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finesaratoga · 2 years ago
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🏊‍♀️ I had an impromptu collaboration with @linzibee815 today designing the home page of my website. I think it looks great! Thank you, Lindsay, for your spontaneous Friday creativity 🤩 (Lindsay is a great graphic designer should you ever need one! 😉)
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finesaratoga · 2 years ago
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Happy Imbolc 🌱 Another turn of the wheel..... Are you celebrating the end of Dry January today? 🍷 #imbolc #imbolcblessings #imbolc2023 #wheeloflife #spring #springisonitsway #newshoots #springtime #dryjanuary #endofdryjanuary #dryjanuary2023 #dryjan #wetfebruary #cheers #
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finesaratoga · 2 years ago
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Last postage dates to receive a lovely swim cap in time for Christmas 🤞🤞📮 #royalmail #getashimmyonpostmanpat #intimeforchristmas #royalmailstrikes #swimmingcaps #swimmingcap #christmasdayswim #christmasshopping #christmaspresents #post #wildswimmers #iceswimming #retro #fareham
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finesaratoga · 2 years ago
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Black Fri-Yay! 10% discount on all orders until late Sunday eve. Enter code BLACKFRIDAY at checkout - (original I know!!) ✅️ Add a few ticks to your Christmas shopping list (or add one of our hats to yours😊) 🏊‍♀️ We have some great gift ideas for the swimmer in your life 🏊‍♂️ Stylish, easy to put on and comfortable to wear swim caps that add a touch of glamour to the pool, river, ocean and lochs 🌊 Perfect for wild swimmers who want to be seen when braving the cooler waters 🌡Wearing a swimming hat also helps to insulate the head and keep water out of the ears ❤️ Wishing you a lovely weekend! #swimmingcaps #swimming #swimcaps #retroswimming #coldwaterswimming #lochswimming #seaswimming #icecold #brrrr #retrovibe #blackfriday #blackfridayshopping #bargainshopper #bargainhunter #christmasshopping #wethairdontcare #wildswimming #wildswimmers #fareham #hillhead #leeonsolent #stokesbay #feelingfunky #lookinggood (at Fareham)
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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Fine Saratoga has been getting quite a bit of press coverage of late. 😃 Today, my hats are featured in The Guardian's 'Saturday' magazine. #theguardian #swimmingcaps #greatbritishsummer #summerholidays #makeasplash #sundaybest #swimcap #retroswimhats #lido #lovetolido #seaswim #beach #beachvibes #finesaratoga #retroswimwear #vintage #vintageswimwear #coldwaterswimming #poolside #poolsideglamour #beachbabe #beachbabes #swimmingwithfriends #swimcapselfie #swimhat #swimhats #lazyweekend #i❤️saturdays (at Fareham)
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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@finesaratoga is a proud stockist of Swim Secure products. My blog this week gives you a deeper insight into them 🔗 in bio #swimsecure #besaferbeseen #wildswimming #openwaterswimming #swimsafe #swimsafety #towfloat #drybag #hiviz #neon #citrus #finesaratoga #solent #fareham #hampshire #swimming #iloveswimming #coldwaterswimming #winterswimming #bluetitschillswimmers #swimmers #swimmersofinstagram #january
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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Shop up until Thursday to receive in time for Christmas! #lastminutechristmasshopping #lastminute #lastminutegifts #christmasshopping #christmas #christmasdayswim #boxingdayswim #coldwaterswimming #iceswimming #seaswimminguk seaswimmingireland #seaswimmingscotland #lochswimming #openwater #openwaterswimming #riverswimming #swimcaps #swimmingcaps #flowerswimhat #happychristmasholidays #happychristmas #changingrobe #changingcoats #thermalswimcaps
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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at Fareham
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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Love it or hate it Black Friday is here. (maybe it should be called Marmite Friday🤔 For the seriously savvy shopers amongst you, Fine Saratoga has got into the spirit of the day and can offer you some lovely Black Friday bargains Or if you don't want to think about Black Friday just head over to the website and brighten up your day by looking at some fancy swimming hats 🤩 #blackfridaysale #blackfriday #savvyshopper #grababargain #swimminghats #retroswimming #wildswimming #seaswimming #bluetits #coldwaterswimming #finesaratoga #supportindependentretailers #independentonlineshops #Marmit (at Fareham)
