when he was five years old.
Joey Logano
At the young age of 18, the successful NASCAR Sprint Cup driver debuted in the cup series. He soon amassed 25 triumphs in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, 14 victories, and 15 pole positions. He was homeschooled from the fourth grade.
Families choose homeschooling for various reasons, from curriculum control to school bullying. Many children succeed with it, including those who rise to fame. Yes, along with these 15 celebrities, there are a lot of well-known people that homeschool their children.
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 2 years
I Want to Do What Lovers Do With You.◦○˚♡.˚ₓ
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Pairing | Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings | 18+ only, P in V sex, unprotected sex, dacryphilia, praise kink, brief mention of uncomfy virginity loss (not to Eddie), brief mention of underage drinking, drug use, Eddie calls himself dumb a couple times, there’s maths talk early on I promise it’s only short.
Request | Concept. Reader has never gone on a date or anything before, they're not naive, they just haven't been interested in anyone. Eddie and reader have been crushing on each other for a while and when eddie half-jokingly asks them out they say yes. Reader being easily overwhelmed by the newfound affection and eddie having to get them used to it.
Word Count | ~4,000
A/N | So here's the thing. In hindsight I realise maybe you wanted virgin reader, and I didn't do that. I also didn't even write a date. However, I think I got the ~spirit~ of the request. I will definitely write virgin reader in the future, but I didn't do it here, sorry if that's what you were looking for. Reader is new to intimacy though, if that helps.
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"Zero point seven." Eddie’s head snaps up from the calculator, waiting hopefully for the approving nods he’s been earning from you more and more. 
"Mm-hmm,” you nod, pointing to the page of rough triangles you’d drawn out for him to practice. "Now remember, the cosine of the angle is equal to the adjacent, which we want, over the hypotenuse, which is twenty three, so..."
"I've gotta divide something now."
"Well, how about you write the equation down with what you have?"
"Shit," he sighs, leaning back in his chair. "That's just your nerdy way of telling me I gotta multiply."
You smile in spite of yourself, knowing that Eddie is the only person who has ever called you a nerd without any real malice. There's admiration, appreciation, in his tone somewhere, under the frustration.
"C'mon. Give it a try and then we can take a break, yeah?"
Eddie's face splits in a conspiratorial grin. “What sort of break are we talking here?"
"That depends on whether you answer correctly."
"Man. If only my real teachers knew how to motivate me like you. I'd probably have graduated early."
"Eddie. The cosine of the angle equals?"
"That’s just cruel. I’m trying to concentrate and you know your teacher voice gets me going."
You have to fight a nervous laugh, choosing instead to bite the inside of your lip and gesture to the paper with your head. Eddie sighs and brings his attention to the square lined notebook, twisting the pen round his fingers while he glances between the question and the calculator. You watch him pull his own plump lip between his teeth, hair falling over his shoulders when he leans down to stare at the numbers on the page the way he needs to do sometimes. He looks so sweetly determined your heart aches.
That's unique to him, too.
When you were twelve, you’d read teen romance novels and imagined yourself falling for someone the second you entered high school. Then you got there and boys were…exactly as they always had been. Sometimes friendly, sometimes cruel, but never very interesting. Your heart didn’t flutter, your knees didn’t shake. 
Even when you lost your virginity, fumbling in the dark, head fuzzy with an early taste of alcohol, and it had been an endeavour of pure mediocrity. You expected it to hurt, but you wanted that hurt to feel like passion. Instead, it was an uncomfortable burn that had you gritting your teeth and avoiding wet kisses until he was done. 
Luke Thompson would catch your eye in Physics years later, looking forlorn and longing. 
Then there had been senior prom, something you had dreamt of when you were a pre-teen waiting for epic romance. You thought you probably would go, if you were asked. But when a smooth talking basketball player had sidled up to your locker, talking all kinds of slush about how he’d always thought you would get along but had never had the guts to ask you out, you’d weighed an evening of dancing awkwardly and pulling a strapless chiffon dress up to your armpits every twenty seconds against sitting comfy in your pyjamas and renting a good movie from Family Video. 
You spent prom night gorging on microwave popcorn and falling asleep with Dune playing in the background.
You left for college, away from Hawkins and high school and boys whose parents knew your parents, and it allowed you one night stands without the pressure of seeing them in class every day after. Just the occasional awkward nod across a hallway, if you remembered them at all. Whatever they were, it was not love, or even affection. You were using them, and felt used in turn.
But now there’s Eddie.
