BTS FF Writer
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Can you tag me when you update Lunar plz
I have two new updates posted! Hopefully you enjoy :)
For anyone who finds this and doesn’t know about Lunar, here is the masterlist!
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 6
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! The sections should start getting longer as I keep updating :)
Also! Let me know if you want to be on a tag list for this story!
Word Count: 8.1k
Warnings: PARENTAL ABUSE; BEATINGS; mentions of gang activity;  general angst; mental health issues; soulmate themes if you squint: seriously if you aren’t into angst don’t read this bc :)))) it’s angsty 
Posted: 17 Jan 2021
Tag List: @happynightmareprincess
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But as always, things don’t last forever. Good things rarely last for long enough to really savor them, especially around all of them.
It was during one of the lovely movie nights that YN’s phone started ringing. At first, YN tried to ignore it, not wanting to be rude during the movie, but when it just wouldn’t stop ringing, she made way too many embarrassed apologies as she went to the other room to answer it.
“YN! My darling daughter! I’ve been calling and calling, don’t you ever pick up for your mother anymore?” YN blood ran cold as she heard the voice she hadn’t heard since she had fully moved into her uncles home.
“I- I’ve just been unloading groceries mom, I couldn’t get to the phone.” The lie falls far too easily from her lips, just like so many others had before.
“Well at least you’re eating, dear.” The sickly sweet tone made YN want to puke, even as she listened more to the woman she had the displeasure of calling her mother on the other end of the line.
“You need to come back to the house, your dear great aunt has passed and you need to come for the funeral.”
YN takes a deep breath before she responds, not wanting to sound too eager.
“Oh, Mother! Of course, I’ll come in! I can stay at the hotel do-” YN starts,
“Nonsense! I’ll be damned if my daughter stays outside of the home when she’s in my city! Your father will be absolutely tickled that you’re here again.” YN’s mother spoke with such assuredness that YN almost agreed without a second thought, not wanting to anger the woman.
“Of course Mom, I’ll stay at home.” Her voice is barely above a whisper, all the fight that is normally in her tone gone from it in an instant, even slipping into the same vernacular she had when she was younger.
“There you go dear, isn’t that much nicer? It’ll be a joy to have all you kids under one roof again, even if it is because of something so nasty.” YN could feel a headache coming on as she listened to her mother drone on about what the dress code was, and how she was so heartbroken, and on and on.
“Are you going to be bringing anyone with you? Huh? It’s been such a worry that you’re all alone up in those woods.” YN is snapped back to attention at the words, and she quickly says that yes, she will be bringing someone with her to the funeral.
Secretly, she has no idea if any of the boys will even want to go with her, but the prospect of going back to that house without one of them to protect her made her feel even worse than the clearly fake worry laced in her mother’s voice.
“Wonderful dear, I’ll be sure to make up your room so it’s nice for the two of you. I’m very progressive, you know.” YN can feel the hot tears making tracks on her face even as she says a quick yes to her mother, listening to the woman drone on as she tries to find a way out of talking to her mother for any longer than she has to.
“Listen Mom, I’ve got to get these groceries put away, when should I be at the house?” YN’s voice is shaking, timid. She’s forgotten completely about the boys in the other room, consumed with the fear of what was to come.
“The funeral is on Saturday, so you should come down Thursday afternoon, to make sure you’ve got time to talk to everyone before you head back out to nowhere. I expect you before noon.” YN’s mother hangs up the phone after she speaks, and YN lets the phone clatter to the floor.
YN is quick to follow, her legs giving out from underneath of her. She is expecting the jolt of hitting the floor, but instead is drawn quickly into the arms of one of the boys. She clenches her jaw, feeling like she’s just overreacting. It's not really that bad, right?
“YN, hey, it’s okay.” YN realizes when he speaks that it was Namjoon who had stopped her from falling to the ground. She could feel the words riverbreate in his chest as he told the others to go back into the living room and fully picked her up, taking her into the other room as well.
“We’re here for you YN, it’s okay. You can’t get hurt here, remember?” Jimin is off to one side, rubbing her back as YN curls up on Namjoon’s lap, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
She’s embarrassed. She feels like she’s overreacting, like the memories of what it was like living in that house aren’t really real and she’s just made the whole thing up. YN really wanted to believe the simple lies she told people of what her home life was like, but she couldn’t hide anymore. Not from them.
“I- I’m sorry.” YN’s voice is soft, all of the parts of her personality that made her who she was were completely gone as she balled her hands into fists. Absently, she noted how it hurt when her nails dug into her palms, but she didn’t make any moves to unclench her fists. She needed the jolt of pain just as much as she needed oxygen.
Hoseok ended up on the other side of her, and he moved to grab her hands, putting his fingers between her nails and her palms, making her unclench the firsts.
“You don’t have any reason to be sorry Mini, you can’t control the way you react to things like that.” YN barely registers what Taehyung says, smiling absently at the familiar nickname he had given her.
“Tell us what’s wrong, sweetie, let us help you.” It’s Hoseok who speaks this time, wiggling his fingers in her hands, trying to make her smile at least a little bit.
“Someone died.” YN’s voice is devoid of any sort of emotion now, and the boys share glances out of worry.
“I have to go back to that house. To those people. They hate me, because I’m not really theirs. Can-” YN cuts herself off, tears welling up in her eyes despite the fact her voice had a sort of trained evenness to it.
“Can one of you come with me? I- I told my mother that I’d bring my boyfriend but that isn’t exactly what we are and I can’t make the choice myself and I don’t want to go alone and I- I- I’m just- I just” YN chokes on her words, speaking too fast as fear swells up in her chest again.
She shouldn’t have told her mother someone would come with her, it was stupid of her to assume one of them would be willing to go into that situation. She could handle it by herself, after all. How many years did she deal with everything that came from that house completely on her own?
Without more than a couple seconds to pause, there are seven voices saying “I’ll do it.”
YN can’t help but smile to herself, internally cringing at the fact her mother is going to expect a certain level of intimacy. The thought of making any one of them uncomfortable... YN can't even bear to finish the thought.
“Um be-before you say yes, Mother is going to expect us to be, well, t-touchy. And we’ll have to share a bed and I’m sure she will make us kiss to prove that it isn’t fake and- and-” YN starts speaking too fast again, and the seven men look among each other again.
“I’ll still do it.” Again, all seven of them respond without any hesitation and this time, YN lets out half a giggle. With a few final sniffles, YN moves off of Namjoon’s lap and into one of the big, comfy chairs.
“I can’t take all of you!” YN gives a soft smile that is bordering on sad as she looks between the boys that have stolen every piece of her heart. She really didn’t know what she would ever do without them.
“You know what this calls for, don’t you?” Jin is the one to speak up, looking steadily between the other boys.
“Clearly, we need to compete to see who’s most worthy of being with YN during this time, hm?” Yoongi this time, also eyeing everyone up.
“Oh, you all can withdraw now, I’m sure I’ll win.” Jungkook speaks up, a hint of laughter in his voice.
“Shouldn’t you be the one to withdraw, as the youngest?” Jin is being sassy to the younger boy.
“Why are you so confident, huh? Who says I won’t win?” Jimin speaks up this time, raising an eyebrow.
YN just giggled as she watched them go back and forth, feeling much more at ease, and like the whole thing was just some weird fever dream.
With a sudden shout of “rock, paper, scissors!” from Namjoon, the boys were off, engaging in the battle of the century to see who would accompany YN to the funeral.
After three intense rounds, Jungkook let out a yell, having been deemed the victor. Taehyung pouts, but the game stands, and Jungkook is officially the one that is going with YN.
Once the group calms down and everything settles back into a more normal state, the boys start asking questions.
“Um, YN, I hate to ask things that might be painful, but I thought you were close to your mom?” Namjoon speaks up again, looking at YN with a curious glint in his eye.
“Oh, yeah, well, um, basically, er-” YN is tripping over her words, her ears feeling hot as she tries to figure out how to explain what in the hell her home life was like.
“You don’t have to tell us anything you don’t want to Mini.” It’s Taehyung again, shooting a look at Namjoon.
“No, no, it’s okay I just- I don’t know how to tell you that it��s, well, weird.” YN turns to look at her hands, playing with the blanket she was wrapped up in. “My parents and I didn’t have a great relationship for most of my life, because I was supposed to be their child when they couldn’t have their own. But then they did. My younger brother and sisters are the light of their lives, and I’m just…” YN trails off, trying to find the words to describe what it was like in that house.
“Well, I was there to make fun of. The bad example. The one to take the anger out on.” YN shrugged in a way that made it seem like the words she was speaking were nonchalant, normal conversation, though they were anything but.
“Dad used to hit me when I didn’t do what he wanted. And then make it up to me by buying me whatever I wanted. Nobody cared about the yelling, the screaming, the beatings. All they could see were the things . And Mother was on board with it all, until Dad started to find his pleasures in other women. Then she was suddenly on my side, picking fights with Dad that I always had to take the brunt of.” YN shivers, eyes wide as she grips the blanket tightly. She wills herself not to cry in the silence of the room.
“Mother tried to make things better between us once my uncle died. At first, I believed it too- I needed to, I think.” YN gives a little frown, licking her lips quickly as she unclenches her hands. The boys share looks with each other, the discomfort palpable.
“I believed that she really cared, you know. That she had really changed and things were different. And then I met all of you. I saw the way you cared for each other, the way you speak to each other. Even when you’re angry or upset or mad, you’re kind to each other. It was strange at first, seeing you all be so nice even when you’re clearly big enough and strong enough and skilled enough to hurt each other, if you really wanted to.”
YN’s words this time are punctuated by soft gasps, though she isn’t sure who exactly was reacting.
“Seeing all of you with each other, seeing how you interact with each other. Then seeing and feeling that you treat me the same way? I realized as soon as we became friends that my mother’s concerns weren’t real. You all have shown me more love and kindness in the past few months that I have ever felt in my whole life, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.” YN’s voice was soft again, though not because she was feeling anything overly negative. In fact, she was almost overwhelmed by the amount of love that she felt for the boys that had helped her realize how gentle people could be.
After a few solid beats of silence, Jimin goes and walks over and pulls YN out of her chair and into a hug.
“I love you too.” He says as he squeezes her, being careful not to be too rough. Before YN can really process anything, she’s in the middle of a group hug, with confessions of love being thrown her way from all sides.
YN can’t help but laugh and tell them that she loves them just as much as they love her, feeling more happiness in that moment than she thought possible.
Thursday had come much sooner than YN had wanted it to. Sure, it had only been a couple days, but YN was still nervously twisting her hands in her lap during the entire car ride. She was thankful that Jungkook had offered to drive, seeing as her nerves were a wreck.
“Do you want to talk more about what is and isn’t okay?” Jungkook’s sweet voice brings YN out of her reprieve.
“Yeah, um, what sort of things are you okay with?” YN can feel the heat in her ears as she asks the question, silently hoping he will just tell her so she doesn’t have to think about it.
“I’m okay doing whatever needs to be done to keep you safe.” Jungkook’s voice takes on a bit of an edge as he speaks, and YN swallows hard.
“Um okay, well, you already know we will have to share a bed, which we did yesterday so it wouldn’t be so weird. And, well, um, you’ll have to hold my hand and stuff like that.” YN glanced out of the corner of her eye at Jungkook to see if he was reacting badly, but she found him sitting there with an adorable smile on his face, eyes focused on the traffic around them.  
“And if she thinks we aren’t real and asks us to kiss?” He asks, turning to look both ways before he crosses over a road and seeming not to pay too much attention to YN or her reactions.
“Um well I-” YN starts, pausing to take a deep breath and steady herself. “I’m okay with it if you are.” Her words are shaky, unsure.
“We don’t have to, YN. It’s okay.” Jungkook’s brow furrows slightly as he makes a turn, sensing YN’s discomfort but misreading it as a sign she doesn’t want that kind of intimacy.
“No- I-” YN sighs deeply, twisting the material of the sweater she was wearing between her fingers nervously. Jungkook takes notice of her nervous habit, and he grabs one of her hands in his own as he continues to drive. YN swallows again, feeling her ears burn hotter as she turns to face him a little more. To deny that it was an attractive move would have been akin to some sort of basal, universal mistruth.
“I’m not uncomfortable with it you know, but I don’t want to get used to something that won’t continue.” Her words are soft, the usual bite of her tone is gone, but they are the most sure sounding words he had heard her speak since the whole ordeal had begun.
“YN, baby, if you want physical affection in that way from any of us, all you had to do was let us know.” Jungkook lets out a soft little laugh, giving YN’s hand a small squeeze. Her heart flips at the pet name, so familiar as it falls from his lips.
“But it’s not my place to ask for something I don’t deserve.” The words are out of YN’s mouth before she can tell herself not to say them, that the appropriate response would be to tell the boy that yes, she would love to get more-than-platonic physical affection from them (though it could be easily argued their affection was never platonic in the first place).
“I- I mean that I would absolutely love that sort of affection if you’re willing to give it, um-” YN can feel her face growing hot as she withdraws her hand from Jungkook’s, lacing her fingers together and setting her hands on her lap.
“You deserve everything YN. And you most definitely deserve that kind of affection, we just didn’t want to overstep your boundaries. Any one of us would give you the world if you asked.” Jungkook’s words are simple, and YN can’t help the tears that well up in her eyes. She can feel plainly the love behind his words, and the entire situation is completely overwhelming for her.
She reaches over and grabs his hand again, smiling softly to herself as the car falls into a comfortable silence for the remainder of the ride. YN is grateful, in those moments, that Jungkook isn’t half as loud or crazy as he seems when he’s around Tae or Jimin.
Once they finally pull into the driveway of YN’s family home, YN lets out a shaky breath.
“Promise me you won’t let them hurt me Kookie, please.” It’s a half whisper and it comes out like a whimpering plea. Jungkook can feel the fear that has settled into YN’s bones, and it makes him want to rip the heads off of every single person who’s ever hurt her.
“YN-ah, look at me.” He pauses until she turns to face him, at which point he carefully traces her jawbone. “You’re safe with me. The boys aren’t far away, and nothing will ever hurt you again. You’re ours now, and we don’t let anything happen to our people.”
He looks her dead in the eyes as he speaks, seeming to search for something. YN is looking at him with those big, innocent eyes she always does. Her trust in him, in them, is greater than any fear she had, and he can sense that. And suddenly, their lips connect, soft and sweet. It seems to take all the breath from YN’s lungs and give them more oxygen than ever before all at once, and it’s cut off all too soon for her liking.
Jungkook softly rests his forehead against hers, breathing in sync with her. Absently, he thinks of how both Taehyung and Yoongi will be pouty when they find out he got to be the first one to kiss her, and that just makes him want to do it again and again.
So he does, and YN couldn’t have been happier about it. She wanted to slip into a world where it was just the two of them, nothing else going on, nobody else to worry about.
What she got instead was a very disgruntled looking mother knocking at the window of Jungkook’s car, calling for her to come out. Taking a steadying breath, YN plasters a smile on her face and hops out of the vehicle, to face her mother.
“YN, my dear daughter! It��s so nice to have you back in the home! And who is this handsome devil? Hm? You must really be something special to go for someone like my daughter with your looks.” YN’s mother moves from speaking warmly to YN, to snidely about her to Jungkook.
“I’m Jeon Jungkook, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. YLN.” Jungkook gives a bow, and YN almost scoffs. She doesn’t like the way he’s being so respectful, though she never would have expected anything else. “And I assure you, it’s your daughter who is settling for me.”
YN gives a smirk at her mother’s slight frown at that comment. Of course he would have noticed the crude remark.
They make their way into YN’s family home, taking their bags up to YN’s bedroom before returning to the living area. YN is pleased to find that her brother had also brought someone, and that there were all sorts of family members milling about the house.
Jungkook stuck close to YN for the entire afternoon and evening, rolling up his sleeves to show off his tattoos at every chance he got. He also tended to stand between YN and either of her parents whenever the opportunity was given to him, which YN appreciated more than anything.
Jungkook also found that YN had purposefully let down the last bit of the barrier that was still in her mind so he had complete access to her thoughts and feelings. This meant that, as soon as YN felt threatened or like something wasn’t quite right, he was there to save the day. He had to admit that YN opening herself up to him like that made the Alpha part of him feel absolutely wonderful.
YN, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to curl up into Jungkook’s arms and have him take her away from there. She was dreading what would happen once everyone else left, seeing as her brother was staying with his girlfriend and neither of her sisters would arrive from college until the next afternoon.
As the people cleared out of the house, YN anxiety levels rose exponentially. The snide remarks were much less hidden as the people left, none of which are missed by either YN or Jungkook. Despite YN trying to field the situation and talk her parents into being a little nicer, they do nothing to mask their ill intent.
YN feels sick to her stomach at the thought of how she once believed that this was the pinnacle of what love felt like, seeking out Jungkook’s soft touches to ease her discomfort. Jungkook, on the other hand, felt more and more like pulverizing both of YN’s parents with each passing second. The anger radiated off of him like heat waves, and honestly, it gave YN more courage to stay calm and not pay attention to what her parents were trying to do. She knew, at the first sight of real danger, she would have Jungkook there in an instant to protect her, and three of the others outside within five minutes.
And so, things went as smoothly as was to be expected the entirety of those first few hours. YN and Jungkook even went up to go to bed without any real issues, which YN was more than grateful for.
The two decompressed in YN’s room for a long while, with Jungkook laying his head on YN’s chest so he could listen to her heartbeat as they both processed the events of the day. YN ran her fingers through Jungkook’s beautiful mane as she tried to figure out what her next moves were. She felt oddly safe, which she completely attributed to Jungkook and the rest of the pack.
It was nearing midnight when YN stirred under Jungkook, carefully moving his half-asleep from to the side so she could sneak downstairs for a glass of water. She hadn’t realized just how thirsty she was until she tried to swallow and her mouth was just completely dry, so down the stairs she went.
Jungkook, being the big baby he is, insisted on her giving him a kiss before she left, asking her if she needed him to come with. She just giggled, telling him not to be silly and to go back to resting.
YN was as quiet as she could be going down the stairs, not wanting to wake anyone up. She had gotten all the way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass for water when the deep voice of her father startled her.
“What in the world are you doing down here?” His voice is gruff and slurred. Turning around to face him, YN can smell the alcohol from across the room.
“Nothing sir, I’m just getting water.” YN’s voice is small and she can’t bear to look at her father as he stalks closer to her.
“I know what you’re doing with that boy upstairs. The only way some thing like you could have landed that boy was by opening your whorish legs for him. Did you even last a whole week before you were on your knees, huh?” His words bring tears to YN’s eyes even as she wills herself not to cry.  
Upstairs, Jungkook’s eyes snap open as he realizes what is going on, feeling the distress coming from YN.
“N-No sir.” YN’s voice is so unsure, she even sounded like she was lying to herself.
“Yeah right” He spits at her feet, grunting as his grimy hand reaches out to grip her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “A bitch like you? If you didn’t open your legs, you must be running drugs for him. Is that it? Uh?”
YN struggles to break away, to deny the claims even as her father’s grip gets tighter on her jawbone. He takes another swig from the bottle he had been drinking, grunting and throwing it across the room when he finds it empty.
Harshly, he tosses her head from his grip, another crude grunt falling from his lips as he watches his daughter fall to the ground.
“I never understood why your uncle liked a worthless bitch like you so much. That house was supposed to go to us, and here you are, living in it like you deserve to live there! Like you took care of them! Like you wanted it!” His words get more and more harsh as his face turns blotchy, anger and disgust lacing his words.
