it was a pleasure to burn
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firefree · 5 years ago
dropping all old threads; consider this a starter call. may come to you for plotting.
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firefree · 5 years ago
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oh, the things we invent when we are scared and want to be rescued.
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firefree · 5 years ago
character tags
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firefree · 5 years ago
tag redo
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firefree · 5 years ago
okay, and i’m back from the unplanned hiatus. going to be doing a bit of spring cleaning on here, so please like this if you’re still interested in interacting
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firefree · 6 years ago
sorry i haven’t been on for a while, i haven’t been feeling my muse for bridgit or ivy as much
but i’m not giving up on this blog, and i’ll be back as soon as i can
in the meantime, feel free to find me at @batsilenced, my cassandra cain rp blog!
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firefree · 6 years ago
happy pride month bridgit is a lesbian 
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firefree · 6 years ago
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-Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
Bridgit Pike of Gotham as scarred by Dru
gif made by the lovely @coldcriminal
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firefree · 6 years ago
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“I’m sorry,” Bridgit says immediately., backing down in an instant She feels like she’s standing before a lion, almost as if real heat radiates off of the other woman’s anger. “Forget I said anything.”
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“Hey,” Bridgit speaks up, quietly. She steps out of line so she can face the woman. “You’re going to get your order, miss. Probably faster if you stop, um, nagging the workstaff.” She nibbles on her lip. The woman looks dangerous. This was a bad idea. She should’ve done as her brothers were always telling her and just kept quiet.
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The alien whirls around, meeting the face of the female who spoke—without her permission, no less. “Excuse me?” She takes a step closer, her chains and silvered skull jewelry jingling as she moves. “Run that by me again. I dare you.”
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firefree · 6 years ago
like for a lyric starter from my fire daughter
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firefree · 6 years ago
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She pulls her goggles over her eyes and grins. Finally, some excitement. “Great. What district is your precious technology in? Should I get the car?”
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Bridgit shrugs. He’s not talkative, big surprise. “Want to go out and do something fun?” she asks, feeling the need to stretch her legs.. Maybe burn some more pervs. “We can steal some of your technology too.”
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      his eyes follow her from where he is seated, and he slowly moves to stand up.  victor was always one that wanted to keep busy, not just sit around and wait - depending on the situation. breaking into a building was easier with two people, people tend to cower when someone has a flame thrower. ’ sounds like a plan. ’
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firefree · 6 years ago
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Bridgit bites back the protest on her tongue. There’s something in Jerome’s eyes that makes her suddenly more on edge than she had been previously. She reaches forward and takes the folder, and a photo of her and Selina falls out. It’s a shitty picture taken from far away, but it still makes Bridgit’s heart ache. After what feels like an eternity, she looks up at Jerome. “Fine. What do I have to do? To, to put her to rest or whatever? Do I need to, like, burn this folder?”
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“You’re going to help me?” Bridgit stares incredulously. People only wanted to help themselves, in her experience. The only exception, of course, being Selina. Bridgit wants to cleanse the city, desperately. Gotham is dirty and messed up and wrong, and girls shouldn’t have to suffer like Bridgit did, or worse. You’ll have to save yourself first. Bridgit had saved herself, by becoming Firefly. Her amber gaze examines the faux therapist, confused. “How -how do I do that?”
  Suppressing the need to roll his eyes - contempt won’t make the case better for him, after all - the jester glances to Bridgit’s folder, pinched between his forefinger and thumb. Slightly leaning over the table, an elbow used to help support his weight, he brings the file closer to wave in her face.
  �� Bridgit Pyke? ” The words are sudden, abrupt, unless one had followed Jerome’s train of thought - a task impossible in itself. Head cocks as he clicks his tongue, green eyes darting to the side, then rolling back to Bridgit’s face.
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“ Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to her, don’t ‘ya think? ” Gaze moves to the matches tangled in the brunette’s locks. He waves the papers in his grip once again, brows twitching as a small nod signals for her to do something with that damned folder. “ Put Bridgit to rest in the flames, toots. She’s only holding you back. It’s either her or Firefly. ‘Ya can’t be both. ”
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firefree · 6 years ago
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She doesn’t laugh at his bad joke. “I’ve worked for Penguin before,” she says. He’s not a bad man to work for,  has never tried to hurt her beyond yelling a little. She doesn’t move her weapon, but her curiosity takes over. (and maybe the flattery helps, just a bit.)
“What’s the project?”
Firefly considers. She has all she wants here, she doesn’t particularly need money. Her minions steal her food and supplies. But they have been coming back charred lately, she makes a mental note to talk to her firebugs about that.
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“What’s the job?” Firefly asks dully. She takes a step forward as well, so that her flamethrower presses up against Nygma’s chest. “Must be pretty important for you to come down here yourself and risk your life.”