When you were at school together, you moved in entirely different circles. Then you’d come back from your first year of college with fewer friends in Hawkins and a new interest in Mary Jane. You’d been standing in his trailer, fishing in your purse for a five dollar bill when he’d stopped you with, “hey, you’re kind of a nerd right?”
You blinked, raised an eyebrow. “There are seven hand painted Dungeons and Dragons miniatures to my right, Munson. You really wanna play this game?”
He grinned, a little surprised by the bite back. “Yeah, but a real nerd. You’re smart, I mean?”
“Not many people would admit to being stupid.”
“I do.” 
You think that’s probably where it started. The ache for him. Eddie Munson, who you’d always dismissed as another boy with more confidence than he had any right to, stood there in his room, a sad but accepting smile on his face, and told you he thought there was something wrong with his brain.
“I mean, I never understand anything when I’m in class,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “And then whenever I think, maybe, I’m starting to get it, we move on to something else and I’m left sitting there like, hey, you’re not gonna go over that another couple times?” Eddie gave a defeated shrug. “I’m gonna fail again this year, I just know it.”
“Well, you don’t actually know that,” you’d tried, feeling guilty when he’d rolled his eyes at the meaningless platitude. “Okay, what, you want me to tutor you or something?”
“Yeah? I mean nobody smart enough at school would risk being seen with me. Wouldn’t be a problem for you though, right? You’re a college girl now, above that kind of stuff.”
“And the benefit to me would be?”
“Free bud? Or whatever else you’re into,” he shrugged, dimples appearing soon after as he leaned into your space, your heart beating in your ears. “I’ve heard you academic types struggle to stay away from the good stuff.”
So while your new friends from college are spending their long Summer in Key Largo, or camping in Joshua Tree, you are at home in Hawkins, driving most days to Eddie’s trailer to get him where he should be in Math, English, Science and Geography. 
You are giving him more help than he’s paying you for, but it didn’t take you long to think of him as worth it.
Big brown eyes you have to get up close to appreciate, pretty pink lips always smiling when you’re around. He’s self deprecating but he blushes when you compliment and encourage him. Eddie calls you smart with adorable reverence and listens to your opinions. He’s funny and he’s talented and you want to hold his face in your hands and squish. 
It’s like every embarrassing girly teenage crush you never had has been focused all on this one boy and fuck, you weren’t expecting it when you drove up to his trailer for the first time with a calculator in hand, but it’s barely been a month and you want him like you've never wanted anybody. 
You didn’t mind touching people who knew better what they were doing than poor Luke from Physics, didn’t mind clashing teeth and your face pressed into sheets. You didn’t mind that they’d leave in the morning, or you would. You never wished them back. You never imagined holding their hand the way you think about holding Eddie's hand. Warm, big, soft in the palms and rough at the ends of his fingers, chunky rings you want to bring to your face and stare at.  
You think so many things about Eddie you never expected, wonder endlessly about what you wish to know. 
What is his favourite food? Could make it for him as he wants it? Does he like horror movies, or is that an assumption? Even if he doesn't, would he watch one with you anyway, let you cuddle into his side on his Uncle’s couch, jumping and laughing together? Would he want to drive you places, play the gentleman? Would he want to meet your parents? Get a house in the city? Adopt a dog or a cat? Go on dates and be sweet with each other well into your sixties?
What does Eddie picture when he thinks about his future? Are you there?
You wonder if he knows. No matter what he says, Eddie is not dumb, not even close. Surely he has to see that you’re giving more than you’re getting back. 
“Sixteen point one.”
You flinch a little to be pulled from your thoughts, face warm while you check his work. Scratchy, messy handwriting, calculations done correctly. You smack your hands on your knees. “Break time.”
“Hell yeah,” Eddie grins, fingers waggling in the air as he stands to search for his metal lunchbox.
“You left it in the kitchen.”
Eddie pauses to give you a warm, thankful smile, hand coming to lay flat on the left side of his chest. “You always keep me right, sweet thing.”
You have a love-hate relationship with the flirting. It makes your palms sweat like nothing else, your stomach do something it has only ever done at the first jolt forward on a roller coaster, your heart pound in excitement even as it aches with worry. It's exhausting. 
Eddie reappears at his door, hair flying out behind him as he glides over to you, settled on his bed. He settles in next to you, his long arm warm and in line with yours from shoulder to elbow. While he rolls a spliff on his side table, you pick at a new hole on the knees of your blue jeans. You scowl, thinking about how you’ll never locate a pair as good as these in Hawkins, thinking about driving to a city for the day, thinking about abandoning this place altogether, heading back to your college town where good stores sell quality jeans and whatever else you could want. Away from here, away from Eddie, who is beginning to torture you with his smiles.
