fighterxred-blog · 12 years
“I was born ready,” he confessed, following after her with Vee following after. It was much different than being at a gym battle or something along those lines. Things inside of the contest hall had a different atmosphere, and it made him somewhat nervous if he was to be honest about it. But with a light smack to the face, he shifted his gaze to Dawn. “Yeah, I’m ready now.”
“…” She wasn’t sure what to say, so she stood quiet and smiled at Red. Breaking the silence, Dawn said, “Lets do our best, together! We might be going against each other, but I hope you do great! I know you’ll be great!” Dawn giggled and dragged Red inside, getting a little impatient. “Wow, I am so excited to go on and do my best! Glace and I will be great, right?” The Glaceon nodded at her and she nodded back. “Red, are you ready?” 
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
He didn’t notice the reactions that Lyra held in regards towards the previous statement. It wasn’t as if he didn’t care for the opposite sex to pick up on signs of their emotional status. But he was a guy who lived for the fight, which was most likely the reason why he was called the Battler. But onto the matter at hand. With his rock-type out and about, its eyes had shifted over towards Lyra and her crow-like pocket monster. If one had looked at Aero from an angle, it might even seem to be holding a smirk of some sort. “Thanks, yours ain’t too shabby as well,” he spoke out whilst rubbing Aero’s neck. 
Honchkrow. It looked to be quite strong, and sturdy. Something that seemed a bit more evident with how she spoke of a race. “A race, huh? Sure, sounds like fun to me,” he confessed with a slight wide grin. Wasting no time at all, Aero had taken up into the air. His claws lowering down to pick up Red by the shoulders and taking off after Lyra. “Hey, there was no countdown!” The male declared with a wide grin. It was a challenge that he never did before. A race with flying creatures, but even so, he had confidence in Aero as he begun to ride the air currents to help make up for their delayed start.
✔ Running Errands { Red & Lyra }
Lyra’s face became a bit flustered at the idea, the girl was probably thinking a bit too much into it. “Umm.. Yeah. That would be great.” She chuckled a bit, waving her hand to calm herself down. Shortly after waving goodbye to the nurse, Lyra followed the trainer out the Pokemon Center. The short girl took a step back, a bit surprised to see his flying Pokemon. “Uwaa. It’s really something.” She chuckled, tilting her head slightly. There was something about the prehistoric Pokemon that kind of scared her, but she didn’t think about it much, after all his trainer was by his side.
“Ah.. It looks like he can fly pretty fast.” Lyra twirled a bit before taking out her own Pokeball. “I’ll ride on my Honchkrow.. Let’s make it a small race to Celadon?” She suggested giving him a big smile. Pressing on the button, she called out the big boss Pokemon. “Hey there big guy.” She giggled, patting his head a bit, “Ready for a little flight?” The Pokemon gave her a quick nod, she then got on his back, placing her arms around his neck. “What was it that Green used’ta say to you when you both were younger? Smell ya later?” She giggled, instructing her Pokemon to take flight. Every so often she took a quick look behind her to see if the older trainer had not fallen to far behind.
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
It was amusing to watch the two behave in such a manner. Cries of joy seemingly seeped out of the maw of the male rodent as they tumbled into a sort of cuddle. Placing his hands within the depths of his pockets, he flashed her a grin as she spoke about herself being good. "I am great as well, just a slight bit bored. Well, guess I should say was, right? What you been up too Yellow?" He questioned, curious on what his fellow dex holder had been up to.
Chuchu gave a small squeal as she reached her partner, almost glomping the other mouse in a fangirl fashion; though at heart Yellow knew she just missed the electric type like she had missed her friend. She brought herself to a halt when the raven greeted her, smiling and nodding her head.
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“I’m good! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you, how have you been?” the blonde asked.
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
"REEEEEED~" The girl smiled as she approached him. "I know this will seem kinda sudden.. But a greyface wanted me'ta do this." She scratched the back of her head slightly before leaning in to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "That will be all~" Lyra turned around and walked away.
"Hmm?" His gaze shifting over towards Lyra as she called out his name. Although the feeling of her lips against his cheek did give him a slight stain of a rosy hue as he watched her walk away. "..."
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
He thought about her words for a moment. "That is true. But then again, I don't know many people yet." He spoke out calmly, his index finger had begun to lightly tap against his chin. His eyes twinkled slightly at her words. Not only the fact that she had spoke about their being other places to battle trainers. But that she was also a trainer. "Heh, maybe we should go to one of those places and battle then. We might even be able to get a double battle going as well!"