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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Love it or hate it Black Friday is here. (maybe it should be called Marmite Friday🤔 For the seriously savvy shopers amongst you, Fine Saratoga has got into the spirit of the day and can offer you some lovely Black Friday bargains Or if you don't want to think about Black Friday just head over to the website and brighten up your day by looking at some fancy swimming hats 🤩 #blackfridaysale #blackfriday #savvyshopper #grababargain #swimminghats #retroswimming #wildswimming #seaswimming #bluetits #coldwaterswimming #finesaratoga #supportindependentretailers #independentonlineshops #Marmit (at Fareham)
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finesaratoga · 3 years ago
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Beautiful morning at Stokes Bay today. I'm not swimming at the mo as I've got a deep cut on my leg (don't ask - but no I wasn't drunk 🍷🤣 Thank you Gosport War Memorial Hosp Minor Injuries for looking after me.) Otherwise I'd have been straight in. #healthandsafetyatwork #gosportwarmemorialhospital #nhs #dontletyourlegfightwithafilingcabinetlegwillbeworseoff #stokesbay #alverstoke #mondaymorning #heatwave #seaswimming #britishbeaches #finesaratoga #wildswimminguk (at Stokes Bay Beach)
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
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🦩How to look fabulous when in the water. 🏞 Whether you're going for a river swoosh, a lido lounge, a bob in the sea or just because you can. These flowers turbans from Fashy really are the bees knees 🐝 #flowerswimhat #glamorousswimhats #retroswimhats #glamorousladies #lookgoodonyourriverswoosh #chillswim #swimturban #wishilookedthisgoodinaswimhat #swimming #finesaratoga
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
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☀️A beautiful Summer's evening at @butser_ancient_farm last night. ⭐ Fantastic to see that their dream of Butser Plus has become a reality. Butser really is a very special space and a very worth while visit.We... 🏹Saw flint arrow heads being made, 🦌Learnt from Jo how to tan leather Stone Age style 🧵Made string out of stinging nettles and...even had a go at spear throwing (not to catch our dinner though I hasten to add) 🙏Thank you Butser for a wonderful evening. #butserancientfarm #summersevening #friday13th #stoneage #leathertanning #ironage #spearthrow #string #flint #southdowns #experimentalarchaeology #rarebreeds #oldenglishgoats #wildboar #tamworthpigs (at Butser Ancient Farm)
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
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💧If you're spending a lot of time in and around the water this Summer and still want to have your phone to hand, then these waterproof phone pouches will help keep it protected. 👍Plus they have the added bonus that you can still use your phone whilst it's in the pouch. 👌Perfect for: 🔸️Paddling in the sea and want to get some snaps of the kids 🔸️Taking a selfie when swimming in a new location 🔸️Paddleboarding, canoeing, sailing etc You can even use them for your keys, wallet and cards. #waterproofphonecase #keepyourphonedry #swimmingselfies #seaselfies #seaswimming #wildswimming #phonecases #wetphone #finesaratoga #slowswimming #britishsummer #staycationuk #staycation #britishbeachholiday #funinthewater #finesaratoga
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
A lovely morning swim. I've never seen The Solent so clear! #solent #leeonsolent #solentbluetits #calmstarttotheday #swimoftheday #wildswimming #slowswimming #seaswimming #finesaratoga #wheresthesungone
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
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The @oxfordshireswimbler and I seem to have had a busy week swimming🙈 How times change, although we did manage to put away something fizzy in between 🥂 🏊‍♀️Had a lovely swim in the Hamble on Friday night thanks to @washedupevents. A really great bunch and such a well organised swim.🤩 Thankfully the weather was on our side at last.🌤 ⏰Then somehow we were up at the crack of dawn today and dived straight into a slightly choppy Solent. All finished off with a yummy brunch at @breezescafehillhead 🍳
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finesaratoga · 4 years ago
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A wet,windy and wavy swim today @queenfordlakesowswimming with the @oxfordshireswimbler. 🌞,💨, 🌧 all in quick succession, sometimes all at once 😆 It was like someone switched the 🌊 machine on! (So I definitely had to treat myself to a delicious vegan 🍔 at the Wandering Kitchen afterwards.😉 Yum!) (at Queenford Lakes Open Water Swimming)
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