father-mercury · 10 months
[[[ Uhm... hello? Is anyone still alive and active? I've been absent for a few years, all my rp mutuals have most likely deactiveted their accounts but I hope someone from back in the day is still here.
I've returned 'cause I feel the URGE to roleplay as Merc again. I've missed this spiky robot pastor a whole lot, just as much as I've missed the rp community on here.
So... I'm calling out to any Ghost (the band) rp blog, Priest rp blogs (if there are any), or even Horror rp blogs and independent ones. I'm down for any kind of interaction, really. Just hit me up (with a starter or a message) and read my #rules and #dossier to understand my muse better.
I really hope to find and become part of a new nice community and have fun writing together. ]]]
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father-mercury · 6 years
"What's your biggest regret and why?"
"I.. have no regrets. Since I joined Tria Prima I have always followed the orders, fulfilled my duties and made my Master proud. Recently I've started to be a bit more... rebellious, I'd say. I have disappointed Him and I've been fairly punished for my misbehavior. However, I do not regret what I did. I'm sure my desire to uncover the truth, to discover my past and try to regain my memories is fair, therefore no mental or physical tortures will ever be able to stop me from doing what I feel is right."
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father-mercury · 6 years
I hope this isn't overstepping, sir, but your voice is beautiful.
"Ohh, I wouldn't call that overstepping! It is so kind of you to say, thank you very much, dear. I'm glad my voice is of your liking."
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father-mercury · 6 years
Bold any fears which apply to your muse.
italicize what makes them uncomfortable.
the dark / fire / the cold / open water / deep water / being alone / crowded spaces / confined spaces / change / failure / war / loss of control / powerlessness / responsibility / prison / blood / illness / hospitals / drowning / suffocation / public speaking / cops / lawyers / the supernatural / the paranormal / heights / natural disasters / insects / arachnids / reptiles / bats / canines / felines / sharks / jelly fish / starvation / dehydration / being underground / death / dying / funerals / electrocution / substance overdose / intimacy / rejection / abandonment / loss / the unknown / the future / not being good enough / being replaced / being the center of attention / being ignored / being lied to / being caught in a lie / scary stories / speaking to new people / eye contact / poverty / loud noises / silence / pity / being touched / love / affection / commitment / marriage / forgetting / being forgotten.
tagged by: @unwillingvessel 💜
tagging: whoever wants to do it and hasn't already
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father-mercury · 6 years
When Sulphur moved behind him to take care of his nasty gashes, Mercury set his gaze on the floor, staring blankly at it, his body freezed and he didn't dare to move until he had finished. Every single time the needle perforated his flesh, his hands tightened their grip on the desk and his jaw clenched sharply, teeth chewing the inside of his cheeks. The pain was agonizing and his limbs were beginning to tingle; he would have passed out soon. Fortunately, Sulphur moved on applying a bandage around his back and only then did he relax his tensed muscles, hands releasing the sides of the desk, lips parting as he took deep breaths.
Mercury looked at his friend now sat in front of him, his sympathetic smile faltering as soon as that heartfelt woeful word left the pastor's lips. He kept on staring at him, although the tears were starting to blur his vision. How could he explain that confusing mix of emotions that were literally consuming him from the inside? That feeling of being a mistake, an horrendous mishmash of human flesh, synthetic skin, gears, circuits and feelings so humane. A puppet with not a sole memory but a vast knowledge, with no clear past but designed future.
Mercury slowly reached out to take the handkerchief from the other's hand, but merely stared at it as he listened to Sulphur speak, until his friend stood up and tilted his head. The pastor's wet eyes were now set into the other's confident ones. As convincing as his words sounded, the grieving state Mercury was in remained unaltered.
"Sulphur, I feel unique in my hideousness", he admitted, speaking quietly, "I don't think emotions make me an abomination, but this.. alternation of real and false. This.. duality of humanity and artificiality both present inside me and that are perennially in conflict. I-It.. drives me insane." His voice cracked as tears finally began to fall and line the black leather of his mask, his eyes however remained locked with Sulphur's ones, "It is driving me insane!", he remarked, screaming panicky as his palms hit violently the surface of the desk, "I don't know who I am nor what I truly am! I don't know where those voices I constantly hear inside my head come from! I don't know if this flesh is really mine! If the..", his hands now moved on his mask, rubbing it vehemently, "...face behind this stupid mask is truly mine! I do not recognize it! I do not recognize it!"
Mercury knocked hesitantly on the open door of Sulphur's laboratory. His eyes rapidly scanned the room before resting on his companion. "Hey Sulphur, am I interrupting anything?"
Sulphur looks up from his table, eyes fixed on Mercury before he smiles beneath his mask. Mercury hardly ever bothered to come into his laboratory, so he wondered why the man was there now.
“No, you’re not. I’m just working on a new prototype for something,” he replies as he covers said prototype with a white sheet, “What brings you here today?”