“You could just try and find someone to go with… It would probably not be that difficult for you.” She laughed; it would really be a lot more simple that going through the trouble of sneaking in. Maybe he just liked to over complicate things for himself. “There’s plenty of other places where you can battle trainers… Just have to look.” She nodded and smiled, keeping her eyes on the other. “Yeah, I’m a trainer. Still not the best, but I’m working on it!”
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
Noticing his name. The raven haired male shifted his gaze up to notice the blond and her own little electric rodent. Pika wasted no time and running over towards Chuchu as Red waved and followed suit. "Hey there Yellow, how are ya?" He called out.
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“Red!” the blonde called, waving as she made her way over to the raven haired male, Chuchu following her footsteps and looking just as delighted to see the champion.
“Good to see you again!”
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
"Senior Red!" Sapphire jumped up and down in excitement. "I sort of forgot to ask you this the last time we met. Say, if I wanted to challenge the Elite Four, do you have any tips?" she asked hopefully.
"...Senior Red?" Blinking softly, he gazed at the hyper one. Although a with a light chuckle he turned to face her fully. "Any tips for them?" He spoke out before going into a light thinking mode. "Only one I got to say is remain confident in your choices. The moment you begin to doubt yourself, is the moment you lost."
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
You ships Red with who?
I ship Red with Yellow, Blue, and Kasumi.
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
Not sure if I missed anyone or anything, if so, tell me and I'll reply asap. In the mean time, off to get food. :I 
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
"..." Looking at the male's hand, and then the attire the other was sporting, Red couldn't help but feel at unease with the other. "I'm Red, you are?" He questioned, not yet shaking the hand of the other.
fighterxred started following you
‘Ey there kid. Like that hat yer sportin’
He smiles a bit and extends a hand.
What might yer name be then, kid?
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
"Nice to meet you as well!" He declared with a slight smile behind his fake glasses and mustache. 
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fighterxred started following you
Nice to meet you!
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
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"...Goldie?" The words slipped out from between lips as he halted his little path forward. "Name sounds familiar," he spoke out softly but shook his head before returning the wave back towards the other. "Nice to meet you as well, Goldie. The name is Red, how are ya?"
fighterxred started following you
“Oh! Hey there~ The name’s Goldie. Nice too meet ya~” She smiled and waved at the other.
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
M!A: You are now the Pokemon you started with.
"..." Looks at self in reflection of the lake. "I see now."
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
Wh-what would you do if you were up on a mountain w-with only Pokemon to talk to?
I would put together a talent show for all the pokemon to be able to enter or watch! -Nods head.- 
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
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fighterxred-blog · 12 years
“Yeah, nothing worst than when they catch you off-guard too. Like when you think ya out the grass, and then a Rattata just attack you when you almost home free,” he spoke out in a manner that showed he was half joking, yet half serious. But as he thought for a moment more on her words, he could only grin a bit more at his sudden idea. “How ‘bout you visit the springs when we come back? I can show you the way after I drop off my bags,” he spoke out with a rather wide grin. He was sure she would enjoy it, he knew he wasn’t one for springs before, but there was something about it that just helped him feel at ease.
But that was enough about the springs. He needed to remain focus, and with a nod of the head, he got himself back into the mindset. “Alright, let’s do this,” he declared whilst making his way towards the automatic doors as nurse Joy wished them a safe journey. As well as the traditional hope to see you soon speech. He never understood that. Did they want them to come back soon with an injured team? Losing focus. He needed to remain focused for a bit more, it been too long since he had an actual trip with someone. It was different for him, sorta like he was feeling nervous now. 
“Come out Aero!” With a flick of the wrist, the sphere went forward, and the ferocious, prehistoric pocket monster came out. Wings stretched outwards, and a battle-like cry came from its maw as dark green orbs came to reside upon the pair. “Aero, this is Lyra,” he spoke out with a slight motion as if he was introducing a human towards another at a party.
“Wild Pokemon?” Lyra giggled at the thought of wild Pokemon attacking the famous Red while he took a bath, it was definitively something she would have never thought about if someone did not bring it up. “I’ll make sure to check it out the next time I decide to climb Mt. Silver..” She smiled, knowing it probably wouldn’t be soon, the brunette was still scared to face him in battle. 
The girl slouched slightly at the suggestion of walking all the way to Celadon, she did enjoy walking, but with the little sense of direction that she had, they really would most likely  take a while to arrive. Though with Red by her side.. There really wouldn’t be much to worry about. “I think we should fly.. Let our Pokemon spread there wings some.” She giggled once more, taking a Pokeball out of her bag as she followed him.
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