fierygoddess-2 · 8 months
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I’m posting this so that people know that requests are open. I’m not comfortable doing smut maybe sexual references, but not straight up smut so please don’t ask. I write about GoT, HotD, marvel, even some anime. You can ask if I can write about a fandom that I didn’t mention and I’ll see if I can do it.
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fierygoddess-2 · 8 months
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝
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43 notes · View notes
fierygoddess-2 · 8 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊
𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕿𝖜𝖔
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Summary: (Y/n) finally meets Aemond, but it’s not the way you would expect first impressions to go, with a battle. Let’s see what Aemond thinks of the Ice Dragon as they encounter each other more and more. (Sorry I suck at summaries)
Warnings: Fighting, Weapons, Character Death, Slight Sexual Reference, Aegon is a warning in itself (Let me know if I missed anything)
A/n: I’m so excited to add Aemond more into this story. Thank you everyone for liking this story and I hope you stay as this journey continues. Also thank my friend who threatened to steal my dog if I didn’t continue this series :D
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Your fierce icy eyes stared deep into Aemonds dull blue ones as you studied his movements. As you did that, it gave him the opportunity to study your features. From your (h/c) dreads that were in a half up and half down style. To your sun-kissed skin where if he looked close enough he could see a faint scar that ran from the top of your seemingly plump lips to your chin. Then Aemond went to your eyes and he couldn’t help but be captivated by them.
How could your blue eyes look so cold, but hold so much fire in them.
The fire in your eyes made many who stood before you turn to ash from a single glance, but for Aemond it was different. When he stared into your eyes all he wanted to do was play with the fire, as if the flames were his only source of life and happiness.
Aemond was distracted by you, which you noticed and allowed you to make your move. “You left yourself open.”
You dashed forward and sliced your sword at his neck, but he managed to parry your attack in the nick of time. But, what caught him off guard next was when you pushed his sword to the side with your own sword and turned your body swiftly around while grabbing his arms. As you caught his arms you tossed his sword across the training ground with your own sword nearly piercing someone. Now Aemond was caught in your vice grip and weaponless with your sword aimed above his neck.
“It looks like I’ve won One-Eye.” You whisper into his ear with a small smirk on your face.
Aemond didn’t know what to think. He should be angry by getting beaten by a girl in front of nobles, but also in front of his nephews that he despised with every fiber of his being. He should be angry at the name you called him by. But, he didn’t feel embarrassed or even angry.
No. What Aemond felt at that moment as he laid trapped was the feeling of fascination, of curiosity. He honestly had no clue why he was feeling this, let alone with someone he met today, but you were an enigma to him and all he wanted to do was figure you out. ‘To figure out the enemy’ was what he told himself, but deep down he felt that that wasn’t the full truth.
After a minute or two you finally let Aemond go and sheathed your blade. You looked at Aemond, ready to say something, but a guard had silenced you when he ordered someone to open the gate. Everyone’s attention shifted towards the gates and what you saw made you grip the hilt of your sword tightly, making your knuckles turn white, which didn’t go unnoticed by Aemond.
The flags of house Valeryon stood tall as the man that you wish to meet the side of your blade stood in the center. As Vaemond Valeryon and his guards walked up towards the castle gates he stared at Luke, which caused you to move next to him. Vaemond shifted his gaze towards your piercing blue eyes and was visibly shaken, but he quickly composed himself and looked away from you as he went through the Red Keep’s gate.
After a few minutes of you glaring at the gates, you turned towards Luke and Jace. “Let’s go. We should explore more of the castle.” You say trying to ease the tension that grew when Vaemond appeared. They nodded there heads and followed you inside, what also followed you was Aemonds stare as you walked away with your brothers.
“What an interesting creature you are, Ice Dragon.” Aemond whispered.
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After exploring the Red Keep with Luke and Jace for a while, you decide to split from them and explore the castle on your own for a little. You walked the halls of the great castle until you found yourself in the castle’s courtyard. That’s when you noticed three figures standing by the Godswood. As you got closer you realized that one of the figures was your mother, Rhaenyra. The other two were, “Princess Rhaenys. Rhaena.”
The two women turned to you and smiled. “(Y/n)!” Rhaena ran up to you and gave you a tight hug. You hugged her back with the same amount of force.
“I’ve missed you.” Rhaena sighed.
You broke the hug and placed both of your calloused hands on her shoulders as you chuckled, “You saw me just this morning.”
The two of you smiled at each other before your eyes drifted to her grandmother who was smiling at the way you two were.
“It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you Princess Rhaenys. How is Prince Corlys faring? “ You walked up to her and gave her a hug which she gladly returned.
Once she pulled away from the embrace she responded, “What have I told you about calling me Grandmother. Corlys would wish you to call him Grandfather. You are family to us, blood or not.” Her tone made her seem like there was no disagreeing with her. Rhaenys then sighed softly before speaking once more, “Corlys is doing better now than he was before. All he needs is rest.”
“That’s good to hear, Grandmother. I pray that Grandfather heals fast so that he may sail the seas once more with Sea Snake.” You shared a smile with your grandmother before Rhaenyra clears her throat to get everyone’s attention. You could tell there was tension between your mother and grandmother.
“Might I speak to the Princess alone, Rhaena and (y/n)?” Rhaenyra asked.