As he raises his hand to strike the girl that is cowering before him, making claims about how this is all she will ever be good for, YN squeezes her eyes shut and prepares for the pain that is to come. She waits for the familiar sting, her heart seeming to beat out of her chest as one beat passes. Then another.
She hears a sickening crunch, but doesn’t feel... anything. Then there comes another, and another, and the various sounds of flesh hitting flesh. YN still doesn’t feel anything, so she slowly cracks open her eyes.
What she finds when she opens them is one seething Jeon Jungkook absolutely destroying the man who had tormented her her entire life. She can both see and hear bones snap under his sharp blows. She can see the blood pour from his split skin. She can hear the too-loud cries of her father as he tries to harm Jungkook in vain.
Despite the carnage in front of her, YN can’t help but let out a happy sort of smile as she rushes forward, not wanting Jungkook to kill the man. There isn't a doubt in her mind that murder is the only thing on Jungkook's mind.
“Kook, Kookie! Stop!” YN yells, dodging his elbows as she tries to get into his line of sight. “Don’t kill him!”
YN finally manages to grab onto one of Jungkook’s arms and tug him backwards slightly. He looks quickly at YN before turning and spitting on her father, growling out a quick “Don’t you dare touch our YN ever again ” before turning fully to YN and drawing her into his arms.
He was covered in blood, but in this moment, YN really couldn’t have cared any less because it all felt like it was over. She pulled away from him slightly, not caring at all that he had gotten blood on her clothes, and tugged him down to her level for a kiss. She could feel his muscles still flexing even as his arms fully wrap around her frame, though she knows she isn't in any sort of danger.
“Thank you” she breathed, tears slipping down her face even as she felt nothing but a wild sort of happiness.
“Come on baby, let’s get our things. The boys will be here soon, we can go home.” Jungkook presses another kiss onto her lips as he brushes the spot on her jaw where her father had gripped it, wanting to wipe away all traces of the disgusting man off of his precious Omega.
YN holds onto his hand tightly as they make their way upstairs, gathering the few things they had gotten out hastily. It dawned on YN that it looked almost as if they never really planned to stay there at all, with how little they had unpacked, and she was perfectly okay with that.
It wasn’t until they stepped outside of YN’s bedroom that they met their next challenger. YN’s mother was absolutely fuming as she ran up the stairs, screeching in that horrible high pitch of hers that they were going to pay for what they did.
“YN! You filthy bitch! You ugly whore! You scheming cunt!” The screeches come as YN’s heart drops into her stomach. She feels the way Jungkook tenses beside her, ready and willing to hurt the woman if she deserves it.
“What the fuck did you do to my husband? What the fuck is wrong with you! We took you in, we cared for you, we loved you! We fed you and clothed you! And this is how you repay us? Huh?” YN’s mother is too close to them now, though a sharp growl from Jungkook sends the furious woman back a couple steps. She may have been completely irrational, but she wasn't actually stupid.
“No I-” YN starts, at least trying to talk some sense into the woman.
“NO! NO!? You ugly little whore! You and that freak need to get out of this house, right now!” YN swears her mother is going to pop a blood vessel, and honestly, she’s not sure she would really care.
“Mom please-” Again, YN is cut off by her mother’s devilish voice.
“No! We never should have taken you into our home! We never should have signed the papers to make you our responsibility! You and that oaf you call a boyfriend are just a pair of worthless bastards!” At this point, even Jungkook’s warning growls and glares do nothing to make the woman back away, but it isn’t until she reaches out her hand to push YN that he really steps in. He captures the woman’s wrist in his hand with a practiced sort of ease, stepping between YN and her mother before he speaks to the enraged woman.
“Listen here you worthless hag, you are going to step aside and let our darling girl pass. You are going to attend to your dipshit husband before he bleeds to death, and you are never going to speak to YN again. Do you understand me?” Jungkook’s voice holds an edge that YN had never heard before. She can almost hear the way her mother’s wrist muscles strain, threatening to tear as Jungkook’s unrelenting grip tightens.
“I said, do you understand?” His voice drops into a lower register as he motions for YN to grab the bags and move past him. As much as he is sure she wouldn’t mind her mother getting hurt, he doesn’t want to do anything more in front of his sweet girl.
YN brushes past him with the bags, oddly calm for everything she had witnessed. She is sure that her lovely Kookie will take care of everything, and that there will be three other boys waiting for her outside, ready to whisk her away.  
When she opens the door, she is immediately swept up by someone, the bags dropping to the ground as she is spun around. It had only been a few hours, but the events of the day had left the entire pack on edge.
“Thank the heavens you’re okay.” It isn’t until he speaks that YN realizes that it’s Yoongi who has hold of her. YN doesn’t say anything, instead clinging onto the boy like he was her world. Yoongi carries her to the car, going to put her in one of the seats until she looks at him with those beautiful eyes of hers and asks him not to go, and suddenly she is lovingly curled up in his lap.
Meanwhile, Jungkook is only just coming out of the house as YN is settled into the car. He spots Hoseok and Jin putting the bags in the back of one of the cars. The two rush up to him and ask if anything else needs done, to which Jungkook shakes his head. He silently hands his keys to Hoseok as he heads over to the passengers side of his own vehicle.
“I had to break the woman’s wrist. I don’t know if the man will live or not. We should leave.” Jungkook hops into the vehicle, collapsing down into the seat in exhaustion.
Hoseok and Jin share a sideways glance before they quickly switch keys. Out of the two people that had been in that house, Jungkook was the more likely to need medical attention, so Jin would drive him back to the mansion. Hobi would follow in the other vehicle, keeping an extra eye on YN and making sure Jin got updates as needed.
They all knew that there would be plenty of questions to be asked and answered in the morning, but for the time being, they were focused on getting YN and Jungkook home and rested up.
Once they pull into their driveway, Jungkook and Jin go straight into the house, knowing that it would be their job to brief the others about what had happened. Yoongi refuses to let YN down, carrying her into the house as Hoseok opens the doors for the two of them.
“I’ll keep her in my room tonight, to make sure she’s okay. You go make sure Kookie's alright.” Yoongi speaks softly to Hobi when they reach the living room, giving the man a soft smile.
“You know what to do if you need anything.”  Hoseok says simply, returning Yoongi’s soft smile as he gently rubs YN’s back. She hadn’t put the remaining barriers back up in her mind, so both boys knew that YN was absolutely exhausted and just trying to figure out what in the world the jumble of her thoughts were.
Honestly, her brain was a mess but it was clear that YN really didn’t want to be alone right now, which the boys respected.
Yoongi didn’t set YN down until he very carefully placed her on his bed, looking at her in the light properly for the first time. She had a very visible bruise on her jaw from where her father had gripped it and blood all over her clothes from Jungkook.
“Go take a shower princess, I’ll get you something to sleep in.” Yoongi’s voice is soft as he gently moves her head to get a better look at the bruise. He couldn’t deny that it made him angry that someone had marked his Omega. “It’ll make you feel better, I promise.”
YN just looks at him with those big eyes of hers, sadness in her gaze even as she felt comfort in his gentleness. With a little more gentle prodding, she makes her way into the bathroom, Yoongi getting her a fresh towel for when she finishes.
She spends quite a while in the shower, the warm water relaxing her as she tries her best to scrub every trace of her family from her skin. It took YN a lot of thinking to decide whether the entire ordeal had been worth it or not, but in the end she decided that it had been. If they wouldn’t have gone, YN didn’t know if she ever would have gotten the guts to admit that she wanted more intimate affection from the boys she loved so much.
As she stepped out of the shower and wrapped up in the towel, YN secretly hoped that Yoongi would kiss her too. She would be lying to herself if she said that she wasn’t incredibly attracted to everything about the man, but she couldn’t see herself taking that step on her own.
Securing the towel around her, YN stepped out of the ensuite and into Yoongi’s room. She found a pile of clothes on the end of the bed and Yoongi scrolling through his phone.
“I got you one of my hoodies to sleep in, baby. I know how much you like them.” Yoongi speaks without looking up from his phone, smiling to himself as YN grabs the clothes he had left for her. She changes quickly, a smile breaking onto her face when she realizes that Yoongi had gotten her her favorite pair of sleep shorts.
When she came back out of the bathroom, Yoongi had put his phone up on the nightstand and turned out the overhead light. He had the light on the nightstand on it’s lowest setting, which made her feel oddly safe in the already dark-themed room.
“I got your bunny, so you can stay here. I don’t want you out of my sight just yet.” Yoongi’s voice is deeper than usual as he stands and heads over to where YN had stopped. He could tell that she was unsure of what to do, and he was perfectly alright taking the lead.
Yoongi hands the small girl her stuffed animal, a smile gracing his face as she squeezes the thing to her chest. They had all noticed right away that she really liked to cuddle a stuffed animal when she slept, which they found to be completely adorable. Secretly, they had each made sure they had a small stuffed animal of some sort in their room for her, just in case.
“Thank you Yoongs. I-” She paused as she looked up at him with those same wide, innocent eyes. Damn, was he a sucker for those eyes of hers. “I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight.” Her voice is only just above a whisper, love and trust filling her eyes as she looks up at Yoongi.
“Kook is right, you know.” Yoongi says the words absently as he draws her into his embrace. “We would give you anything you ever wanted. You’re our darling girl, our princess, our baby, our Omega. You should have let us know you wanted more intimate affection.” He planted a soft kiss on the top of her head.
YN pulled back slightly, brow furrowed slightly in confusion as she looked up at Yoongi’s face.
“Why?” Her voice was still ever so soft, ever so innocent.
“Oh darling, you know exactly what I mean.” Yoongi moves one of his hands up to trace her jaw, ever so careful of the bruise that had formed. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since that first day when you found me in the woods.”
YN can feel her ears heat up as her lips part slightly at Yoongi’s confession, wanting nothing more than to close the distance between the two of them but being far too chicken to actually do it.
Luckily, Yoongi really could read her mind, and he took it upon himself to bring their lips together. YN felt the world around her spin and fade away as the breath was stolen from her lungs. The only thing she could think about, the only thing she could feel , was the soft pressure of Yoongi’s lips against her own.
It seems like hours before they disconnect, drawing a soft gasp from YN as Yoongi lovingly strokes the side of her face with his thumb, watching her as those eyes he loves so much flutter open. In that moment, it feels like it’s just the two of them, suspended in time and space. Yoongi feels complete as he smiles down at the girl, the love and trust so clear in her eyes it’s almost painful for him to look at.
And just like that, the silent moment is gone as YN lets out an adorable little yawn, rubbing at one of her eyes absently.
“Come on princess, let’s get you to bed. Things have been rough for you today, hm?” Yoongi moves to the side and gets into his bed, frowning when YN doesn’t really move. With a quick assessment of her thoughts, he realizes that she’s unsure because she doesn’t want to assume anything or overstep her boundaries or- well, she’s completely overthinking the entire situation.
“YN, come ‘ere. I’m not going to make you sleep alone tonight.” Yoongi makes a motion with one hand as he draws the covers back for her with the other, a soft smile gracing his face. YN runs a hand through her hair, taking short, quick steps to get to where Yoongi was.
If she was really being honest with herself, she craved nothing more than the complete, devout protection that the pack gave to her. That Yoongi gave to her. It made her feel like she was really worth something, like she was cared for in the exact same way she cared for them.
Absently, as she curled up next to Yoongi and laid her head on his chest, she thought of how most other people would have thought what Jungkook did was too much, too violent. YN couldn’t have explained to anyone why she felt the way she did, but she honestly trusted him, trusted them , more now.
They had all told her many times that they would protect her, that they would keep her safe, that nothing would ever hurt her again, but she didn’t really believe them. How could she? Sure, she knew that they had done some unsavory things in the past, but that didn’t mean that they would actually do anything for her. Why would they? She was riddled with self doubt, even if she did her best to hide it away.
As YN lay on Yoongi’s chest, listening to the slow beating of his heart in time with his deep breaths and thinking about how she felt about everything that had happened, she slipped closer and closer to sleep. By the second, her eyes were more and more heavy, the calming scent of Yoongi enveloping her completely and calming her to the point it was practically impossible for others to tell if she was asleep or awake.
Yoongi is wide awake, on the other hand, breathing softly and mulling over the day as he plays with YN’s hair. For whatever reason, it calmed him greatly to have the girl there, on his chest. He felt like he was doing what he was meant to by having the Omega so close to him. He sighed to himself, wholly unable to tell if his intense liking for the girl was due to his Alpha nature or if it was because of who she was. He wanted it to be because of her, because of who she was instead of just because of their natures, but he couldn’t be sure . After all, he had felt very similarly when Jimin and Taehyung had first come into the pack, and while he loved them both dearly, part of that affection was because they were younger Betas and he felt he needed to protect them.
Later, Yoongi would blame his thinking of the two boys on them showing up in the room, but honestly, he wasn’t mad about it. Taehyung and Jimin burst into the room like a pack of wild animals, both of them wanting to see YN for themselves.
“Yah! No! Calm down!” Yoongi hissed out as soon as he realized what was going on, anger lacing his words as he accosted the younger men “YN is resting, can’t you see that?”
The two boys stop in their tracks and sheepishly actually look at the scene before them, both of them finding the way that YN had curled up to be adorable. Jimin was the first to apologize, rocking back and forth on his feet as he put his hands behind his back, blush tinting his cheeks. Taehyung sighed as he repeated Jimin’s apology, pouting as he looked at the scene before him.
YN had one hand curled up, gripping onto Yoongi’s shirt right next to her face, the other clutched her stuffed bunny to her side. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were softly fluttering open. They didn’t even have to read each other’s minds to know that it was difficult for all of them not to coo at the adorable girl.
“It’s okay YN, you can sleep. It’s okay.” Yoongi ran his fingers through her hair as he spoke softly, wanting to calm her.
“Taehunie? Minie?” Her voice was laced with sleep as she mumbled out the words, barely lifting her head even as she turned it to the door. Her eyes were glassy as she looked towards where the two other boys stood.
They were in sync with each other as they both moved towards the bed, kneeling down to look YN in the face once they were to the side of the bed.
“YN-ah, baby, are you okay?” Taehyung is the one to speak first this time, one hand reaching out to touch the side of her face softly. “We wanted to see you.”
YN looks at Taehyung with those same beautifully innocent eyes, a smile creeping onto her face at his words. “I’m okay Tae. Safe.” Her words were much more clear, though she didn’t speak in a full sentence. It took them looking into her mind to realize that she meant that she felt safe with them, not some other random thing.
“It’s good you feel safe! We love you, we always want you to feel safe with us.” It’s Jimin who speaks this time, reaching a hand out and laying it on her arm as he spoke.
“Safe. Mine.” Her words are back to being half mumbles as she snuggles back into Yoongi’s chest, feeling safe. Because of their mind link, they understood that she meant that she felt safe with them and that she was glad she was with them.
The two boys at the side of the bed shift their focus to Yoongi at the same time, matching pouts on their faces.
“Hyung, can we stay?”
“I don’t wanna leave her.”
“Yeah Hyung, me neither.”
Yoongi puts up one of his hands to silence them, sighing deeply. He knows he’s gonna regret it, but he looks down at YN and tells them that it’s her decision if she wants them to stay or not.
“YN~” They whine at the same time, doing their best to give her perfect puppy dog eyes. “Can we stay with you, please?” YN giggles at their antics, and nods into Yoongi’s chest.
“Yeah, you can stay.” Her words were muffled because of the position of her head, but the two boys had no problems hearing her.
Jimin is the first one to climb back into the bed, quickly shimmying under the covers and wrapping his arms around YN. Taehyung climbs in directly after him, doing the same thing to Jimin that he had done to YN.
Yoongi just sighs as he looks at the three other people that had gotten into his bed, a smile on his face despite his outward annoyance. He really did love them, and if he was being completely honest with himself, having the three seek him out for comfort made his Alpha feel absolutely wonderful .
YN felt incredibly safe and happy like that, wrapped up between the three. She felt loved, cared for, wanted. Within a minute of the two boys clambering into the bed, she was completely out, sleeping peacefully.
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 5
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! The sections should start getting longer as I keep updating :)
Also! Let me know if you want to be on a tag list for this story!
Word Count: 8k
Warnings: General angst; mental health issues; soulmate themes if you squint: seriously if you aren’t into angst don’t read this bc :)))) it’s angsty
Posted: 16 Jan 2021
Tag List: @happynightmareprincess
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When YN woke up, swaddled in the softness of Jimin’s sweater, with Yoongi’s hoodie balled up in her arms, the teddy that Hobi got her resting next to her head, the light was streaming through the curtains. The scents of the three boys swirled around her in a way that was so familiar, so calming, that she almost forgot that she wasn’t still with them.
Sighing, she rolled over, opening her eyes properly for the first time. A deep sort of disappointment settled into an ever-growing pit in her stomach as her eyes flitted across her own bedroom for the first time in months.
Sadness hits her like a wave, slamming into her with an unknown, unrelenting force that left her gasping for air.
Wimpers fell from her lips as she curled into herself, not wanting to get up. All YN really wanted to do was to do was seek out the same comfort she had been getting when she was with them.
YN buries her face in Yoongi’s hoodie, willing herself not to cry anymore. Rationally, she knew she shouldn’t feel so bad. She knew she shouldn’t be so hard on herself, shouldn’t let the pit of hurt and anger in her chest rule her actions.
But honestly, YN wasn’t thinking rationally. She wasn’t removing herself from her feelings like she had done for the entirety of her life. She wasn’t putting the reminders of the boys she had called housemates and friends for the past two months out of sight.
Instead, YN just squeezed her eyes closed, ignoring the gaping hole in her chest and breathing in the scent of the boys that swirled around her.
It was because of this deep pain that YN took almost two hours to rouse herself out of bed. It would have taken even longer, but eventually nature calls and hunger gnaws at you so much you have to eat something, even if you don’t really want to.
YN trudged her way to the bathroom, then to the kitchen. The small teddy that Hoseok had gotten her was held tightly to her chest as she stumbled around her house, the ever-so-soft material of Jimin’s sweater feeling almost scratchy against her sensitive skin.
She was cold. In fact the whole house was absolutely freezing, but she couldn’t bring herself to wrap up in a blanket or put on real pants. Looking through the kitchen, she quickly realized that she didn’t have much in the way of food she could eat without much hassle.
Shivering, YN ran a hand through her hair, grabbing a small bag of some snack food she had never seen before and stumbling her way to the study she found so much comfort in. Absently, she opened the snack, nibbling on it and tasting nothing.
Silently, YN thanked herself for setting up her laptop in its usual spot the day before. She knew the only thing that she’d be able to do for a while would be to write something terribly sad and angsty.
And that’s exactly what she did. She nibbled on the snack, which she eventually realized was one of the things that Jin and Yoongi had brought to her home on the day of the attack, typing away furiously as she tried to express the emotions that were swirling around inside of her.
She didn’t remember grabbing a bottle of water, but there was one on her desk when she withdrew from her typing enough to realize she was thirsty. She chugged it like she had never had water before in her life, staring vacantly at the computer screen. The words she had been writing for god knows how long swirled before her eyes as she realized just how tired she actually was.
She stood with a groan, her back feeling more stiff than it had in months. YN pulled the sleeves of the sweater down over her hands, picking up the teddy from its place next to her computer and clutching it to her chest again. She went straight back to her room, shivering as she slid her feet across the cold floors, longing for the warmth of another body to sedate the chill that seemed to have settled in her bones.