And his touch.
Eddie grabs your hand from your knee to pass you the newly lit joint, leaving your skin aching to remember the feeling of his calloused fingers. You know his eyes are on your face when you take a drag, and you wonder helplessly if you look cute, or hot, or sexy in your college sweater and jeans, lips wrapped around rolled paper. 
It's a new feeling, and you can't say you're enjoying it. Since spending all this time with Eddie, you’ve come to understand why other people had so much trouble getting their heads down at school. If you thought like this back then, endlessly pondering the prospect of being liked, desired, loved, you would never have got anything done. 
“Hey,” Eddie says when he takes the joint back. “I have a question.”
“No, I don’t expect you to get back to trigonometry when we’re done.”
You hear the rushed breath from his nose, a little amused sound. “No question there. You lose all authority when you’re high.”
“Do not. I could make you study.”
“Nah,” he answers, eyes crinkling at the sides pleasantly, just like everything he does. “You get pretty docile. You’d let me do anything I wanted.”
His fingers brush yours at the next pass, a heated tingle running up your back and across your neck. Your mouth feels a little dry, and you lick your lips like it’ll help, thinking about all the implications of that sentence. “Not anything.”
Eddie has the good sense to blush then, but he quickly shakes his head and powers through. “What I was going to ask was, how come a girl like you is spending her Summer with me?”
You raise an eyebrow, settling back into his pillows to get comfy as your head begins to fuzz, trying to ignore the pleasant hit of his smell emanating from the squished fabric. “Were you smoking this before I got here? You asked me to tutor you.”
“Yeah, and God knows I need all the help you’re giving me,” he says, eyes wide and earnest. “I mean, seriously, I feel like I have a real chance of crawling my way out next year. But what I- what I meant was, and tell me if I’m crossing a line here, sweetheart, how come you’re here, with me, and not road tripping with some college boys or whatever all your friends are doing right now?”
Your face gets hotter. “Does it matter?”
“Does it- yeah. Yes. It matters.”
A prickle of recognition crawls up your spine, stemming from his tone, the way he’s looking at you, how he’s sitting; tense against your side. In the past, you would have felt pure dread, mind working overtime to prepare the required explanation for a boy who was really looking for you to change your mind. Instead, there’s nerves, all along your body, but there is excitement, too. Butterflies zipping about in your stomach. 
“Why?” You ask, passing the joint back, letting yourself freely enjoy the brief touch of his skin, now that you realise that’s allowed. “Why does it matter?”
Eddie blinks at you, his bottom lip shaking. “Well, if I’m being honest,” he starts, pausing to turn away from you and take a long drag like he needs a moment to think it through. Then he eyes you from the side, thumb flicking ash into a metal tray. “I guess the answer might save me from making a fool of myself? If you say that this is all an elaborate prank or I have a rich distant relative paying you to spend time with me or, I don’t know, that helping out super seniors will be good on your resume, then, then I’d accept it. And even this particularly dumb super senior would know not to ask a really, really dumb question.”
“You’re not dumb, Eddie.” You nudge his body with yours, head cottony, loose lipped. “I really, really wish you’d stop saying that.”
Eddie’s gaze moves to your face where you are leaning back on his pillows, watches the subtle turn of your head, rubbing your cheek against the cotton, the feel of it uniquely pleasant after a couple hits. 
“I’ll do whatever you tell me to if you go out with me.”
It sounds like he wasn't even entirely aware he was speaking until he's done. Eddie's eyes widen, his face flushing pink.
“Is that you asking me?”
“Depends on whether you answer correctly” 
Eddie smiles at the repetition, like he’s playing coy, like this is fun, but he is too expressive by half. His big eyes are searching, waiting, with a hint of resignation, to learn that he is fooling himself. 
Eddie always came across as cocky to you, at school. Just like the jocks he hated, he was an overconfident boy. Even now you can picture him stepping up on cafeteria tables and declaring himself a rebel with about a million different causes. But here, alone with you in his room, Eddie makes himself vulnerable.
Your cautious heart calls out to his. Don’t worry, me too.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself not to look away. “I’d say yes, Eddie.”
You receive a classically Eddie slow blink, followed by a grin that screams every ounce of his joy and relief. His head tilts forward. “Shit. You’re serious?”
"If you are."
