ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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     he tilted his head just a little bit ; there wasn’t any reason to question her further if not for his own curiosity. wolf made few steps in her direction, making his smile look more sympathetic.    ‘     it must be hard —- walking in a circle in dark and trying to find something so tiny… do you have the other one? maybe i could help, i have a pretty nice night vision, you could say.     ‘     original lifted his brow just a little bit, watching her closely. at her question, he struggled slightly.     ‘     i’m going back home from friend’s party —- underestimated how much i hate noise and flashing lights.     ‘
          ❛     do   i…   have   the…     ❜     well,   that’s   a   question   she   wasn’t   prepared   for.     ❛     i   don’t,   actually.   i   lost   it,   then   put   the   other   one   at   my   friend’s   house   because   i   didn’t   want   to   lose   that   one,   too.     ❜     it’s   not   the   worst   cover,   but   it’s   definitely   not   her   best.   kendall   also   could   have   gone   for   saying   she   was   looking   for   a   ring,   not   earring,   but   it   was   too   late.   it’s   his   next   few   words   that   make   her   head   tilt   in   slight   curiosity.     ❛     your   friend   live   out   here,   too?   small   world.     ❜     arms   cross,   only   for   a   few   moments.     ❛     fair   enough,   though.   which   way   are   you   headed?   i   don’t   wanna   burden   you   or   anything.     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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“   what   can   i   say   ?   i   enjoy   risks,   ”   she   teases   with   a   soft   chuckle.    of   course   these   risks   usually   took   place   in   the   kitchen.   thrilling.   “   don’t   patronize   me,   i’m   trying   something    new,   ”   she   says   with   a    shrug,   “   so   go   on   !   tell   me   -   watcha’   think   ?   ”
          bite   is   interrupted   by   her   words,   single   eyebrow   lifting   as   dex   just   lets   out   a   short   laugh.     ❛     i’m   sure   you   do.     ❜     and   his   food   is   pretty   much   finished   by   the   time   he   speaks   again,   leaving   the   male   to   shrug   lightly.     ❛     it’s   better   than   the   last   one.   i   like   the   crust   much   better   here,   for   sure.     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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“   and   here’s   to   hoping   it   never   will   !   ”   she   says.   of   course   she   was   a   bit   more   harsh   of   a   critique   …    the   self   is   always   one’s   worst   critic.    habitually,   she   takes   a   seat   at   the   small   table   in   the    kitchen.   “   pecan   !   ”   she   says,   “   but   better,   in   my   opinion.   more   cinnamon   in   the   crust.    ”   
          dex   isn’t   necessarily   one   to   be   trusted   when   it   comes   to   food.   the   guy   could   eat   just   about   anything   and   not   an   ounce   of   a   complaint   would   leave   his   lips.   leaning   against   the   counter,   he   tugs   a   plate   down   before   giving   himself   a   slice   and   turning   towards   the   female   again.     ❛     more   cinnamon?   wow,   you’re   really   going   big   with   this   one.     ❜     it’s   sarcasm,   but   at   least   it’s   only   playful.
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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     slowly moving through the woods, wolf carefully wiped his lips into a white handkerchief ―― not his, mind you, but its owner will not need it anymore, he took care of that. it wasn’t hard to hear and smell and see the person walking now only a few steps away and he shoved the bloodied piece of fabric in his pocket ; seriously, he lived here, don’t need unnecessary drama.      ‘      what are you doing out here, little red riding hood?     ‘     original asked, stepping with ease into path of light. he smiled, the nice, polite, lovely-to-meet-you-here mask sliding right up, even if his eyes stay shielded with icy sharpness. 
          she   gives   herself   a   glance,   checking   to   make   sure   there   wasn’t   anything   red   on   her   to   begin   with.   that   makes   his   comment   even   more   suspicious,   but   her   eyes   don’t   narrow   just   yet.   kendall   can   easily   fake   a   smile   and   pretend   strangers   are   the   ones   to   trust   more   than   anyone   else.     ❛     looking   for   an   earring   i   lost   an   hour   ago.     ❜     the   lie   seeps   straight   through   her   teeth.   if   he   asks   more   about   the   backstory,   maybe   she’ll   give   in   and   tell   him   what’s   really   up.   until   then?   yeah,   she’s   just   looking   for   something   she   lost.     ❛     why   are   you   out   here?     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
“It’s so peaceful out here.” ( kendall & wolf )
          peace   is   a   foreign   concept   to   the   detective’s   life.   closing   a   case   might   bring   her   more   peace   at   the   end   of   the   day,   but   the   next   day   always   sparked   up   something   new   to   boil   her   blood   or   get   her   adrenaline   pumping.   relaxation   doesn’t   come   easy,   so   this   is   nice   and   she’ll   enjoy   it   for   the   time   being.     ❛     mhm…   for   now.     ❜     arms   shift   to   rest   upon   the   top   of   her   knees   as   she   gazes   at   the   lake   before   them.     ❛     it’s   almost   too   quiet,   though.    ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
“This is giving me serious Blair Witch vibes.” ( gunnar & blair )
          creepy   basements   used   to   scare   him,   but   the   creaking   of   the   steps   sounds   more   like   home   than   any   other   noise   they’d   heard   that   night.   a   gaze   is   tossed   back   towards   blair   with   furrowed   brows,   hand   lifting   to   flick   at   the   peeling   wallpaper   with   slight   disgust.     ❛     want   me   to   go   stand   facing   the   wall?   make   it   a   little   more   realistic?     ❜     a   dry   tease   ––––   something   to   be   taken   with   a   grain   of   salt.     ❛     jesus.   this   place   fucking   reeks.     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
“You know I hate horror movies!” ( dexter & casey )
          ❛     i   don’t   give   a   damn.     ❜     dex   tosses   the   classic   scream   expansion   pack   onto   the   table   as   his   hands   move   to   rest   upon   his   own   hips.     ❛     pick   one.   in   my   house,   we   only   watch   horror.   better   prepares   people   for   when   all   this   stuff   really   happens.     ❜     they   already   know   werewolves   exist.   god   knows   what   they   don’t   know   about,   too.
