fearfulmogai · 7 hours
Anerfem: when one is agender and experiences connections to feminine energies or concepts but not as a gender
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Anermasc: when one is agender and experiences connections to masculine energies or concepts but not as a gender
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Anerneu: when one is agender and experiences connections to neutral energies or concepts but not as a gender
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(A follow up post to my Aneriax coining)
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
Rain/Storm Themed ID Pack
[ PT: Rain/Storm Themed ID Pack /end ID ]
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[ Banner Mask By @/Imjustchillinghere! ]
Names: Rain(y), Skye, Dewdrop, Rainfall, Cloud, Vapor, Aqua, Petrichor, Pluvia, Nimbus, Gust, Dew, Storm, Tempest, Thunder, Torrent, Mist, Raine, Flood, Droplet, Thunder, Lightning, Flash, Sprite, Zephyr, Gale, Jupiter
3rdpp: rain/rains, storm/storms, mist/mists, weath/weather, weather/weathers, flood/floods, water/waters, aqua/aquas, drop/drops, fall/falls, drizzle/drizzles, shower/showers, gale/gales, crash/crashs, light/lights, light/ning, zap/zaps, torrent/torrents, cloud/clouds, preci/precis, soak/soaks, freeze/freeze, hurricane/hurricanes, sky/skys, dew/dews, vapor/vapors, tempest/tempest, 🌧️/🌧️s, ☔️/☔️s, ☁️/☁️s, 💧/💧s
Genders: Galesensic, sangupluvic, rainypianica, stormcomfic, tempestdeusic, satumskious, gutterfloodic, dewgender, rainbuscomfic, rainbootgender, petrichoric, plumioclimagen, rainthing, foggyraingender, doxreyn, pluviagender, pluvialgender
Titles: The one in the rain, the rainy one, the storm prnself, the rain prnself, the wind prnself, the one caught in the storm, prn who is the storm, prn who is the rain, prn who is left in the rain, prn who meets the flood
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
haii! could i please request a horror-themed id pack? ^_^ if it could mainly horror movie or horror game related (≧◡≦)
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Names: Annabelle, Viscera, Night, Hush, Dracula, Rosemary, Shelley, Enigma, Mia, Craven, Freddy, Harker, Lucy, Megan, Renfield, Carrie, Derry, Lorraine, Jekyll, Jane, John, Chucky, Myers, Bellow, Raven, Michael, William, Noir, Nyx, Ethan, Ghost, Revenant, Reaper, Amnesia, Visage, Lavender
3rdpp: death/deaths, blood/bloods, gut/guts, rot/rots, dec/decay, decay/decays, red/reds, scream/screams, run/runs, fear/fears, hush/hushs, step/steps, knife/knifes, hallow/hallows, house/houses, alien/aliens, copy/copys, vamp/vamps, bat/bats, revive/revives, monster/monsters, kill/kills, horr/horror, horror/horrors, evil/evils, amnesia/amnesias, ghost/ghosts, haunt/haunts, pyr/pyramid, no/none, 0/0s, content/contents, lethal/lethals, reveil/reveils, sound/sounds, cryp/cryptid, eldritch/eldritchs, 🔪/🔪s, 🩸/🩸s, 🪦/🪦s, 🧟‍♂️/🧟‍♂️s, 🫀/🫀s, 🧛‍♂️/🧛‍♂️s
Genders: Slasherval, lavendertownic, splattersoundic, sawbathroomic, horrornostalgic, moldylunggender, unfathogoreygender, ghostfaceplushic, mimysersplushic, inhorsycica, brokinadinic, indhormic, visceralexic, hyperhorror, horheartsoundic, miramiracharic, lookseecharic, eldritchomenix, corbeatsonusic, draculatropic, decaybodyhorroric
Titles: prn who fears/is feared, the one who fears/is feared, prn who is under the bed, prn who lurks behind, the lurker, the killer, the slasher, the one who kills, prn who survives, the one who survived, prn who is undead, the undead one, the ghost
banner mask by @/imjustchillinghere
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
hi can we request a godzilla / general kaiju id pack ? ty in advance & no worries if not !
