faunazhu · 2 years
he made a dismissive noise to the woman, looking back ahead and going in for another drink. that is until she’d taken it away from him, whisky splashes his front and the bar. he angrily stands up, looking down at her testily, nostrils flared and face dripping with liquor.
“the person i’ve disappointed the most in life is myself, piss off, i don’t need this today.” beck turned back to sit down, fingers gesturing to the bartender and the bottle of jack.
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"Is that right?" The amount of control it took to keep from rolling her eyes was remarkable. She couldn't start picking him apart. Not now. Not while she was trying to get him out; get him sober. Faun knew she wouldn't be the only one, and that for most of them, it felt like a losing battle. It didn't mean she wouldn't continue fighting. As he'd gestured at the bartender for another bottle, Fauna turned on her heel to face them, her teeth bared as she snarled a warning. "Don't you fucking dare." She growled, willing to physically smash every god-damned bottle of hooch in the place if she had too. There were few who could stop her. "Let's go." Fauna's feet were rooted in place, her stance widening as she prepared herself for whatever he might do. Even if he'd attacked her, it wouldn't have been the first time they'd gone ten-rounds over something like this. In his inebriated state, her odds might have shifted, even. Maybe if she was lucky, she could knock his ass out just long enough to drag him home.
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faunazhu · 2 years
closed starter II @faunazhu​​
location II the wolf’s eye
–“there’s only room for one beta in this bar and you’re looking at them.” a sardonic expression on his face as he crossed his arms behind the counter. he was half joking. “what’re doing here fauna?” a tilt of his head as he grabs a rag and throws it over his shoulder. not sure why she was here, it most likely had to do with the chaos at the tavern just days prior. “have your senses came to you about switching packs?” 
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Fauna blinked, Riz's comment assaulting her ears just as soon as she'd walked in. Her forearms relaxed against the counter, hardly pressed by the sarcasm that graced his words. Not enemy territory, per say, but she was comfortably outside of the confines of Eclipse protection. That was okay. No one ever bothered to look for her here. It was exactly the edge she preferred when she was planning on getting absolutely obliterated. Hypocrite. "Lucky for both of us you don't take up much space at all." Fauna mused, a saccharine grin upon her lips. "You do remember how to pour drinks, Riz?" she couldn't help the way her words twisted with sarcasm. It's just how it had been with them. "You serve me until I can't remember why we don't get along, and I give you a nice, fat tip."
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faunazhu · 2 years
Nisa had less than a year to grapple with the fact that the sense of control she so valued would never be within reach again. And last night was a block of cement, tugging her to the bottom of the ocean. The undeniable proof. The smoking gun. She was — would always be — captive to the curse.  Some days she’d rather be dead. Today was one of them. 
She still wasn’t sure how she made it out, regaining consciousness just before that pop of magic, preceding the unsealing of the doors. And she’d wasted no time fleeing, her mind spiraling. Had she killed anyone? How much of the crimson coating her body would forever stain her hands? Nisa could feel the cracks in her demeanor, the boiling emotion that begged for her to just.. scream. And maybe she would have done just that. Yelled until her voice grew hoarse, until a blanket of numbness could settle upon her and block everything out. But, then hands were upon her face. Pushing. Squishing. Pulling her back to herself. 
“Fucking hell, Faun—” Was she alright? There wasn’t even a fragment of the wolf that could pretend. To herself at least. To everyone else, she’d lie, lie, lie. “I’m fine, in one piece. What the fuck was that?” 
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Faun's lips thinned slightly as Nisa uttered her response. 'Fine', she'd claimed, as everyone else no doubt would as well. The younger of the two didn't need to pretend she could 'see past' anything. She would take Nisa's word- and anyone else who claimed the same- at face value. She wasn't comfortable prying. Never had been. Not unless she had to. "I have no clue." She could admit, easily, because it was the truth. "Shit-- have you seen Nish? Beck?" Faun's hands dropped to her sides, her skin now tinged with blood from Nisa's face. From her Maw. Panic gripped her chest, but she fought to will it away from her tongue. "Did you..." a long pause, not sure how she wanted to proceed. Then, dark eyes flickering around them, bodies moving in and out of the shadows chased by quiet sobs, Fauna remembered that this was not the place. "Let's get out of here. Come on, my place is closest."
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faunazhu · 2 years
after all the carnage, sybil and the night with asli, beck hardly saw the point in staying sober anymore. he knew that he’d lose everything for good and yet he still poured whisky down his throat. hand propped under his chin he lazily watches the tv behind the bar, sighing now and again. the bartender had since stopped trying to engage in talking and simply left the bottle for him.
“don’ know what you mean.” he said still looking ahead, it was partially true, the alpha could guess but he’s far too drunk to care. finally a glance in her direction and bloodshot eyes were drooping dangerously. “take a load off luv.”
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Faun didn't bother waiting for Beck to catch her eye. He wasn't interested in the truths that her pupils held, and she didn't give a sweet shit if he focused on her or not. The woman took half a step back, long enough to reach out and- as if snatching a steak from a tiger's mouth- has the audacity to snatch the bottle of alcohol he'd been chugging. Fauna pushed it out of reach, a deadly, daring glance offered to the bartender. Beck may have been blasted, but her ire was nothing to be tampering with. "Do not make me embarrass you in front of these people." it was almost a dare. Get up out of that seat; let me drag you out of here. It mattered very little that she was not likely to physically overcome her Alpha. "It's not my problem who you disappoint," her voice was hushed, verberation meant only for the two of them. "But I'll be damned if you drink yourself to death here."
