fiendforbyler · 21 hours
u mean my son???
can you guys believe i live and breathe for this silly little guy
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fiendforbyler · 22 hours
CALEB SAID THEY MADE PLAYLISTS FOR THEIR CHARACTERS, SO STURN (Finn made this playlist) IS ABOUT MIKE AND HE'S GAY (it has lyrics like "it's so easy to lie to myself and pretend that I could love you but I can't" which is about mlvn and "besides I don't want to be the one whose coming out first") which is about Mike wanting Will to come out as gay first because he's scared and it has a song about a milkshake and about how a relationship wasn't built to last (which is also about mlvn since they had milkshakes in s4)
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fiendforbyler · 12 days
Hello Byler fandom and Stranger Things fandom at large - I'm reaching out to you in a plea of fandom solidarity! Please help us!!!
I'm writing on behalf of The Dead Boy Detectives fandom who could desperately use your help! Our show was canceled in its first season, cut off without a care for its dedicated fandom or its insane amount of potential. Yet another queer, diverse, supernatural show suffers an unfair fate and we're bloody sick of it! We believe Netflix is making a huge mistake!
Could you guys please sign our petition and help spred it by reblogging?
We're not just trying to get a season 2: we're trying to get justice for the cast, crew, and writers behind this unapologetically queer show. I've been a fan of Stranger Things from the moment it was posted 10 years ago, and I shudder thinking about how it likely would not have gotten a chance to be what it is today if it came out on Netflix in 2024. I believe Dead Boy Detectives is a casualty of its time, that shows like Stranger Things, Buffy, or Supernatural would have the same fate today if held to Netflix's callous and cruel standards and their blatant disregard for creatives.
Thank you in advance to any of you who sign. Netflix has gotten far too comfortable nuking shows, especially those with queer themes and diverse leading chacters, in their prime. If you sign and share our petition in an act of fandom solidarity please know it means the world to our detective agency and we appreciate you so much!!!💀🔎💜
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Last thing I promise this post is not intended to clog the tag in any way; I'm a fan of Stranger Things and Byler, too! The Byler fandom specifically is large we care about each other and about queer representation in media, so it felt natural to take a chance and reach out, as a fellow fan, for help. Thank you all again 🖤
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fiendforbyler · 19 days
Just a reminder that 'Request a Title On Netflix' still exists.....so maybe go ask for Dead Boy Detectives season 2 three times
(I don't tend to ask people to reblog things, but please reblog this instead of liking it. please SPREAD this knowledge. we want them to be bombarded by requests, and that only happens if people know this link exists. It worked for the Sense8 finale, we need it to work now)
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fiendforbyler · 19 days
I love how you can put literally anything in the tags except for commas. You can have whole-ass ideas and thoughts and messages in there... Just not structured and coherent ones.
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fiendforbyler · 19 days
🕯️ finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts finn wolfhard posting bts 🕯️
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fiendforbyler · 21 days
oh no you are definitely right. this is a super straight, heterosexual way to look at your homie. m*leven endgame
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fiendforbyler · 21 days
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fiendforbyler · 22 days
the chokehold they have on me
what if I was slowly dying of internal bleeding and hypothermia and you stayed with me and read to me. Because you know I'm dying and you don't want me to be alone and scared (like you were). And what if I chose You, instead of heaven?
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fiendforbyler · 22 days
y’all i was recreationally scrolling through the m*leven # (no bad vibes sent i swear i just feel like getting both sides of the argument is best to cement my belief) and something i saw was someone saying how el is always at her best when she is with mike. which imo is very untrue. let’s go on a deep dive together, shall we?