"Jesus- yes, I'm serious." Eddie nods emphatically, eyes wide like he’s worried you’ll take it back if he doesn’t establish how much he meant it. “We could get dinner? Or I’ll take you to the nice cinema in the next town? Or- or the lake, or I could show you the bar my friends and I play in-”
You gaze at him, butterflies erupting at the sight of his pleased smile, the way his hair moves with every excited tilt and nod of his head. This is new, and exciting, and scary.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ♡ ୧.˚ₓ  
You stay in Hawkins until the end of Summer, until you have to go back to college and Eddie needs work for his final, final year at high school. 
He sends you off with a worn Metallica t-shirt to wrap around a pillow and cuddle into, a buzzy, crackling recording on tape of his voice over guitar, the black ring from his right hand that would be a promise made too early if it was from anyone else. 
You leave him with all the pens he chewed the tops of, hand written practice sheets for every class he’s taking, old notes on differentiation, centripetal force, the River Nile, searched for and retrieved from the back of closets in your parents house. You hope Eddie knows that this is you trying.
Across the months you spend in his arms with weather cooling and trees turning, followed by stolen weekends, every break from classes lasting longer than three days, you learn so many things about Eddie. 
He eats boxed mac and cheese by the pot. When you boil up some pasta on your own, he shovels it down the same way, surprised when the rich homemade sauce leads to you rubbing his tummy all night and trying not to laugh while he groans out that every spoonful was worth the pain.
He likes all kinds of horror movies; psychological and slasher and comedy. Getting you under his arm while they play in his living room and covering your eyes without your permission during the scary parts becomes a particular joy for him. 
“Eddie, get off!” 
“No can do, sweet thing. Gotta protect you from potential nightmare material. That’s my job now.”
He loves driving you everywhere, loves the sight of you in his van, sorting through the tapes in his glove compartment.
“The world’s foremost thrash metal band. Great choice.” 
He wants to meet your parents, but he’s scared of what they’ll think of him. Dog or cat, he doesn’t mind as long as it’s not a horrible little yappy thing. He wants to get out of this town forever, live in a city, or really anywhere but here, where he could afford a nice-ish place. 
When he pictures his future, you are there. 
“Course, I would stay in Hawkins if you wanted to move back here.”
You’re trying, all of the time. You want him more than anything, because this is different, this is special, but that’s also what makes it so difficult. You are used to pleasured touches followed by closing doors, and it has left you disarmed to the open way that Eddie loves you, the only way he knows how.
“I know, I know,” he murmurs to your cheek, the roll of his hips a steady, torturous rhythm, drawing long whines from the back of your throat. Eddie’s big hand covers your forehead, pushing sweaty stray hairs away, rubbing your eyebrow with his thumb. The other is tucked under your back, helping you to arch sweetly so the head of his cock can find the spot at the back of your pussy that claims you, makes you desperate for him, with each heavy thrust. His brown eyes are sympathetic to your whimpers, proud of you for taking everything he has to give, even when it feels like your heart will beat out of your chest. “It’s always just a little too much for my sweet girl, mm? Still not used to being touched right.” He sighs, gives you a little pout with shining eyes. “I left you waiting too long for me, didn’t I?”
“Eddie,” you cry, fingers digging into his back, arms and legs wrapped tight around him as if he might leave if you let him loose. It’s perfect like this, his body weighing down on yours. You are too warm, your lungs protesting the lack of space to expand, but you can feel Eddie’s skin against every part of you. Any time you want, you can reach up to tuck some of his hair back off his sweaty neck. You do, earning yourself a perfect Eddie smile and a kiss from soft lips. The taste of his mouth, familiar to you now, makes your body clench around him, arms and legs around his torso, your weeping cunt around his cock. Nothing is like this, nothing is so perfectly overwhelmingly right.
“Oh, I felt that,” he smiles, breath spreading across your face at his chuckle. “Remember the first time you let me inside you? Wanted to be bent over and fucked, like you’re used to, mm?” Your toes curl in embarrassment, wanting to hide your face from him but there’s nowhere to go with his gentle hand holding you in place. You are left with your watering eyes, his pretty face blurring until you just about manage to blink the tears away. “It’s better like this, isn’t it?” He presses kisses down your nose, across your cheek to the corner of your mouth, sighing happily. “It’s better when we make love?”
You seize up, crying out, your back arching further as if you could get any closer to him. Eddie fucks you through the desperate clenching of your cunt, each hit to the spongy nerves of your spot building your pleasure past what should have been its peak. Your hand drifts up his back, grasping his neck from behind, fingers flexing and pulling at his pale skin enough that there will be dark bruises there tomorrow. 
At the heavy sob that falls from your mouth, Eddie lets you up, wrapping a hand around the back of your head to help you bury your face in his neck. 
