fishesinthetrees · 2 days
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fishesinthetrees · 2 days
Those of you following the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System may have heard that its booms and sail are now deployed. It is receiving light pressure from the Sun to propel it through the Solar System. Like a test pilot in a new aircraft, NASA are now testing out just how it handles. Before deployment, the spacecraft was slowly tumbling and now the controllers will see if they can get it under control and under sail power. The reflectivity of the sail means it's an easy spot in the night sky, just fire up the NASA app to find out where to look.
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fishesinthetrees · 7 days
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fishesinthetrees · 20 days
An underrated part of Star Trek Voyager is when they show Seven of Nine's origin story where her parents were outlaw anthropologists who stole a starship to take a family road trip study the borg (who are considered basically a galactic urban legend at that point) and after they find a Borg cube they use some novel technology to fool the Borg sensors and begin tracking it and eventually start exploring the cube to observe the Borg in their natural habitat and even beam regenerating drones back to their ship to tag and release them until they finally fuck up and the whole family gets assimilated. It's super fucked up it's like if Jane Godall's expedition had ended with her being ripped apart by chimps.
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fishesinthetrees · 1 month
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this is so fucking funny I love sharks
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fishesinthetrees · 1 month
Me: I'm going to look at horse forums, I bet the drama there is so funny
Me after 4 hours of horse forums: Damn....those people really love and care about their horses...
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fishesinthetrees · 1 month
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This was my first time working with leather because I got a burning desire for a bag shaped like a horseshoe crab. It has two zippered compartments, and an adjustable strap so it can be worn at my side as a cross-body bag or on my back more like a backpack.
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fishesinthetrees · 1 month
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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Yet another comic about leaving the Mormon church that can be applied to a variety of things.
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
Researchers are using biological matter to create unique new materials that can adapt to their environment and repair themselves. The science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke famously said that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." For Dr. Kunal Masania, an associate professor of aerospace structures and materials at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, Clarke made a huge impression.
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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12-26-2023, 7 AM
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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Reached out to a biologist to request some info about an extinct species of freshwater shrimp and the email she sent in response was not only lovely and helpful but also kind of poetry to me? People who study invertebrates are actually the most hopeful and compassionate scientists that we have.
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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horse on a foggy gray day being handed an apple by its compatriot however this horse seems wary of the apple which we can infer may be due to its taste as the apple already has a large bite taken out of it indicative of this horse already having taken a nibble at this offering this horse may be pondering the taste of this initial bite and seems unsure of whether it should continue to indulge in the treat or not perhaps it is not the time for an apple or it is not the right apple either way we should accept this horses decision no matter what it decides to do for not every decision is dire and we must remember that in these troubling times
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
A planet relatively close to Earth could be the first ever detected with a potentially life-sustaining liquid ocean outside our Solar System, according to scientists using the James Webb space telescope. More than 5,000 planets have been discovered outside of the Solar System so far, but only a handful are in what is called the "Goldilocks zone" -- neither too hot or too cold -- that could host liquid water, a key ingredient for life. The exoplanet LHS 1140 b is one of the few in this habitable zone, and has been thoroughly scrutinized since it was first discovered in 2017.
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fishesinthetrees · 2 months
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after the rain
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