She felt like she was floating now, the same hole bleeding in her chest as the pain turns to a sort of uncomfortable numbness. Her whole body felt like it had just frozen in place with no room for emotions, good or bad.
Snidely, she thought about the way the boys would come to her with worry etched on their beautiful faces if they had been close enough to her that they could feel her emotions. As strange as it was to get used to in the beginning, having seven other people who could instantly tell when you’re having a bad day, YN actually really enjoyed feeling known like that.
She liked that they would ask her what was wrong and actually listen. She liked that they would shake their heads at her when they realized she just had forgotten to eat lunch and was grumpy because of that. She liked that each of them would approach her negative emotions differently, having their own ways to distract her and make her feel better. Whether it was because her injuries were particularly bad or because she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, they were there to cheer her up in their own special ways.
They were bitter, the memories swirling around her head. YN buried herself under the blankets of her bed, cold settling in her bones as she held Yoongi’s hoodie to her cheek.
She thought of how Jin would sigh at her, shaking his head and telling her to go get Yoongi, the three of them were going to try out this new recipe that was too complicated for just one person to make. He never expected her to talk to him, but was always a sympathetic ear when she decided to open up.
She thought of how Yoongi had found her one too many times, sitting on the couch in his studio long after everyone else had gone to bed, typing away on her computer like it was the only thing in the world that mattered. He’d never say much then, instead clearing his throat and suggesting they both go to bed, closing the laptop with one hand and helping her up with the other. He’d give her a soft, gummy smile and open the doors for her, easily lifting her off her feet if she was having pain or trouble with her ankle. What she wouldn’t give now, to be carried to her room by Yoongi and told to get some sleep for once by the man who never seemed to sleep at night.
She thought about her energetic discussions with Namjoon about topics she really cared about, and how he would seat himself across from her in the library when she’d been reading for a little too long, drawing her out of her reprieve with discussion. His eyes would crinkle slightly at the sides, gleaming as his dimple was on full display at her becoming more and more passionate, forgetting whatever had been on her mind before, even if just for a few minutes.
She thought of how, whenever Hobi would notice her getting restless, he would ask her questions about what kind of music he should try dancing to next, or about what kind of interesting dances he should rope Jimin and Jungkook into doing with him. He would give that sunshine smile to her as she gave him ideas, making her feel like she really mattered.
She thought of how Jimin would try to curl his much bigger body into her lap, careful not to put too much pressure on her bad leg, just in case. He would snuggle her, usually half smothering her with praise and questions until she was laughing again. He would always plant a kiss on her forehead before he got up again, chattering away about how she “just needed some Jimin cuddles” with the biggest smile on his face.
She thought of how Taehyung would pick her up every time he caught her hobbling from room to room, chastising her in a half-joking, half-serious way for walking when they all knew she wasn’t supposed to be. Every time, her ears would get hot as she mumbled an excuse about not wanting to bother anyone or not really being in pain, even though it sent shots of agony up her leg every time she tried to walk until just two weeks before she left the house. Taehyung would just shake his head, his voice reverberating through her chest as he told her that he was her “trusty steed” and that he took his duties very seriously.
And she thought of Jungkook, the one she was closest in age to, who was still awkward around emotions. He would offer her up some of whatever snack he was having, and insist that they go play another round of whatever game he had decided was his favorite for the time being. He never asked what was wrong, or why she didn’t feel good, instead he quietly tried to take her mind off of it, which she appreciated.
YN cried herself to sleep again that night.
The week passed torturously slow. YN was in a depressive spiral, freezing cold despite the warmth of her home, swaddled in blankets and clutching onto the things that she had been left like they were her saving graces. The boys felt disjointed, like they had a part of them ripped away and it made everything more difficult to do for them.
As much as it had pained them, they kept true to Namjoon’s plan and didn’t go anywhere near YN for the entirety of the week, trying to be sure that YN was what she seemed to be. If their week was any indication, they had found a lost Omega.
Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had spent most of the week trying (and failing) to convince Namjoon to let them be the ones to patrol over where YN lived. Namjoon was able to see right through this though, telling them to stay away from there and that he would be the only one that goes over into that part of their territory until the week is up.
Begrudgingly, they listen. Though not without trying to convince Hoseok to do their dirty work for them, which he refused.
When it came to the week being done, they had their answer. YN had to either be one of the lost or she was able to pack bond, for whatever reason. Once Namjoon was fully sure that they needed YN with them, in one way or another, he rounded up the boys.
“You all know that it’s been a week since YN left us. And I think I speak for all of us when I say that this week has been absolutely torture.” Namjoon starts, pacing back and forth in the living room, looking at the boys before him.
“Right Joon, what have you decided?” None of them pay attention to who it was that said it, but they were all looking at Namjoon anxiously.
“We need her here. With us. She’s started the pack bond, even though we all know she couldn’t have meant to.” Namjoon runs a hand through his hair, pausing his pacing to stand in the middle of the room, turning to the six other men he called his family.
“Hyung, what are we going to actually do?” It’s Jimin who speaks up this time, shifting nervously in his seat.
“Tomorrow morning, be ready to drive over to hers. It’s almost an hour, because we will have to go around the forest completely, but we need to explain to her what’s going on and let her make the choice for herself as to what to do.” Namjoon takes a deep breath. “Jin can drive the one car, and Yoongi can drive the other, since they have both taken the drive before. But whatever happens tomorrow, we have to respect YN and her decisions.”
They all agreed, excitement building as they chattered amongst each other.
“One of you needs to come and help me gather some snacks to take with us in the morning, I know you guys will just be absolutely starving if we don’t have something for the ride.” Jin stands and smiles fondly at the three youngest, who smile sheepishly back at him. Everyone in the room knew that the comment was directed at them, especially Jungkook.
It was Jungkook who followed the elder into the kitchen, excitedly packing what seemed like enough snack foods to feed twenty people, thought they both knew that between the seven of them, they’d all be gone or close to it by the end of the next day.
When YN woke up the morning the pack was coming to see her, something compelled her to get out of bed without the two or three hour upset lounging session she had been growing used to.
For the first time since returning to her home, she put on a pot of coffee and found some cereal that she wouldn’t mind eating dry. YN sat at her kitchen counter, wearing Yoongi’s hoodie like a dress, sipping coffee that was far too hot and way too bitter for her liking, crunching on cereal.
YN was completely zoned out, doing these things without thinking about what she was really doing. One hand was alternating between bringing the half empty coffee cup to her mouth or grabbing a few pieces of cereal at a time, the other clutching that teddy bear to her chest like it would fill the gaping void.
It was because of this autopilot mode that YN didn’t hear the knocking at her door until it was fairly loud. Confused and not thinking at all, she went and opened the door paying absolutely no attention to the fact that she hadn’t gotten dressed for the day yet and she was not dressed appropriately to be seeing anyone just yet.
She is met with the sight of Namjoon’s smiling face looking down on her, his deep and polite voice asking her if they could come in as the other boys stood behind him, clearly impatient.
“Y-yeah of course” YN’s voice is rough from not having spoken for almost a whole week, other than to let sobs fall from her lips. She shakes her head as she moves to the side, letting the pack into her home.
It felt strange, seeing the object of all of her emotions in the last week right there in her home, milling around the place in a curious fashion.
It is right then when she becomes fully aware of the fact that, not only is she clutching onto the teddy that Hobi got her, but she’s also not wearing any pants. Sure, Yoongi’s hoodie might as well have been a dress on her much smaller frame, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel exposed as the seven men made their way into her home.
As comfortable as she was with them, she could never forget just how large they were in comparison to her. Or the strength that was so carefully hidden in their lithe bodies.
“Ehm- make yourselves at home. I’m going to get changed.” YN turns on her heel, ears hot as she hurries to her room, embarrassment rolling off of her in waves.
The boys, so used to being naked or close to it with each other because of the changes and the nature of their relationships with each other, honestly didn’t register anything weird with her appearance. They shot confused glances at each other as they watched YN retreat, but shrugged it off once they realized they could see her legs.
YN returned after a couple minutes. She had left the teddy bear in her room, and thrown a pair of leggings and Taehyung’s beanie on, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself. She couldn’t help the immense feeling of comfort at the knowledge the boys, her boys, were in her home again.
“Ah YN!” Hoseok is the first one to notice that YN had returned, giving her his sunshine smile. YN gives a little wave, standing awkwardly in the entrance to her living room and kitchen. She’s unsure of why they’re there, or what was expected of her, making her feel almost like a stranger in her own home.
It doesn’t take more than twenty seconds for Taehyung and Jimin to have her seated between them on the couch, each of them practically smothering her in cuddles from either side. YN is giggling before long, feeling like she was finally coming home. The two boys were being almost too loud as they exclaimed how much they had missed her.  
“YN!” Jin shouts from the kitchen, expecting to find at least a little bit of something in her fridge that he could whip up for lunch for all of them. He had a feeling that they would be there for quite a while.“Why is your kitchen empty? Do you not eat when we don’t feed you?”
YN feels her ears get hot again as she mumbles something about not having been hungry as Jin just scolds her more. As much as she hated the scolding, she couldn’t deny that she had missed Jin’s semi-parental attitude towards her. From their spots on either side of her, Taehyung and Jimin joke about how they’ll protect YN from the “fierce scolding” of Jin.
“Alright, enough Hyung. Boys.” Namjoon speaks, bringing the attention to him. “We are here for a reason, after all. YN, would it be alright if I talked to you? Privately?”
YN is quickly agreeing, trying her best to get up from her spot squished between Taehyung and Jimin without injuring herself.
“Would you like to talk in the study?” YN asks when she finally manages to escape, turning and walking towards it once Namjoon nods. For whatever reason, she doesn’t question the fact that Namjoon wants to speak to her alone.
They walk in silence until they get there, YN taking her customary seat at the desk and Namjoon takes one across from her after closing the door.
“What do we have to talk about that couldn’t be said in the other room? Is it bad?” YN speaks first, her voice hoarse as she avoids eye contact, fiddling with the end of the hoodie.
“Well, YN, it’s not necessarily bad, but it’s going to be a lot for you to process and understand, so we figured it would be easier for you if I were the only one here when I explain everything.” Namjoon answers smoothly, doing his best to assuage the fears he was sure YN had.
YN makes a motion for Namjoon to continue, looking anywhere but his face. Her ears were hot as it dawned on her just how put together the boys were, even though she was a complete mess. She didn’t like feeling like the only one that was affected, but to her, it was clear she was the only one feeling anything.
“Do you remember my first visit, when you were still on bedrest?” Namjoon gives YN a second to respond, continuing when he hears her give a soft hum in acknowledgement.
“Well, I told you then that you smell like an Omega, which is true. What I didn’t know then was if you were able to pack bond or not. Turns out that you most definitely can, and are probably one of the lost Omegas.” Namjoon pauses, watching YN intently as he waits for her to process what he had told her.
“Wha-” YN begins, brow furrowed as she mulls over what Namjoon had said. She knew what pack bonding was, what it meant. She knew that it was a connection far deeper than anything a regular human could experience. It was a family, a partnership, a lover, a best friend. It was special.  
“Is that why I feel so bad?” YN asks the question in a voice that is much softer than anything Namjoon had heard come from her before, and it breaks his heart.
“Now I can’t be sure beca-” Namjoon starts, pushing the glasses he had decided to wear up his nose as he begins an explanation that YN can just tell isn’t going to really tell her anything. She loved Namjoon, she really did, but he had a specific way of sugar coating things that left people without a grasp of the full picture.
“Joonie, please.” YN interrupts, wrapping her arms around herself as her head turns to the floor. The familiar name tugs even more at Namjoon’s heart, a lump forming in his throat as he sees just how much YN is really hurting. “Don’t sugar coat it. Did something happen? To make me feel so horrible?”
“We bonded. Or started to.”
The room falls silent for what seems like way too long, neither person wanting to be the one to break the heavy silence.
“What does- what does this mean? For- For me?” YN finally speaks, thoughts racing. She internally cringed at the fact she kept tripping over her words.
She was grateful, in that moment, that it had been easy for her to pick up on the methods there were to keep the boys out of her head.
“First off we want you to come and live with us, permanently. We will care for you just like we did when you were hurt, but you won’t have to say goodbye. We will be there for you, no matter what. You’ll always be safe, always be cared for, always be taken care of. Omegas are always the most protected members of the pack, they’re the most vulnerable.” Namjoon’s voice is warm, almost too happy. YN can tell there's a catch.
“But you won’t be able to live outside of the house that we inhabit. You’ll be a target for any other pack that wants to hurt us or find our weak spots, so you won’t be able to go anywhere without one of us, except for in the house.” Namjoon shrugs his shoulders as if what he said wasn’t incredibly shocking and wouldn’t greatly influence her decision to join them or not.
“I- What?” YN shakes her head. “You mean to tell me that I have to choose between feeling like someone ran me over a million times with a cement truck and stomped a hole in my chest, or always being targeted for murder?”
Namjoon doesn’t say anything, giving YN more time to try to process what was going on.
“And if I say yes, I won’t ever be able to go and do anything by myself? Or I might be killed?” YN’s voice is shaky as she speaks, and again, Namjoon doesn’t say anything.
“Can you give me a minute? Alone?” YN turns the chair back around and stares at her closed laptop.
“Of course. Yell if you need one of us, yeah?” Namjoon stands and walks out of the door, a sad smile gracing his face as he softly shuts the door behind him. He honestly couldn’t tell what YN was going to do, and as he walked away, he realized he hadn’t even mentioned the fact that they’d always be able to read her thoughts, even if she didn’t want them to.
He took off the glasses he had been wearing, running a hand over his face and pinching the bridge of his nose as he walks back into the living room area. Even though he’s expecting to be bombarded with questions, the boys don’t say anything as Namjoon moves into the kitchen, seeking the comfort of Jin without a second thought.
YN sat at her desk for a while, mulling everything over. She had always considered herself to be very independent, enjoying the ability to do things for herself, but she couldn’t shake how wonderful it felt to be taken care of. Sure, it wasn’t at all what she was used to, but she couldn’t deny that it made her feel loved.
And YN liked that, if she was being honest with herself.
But she also couldn’t imagine giving up her freedom. Giving up her walks alone in the woods, or her solo trips to town, or her trips to the city to go see this or that. The fact is, YN likes her time alone, away from everyone else. In the mansion, the only place she could go to get away would be her own room, which felt like she was a sad teenager again, hiding from her parents.
However much she wanted to just burst out with a yes as soon as Namjoon had mentioned staying with them permanently, she felt like she needed another perspective when it came to what her life would become in that home.
She didn’t want to make a mistake that would haunt her for the rest of her life, after all.
As much as it felt like the right thing to do, she didn’t want to intrude on what was already an established group, just because she didn’t feel good.
Especially not when they clearly weren’t half as affected as she was. Sure, YN had always known she felt things a little deeper than other people seemed to when it came to her friendships, but she didn’t realize just how fucked her emotions were until the seven men she had spent a full seven days crying over came back into her life, completely fine.
Deciding that she needed another opinion, she stood, quietly opening the door and heading towards the noise of the men in the other room. Purposefully, she stayed quiet and to the side, not wanting them to focus their attention on her just yet. She couldn’t deal with their attention being fully on her, not then.
“Yoongi?” YN’s voice is soft, sad. She was standing behind him when she spoke, causing the man to jump, twirling around to see what she needed. Sure, he had noticed when she entered the room, but he was not expecting her to be right beside him.
With a cough, he asked what she needed.
“Could I talk with you in the study? Please?” YN looks up at him with those big, innocent eyes of hers as she spoke in that same sad, soft tone. Needless to say, she could have asked for anything in that way and Yoongi would have lit the world on fire to get it for her.
Instead, he nods, motioning for YN to lead the way. She scurries back to the study, hoping that Yoongi will have some insights that will help her solidify if it’s the right choice or not.
Truthfully, she couldn’t think of anything else she wanted more than to go back to the way things were before this horrible week, but she also had to be sure.
YN takes a seat on the couch this time, watching with those same sad eyes as Yoongi closes the door. He sits down next to her, opening his arms as YN settles herself into his embrace.
If Yoongi was being honest with himself, he didn���t really understand why the youngest three liked physical affection so much until that first night YN had curled up beside him, sharing her blanket with him as she slowly ended up closer and closer to him. She claimed that she was “just cold” and that her burying her nose in Yoongi’s shoulder for half the night had nothing to do with the terrifying movie that Jungkook and Taehyung had decided was going to be the selection for that week’s movie night, but they could all see right through her.
After that first night, Yoongi would always open his arms to YN whenever they were seated next to each other, like now. Though usually it was more positive than it was in this moment.
Yoongi internally felt awkward as he heard YN sniffle sofly in his arms, though he couldn’t deny he wanted to hurt whoever had made her upset. Sure, he knew that it wasn’t rational, but he had always been protective of those he cared about, and YN was most definitely not an exception to that rule.
“It’s alright YN, I know this is a lot for you.” Yoongi speaks for the first time, his deep voice comforting YN in a way she had been sorely missing.
YN doesn’t speak for a long time. Instead she cries, burying herself in Yoongi’s arms. She had missed having him so close, having his scent to help calm her down.
“YN, darling, tell me what’s been going on, hm?” Yoongi moves YN off of him slightly, running a hand over her cheek to wipe away a stray tear.
“Are you sure you wanna hear?” YN’s voice is shaky, strained. The amount of unashurededness in her voice makes Yoongi’s heart break, and a sort of gross protectiveness come out in him that he hadn’t felt since the younger members of the pack had joined. As much as those three got on his nerves, he felt the same sort of protective love for them as he did for YN.
“Of course I want to hear. I’m always here to listen to you.” Yoongi’s voice is soft, careful. YN glances up, tears brimming in her eyes. When she sees Yoongi’s attention fully on her, his eyes searching her face to try to make sure he wasn’t overstepping and that she was as comfortable as she could be given the circumstances, those same tears spilled.
She takes a deep, steadying breath, leaning back away from Yoongi so she can properly look at him.
“It was horrible Yoongs. I felt like- like someone had ripped out my heart. Like there was a gaping hole where my stomach used to be. Like- like you didn’t want me. Didn’t care. ” YN shivered, eyes trained on her hands as she fiddled with the end of one of her sleeves, willing herself not to cry any more than she already had.
Yoongi notices this small nervous habit and takes her small hands into his much larger ones, rubbing a thumb over her knuckles in a way he hoped was soothing to her.
“I felt alone. I’ve never felt alone like that before Yoongi. Never!” YN sniffles, shaking her head. “I couldn’t eat, I either slept for too long or not long enough, and I was cold. It was so so cold. I didn’t feel like I’d ever be warm again.”
Her voice fades out now, sniffles coming more and more frequently. Yoongi took the pause in her speaking to pull her back into his arms again, instinctually knowing that she just needed to be held and reminded that he was there and that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Once YN had calmed down again, Yoongi held her at arm's length again, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away the last tears from her cheeks again.
“YN, look at me.” His voice is soft, caring. He doesn’t speak again until YN fully turns to look at his face.
“I never want you to feel like that again. I’ll be here for you, we will be. What I felt this past week-” Yoongi pauses to shake his head, “-I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially not someone so fragile as you.”
YN can feel her ears get hot, wanting to say that she wasn’t fragile, that she could handle things. She wanted to tell him about all the terrible things she had gone through before, about how much she had dealt with all on her own, but she didn’t. The words died in her throat, because by their standards, by his standards, she really was.
“Do you understand what we are asking, by wanting you to come live with us? To be part of the pack?” Yoongi asks now, shifting the attention slightly.