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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she   scoffs.   “   no   !    it’s   not   a    ‘   stress   ’   thing,   i   just   bake   !   ”   probably   a   little   too   much.    he    moves   to    open    his   door   a   bit   wider.    lorelai   takes   it   as    her   opportunity   to   slip   inside.    “   yes,   i   sleep.   just   …   not   well,   or   often.   ”   it   was     a   problem,   truly.    “   you’re   my   favorite   test   subject.   i   feel   like   you’re   not   afraid   to    tell   me    when   something   sucks.   ”
          ❛     you   just   bake.   sure.     ❜     head   nods   just   once   before   he’s   pushing   the   door   closed   and   lifting   a   hand   to   scratch   the   back   of   his   neck.     ❛     well,   you   wouldn’t   know   because   none   of   your   stuff   has   sucked   yet.     ❜     dexter   shifts   to   take   the   pie   from   her   and   place   it   on   the   counter   in   his   tiny   kitchen.   it’s   got   all   your   basics   with   barely   any   space   for   anything   else,   but   it   works.     ❛     what   kind   is   it   today?     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
“There’s blood.” ( gunnar + tae )
            there’s   a   split   second   where   gunnar   takes   the   chance   to   look   down   at   his   own   body.   he’d   been   feeding   a   little   under   an   hour   ago.   failure   to   clean   up   might   draw   some   unwanted   attention,   and   the   male   was   just   not   up   for   dealing   with   anyone   who   wanted   to   cross   his   path.   when   he   determines   it’s   not   him   that   the   other’s   talking   about,   he   turns   to   see   a   small   splash   of   blood   off   the   side   of   the   lot.     ❛     yeah,   guess   there   is.     ❜     it   wasn’t   headed   the   way   he’d   previously   walked   from,   so   he   was   even   more   in   the   clear.   still,   just   the   sight   alone   piqued   his   curiosity.     ❛     wanna   go   investigate?     ❜     eyebrows   lift,   teeth   scraping   over   his   lower   lip   momentarily   as   it   masks   a   grin   threatening   to   surface.
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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it’s    late.   she   knows   that.   though   she   also   knows    dex   can   be   somewhat   of   a   night   owl   himself.   she’s    got   a   fresh   baked   pie   in   her   hands   ––––   it’s   still   warm.   she’s   been   at   it   again    (   you   should   see   the   mess   she   made   in   her   kitchen   ).    “   good   !   you’re   up,   ”    she   says   with   a   smile,    stepping   towards   the   door.   “   i   uh    ––––   over   baked   again,   ”    she   explains,    “   it’s    a    new   recipe   though,   i   think   i’ve   outdone   myself.    ”
          the   smell   of   the   pie   hits   him   before   her   scent   does,   leaving   dex’s   eyebrows   to   raise   before   lorelai   even   gets   the   chance   to   speak.     ❛     is   this,   like…   a   stress   thing?     ❜     one   hand   lifts   to   gesture   towards   the   pie   briefly   before   the   male   is   pushing   the   door   open   just   a   smidge   more   (   a   silent   offer   for   her   to   make   herself   at   home   ).     ❛     also,   it’s   eleven   at   night.   don’t   you   have   to   sleep?     ❜     this   isn’t   uncommon   for   the   two   of   them,   mostly   because   dex   is   gonna   eat   whatever’s   put   in   front   of   him.   still,   that   doesn’t   mean   it   gets   less   confusing   each   time   she   decides   to   show   up.
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
“This place looks abandoned.” ( kendall + clifford )
            a   careful   step   is   taken   over   a   broken   board   that   was   supposed   to   be   blocking   the   entrance.   once   inside   the   empty   room,   kendall’s   eyes   narrow   into   the   dim   entryways   before   them.     ❛     it   does.     ❜     there’s   no   such   thing   as   a   stupid   hunch   that   stems   from   real   facts.   of   course,   there’s   a   high   possibility   this   building   isn’t   home   to   anything   that   could   help   her   out   with   the   disappearances   around   vernon,   mostly   because   it’s   not   exactly   hard   to   stumble   upon.   ❛   never   know.   could   be   home   to   some   psycho   serial   killer.   ❜   jaw   falls   slack,   shoe   toeing   the   dust   and   dirt   caked   into   the   floorboards.     ❛     probably   shouldn’t   split   up,   though.   this   place   is   massive.   might   get   lost.     ❜
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ferocitee-blog · 5 years
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