just like magic
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doctor fauna eloise hudson. 23. twisted sister. cheerleader. i belong to sawyer hudson 💕
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faunahudson ¡ 3 years ago
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ARIANA GRANDE in the DON’T LOOK UP Official Teaser Trailer | Netflix
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson via instagram
↪  karaoke night baby
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
“Don’t whine.” Fauna ordered as she took her brothers ankle in her hands, examining him the same way that she’d done since they were children. “It’s just a strain, next time try not chucking yourself off the scooter on the hill.” It was similar to something that she’d said to him when they were last living together here. Only then his face had been withdrawn with the evidence of last nights heavy parties on his cheeks. Where as now he was healthy, and his cheeks were rosey, only his pride really hurt. “You’re looking good.” She told him affectionately. @rory-flanagan​
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Lisette’s eyes widened.  “Wait…have I honestly never told you that story?  I don’t think I should, Ma.”  The last thing she wanted was to get Fauna upset with Alexis, because neither of them needed that.  Not to mention that it’d likely end with Fauna doing more burpees, and she didn’t need that on her conscience.  “Maybe just forget I said anything.”
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The little brunettes eyes narrow immediately when Lisette says she doesn't think she should tell her, back up at the idea of someone fucking with the other girl. "Why?" She quizzed, trying to work out any reason why Lisette wouldn't want to talk about it. "Was it someone here because you know I've got no qualms having anyone who fucks with you. Dominant, sub, switch they're all equally biteable."
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Ronan laughed softly, rubbing the back of their neck a little. “You think so?” They’d never really considered the possibility they had a twin out there somewhere. The thought was a little bizarre. “I take it you have a twin then? Are they also here on the school trip?” They asked, deciding to take a moment to at least get to know the person. They didn’t know many people around the school yet, but this trip seemed like the perfect opportunity to fix that.
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Fauna shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "I do, he's called Rory he's six foot something and the only other irish in the school he's pretty hard to miss." The brunette responded. "We're not identical or anything though, even though there is a lot of that going around. Is there another you running around?" She asked conversationally. 
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
He let out a small chuckle, raising his eyebrow as Fauna tapped her lips. Nevertheless, he obliged, reaching forward, pressing the most gentle of pecks against her mouth. “She will, but you can’t blame her for falling for Willoughby at first.” He commented, “I am indeed. All prepared for Glen to get me working behind the bar the few days we’re here. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get another chocolate treat as payment.” He joked, gently taking an earbud from her so he could join her in the movie, his own screen with a documentary on the rainforest long abandoned.
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Fauna smiled against his lips as he obliged her in the kiss. "Thank you Sir." She mumbled, because she hadn't missed the raised eyebrow and then nodded at his observation. "Well Willoughby is very charming, and like he does love Marianne but she;s better off without him because like his dirty dealings were bound to come out at some point and then she'd have been the wife of a knob." The brunette pointed out. "You're not going behind that bar if I have anything to say about it. The only chocolate treats you'll be receiving are from my uncle Seamus. He's gone into wholesale recently so he's trying to convince us all to buy mass amounts of Mars bars." The irish girl chattered. "Oh.. I think my Mom wants us to have some sort of like.. engagement thing at the church. She said it'll be small, but prepare for a million old irish people you've never met telling you how they knew I'd marry an American because I watched Disney as a kid."
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Fauna chewed on her bag of M&M’s as she watched the screen in front of her, she liked airplanes because there was no obligation to really do anything. It was like a little home in the sky for a couple of hours where she was allowed to sleep and watch as many movies as she wanted. She mouthed the words to Sense and Sensibility as it played on screen, smiled as she was interrupted by her Dominants mouth on her shoulder. Wiggling closer to him she nodded, and tapped her lips for a real kiss. “Yeah I know Marianne will make the right choice in the end.” She responded honestly, reaching to smooth her thumb over the back of his hand. “You lookin forward to the land of green and Fauna?”
