faygoandfireworks · 1 year
“MarrvuS?? HolY ShiT RrisI.” He paused from taking a sip of his drink to process the information.
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“ThatS FuckiN DopE! IvE HearrD HiS ShowS ArrE A BloodbatH. I WonderR IF HE NeedS A NeW PyrrotechniciaN. ID KilL TO GeT A PositioN LikE ThaT.”
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
“I KnoW LotS OF ThingS ThaT YoU DonT. ArrE YoU MeanT TO KnoW EverrythinG AbouT ME?”
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“DoesnT SecrretS MakE ThingS MorrE FuN?” He smirked at her and shrugged, his tail twitching as it was pulled again. “OW.”
Oh my mEssIAhs! yOU gOt A tAIl!? -proceeds to pull on it-
"YeaH. AlwayS HaD OnE." Dyonis nodded, jolting a little as his tail was pulled. "OW."
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"JusT KepT IT HiddeN UnderR MY HoodiE. KepT PeoplE FrroM PullinG ON IT." He shrugged, not thinking it was a big deal. Surely other people did the same thing, right?
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
Oh my mEssIAhs! yOU gOt A tAIl!? -proceeds to pull on it-
"YeaH. AlwayS HaD OnE." Dyonis nodded, jolting a little as his tail was pulled. "OW."
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"JusT KepT IT HiddeN UnderR MY HoodiE. KepT PeoplE FrroM PullinG ON IT." He shrugged, not thinking it was a big deal. Surely other people did the same thing, right?
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
Dyonis nodded along to what she was saying, sipping at his drink as she spoke.
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“ThaT SoundS LikE FuN. I HavenT BeeN FarR FrroM TowN IN A WhilE. SeE AnythinG NeaT?? OrR LikE MeeT AnyonE YoU ThoughT WaS WeirrD OrR SomethinG?” He didn’t seem sure what exactly to ask but he was certainly trying!
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
Walking out of his respiteblock, Dyonis stretched his arms and groggily looked out upon the rooms around him, then out of a nearby window. Yup! Not much seems to have changed. Well... not physically anyways. Maybe aside from the house being... eerily clean. He rubbed a clawed hand over his face, smudging his makeup a little in the process. He grumbled to himself, looking down at his hand, then at the rest of him. Wow. He’s a mess. When did he let himself get that bad? Tail flicking behind him, he wandered into a different nearby room to get himself cleaned up, re-makeup’d and changed. He spent around 3 hours in that room because he totally didn’t take a nap in between doing things at one point.
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“ThatS BetterR.” He hummed, heading out to look at the state of the rest of the house. Maybe it was time he visited some of his friends (and foes) to see what they were all up to?
[Dyonis is  back open for asks!]
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
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new sprites wip teaser ;3c
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
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I drew Risata's Lusus. She is a Crocohyena, as big as a car but a sweet mama ♥
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
Dyonis shrugged, simply following Risata as he was expected to.
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“YeaH. IT PrrobablY WaS HerR. ShE LikeS TO DO ThingS LikE ThaT.”
Once they got there, he assisted where he could, sitting down by the end of it.  “YoU DonT NeeD TO ApologisE. I WasnT ExpectinG TO SleeP ForR AS LonG AS I DiD EitheR. PrrettY SurrE I WokE UP OncE TO AmptiH CrryinG OverR ME AT SomE PoinT.” He paused.
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“IN HingsighT MaybE ThaT ShouldvE WokeN ME UP ForR LongerR ThaN IT DiD.” Dy shrugged. Can’t do anything about the past while still in the present! “EnougH AbouT ME. WhaT DiD YoU GeT UP TO?”
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
He stood up as he was allowed to, stretching his limbs in the process.
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“YknoW WhaT ItS ActuallY LikE SpotlesS BuT I FinD ThaT UnsettlinG BecausE I DidnT DO IT.”
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“EitherR WaY IM DowN TO GO TO YourrS.” Dyonis shrugged, smiling at her again. The idea of getting to catch up like this sounded great. It had been too long since they’d been able to talk about stuff that had happened.
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
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He shrugged a little at the last question. "YeaH. BeeN AsleeP. I ThinK IM FinE?? I DonT FeeL NoT FinE. NO CluE WhY I SlepT ThaT LonG ThougH. FelT FuckiN GooD ThO. NoT DeaD. AnD NoW AwakE. NO HarrM DonE!" He... he really had no clue why he was asleep. He doesn't even remember the last thing that had happened before he fell asleep. Is that good? Probably not but hey! He's here and he seems fine in himself!
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
Oh shiiiit ur alive too! Time to throw a party!
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"FucK YeaH! ParrtY TimE!!" He clearly liked the sound of that idea. You can't go wrong with a party! ... right? Nahh.. probably can't :)
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faygoandfireworks · 1 year
He took a few steps forwards, opening his arms to offer her a hug.
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“WherrE DiD YoU VanisH TO?? AmptiH WokE ME UP A CouplE OF TimeS TO MakE SurrE I WaS StilL AlivE AnD I WaS AlwayS ConfuseD WheN IT WasnT YoU.” 
He pokes his head into the room, looking groggy as shit. When he sees Risata, he perks up and grins. "YoU MotherfuckerR! WherrE HavE YoU BeeN? I MeaN. I CanT SaY ShiT IvE BeeN SleepinG BuT LikE YknoW." (Dyonis is here to say hi!)
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faygoandfireworks · 4 years
Risi 💅
💅- They see a rival
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[When Risata sees Dyonis she immediately begins to muster the perfect plan to pounce him and prank the hell out of him. Maybe then bite his shoulder and rub her head on his back with a very sweet “hIIIII~” ]
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faygoandfireworks · 5 years
//im ngl
//i keep forgetting i exist here too lmao
//i should //do something and re-appear on here //mm
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faygoandfireworks · 5 years
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Here we are in the future and its bright! Nothing to fear, No one to fight. I can’t believe we’ve come so far, One more year on the blog and here we are!
Keep reading
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faygoandfireworks · 5 years
[He didn’t seem to mind that she could stand it, it meant there was at least one less for him to have to eat]
I hEArd kIssEs???
[Dyonis nods]
YeS. YeS YoU DiD.
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faygoandfireworks · 5 years
🗡-What is their Strife specibus?
📦- What is their Fetch modus?
👑- What is their God Tier? How pleased are they with the outfit? What would their powers be?
🌍- What would their planet be like?
🐢- What reptile would their consorts be?
💫- How would they go god tier?
🌙- Are they a Prospit or Derse dreamer? Do they like what each moon has to offer (the clouds of skaia and the voices of the furthest ring)?
☄- How would they deal with their entire planet being gone?
🎵- What would their journey’s soundtrack sound like?
🔮- What would their sprite be? (Did the rethink which items to throw in the kernel or did they just do it in a hury?)
📱- Which people would they even invite to play sburb with?
💡- Ultimately, what would be their quest? What would their denizen ask of them? What is it they must do to fulfil their destiny?
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