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This is the kind of pain that demands to be felt
It could fight through the strongest anesthesia
It will be felt through any level of numbing, substances, or ignorance just short of killing yourself
The kind of pain that’s so overwhelming that you can’t possibly get through it, except you do.
It’s the pain that 13 year old you couldn’t experience. It’s the pain that made you say “I have all these memories but they feel like they happened to someone else”
They did happen to someone else.
They happened to the version of you that was angry and confused and stubborn
The version of you that didn’t want to hope for the future,
That couldn’t hope for the future
Because it was too painful
Each time someone presented a glimmer of hope, it got ripped away
A wound, barely healed
Getting torn open
And again
And again
Each time, that pink, newly formed scar tissue getting marred
Damaging the nerves
Less likely to heal with every pass
The concept that you could be 23 and start to look at those wounds, having the resources to try and heal them, a indescribable feat of the human body
You look at everyone around you and you want them to be proud of you
Because suffering through this alone is un-fucking-imaginable
The beauty that emanates from that healing wants to be shared
It wants to be witnessed
It wants to be loved and appreciated
The version of you that told the psychiatrist “if you send me home with my mother, I’m going to kill myself and I’m not going to call for help”
The version of you that really fucking meant it
The version of you that wanted someone to hear the desperation in those cries and rescue you
Because you were a kid
Because you still needed to be taken care of
Because you couldn’t support your own needs
Because you were a kid
And now here we are, a ripe 10 years later
Finally feeling the pain of that 13 year old
That 13 year old who is you
The 13 year old who is 23
Who has a grown up job, and a car, and a home, and two cats that she loves, and an amazing therapist, and partners, and family, and loves music, and who wears comfortable clothes, and gets to spend her money on things that she loves
Who never had the chance to catch up with herself until now
The 23 year old who thought she’d just skate into adulthood and only have to deal with the ‘right now’
The 23 year old who is so angry
Who doesn’t want to carry the burdens of someone else’s trauma
Who is so tired of hearing herself talk about 13 year old her
Whose scripts have worn deep tracks into her brain
Who also doesn’t think she can live through the pain
And frankly, doesn’t want to
And yet here we are
In her hammock
With the organic, local, CBD blueberry iced tea she got when she went for a walk earlier
The 23 year old who knows that caffeine, adderall, nicotine, and weed don’t mix well together for her
So she has the fortitude to pick 3 at a time instead of 4
Even though each of those things serve a purpose in her malformed, dysfunctional brain
She chooses to give up piecing herself together
She chooses to surrender to the chaos
With absolutely no idea if she’ll make it out alive
She didn’t ask for this
She doesn’t want it
And yet here we are
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