You nodded your head at your mother before holding out your arm for Rhaena to grab, which she gladly did by linking her arm with yours. You two bid farewell and headed back inside the castle.
As you walk down a series of corridors with Rhaena in your arm, you could help but bask in the silence that enveloped the two of you. You missed Rhaena, your sister, it has been some moons since you got to properly speak to her with all your training getting in the way. You and her had many things to talk about, but in the silence is where you truly understood each other and in reality silence is also conversation.
You honestly felt at peace after being without it for so long. But it wasn’t long until the peaceful silence was soon filled with a Rhaena’s soothing voice.
“I heard from some of the maids and nobles that the Ice Dragon had beaten Prince Aemond in a sparring match.” Her smile soon turned into a smirk.
You chuckled, “Yes I did. He left himself vulnerable during the spar and was easy to defeat. He looked to be a good opponent when he was fighting one of the Kings Guard, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Well anyone who fights you is sure to meet their end quickly.” You gave Rhaena a loving smile that seemed to brighten your vibrant blue eyes. “If not by your blade than by your eyes and I think Aemond’s end was the latter.”
You pondered the thought before you hummed, “Maybe. But sooner or later my fire will turn him to ash as they inevitably do.”
“Maybe. Or he might play with your fire instead.”
You looked at Rhaena with a small smile, “Isn’t that a thought. Time would surely tell.” Then you two slowly walked towards Rhaena’s chambers and you bid her a goodnight before making your way to your bed chambers for the night.
Once you got settled for bed you had one thought that stuck with you. ‘Someone to play with my fire.’
“That would be a first.” You whispered to yourself before succumbing to the world of sleep.
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You stood with your family in the throne room, clad in the same leather armor that your mother had gifted you a few days prior, with your sword securely sheathed on your non-dominant sides hip. Your (h/c) dreads were pulled up back, which your mother keeps telling you brought out more of your features. Aemond seemed to agree with your mother because he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful your face was, from your cheekbones, to your lips, and your eyes. Even though you were across the room from him, all he could see was stare at you from across the room like you were the only one there. He felt a weird feeling in his chest. This feeling felt so foreign to him, felt strange, but he liked the feeling that he got every time he saw you.
‘But what is this feeling.’ Aemond thought to himself. This feeling had him on the edge and he was determined to find out just what this feeling was no matter what. He was soon taken out of his thoughts when his grandfather spoke.
“Though it is the great hope of this court that Lord Corlys Velaryon survive his wounds. We gather her with the grim task of dealing with the succession of Driftmark. As Hand, I speak with the King’s voice on this and all other matters. The crown will now hear the petitions. Ser Vaemond of House Velaryon.” Otto Hightower finished speaking and gave the floor to Vaemond. Your attention was then focused on the mentioned man as you glared at him as he looked at your family, but Luke took most of the heat of his stare.
There was a steady pause before Vaemond turned to Alicent Hightower, “My Queen,” He then turned to Otto, “My Lord Hand. The history of our noble houses extend beyond the seven kingdoms to the days of Old Valyria. For as long as House Targaryen has ruled the skies, House Velaryon has ruled the seas.” You sigh before muttering under your breath, “Aōha drēje dīnagon iksos naejot sagon se līve hen embar.” (Your rightful place is to be the whore of the sea). Rhaena and Daemon seemed to have heard you because a small chuckle was heard from her and a small smile appeared on Aemonds face, which they both lowered their heads to hide. It went unnoticed however as Vaemond continued on with his speech, “I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother’s seat. I am Lord Corlys’s closests kin, his own blood. The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.”
Vaemond was soon cut off by your mother, Rhaenyra, “As it does in my sons, the offspring of Leanor Velaryon. If you cared so much about your house’s blood, Ser Vaemond, you would not be so bold as to supplant its rightful heir. No, you only speak for yourself and for your own ambition.”
“You will have chance to make your own petition, Princess Rhaenyra.” Queen Alicent cut in, “Do Ser Vaemond the courtesy of allowing his to be heard.”
You grabbed your mother’s hand, which she gladly took, as you looked over at Queen Alicent. As you looked over, you noticed Aemond’s eye trained on you, it made you feel uneasy, but you slowly looked forward. Completely ignoring his stared, which caused an unsettling fire to burn in his chest, but he intended to ignore it for now.
Vaemond was now completely turned towards your family. He had a small smile on his face that you wished to punch off of him, but you held yourself as much as you could. “What do you know of Velaryon blood, Princess? I could cut my veins and show it to you and you still wouldn’t recognize it.”
‘I would gladly cut your veins for you.’ You thought as you tightened your hold on Rhaenyra’s hand.
“This is about the future and survival of my house, not yours.” It didn’t go unnoticed when he looked at Luke, but if looks could kill Vaemond would be burned by the intensity of your glare. Vaemond noticed your stare and felt uncomfortable and scared on what laid behind it. He quickly turned around and addressing the Queen and the Lord Hand. “This is a matter of blood, not ambition. I place the continuation of the survival of my house and my line above all. I humbly put myself before you as my brother’s successor…the lord of Driftmark and the Lord of the Tides.”
“Thank you Ser Vaemond.” Otto thanked Vaemond before calling up Rhaenyra to the center to speak.