season 2
at the end of season 1 we know el disappears off into the upside down. separated from mike. by the start of season 2, she is trying to understand more about herself and her powers and her origins, and all of this is done seperate from mike, on her own. this solitude allows for her to find her individuality without being ‘the weapon’ or ‘mikes crush’. i think that while the 08 stuff is kind of silly, it is important to note that during that, she did begin to understand the root and significance of her powers, as well as feeling accepted properly by like-minded people for the first time possibly ever. she also finds her mother and learns about her origins, just beginning her journey of curiosity about herself. we know that finding mama was very important to eleven, and she did all of this away from mike. while she was at hoppers, she mourned losing him, yearned for him, pined, etc, and that caused tension, upset and drained her. NOT mikes fault, btw, he is my actual child and i do not believe this is anyone’s fault, just the facts. when she is back reunited with mike, yes it is a beautiful beautiful scene i cannot deny that but she is a different version of herself than when mike saw her last and therefore this separation was very beneficial to her character.
season 3
we all know how this season goes. mike and el making out left and right, no communication just sucking face. during the m*leven breakup, mike is pretty nonchalant and uncaring about it all, and max helps el on her journey of self discovery. during this time when we’ll bd mike are broken up is the first time el is introduced to trash mags, silly games, something other than being the girl with powers or mikes girlfriend. she begins to understand her likes, her dislikes, herself. no one ever tried to help her find her individuality before, not like this. this is when el also starts ‘making her own rules’ and really coming into her own, maturing into her own wonderful person without mikes presence. in fact, the breakup is very necessary for this to occur. not to mention the fact that she also solves majority of the billy mystery without mike there, in fact she solves it while ignoring and icing out mike, with max’s help. this breakup is essential for elevens character development, and that’s not an accident, certainly not since it is a frequently reoccurring then throughout the entire series!! the ending scene with the ‘i love you too’ is an awkward way to summarise a season spelt apart and i think it may also because she is still learning what she likes and dislikes, this is all extremely new to her.
season 4
oh boy. i mean, obviously el hasn’t been fitting in at school, that’s very obvious. i mean what could mike have to do with that? directly, not much but indirectly??? everything. i believe that just the fact she is in a relationship with mike is throwing her off balance and we are supposed to notice that!! then when mike arrives i mean first of all the flowers and the ‘from’ is a whole other post but immediately her situation worsens, she gets abused by angela, ridiculed by her and her friends, then literally attacks angela with a skate, and it’s all so… out of character? and the ‘you never say it’ argument… it’s all meant to make us look at the couple and go ‘these guys aren’t working anymore’ (!!!!!) i mean, el is, emotionally but also to a point physically, hindered in this relationship with mike and it’s neither of their faults!!!! they just aren’t working!!! and that’s okay!!! they need to be seperate to develop as characters and this is proven by the separation when el gets taken to get her powers back. a great way the duffers could have utilised this plot point was by making mike go with her. think about it! he learns about her while she learns about herself, all while regaining her powers and mike gaining new understanding and appreciation of her as a person! what a great way to deepen an ‘endgame’ couple’s relationship! will also could have had great development, having self-discovery with jonothan and argyle! who doesn’t want some brotherly bonding time? but that’s is not what happened. el needed the time away from mike, broken up, no contact, to focus on her self and improve and discover. this was more than essential. el thrives on solitude to become more powerful as an individual person. she needs to separate herself from mike to be the best version of herself. and that is why m*leven is not endgame. they are a a couple who do not work, they do not make each other better, and while i think a mike-el friendship dynamic could be really effective, as a couple they clash. even during the monologue, mike didn’t really achieve anything. he was kind of just saying words. i mean he canonically lied, what kind of confessional speech by a love-struck teen would be full of lies?? it doesn’t make sense. it is not supposed to make sense. we are supposed to notice these things.
i’m not even using this as byler proof, more just as the fact that i don’t find mike and el compatible, like at all. maybe as platonic buds, but not as a couple, and certainly not as a thriving endgame one. in conclusion, m*leven bones.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
TLDR; el needs to be seperate from mike to improve upon herself in every way.
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
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invented a game called “I throw dice at the cat”
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
I’ll cry if I think about them for too long but you’re Charles Rowland you’re a biracial punk and you’ve been getting the shit kicked out of you by your father your entire life but you see a Pakistani kid getting beat for being Pakistani and you can’t help it, you’re afraid but you stop it. You’re half Indian why are you any different? The racist little white boys agree. They beat you too. You make it away. You’re cold, so cold and something’s very wrong with you, and then you see a light. But you’re not dead. It’s another boy your age and he tells you he’s dead. He died in this same shitty boarding school and he reads you a bedtime story as you fall asleep. You’re dead now and he’s still here. He knew you were dying and he didn’t want you to be scared. He crawled out of Hell and the first thing he did was comfort you as you lay dying.
