artemis speros
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
Gulping down the remains of her third cup of coffee in the hour, Cerise growled in frustration as she opened yet another tab. She’d be starting her senior year soon, and she still hadn’t picked a major. Her mom had been understanding so far, but going into senior year, knowing she was going to end up a super senior, and not having done anything about it, the eldest Hood was starting to drop hints. Extremely, non-subtle hints.
The feeling of being watched wasn’t exactly helping either, though that had only been going on for the past minute or so. Glancing up over her laptop and catching the other girl staring, Cerise found herself falling back into her old habit of pulling up her hood. If nothing else, it made her just a bit more comfortable when the stranger spoke to her a moment later, “O…kay? Did the staring help?”
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artemis couldn’t help but chuckle at the girl’s response. “not really,” she answered, sipping her tea. “just deja-vu or something, i guess.” obviously, that wasn’t it. something was up because this only ever happened with wildlife, and there was no way this random girl was... well, what? a shapeshifter? if artemis was honest with herself, it shouldn’t be that surprising. people hid their true selves here far more often than in greece.
“anyway, i didn’t mean to intterupt. i’ll let you get back to whatever frustration is on your mind.”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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So I was nationally ranked as a kid, and my dad really wanted me to go on, but I don’t know. I just didn’t really like it.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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artemis was feeling... weird. she didn’t know how else to describe it. she was in the middle of town, inside the coffee shop, there wasn’t even a service dog around, but she could swear she was getting some animal’s emotions. the only time she felt this way was around animals but obviously there were none to be found here.
the strangest part, though, was that as she looked around at the other customers, she could tell who it was coming from. this had never happened before. people weren’t animals and that was why she liked animals. among other reasons. she was staring. and she only realized when the poor girl got weirded out. “sorry,” artemis said, snapping out of it. “you seem... familiar.”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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“you know,” her eyes don’t leave the screen, smile threatening to form as her eyes lock onto the handsome (really, pretty average looking) protagonist “i think ferris is a really good friend. kinda crazy, but he’s got cameron’s best interest. he just doesn’t want him to live a granola life. he’s kinda just saving him from how boring things are gonna be later on. i wanna be that friend.” mabel finally turns to face the person, breaking into a grin and holding out her hand to shake “you looking for an adventure friend? i’m a good ferris.”
artemis was trying to enjoy the movie, but she had trouble paying attention when there was someone talking her ear off halfway through. she ignored it, for the most part, set her jaw and kept her eyes on the screen... until the girl turned directly to her. artemis glanced over, barely, and said, “no, i am not looking for an adventure friend.”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
“try being locked up for twenty years and then tell me you don’t want to be hugged all the time.” persephone grinned so artemis would know she was kidding, but still had a hard time letting go. not having to sneak out and not having to worry about when the next time she would see her friend would be were still new concepts to her. 
“so a movie, outdoors, with other people… that sounds like a dream!” she beamed, slowly releasing her friend.
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“yeah, but you know i don’t like hugs, seph,” artemis complained. but she’d hug persephone anytime she needed it. this girl had left an imprint right away and she was always going to protect her and be there for her. some people just connected like that.
“yeah, i thought you might be excited about it,” she said, chuckling. “we have to get you up to date on pop culture.”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
“that’s something someone who’s not a good liar would say,” beck smirked. “my expressive face? you got all that from looking at me for-” he looked at his watch-less wrist, “one minute?” he leaned closer to her. “or were you checkin’ me out?”
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she decided to ignore his digs about lying—maybe she did consider herself a very honest person and maybe that did make her a bad liar, and she wasn’t going to let his bad morals get under her skin. “i was going to say something far less kind, but you’re not worth the effort,” she said, turning away. she was going to walk away from this conversation and-
“checking you out?” she repeated, turning back to him slowly. “of all the self-centered bullshit... no. i was not checking you out. unfortunately for you, i’m not attracted to men i could beat to a pulp.” and yes, that was all men.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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vanellope simply nods along to artemis’ questions. once she gets a hold of her breath, her hands - which had been glitching intermittently for quite a while - also come back to normal.
“thanks,” she finally says softly in a nasal tone. “y-you don’t think they’ll come back for me, do you?” vanellope gulps as she looks around nervously. “listen, w-would you mind if you walked home with me? it’s not that far away, 10 minutes tops.” the girl asks as she takes a step too close to the other. “it’s just i’m still kinda… scared.”
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“no, they’re just some asshole taking an opportunity to be dicks,” she said, huffing with frustration. the evil some people could do amazed her. why would you ever steal from a young girl?
