feraliistic · 9 years
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saving first batch of sanguine icons. will make fenrir royalty au bio in the morning. but for now, this homogay is heading off.  night, everyone. xoxo.
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feraliistic · 9 years
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                                           ❝ I’d say I’ll get a bite or two;                                                                wouldn’t you, GINGER? ❞
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feraliistic · 9 years
                 they called it hogsmeade. 
   a village for some, a weekend trip for others, especially    those from that idiotic school they called HOGWARTS.    the werewolf could not be bothered with attending, knowing    what would have been his destiny if he had; a lifetime of    RIDICULE & DISGUST for those like him. he would not put himself    through it & even then, he was not one for rules & regulations.    thus was the life of FENRIR GREYBACK, a young lycanthrope,    on a lone journey of self-discovery. however, he was not one to    grovel at his shortcomings, but would rather force others to suffer    just as he has; call it childish, but he was no child, but a wolf cub,    ready to take on this world with howls upon his lips. 
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  but now his sights were on a young wizard, that wolfish grin upon his    face as he watches from against a wall of a building, what the building    was didn’t register with him nor did he care what it was.
            ❝ you shouldn’t travel alone, you know. ❞
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feraliistic · 9 years
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feraliistic · 9 years
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                                           ❝ I’d say I’ll get a bite or two;                                                                wouldn’t you, GINGER? ❞
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feraliistic · 9 years
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                    It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for;                     I can N E V E R fight for myself, but, for others,                      I can kill.
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feraliistic · 9 years
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fenrir around evil things makes him happy. he’s just YEAH HOWL AND SHIT, LET’S GO FUCK UP THE WORLD BECAUSE WE CAN.
fucking puppy, i can’t.
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feraliistic · 9 years
well hello a gain
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& he’ll casually sniff.
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feraliistic · 9 years
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for now, landon liboiron is my younger fenrir face claim, but if i find someone slightly more bulky but still with the scruff and landon’s look, i’ll change him out. but for now, landon is bae.
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feraliistic · 9 years
grishildr replied to your post: but can we talk about the fact that th...
don’t mess with divination
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no one askED YOU, ZELDUH.
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feraliistic · 9 years
but can we talk about the fact that the “most savage & feared werewolf of all time” didn’t get beat by a powerful spell or curse, but was knocked out by a freaking crystal ball dropped onto his head by professor trelawney. way to go, greyback. way to go.
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feraliistic · 9 years
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                                           ❝ I’d say I’ll get a bite or two;                                                                wouldn’t you, GINGER? ❞
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feraliistic · 9 years
wilclthing started following you
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feraliistic · 9 years
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         ❛ you are staring. 
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      he knows what he does.       call it sniffing out his enemy, if you please.
             ❝ hmph. ❞        & he looks down, a low growl settling in his throat. 
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feraliistic · 9 years
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feraliistic · 9 years
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unpopular characters meme: a character you’re meant to hate but love instead
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feraliistic · 9 years
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