Why wouldn’t you run from death with him? Why wouldn’t you spend your eternity with him? Why wouldn’t you love him?
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
deadass thought it was just me but okay
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
Everyone talks about the Snow Ball scene where Mike's all forlorn about Will dancing with someone else, but no body talks about how his reaction to Lucas getting to dance with Max actually proves that he wasn't just sad about not getting to dance with anyone. It was specifically Will.
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^^ this is after Lucas goes to dance with Max, the camera's focus is on Dustin because he looks upset, and Mike just looks around, raises his eyebrows, nothing much to note here.
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This is straight after Will goes to dance with Random Girl, and pointedly, the camera is on him, just like how the camera was focused on Dustin before, when he was sad about not dancing with Max. The camera is focused on his face, meaning they want you to see his reaction specifically (the background is also blurred out!) They want you to know that his reaction is different than when Lucas went to dance with Max.
It just proves that he wasn't shocked or upset that everyone got to dance with someone but him, or that he wished El was there, he was feeling something conflicting when he saw Will dance with that girl.
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tbh with this picture ^^ i never really definitely thought that it was because he was sad about Will, I always figured, oh he's waiting for El. But wouldn't he be watching the door? Doesn't he know that she's coming? His reaction to seeing her isn't 'I didn't know you were coming'... so why is he sad instead of anticipating her coming?
Also just wanna say this is the last scene of Milkvan that I actually find kind of cute (woah who said that) because it's like the last time Mike ever compliments her on her appearance.. Also El looks so cute love her <3
Okay bye
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
‼️Because this will undoubtably get me blocked by the OP, posting here for posterity. Just to continue to expose these people for the attention-seeking grifters that they are.‼️
Picture is the post. My response is c/p'd below the image.
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The need for validation to hate on someone publicly is gross, but sadly a continued feature of the movement trying to paint Noah as a bad person.
Meanwhile, that same movement is on TikTok calling him the f-slur and saying he should “get the Hitler treatment” to the tune of 40K likes.
That same movement is on X/Twitter calling for him, his family, and anyone associated with him to be beaten and r*ped. They’re also posting fake articles saying he has monkeypox, which is not only untrue, but deeply homophobic.
Oh, and I had one in my comments a few weeks back going into great detail about how she wanted to physically beat the hell out of Noah if she ever saw him in person. Wonder why he’s telling people in Atlanta not to take pictures of him out with Finn? People who are saying shit like that. That’s why.
And that’s just what we see. God only knows what his DMs are like.
For what? Sticking up for a raped and killed Jewish woman on Instagram? For stickers that weren’t his and he wasn’t even holding? Really? Discounting his three calls for peace, and the entire section of his Instagram post that calls for Palestinian self-determination? Again… Really?
In short: No. You didn’t cook. You’re looking for validation to attack Noah and are upset more people aren’t still doing it. Stop preaching about “people are dying” from a high place, pretending you’re “critiquing people with power,” and then turn around and prop up an online movement that is being actively exposed for its horrifically anti-Black, antisemitic, and homophobic tactics and rhetoric, and violent threats.
It’s weird. It sucks. You suck. Royally.
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fiendforbyler · 23 days
Thinking about the fact that Mike doesn’t feel comfortable acting gay or in love with Will when other people are around, but the moment he gets Will alone he completely lets his guard down and loves flirting and being sweet with Will. He’s not even ashamed of loving Will, he just doesn’t want to get caught. The internalized homophobia he experiences is truly only tied to how society and his loved ones view him, because the second the pressure goes away to “be normal” and “act straight,” bro is .5 seconds away from kissing Will at all times. Bro is down on one knee with a ring in hand.
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fiendforbyler · 24 days
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