Eddie hums as you come down, hips moving in tight circles like he’s just trying to get deeper while you weep into his skin. Your lungs feel increasingly restrained, little gasping breaths between wails, still confined between Eddie’s body and the mattress. “C’mon,” he says, leaning down to kiss your temple, rubbing below your ear with his thumb. “Let me see you. Need your pretty eyes to make me come.”
You feel him twitch inside you when he settles you back into his pillows, blinking up at him, finally letting the tears fall. The first time Eddie made you cry like this, overwhelmed at the intensity of feeling for him and all he does to you, you were afraid he would slow down, that it would ruin it for him. 
He’d licked the tears off your cheek and grunted through gritted teeth that nothing had ever made him so hot.
Eddie stares at you intensely now, mouth relaxed and open, letting out excited groans as his hips stutter, almost ready to fill you up. He could cum without your voice, like the others before him, but he is the first who deserves it.
“You treat me so well, Eddie,” you breathe, taking a shaky gasp at the sudden increase in the pace of his thrusts. 
Eddie nods desperately, his bottom lip shaking. “‘M trying.”
“I know,” you nod in turn, grasping his face with your hands, whispering so he knows it is all only for him. “I’m so lucky, Eddie. You’re so good, so good. Better than anything when you make love to me.”
His lips find yours to kiss you, but you end up breathing in his final moan instead, feeling him fill you up right with pooling warmth. Your legs squeeze his back, your pussy gifting you another little peak, a grateful flutter for taking Eddie’s cum deep inside you. 
Eddie drops entirely then, face pressed to the base of your neck. You groan a little, but allow yourself to caress his face, sweep his hair away from his sweaty forehead, hold it away from his heated neck. He presses a final wet kiss to your collar and rolls off you, finally allowing your protesting lungs the space to breathe properly. 
It doesn’t last long. Without ceremony, your whole body is pulled towards him, leaving your face tight to his chest. It steals the fresh air of the room, replacing it with the humidity your bodies create this close together. 
But it’s good. It’s better, because it smells like Eddie, feels like Eddie, and everything is better with him.
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eufezco · 2 years
Today was one of the few days of the year his parents were home. His mom was in the living room, lying on the couch and watching a movie. A cup of wine on her hand when her son surprised her. "Hey, mom." Steve closed the door behind him, she stopped the movie. "How was your day, sweetie?"
"It was— It was fine." Steve nodded. "And how was work?"
"Great." Mrs. Harrington never really cared about Steve not going to college. Mr. Harrington knew Steve was working, but he never asked about it. He was more than disappointed that his son was spending his days in a mediocre video store when he could be building a solid future. Steve was disappointed with himself too. Mrs. Harrington looked at the time on the watch on her wrist. "Why are you so late?"
"I drove Dustin and his friends to the Arcade, and they wanted to eat something before going home." Mrs. Harrington nodded and took a sip from her glass. After three years of friendship with him, Mrs. Harrington and Dustin never met. Not only once. They only knew each other thanks to what Steve told them. His mom was too busy to get to know the boy and him and Steve were most of the time at Dustin's. Steve preferred to be at his friend's house because his house was smaller and warmer. Oh, and Mrs. Henderson adored Steve. She was always telling him how handsome he was and how he was like a brother to Dustin. Steve was the happiest version of himself around Dustin. "That's really nice of you. Did you have fun with them?"
"Yeah, they're— they're good kids." He loved them. Steve sometimes felt ridiculous thinking of them as his safe place but they were Steve's safe place. Max was like his little sister, she was the only one with whom he could have a proper conversation about music and movies, and Steve helped her so much after Billy's death. Him being her personal driver and taking her everywhere, making sure she was eating and sleeping enough, and acting like the brother she wished Billy had been. With Lucas he had a completely different friendship. He loved going to his basketball games, cheering for him, and giving him good advice since Steve noticed that Lucas was hanging out pretty often with the jocks. Mike was the toughest of them all. His relationship with him when he dated Nancy wasn't the best but it grow better with time.
"Did that girl go with you guys too?"
"Oh, yeah, Robin was there too—" His soulmate. Steve knew that no one would ever compare to Robin.
"No, not that girl."
Mrs. Harrington was asking about you. About the girl that kept the line of the house busy because she and Steve talked on the phone every time they were not together. About the girl that drove every day after high school to Family Video to have lunch with Steve during his work break. About the girl Steve's legs went weak for. About the girl that always fixed his hair and loved to walk arm-in-arm with him. About the girl that looked after him while he looked after the kids.