❝Do not worry.❞ he lets out a nervous laugh, fighting the urge to adjust his glasses, he keeps his hands up to indicate that he is no thread — not that she seems to care about that. ❝Our offer is very…hot.❞ he chuckles but decides to continue before she decides to burn him to the crisp. If she does, if Ed dies because of this, he will find a way to believe in ghosts enough to become one and haunt him down. 
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❝Oswald and I have…a project. And we just need protection, that is all. By someone strong and capable like you.❞ Ed smiles  ❝So…what do you say?❞
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firefree · 6 years ago
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“Right,” Bridgit says, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. She takes Harley’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Harley. I’m Bridgit.” She tilts her head. “Do you live around here? I haven’t seen you here before.”
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Bridgit is surprised by the other girl’s (friendliness?) familiarity with her. “They’re firebugs, actually. Arsonists,” she says, and then -”Wait. You aren’t a cop, are you?” (stupid girl, they’ll beat you black and blue if they found out you gave them away to a cop.) But the girl doesn’t look like a pig, so Bridgit finds hope in that. “What’s your name?” she asks, curious now.
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         ♡—Soft, fingertip pads caress the concrete beneath her as she listens to this new girls explanation. Talk of criminals, arsonists, fear of police is a sampler of EXCITEMENT to Harley’s pallet. Oh, she’s going to feel right at home in Gotham, yes, indeed. Having only brief visits in her younger years still left her to feel like a stranger to the city, but now, she’s a child in a candy story && a wad of cash burning a hole in their pocket. 
       Kind && misleadingly POLITE smile is offered to the other.❛❛Well, no. I’m not, but you silly thing, you. Cops aren’t actually obligated ta tell ya if they’re’a cop, an’ it’s Harleen, but you can call me Harley,❜❜ hands EXTENDED to the others, head tilting expectantly.
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firefree · 6 years ago
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firefree · 6 years ago
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“You’re going to help me?” Bridgit stares incredulously. People only wanted to help themselves, in her experience. The only exception, of course, being Selina. Bridgit wants to cleanse the city, desperately. Gotham is dirty and messed up and wrong, and girls shouldn’t have to suffer like Bridgit did, or worse. You’ll have to save yourself first. Bridgit had saved herself, by becoming Firefly. Her amber gaze examines the faux therapist, confused. “How -how do I do that?”
She flinches at his high-pitched laugh, and again when he slams his hand against the desk -she doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to the suddenness, the abruptness of him, even if he isn’t going to hurt her for speaking up.
“Family’s hard,” Bridgit says carefully. She strikes another match, watches it flame out, and drops it to the floor. The flame had licked her fingers, but she’s -a scientific marvel! -fireproof.
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“Do you know where your brother is now?” the firefly asks. “Is he in Gotham?” She’s having trouble with the idea of another Jerome Valeska.
 Ripped face maintains a SCOWL as he responds, voice dropping to a low, raspy whisper. “ Not yet. ” The underlying threat need not be accompanied by his expression, but a ravaged face did wonders to enhance its ominous tone. “ But once we’re out of here… I was thinking about paying him a visit. ” His speech slows down.
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“ And you know, once I do… He’ll be wishing I’d burned him to crisp. ”
 Fingers fidget, squeezing the air before him. Outburst is once again short lived and Jerome quickly goes back to his previous ramblings, a smirk popping right back on his scarred mouth.“ Aaaaanyway, let’s get back to your case. ” Gloved finger jerks to point at Bridgit. “ I think it’s time to wrap up our session - but, before we do… There’s something you need to do. ” Hand quickly jerks to wave her off, hoping to catch the upcoming question before it’s out of her lips. “ Oh, and don’t worry, it’s not for me. It’s for yourself. ”
 Fingers pinch the edge of her file, holding up the folder in the space between them. His free hand gestures to her hair, where an abundance of matches has been carefully tucked away. Of course, Jerome’s keen eye didn’t fail to notice where she was pulling them out from during their session.
“ You want to save people? You’ll have to save yourself first. And salvation only comes when you let go of what’s holding you back. ” Had the words come from anyone else’s lips they may have sounded like a friendly piece of advice. But from those swollen, chapped ones, it was doubtful. Still, Jerome continued, waving the folder around and pointing to her hair as if he wanted to make the meaning beneath his words clear; the matches. “ There’s a million others out there like your brothers. This city is full of Cales and Joes. And I can help you cleanse it from them. ”
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firefree · 6 years ago
Freeze or Selina? Kissing meme
send me two characters and ask which my muse would rather kiss // accepting
“Well, first of all I’m a lesbian. Second of all, Freeze is my best bro, even if he won’t admit it. And third of all, kissing Selina may or may not be something I used to dream about when the two of us were dumb kids.”
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“So, um. Selina.”
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