“Sort of.” YN shrugs. Her fingers are back to fiddling with her sleeve and are quickly captured by Yoongi’s again.
“What are you concerned about? Hm?” He gives her that signature gummy smile of his, eyes crinkling at the edge when he notices how YN finally cracks a smile.
“I don’t want to lose my freedom. I can do things by myself, I don’t really need to be taken care of, really! I don’t want to become a burden on any of you. Or cause issues. Or put myself somewhere I’m not really needed.” She takes her bottom lip between her teeth, chewing on it absently as she watches Yoongi for his reaction. If there’s one thing she could trust, it would be Yoongi’s lack of ability to make anything something other than exactly what it was.
“I’m not going to lie to you, you know that. I don’t see the point in it. The way things were before you came back here, that’s about how they’ll be if you choose to come with us. There are only two things that will change.” Yoongi pauses, looking to make sure YN is paying attention properly.
“First, you will end up presenting fully as an Omega. When it comes closer to the time for that to happen, Jimin will have to be the one to explain it to you, seeing as he’s the one who has felt things as close to what you’ll go through. Second, you won’t be able to shield your thoughts from us anymore. If we want to read you, we will be able to. It’s not something we are looking to do, but the emotional state of Omegas affects the rest of the pack greatly, and that’s the way we have evolved to deal with it.”
YN swallows thickly, mind racing. She wasn’t going to lie, she had some, well, unsavory thoughts about the men that she had come to know so well. She really didn’t want all of those thoughts being common knowledge, especially not to the people they were about.
“You- You’re sure I won’t be able to shield?” YN’s voice feels sticky in her throat as she gets the words out.
“One hundred pre-cent darling, every thought that passes through that pretty brain of yours will be able to be accessed by us, if we want to read you. As our only Omega, your thoughts and feelings, your emotions, they will greatly affect all of us. We already feel what the others do, but with you, it’ll be ten times as intense. We need to be able to read you so that way we can always know what’s going on, what you want and what you need, without you having to explain it to us.”
“We already feel like we need to protect you, like you are our lovely little Omega. Once you’re fully ingrained into our pack, it’ll just be more intense.”
They fall silent, once Yoongi finishes speaking this time. He smiles absently at YN as she plays with his fingers, obviously deep in thought.
He had missed having her around more than he thought, if that was even possible.
“I’ll do it.” YN’s voice is so soft, Yoongi almost misses it.
“Are you sure?” Yoongi wants to make sure YN has really thought about everything before she says a definitive yes, even when he wanted nothing more than to squeeze the small girl into the tightest hug he could.
“Yes, I’m sure. I want to live with you. With all of you. I want to be your Omega just as much as I want you to be my pack.” YN tries to swallow the lump in her throat, willing herself not to trip over her words.
“I’ve never been more sure of something in my life.”
The next two weeks were hectic, to say the least. Once YN had confirmed that she was going to be making the move from her own home to the mansion with the pack, there was a flurry of activity.
First, they had to decide who was going to stay with YN while she packed all of the things she would be needing. Like the big bad adults they are, the pack played a huge game of rock-paper-scissors for the privilege, with Hoseok and Jimin being the ones to end up winning.
After that game, the rest of the boys stayed around to help with whatever they could right then, but left in the late afternoon.
From then on, it was time for YN to go through and pack up everything she could to make sure she had enough stuff for living somewhere new.
She started with packing up things she didn’t want the boys to see, like her underthings and personal journals, before moving on to things that they could more easily help with.
Jimin was not a very big help, deciding that he wanted to cuddle one (or both) of the other people in the house instead of helping to pack and carry the boxes (and whining when he didn’t get his way). Both YN and Hobi found it to be adorable though, neither of them really minding the workload.
It was mostly deciding what YN would need for her everyday life, and what things she could leave in the home, just in case someone in her family decided to drop by unannounced. YN couldn’t offer up a real explanation for them, not without reliving years of trauma, so neither Jimin nor Hobi decided to push the issue when she fiercely insisted that they leave enough to make sure nobody would question that someone lived there.
Hobi would cock up an eyebrow when he felt the small prickles of fear from YN whenever he would go to put one too many of something in a box. He thought it was just plain weird that YN was so insistent on this one very specific thing, making sure to remember everything that she was doing so he could discuss it with both Jimin and the rest of the pack when he got the chance.
Jimin, whenever he felt the well of emotion swell up in YN, would do his best to distract her, telling her about this or asking her about that or pretending he needed a hug from her before he could do any more work. He would let angelic giggles fall from his lips as he drew the girl into his arms, picking her up and swinging her around until she felt happy again.
Neither boy pushed. They knew that YN would open up to them in time, and they didn’t try to pry into her mind either, even with the barrier that she had learned to keep up getting weaker by the day.
Every few days, the rest of the boys would show up and help with whatever they could for the day, be it moving boxes or sorting things or arranging this or that so it would look like someone was still living there. They all did their best to make sure that the transition between the house that YN had so many memories in and their own was a smooth one.
It was during this transition time that the boys fully realized two things they hadn’t really thought of before. On the lighter note, YN had an absolutely horrible sleep schedule and completely disregarded the sun’s appearances in the sky. The second, much darker, thing that they realized was that YN had hidden trauma.
What that trauma was? They couldn’t tell you, but they realized as she was packing that she was afraid of something. Again, she had very carefully hidden whatever it was she was so scared of, to the point that none of the boys knew what in the world she held such a deep terror for.
They decided among themselves not to bring it up though, deciding that YN would have to talk about it on her own. Even though they could feel her thoughts and emotions more and more with each passing day, they didn’t want to break the trust that they had built with her on the cusp of such an important move.
And this is how things were when YN finally moved everything into the mansion. She had gotten everything settled into its rightful places fairly quickly, finding a system that would work well for her.
She settled into the routine of being in the house incredibly quickly, feeling almost as if she had never really left at all. It was hard to believe that just three weeks earlier she thought she was saying goodbye to this place forever.
In the mornings, or whenever YN decided to get out of bed, she would sleepily head down to the kitchen and grab one of the cold brews that always seemed to be in the fridge. She had always liked cold coffee more than hot coffee, so she was grateful to whoever kept the fridge stocked with her favorite flavor of cold brew.
From there, YN would carefully sip on her drink as she made her way around the mansion, looking for either Jin or Jimin. Both of them tended to stay in the house a lot, as neither of them had any sort of external job and neither of them went on patrol, if it could be helped. Whichever one of them she found first, she would either follow around until she was fully awake, or sit and watch as they did whatever they were doing at the time. YN would then go and find the one she hadn’t found the first time, repeating the process until she was satisfied that she was fully awake and ready to face the day.
At this point, YN would make her way back to the kitchen, stocking up on snacks and grabbing more coffee before making her way to one of the desks in the library. She’d spend the next few hours planning and doing research, hunched over the desk as she furiously types whatever it is that she needs to for the time, only taking small pauses to sip more of her drink or shove more of whatever snack she had grabbed into her mouth.
It’s only when the call of nature becomes too much to ignore that YN will stand and stretch out her spine, feeling stiff as she tries to pack up her things. Yes, she had found out early on that there were a couple maids that came in a few days a week, but YN couldn’t imagine leaving any sort of a mess for them if it could be helped and would clean everything she could whenever she got done with anything. Habits die hard, after all.
It always seemed to happen that one of the others would be getting home around this time, so YN would make her way into the surprisingly lush living room and curl up in some blankets and watch whatever happened to be on TV until someone caught her attention.
Usually, it would be Jungkook and Taehyung who returned first. YN didn’t quite understand why or what it was that they actually did, but they spent their days patrolling in the vast forest around the house. Jungkook had tried to explain it to her a few times, but she just never really understood what was going on.  
When the two youngest would get to the home, it was a 50/50 shot as to if they would transform from their wolf form to their human one, or if they’d hang out around the house as wolves. Either way, they would find a way to sit on either side of YN and just relax with her for a while. Sometimes they would talk about what they had been doing or cool things they had seen, and other times they just wanted to get some affection from their favorite Omega.
Eventually, Hoseok would appear and steal Jungkook to either work out or dance with, and Jin would come in to steal YN so they could spend their time cooking the evening meal together. Every single day, without fail,  Taehyung would grumble about how “the Hyungs took the fun ones” before going off to try and find Yoongi. And everyday, without fail, Yoongi would be found in his infamous Genius Lab, annoyed to high heaven that Taehyung had come in to “bother” him, even though they both enjoyed the interruption.
They always tried to eat together as a whole group, crowded around the table laughing and talking about anything and everything. As much as they would bicker and argue, none of them could deny the love and happiness they found in each other.
After their meal, they would break off into groups and do this or that. Sometimes they would go as a whole group to have a movie night, video game tournament, karaoke night, or something else that they could enjoy as a whole group (with the loser having to tidy up the kitchen and dining room). Other times, YN would make her way into the kitchen and start cleaning while the others broke away to do whatever it was they had planned for the evening. Whenever YN took it upon herself to clean up whatever mess was made, Hoseok would always come and help her, smiling and laughing with her as they got the place tidied up.
It was at this point that YN would slip away with her laptop under her arm, a water in one hand and her charger in the other, heading to the Genius Lab to work on her stories. Despite everything else, she still had deadlines to meet and a need to be alone sometimes, and she knew that Yoongi wouldn’t go back to the ever-so-private room until he was done doing rounds with Namjoon for the evening.
This gave YN about two and a half hours or so completely to herself, where she could be alone with her thoughts and feelings. She could feel the world she had built for her characters without the worry that anyone or anything would be there to interrupt her, could get deep into what the characters were doing and saying and feeling without worrying about what they boys would think of her and the world she had made. Honestly, it was incredibly freeing for her to be able to have that time and space where she was completely alone with her thoughts.
And when Yoongi did make his way back to his favorite room in their home, he fell into the habit of bringing an extra bottle of water with him for YN. The two would settle into a comfortable silence once Yoongi had settled in, both of them finding peace in the fact that the other person was in the room. Every so often, YN would ask Yoongi a question about this or that, or Yoongi would ask YN to give her opinion on a section of music, but most of the time the only sounds in the room were the soft taps of the keyboard and the even softer breathing of both bodies.
Eventually, one of them would end up looking at the time and mutter something about going to bed, which the other would ignore for at least another hour or two, when their eyes were heavy. YN would fall asleep on the couch without meaning to every couple days, which gave Yoongi the ultimate symbol to get them both to bed.
Yoongi would sweetly clean up the studio, making sure everything was off and where it needed to be and packing up whatever YN had brought with her, before he bent and picked her up, carrying her up to her room and tucking her in before making his way to his own room.
It was a simple, domestic sort of life that they all led, and they couldn’t of been happier with the way things were turning out.
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 4
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! The sections should start getting longer as I keep updating :) 
Also! Let me know if you want to be on a tag list for this story! 
Word Count: 7.7k
Warnings: General angst; slight medical talk; mental health issues; soulmate themes if you squint
Posted: 31 Dec 2020
Previous Next
When YN wakes up, she is lying in what looks like a fancy hospital room. Her shoulder is on fire, there’s an IV in her hand, her leg is propped up in an almost uncomfortable way, and all the rest of her feels like she was repeatedly hit by a cement truck. 
YN tries to sit up, but only makes it a few centimeters before pain wracks her body and she stops in her tracks. Her eyes snap shut and she takes a few deep breaths, doing her best to remember what happened and where she was.
And- nothing. YN doesn’t really remember anything that happened. 
That is, until Jin walks into the room, and everything hits her all at once- how Jin and Yoongi came to cook, how she was going back to the garden to grab her phone when a mystery wolf tried to harm her, how Yoongi transformed into a giant black wolf, how he fought for her, how Jin helped her. 
“I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon. Welcome back, YN.” Jin breaks the silence, and YN’s eyes snap up to him. 
“I-” YN starts, taking a second to collect her thoughts before continuing. “What happened to me?” Her voice is gruff, hoarse. 
“You were attacked.” Jin gives a little shrug before continuing, “Your shoulder was bitten, your ankle broken, you have three cracked ribs, and deep tissue bruising on the side with the bite. Other than that, you’re covered in scratches and bruises from the dragging and the nasty fall you took.” 
“Don’t worry, you have the same blood type as Jimin, and he was more than happy to donate for you. The wolf blood will have you healed by the end of the month for pretty much all of it. The ankle will take a little longer.” Jin shrugs again, going around and checking all of the monitors, making sure everything was good before he makes small talk with YN and helps her sit up, giving her water. 
Once he is sure she is as fine as she can be, he takes a seat at the end of the bed. YN can feel her ears get hot as she realizes that he has plenty of room, seeing as her legs don’t even reach three-fourths of the way down when she’s lying, much less when she’s sitting up. She doesn’t know why she feels this embarrassment, but she does anyway, and she silently hopes that Jin doesn’t know. 
“You must have questions, so why don’t I give you the full story?” Jin lightly pats where YN’s good foot is, smiling warmly at her. “If you want me to, of course.” 
“Please, I feel like I’m going crazy.” YN’s voice is much softer now, as she looks at him with those big, innocent eyes of hers, sipping water. 
“Well, I hope you’ve figured out by now that we are all werewolves.” Jin lets out a little laugh as YN nods softly. 
“We are a hidden race among humans, almost extinct. There are a few large groups over in America, there’s a couple here, a few somewhere in Europe, and a whole bunch over in Africa. There’s also a city of only wolves and special, trusted humans in China, which is also hidden from the world. We are bigger, faster, and stronger than even the very best human. We have the ability to change into wolves whenever we want, so long as we are fully healed.” Jin takes breath, looking to YN to make sure she was following along. 
YN nods, eyes trained on Jin as she listens, and he continues. 
“In order to survive, we had to breed with humans, muddle the gene pool. The fastest, strongest, largest of the humans, they are all part wolf. Our pack is one of the purest here, genetically speaking, but we would be considered basically human by our ancestors. But, to be fair, some humans are able to be welcomed into packs.” 
“Packs?” YN asks, head tilting slightly to one side as Jin smiles. 
“Yeah, like wolf packs. There are Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, which are basically what you think they are, though there is a lot more variation than you would think. Each designation is on a sort of scale, though that scale is not something that can easily be explained.” Jin gives another half shrug, glancing up at the IV, before standing and doing something that YN didn’t understand. 
“Here, let me get this changed so your body doesn’t starve or dehydrate. And I’ll let the rest of the boys know you’re awake, they’re excited to meet you and make sure you’re okay.” Jin clearly makes the move away from the subject of werewolves, and even though YN’s mind is swirling with questions, she doesn’t question the dropping of the subject. 
YN assumes (correctly) that any and all questions she possibly has will be answered in time, because something about the way Jin putters around the room doing this or that feels like coming home. 
Over the next week, YN steadily gets better. Whatever it is about the werewolf blood that makes healing kick it up into overdrive was working better than expected, which all of the boys were grateful for. She had visitors every day, for most of the day, and she quickly got along with each of them. 
Jin, who YN found out was actually a fully licensed medical doctor and surgeon, mandated that the boys were only allowed to go and see her in pairs, so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed. 
And thus, YN met Hobi and Jimin almost as soon as Jin opened the door to let the boys know she was accepting visitors. She could see who she would later find out to be Jungkook and Taehyung peaking in the doorway, wanting to be included but not being allowed to be. 
Both Hobi and Jimin very enthusiastically introduced themselves, taking no time at all to occupy the end of the bed that YN was far too short to occupy herself. Talking to them felt like talking to people she had known for years, and they had YN almost rolling with laughter within the first five minutes. 
It was almost an hour of not-so-patient waiting on behalf of Taehyung and Jungkook before Jin came back and kicked Hobi and Jimin out, scolding them half-heartedly for not letting the other two have their time yet. 
With quick apologies, those two boys slipped out of the room as two more replaced them. Again, just as enthusiastic, the two boys introduced themselves, and had YN in stitches almost too quickly. 
Without a second thought, YN is talking with them for almost two hours, before Namjoon comes in and cuts them off. He kicks the two youngest out of the room, telling them that YN needs to rest sometime, that she has to heal. 
Namjoon in turn takes the same spot at the end of the bed, but he is bearing gifts. Namely, the gift of her electronics from her home, a nice lap desk, and some of her very favorite sour candy.
“I figured you would want these things, seeing as you’ll be here for a while.” Namjoon smiles softly as he almost sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. 
“Oh, thank you!” YN is much more animated than she was even an hour ago, snatching the sour candies from Namjoon’s hand as quickly as she dares to, trying her best to open the bag without moving her one arm very much. 
“Do you want some help YN?” Namjoon’s voice is soft but deep, and YN nods without even a second’s hesitation, holding out the offending bag with a small pout. 
Namjoon just chuckles, making small talk as he easily opens the bag, carefully handing it to YN. She lets out a grateful sigh, carefully balancing the bag in her hurt hand, and throwing candies into her mouth. 
“How’d you know I like these?” YN asks absently, paying far more attention to the wonderful flavor than to Namjoon and his response. 
She was tired, her body was sore, and honestly, she was more excited for her candy and the prospect of a nice long sleep than she was about anything Namjoon had to say. That was, at least, until she actually heard the words that came out of his mouth. 
“Oh, we can read minds. We know all sorts of things about you.” His voice was that same even calmness, to the point that YN didn’t actually register what was said for almost a whole minute. 
“You… you what?” YN pauses and looks up at Namjoon, shock and confusion written so clearly on her face that Namjoon didn’t even need to read her mind to know exactly what she was thinking. 
“Hyung was supposed to tell you, but yes. It’s an innate ability of ours, and once you present you’ll probably be able to do the same.” Namjoon gives a little sort of half shrug as YN’s face just scrunches up more as she tries to fully process what Namjoon actually said. 
“I can see you’re confused.” Namjoon speaks again and YN rolls her eyes without taking a second to think about how that might be perceived. Sure, the men she had met had all been incredibly kind to her, but that doesn’t mean that they’re comfortable enough to start with the half-bratty sass that YN was known for with her close friends. 
“Yeah, I wonder why.” YN speaks for the first time, her eyes locking up onto Namjoons in a way that seemed out of character for the girl that he had begun to get to know. “It’s not like this is a lot to process or anything.” Sarcasm seems to drip from every pore like venom, and Namjoon pauses for the first time, slightly confused. Again, this was unlike the character that he had come to know as YN.
He’s sure YN doesn’t mean any harm by what she’s saying, that much is clear to him because of her thoughts, but he was under the impression that YN was just a sweet, mild mannered woman. Silently, Namjoon chides himself for allowing himself to believe that YN, a fully functioning adult woman, was something other than a three dimensional person with multitudes to her personality. 
“May I ask some clarifying questions?” YN asks after a short silence. For the first time, she felt slightly uncomfortable in the silence, wondering if she had actually offended Namjoon inadvertently. Usually, she tried to tame the more bratty side of her personality for fear of being hurt by someone she completely offended, and it seemed to hit her all at once that these men, who were already giant in comparison to her, also held an unknown strength.
YN’s fears are assuaged when Namjoon gives her a beautiful smile, nodding his head and motioning for her to ask away. 
“How much of my head can you see?” YN tilts her head to one side, not catching how strange her phrasing is until Namjoon lifts an eyebrow. By that point, too much time has passed for YN to really change her statement, and she can feel her ears getting hot as she waits for Namjoon to actually respond. 
“Well, any of us can read basically any thought you have. We can also access memories, though it is incredibly frowned upon to do so, as it is sort of like torture for the person whose mind you look into for that one. But, we can also teach you how to make sure we can’t see inside your mind, and when the door to the room closes, we can’t see into anyone inside the room.” Namjoon answers with a sort of practiced nuance, which is comforting to YN in a strange way. 