“If I am to grace this farce with some answer, I will start by reminding the court that nearly 20 years ago, in this very—” Every turned to look at the opening doors to see who interrupted the proceedings, but when they noticed who it was everyone shocked.
“King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.” One of Kings Guard announced.
You were shocked to say the least. You were told that the King would be bed ridden, but here he was trying his best to walk to the throne. This was your first time ever seeing the King and you were told and heard many rumors about his illness, but you never thought that he would look this bad. Barely able to walk and had a golden mask covering his face, which you could only assume was to hide how much his face had decayed, from what you heard from your family.
Everyone continued to watch in mild shock as the King continued his trek to his throne. From the corner of your eye you could see how shocked Vaemond was to see his presence, as he looked at Otto and Alicent Hightower. You smirked knowing that whatever plan they had conjured up was now going up in glorious flames.
Once King Viserys made it to the steps of the throne where Otto lay standing, he turned to speak to his Lord Hand, “I will sit the throne today.”
“Your Grace.” Otto acknowledged his King
As King Viserys tried to get up the steps, one of his guards came up to help him, “I’m will be fine. I will be fine.” He wanted to be strong in front of his people, but that was proving to be hard as he struggled to climb up the stairs to his throne.
You watched as your father moved from his place beside you to help his brother. Daemon may seem ruthless, violent and many other things, but he does care about his family even though others might not see it. Even after all that has happened between the two, Daemon still cared about his older brother. It brought a small smile to your face when you saw your father place Viserys’ fallen crown back onto his head before he walked back down towards your family. Once he stood back by you, you patted his arm, “Ao gaomagon emagon nykeā caring paktot.” (You do have a caring side) You said trying to ease the tension and it worked when Daemon gave you a small smile.
The small semblance of ease was broken when King Viserys started talking to the court, bringing you back to what was at hand, Jace’s succession to Driftmark.
“I must…admit…my confusion.” King Viserys hoarse and breathy voice traveled around the room. “I do not understand why petitions are being heard over a settled succession. The only one present…who might offer keener insight into Lord Corlys’s wishes is the Princess Rhaenys.”
Everyone turned to look at Princess Rhaenys, who you were glad was able to finally speak her mind about the whole thing. “Indeed, Your Grace.” Rhaenys stepped into the center of the room to finally give her remarks. “It was ever my husband’s will that Driftmark pass through Ser Leanor to his true-born son…Lucerys Velaryon.”
When Rhaenys said that Luke is the rightful heir to Driftmark, you slowly moved to stand next to Luke and once you were next to him you grabbed his hand in pure happiness. This didn’t go unnoticed by Aemond. Who felt the strange, foreign feeling in his chest as he stared at you and Luke’s conjoined hands, wished for nothing but to take his dagger and slice his nephew in the eye as retribution for his lost one. But, also for being near you.
“His mind never changed. Nor did my support of him.” Rhaenys continued on, “As a matter of fact, the Princess Rhaenyra has just informed me of her desire to marry her sons Jace and Luke to Lord Corlys’s granddaughters, Baela and Rhaena. A proposal to which I heartily agree.” You were shocked at the proposal as was everyone else, but you were pleased to know that your family would be united.
“Well…the matter is settled. Again. I hereby reaffirm Prince Lucerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides.” King Viserys announced. You could tell that some people didn’t like the settlement, but you didn’t care what they thought. All you cared about was that your brother got what was and is rightfully his. But Ser Vaemond couldn’t agree to that.
If only he had kept his mouth shut and had not uttered the words that he would soon say, he probably wouldn’t have met his end.
“You break law…” Ser Vaemond spoke to the King, “and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir. Yet you dare tell me…who deserves to inherit the name Velaryon. No. I will not allow it.” You let go of your brothers hand as you slowly put it on the handle of your blade.
“‘Allow it’? Do not forget yourself, Vaemond.” King Viserys warned him. But he did not heed his warning as he turned and pointed at Luke and shouted, “That is no true Velaryon, and certainly no nephew of mine!”
Rhaenyra pushed Luke towards the doors, “Go to your Chambers. (Y/n) go with him.” She stated, but you were to furious to listen. The fire you possessed now burning within you. Rhaenyra soon turned back to Vaemond, “You have said enough.”
“Lucerys is my true-born grandson. And you…are no more than the second son of Driftmark.”
“You…may run your house as you see fit…but you will not decide the future of mine. My house survived the Doom and a thousand tribulations besides. And gods be damned…” Vaemond turned towards your brother again as he uttered his next words, “I will not see it ended on the account of this—” He paused before he said the dreaded word. That was until Daemond spoke in a soft, but menacing tone, “Say it.” Vaemond glared at him and it became utterly silent.
Then you’re sweet, but venomous voice broke through the silence. “Go on. Say it.” As Vaemond broke eye contact with Daemon and turned his attention towards you, your flaming blue eyes immediately started burning into him, slowly turning him to ash where he stood. The people in the room waited in anticipation as this scene unfolded. Vaemond’s eyes didn’t leave yours when spoke, “Her children…” he paused before shouting, “are bastards!” The words echoed throughout the room. If you weren’t angry before well now you’re furious. He had awoken the dragon that laid deep within you. He back was now turned to you as he spoke his next words.
