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The Great - 1.10 – featuring Voltaire
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Today I learned that Starbucks has a new public image campaign based on offering "comprehensive" trans health care.
Starbucks is also super racist and has horrific destructive/parasitic business practices*.
They lean on public image campaigns to stay popular.
SBUX also do not allow visible tattoos or more than two earrings per ear last time I checked. They perpetrate yt "professional standards of grooming" including pressuring black people to get rid of their 'locks due to their views of locks as "unsanitary" and an inherent violation of food handling safety.
If you want comprehensive trans health Care, a liveable wage, plus a PENSION that WILL give you the down payment on a house, and way less racism, go work for Trader Joe's.
Source: I was a Starbucks shift supervisor for two years (2003-2005) and I worked at trader Joe's for 6+ years. TJs isn’t flawless by any means, but, as a corporation, they paid better and were less intrusive into people’s bodies and private lives.
Please, PLEASE examine whether or not Starbucks is touting their health care because they are trying to enforce a binary "passing" paradigm and generally being truscum. Because this corporation WILL write you up for having an uncovered hand tattoo or more than two earrings per ear, so I can only imagine what they’d do to people who don’t embrace a binary gender paradigm.
If an Afrodescendant trans person who works for Starbucks can get free electrolysis, but cannot wear their natural hair because it “violates dress code as well as food handling safety regulations”, I’m gonna have additional questions.
Especially from a company known to call the cops on black customers for “loitering”, and who didn’t open any locations in historically black neighborhoods until Magic Johnson shamed them publicly and fronted millions of dollars in 1999 (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/09/how-magic-johnson-got-starbucks-ceo-howard-schultz-to-partner-with-him.html).
Yes there is no ethical consumption under late stage capitalism, but Starbucks has fully replaced Coca Cola as THE symbol for yt corporate American global cultural imperialism.
No I am not mad at ppl who take jobs to get healthcare. SURVIVAL FIRST. That’s actually in Leviticus, in case people need that level of weird scriptural justification to treat each other well.
My beef is first foremost and always with corporations that treat their workers like walking billboards.
Using the bodies of historically marginalized workers, such as trans workers, as human shields against accountability is wrong 💯.
Get the health care.
But don’t be fooled by corporate philanthropy or perceived benevolence.
None of us are free until all of us are free.
*Starbucks business expansion plan has always looked like this:
1. Use big corporate money to flood a city with locations, “creating jobs”
2. Use big corporate money to keep underperforming locations open until SBUX has edged out local coffee shops.
3. Close half of the locations, firing all those employees
4. “Lol, f*** all those people we hired, we actually created a net loss of jobs by forcing out independent coffee shops and creating a corporate monoculture”
** https://www.businessinsider.com/starbucks-competition-independent-coffee-shops-2017-3
I dunno if y’all been paying attention to the last fifteen years, but Starbucks does this every few.
And I’m right there to remind people that Starbucks stands on its workers to avoid public accountability.
It seems like every time they are about to lose big money, they roll out another optics campaign.
They did it with veterans
They did it with working students
Now SBUX is doing it with trans workers
If you want to know why all of a sudden Starbucks is trying to “reach out” to marginalized workers, here it is:
They lost so much money during the pandemic/lockdown that they’re hurting. And they’re about to do another expansionist push (https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/09/business/starbucks-store-openings/index.html)
They need workers. But these will probably not be permanent jobs, given SBUX record of “flood and fold” (see above).
If you’re a trans worker: Get the healthcare. Survive. Thrive. Look good doing it.
But don’t forget to whisper “f*** Starbucks” at least once per shift 😅💯
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Electrolysis and Truscum: Not A Love Story
When my friend (we’ll call her Ashley) wanted to get electrolysis, I went with her for support.
The technician was a trans woman who had come out later in life: she was probably about 45 years old, and was taking hrt but had not yet elected to get any surgeries. She was offering cost-rate services to trans people because, at the time, permanent hair removal was not covered by insurance in NYC. This was 2011-2012.
I went for two sessions. The first session went fine. The second left me with pit-scarring and nerve damage that causes my upper lip to sweat.
Later, my friend Ashely publicly denounced the trans technician because she posted social media photos from a vacation with her grandmother, to whom she had not yet come out to as trans, so she presented masculine for her vacation.
To this day, I share my story of how electrolysis caused me damage.
And I still decry truscum, and any people who enforce gender binary presentation as mandatory for trans people.
I feel no cognitive dissonance or shame for either existing as a person who has been damaged by badly-performed aesthetic procedures or as a person who heartily dislikes militant gender binary enforcement.
And I still believe that body hair removal is capitalist (https://www.teenvogue.com/story/standard-issues-white-supremacy-capitalism-influence-beauty)
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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The thrill of victory (Original meme I made myself)
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as a queer woman on the femme side i don't relate to the top/bottom/vers distinctions at all... i'm just here to have a good time
Mood lmao
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“Top” doesn’t automatically masculinize and “bottom” doesn’t automatically feminize. Neither the act of penetration nor the act of being penetrated have an automatic gender association. Using prosthetics during sex doesn’t automatically make a sex act “gay”, “straight”, or “queer”. This is the 21st century: we need to collectively move past treating the gender or genitals of the participants as the defining aspects of a sexual act.
Tops and bottoms literally means nothing more than someone who prefers to do the penetrating/performing of the sex acts and a bottom is just someone who prefers being the recipient of said things. And thus a verse is somebody who doesnt mind doing either. Theres no personality or identity one has to meet or ascribe traits to be either. Like a femme can be a top and a butch can be a bottom and vice versa, etc. I think people these days complicate this shit too much
A lil bit
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Please follow or subscribe to to my Patreon for photography tips, tricks, and how to shoot with any camera - ignore the photography gatekeepers, create art today regardless of your budget! Patrons who subscribe at the Archivist tier have access to my full portfolio, and can download high quality digital images of all of my work. Thank you for supporting local artists!