“Do you look at my thoughts all the time?” 
“No, of course not. That wouldn’t be fair, and honestly, we don’t really look in your mind at all. You do throw off emotion, but that’s different in the first place.” Namjoon gives that same little half shrug. 
“How’s it different?” YN’s voice is much softer now. There’s something about the way Namjoon speaks that makes her feel like she’s coming home. 
She shakes the feeling, instead trying to focus on what Namjoon has to say.
“When in the pack, emotions are shared and felt by the other members of the pack, to varying degrees. When it comes to other wolves, we are sensitive to their emotions and have a large amount of completely non-verbal communication. Part of why you’re so interesting to us is the fact that we can feel your emotions, though you clearly aren’t fully wolf.” Namjoon pauses, brow furrowed. 
“What does that mean?” YN’s expression turns to match Namjoons. 
“It means you’re one of us. But also that you’re not.” Namjoon brings a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. “I’m not sure what it means, honestly. You smell like an Omega. You act like one, mostly. But you clearly won’t be able to turn once you finish presenting, you know nothing of our world or customs, you’re absolutely tiny.” 
YN shifts uncomfortably when Namjoon looks up at her, her ears heating up again, though she has no idea why she’s embarrassed. It’s not her fault she didn’t know about a hidden society of werewolves, after all. 
Namjoon opens his mouth to say something else, but the door opens and Jin steps in. 
“Namjoon, go separate Taehyung and Yoongi. They’re at it again. Both of them are acting like children.” Jin lets out a deep, exasperated sigh. “And you need to leave YN alone, she needs to heal. Didn’t you say the same thing to Tae and Kookie just a bit ago?” 
YN can’t help but smile softly at the familiar interaction, almost laughing when Jin shoos Namjoon out of the room. 
“As for you, Miss YN, you need to actually rest. Don’t be afraid to tell any of the boys to leave, they know full well that you are here to heal.” Jin gives YN a bright smile as he reaches behind her to make sure her pillows are arranged correctly. 
YN nods, a grateful smile on her features. “I’ll do my best to heal well, thank you.”  She speaks softly, her thoughts a jumbled mess after everything Namjoon told her, her prior annoyance and attitude melting away.
“Do you need anything else? It’s getting late enough I’m going to leave you, I know Namjoon set you up with your technology and chargers.” Jin stands in the doorway, facing YN. 
“No, thank you! I’m good until tomorrow.” YN answers quickly, arranging herself so she can rest comfortably for the night. 
“I’ll leave you then. If you need anything through the night, there’s a call button on the side there. Good night, YN.” 
“Good night!” YN calls, watching as Jin flicks off the light and closes the door. She then proceeds to lay there, in the strange bed, and stare up at the ceiling. 
It was a lot to process, everything that she’d been told. 
“I’m fucking crazy.” YN groans, sighing deeply and checking her phone for the first time in what could have been weeks. 
She was unsurprised to see that the only notifications she had were from her editor, sending back things for her to work on and asking for the corrections and newest works.
YN can’t help but sigh again, throwing her phone to one side and settling in better. She was thankful to the men who had saved her, and she knew somewhere deep down that she could trust them, but it was just a lot to deal with. 
What did it mean that she smelled like an Omega? What the fuck did it mean to present? What did Namjoon mean when he said that she threw off emotions? 
YN was confused, to say the least, but as she relaxed more and ignored the aches of her body, she realized just how tired she was. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, even with her mind swirling with question after question about what everything meant.
It was three weeks before YN had the use of her arm back, her shoulder only stinging slightly when she actually used her arm properly. It was another month after that before YN could walk on her ankle, which had been almost shattered from the attack. And that whole time, YN was bonding with the boys. 
She quickly found that the three youngest were incredibly physically affectionate, which YN just adored. She quickly found herself curling up beside Jimin, playing with his hair and feeling completely enveloped in his arms. Or laying across Jungkook’s lap, laughing at his facial expressions as he played his games. Or jokingly having Taehyung carry her around, lovingly calling him her “trusty steed” from her perch on his back.
She found that Jin’s love language was acts of service, which usually translated into him cooking this or that for the group. YN quickly fell into the habit of helping Jin as much as she could sitting at (or on) the counter, laughing at his dad jokes and making some of her own. She made sure that Jin didn’t forget to serve himself as well, always sneaking some of the best parts that he gave to her back into his own portion.
She found that the best way to bond with Namjoon was to just talk to him, about anything and everything, especially philosophical topics. Both YN and Namjoon loved the debate of this or that, the exchange of ideas, the passion of discussing things that others find to be boring. They would spend hours sitting in the library and reading this book or that novel, just to discuss it as soon as both of them had finished, getting off topic in that special way that isn’t really off topic, if you think about it on a deeper level. 
She found that Hoseok loved to dance, loved to explore music and feel it through the movement of  his body. While YN wasn’t able to stand and actually dance with him, even though she would have loved to, she did suggest new songs for him to try making routines to, bringing him water and snacks every so often. He would always ask her to stay and watch, which she did, always giving him the biggest applause she could at the end of the beautiful dances, talking his ear off about her love for movement like that, even if she couldn’t ever really do it herself. 
She found, however, that it was with Yoongi that she felt the most at peace. She quickly gained access to his ever-so-exclusive “genius lab,” where he made his music. Most of the time, YN would work on her writing as Yoongi worked on his music, the studio space filled with the soft sounds of YN’s typing and the sounds of whatever Yoongi was working on. They didn’t need to talk, instead the two sat in silence most of the time, just enjoying the fact that there was someone else there who understood that being together was all that was really needed.
Every so often, Yoongi would spin around in his chair and capture YN’s attention, asking her to listen to something and give her opinions on what could be improved or changed to make the song sound better. While YN didn’t have a lick of musical experience, she was sensitive to sounds and could pick out parts that didn’t quite mesh correctly with ease, which is just what Yoongi needed. 
On the flip side, when Yoongi was taking a bit of a break to stretch, YN would ask him to make certain motions or how to say certain things in different accents to help her be able to write this or that out in a way that actually made sense. Her editor was praising the way her work was coming back with less mistakes and awkward parts, and YN was absolutely loving the way she and Yoongi got along. 
And yet at other points, when neither Yoongi nor YN could seem to focus long enough to get anything done, the two would lounge side by side on the couch and just talk. They never really had something specific to talk about, but YN would find herself opening up about things that she had never told anyone else. She would find herself listening intently to whatever Yoongi decided to open up about, carefully choosing her words in a way that was meant to make him feel better, without making it feel like she was dismissing the feelings that he had in the first place. 
It was a system that worked, with YN falling into the routine of the home far quicker than any of them would have ever expected.  She found joy in helping Jin cook, she felt loved at the unashamed touchiness of Jimin and Taehyung, and again in the much more shy touchiness of Jungkook, she found quiet appreciation in sharing music and watching Hobi, she felt wanted during the long conversations and debates with Namjoon, and she felt at peace with Yoongi. 
She felt like she was home.  
But nothing can last forever, can it? YN knew just as much as the rest of the boys that she would have to go back to her own home eventually. 
And so, after two and a half months of living with the seven men, YN was taken back to her own home. 
Jin’s the one who drove her, with Namjoon riding shotgun. There was an aura of sadness the entire time, like none of them really wanted to go anywhere, but it wasn’t like YN could just move into their house. 
This wasn’t a movie or some crappy romance novel, after all. It was real life, and in real life, people don’t just pack up and move into the home of people who were basically strangers. 
The whole parting was quiet. YN couldn’t bring herself to actually say the word “goodbye” to either of the men who had come to make sure she got home safe, instead throwing her arms around their necks and giving them a good squeeze, wishing that she didn’t have to leave. 
The whole thing rang the same as the way she had parted with the other boys before the drive, the ache settling into her chest like someone had ripped out her heart and thrown it under the tires of the car as it pulled away, tears falling freely as a sharp longing settled in her stomach. 
It wasn’t until Jin and Namjoon left that YN actually cried, sobs tearing out of her throat as she crumbled to the ground, knees hitting the hardwood sharply. 
She had no idea how long she stayed there, feeling like there was a hole ripped into her very being, wishing for the comfort of Yoongi’s words, or Jimin’s wonderful hugs, or of Jin’s gentle prodding to “eat well.” 
Eventually, YN drug herself to her feet, stumbling to the kitchen and chugging some water before grabbing the bag she had borrowed to take her things back to her house, deciding she needed to put things away. 
“Why did I let them pack the bag?” YN groans, finding quickly that she is wholly unable to actually pick the bag up, and instead has to drag it to her room. She’s silently thankful for the wood floors because she can actually slide the bag. 
It isn’t until she gets to the last couple sweatshirts in the bottom of the bag that YN realizes she’d picked up a few presents from the boys. Shaking her head, she realizes why they had insisted on helping her in the first place, each of them had gifted her something small and they didn’t want her to refuse them, like they knew she would. The knowledge of how kind they were being was completely bittersweet, however, because they felt like “goodbye, at least remember us” presents.
From Jin she got the knife she quickly claimed was her favorite because it was the only one that was properly sized for her. There was a small note attached tha read “For my favorite kitchen helper, since it’s too small for me, -Jin” 
YN felt the tears well up in her eyes as she carefully set the knife to the side, not wanting to accidentally hurt herself. She then reaches back into the bag, wondering what else she might find. 
Hobi’s gift was next, giving her the one black headband of his that she always stole and jokingly wore around. It was wrapped around an adorable little teddy bear, with a note saying “For my favorite dancer, even if you couldn’t really do anything. Next time, I’m sure you’ll show me up -Hobi <3” 
Tears were flowing down her face now, but YN couldn’t stop looking for what was next, no matter what kind of feelings arose from it. 
Next she found one of the small figurines from Jungkook’s games, the one she always told him was her favorite because of it’s cool jacket. The note simply read “He might be your favorite, but you’re mine.”
YN smiled at the lack of signature, getting up and placing the figure on her nightstand, carefully angling it so it could watch over the room. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, she reaches into the bag again, pulling out a gift that couldn’t have been from anyone but Namjoon. 
It was a book that was equal parts old and beautiful, and as YN ran her finger down the spine, she took out the note that was sticking out of the book. She wiped the tears from her face before she read the note, not wanting to drip tears onto it.
“Our Miss YN, 
Please don’t take this as a goodbye, but as a promise for the future. You’re just as important to us, to me, as we are to you. Remember us, remember the good, and look to when we can be together again. 
It’s with this that YN starts sobbing again. They’re so sweet, those boys, and YN couldn’t help but feel almost lost without them. Her chest hurt like someone had shot her, a strong sort of longing that seemed endless settling into the pit of her stomach. 
It takes a while this time, before she can reach into the bag again. When she does, she almost immediately has renewed cries falling from her lips. 
She had pulled out the one super soft sweater of Jimin’s that she absolutely adored. She had told him that she was going to steal it from him whenever he wore it, twisting her fingers in the material and snuggling closer to him. It was soft, it smelled nice, and she knew that it would make her both look and feel tiny. 
There’s no note with this one, but YN can feel the love and sincerity behind the action, draping the sweater over her legs for the time being. She reaches into the bag again, smiling as she pulls out one of Taehyung’s million beanies, wrapped around a small toy horse. 
There is a note with this one, which simply reads “Horse.” It’s the most Taehyung thing YN can think of, and without a second thought, she places the horse next to the figurine, pulling the beanie on. 
She doesn’t find anything else immediately, taking a minute to put the things she had gotten in safe spots and going to put away the last couple hoodies, which she knew were hers. 
It isn’t until she reaches the last thing in the bag that she finds what Yoongi left her. At first, she thought it was just one of his hoodies, which she absolutely adored, but when she took it out to lay it next to the sweater Jimin had given her, something fell out of the folding. 
Quickly, YN picks up whatever fell, and finds that it’s a CD. She shakes her head, knowing that Yoongi would be the kind of person to share music as a gift. She sets the CD carefully on the bed, gathering up her shower supplies and a towel, both because she needed to take them back to her bathroom, and because she needed to actually shower. 
Once she’s freshly showered, using Hobi’s headband to keep her hair out of her face, wearing nothing but the amazingly soft sweater Jimin left her, YN settles into her bed with a CD player she found, Yoongi’s hoodie layed out beside her. Now that she had calmed down, she could smell the boys on the things they had given her. She would have been lying if she said that it wasn’t incredibly comforting to have their scent around her. It made the gaping hole in her chest feel a little less bloody, for whatever reason. 
Pressing play, YN settles in, not knowing what to expect. Neither the CD nor the CD cover had any sort of writing on it, so YN had no idea what was going to be playing, or for how long. She can’t help the small smile that graces her face as Yoongi’s voice fills her space, speaking deep and slow in that comforting way YN loved. 
“YN, my lovely secret keeper. You’re hearing this now because the day has come that you had to go back to your own home. I know none of us want you to leave, and if your actions have anything to say about it, you don't want to go.
You know as well as I do that things don’t always work the way we want them to, though.  We will be coming to visit you, as much as we can. And we will keep an eye on you. 
YN, please listen to me when I tell you I won’t let anything happen to you. It broke my heart, letting you get hurt once. And I’m not sure what I would have done if Hyung and I weren’t there when you were attacked. 
If you need me, if you need any of us, we will be there. Always.” 
YN curls up in a ball, hugging Yoongi’s hoodie to her chest, breathing in his scent deeply. She knew that he meant every word, that he truly would never let anything happen to her on purpose, but she also felt abandoned by him. By all of them. 
She had spent the last ten weeks of her life talking to Yoongi or Namjoon when she felt bad. Going to Jimin or Taehyung for cuddles when she was lonely. Gaming with Jungkook when she was bored. Laughing with Jin while prepping meals. Doing what little dancing she could with Hobi when she was restless. Laughing as Taehyung insisted on carrying her from one room to another, even once she had healed enough to walk. 
She had spent the last ten weeks evening out their teams when they played games, singing off-key on karaoke nights, fielding Taehyung’s touchiness before he got on Yoongi’s nerves (because for some reason, Tae insisted on trying to cuddle Yoongi at every opportunity), celebrating with them, helping to clean the wolves if there was a fight, stealing blankets off of every surface she could, curling into the side of whoever sat beside her in the name of stealing their boundless warmth.
She had spent ten weeks creating a space for herself in their lives, in their home. And now, it was back to living in a house that was way too big for her, with nobody to keep her accountable. 
It was because of this that she cried herself to sleep, even the sound of Yoongi’s beautiful music filled the room. She missed them, more than anything. She felt like she was crying more than she ever had, and it had only been hours since she left their home.
What YN didn’t know was that the boys were missing her just as much back at their home. 
Jin had decided to make a fancier meal than usual, because it would take more time and take his mind off of everything, but as he went about getting things done, he couldn’t help but miss seeing YN, perched precariously on the counter, babbling away about this or that as she carefully cut whatever needed to be chopped up. 
He internally cringed as the thought of the time YN had slipped and almost fallen on her hurt ankle, his own quick reflexes being the only thing that had saved her from weeks of extra healing. Honestly, even though it stressed him out to no end to have her cutting things balanced the way she was, it was also something that he had come to expect. Secretly, he wished she had fallen on that ankle, because that would mean she would have still been right there, trying to out-joke the dad joke master himself. 
Jungkook had holed himself away in his room, going to game, setting out a second controller without thinking about it. He had been in the middle of teaching YN how to play his favorite game, so that they could properly play together instead of having her just watch him play all the time. It felt wrong for him to have to just put away that second controller. 
The feeling was just exasperated when he went to start the game and it came up with the section that they had been working through. Fondly, Jungkook remembered the way YN would bring her bottom lip between her teeth as she concentrated on doing things correctly, bouncing in her seat when she finally figured out how something worked. Despite the fond memories, he found himself close to tears, staring at that second controller. 
Jimin and Hobi both went to the studio, deciding to dance away the hurt. Without thinking, Hobi went to ask YN what song they should freestyle to, the words dying in his throat as he turned around to talk to the girl that just wasn’t there. Jimin can see just how much pain Hobi is in, not even speaking as he brings the slightly taller man into his arms, feeling the same sense of loss. 
They sunk down to the floor, neither of them wanting to talk, which in itself was strange for the two normally boisterous men. Jimin missed the feeling of having YN curled up beside him, stealing his heat. Hobi missed being able to talk to her about the dances he was doing, getting a perspective from someone who didn’t really know anything about dance. They missed her. 
They didn’t realize until that moment, when the two were both trying to get the same sort of comfort from each other that they had begun to seek out YN for, how much of a hole there was in their group. Sure, they had been just fine before YN, and would be fine again without her, but there was a comfort with her that they didn’t know how to replace. Things just weren’t the same.
Taehyung busied himself with a book that Namjoon had been recommending to him about one artist that he recently found, but he couldn’t focus on the words or pictures in front of him. Instead, his mind was preoccupied with the fact that, for the past two months, he had spent this lazy time in the afternoon helping YN get from place to place, laughing with her as the others did this or that. He missed those moments, with YN laughing in his arms or on his back, even though it shouldn’t have been long enough for those feelings to settle in. 
He closed the book, flopping down onto the sofa he had settled on and trying not to think too hard about what he could have been doing with YN. If he was being honest with himself, he liked having someone who was so small and easily carried around, because he liked feeling big and important in comparison to her. It was an added bonus that her personality meshed so well with his own, and that she seemed to just understand  the weirder parts of his personality, instead of being put off by them like so many others. 
Sure, he was one of the largest of the pack, but that didn’t mean he felt like it. By wolf standards, he was pretty close to normal, but for whatever reason, he loved the way YN would curl into his side when they were seated next to each other, mumbling about being cold, looking absolutely tiny in comparison to his own body. 
Or how she’d sigh dramatically whenever she had to stand to do something, hopping around the room and never asking for help, despite the fact Taehyung would be the first to jump up and whisk her off her feet completely, just carrying her to wherever it was she needed to be, chiding her for not asking for the help she so clearly needed. 
Namjoon decided to go to the library, curling up in the chair that YN usually occupied in the mornings before everyone else woke up. His mind was swirling, automatically analyzing why he felt the way he did, instead of really feeling those feelings. Absently, he stroked the spine of the book that YN had been reading, a soft smile gracing his face when he realized that it was the one he had recommended when she was still completely bedridden during those first few days. 
He glanced down at the small table beside the chair, realizing for the first time that YN had left a little notebook under the book. He picks it up, flipping through it and quickly realizing that she had been taking notes over things she was eager to discuss with him, which should have made him happy, but in reality just made him feel worse because she wasn’t there to actually follow through. 
Namjoon chuckled to himself as he imagined YN, absolutely tiny in the chair, curled up in one of the fluffy blankets she always seemed to be wrapped up in, lovingly devouring the book that he had recommended to her, scribbling notes onto her notepad for later. He realized absently that he had missed one of the ways that she showed her growing love and appreciation for him was through this small action, making sure that she knew what she was going to say before their discussions. Namjoon was surprised when a drop of water fell onto the page in the notebook YN had marked, not realizing until he sniffled that it was his own tears. 
Yoongi locked himself up in his Genius Lab as soon as YN was in the car, headphones on as he did this or that to the song he had been working on. He tried to ignore the fact that he couldn’t hear the soft clicks of a keyboard behind him. He tried to ignore the sinking feeling of being lonely.
 He had never once felt lonely in his studio, not before he started letting YN hang out on the couch as he worked.