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[ Banner Mask By @/Imjustchillinghere! ]
Names: Titan, Ghidrah, Hydra, Condor, Eagle, Gimantis, Milla, Depth, Spiega, Abyss, Fin, Hazard, Nuclear, Atom, King, Spiral, Ray, Destoroyah, Mech, Pulse, Spike, Chaos, Tsunami, Empire, Iguana, Kaiju, Aqua, Tyrant
3rdpp: mon/monster, monster/monsters, sea/seas, slumber/slumbers, prehi/prehistoric, liz/lizard, lizard/lizards, mutate/mutates, mutant/mutants, depth/depths, oce/ocean, ocean/oceans, nuclear/nuclears, radio/radioactive, radiation/radiations, hazard/hazards, atomic/atomics, danger/dangers, fight/fights, king/kings, bomb/bombs, heat/heats, mech/mecha, regen/regens, revive/revives
Genders: Kaijuguy, kaijumasc, nuclewastoxin, monsdeepial, mutatelexic, mutationlexic, mutanic, altumencreature, leviathangender, thalateravel, genderhydra, maristrocen, kaijugender/genderkaiju, tharas, adaptagender, prehigender, reptilarian
Titles: the prehistoric titan, the prehistoric one, the one who lurks in the depths, prn who slumbers in the sea, prn who has been mutated, the [king/queen/ect] of kaijus/monsters, the one who levels cities, prn who adapts, prn who dwells in the ocean
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Dogfolkcouncil / Pupfolkcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around dogfolk / a dogfolk O5 Council member. these genders are connected to dogfolk, dogfolk aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Dogfolkethics / Pupfolkethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around dogfolk / a dogfolk Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to dogfolk, dogfolk aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Pupcouncil / Dogcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around dogs / a dogs O5 Council member. these genders are connected to dogs, dogs aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Pupethics / Dogethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around dogs / a dog Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to dogs, dog aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Anomalycowboy — Gender related to being an anomalous cowboy, a cowboy who is anomalous / themed around anomalies, a cowboy and anomalous entities, etc
Foundationcowboy — Gender related to being a wild Foundation cowboy, a cowboy of / from / themed around the Foundation, a cowboy and Foundation, etc
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Safecowboy — Gender related to being a safe class entity cowboy, a cowboy who is a safe class anomalous entity / themed around safe class anomalies, a cowboy and safe class entity, etc
Euclidcowboy — Gender related to being a euclid class entity cowboy, a cowboy who is a euclid class anomalous entity / themed around euclid class anomalies, a cowboy and euclid class entity, etc
Ketercowboy — Gender related to being a keter class entity cowboy, a cowboy who is a keter class anomalous entity / themed around keter class anomalies, a cowboy and keter class entity, etc
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Esotericcowboy — Gender related to being a esoteric class entity cowboy, a cowboy who is a esoteric class anomalous entity / themed around esoteric class anomalies, a cowboy and esoteric class entity, etc
Neutralcowboy — Gender related to being a neutralized class entity cowboy, a cowboy who is a neutralized class anomalous entity / themed around neutralized class anomalies, a cowboy and neutralized class entity, etc
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Catfolkcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around catfolk / a catfolk O5 Council member. these genders are connected to catfolk, catfolk aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Catfolkethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around catfolk / a catfolk Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to catfolk, catfolk aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Catcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around cats / a cat O5 Council member. these genders are connected to cats, cat aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Catethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around cats / a cat Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to cats, cat aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Butterflyfolkcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around butterflyfolk / a butterflyfolk O5 Council member. these genders are connected to butterflyfolk, butterflyfolk aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Butterflyfolkethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around butterflyfolk / a butterflyfolk Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to butterflyfolk, butterflyfolk aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Butterflycouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around butterflies / a butterfly O5 Council member. these genders are connected to butterflies, butterfly aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Butterflyethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around butterflies / a butterfly Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to butterflies, butterfly aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 9 hours
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Mothfolkcouncil [left] — Genders related to being an O5 Council member themed around mothfolk / a mothfolk O5 Council member. these genders are connected to mothfolk, mothfolk aesthetics, O5 Council aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
Mothfolkethics [right] — Genders related to being an Ethics Committee member themed around mothfolk / a mothfolk Ethics Committee member. these genders are connected to mothfolk, mothfolk aesthetics, Ethics Committee aesthetics, and anomalous aesthetics
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fearfulmogai · 11 hours
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ؘؘ‎⤹ aqubic
pt. aqubic. end pt.
gender connected to sea of clouds.
⤷ coined by me。
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fearfulmogai · 11 hours
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Anomalymesta / Anomalymestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being an ] anomalous entities in some way
Foundationmesta / Foundationmestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being a member of ] the SCP Foundation in some way
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Safemesta / Safemestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being a ] safe class entities in some way
Eulcidmesta / Euclidmestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being an ] euclid class entities in some way
Ketermesta / Ketermestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being a ] keter class entities in some way
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Esotericmesta / Esotericmestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being an ] esoteric class entities in some way
Eparchmesta / Eparchmestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being an ] eparch class entities in some way
Neutralmesta / Neutralmestic — Term where one's gender collection / hoard revolves around [ being a ] neutralized class entities in some way
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fearfulmogai · 11 hours
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❛⠀⠀^_^threatenic⠀。 𝜗𝜚
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✚ 。 ⠀ ⠀⠀a remake of the ^_^threatenic flag! ✝︎
⤷⠀(a gender related to the ^_^ emoticon but in a threatening/evil way!), originally coined by tangymogais !⠀ ┄ 🍖
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[PT START: ^_^threatenic. a remake of the ^_^threatenic (link) flag! (a gender related to the ^_^ emoticon but in a threatening/evil way!), originally coined by tangymogais! END PT]
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fearfulmogai · 11 hours
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❛⠀⠀medicaline⠀。 𝜗𝜚
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✚ 。 ⠀ ⠀⠀a gender relating to syringes, medical practices and angels!  ✝︎
⤷��coined by the huntress⠀ ┄  @theangelsmuses 🍖
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[PT START: medicaline. a gender relating to syringes, medical practices and angels! coined by the huntress. END PT]
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fearfulmogai · 11 hours
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❛⠀⠀avatar of the extinction⠀。 𝜗𝜚
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✚ 。 ⠀ ⠀⠀for anyone whos an avatar of the extinction from the magnus archives. ✝︎ ⤷⠀made with introjects in mind but anyone can use this!⠀ ┄ 🍖
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[PT START: avatar of the extinction. for anyone whos an avatar of the extinction from the magnus archives. made with introjects in mind but anyone can use this! END PT]
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