Everyday Is A Battle
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A 26-year-old fighting both depression and ADHD, and the everyday struggles that go along with them. I talk about what I'm doing, how I'm feeling, what's on my mind, and random fun things I find online from time to time. I also answer questions and may give advice is someone asks! I post personal things, anime/fandom stuff, craft things, helpful posts that could be of benefit to my followers or any person who could stumble upon my blog, and my own art! Basically, just about anything! Feel free to send in asks and talk to me, I'm always up for it. Also feel free to check out my art tag! Please feel free to reblog my art, just do not repost it please. ^_^
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
Oh I’m an asshole.
So today pulling into Stop and Shop, this lady cut me off and nearly drove into me, and then, when I tried to pass her, she swung to the right and nearly hit me again, and then flipped me off.
So somebody is having a bad day and taking it out on me. That’s fine. It’s harmless, and I don’t know what’s going on in this woman’s life. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt she’s not just a piece of shit and is just having a bad day.
But then I park and she follows me, and gets out of the car and starts swearing at me and getting in my face.
Now I go from “indifferent” to “I’m gonna fuck with this woman’s head.” Now I would say I’m a gentleman of size, and in all black and bemohawked I probably look spookier than I actually am, so props to this lady for getting in my face. Now of course I’m not going to hit her, or even threaten violence. That’s shitty. Nobody should get threatened with violence.
Instead, I take a step back, narrowing my eyes like I’m studying her face really closely, and then I touch one of the several piece of “occulty” jewelry I’m wearing (none of which, by the way, are magicked in any way at all). Then I mumble some nonsense under my breath, and then make the fig gesture and the horns at her.
She stops, wide-eyed.
I chuckled, and shake my head. “Nothing at all.” I say in a not-terrible convincing voice. “But every time something bad happens to you today, you’re gonna be thinking of me.”
Then I winked at her, and walked away.
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
*interacts with people*
*has to take a four hour nap*
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
How's the webcomic going?
Hi there! I’m sorry I didn’t respond to this. I’ve been so quiet here... A lot of things happened in real life and I kind of gave up on drawing and creativity for awhile... I was so tired and drained and had mostly just given up...on my writing...myself in general...I gave up on this idea, this dream, so long ago...I gave up on the idea that I could ever draw a comic or become a good enough artist anyone would want to see my art.However, over the last 6 months, I have began to draw again. Granted I haven’t draw many humans lately, which I need to work on, but I have gotten better. The difference of my art back when I was posting it here and what I’m posting on DeviantArt over the last couple of months blows me away. I have a revived desire to draw again and a new drive to draw and make my comic.I have not yet began to draw the comic, but I am writing the story for it. I’m mapping out the story line and going back to my writing roots to hopefully make a compelling story in a world I’ve always loved [Pokemon]. I’ve almost got enough mapped out to begin drawing the first few chapters, but it’s going to be a long LONG road...but I’m excited to get into it. A lot of the story is already mapped out and planned, it’s just organizing the progression and filling in the last few holes at this point before starting to draw it up. Once I start posting it, I’ll be happy to post a link here on my Tumblr!
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
I’m Alive
Hello all! Not sure if anyone remembers me besides like 3 people...but I’m alive! Have a few updates about me:
I’m in an apartment away from my parents living with my bestfriend/sister and her husband. 
I still have my pet salamander, Salazar! The landlords let me bring her with me and I’m so glad! I was worried I wouldn’t get to because they don’t allow pets, but they don’t consider her a pet under their legal guidelines so I was allowed to bring her. 
My boyfriend/fiance is going to be done with school soon and we’ll finally get to live together. No more long distance! YAY!
I’m drawing again~! I feel like my skills have improved drastically over the last couple months! I post my art on DeviantArt now. If you would like to watch me there, please feel free to ^_^
I don’t know how active I’ll be on here, but I’m going to try and come here more. 
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firefang1331 · 7 years ago
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A little sketch that I did of someone's character. I'm adding it here and on Tumblr as well, just to have it in more than one place! The reference is the second picture.
PLEASE Do not steal my art or the character. The character does NOT belong to me, but the art in the first picture does. If you wish to share, please ask me. Thank you! I was given permission by the OC’s owner to post this on my Tumblr and my Facebook!
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
That quiet little happy “I know” was just so precious and just 100% speaks to my soul XD
Sounds Awesome ✨
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
I wanted to this month so bad but things came up and now I'm so far behind that starting now just feels weird and like there isn't much point to it lol I plan to draw something for Halloween though! So I'll at least do that lol
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Y'all can’t seriously expect me to be productive everyday of the month
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
He has extra...his friend gave him like 3 signs... Damn it... Now waiting for someone come steal this one too... Note to sign thief: He used a ziptie to hold it on a post so bring scissors or a knife!
Someone help me...
My father put a fucking Donald Trump support sign up in our front law while my mother and I were at work.
My mother finds it amusing.
I’m terrified and appalled.
Help me…
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
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are you a stargazing or a cloud watching person? tea or hot chocolate? art gallery or museum?
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
HAHAHAHA!! SOME ONE STOLE THE SIGN!! YES!! HAHA!! That just made my day!! 
Someone help me...
My father put a fucking Donald Trump support sign up in our front law while my mother and I were at work.
My mother finds it amusing.
I’m terrified and appalled.
Help me…
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firefang1331 · 8 years ago
Someone help me...
My father put a fucking Donald Trump support sign up in our front law while my mother and I were at work. My mother finds it amusing. I'm terrified and appalled. Help me...
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firefang1331 · 9 years ago
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What ?!
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firefang1331 · 9 years ago
Me: *loves my friends*
My friends: *love me back*
Me: ??????????????!!?!?!?!?!????????????????!!!!??????????????????????????????????????
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firefang1331 · 9 years ago
Drawing Stream!
Pokemon Themed tonight! Come watch me draw! :D Feel free to stop by, chat and suggest things for me to draw! 
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firefang1331 · 9 years ago
pearl has been shown to be a responsible and law abiding driver. do you think she’s licensed? do you think pearl went to the dmv to get her drivers license? i mean if she’s intent on obeying traffic laws she’d probably care about getting her license fair and square, right? what kind of information is on pearl’s drivers license? she has no full name. she has no birthday. did the beach city dmv just decide there’s no reason to question that because gems are weird and she was deserving of a license anyway? imagine pearl having a wallet and pulling out this card
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firefang1331 · 9 years ago
Mystery Woman: So, this is where you live?
Steven: Yep! Oh, and here's my dad! Dad, this is [MYSTERY WOMAN].
Greg: Uh, hi, my name's Gre-
Pearl: No. *Lifts Greg in the air.* No. *Throws Greg out the front door, into the ocean.* No.
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