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The long flight to Belfast was one Sawyer knew all too well now, and as he was one who enjoyed the routine of flying, it was an almost relaxing atmosphere. Especially now, since they could afford First Class, although a part of him knew that if they couldn’t, Alexis would have paid for them all in spite of any refusals. He shifted in his seat, facing Fauna, glad that this cabin was spaced out to give the couples some privacy, not being able to see either Alexis and Finn or Rory and Mat from where he sat. “You okay?” He asked her, reaching over to kiss her shoulder, glancing at her screen to see if she was watching anything interesting on the in-flight system, wondering where his submissive’s head was at, visiting Belfast for the first time ever without Percy being there to make him the focal point of everyone’s lives. Just their mom, and their eccentric grandparents. Just a little peace and quiet.
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( @faunahudson​ )
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Lisette giggled, nodding.  “Exactly like that.”  Having her hair played with was always relaxing, and Fauna had it exactly right - that sort of work didn’t come easy, but it was worth the effort.  “Oh my gosh,” she blushed, shaking her head.  “You can’t say things like that about you and Da where impressionable young ears might be listening.”  Her eyes widened.  “Anything where people aren’t shooting firecrackers at me is an improvement over camping, that’s for sure.”
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Fauna laughed. "Well if they heard me then they'd at least have exactly the right flavour of the life I lead." She teased, and then narrowed her eyes a little. "Who shot their fireworks at you?" The brunette asked, she didn't feel at all guilty about her own run in with the fireworks since Chris got what was coming to him, but it was another thing. Someone having upset Lisette.
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
The air was hot and sweet and Fauna was more than enjoying being out and about in Mexico, having ducked away from Alexis in order to grab yet another sweet treat. As she found herself mirroring the other persons actions, the brunette raised her hands in easy defeat, in no great rush to get anywhere in particular. "I can also very much go around, though I think that just suggests more case of chronic twin brain." She grinned. 
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Ronan hadn’t been paying much attention as they navigated their way through what felt like one hundred people. They’d excused themself from their siblings not too long ago to grab a funnel cake from a vendor, and now they were headed towards the ride they’d agreed to meet them back at. At least until they came face to face with someone, and when they tried to step around her, they seemed to be matching the direction of her side steps a couple times. They let out an awkward laugh, trying not to cringe. “Um, sorry, I can go around?”
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( @faunahudson​ - Tuesday, 07.27.21: Six Flags )
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Do we have to... study in the study group or could it be more of a fun hang out situation where I make witty observations and eat cupcakes? And I think you should join either football or cheerios because you know. Bonding.
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So in attempt to be ready for both summer shit, and fall semester I’m putting out a sirens call for a study group, and maybe like… Some ideas for clubs to join! I’m thinking about that new cooking club, cause it just sounds pretty chill, but other than that I got nothing so anyone that can help me out will have a friend in me forever.
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
“You really did,” Lisette smiled, giving Fauna’s hand a squeeze.  “All those days you helped me with my homework really paid off.”  The mention of the rides lit her face up in a smile.  “I really am!  Now that Mistress and I kinda reprogrammed the bad theme park memories out of me, I really love them.  I want to go on literally all the roller coasters.  How about you?”
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"A single Mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops." Fauna sung, unable to stop herself from quoting the Tik Tok sound as she smoothed her thumb over Lisettes hand. "Hardwork always pays off." She adds, playing with the ends of her hair for a minute. "You know me I'm a bit of a thrill junkie so I like anything that's going to tip me upside down and through a loop. It's why I'm with your Da." The brunette joked. "This 1000% beats camping." She added referencing one of her least favourite Ohio trips. 
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
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faunahudson ¡ 4 years ago
Lisette tensed up for the briefest of moments until she realized exactly who was behind her.  “Hmm, super fly and going to six flags, who could it be, who could it be…” she pretended to think for a moment.  “I think it’s got to be my amazing incredible Ma!”
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Fauna giggled and then dropped her hands from Lisettes face to tangle one of hers with the other girl. “Ah I knew I had raised a most intelligent young woman.” She trilled. “Are you looking forward to the rides my darling?” The irish girl asked leaning forward to brush some hair that her hands had pushed into Lisettes face back behind her ear.
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