“And she…is…a whore.” The crowd gasped as he boldly announced that the King’s daughter was a harlot. King Viserys slowly got up from his throne and pulled out a dagger, “I…will have your tongue for that.”
Nobody had realized that you slowly made your way to Ser Vaemond and when they did it was too late. Your sword had moved through the air and sliced half of his face clean off. Finally ending his sorry excuse for a life. His body now laid motionless on the floor. Some of his blood had splashed onto your face, but you didn’t care you wipe it off. You wiped his disgusting blood off your sword with your arm before sheathing it once more.
All of the people in attendance gasped and covered their eyes as they witnessed the murder of Ser Vaemond Velaryon, but many people expected this as he did denigrate the King’s daughter and grandsons.
“He could keep his tongue.” You smirk as you stare at his body.
The guards soon surrounded you with their swords drawn. One of the guards shouted, “Disarm her!”
“No need.” You sauntered back over to your family, not before catching Aemond’s intense stare. You smirk up at him and then turn around to look at your family, who were giving you different degrees of expressions, but they were all grateful to you for ending that despicable man’s life.
Aemond however was still staring at you even after you turned away. You kept surprising him every time he saw you. He would think that he had an understanding about you, but you proved him wrong every time. He was now attracted to you more than ever now, not just by your beauty but by your fierce personality. How you both powerful and violent, but so magnificent.
He needed to talk to you, be near you. He didn’t care about you being an enemy to his family. All he wanted now was to in your presence. Aemond hadn’t realized how deep he fell into the flames, your flames at that very moment. But he didn’t burn. Oh no, he would be the one to play with it and you would let him.
“She’s the one that defeated you in a duel, my dear brother?” Aemond’s brother Aegon spoke. “I must say, she looks utterly beautiful. I wonder what it would feel like to have her in my bed while she moans my name and have her lips wrapped around my—” Before Aegon could finish his sentence, Aemond spoke, “She’d probably kill where you stand.” Aegon could hear the frustration in his brother’s voice.
“Is my brother angry. Does my brother finally want a woman now.” Aegon teased his brother. Aemond tried to ignore him, which proved to hard for him, but then he heard his sister Helaena, who still had her ears covered, whisper something that confused him.
“The warriors flame will soon merge with another flame. They will forever be tangled.”
Aemond knew his sister said unusual things, but he couldn’t help but think that what she just said revolved around you, especially with the way Helaena glanced over at you. He wanted to ask his sister what she meant, but his focus was soon on his father who was groaning badly.
“Call the maesters!” Alicent ran over to her husband.
“Father?” Rhaenyra stepped away from her family and stood at the bottom of the steps to the Iron Throne.
Alicent grabbed her husband to try and move him and had asked him to take something for his pain, but he refused to do so. Soon one of his guards and a maester took him out of the room probably to his bed chambers to rest. You then walked over to your mother to comfort her. You held your mother’s hand and soon led her out of the room with the rest of your family following behind.
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You sit in your bed chambers playing a game of chess to pass the time until the maid that you were talking to earlier comes back. The maids name was Emmalina and she was a sweet girl that liked to talk. She had mentioned how in awe she was when she heard that you had not only for defeating Prince Aemond in a duel, but for killing Ser Vaemond. Emmalina had said to you that she had wished to be like you, a beautiful and fearless woman, but she was stuck being a maid.
You thought of how young she had looked. Being no more than six and ten years old. She was younger than you and was being forced to work, but she still had that innocence to her that you hoped would stay. The two of you talked for a while until she left to go get some hot water for your bath, since you still had some of Vaemond’s blood on you.
It has been a while since she had left and you had wondered what was keeping her. You were about to get up and search for her until there was a knock on your door. You got up to answer the door, “I was wondering what took you so—” You finally were able to see who was behind the door and it wasn’t Emmalina.
“And what do I owe the pleasure, One-Eye?”
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fierygoddess-2 · 9 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊
𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝕺𝖓𝖊
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Summary: Princess Rhaenyra and her family return to King’s Landing. The little girl, (y/n), is now a fierce warrior. What happens when Prince Aemond looks into her icy blue flames for the first time.
Warnings: Fighting, Weapons
A/n: Thank you for reading the first part of my fanfic. I hope you like the official start to the story. Don’t worry, Aemond is in this one. The picture up top is what your armor is supposed to look like. Also, I’m not good with describing fighting scenes so bear with me and I’m using a translator for the High Valyrian so some of the text might be wrong.
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It has now been six years since Princess Rhaenyra decided to call you her own. In those six years you have grown into a fine woman. The promise that you made years ago has also formed you into a fierce warrior.
The day that you were brought into the Targaryen family, Daemon saw the fire in your eyes and decided to train you in the art of combat. You even sailed with Lord Corlys until he was unfortunately hurt. Now, you are a legend among many. Known as the “Ice Dragon” because of your eyes, which they say burns a thousand men with one glance.
In those six years, you have also grown close to Jacaerys, Lucerys, Rhaena, and Baela. You always trained in both dragon riding and combat with Jace and Luke. With Rhaena and Baela, you spent your time studying High Valyrian and reading many books. They saw you as their older sister and you saw them as your younger siblings. They were your family, the ones you hold close to your heart and you would protect them with your life.