 Not until he got used to spinning around in his chair and seeing YN there, typing away on her laptop. He remembered hearing her little sighs of frustration or exasperation when something doesn’t work out quite right, her brow furrowed, her tongue sticking out slightly, with a growing fondness.
Yes, Yoongi liked being alone. He enjoyed the silence, he enjoyed his own company. He had always liked being alone, it was how he recharged. And it wasn’t until he let YN into his most private sanctum that he had ever really felt lonely. 
It wasn’t until Jin rounded all of them up for dinner that they realized that every single one of them were missing YN. 
“This is bullshit.” 
Yoongi is the one who speaks, heads turning towards him. None of them had really been in the mood for much talking, but none of them had figured Yoongi, of all people, would be the one to break the tense silence. 
“What, I know you’re all thinking it too. This is bullshit.” Yoongi glares at his plate, taking a deep breath before he looks up at the others. 
“None of us wanted YN to leave. YN didn’t want to leave. And now we are all miserable.” Yoongi stands now, not bothering to push in the chair he had been sitting on. 
“I don’t care what any of you do. I don’t care what the consequences are. I’m going to YN’s.” Yoongi’s eyes sweep the faces of the six boys he loves the most, a fiery intensity radiating off of him in a way that has them all flinching away from him. 
“Yoongi you can’t ju-” Namjoon starts, standing and going over to try to calm Yoongi down, but a sharp growl from Yoongi makes him stop in his tracks. 
“No!” Yoongi’s voice drops an octave as he steps closer to Namjoon himself, squaring up with the leader in a way that could very easily lead to a fight.
 “You know as well as I do Alpha,” Yoongi spits the word like it’s acid on his tongue. “she smells like one of us. She has our scent all over her. If they find out we let her go, that we aren’t around her all the time anymore, they’re going to kill her.” 
Namjoon opens his mouth to say something, anger bubbling up in him like a cursed well, when Jin stands, pushing himself between the two Alphas. 
“Both of you! Stop it!” Jin stands, making sure each of them are an arm’s length away from each other. “We all miss YN, but there’s a reason she’s not here. As much as it might seem like it, she isn’t one of us. She doesn’t belong with us.” 
The other boys are all standing now, helping to make sure Yoongi and Namjoon stay away from each other, trying to calm both of them down. A fight between the Alphas would not end well.
“How could you say that?” It’s Hoseok who speaks this time, his voice sounding oddly small. 
“Because it’s been almost a hundred years since there was a lost Omega! You all know how rare they are, seeing how strong the Omega gene is. We knew her uncle, and he didn’t have a lick of wolf in him, even if she managed to somehow get some wolf in her, it can’t be enough for her to be able to pack bond.” Jin flicks his eyes between the other boys, focusing his attention on keeping Namjoon behind him. 
It’s silent for what feels like hours. 
“Then why do I feel like I lost a piece of me, huh?” It’s Taehyung who speaks up this time, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides, tears rising in his eyes. “Explain that, Hyung.” His voice is barely above a whisper, choked out over a growing lump in his throat. 
“I-” Jin starts, the words dying in his throat as he watches Taehyung turn into the closest person, seeking the comfort of someone else. 
For once, Yoongi opened his arms to Taehyung, glaring at Jin from over the other man’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. 
“I don’t know.” Jin finally admits, his face falling. 
Again, the room falls silent, only the soft sniffles of Taehyung breaking the deafening quiet of the room. 
“I think we all feel the way Tae does, don’t we?” Namjoon speaks for the first time in a while, the anger he had felt having finally subsided almost completely. There are nods from everyone. 
“The feeling is new, and we don’t want to make a mistake. If we report YN as being lost, she will become a target. If we don’t, we will. Let’s wait for at least a week before we approach her again.” Namjoon eyes the others in the room. “But let’s keep patrols heavy in her part of the woods.” 
Yoongi glares at Namjoon, thoughts swirling. A whole week without YN, knowing that she’s in pain being away from them? It sounded like downright torture to him. 
“Yoongi, Hyung, you know how big of a deal it is to be the pack with a lost Omega. She’ll become a target, just because she can’t handle half as much as we can. It’d be easy to not only to just kill her, but to break her spirit, to force her to tell them about our weaknesses as a pack. She’d have to be with at least one of us almost all the time, have to live with us. She’d have to give up big parts of her freedom, and the YN we know wouldn’t enjoy that at all.” Namjoon pauses, taking a deep breath. 
“We have to be sure before we approach her with this. For all we know, she won’t ever fully present and YN isn’t really one of the lost at all.” Namjoon brings a hand up to rub at his temple, a headache starting from the strong mix of emotions. 
Yoongi sighs, Taehyung finally detaching himself from the smaller man as Yoongi runs a hand through his hair. 
“You’re right Joon. I know you’re right.” He lets out another, more exasperated sigh before he continues, “It’s just hard, ya know? Waiting another week feels like torture, because I know, I know, that YN is hurting. And we caused it.” 
The other boys nod, giving murmurs of agreement as they start to dissipate, their meal forgotten as they begin to retreat again. For whatever reason, even the most other-person oriented of the pack wanted to be alone, wanted to have a minute to process everything that was going on by themselves. 
“Jin, Yoongi. Can we go talk further in the office? We need to actually figure out what to do next.” Namjoon catches Jin by the shoulder before he walks out of the room, reaching for Yoongi as well, even though he was across the room. 
Yoongi just nods, Jin letting out a short hum of approval. The trio then turn in unison, heading out towards the office space that Namjoon used so often. 
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 3
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! I’m doing basically double of what I had planned for this part bc it’s been so long since I updated~
Word Count: 6,060
Warnings: Blood; Angst; A wolf attack; Some medicinal references; Mental health issues  
Posted: 23 Dec 2020
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Once YN gets into the groove of creation, she doesn’t stop until she’s either almost pissing herself, or so hungry/thirsty she’s about to faint. YN has never known how to do things like this in moderation, and if she was actually being honest with herself she really should have had someone else there to make sure she takes breaks and actually ends up eating and drinking and taking care of herself in the ways that every human needs to. 
But instead, she stayed there, hunched over the too-large desk in a too-large chair, surrounded by too-large wolves, completely ignoring her basal instincts in favor of destroying her spine and having words flow from her finger tips. She’s so caught up in the world and characters she’s created, that she doesn’t even notice when the grey wolf leaves his post, with one of the brown ones taking his place. She doesn’t notice the generally worrying sounds coming from outside her home, or the way the two brown wolves rush away. She doesn’t notice the way the black wolf stands guard, protectively standing between YN’s hunched form and the door, a snarl etched onto his beautiful-but-terrifying face. 
That is, she doesn’t notice any of these things until the other three wolves come crashing back into the house, the scent of blood heavy in the air. The black wolf growls, nudging YN and breaking her from her trance. Once she realizes what’s going on, or at least that someone’s hurt, YN immediately turns away from her computer, tripping over her own two feet in her rush to get out the door. 
She has no idea how long she’s been typing away, but her legs feel like jello and she’s slightly dizzy as she stands and subsequently falls. But the fall jolts her awake, the stinging in her knees seeming to bring all the feeling back into her legs all at once.
 Ignoring the pain, YN scrambles out and towards the back door, running into three wolves with bloodstained muzzles and paws. YN recoils, both from the strong scent and the terrifying sight of gigantic wolves with blood all over them, but before she can truly react, they push past her and right into the main bathroom. 
YN follows them, shocked and worried and in a daze, absently thankful that the house has such a large bathroom. She watches as the messiest of them, the grey wolf, steps quickly into the jacuzzi tub, before all their heads turn towards her. For a moment, she just stares back at them, but the black wolf behind her nudges her, pushing her forward, she walks into the bathroom, turning the water on and grabbing a washcloth. 
She mutters to herself about soap, absently grabbing the pet shampoo that she found under the sink and didn’t have the heart to throw out to try to help clean the blood, before she sits in the tub, taking one of the wolves huge paws into her hand. 
Nevermind the fact she’s sitting in water, or the fact that she could easily be killed right then and there by the huge beasts, she doesn’t process anything that’s going on. She doesn’t even try. 
Instead she works, cleaning paws and muzzles and coats, drying fur and addressing minor cuts and scrapes, sending the wolves away as she finishes with them so she can clean everything. It isn’t until she’s on her hands and knees, scrubbing the floor with all her might to remove the bloody paw prints that lead from her door to the bathroom, that she really thinks about anything. 
That blood could have been from anything. From anyone. For all she knew, she was helping four wolves that could somehow talk in her head to her commit a murder. 
And so, she cried. 
On her hands and knees, in the bathroom that once belonged to her grandparents, then her uncle, and now her. 
She sobbed, collapsing down onto the floor, banging her fists against it in a way that she felt sure would hurt in the morning, but now only served to tether her to the moment. 
It couldn’t be real, could it? It felt real, sure, but was it? Really? 
But when her eyes cleared of tears, and the pain of sitting on her knees for too long combined with the sting of hitting the floor with too much strength were remembered, there were still the remnants of bloody paw prints on the floor. 
There were still four wolves watching her intently. 
And then there were three, two.
And then only the black wolf remained, his eyes following her as she did what she needed to in order to put her house back in order. 
She was comforted, in a strange way, by the wolf. Her wolf. 
YN was working tirelessly to make sure everything was okay, that everything was normal, and still completely ignoring her body. 
Her knees hurt, both from her fall and from sitting on them for too long. Her fingers were stiff, her hands stinging. She was incredibly hungry, not having eaten much of anything in the past two days, and it wasn’t like she was drinking anything either. She felt dizzy, off kilter, light headed. And to top it all off, her back felt like it might as well have been on fire, with all the weird contortions she’d been doing for the past couple days. 
It was her wolf’s voice, breaking through the noise of her thoughts. 
“I’m not done here wolf. No rest.” She mumbles, but she’s sure he can hear her. 
‘Not a suggestion.’ 
His voice was stronger this time, and punctuated by a sharp growl. Suddenly, a paw bats the scrubber out of her hands, a muzzle pushing her over and onto the floor. 
YN let out a strangled sort of half sob, curling herself into a ball. She did need the rest, that wasn’t really up for dispute, but what she really wanted was not to have to be the one to take care of everything anymore. 
Slowly, the wolf nudges YN to the point she’s fully around again, and she slowly gets to her feet. She drags herself to her room and collapses onto her bed, not even bothering to pull the covers over herself, instead wrapping her arms around one of her pillows and giving in to the great need for rest. 
Later, she wouldn’t be able to tell anyone why she did what she did, or why she felt like there wasn’t any other choice for her. The memories of that night would always be fragmented for her, shattered into a million little pieces that didn’t really seem real. It was just too much. 
She could handle the blood, she could handle the injury, she could handle the talking in her brain. YN could handle all of it separately, she had no doubt about that. But together? Like this? That was more than she was able to understand. 
The worst part? It was too much for her to rationalize away. 
She had felt the soft fur of the wolves between her fingers, felt the sticky residue their rough tongues left on her hands, felt the weight of their heads resting on her. She had smelled the sharp scent of blood mixed with the comforting smell of the forest she loved so much, she had smelled the musky odor they left behind. She had heard their yelps and howls and growls, heard their voices floating around her mind in a way that was completely distinct from anything she had ever thought herself. She saw them as they stalked around her home, saw them as their beautiful eyes followed her from place to place. 
But still, she felt crazy. Insane. And it tore her up inside in a way she was wholly unprepared for. 
The wolf watches as she does all of this, knowing full well exactly the amount of mental anguish was running through her veins. Sometimes, he really hated their ability to read minds, seeing as it was usually just incredibly inconvenient, but it was at times like this he could see the bittersweet aspects of it. He knew, eventually YN would learn to protect her mind and he wouldn’t be able to see these things, but for the time being, he was completely free to access the raw, painful, heart wrenching emotions and traumas that pass through YN’s brain.
Slowly, the wolf planted the seeds of their return into her life, knowing that right now, the best thing would be to make sure they leave her and leave as little of their scent behind as possible. He didn’t like the idea of leaving her without any protection, but they knew that’s what they had to do. They’d never liked having to leave innocent people without anything to keep them from getting hurt. 
The wolf stalked over to the now sleeping human, softly nudging her hand one last time, before slipping out of her home with a practiced sort of light stealth. He would hang around outside until dawn, and then slink away into the forest to join back up with the rest of his pack.
In the next couple months, YN fell back into her usual routine, with only one big change, surprisingly. 
After she woke up alone that first day, YN tried to rationalize what had happened to her. She had been hallucinating, or hadn’t been sleeping enough, or took one too many walks in the woods and let her imagination get the better of her, or- well, something like that at least. 
And those first few weeks, YN was comfortable calling the experience a fever dream of some sort and leaving it at that. Life goes on. She still had deadlines to meet and a home to take care of. She still took walks in the woods, she still holed herself away to write, she still was learning how to can and preserve and experimenting with all the foods she never got to before. She was still happy, living in the large home alone, going weeks without talking to anyone else face to face, dodging questions from her mother. 
That was, at least, until they started showing up again. 
The wolves were back. Well, not back per se, not in the same way they were, but they were around. She would catch them out of the corners of her eyes, or look out her window and find the forest had gained a pair of eyes to spy on her, or she’d open up the back door and find a wolf lounging in a nice patch of sun between the forest and the door, always squarely centered on her favorite little path. 
Something in YN wanted to go over to them, wanted to talk to them, wanted to ask them a million questions about what happened, because if they weren't as real as they seemed, she was going batshit insane. 
She could see them, following her as she went from one place to the next in the forest she loved. She could hear them breaking twigs under their great weight every now and then. But they never got close to her. They never came up to her door, they never tried to get in, they never got close enough for her to look at them. 
It was frustrating for YN, sure, but she accepted them as beings that would just always be on the edge of her vision, watching from the shadows and seemingly keeping tabs on her. Every now and then she would call out and say this or that to them, but she would never get any sort of a response. 
In short, YN got used to having the figures in the corners of her eyes. She got used to the forest having eyes. She got used to the feeling of being watched by them, which surprisingly didn’t make her feel anything but safe. 
And so she fell right back into her routine, right back into everything she had been doing before the strange couple days, with only the small addition of eyes following her most of the time. 
But as she cooked and cleaned and wrote and weeded and went on her walks in the forest, it felt like something wasn’t quite right. It felt like there was something missing, though YN had no idea how to put something like that into anything resembling words. 
Instead, the feeling of loss and wrongness settled into the pit of her stomach as a sort of unwavering heaviness, making her feel slightly sick almost all the time, like the last day of a bad stomach bug. She didn’t even attempt to connect the dots between her deeply unsettled stomach and the disappearing of the wolves, or between the fact she felt slightly better when she was aware that one of the wolves was watching her, studying her. No, instead she just dealt with it, slowly eating less and less and working more and more, figuring she just needed to sleep it off or something. 
And she really didn’t connect the dots when two giant men showed up at her door, both of them the ethereal kind of pretty, and the pains that had seemingly antagonized her on and off for literal months up and disappeared. 
YN had woken up earlier than usual, not that she had really gotten that much sleep in the first place. She was tired, but honestly, she had more important things to worry about than if she was getting enough sleep or not. There were deadlines that were fast approaching, and her editor was sending her works back with more and more things to work on and correct.
She was in the process of making herself the strongest pot of coffee she could and scrounging around the fridge to make sure she had enough food for the rest of the day, when she heard a knock at the door. At first, she thought it was the front door, grumbling and setting things aside to deal with them in a minute, but just as she was passing the back door, the knocking came again, unmistakably from there. 
Brow furrowing in confusion, YN pivots on her heel and slides the back door open, half expecting to be murdered where she stood by some rogue escaped serial killer, on the loose and thirsting for blood. Instead she was met with two very tall, incredibly attractive men, both of whom had bright smiles on their faces. 
“Um, hi?” YN says, absently taking a step back so she can see up to their faces easier. 
“Hello! My name is Namjoon, and this is my partner, Seokjin. We were just in the area and saw your lights on, so we figured we would come and properly say hello and introduce ourselves.” The taller of the two men, Namjoon, spoke, and the other gave a bright smile and wave. 
“Please, call me Jin.” He says
“Oh um I’m YN, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” YN speaks very formally, unsure of what else to do. “Would you like to come in for some coffee? Maybe a bite to eat?” 
Her mouth works before she can think of what’s going on, but the two men gladly accept, and it’s not like she can take the offer back, so she sets about making them coffee, asking them questions about what kind of things they would like for their breakfast. 
It doesn’t take long for YN to feel much more comfortable, joking and laughing with the large men, getting to know them. In fact, the only thing she finds to be weird about them, other than their incredibly large size (which does nothing but make her feel small in a way she had never felt before), was the fact that neither of them had shoes. But YN, ever being the polite and courteous host, didn’t ask them about that, and purposefully put it out of her mind.
“So where are you two from? It must be a pretty nice place, judging by how you’re dressed.” YN asks almost absently, hoping up into one of the chairs around the dining table. For the life of her, she could never figure out why so many things seemed to just be sized up.
She almost misses how Namjoon and Jin share a glance with each other before answering, before Jin clears his throat, giving a small shake of his head. 
“We actually live on the other side of the woods. It’s pretty far, seeing as the whole thing is completely protected, but yeah, it’s a pretty nice place. We love it, and we get to live with the 5 people we love most in the world.” Seokjin speaks in a tone that expresses just how much love and adoration he holds for the people involved. 
“Oh that’s lovely! Are they children of yours?” YN asks, turning her head down to focus on stirring sugar and creamer into her coffee, completely missing the glance that is passed between Namjoon and Seokjin. 
“No, not really. I mean, we helped to raise them, but they’re all full grown adults.” Jin responds, looking to Namjoon to add anything he deemed to be important. 
“Yoongi and Hobi are older than me, so I would hope they aren’t our kids.” Namjoon chuckles, taking a bite of his food and letting out a small hum of appreciation. 
“So you’re just like a big happy family?” YN asks, a little lost in the swirling of the coffee before her, absently still asking questions. 
Jin and Namjoon both share a look, both of them knowing full well that YN wasn’t really paying that much attention to them, seeing as she was practically throwing her thoughts in their direction.
“Yeah, we really are. Some people don’t understand us, but that’s okay, not everyone understands how other people live.” Namjoon speaks again, softly smiling at the girl, who was still intently stirring her coffee. Despite the fact that he had only just formally met her, there was a sort of fondness growing in his chest for the girl. 
“That’s so sweet!” YN gushes, finally tearing her eyes away from the coffee and back up to the faces of her guests. “I’ve always wanted a family like that.” 
YN smiles widely at the men, settling in to talk to them about this and that, and honestly, she thoroughly enjoyed every second she spent with them. After months of not being able to eat right, she was finally able to put away an entire meal, plus coffee and water, without any difficulties. Plus, she was surprisingly happy to have contact with real people again, after so long living in what is basically isolation. 
When the men finally took their leave, after almost four hours that is, they promised they would be back soon, and that they would bring some of the other boys with them next time. YN laughed as she told them that she would be absolutely delighted to get to meet the people that she had now heard so many stories about, making them promise they wouldn’t be strangers before they finally disappeared. 
She noted, almost absently, that they walked right out the back door and down her favorite path in the forest, barefoot, but she was so happy at the fact that she had made friends with new people, that she chose to ignore that fact. 
In fact, she chose to ignore a lot of things after she took what was left of her coffee into the study, still intent on getting work done. It wasn’t two hours after they left that YN was back to having the same stomach pains she had grown so used to. 
