You will call me: Feathers. My age is: Over 20. My pronouns are: Missing. They appear to have absconded. Last time they did this they jumped me in an alleyway riding sorrow-spiders. Please help. I fear for my life.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
(Iron & Misery Caravan, 24th Century - Somewhere in the High Wilderness)
After learning that the Silken Empire is in the market for military equipment, Mr. Iron sent a delegation to discuss a commission for developing some bitchin' autocannons and engines to upgrade their navy.
The delegates return with two items; the initial terms of a contract that's comfortable enough to sign as is, and a little box and a letter stamped with the seal of the Spinner of the All-Web. That does make Iron curious, though the contract is the first thing it attends to. It requests a few amendments in its favor before agreeing to anything as a matter of course. The box is assumed to contain a gift of sorts to speed matters along.
The letter itself conveys SOTAW's appreciation for Iron's offer, remarking that their experience's in the Neath taught them to trust the quality of Iron's work. The letter also explains that, curiously enough, the package that came with the letter does not contain a gift from SOTAW but rather from a "mutual friend" they met during their time captaining a locomotive who asked them to deliver this box, which contains "a long overdue gift," to Iron should they ever meet.
Stricken with curiosity, Iron opens the box and looks inside. It's a Key-to-Heart Dagger. Iron throws away the box and the contract.
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Finally, an opportunity! You decide to charm your generous host with your wit and boldness! You cheekily take off your mask, a joke already on your lips. But you don't get very far, as your generous host doesn't seem to be in the mood to listening right now. With the audacity of a bazaar master (and a tipsy one at that), it grabs your face instead. You're pretty sure it's making a joke too, but you can't quite make it out over your own heartbeat. You've lost 1x Dignity You've lost 1x Breath Scandal increases
hehehehehe, more of my favorite Master 馃馃嵎 And another Feast of the Exceptioal Rose themed drawing of Mr. Wines and my OC Olivia I simply adore those two!
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important lore most non-FL people who follow me probably don't know is that music is downright intoxicating to curators. like. for them, going to an opera is equivalent to a bar crawl. what i'm saying is you could totally lock the scoundrel in a room with nothing but a record player and classical music playing on loop and then come back five hours later to find her laying on the floor blitzed out of her goddamn mind
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seeing blind reactions to the more notorious surprises in hollow knight are always such a gem
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yippee yay gator
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tried to be clever with Carrd but I already hit the element limit even though I barely scratched the surface of what I intended to do. sigh. no fun allowed here it seems.
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I am just now catching that the description of the Wayward Compass charm mentions that it whispers your location to you when pulling up the map.
"hey. psst. little guy. hey little dude. ya see that little spot there. below the big room, to the left? nah nah, more to the left. yeah that there. yeah. dats you. dats where you at :3"
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"Some children's tales mention that sometimes sounds can be heard from them if in a quiet enough place. Probably fake."
The Knight lowers the book. A moment passes. It raises the book and reads the passage again. It sets the book down and walks out.
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Maki offered his explorer badge, and it's embedded crystal, to the hologram for it to rebuild it's dataset. After a few moments, everything was set up and the challenge began.
The Knight just absolutely tears through the majority of what the Cave of Trials had to offer. It took until the bandits showed up for it to take any damage, and it wasn't until the Wasps that the Knight acted more defensively and started using spells. Maki certainly did not expect the little tyke to start shooting screaming balls of dark rage at the targets but no, apparently it's a sorcerer on top of everything else. The only thing that properly challenged the Knight in all of this was the Dead Landers at the end. That battle was certainly a close call. It still defeated them though. By itself. First try.
The Knight accepted the hologram's reward. To it's left was Maki, watching intently and deeply contemplative. Seeing the Knight looking towards him Maki began to speak up, before the Knight put up it's hand, presumably telling him to hold.
The Knight has no ability to express emotively and yet somehow Maki could just feel the smirk as it reached into it's cloak and pulled out some sort of contraption with pink crystals emerging from it. A subtle heartbeat is heard from the device. The Knight offered it to the hologram.
"Scanning memory... over 150 new entries have been added to dataset. Building patterns..."
The Knight healed itself to max. These people are about to learn a lot about Hallownest.
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Maki enjoys "testing" those who seek admission into the Explorer's ranks, and of course he gives this same test to the Knight. The resulting lesson in humility that Maki receives makes him very curious as to just how skilled this stranger is.
The Ant Kingdom used the Cave of Trials as a training course ever since it was discovered. The challenge it offers is configurable, and Maki thought it would be the perfect way to test this Knight's limits. The Knight was never one to turn down such a challenge.
Shortly after the hologram gave the Knight an overview of how the whole thing works, the whole system just outright crashes and the entire cave goes dark. Everyone has a bit of a panic as this has just never happened before.
The Knight quickly tucks it's dream-nail away before anybody notices.
#hollow knight#bug fables#the knight is in bugaria#they just needed to reboot the system it's all good
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if the knight puts on the ancient crown it just instantly explodes into that massive shade entity, breaking the crown in the process. and it just slinks away like. whoops. sorry.
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Talita is very tired. She is eepy. Talita has had a very long day of splashing AI bandits and wants to take just a small sleeb. She eeby and neebies to sleeby. Tablita sleepy and need bed bye time. Talita is currently experiencing critical levels of being a sleebjy big horse and needs to go to beb. She is a ver tired and needs to slep. Just a little sleejing time as a treat. Talililila needs to slek. V toired centaur. Just a big gal. Talitililita needs her beedy sleeb. Look at her go. She yawn big cause she skeejy. Needs to falafel asleep. Nini time! Goodnight Miss Talita.
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"We do not eat babies!"
"Did you hear that? The Steward says the Faithkeeper's eat babies..."
Bro really just gets on the podium and talks nonsense like the rest of 'em, huh.
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pinned post except its empty cause im lazy and ill do it later
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Another doodle from @bubba-draws !! So honored to get art from you, you always draw my loves so well <3
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