"Y/n." She repeated your name. "Is she your girlfriend?"
Steve hummed. "Something like that."
"Something like that?"
Steve looked down and played with his keys. His cheeks heating up. "I haven't asked her yet."
There was a long pause. Mrs. Harrington did it on purpose so her son could think about why he hadn't asked you out yet. The woman took one last sip. "Bring her home when you do it, we would love to meet her. Bring your other friends too. We can have a barbecue, I'll tell your dad to fix the pool."
His friends. The family he chose. If three years ago someone would have told him that he would have people around to call friends. True friends. Steve wouldn't have believed it. "That sounds great." He was holding back his tears. His mom kissed his son's cheek before leaving to the bedroom where Mr. Harrington was already sleeping. In that moment the phone rang, Steve smiled to himself, not even needing to pick it up to know who it was.
"Did you miss me that much already?"
"And what if I did, huh?"
He laughed. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Steve bit the inside of his cheeks, nervously. Maybe it was too soon to ask. "Mmm, I don't, why?"
"Maybe we could go out."
"Sure! I'll call the kids tomorrow and–"
"No. I mean, us. Like, you and me. Alone."
"Like on a date?"
"Like on a date, yeah."
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cupidsmoonlight · 2 years
on your knees // eddie munson
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(eddie munson x fem!cheerleader!reader)
summary: eddie isn't as sneaky as he thinks he is...
word count: over 1000
warnings: fingering, semi-public sex, voyeurism, daddy kink if you squint
you always thought basketball was boring. hours, and hours, of sweaty men in short shorts throwing balls at each other. you felt like a ghost, stuck haunting a mediocre high school.
you purposely waited until the end of the game before making your escape attempt. you were glad you did though, as you got to see lucas sinclair, your best friend and little brother from a different mother, make the winning shot and secure his future seat at "the table". you had never screamed louder. you immediately ran up to the freshman and pulled him into the tightest hug you could manage. you told him you knew he could do it and squeezed his cheeks, moving out of the way so the rest of the team could celebrate with him.
you walked back to where the cheerleaders were all relatively located and pulled your best friend aside, "hey chris, im not feeling so well," you told her quickly, "i think im gonna skip out on the party tonight,"
"awww well i'll miss you tonight, but feel better and call me if you need anything!" the blond cheerleader responded as she pulled you into a hug.
"thanks, cap, i'll call you tomorrow, ok?"
"sounds good! stay safe y/n! i love you!"
"i love you more!" you gathered your stuff as you walked out of the gym and into the locker rooms. you knew the girls never go in there after a late night game because there's always a party to go to. you quickly placed your bags down as you striped out of the skin-tight cheerleading uniform. when you were fully bare, you stepped into the steamy shower to wash the day's stress off of your tense body.
you let out a deep sigh as the warm water slowly soaked your body. meanwhile, just down the hallway, a vigorous game of D&D had just ended and the members of the famous "hellfire club" were in an all-time high. they were all walking around the high school hallways together waiting for their rides to arrive, as they were going over the tremendous win that had just occurred.
"hold on guys, i gotta go take a piss." eddie spoke out as he separated from the rest of the club. as he ventured the halls, he just happened upon the girls' locker room. it wasn't on purpose. he was, really and truly, looking for the bathroom. he just... got distracted. distracted by the hot silhouette from the other side of the shower curtain. "holy fuck." he gasped.
your silhouette looked heavenly. he cautiously ventured into the steamy room. he took small, quiet, steps, trying as hard as physically possible to not make a noise. to not breathe. to hold in his deep gasps as your curvy shadow moved around.
you thought it was cute. the way eddie thought he was being slick. the way he thought he could get just silent enough to get away with being somewhere he knew he should be. "eddie," you stuck your head outside of the curtain, not bothering to hide anything, just to see the boy's shocked face, "if you're gonna be a voyer, at least be good at it."
you turned off the shower, grabbed your towel, and exited. slowly wrapping your towel around your lower waist, making sure to give eddie a good view of what you know he loved the most; your boobs.
