Way Too Much Love
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What happens when our lovely y/n gets paired with heroes and villains as her soulmates this is a soulmate AU where the name of your soulmates name gets tattooed on your wrist your soulmate also feels your pain now this is where everyone is your soulmate yes even the villains now reader will be bi because why not anyway let's start your adventure (below this is the list of your soulmates)
.Kid Flash
.Blue Beetle
.Brain Mackov
.Red Arrow
.Icicle Jr.
Can you guess what it’s like having names covering your whole right arm? No no you can't, that is why my grandmother told my mother to give me a different name and move away from town since I had too many soulmates and I was also a meta human like my father who left because as he quote on quote said “I am not ready for a child”. Now I am stuck with 15 soulmates and wings, yes nice big (f/c) wings. I now live in New York with all my soulmates. How do I know because there on the news both villains and heroes my mother cried so did I was so close to jumping off a bridge.
I also have to wear a special bracelet because one of my soulmates is the lord of chaos and he could possibly track me down so grandma gave me a bracelet that hides my existence from this lord of chaos. It also blocks the warm sensation you get when the name appears along with feelings so as kids I guess my soulmates never experienced it since the bracelet blocked it off.
It seems go was not on my side of course. When they got an interview they the reporter asked “hello do you mind if we can get the name of your soulmate thank god they refused or else I would be doomed. Thanks to my other name (o/n) I wasn’t exposed. Life was perfect so far I knew my soulmates but they didn’t which means I was left alone and could chill without being hunted down you know. Everything was good until that one fateful day where god was like “ok this girl needs her soulmates pronto” but I wasn't. I was better off without them, you could say.
I was walking home when mom told me she would be late so take a detour or just walk now I if you don’t know why she wants me to take a detour it’s simple todays my birthday and mom had a big surprise I wasn’ going to mess it up so I took a big detour I was now on a bridge the famous one that I can’t remember however I was stupid why didn’t I relise the bige was silent everyone was gone. I only realized when I heard screams I then finally looked up to see the young justice kids fighting The ice family (basically everyone who has ice powers) and cheshire crap like almost all my soulmates are here girl I gotta get tf outta here but before I could leave Mr. freeze shot ice at me and the bridge.
This broke both my bracelet and the bridge under me as I was falling now falling to my death. I was just frozen my wings. They just won’t open please, wings open I can’t leave mom. A scream was heard and I knew it was mine the next thing I knew I was……..
With our soulmates POV
Robin POV
I saw Freeze shot at a girl. I wanted to save her but ice was being shot at me. That's when both a warm sensation filled my body and fear that’s when it hit me. Wait, that girl is my…
Superboy POV
I heard a scream from a girl when I was hit with these weird feelings but I couldn’ tell what the first one was but the second one was fear. If I am feeling this this means that the girl is my…
Kid Flash POV
I saw the girl fall now I got to save but as I was running I was hit with a warm sensation. This means but before I could do anything else I felt fear wash over me making me speed up this girl is my…
Aqualad POV
I was fighting with Icicle Jr when his father Mr. Freeze shot at a girl making the bridge beak under her making her fall. I had to do something, wait these feelings. My king told me about them, this means that she is my…
Impulse POV
I was fighting with everyone when this girl fell or well more like Mr. shot at her and now she was falling to her death this is so not crash as I am running to help her I start feeling these feelings wait me wally have the same soulmate I know wally had them to because he was starting to speed up wait no way the girl is my…
Blue Beetle POV
I was flying around trying to help Artemis fight Cheshire when I started feeling this in my chest. I looked around and that’s when I saw her my…
Brain Mackov POV
I could feel my angry rise as the villains tautated me because I couldn't hit them. I was about to snap when a warm sensation filled my chest causing me to calm down. It actually felt good when I realized these feelings mean I am near my…
Red Arrow POV
Damned these villains ugh I can’t wait to get this over with. I thought as I shot more arrows that’s when I started feeling fear in my system. I wasn't scared but my soulmate is which means that scream that I just heard from the girl, that girl is my…
Supergirl POV
I was trying to land a punch on cheshire when A girl started falling after Mr. Freeze that jerk shot ice at her I was soon hit with a warm and fuzzy sensation that girl must be my…
Artemis POV
While Blue Beetle was helping me take down cheshire a girl started falling off the bridge for some reason I felt like I had to save her I didn’t want to since wally was already on it but when I started feeling like I was falling I knew what I had to do I had to save my...
M'gann POV
I was getting people off the bridge and to safety when I saw Mr. Freeze shot a girl making the bridge break under her. As soon as she started to fall I suddenly realized that the girl was my...
Zatanna POV
While casting a spell Mr. Freeze shot ice at her with his gun soon after feeling fear hit made me think wait this could mean that the girl is my…
Icicle Jr. POV
I was fighting off these damned heros when dad shot at some stupid bystander little did I know that was not just some bystander but that girl was my…
Chasire POV
I was fighting artemias when some bystander started falling off the bridge when I started feeling like I myself was falling meaning that is no bystander but my…
Klarion POV
I was in a meeting with the LIGHT petting Teekyl when a sudden feeling of pleasure ran down my spine I know what caused this these feelings the thing that was blocking the must have been broken or removed I quickly told the other LIGHT members I was leaving and teleported near this source of pleasure suddenly catching a really pretty girl this must be my…
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