The little ones: Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys were attached to your hip. They followed you wherever you went and you did almost everything with them. They loved you and you loved them.
The days that you loved the most was when you went dragon riding. Even if it was with Jace, Luke, Rhaena, or Baela, you loved feeling the wind in your hair and the adrenaline you got when riding. This was a time where you truly felt like a Targaryen.
You are the dragon rider of Vermithor. The day that you became the rider of Vermithor was one of the greatest days of your life. It had only been a few months since you were brought into the Targaryen family and that day you went with Daemon to the caves were the dragons stayed to get some eggs for Viserys and Aegon. As you were walking around the caves you heard the loudest roar. It scared you half to death and when Daemon saw your petrified face he chuckled.
“Follow me.” Daemon grabbed your arm towards the direction of the roar.
You could do nothing, but let Daemon pull you. As he pulled you, you began to notice how the lights that reflected off the cave walls began to dim. Noticing this made you realize that you were going further into the cave and soon you got to a point where you couldn’t see anything in front of you except for the torch that Daemon was carrying. The point of no return. Once he let go of your arm, you began to inspect the cave. It was eerily quiet, which confused you because you assumed that this was where the loud roar came from and knew that something huge was lurking in the curtains of pitch darkness. You looked toward Daemon who was looking at the sea of darkness as if he was waiting for someone or…something.
“What are we d—” You were interrupted by Daemon turning to you with his index finger on his lips.
Then Daemon began to place the torch on the floor, but what confused you the most was that he began singing a song that was in High Valyrian, a language that you were currently studying. You didn’t know exactly what he was saying, but you loved how beautiful the song sounded. It made you feel calm in a place that was meant to bring out fear.
As Daemon was singing, you began to hear noises coming from deep within the cave. Curiosity got the better of you and you began to move closer to the edge in order to see what was hiding behind the darkness. Then flames lit up the cave making you to jump back and causing you to crash into Daemon.
Daemon held onto your shoulders, keeping you in place to stare at the huge dragon in front of you. Your breathing intensified as you stared at it. You’ve never seen a dragon this large before. Daemon continued to sing the song, but quietly this time as the dragon was staring at you and him. The dragon growled in your face causing you to close your eyes and your (h/c) dreads to fly back a little.
When it finally got quiet, you slowly opened your eyes and noticed how close the dragon had gotten towards you. You can basically feel the dragons breath on your face. Your flaming blue eyes stared right back at the dragon’s flaming amber eyes. The burning flames of blue vs. the burning flames of amber. You were so entranced that you didn’t notice that you were slowly walking towards the dragon. Your hand slowly reached out towards the dragon like it had a mind of its own. This movement caused the dragon to flinch away. You faltered just a bit, but you to back control of your body and reached your hand out again with more determination and slowly placed your sweaty hands on his nose, and he seemed to let you. You smiled knowing that a connection was born. Your blue flames won over the amber flames and they soon came together to create twin flames. Bound together and to never be separated.
Daemon smiled as he stared at you and the dragon. To him you were now fully a Targaryen, even if you weren’t a Targaryen by blood, he still saw you as family; as his daughter. He saw the fire burning in your eyes since the day he met you and he would do anything to keep it burning. You were like one of his daughters and he smiled knowing that you were on your way towards greatness, even if you didn’t know it yet.
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“Ivestragī’s jikagon arlī lenton, Vermithor!” (Let’s head home now, Vermithor!)
Vermithor soared through the clear blue sky back to Dragonstone. You looked up at the clear blue sky and closed your eyes as the wind blew your (h/c) dreads behind you. When you are flying Vermithor you felt like you were closer to your birth mother. It’s been six years since her death and it still hurts, but now you have a bigger family that you’re apart of and you couldn’t be happier.
“Love you mom.” You whispered into the wind hoping that she could hear you.
Then you opened your eyes to see that you were finally back home. A small smile graced your face as you looked at the castle that you have called home for as long as you could remember. You then grabbed onto the Vermithor’s reins and guided him down to the platform where all the dragon tamer’s are. When you landed you were greeted by one of the dragon tamer’s. The dragon tamer was a man in his late 50s and you knew him ever since you got Vermithor so you could say that you were friends.
“Nyke assume aōha kipagon istan sȳrī, issa riñnykeā.” (I assume your ride went well, my lady)
You finally climbed down from Vermithor’s long ladder before replying with a smirk, “Ao assumed paktot se skoros emagon nyke ivestretan ao bē calling issa bona.” (You assumed right and what have I told you about calling me that). You have told everyone about using formal terms when addressing you, but they all tend to address you formally anyway.
“Anyway emagon ao ūndegīon se dārilaros se dārilaros?”(Anyway have you seen the Prince and Princess?) You asked as you took off your riding gloves and stuffing them into your riding pants.
“Kessa. Dārilaros daemon iksis isse se caves trying naejot jiōragon syraxes zaldrīzes drōma. Mōrī nyke ryptan dārilaros rhaenyra iksin isse se sombāzmion.” (Yes. Prince Daemon is in the caves trying to get Syraxes dragon eggs. Last I heard Princess Rhaenyra was in the castle).
You nodded your head before responding, “Kirimvose. I’m jāre naejot jikagon find se dārilaros. Mazverdagon sure mazemā care hen vermithor syt nyke.” (Thank you. I’m going to go find the princess. Make sure you take care of Vermithor for me). You patted Vermithor on his neck, which got you a big huff in response, before walking off to go find your mother.
