14 posts
          a network for the underappreciated young adult book series, Gone    tag us in your gone edits: we track #fayznet
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fayznet · 6 years ago
gone series fans!!
engage productions, who are looking to make a tv show, are asking for submissions of fanart/edits/moodboards/etc to show how extensive the fanbase is for the books. if you’ve created gone content and want to help out, please email it to [email protected] 
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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KING CAINE | happy birthday caine soren
tracklist | i. kings and queens - new politics ii. mean kids - ghost town iii. you’re mine - phantogram iv. kamikazee - missio v. champion - fall out boy vi. bad luck - former vandal vii. pay the man - foster the people viii. good kid - former vandal ix. i love my friends - foster the people x. young and menace - fall out boy xi. loyal like sid and nancy - foster the people xii. roseblue - former vandal xiii. choke - i don’t know how but they found me xiv. the man - the killers xv. coming of age - foster the people xvi. destroyer - phantogram xvii. in cold blood - alt-j
{ spotify }
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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@fayznet: get to know the members: therese / favorite character: lana arwen lazar
Lana laughed, caught herself, laughed again. Then she kept laughing, stopping, trying not to laugh again, and failing. “I don’t know why I’m laughing,” she said, almost apologizing and definitely puzzled. Sanjit smiled. “I don’t know why I’m laughing,” Lana said again. “You’re probably a little stressed,” Sanjit said dryly. “You think?” Lana laughed again and Sanjit realized he was really enjoying her laugh. It wasn’t silly or hysterical. It was, like everything about this strange girl, wise, sardonic. Profound. Mesmerizing.
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fayznet · 7 years ago
@fayznet get to know the members: Frankie
Favorite Character:  Diana Ladris
“Time do the right thing. Even if it’s for the wrong reasons.”
Part 2 / 2
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/get-remembered/playlist/09SqHdzeJ3OJHY4pGbUW80)
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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@fayznet get to know the members: Frankie
Favorite Character:  Diana Ladris
“Time do the right thing. Even if it’s for the wrong reasons.”
Part 1 / 2
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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@fayznet get to know the members: denali + favorite character: caine soren
Caine had died just minutes before the end of the FAYZ, and there had been nothing but dust to busy. But Albert had nevertheless given him a stone that read: 
                                                                          Caine Soren, “King” of the FAYZ, Blaze of Glory.” 
insp. from the lovely @declanlynch
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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No where is truly safe in the FAYZ, even now that the dome is gone. Wars still wage between mutant and human, friend and foe. Drag your weapon of choice - bat, switchblade, or trusty machine gun. The first battle since the fall of the dome has come, and it’s sure to be bloody.
Battle 1: Favorite Character
How to Participate:
reblog this post to rally the troops
create something (graphic, playlist, moodboard, etc.) to represent your favorite member of the FAYZ
use the caption: @fayznet get to know the members: (your name) favorite character: (charater name) caption here
use the tags #fayznet and #battle1
The Battle wages from October 21st to November 1st. It’s a fight for your life, and you’d better remember to keep watch. Treachery lies at every turn.
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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the fayz is cruel and unforgiving place, where only the stronger survive. we've searched far and wide for any signs of life, but only seven survivors, freak and human, were found. if you’re still out there, waiting for help, fear not, as the search party is still underway.
@lanaarwenlazar @josephskavinksy @spookykuwei @kayleighday @khione @mcrwin @thesickeststupidestcreep
congratulations to the survivors who have now proved themselves the strongest and most resourceful kids in the fayz. the dome is gone, and now there are new rules. a council member will be in touch with you shortly to fill you in on how we run things. 
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fayznet · 7 years ago
Applications have been extended indefinitely! Seven survivors have been found, but we know more are out there, waiting for something to fight for once again.
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the dome is gone - but we’re still here. and nothing is the same. introducing the fayznet, a network for survivors of the fallout alley youth zone, otherwise known as the fayz. whether you’re a townie or a coates kid, everyone can come together at the town plaza to celebrate their survival. you’ve left the dome, but have you truly left the fayz?
to join: follow Perdido Beach follow Caine, Diana, and Drake reblog this post fill out this typeform
what we’re looking for: active, dedicated bloggers ↳  that have a gone blog or multifandom blog that posts gone ↳  that are willing to join a discord chat ↳  that are willing to queue to the blog
the deadline for applications is 09/30. we’ll be accepting anywhere from 10-20 members.
welcome to the fayz. wherever, whenever or whyever that is. 
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fayznet · 7 years ago
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Diana Ladris for the @fayznet​
“The bad girl ends up with the bad boy. It’s the way the world works. Especially this world.”
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fayznet · 8 years ago
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promo for @fayznet​ & gift for @drakemerwn​
Nine shotgun shells would kill just about anything. Except Drake.
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fayznet · 8 years ago
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the dome is gone - but we’re still here. and nothing is the same. introducing the fayznet, a network for survivors of the fallout alley youth zone, otherwise known as the fayz. whether you’re a townie or a coates kid, everyone can come together at the town plaza to celebrate their survival. you’ve left the dome, but have you truly left the fayz?
to join: follow Perdido Beach follow Caine, Diana, and Drake reblog this post fill out this typeform
what we’re looking for: active, dedicated bloggers ↳  that have a gone blog or multifandom blog that posts gone ↳  that are willing to join a discord chat ↳  that are willing to queue to the blog
the deadline for applications is 09/30. we’ll be accepting anywhere from 10-20 members.
welcome to the fayz. wherever, whenever or whyever that is. 
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fayznet · 8 years ago
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G O N E: Favorite Quotes
“I came up with myself. FAYZ. Spelled F-A-Y-Z. It stands for Fallout Alley Youth Zone. Fallout Alley, and nothing but kids.“ Howard laughed his mean laugh. "Don’t worry, Astrid, it’s just a FAYZ. Get it? Just a FAYZ.”
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fayznet · 8 years ago
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❝ we didn’t make this world, we’re just the poor fools who are living in it. ❞ 
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