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What does it mean?! I’m bisexual but…wait, this is video games isn’t it?!
short barrel rifles
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individuals will go into a system like I'm stronger than this system and will change it but no It's literally always the opposite
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You don't have a dad like mine and don't question your sexuality. I said it, you can be mad if you want. I was always the front man. All eyes on me, whatever that takes, right? Maybe. Maybe its just something I had to explore. So one night I got all fabuloused up and went down to the ottobar to meet a good friend and take in the rasputina show. Picture now if you will.
6" platform heel boots, knee hi, and push me well over 6ft. Of course, stockings, black lace mini, tight blk turtleneck, with of course my leather jacket covered with pins and ww2 medals. My hair was really long and i used to do either pigtails or a ponytail with lotsa teased hair everywhere. Make up on point. AND most importantly my 16in long stem sherlock holmes pipe.
The show was fun. Rasputina was good. I didnt get drunk, those days had past. This was early 2000s well past the band days. But as the show came to an end and people start milling about outside im standing there with my friend and we spy this poor girl. Drunk as can be. They bring her outside and lay her against a wall. Telling ber if you dont get up and leave were callin the cops. Shitfucks. So, as you guess, there I go. I go over and I squat down and I know Im quite the sight, squating down, pump heels and long ass pipe. But I lean down and I tell her they gonna call the cops princess. If I put you in my car can you point me to your house. The little crowd around seemed relieved someone was doing something. Maybe in my short dress I didnt appear like a threat or they didnt care. She looks up at me and is like ummhmm i can do that. So then i look up and there are two photographers taking my damn picture. I told my friend watch her ill be right back. I went out in that street so fast and so loud, divine woulda been proud of me. Takin my damn picture. Do i not look life threatening to you? Oh um human element something something humanity and im like that hits a paper I will sue your scrawny ass. So anyway drama abated I go get my car, we put her in and I have the dont throw up in my car talk. She nods and slurs and we drive. She starts telling me....well, everything. Shes a dominatrix at the bound party at orpheus and im like oh yea im there all the time. She squints harder. I look different baby. Oh thats ok I love trannies. Im so happy, i love dominatrixs. Im just nowhere near a sub so you would rarely see me downstairs. Oh wow small world huh. Small world baby. Down here? This way? Ok. And she does an ok job leading me to her house. Of course she cant walk. So i throw on the flashers and i go and help her hobble toward her house. The door opens and theres this big guy lol. Im in my heels and this guy is bigger than me. And older. And this girl im helping limp toward him says hi dad.
Oh holy shit. So i start stuttering. Um yes sir they were gonna call the copps and i didnt wanna see that happen so i helped her get home.
Again? He said she wobbled hard and said all proud "again!" And i couldnt help the chuckle that escaped me. But dad he turned to me and i know what the sight of me must be doing to him but he swallows it and says thank you. And then she says loud as shit thank you honey you come by the club ill spank you for free. Which i never took her up on. She probably wouldnt remember me. But i bet dad would.
Ah Baltimore you are such a gem.
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2021 be like: I'm thriving. I'm miserable. I am revisiting old hobbies. None of my hobbies are fun. I'm walking a lot. I have a vitamin D deficiency. The pandemic has lasted one month. The pandemic is over. The pandemic has lasted for 10 years. I am completely isolated. I talk to my friends constantly. I love working from home. Fourteen months have vanished from existence. I have a repetitive stress injury from working from home. I'm sick to death of working from home. Everyone is getting vaccinated. There's three new variants that no-one is vaccinated from. Stay indoors. Start going out. Outdoor dining. Restart the economy. Don't touch. Isn't it great that we're finally going back to normal?
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Wholesome content
I wanted to take a minute during this PRIDE Month to talk about my nephew.
My nephew is 5 years old and I’ve been a part of his life since he was born. I was a teenager when he was born and still closeted on my gender identity. Present as female, my nephew of course grew up calling me “Auntie” and knew me as a woman.  When I actually came out, I had moved out on my own and hadn’t gotten to see my nephew in a while. Over that time, I had started my hormone therapy, legally changed my name, and had my legal gender updated.
My parents and older brother were in such a panic because “how does one explain this to a child” and they all were lowkey panicking over it because I’d be seeing him soon.
Well, before visiting my mom and nephew did a video call with me and my mom told my nephew it was “auntie”, hoping he’d just roll with it.
Well, not only did my nephew roll with it, the minute he saw my rather full beard and heard my deeper voice it must have just clicked I was male. No explanation was needed. 
My mother told me after that he said “GG, you’re so funny. You thought Auntie was a girl, but he’s a boy.” It’s one of my favorite stories, honestly.
When I finally saw him in person, gender was never the focus of the discussion. We played with dragons and stick swords like we usually do and he told me about Lord of the Rings which Daddy had been reading to him. The only mention was him randomly saying to me “Auntie, you used to look like a girl. But, it’s okay because when I was a baby I looked like a girl too.”
I guess why I wanted to share this was trans identities are not complicated. We complicate gender the older we get and society puts a massively unneeded pressure on us for something really so small.
While adults would ask me 20 questions about my identity, my nephew at the age of 5 accepted on the spot I was male and apparently even believed I always had been with absolutely no explanation. And, even then, all he cared about was if I’d play dragons with him.
Frankly, in a world where gender is so horribly overly complicated and being trans is a shocking thing, I wish more people would simply be concerned if I would still play dragons with them.
(Also, yes he still calls me Auntie but its because I find it hilarious and it’s not dysphoric for me)
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wizard hat cowboy brim
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good morning bisexuals
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