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faunazhu · 2 years
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#i feel seen and understood
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faunazhu · 2 years
with @nisaortxz​ ( closed. )
"Nis!" One of the first people that Fauna had sought out when she'd heard. There was so much confusion around, settling in with a thickness that rivaled a morning fog. No one knew what was happening, or who had caused it. From what she could tell, most people were struggling to get a grip. Faun could recognize her pack by sight and scent alone-- and so when she'd caught Nisa on her nose, she'd shot off like lightning. "Fuck's sake, are you alright?!" she didn't even wait before she'd grabbed Nisa's face in her hands and shook her lightly, as though the pliability of her face might give some indication of her wellbeing.
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faunazhu · 2 years
with @fvlsewaves​ ( closed. )
Responsibility. Responsibility. My responsibility. It shouldn't have felt like that, but that was the way it had been. Their pack strayed from 'societal' norms, sure, in the sense that there was not one great hand that ruled them from the shadows, but rather, they'd mostly governed themselves. The exception of course, had been their leader’s ruthless demeanor, whether he came rolling in pissed off or simply pissed drunk... the latter of which a habit that he was supposed to have subdued. It was a long, difficult struggle. But after Saint Patrick's Day? Faun couldn't find the courage to tell him no. Instead of harping on whatever he might have indulged himself in after the chaos, she'd hung back; kept her opinions to herself. But there came a point where his actions- his absence- had started to have an affect on Fauna. Whether or not he lamented the responsibility, he was her Alpha, and she relied on that tether, much like the rest of them. It had taken her hours to find him. Hours that she would never get back, and that had grated angrily on her patience with each passing moment. When finally she'd found him at the bar of no-name, overserving for next to nothing, she'd hissed quietly as she moved into his side. Careful not to put her hands on him, lest she set him off, she'd balled her fingers into fists at her sides, her own sharp nails digging into the flesh of her palms. "You're fucking with me, Beck? Right? Because this has to be a jest." 
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faunazhu · 2 years
* fauna zhu // THE LOYALIST
( jessie mei li. non-binary. she/hers. game of survival & ruelle. ) that’s FAUNA ZHU, isn’t it? they’re always hanging around the ECLIPSE pack, so it’s rare to catch them alone. i heard they’re TWENTY-EIGHT years old, and they’re currently an INTERN at LINCOLN MEDICAL HOSPITAL, and ECLIPSE BETA. when dusk falls, you can usually find them heading home to THE BRONX by LYFT OR UBER. 
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Full Name: Fauna Zhu
Nickname(s): Faun, Fee
Age: Twenty-Eight
Date of Birth: May 18th, 1994
Hometown: Kansas City
Current Location: The Bronx, NYC
Ethnicity: 1/2 white & 1/2 chinese
Nationality: American
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: she/hers/theirs
Orientation: pansexual & panromanti
Occupation: medical intern at lincoln medical
Living Arrangements: an incredibly humble abode in the west bronx.
Language(s) Spoken: english, cantonese, some french. 
Accent: American
Face Claim: Jessie Mei Li
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: sable brown
Height: 5′5 (five feet and five inches)
Build: lean, slightly athletic
Tattoos: here
Piercings: here
Clothing Style: it changes with her mood. lots of dark colors and neutrals.
Usual Expression: At work? Approach with ease. In the wolves den? Approach with caution.
Label: The Loyalist
Positive Traits: + understanding, + open minded, + quick-witted
Negative Traits: + impatient, + foul-mouthed, + quick to react
Goals/Desires: to find the person who turned her and kill them
Fears: never finding a purpose, Beck dying on her watch
Hobbies: medicine, kick-boxing, arguing
Habits: she has a single tell, but very few people know it.
Weather: cool, misty days.
Colour: red
Music: indie rock, pop-punk, some metal while she’s boxing. 
Beverage: water, orange juice (don’t @ her), a mojito with a very heavy pour
Food: would you believe she’s a vegetarian?
Father: Presumed deceased.
Mother: Presumed deceased..
Sibling(s): Older Sister (deceased), Older Sister (deceased), Younger Brother (presumed deceased). 
Children: no children.
Pet(s): yes they’re called the eclipse pack
FAUNA CAME TO NEW YORK CITY as a fifteen-year-old runaway. After a tragedy back home resulted in the death of nearly her entire immediate family. An accident triggered her curse, unbeknownst to her, and on the first full-moon thereafter, she tore her family apart. 
Very few people know ‘her story’. Some of the wolves in the Eclipse pack that she’s grown close to know, including her Alpha and their closest inner circle. 
Despite her young appearance, Faun remains somewhat level-headed where the pack is concerned. Sometimes more than others; sometimes more than all. She gently tugs the reigns when things are getting out of hand-- or when Beck slips, or more possibly, cannot be bothered. There is no question about who the boss is, however. Fauna is never likely to flaunt whatever sway she might have over anyone. 
                    Make no mistake. She WILL kill for her pack.
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 I am still working through what connections I’d like to see her with, but I am open for just about anything, and the more angst-filled the better!
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faunazhu · 2 years
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Jane Austen ― Mansfield Park
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faunazhu · 2 years
Guys really be out here thinking I won’t smash a wine bottle over their head
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faunazhu · 2 years
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The Deep Dark Woods- The Place I Left Behind
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