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After changing into your armor you walked around the castle trying to find any of your family members. It took you a while to find anyone, but when you walked into the War room, you were met with your sibling Jace who was learning High Valyrian and little Joffrey who was reading with a maid.
“The conqueror and his sisters sailed with a great army.”
“Se Blakuata Rasho dranot vilinio viartis.” Maester Gerardys spoke in High Valyrian.
“And landed at the Blackwater Rush.” Jace replied back.
“Dranot.” You said as you walked down the stairs towards Jace. Jace kept repeating the word as he tried to figure out what it meant. “At the end?”
You shook your head now and said, “The mouth.”
“Mouth! Ah, come on Jace, you knew that.” Jace put himself down after getting the word wrong. “Jace it’s fine if you get the word wrong from time to time.” You placed your hand on his shoulder to comfort him. “Perhaps you should take a break for now.” Jace walked away from your touch and turned to you like you said the most absurd thing in the world.
“No, no. I-I want to keep going.” He then turned to the Maester and had him keep going.
“Guesi misenakson Aegon undas.”
“Aegon…ordered that the trees should be…killed.” He looked at you for confirmation. “No, it’s felled. They are related words.” Jace’s face fell after you said that he was wrong. All he wants to do is live up to the Targaryen name, but he can’t even determine the difference between two words. “Jace you can’t expect to learn High Valyrian in a day. It took me a few months before I could understand just a bit of the language. What makes you think you can learn it in a few mere hours.” You spoke to Jace hoping you could make him understand.
“A king should honor the traditions of his forbears.” Jace countered. Before you could reply back, a new voice broke through the room.
“Well…unless you’re planning to depose your own mother, you have plenty of time to study.” There stood Princess Rhaenyra as she held her pregnant belly. You and Jace were shocked to see her there since she didn’t alert anyone to her presence.
After a minute of complete silence in the room, you walk over to Rhaenyra and hugged her softly to not hurt her or the unborn babe. Once you released her from your hold you placed your slender fingers on her stomach. “How are you and my unborn sibling feeling, mother?”
“You needn’t worry too much about us, my ice dragon. We are doing well.” Rhaenyra replied while placing her warm hands over your hand.
“I am your sworn protector so I should worry.” You two stared at each before the sound of a door opening and closing forced you to turn away towards the noise. The new person that entered the room was Prince Daemon who was covered head to toe in soot from the caves. After Rhaenyra saw who it was she told everyone to leave so that she could talk to her husband in private. You looked at Daemon with a smile which he returned before you left to go train.
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You flew over the ship that was carrying your family. You decided to fly on Vermithor instead of riding with the rest of your family because you wanted to get a better view than you would on the ship.
The day that you found out that you and your family would be going to King’s Landing shocked you to say the least. Daemon was the one to tell the news. He had found you battling another knight in the training grounds. His presence caused the knight who you were battling and others who were watching to bow. Daemon used this opportunity to take the place of the knight and become your new challenger. This wouldn’t be your first time fighting him, he was the one that trained you in the arts of battle since you became a Targaryen.
You smirked before getting into your stance and gripping your sword with a light, but firm grip. Both of your steel broadsword’s seemed to glisten in the sunlight as you two circled each other waiting for the other to deal the first strike. Next thing you knew Daemon lunged forward, his blade sliced the air just inches from reaching your face, but you swiftly dodged to the side and swung your blade to meet with his. The clang of your locked swords rang throughout the grounds. This moment caused you to block out everything and everyone. Your sole focus was on this fight and this fight alone. The drive to fight had caused you to push Daemon’s sword away and feint a high attack, which he dodged, but when you quickly struck low it caught him off guard, but only for a split second and he parried your attack. His parry had caused you to stumble and with this moment of weakness Daemon disarmed you and kicked you back causing you to fall. Daemon went to place is sword on your neck in victory, but you quickly rolled to the side and found your way to your knees. While on your knees you reached into your boot and quickly pulled your dagger named Thorn, which was gifted to you by none other than Daemon himself. The smirk on Daemon’s face when he saw the glint of the small dagger in your hand was not only in mischief, but also in approval. You got up from the floor and got back into your battle stance. Daemon swept his sword to your face which caused you to duck, but you didn’t a move that Daemon didn’t expect. You kicked your leg out and tripped him causing him to crash to the floor. You then quickly got on top of him and placed your dagger on his neck in victory.
“You did good my ice dragon.” Daemon smiled with a mocking tone when he said the nickname.
“Well I did learn from the best.” You got up and pulled him off of the ground. Once he was up you quickly embraced him in a hug, which he greatly returned. When you two finished hugging you looked up at him with a questioning look. “So what are you really here for father. Surely you didn’t come here just to spar with me.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Always the perceptive one. I taught you well.” Daemon sighed before continuing, “We are leaving to King’s Landing the day after next.”
“What? Why?”
“Ser Vaemond has called into question Lucerys’ legitimacy and is taking the title as Lord of Driftmark away from him.”