"what can i say, doll?" he walked up to you and rubbed his hands up and down your figure. he loved everything about you. everything you hated. every pimple and dimple, every stretch mark and scar, every tug and tag and hair, if it was yours; he loved it. "you're just too goddamn sexy." you guided your soft hands from his chest to his hairy head. you tangled your fingers into the messy strands and you pulled him into a deep kiss. it was hungry and passionate. it was unlike any of your other kisses with him. it meant something...it meant... everything.
you pulled away from the kiss and slowly walked backward until you sat down on the bench. you spread your legs, the towel barely hanging on at this point, and leaned back on your elbows. eddie smiled. "you're a fucking tease today, aren't ya doll?" he began to walk closer to you as you smiled like the cheshire cat, "on your knees, daddy."
he let out a dry chuckle. "be careful baby girl, i don't want to have to punish you." he was standing between your spread legs, he took your jaw in his hands and made you look into his, deep, dark, lustful, eyes as he towered above you. you bit your lip as you dug your hands into the bench to try and relieve some of the pressure building up between ur thighs. eddie noticed this as he slowly got down on his knees. he ran his hands all over your lower half, from your ankles all the way to the last remnants of your summer tan that hadn't faded yet right on the tip of your thighs. "it's dinner time eddie," you pulled him closer by his crisp hellfire t-shirt. "it's a good thing i'm fucking starving baby." his smile became almost animated as he removed his hands from your goose-bump covered thighs and he slowly unwrapped the towel that was already barely hanging on as it was.
he grabbed your thighs and moved them over his shoulders. he put his freezing cold hands on your lower back and pulled you to the edge of the bench. "if you look anywhere other than my eyes, princess" he kissed her thigh, "i'm gonna make your life a living hell." you nodded desperately, trying your best to lower your heart rate.
he moved his hands from behind your back as he placed one on your thigh and used the other to gently push your chest back so you were leaning against the wall. he started placing kisses on your inner knees. eddie made his way up, making sure to leave no part of your skin unattended too.
"eddie, baby, please no more teas-" you’re cut off by the feeling of eddies ring clad finger sliding between your folds. you let out a breathy moan at the intrusion. he began making figure 8 motions, teasing your entrance and your clit so achingly slow but so painfully right. "you doin' good up there baby?" he questions, slowly kissing closer and closer to your lower lips. "yes, yes, it feels," you nod desperately, "so, so, good"
"good." he spoke into your soaking folds as he inserted a finger into your aching hole. he started giving kitty licks to your abused clit and your back instantly arched, hips pushing themselves down closer to his finger and warm mouth. the contrast from the coldness of his ring inside of your warm walls made him almost cream his pants. he added another finger inside of you and he immediately felt you're already tight walls clench and squeeze around the foreign objects.
"fuck." you bit your lip trying to hold in the obscene noises inside until he bit down on your clit and you gasped and squirmed around, losing control of your body for a moment. "don't you dare try and be quiet or I swear to satan i'll stop." you immediately began protesting, "no eddie, baby, i'll be loud, i'll be so fucking loud." he laughed at your desperateness and as time passed you felt yourself coming closer and closer to the coil in your lower tummy bursting.
by the time eddie added a third finger, you couldn't control your body anymore. you were so close to the edge. the only noises you were making being a mush of curse words and nearly pornographic sounding moans and babbles. "you're so close baby," he spoke into your lips as he ate you out like you were his last meal. "just let go; i got you y/n."
with those final words, you were gone. your body spasmed as the world flashed white for just a moment. you could feel your cum leaking out of you onto eddies waiting tongue. after he finished cleaning you're pussy up, he sat up, proudly showing you his face covereded in your juices. he began leaving a trail of wet kisses from the brim of your sensitive pussy to your belly button, to your nipples (he stayed sucking on those for quite a while), to your neck, and finally to your mouth. he pulled away for a moment as he let out a deep breath, "can you taste yourself, baby?" he kissed her, hard, "so fucking sweet. he leaned his head into her neck as she recovered.
"I love you, doll."
"I love you more eddie."
AUTHORS NOTE: first imagine everrrrrrrrrrr omgggggg. please send me requests and ideas because I love bringing people's ideas to life!! as someone who only began writing because they were sick of having to search for hours for a story with the perfect storyline, i wanna be here for yall <3
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*not my gif*
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redheadspark · 2 years
Pulling the other into a random embrace
Peppering kisses all over their face
For Eddie Munson
A/N: This is so cute and such a Eddie prompt! Thanks for the request @ali-r3n
Coffee Addict
Summary: Eddie never understood your love for coffee, especially on a lazy Saturday morning.
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Warnings: A hint of angst with plenty of fluff to go around.
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You loved breathing it in first thing in the morning, Folgers Coffee.
Sure, the coffee machine was mediocre and barely worth anything, but you loved it all the same. It was on a timer to brew first thing in the morning, making you get up from bed and get ready for work. Even back in high school you drank the stuff, which of course made your folks mad because you would steal most of the coffee for yourself and not let your parents have some.
Now you had it all to yourself.
"Babe.....you're brewing coffee on a Saturday?"