“yes, of course,” artemis gushed immediately. she pulled her bag onto her shoulder, adjusting after her outburst. her stance had completely shifted since—she always made herself look more intimidating around assholes. and much less so when she had to walk a scared girl home. “i’m not gonna leave you alone after that. where do you live?”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
if lock were to be honest, he couldn’t stop laughing in his mind with how easily annoyed the girl behind him was getting. loudness and a burp? pff, childs play; however, at the time, he simply let out a soft chuckle, being that the only thing that proved his amusement over her words.
“and we only get worse from here, babe.”
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“i’m aware,” she deadpanned, turning away. she was going to ignore him. just pretend he wasn’t there, read her book, drink her tea, and leave. people do it all the time. she could too. right?
she found her place on the page again, took a sip of her tea, and started reading. maybe she could just forget all about him.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
“can’t tell you that. need you to have plausible deniability.. y’aknow, just in case they interrogate you.” beck looked her up and down. “and knowing you, you’re probably a terrible liar. so i think it’s best for all of us-” he paused to look up at the window he’d jumped out of and saw nobody, allowing him to relax a bit. “if you stay blissfully ignorant. actually, i’m doing you a favor if you think about it so… you’re welcome.”
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“being a good liar is not a good trait,” artemis huffed. she was not going to acknowledge his little taunts—she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “i don’t know how you can consider yourself a good liar, judging by your... expressive face.” she chose that word carefully. what she wanted to say was much more vulgar.
“wow, thank you so much,” she gushed sarcastically.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
the sound of many things crashing to the floor echoed around the entire building. beck parkoured down to the ground from the third story window, landing inches from another person. “if anyone asks, i was here the whole time. at least-” he pulled out his phone to check the time, “ten minutes. we had a riveting conversation about how i look great with no shirt on and that you have the hots for me. it was very enlightening for both of us. but i was most definitely not in that building? okay? cool,” he grinned, not waiting for them to respond.
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artemis stood outside, waiting for the chaos she knew was coming with beck around, and crossed her arms. “who are you running from and what did you do now?” she asked impatiently.
and she wasn’t even going to address the idea that he was attractive. why did men always have to assume they had all eyes on them? unbelievable.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
persephone turned the corner and was nearly at pizza planet when she received a text. she still hadn’t gotten used to cellphone vibrations. she’d had a secret phone for awhile but kept it on silent mode out of paranoia. she was thoroughly convinced that her mother would hear it, even just the vibration. so the vibrating notification made her jump and let out a squeal. sure that artemis had probably heard that entire ordeal, she shoved her phone back into her dress pocket. she sprinted over to her friend and without warning threw her arms around her neck.
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artemis groaned when she saw persephone’s hug coming—you could see it as soon as she rounded the corner��but let her friend jump on her anyway. “how come we have to get touchy-feely every time we do something?” she complained, but she was smiling through it all.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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funny how lock had now found more amusement on pissing off that one random girl, than he had watching whatever the internet had provided previously. hence why didn’t really hesitate to stick out his tongue at her as he saw her eyes roll away. 
“nah, i think i’ll stick to what i was doing. heck, i might even get louder.” he chuckled, before letting out a burp “or nastier.”
artemis refused to turn all the way around in her chair—there was no way she was going to give him her full attention just for being obnoxious. that would only encourage him. but he was so frustrating. she sneered, disgusted.
“this is why i hate men.”
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
artemis had made a habit of seeing persephone at least once a week when her mother had her locked up in the house like a prisoner. it was not at all fair and artemis made sure persephone knew she always had her back—should she ever decide to unleash the wrath of a young woman on her mother. it could be deadly.
but things had cooled down and now persephone was allowed to actually go places, so artemis had invited her out for a greasy, trashy dinner and some classic arcade fun at pizza planet. she leaned on the wall outside, waiting for her friend, and texted, waiting outside. hurry upppp.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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the times whenever lock wasn’t doing some type of odd job, he liked to stay in his van to fool around online, or even sleep as much as he could, but given that his internet was down for the week, the best solution he could come up with was settling for the local coffee shop’s wifi and pray for it to work with netflix –– which he had been enjoying so far until an annoying cry interrupted his solitude.
“would you mind keeping it down? you’re not the only one in the store.” he said, meaning to imitate her tone and pitch as best as a dude could. “if you don’t like it, you can go sit somewhere else.”  
artemis put her death glare to use immediately after he opened his mouth. some people just love to cause a commotion. “how mature, copying me.” she rolled her eyes.
“or you could have some common decency and turn it down just a little,” she snapped back. artemis tended to get annoyed quickly, and this was no exception.
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firsttwvn · 5 years ago
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Madison Davenport in Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019) 
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