You were filled with new found anger at the thought of Ser Vaemond taking something that was rightfully Lucerys’. You have meet Ser Vaemond a handful of times and on each occasion you could see the hatred that he held for anyone who wasn’t a Velaryon. So it wasn’t a total surprise when Daemon said that Vaemond wished to take control over Driftmark. Daemon saw the anger flash in your eyes and placed both hands on your shoulders, “This is why we must go to King’s Landing in order to put a stop to this treachery.” Without saying another word you nodded your head.
Now back to the present, you could see the huge castle in the distance. You decided to go ahead of the ship in order to leave Vermithor at the dragonpit and meet your family at the castle gates. Before going to the dragonpit you decide to fly above the buildings as Vermithor roared in order to alert everyone of the arrival of the Targaryen family (Blacks).
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After a while of making your way through the town, you finally made it to the castle gates. You made it just on time to see your families carriage make it through the gates.
“All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort Prince Daemon Targaryen.” You saw a knight as he announced both your mother and father.
Once the carriage stopped you saw your mother open the door and you ran over to help her get down, which she smiled at you in thanks. Rhaenyra looked you over and noticed that you changed out of the regular armor that you ware and into the clothes that she had given to you the day before they left to King’s Landing. Rhaenyra specifically had it made to fit you perfectly and she could see that it fit you well. It made Rhaenyra smile to see how much her little dragon has grown into a fierce woman.
As you stood in the courtyard you noticed that there was barely any one to greet the royal family. The silence was deafening to your ears. “Do they not know how to formally greet people?” You said under your breath.
Your family stood in the center of the grounds waiting for anyone to welcome them to the castle. It took a few minutes before the huge castle doors opened and a man that looked to be around his late 50s walked out. He proceeded to walk over to you and your family before bowing and grabbing onto your mother’s hands. This caused you to place your hand on top of your sheathed blade. This movement didn’t go unnoticed by Rhaenyra and to ease your worries she gave you a small smile before turning back to the man in front of her.
You notice that your mother felt comfortable with the strange man so you slowly took your hand off your blade’s handle, but still remained alert if he were to try anything.
The man glanced at you, but turned his full attention back on to Rhaenyra. “Welcome back, princess.”
“Lord Caswell.” Rhaenyra responded.
After there exchanging, the man ,Lord Caswell, brought your family into the castle. Once going inside you were astonished by the architecture. It seemed dark and dreary when you first stepped inside, but you could see the hidden beauty that was lurking beneath. You were finally brought out of your thoughts by Jace grabbing your arm.
“Come on (y/n). Me and Lucerys are going to the training grounds.”
“Wow I’ve never seen you this about training before.Have the god’s finally answered my prayers.” You chuckled.
Jace glared at you, “Let’s go.” He pulled you as you and Luce laughed at him.
You three wandered the castle for a while before you heard the familiar sound of swords clashing.
“It’s smaller than I remember.” Luke said
“It looks exactly the same.” Jace replied to his brother
“I like our training ground at home better.” You sighed.
“Ah, (y/n) and Luke, come on.” Jace ran down the stairs while you and Luke followed behind him. You looked around at all the fighting men. You noticed that some noble men and women were in the training ground as well and stared at all three of you. They whispered things about you three, but you didn’t really care about what they thought as you walked to a table with weapons of all kinds on it.
Jace ran over to a part of the wall that had a big chip in it. “See? I told you this would still be here. And you thought you could swing Criston’s morningstar.” He teased Luke. “And you almost took your own head off.” You smiled and shook your head at there conversation before looking back at the weapons with your brothers.
Luke turned around and noticed to old noble couple whispering while looking at you guys. You and Jace caught on to his discomfort, but before you could say anything, Jace spoke, “What’s your problem?”
“Everyone’s staring at us.”
“Well let them stare. They have nothing better to do with their miserable lives, but talk about others.” You told Luke.
“Yeah, but no one would question me being heir to Driftmark…if…if I looked like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong.” Luke whispered.
Your eyes immediately darted to his and you placed your hand delicately on his chin so that he was looking only at you. “It does not matter what they think. You are a Targaryen and will be no matter what.” You and Luke stayed in that position until the cheering of the crowd made you change focus. Intrigued, you three walked over to the circling crowd that were watching a sword fight. The crowd gasped every time the one with the silver hair got hit, but you drowned out the crowd as you picked apart the battle. You loved to watch others fight in order to analyze what the people are doing wrong or right. The crowd applauded after the blonde won his battle with his sword to his opponents neck. You thought that the blonde was good, but you knew that you were better. You looked over the blonde and noticed that he had an eye patch on his left eye, which you thought gave him some character.
He didn’t look like anyone special until you heard his opponent say, “Well done, my Prince. You’ll be winning tourneys in no time.”
‘Ah so he must be Prince Aemond that Jace and Luke warned me about.’
“I don’t give a shit about tourneys.” He said back to him, but he wasn’t even looking at him but at Jace and Luke. But then his eyes wandered to yours. Icy blue eyes meet with pale blue eyes. He stared at you for an uncomfortably long time before he shifted his eyes back on to your brothers.”
“Nephews…have you come to train?
Your brothers remain quiet as they stared at their uncle. Luke looked more tense when he looked at his uncle. You knew of what happened six years ago with the two, so you were more on guard as Aemond stared menacingly at Luke. You decided to step in front of your brothers and block Aemonds’ view of them.