You grinned from hearing that behind you, making you roll in your sleep over to be on your stomach and face a sleeping Eddie. His eyes were closed, hair all over the place and in his face, with most of the covers pooling around his waist and the sun on his bare back.
"It's good for you in the morning," Your replied, sneaking a kiss along his cheek as he grinned with his eyes closed.
"You've said that since we were freshman," Eddie grumbled, "It's not good for you,"
"And your smoking is?" You questioned, seeing him pause and a smirk was on his face as he exhaled slowly.
"Fair enough," he replied. You got up from the bed and stretched your back, Eddie blindly reaching for you and grabbing the back of the Hellfire Club shirt you were wearing, "No! Come back to bed,"
"I'll get my cup and come back," You reassured him, looking back and seeing him half-attempt to grab your shirt. Rolling your eyes, you leaned back down to move his hair out of his face. You pressed a few kisses around his face and nose, making him squirm and scrunch his nose.
"Let me drink my coffee and I'll come back to snuggle, deal?" You asked, seeing him nod and sink back further into his pillow. You moved out of bed then, walking out and over to the kitchen where you knew your coffee was watching for you. Your mug was waiting next to it, one of your favorites that you got at a random gas station when you were on a road trip with Eddie. It was a scenic picture mug, with the title "Number One Grandma" on the top. Eddie got ti for you as a gift, calling you a hot grandma since you were only a year older than him. When he handed you the mug, you glared at him as he handed the money to the cashier.
"What?" He asked in a shrug, "You're a hot grandma!"
You slugged his arm and he chuckled.
You poured the hot liquid in your mug and then grabbed some milk from the refrigerator, mixing it in with a spoon and taking your first sip. It was heaven, sighing into your mug and feeling your limbs already getting a bit looser and your brain waking up a bit faster now. It was a great way to wake up fully in the morning, nothing to do and no task that needed to be fulfilled. Saturdays were for the lazy bones, which was you no doubt.
Eddie saw your love for coffee for the first time when you two were freshman and had a math class together first thing in the morning. You walked in, sporting your dad's thermos in one hand and your backpack in your other hand. You were tired, not ready to talk about algebra just yet as you fell into your chair in the back of the room and undid the top of your thermos to make it your cup. Eddie was watching, his eyes were wide with shock as he was seeing a freshman drinking black coffee out of the cup of the tin thermos.
"You know that shit is bad for you right?" He asked under his breath as the teacher was working on the board. You snorted.
"Not as bad as the shit some of the jocks use to play basketball," You replied, Eddie smirking as you chugged the rest of your coffee before you started taking your notes. Since then, you and Eddie were inseparable, al the way through graduation and moving in together.
He knew you loved coffee for every occasion, not just the morning. You drank it when you needed a pick-me-up as you worked on your homework in high school or reading a book in bed during a rainy night. You drank it when you got cold as the winter winds rolled in, snuggled under the blankets in front of your wall heater and watching the wind hit the trees.
Coffee was great with everything.
Eddie tried it once, and he knew it wasn't for him. His energy mixed with coffee was a bit of a disaster in itself, which you knew from the jump since his leg was so bouncy you could hear the bones moving under his skin. He would rather have soda or beer, which never really bothers you anyhow since you weren't a drinker yourself. Eddie then made it a great gag gift to get you a mug at every date you would go to: whether at a diner or a tourist trap, he would buy you one.
So it was safe to say your apartment was filed with mugs.
You walked back into the bedroom, placing the half drank coffee mug on the nightstand before you went over the cover again. Eddie immediately pounced, you squealing as he peppered you with kisses and wrapping you in his arms to not let you go.
"Eddie! I'm still waking up!" You huffed with a grin as he kissed your lips over and over. You sighed, feeling him groan against your lips as his hands went to your hips.
"I know I hate the stuff," he said in a groggily tone but with a sleepy smile, “but your lips taste so good with coffee on it,"
"Gross," you joked with him, though you were letting him kiss you over and over on your lazy Saturday, "I hope we can actually get out of bed to get ready for our date alter tonight,"
"Mmm...a nice ride in the van with my girl," Eddie said happily, you two still holding each other, "Maybe we can find you another mug for the collection,"
"We don't have anymore room in our apartment for another mug, babe," You explained. Just Eddie scoffed and planted a wet kiss on your neck as you giggled.
"Tradition is tradition, you're getting a mug!" He proclaimed to you, you both drinking in the early morning with the sun stretching out over your ceiling and against your skin.
Yeah, tradition is tradition. And you loved that one particularly.
The End.
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