Silently cursing herself, thinking it had to have been from drinking almost an entire pot of coffee after weeks of not sleeping correctly, not even attempting to consider that it was from anything other than that. Surely, it had to have been a complete coincidence that Jin and Namjoon were there during the time that she was actually feeling normal, right? And again, another coincidence that she started feeling worse after they left, right? Nothing else would have made any sort of sense, after all, and YN was great at rationalizing.
However, even someone as great at rationalizing as YN had to start putting the pieces together at some point. Despite this, YN was also incredibly stubborn and refused to think any of her issues were anything other than just the protests of a body that is used too often for things that it really shouldn’t be, and pushed towards, or past, limits that were not meant to be broken.
Jin and Namjoon, on the other hand, were incredibly pleased with themselves. They now knew for sure that YN didn’t really know too much, and didn’t trust her overactive imagination enough to trust what she had seen and experienced fully. That part, at least, reassured them that she wasn’t going to turn them into any government officials. 
However, they were still incredibly confused. How could a clear Omega like YN not know anything? Sure, she hadn’t fully presented yet, but they could smell it off her a mile away, and that’s why Yoongi decided to trust her when she found him out in the woods. And yet, she was completely unprotected. There was no Alpha, no Beta, no pack looking out for her. 
And for whatever reason, they decided that they would have to at least make sure she didn’t die or fall into the wrong hands. At least, until the Beta that they had smelled around the premises came back to collect their Omega. 
But then one month passed. 
They didn’t see anyone else go into the house. Hell, they barely saw her leave! Everyday, the scent of a possible Beta got fainter and fainter, and they began to muse that maybe, just maybe, the Beta had just caught wind of the untethered Omega and tried to get in there for themself.
And so, the pack had decided it was time that they met her as people, and figured out what was actually going on. Despite everything, it hurt them to see the little Omega working herself so hard, in so much pain, so confused about what was going on. 
So Jin and Namjoon, ever looking out for their pack, made their way over to her home at dawn, waiting until they knew she was awake to go knock on the door. 
Immediately, they had their guard up, waiting for the telltale signs of an Omega probing into their minds, but nothing came. They went into her home, ate her food, drank her coffee and water, but most importantly, they talked. 
Jin was suspicious, going into it. He was sure that YN held some sort of ulterior motive, that she was going to ambush them or try to poison them, or… something. But seeing her standing at her door, absolutely minuscule by their standards, still blinking sleep from her eyes with confusion etched onto her features because of the early hour and the men she had never seen, he felt the same sort of gut feeling of trust that Yoongi had felt when he was lying in the woods. 
That Namjoon had felt when he decided it was fine for them to spend the day with YN, until Yoongi was well enough to travel home.
 That Jungkook and Taehyung had felt when they walked into her home and wanted to play, though they behaved on Namjoon’s order. 
Jin decided then and there that they had to protect YN, no matter the cost. And Namjoon, hearing his most trusted person’s utter trust of the girl, came to the same conclusion not a second later. YN was meant to be with them, they could feel it in their bones. They shared a glance, both of them hoping that she felt it too. 
Once the pair arrived back at the house, they were met with a bombardment of questions from the other five, especially Jimin and Hoseok, who hadn’t had the chance to meet YN in any way just yet. 
“Come on now hyung! Out with it! What’s your verdict?” Jimin almost whines as he bounces on his feet, wanting to go and meet YN himself. “I wanna meet her!” 
Jin and Namjoon share a glance, the kind that makes the rest of the boys pay attention, fearing that they had made a mistake, and YN wasn’t half as trustworthy as she seemed to be. 
“Well, we trust her. We think it was right to trust her, and right to let her help you, Yoongi.” Namjoon is the one that speaks, his tone serious despite the smile that breaks onto his features at the end of his sentence. 
“YN invited us to all come over sometime, preferably soon. She really is excited to meet all of you, after all the stories we told today.” Jin lets out his signature laugh as he nudges the man standing beside him, causing the boys standing before the two to celebrate. 
“When are we going then? We know she doesn’t have much of a schedule.” Yoongi speaks up as he flinches away from the loud celebration of Jimin and Hoseok beside him, affection in his gaze, despite the look of disgust lighting up his face. 
“Actually, I was thinking we would go this weekend. But, knowing you lot, you’d eat everything she’s ever made and ask for more. So, Yoongi, I was wondering if you’d come with me on Friday to prepare everything for Saturday.” Jin speaks again, moving himself and Yoongi away from the commotion that was slowly gaining traction among the younger members. 
“Of course Hyung. Honestly, I’ve been missing YN, in a weird way. She was so amazingly sweet to me when I was hurt. She really did save my life, at the end of the day. I’m glad that you agree with my original assessment.” Yoongi speaks in that low tone he tends to use when he really means what he’s talking about, and Jin just smiles at him. 
“I can understand why. YN’s first thought after assessing us to not be psycho-rapist-murders, was to invite us in to eat. It seems like a theme with her, to see us and want to make sure we are eating properly.” Jin chuckles as Yoongi smiles in appreciation, thankful that Jin didn’t take the opportunity to make fun of him.
The rest of the week is spent with Jin and Yoongi brainstorming what to make. They knew that they would have to take quite the car trip in order to get to YN’s with all the groceries that they would need in order to make enough to feed all seven of the wolves, plus YN. With their higher body temperature came a faster metabolism, which meant, as a result, that they ate a ton as a group.
Once they did finally settle on something that was filling, not super complicated to make, and easy to store, the pair gathered everything they needed, ready and waiting for Friday. 
Friday morning rolled around, and Yoongi was strangely nervous. He was thankful to Jin for giving him the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with YN in a more personal setting, where he could show off his cooking skills and where his more reserved personality wouldn’t be completely overshone by the boisterous boys he called his pack. At the same time, there was a voice in the back of his head telling him that she was going to hate everything about him, that whatever connection he felt to her when he was healing was completely one sided and because of his wolf form, not because of him in any way. 
As the pair packed up the car, Jin noticed just how distracted Yoongi seemed, but decided not to ask him about it until they were safely in the car, away from prying ears.
 Namely, the ears of Jimin and Taehyung, ever the troublesome twins, who were currently trying to figure out a way to stow away in the back without Jin or Yoongi finding them out. Clearly, that was doomed to fail, seeing as Yoongi stood and watched as they made their plan, shaking his head at the antics, getting ready to scold them, despite the smile on his face.
“Boys, please. Go back inside. YN will be ready and willing to see you tomorrow, don’t worry.” Jin brushes past Yoongi as he takes both boys by the collar, dragging them out of the back of the vehicle and shooing them away, despite their chorus of cries in protest. 
Yoongi shakes himself out of his reprieve, sliding into the passenger's seat without a second thought. 
He almost jumps out of his skin when Jin opens the door, again trying to shake himself of the anxious spiral of self doubt that threatens to suck him into it’s incredibly rude clutches.  
“Seatbelt.” Jin prompts softly, pointedly looking at the mirrors instead of his friend, making minor adjustments to them. Yoongi scoffs, knowing full well that a car crash wouldn’t really hurt either of them, but after a pointed look from Jin, he complies.
With a mumbling of thanks and the click of a seatbelt, the car falls into silence. It isn’t until Jin makes the suggestion that Yoongi turn on some music, maybe something he’d been working on, that Yoongi seems to fully break out of the aforementioned spiral. 
“Hyung, this one you’ll like. I’ve been trying out this new style with…” Jin hums in appreciation as Yoongi starts rambling on about the technicalities of the music he had been working on recently, thankful to get the man talking again. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, Yoongi did better when he wasn’t thinking about himself, and instead had something else to focus on. 
The rest of the car ride was spent with Yoongi showing off his music, Jin listening and asking questions when needed. Honestly, both of them loved this sort of calm, collected sharing of information. They are fishing partners for a reason, after all. 
When the pair finally pull into YN’s driveway, they immediately pull around back so they can be closer to the kitchen with their things. YN is out in the garden, dutifully tending to the plants that her uncle loved so much. If they weren’t able to read her every thought, the boys would have assumed she didn’t even notice their vehicle pulling around her house, but they knew that she was acutely aware of the fact that they were there. 
Absently, YN wipes her hands on the leggings she had thrown on, trying to get at least a bit of the dirt off of them before she went to see who had pulled into her driveway and what they needed.
She was just turning around to fully see what was going on, when she caught sight of Jin and broke out in a bright smile. 
“Jin! You’re back so soon!” YN called, hurrying her way over to the vehicle as Jin walked leisurely around to the trunk. “And you brought someone, just like you said!” YN sighs, bright eyes looking up at Yoongi as she introduces herself properly. 
Yoongi just smiled as he introduced himself as well, absently thinking of just how miniscule she really was, by their standards. Sure, she was maybe a little petitie for the average woman, but by their standards? She was like a child.
YN turns her attention to Jin, curious about what he’s getting out of the trunk, with Yoongi trailing behind her slightly. Out of habit, he is scanning her thoughts to make sure she’s not harboring any ill intent, careful not to get into the section of her thoughts about him or any of the pack. 
“The boys want to meet you, but feeding all of us is more than a chore, so we are going to make sure you have plenty of food stocked up for us. And don’t try to protest, I’d feel bad if I let them eat you out of house and home.” Jin takes on a stern tone, and YN puts her hands up, the argument she had dying. 
“When are you all going to be here? It’s not like I have plans, but I would like to actually be awake for the event.” YN lets out a little giggle that makes both Jin and Yoongi smile a little too largely. 
“If you’re comfortable with it, tomorrow.” Jin has his arms full, and he walks over towards the back door, slightly annoyed that he has to pretend he’s not even a quarter of how strong he actually is by taking multiple trips. 
“The boys are incredibly impatient, honestly.” Yoongi steps around YN and takes some of the groceries into his own arms, figuring he will be helpful too. 
“That’ll be wonderful!” YN rocks on her feet slightly, clearly excited to meet new people and have friends in the way she hadn’t before. “Let me just text my mom and make sure she won’t call in the middle-” YN pats her pockets, frowning as she can’t find her phone. 
Turning on her heel, with an adorable bounce in her step, she makes her way back over to the section of the garden she had been working on, figuring she must have dropped the phone somewhere. 
YN takes about 15 steps before there’s a noise off in the direction of the woods that has all three people snapping their heads to look at it. YN doesn’t even have time to register what’s going on before a snowy figure slams into her with what feels like a wall of moving concrete. 
Yoongi and Jin, completely stunned, watch as a wolf they recognize as being from a rival pack slam herself into YN’s tiny form, throwing her across the yard and into the wall of her home, before she clamps her teeth down on YN’s shoulder, attempting to drag her away. 
Yoongi is the first to react, ripping his shirt off and tossing his shoes out of the way, transforming to the tune of YN’s screaming. He can feel the pain and terror rolling off of YN’s form in waves, he can smell the sweat and blood, he can hear the heart-wrenching screams tearing out of her throat. 
Jin immediately drops whatever food he was holding, running after the white wolf that was attempting to take YN and the inky wolf he knew so well. Assessing the situation, Jin knew transforming wouldn’t help, so instead, he scoops up Yoongi’s discarded shirt and runs full speed after them. 
He makes it into the woods just in time to see Yoongi’s black form slam into the white wolf, causing her to open her mouth just enough that YN slips away. He watches as another blood-curdling scream rips its way out of YN’s mouth as she lands on the ground, her ankle crunching and turning in an unnatural way as she tumbles head first to the ground, finally stopping the violent movement by slamming into a tree with enough force the breath is completely taken out of her.
As Yoongi distracts the white wolf, Jin runs and scoops YN up, doing his best to keep her as stable as possible. She’s bleeding profusely from the bites in her shoulder, her ankle is laying at a completely unnatural angle, she’s gasping and coughing up a bit of blood, her back and side are most likely deeply bruised, and he wouldn’t be surprised if she has a few cracked ribs. 
Jin listens intently to the snarls and growls that YN can’t hear, recognizing the sounds of Yoongi winning. The white wolf is only a beta, and she’s small. Jin has complete confidence that Yoongi will be back soon, with more blood on his hands, and maybe only a couple scratches to show for it. 
In the meantime, Jin quickly throws the couple groceries that were left in the back of the SUV out, laying YN down in the back and taking an actual look at her wounds for the first time. She’s almost hyperventilating, pain rolling off of her, blood leaking out of her and staining the floor of the car. 
“YN, darling, I need you to calm down, okay?” Jin speaks for the first time as he quickly makes makeshift bandages out of Yoongi’s discarded shirt, wrapping up her shoulder as best he can. 
YN just looks at Jin with wild eyes, breathing still coming in ragged gasps. Her throat was on fire, her mouth tasted like metal, her shoulder burned. 
“I know it hurts darling, but I need you to calm down.” Jin reiterates, looking past her shoulder to the other wounds, able to finally focus on actually looking at YN and trying to calm her down more before he tried to do anything more. 
“Look at me YN.” Jin brings a hand to the side of YN’s face, taking a strip of Yoongi’s shirt and wiping off the blood that had dribbled out of her mouth from her coughing fit. “You’re safe YN, it’s okay. We will always make sure you’re safe, don’t worry.” 
YN tries to open her mouth, but she can’t make any words come out. She’s close to passing out, but Jin is keeping her awake. Everything is hazy, it feels like she’s crying but she can’t tell if it’s tears or blood dripping down her face. 
Jin’s brow furrows as he hears sticks breaking in the woods, fully ready to transform and murder the white beta, even though he absolutely hated violence. He never would be able to put his finger on what made him so protective over YN, even right from the get go. 
But, it was Yoongi who stumbled out of the woods, black fur soaked in blood. The wolf walked up to the back of the vehicle, looking up at Jin’s form, a snarl on his lips which let Jin see the flecks of red still staining them. 
“I’m going to set your ankle YN. It’s going to hurt. Badly.” Jin captures YN’s attention, balling up a relatively clean piece of Yoongi’s shirt and stuffing it in her mouth so she doesn’t bite her tongue off. 
“Yoongi, go get two sticks, as straight as you can find.” Jin orders, Yoongi immediately bounds off to the forest, emerging only a minute later with two sticks in his mouth. 
In the minute it took Yoongi to get the sticks, Jin took off his own shirt, ripping it into makeshift bandages as well, keeping the pieces long. He takes the sticks from Yoongi and places them beside YN in the back of the vehicle, quickly taking off YN’s shoe and sock, ripping off the bottom portion of her legging so he can have the access he needs. 
“This is going to hurt. You may pass out.” Jin sounds clinical as he lightly brushes the ankle in question, double checking exactly what he needs to do before he does it. 
With one quick motion, Jin puts YN’s ankle back the way it’s supposed to be, another scream tearing out of YN that has Yoongi growling, pacing around behind Jin. It’s a delayed response, but YN does in fact pass out from the pain, her head lolling over to one side as Jin wraps the sticks on either side of YN’s ankle, making sure none of the bandaging is too tight. 
“I have no idea what kind of damage is underneath, she may need surgery.” Jin turns and looks at Yoongi, who doesn’t do anything but growl. He doesn’t seem to like that idea. 
“I don’t like it any more than you do Yoongs.” Jin walks quickly around the car, putting all the back seats down so there’s room for both YN and Yoongi in the back of the vehicle. 
“I’ll take the emergency path in the woods, you watch her. If something happens or looks wrong, let me know immediately.” Jin watches as Yoongi hops into the car, carefully arranging himself so that YN has all the room she needs. 
Once Yoongi is situated, Jin moves YN so she is propped up against Yoongi, knowing that he will be better able to monitor her in that close position. He closes all the doors, hops into the driver's seat, and sets off into the woods, going as fast as he dares to.
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 2
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! I’m also looking for a beta reader or two for this story, if you’re interested in that! Just shoot me a message or leave a comment and I’ll get in touch!
Word Count: 2455
Warnings: None
Posted: 12 Dec 2020
Previous Next
Eventually YN fell asleep, but she couldn’t remember when. When she woke up, however, she was laying down, with the wolf’s massive head resting on her stomach. Absently, she strokes the soft fur around his ears, sighing and curling into the blanket. She can’t help but love the feeling of it between her fingers, smiling to herself as she thinks semi-clearly about the events of the night for the first time. 
YN is completely shocked by the events thinking about them now. This giant wolf not only understands her, but he talks back. He was comfortable in her home, the doors were big enough to take him in easily, and he was oddly sweet, in making her finish the chicken. And to top it all off, he was severely injured! Taking a quick glance at the bandages, YN has a passing wonder as to how much healing the wolf had done overnight. 
Quite suddenly, the wolf lets out a short growl, and YN jumps. The massive head lifts, looking her in the eye, her hand still tangled in the fur behind his ears. It seems like forever that the two stare at each other, eyes locked, but it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. 
He breaks the intense eye contact, turning his great head and yawning before standing. YN watches in awe as the wolf stretches, careful of his injury, before he turns back to look at her expectantly. 
The voice, low and clear and much less pained, startles the girl into motion. 
“Yes of course, let me make you some meat. How’s beef sound? I’ve still got a lot of that in the fridge.” YN stands, quickly clearing the blankets and pillow from the ground. Hearing no clear objections, YN heads into the kitchen, ready to prepare enough food to feed an army. 
She doesn’t pay too much attention to where the wolf is or what he is doing, but she can feel his eyes following her from one place to the other, and she can feel the draft from the door that he had nudged open. Quietly, she explains what she’s doing to the wolf, wanting him to be comfortable. 
She couldn’t have explained why she felt the need to tell the wolf everything she was doing, but for some reason she felt that it was important that this wolf trusted her. 
It is because of this that YN is in the middle of explaining why she prefers to use one seasoning brand over the other when the wolf lets out an ear-shatteringly loud howl. She flinches so hard she almost spills the cooking meat, hands flying to cover her sensitive ears as she whips around to find where the wolf is and what he’s doing. 
The great wolf, his beautiful black coat shining in the morning light, is standing just outside her back door, eyes gliding over the trees as he lets out another howl, his face turning up to the sky. He looks like he is waiting for a response, and YN can tell that he got one when his head snaps sharply to the left of the small path YN loved to take. 
Quite suddenly, the wolf turns around, padding back into the house and partially shutting the door behind him. He leaves enough room that he could stick his nose or paw into the crack and open it if he needed to, giving himself an out. YN lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding when the wolf returns to lazily lying in a patch of sun in the kitchen, his attention fully on YN and her movements while she makes the food. For whatever reason, she didn’t want the wolf to leave just yet. 
The rest of the morning and the afternoon go well, with no hitches or startles. YN quickly falls into the habit of telling the wolf all the things she’s doing, not wanting him to be startled by anything she’s doing, and the wolf just watches her, not reacting much to what she does, and instead occasionally bumping his head into her hand for a light scratch behind the ears. 
When YN changed his bandage after they ate, she was shocked to see how much he had healed. While the wound was still clearly very tender, it looked like it had been healing for weeks or months instead of just a few hours. YN shook it off, deciding that it was just some strange ability this even stranger wolf had. It had been shown to her clearly before this point that he was special in more ways than one, so why not have accelerated healing? 
After the bandages were changed, and YN told the wolf just how well he was healing, the pair went back into the living area. YN took a seat on the lovely leather couch her uncle had left her, taking her usual seat and telling the wolf that he could come up if he wanted and was able. With a small noise that YN couldn’t place, the wolf clambered onto the sofa, laying his great head in her lap again. 
Without a second thought, YN turns on the TV and absently begins to stroke the fur around the wolf’s ears, relaxing at the repetitive motion and mindless noise. Together, they sit like that for a few hours, both of them resting and healing and mulling over the events that had happened to both of them. 