“And who might you be?” You could tell that Aemond was analyzing every detail about you.
“I am (y/n) Targaryen. Adopted daughter of princess Rhaenyra and prince Daemon. You may also know me as the Ice Dragon.” The gasps and whispers of the crowd began to get louder as you introduced yourself. After the crowds incessant talking subsided, Aemond spoke, “Ah, I finally get to meet the Ice Dragon that I’ve heard so much about. Since my lovely nephews aren’t going to spar, why don’t you take their place.” His tone conveyed to you that no wasn’t going to be an answer even though you weren’t going to back down from a good spar anyway. “That would be lovely.” You replied back. Before you could take a step towards Aemond someone grabbed your arm. When you turned around you realized that it was Luke. “Be careful.” You could hear the worry in his tone. “Don’t worry everything will be fine.” You gave him a small smile before walking up to Aemond who was staring at you the whole time. You then unsheathed your sword and got into your stance with a smirk on your face. Icy blue eyes pierced through dull blue eyes. Then the battle commenced.
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fierygoddess-2 · 2 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖗’𝖘 𝕱𝖑𝖆𝖒𝖊
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Summary: Princess Rhaenyra meets a girl who is crying on the floor. Who is she and why is she crying?
Pairing: Aemond x Black Warrior!Reader
Warnings: None
A/n: Hello! This is my first fanfic in a while so bear with me. These are not my pictures and they go belong to their respective owners. If I get enough reads than I will most likely make a part 1. Also, This part takes place about a month after Laena’s funeral. Hope you like it!
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The steady downpour of rain against the castles walls had been pushed to the back of Rhaenyra’s mind as she roamed the huge castle of Dragonstone. The princess decided to take a walk around the castle to clear her mind, but as she was walking the sound of someone crying. The sound echoed against the thick stone walls. It was faint, but was still distinguishable. The sound distracted Rhaenyra, causing her to search for the person connected to it. It didn’t take long for Rhaenyra to find the source of the crying, as she turned a corner towards the servants quarters she noticed a little girl sitting on the ground with her head tucked between her knees.
The little girl didn’t hear Rhaenyra approach her, so the princess bent down and gently placed her hand on the girls head. “What is wrong little one?”
The girl, after finally realizing that some else was there, had flinched away from Rhaenyra’s touch. When the little girl looked up to see who was with her she was shocked to see that it was princess Rhaenyra. The two stared at each other for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes. Rhaenyra was entranced by this unknown girl. The girls skin was a beautiful bronze with small freckles peppered across her nose and cheeks. Her long and thick (h/c) hair fell down her tear-stained face like strands of rope. But, what struck Rhaenyra the most was the girls eyes. The torches on the wall had put an unknown fire in her icy blue eyes, but that flame was slowly dimming with all the pain that the girl struggled to hold. Rhaenyra didn’t want that fire to dim, she wanted it burn brighter than everything around her until she consumed it.
As Rhaenyra stared at the girl, the girl had felt embarrassed for being caught crying by the princess. To save herself even more embarrassment the girl slowly got up to go to her room.
“Sorry for disturbing you, princess. I’ll be on my way now.” The girls hoarse voice had snapped Rhaenyra back to reality. The girl got up and bowed to Rhaenyra and then turned around to walk back to her chambers, but Rhaenyra was to fascinated by her to let her go that easily.
The girl turned her head to stare back at the princess with her those flaming blue eyes again. “Why were you crying little one?” Rhaenyra’s delicate voice had snapped something in the girl, which caused tears to form in her eyes once more.
“The Stranger took her. They took my mom. Now…now I’m alone.”
Rhaenyra’s heart ached for the girl. It was like Rhaenyra was looking at herself at the time she lost her mother. God’s know what this girl is going through. Rhaenyra did the one thing she knew would comfort the girl. She quickly got up and held the girl close to her chest and slowly rubbed her head. The girl stiffened, but soon eased into her touch.
After a bit of silence, Rhaenyra moved the girl so now she was looking at the girl again. “Can you tell your name.”
“My name is (y/n), princess.” (Y/n) voice still hoarse from crying.
“Well (y/n) how old are you?”
“Two and ten.”
Rhaenyra was shocked at how young she was, but she was older than her oldest son, Jacaerys, by two years. ‘No one should have to endure such pain at such a young age.’ This thought had caused Rhaenyra to say, “How about I take care of you?”
(Y/n) was in utter shock. ‘Why does the princess want to watch over me?’ She felt like she was nothing special. She was a servants daughter, nothing was special about that. “Why me. I mean there’s nothing special about—” Before (y/n) could finish her sentence, Rhaenyra had placed her finger under (y/n)’s chin so that she was looking at her.
“Don’t think of yourself that way. I’m going to take care of you because you are special and because no child should be alone in this cruel world.” Rhaenyra stared deep into her eyes before adding, “I see a warrior in those blue flames of yours. So don’t let that fire burn out little one.
Rhaenyra didn’t know how much her words had affected (y/n). That sad and rainy night had changed everything for (y/n). The little girl was reduced to ash by her blue flame and what rose from those ashes was a warrior.
(Y/n) had also made promise that night. She would protect the ones she loves with her fire, but what she didn’t know was that a certain one-eyed prince would see that fire and want nothing more than to play with it.
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