There they stayed, for a long while, both half asleep and mulling over the events of the past 24 hours. YN was slowly coming to terms with everything that had been happening around her, with all of the weird things this strange, inky wolf could do. Absently, she wondered what else the wolf could do, and if the fanciful bedtime stories her uncle used to tell her were actually true. 
The wolf seemed to be resting peacefully, seemingly completely unaware of the turmoil swirling around in YN’s head. The wolf was just waiting, wondering when the rest of his pack would get there, and what the determination about YN would be. He knew that, despite his growing fondness for the strange human, if the rest of the pack didn’t share his liking for her, he would be forced to do things he would rather not do. 
When the door bursts open, YN might as well have jumped completely out of her skin. When before there was relative silence and peace, the room now had an unknown number of bodies snarling and pawing around. YN was understandably terrified, not having any idea as to what was going on or how that would affect her. 
The black wolf that she had been sharing her home with for the past day rose to his feet, eyeing up the other wolves that had entered the room. YN could feel the tension as the black wolf snarled, snapping as the other wolves did the same. All she could think about were the sharp, gleaming teeth and huge bodies around her in a way that was almost suffocating. 
Fear was rolling off the girl in waves, to the point that the wolves all were put on edge, looking for a threat deserving of that great amount of terror. 
It takes a couple minutes, but eventually all the bodies in the room calm down. YN gets off the couch and heads towards the kitchen, giving herself the illusion of an escape that puts her mind at ease. At this point, she is able to see that a  beautiful grey wolf and two light brown wolves have joined the black wolf she had opened her home to. 
Her living area is filled with the sounds of the wolves “talking” to each other, which YN decides not to break until there is a reason to. 
‘Who are you?’
Once again, the voice is directly in YN’s head, but this time it isn’t the black wolf. It seems to be coming from the grey wolf, but YN couldn’t be sure of that. 
“I’m YN, I moved in a few months ago. My uncle left me the house when he passed.” She answers simply, eyes flitting between the new wolves as “her” wolf comes to stand beside her. There seems to be some sort of silent communication going on between them that YN isn’t privy to, though she feels that it’s important for some reason she can’t place her finger on. 
‘Niece? Good.’ 
The same voice is in her head, and the fierce look in the eyes of the wolves fades into a softer, more general one. YN is confused by the statement, and the actions, remaining on edge, awkwardly shifting on her feet. 
“So, uh, do you guys want some of the beef I made earlier? I don’t know how far you guys have gone or have yet to go but food’s always a good idea, right?” YN can feel her ears burning with an unknown embarrassment, as she looks between all of the wolves before her. 
One of the light brown wolves yelps and heads towards YN, who puts her hands up on instinct, fear rising in her chest that she was going to be the one on the menu. Instead of attacking her through, the massive animal licks her palms, yelping some more as the word ‘eat’ is exclaimed into her mind. 
Letting out a little giggle and petting the massive head before her, YN is put more at ease, smiling as she turns and walks into the kitchen properly. 
“Well, I’m not quite sure how I’ll do this, because I only have one of these big bowls and there are four of you here, but I’ll figure it out.” YN muses to herself, again telling the wolves everything she’s doing so they don’t think she’s up to something, completely unaware of the fact that each and every one of the wolves in her home can read every one of her thoughts with complete and utter ease. 
“Oh! I have a baking sheet! I can just put it on there and you guys can share, yeah?” YN asks, dropping to her knees to rustle through a cabinet and find the baking sheet in question. Hearing no complaints, YN prepares the meat for the wolves, placing it carefully on the floor, holding onto one corner so it wouldn’t slide around on them. The two brown wolves quickly move to take tentative bites, the more playful of the two occasionally tossing his head over towards YN to receive a few scratches before returning to his eating. 
Once they finish, YN takes and dutifully cleans all the dishes she had made that day, ears straining to make sure she wouldn’t be attacked from behind, but yet trusting them enough to turn her back to them. She sings softly as she works, playful kid songs that she used to sing with her grandparents as she did her chores, inadvertently playing those loving memories for the wolves in her room as she does so. 
By the time she has finished with her chores, she turns to find the black wolf asleep directly behind her in a nice patch of sun, the grey wolf is carefully watching her actions from the corner of the room, and the two brown wolves laying further away, also having found nice patches of sun to lay in. YN smiles to herself, finding the sight of the wolves lounging in her space oddly sweet, before stepping over the black wolf, crouching down beside the great beast, giving him a few soft pets to partially rouse him, waiting for his eyes to open before letting him know that she would be checking his wounds and changing his bandages. 
She could feel the shift in tone as the great wolf let out a bit of a whine as the bandages come off, the others perking up a bit to watch what YN was doing, immediately ready to jump to his defense if she were to try to hurt the wounded wolf any more. 
Weary of the eyes on her, YN sets about making sure that she has everything she needs to clean the wound and change the bandages with as little pain to the wolf as possible. 
“Alright wolf, this is the part that stings, I’m so sorry.” She mutters under her breath as she does what has to be done, impressed by the amount of healing that’s been done already. 
“At this rate, you’ll be good to go by late tonight or early tomorrow morning.” YN sighs, taking the old bandages and throwing them out, before turning towards the wolves again. 
Checking the time, YN shakes her head and explains to the wolves that she is going to go to the study and write, as that’s what she usually does during this time, and that they are welcome to come with her if they want to. Turning on her heel, she heads towards the study on the second floor, fully expecting the wolves to either leave, or to just stay where they were. She really did have work to get done, regardless of the strange wolves that seemed way too comfortable in her space. Deadlines were deadlines, and she really didn’t want to have to crunch out a crap chapter for her editor, regardless of everything going on around her. 
What YN didn’t expect was for the black wolf to follow right behind her, limping slightly as he goes, but following nonetheless. Or for the two brown wolves to half-bark at each other, following behind their inky counterpart much more playfully, bumping into each other in a way that YN would have said must have been painful. Or for the grey wolf to follow behind them, much more somber than the duo in front of him, moving smoothly and surprisingly silently through the house.
“You do know there’s no sun to lay in, the study is the innermost room. Please don’t mess anything up, if you can help it, the study is my private place, really.” YN speaks much softer than she had been, causing the wolves to pay more attention to her words than before, feeling the importance of them. 
She opens the door, smiling to herself at the sight of the beautiful old books, the scattered journals, the overstuffed-and-ancient chairs, the slightly dusty paintings on the walls from artists YN couldn’t hope to know, the soft lighting, everything. It was comforting, but packed full of memories, some of which were still too painful and fresh to think of. 
YN heads over to the giant desk, opening her laptop and settling into the seat. She was aware of the four pairs of eyes that followed her movements, and she similarly followed theirs as they each found areas to curl up in. The grey wolf stayed by the door, facing it as if to make sure nobody tried to come in. The two brown wolves circled around the room a bit, before settling down by the overstuffed couch against one of the walls, both of them moving around periodically. Something in the back of YN’s mind told her that they were young, restless in a way that gave away their age.
It was the black wolf, however, that captured most of YN’s attention. He decided to place himself directly behind the huge desk chair, similarly positioned to the grey wolf, in the way that he seemed to be there for some sort of protection. She thought it was strange, the way these giant wolves were being so gentle, so protective. 
They settle in like that, with YN quickly getting immersed in the chapter she needed to finish, words flowing out of her in a way that made her feel almost buzzed. She loved that feeling- the feeling of creating, of making something out of nothing and breathing life into something so dead as a piece of paper or a computer screen. 
The whole scene was peaceful, in her opinion. She felt protected, she had ideas flowing out of her, and despite the fact the desk and it’s accompanying chair were both way too big for her and a little uncomfortable, she absolutely adored the study and all it had to offer. For whatever reason, it felt to her like home- the wolves in her space, the ideas, the old-artsy style of the room, all of it. 
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Masterlist
Summary: YN is a smart but lonely girl with a million secrets, some of which are so hidden, they’re hidden from herself. When she gets the bittersweet opportunity to move into a countryside family home, she leaps at the chance to be herself in a home that already holds so many wonderful and loving memories. However, she never could have guessed what, or who, would have come out of the experience.
Rating: Mature 
Warnings: abuse; heavy smut (proper warnings beforehand); mental illness; A/B/O dynamics; if you squint it’s a soulmate AU; a ton of angst
Author’s Note: if long, slowburn, werewolf AU’s with sprinklings of smut and soulmate-esque themes are something you’re interested in, this is the fic for you! 
Part 1- Posted: 10 Dec 2020 
Part 2 - Posted: 12 Dec 2020
Part 3 - Posted: 23 Dec 2020
Part 4 - Posted: 30 Dec 2020
Part 5- Posted: 16 Jan 2021
Part 6- Posted: 17 Jan 2021 (heavy content warning)
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 1
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!!
Word Count: 2465
Warnings: None
Posted: 10 Dec 2020
Honestly, the move wasn’t what YN was expecting at this point in her career. Her uncle had passed away and left his beautiful countryside house to her- and explicitly not to anyone else in her family- so she decided to pack up all her things and move to the country. Her uncle had left her plenty enough money to live off of for decades, seeing as he didn’t spend much of it when he was alive, so YN quit her job, moved to the country, and began focusing on herself and her writing. She very suddenly had her dream life-the exact sort of life she had told her uncle all about from the time she was just a toddler. 
The first week was strange. She would pace the halls of the huge, empty house and imagine what it had to have been like for her uncle, living in the space by himself. There were traces of her beloved eccentric uncle in everything, and YN smiled fondly at all of the odds and ends that populated each of the rooms. She loved thinking about all the memories she had of being a young child running from room to room; she saw snapshots of her teenage self holed up in the library reading all the beautiful old books her uncle collected for days on end, happily discussing them with him once she devoured them. 
She found a huge garden outside the back door, that backed all the way up to the ancient seeming forest. The plants were all well taken care of, all fruits and vegetables, and all thriving. YN spent the majority of her “breaks” from unpacking weeding and tending to the garden. She was surprised that there weren’t more weeds, and that the soil wasn’t half as dry as she had expected it to be, but she shrugged it off, attributing it to someone from town that had heard the news. 
Once she had unpacked, and carefully packed some of her uncle's more sentimental items for her mother back in the city, she began to fully settle in. She established a routine quickly, spending her mornings cooking food before the kitchen got too hot, her afternoons holed away in her newly acquired study, reading the handwritten books her uncle had left her (which had everything from anecdotes to plant care tips), and her evenings either exploring the forest behind her home, or cleaning the house and getting things set the way they needed to be for her to live comfortably. 
YN was happy there, keeping to herself and only going into town about once every three weeks or so to buy meat, which she was freezing and creating a stock of, just in case. She quickly learned how to can the foods she needed to, finding a strange sort of comfort in her ability to do things completely on her own. She had never considered herself to be any sort of homemaker, but this felt different in a way she was wholly unable to put her finger on.
She grew used to her life there very quickly. Her mother was worried sick, seeing as she was so close to the forest and in the middle of nowhere, but YN felt safe and didn’t want to give up her new life for anything. 
Her mother kept warning her of “strange beasts'' that lived in the woods, having grown up in that house and having experienced everything those woods had to offer, but YN brushed it all off. She had millions of fond memories of her grandparents and uncle in that house, thousands of which were from the confines of that very forest. She had never once felt any sort of danger anywhere near the house, and thought it silly her mother would worry so much for her.
YN had lived in her new home for almost 4 months when the incident happened. She had started her evening by taking her usual walk, but felt compelled to go just a little further than usual. Enamored with the beauty of the ancient trees around her, she rounded a bend, not paying much attention to where her feet were carrying her, and instead focusing on the sights and smells of the forest she loved so much. 
However, when she saw the huge body of a wolf splayed across the small path, she tripped over her own two feet, landing squarely on her back. 
For a split second she panicked, and then she realized how the heavy scent of blood was filling the air. She took a better look at the wolf, immediately realizing two things- that there was a deep gash in its side, extending from the middle of its chest down to curve around the edge of its hind leg, and that this wolf was probably three times the size of any wolf she had ever seen  before. 
Gasping, YN immediately went to shrug off the jacket she was wearing, wanting to help the wolf in any way she could. Quickly, she went around to its front, looking up to see if the animal was conscious. 
The beast lifted its head, weak and slow. It drew back its lips, a snarl gracing its beautiful face as its eyes followed YNs every move. 
Taking a chance, YN held up the jacket, avoiding eye contact with the wolf. “I just want to help.” She croaked out, falling down to her knees and nodding towards the gaping wound. 
YN couldn’t have been sure, but the wolf almost looked like it understood what she said. Either way, the snarl slowly lessened, and YN came towards the great animal as quickly as she dared. Once the jacket was pressed to the wound, YN felt a little better, doing what she could to stem the bleeding. 
“Alright big guy, I can’t help you all the way out here.” YN said with a sigh, looking around to find something to use to help keep the jacket in place. “You need medical attention and I didn’t bring anything that could help with me.” 
YN gives up in her search for something to help hold the jacket in place, and instead stands to try to see if there are any other wounds on the wolf before her. 
Silently, YN notices a tear in the wolf’s ear, and moves up to check if there’s anything she’d be able to do for that. 
“Is it alright if I check your ear?” YN asks, sitting carefully beside the wolf and reaching hesitantly towards his giant head. 
The voice is gruff, tired, and completely in her head. 
YN pauses and blinks, tilting her head in confusion, and moves on, choosing to ignore the fact that she just heard a voice that was very clearly not her own speaking into her head. There were more pressing things to think about, she could be freaked out when there wasn’t a life on the line. 
Without saying much more, YN brushes the inky fur away from the tear in the ear, finding that it isn’t serious, just something that bleeds a lot. 
“Alright wolf, I can’t do anything else for you here. Is there some way for you to come back with me?” She asks, running her fingers through his dirty fur as best she can, trying to smooth it out. For a second, she almost smiles, thinking absently how strange it is for her to talk to an animal like he understood a word she said.
He lifts his massive head to look at her better, looking her in the eyes and blinking slowly a few times, before laying his head in her lap. YN waits for some sort of response, trying her best to get the sticks and leaves out of his beautiful black fur as she waits. 
The response takes a long while, and YN can tell the wolf is in tremendous pain, but she concedes. 
“If you’re able to, I’ll help as much as I can. Once you’re on your feet, I’ll do my best to keep the jacket in place, yeah?” She asks, waiting for the wolf to make the moves first. 
The wolf moves slowly, taking his time to drag his massive body off the ground without injuring himself further. YN does her best to move with him, trying to keep the jacket on the wound, to keep him from losing even more blood. 
“You just have to follow the path, don’t worry about anything else.” YN speaks softly, doing her best to use her frame to help keep the wolf upright. 
She can’t help but notice, during the almost hour long trek back to her home, that the wolf is huge. She can feel his muscles as he determinedly tredges on, and his massive head seems to come up to her own (though in reality it came up to about her shoulder). His paws are as big as her head, with wicked sharp claws barely hidden. YN can’t help but shiver at the fact that, if he wanted to, this wolf could tear her to pieces, even in his current state. 
Once the duo were finally at her home, the massive wolf walked right up to the back door, waiting for YN to open it. She tugs it open, reassuring the wolf that she will leave it cracked so he can make his way out whenever he wants. 
As she tells the wolf to stay put for a minute, she realizes that the massive doors in her house are the perfect size for the wolf to come through. Shaking her head as if to rid herself of the thought, YN runs and grabs a few towels from the storage closet to lay on the floor and use to help clear blood. 
Just as she goes to grab the second first aid kit from under the sink in the master bath, the wolf she left by her door howls. She starts, smacking the back of her head on the bottom of the sink, but doesn’t stop to think about the pain. Instead, she turns around to go tend to the wolf she’s invited into her home. 
As she turns, she finds the wolf has instead found her. He walks right past her and goes into the massive spa tub, laying exhausedly on his good side. 
YN is startled by how comfortable the wolf seems in her home, but pushes the thought out of her mind to focus on the task at hand- cleaning up and helping this massive wolf. 
All in all it takes almost 3 hours and it's nearing midnight by the time she’s all the way done, but the wolf’s fur has been washed and dried, his wound has been cleaned and treated, and she’s found a sleeping mat for the wolf to rest on until he’s able to recover.  
YN is absolutely exhausted, but she sets the wolf up on the floor of the living room, making sure he had plenty of space and he knew she was leaving the door cracked, so he could leave if he felt unsafe. 
“Alright, I’m going to go get some meat for you. You’ve gotta have nutrients to be able to heal, and I know meat should be a good bet.” YN motions for the wolf to lay down as she heads over to the kitchen, taking the chicken she cooked that morning out of the fridge, thankful that she hadn’t fully preserved the excess she had made yet. She glanced at the rice she had left, mulling over if she should take that too, but deciding against it. After all, she had no idea what the wolf could eat, other than meat. 
YN finds a large bowl, filling it almost full with the chicken, before heading back into the living area to make sure the wolf eats. She goes to walk out of the kitchen, before turning around and grabbing a bowl of water too, then heading into the living room. She sets the bowl of water down, asking the wolf to drink at least a little bit before he eats. 
“You haven’t had any water yet and hydration helps replace blood!” YN says, settling in to make sure the water bowl doesn’t go anywhere while he drinks a bit. In truth, she had no idea if that statement was anything more than an old wives tale, but it sounded good.
Once she’s sure he’s had at least a quarter of the water, YN grabs the chicken from the bowl and rips some of the huge breasts in half, putting them in her hand and flattening it out for him to take it off of. 
“I know this might be weird, but I don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve eaten, and I don’t want you to hurt yourself if you get into too much of a hurry.” YN says, moving the water bowl to have a better position to feed the huge wolf. 
He looks at her for a minute, before taking the chunk of chicken from her hand. She replaces it with another, and the process repeats until he’s eaten almost everything in the bowl. 
“This is the last piece of chicken, so if you need more, I’ll have to go to the kitchen to get it, okay?” YN says, smiling softly as she rips it into smaller pieces. 
Instead of taking the chicken like usual, the wolf nudges her hand back towards her. YN shakes her head and goes to put it back into the bowl, but the wolf whines. 
“What?” YN asks, the bowl now in her lap. 
The wolf just whines again, nudging her hand towards her again. 
“Oh!” YN lets out a little laugh, “You want me to eat this one?” She asks, to which the wolf nudges her hand another time. 
YN rips off a much smaller chunk than what she was feeding him, and takes a bite. The wolf blinks at her a couple times, and goes to drink more water. YN sits and eats some of the chicken, not having realized how hungry she had become from the night's activities. 
YN and the wolf sit in relative silence. He finishes off the bowl of water around the same time YN finishes the final piece of the chicken. 
“I’ll take everything into the kitchen and wash my hands right quick. I’ll be right back.” She announces, wanting to make sure the wolf knows what’s going on. 
When she returns, she goes to sit on the couch and relax, but the wolf whines again. She sits back where she was, grabbing a blanket to wrap up in. The wolf lays his massive head in her lap, and they both stay contentedly like that for a long while.
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ffwriterbts · 4 years ago
Welcome to BTS FF Writer!
I write a ton of things about our favorite boys, so I figured it was about time for me to share them! 
I specialize in angst, slow burn, and smut, but anything could pop up! If you like what you see, please don’t hesitate to request more in that vein :) 
There will be a few shorter pieces up soon, with a much longer story in the works! (this longer story is already around 45 pages in the google doc I’m writing it in lmao) 
All of my works will have “admin jae” in the tags, if anyone would like to follow me in that way!!
Anywho, I hope you like the writings I have to offer!
Admin Jae
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