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father-mercury · 6 years
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father-mercury · 6 years
Mercury quietly listened to his friend speak, looking at him as if he was staring at an abstract piece of art for the first time. Taking into every detail, every shade and dive into it to find a meaning, the answer behind its facade. The more Salt explained his view on the matter, the more the pastor sensed the genuineness behind those apparently cold words. For his friend, their relationship was really a duty, as he thought, but not driven by emotions. That was the crucial difference. They had a different way to process friendship, to view it and show it, but in the end what they felt towards each other was the same. He knew it already. He was sure that Salt wasn't faking anything, but talking about it directly to him made the faintest of insecurities he had about the other's sincerity to vanish. However, it all only led the pastor to fuel the recent thought he had of himself, that one of being an abomination. Why giving him emotions? Why keeping him human in part? What was the Master's real design? He felt so terribly confused, misunderstood, angry and sad.
"Salt, my dear..", he barely whispered, his voice cracked as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, "I'm s-sorry...", he cried out, shaking his head, before bursting into tears. His back arched downward, bending over the desk, his hands squeezed vehemently the sides of his mask as he sobbed loudly and uncontrollably. He opened his mouth several times, trying to speak again, but all that came out of it was an incomprehensible whining. He lifted his head up a little, enough to allow himself to look at his friend, to see his face and find comfort in his eyes. Salt's silhouette however was unrecognizable, the pastor's sight was completely blurred by the tears.
His body was shaking violently, the weeping seemed near to no end. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears running down the mask, over his cheeks; quivering lips slowly parted and all he was capable to say was: "...go."
Are you open for confessionals, Father?
Did something happen, my dear Salt?
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father-mercury · 6 years
Ask my muse extremely personal questions!
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be and why?
How do you take your anger out?
Have you ever been severely depressed? If so, why, and how did you handle it?
Who is someone you’ve cut out of your life, or wanted too, and why?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever worked for?
Have you ever faced discrimination? If so, what was it?
Has someone close to you ever said something that hurt your feelings? If so, what was it, and did they ever make up for it?
Have you ever been hit by someone close to you? If so, who hit you, and did they ever make up for it?
What’s some trauma you have, and how did you get it?
What was the scariest moment you’ve had in public?
What’s the relationship like between you and your parents?
Where do you go to be alone?
Have you ever put your hands on someone? If so, who, and did you ever make up for it?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done with another person?
Who’s the first person you contact on a lonely night and why?
What’s your biggest regret and why?
If you could pick only one person in your life, who would it be and why?
What gives you nostalgia?
What’s something embarrassing that you enjoy doing, and why is it embarrassing?
How would you describe yourself?
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father-mercury · 6 years
I've been wanting to Rp with you for a while..but I'm too shy to ask 🙈
[[ ohw, there is no need to be shy, dear... I am here, ready to welcome you with open arms! ]]
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father-mercury · 6 years
He retracted his hand, moving it to rest on the upper part of his stomach, then he briefly followed the other's claw, turning around to look at the wooden plaque placed on the wall. His head tilted lightly, as he scanned the inscription first, then the scrawl, while humming at the ghoul's words.
"Uhm, I've been walking around these halls a lot, recently.. yet, this is the first time I notice this.. failed attempt to warn outsiders", a guttural chuckle escaped him, as he turned to face the ghoul again, "or well, peculiar outsiders like me, at least. I do not intend to underestimate your.. fierceness." He flashed a cheeky smile, looking intently at the ghoul, curiosity perceptible in his amused tone, "I have never heard ghouls speaking their own language, to be honest. I bet it has a devilish sound, uh?"
The Ghoul raised his middle finger at the Father, grinning as he flagged him off.
“Ohh!”, the pastor abruptly flinched and stopped dead in his tracks as the ghoul swooped in, interrupting his meditative stroll by flashing his middle finger at him, with no real -or at least unknown- reason. 
His astonishment soon vanished and he decided to play ball with him by moving both his hands to rest upon his chest, close to his heart in a dramatic way, while an exaggeratedly offended expression showed upon his face. 
“To what do I owe the honor of this gesture?”, he ironically asked, head quizzically tilting at the creature before him. 
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father-mercury · 6 years
Mercury's eyes squeezed shut as he waited for Pinn to acclimate to their sudden closeness. His free hand began to rub their back up and down, in a gentle and heartening movement, with the purpose of reassuring and encouraging them to let loose.
As soon as he felt them return the embrace, his lips curved up in a tender and relieved smile, whilst his arms carefully tightened around their thin body. Their words proved how such an instinctive gesture of love was what they needed the most and the pastor was clearly willing to let it last as long as possible.
"Pinn, don't apologize. Just let it go..", he whispered in a gentle tone, moving one hand to rest upon the back of the other's head, bringing them closer to his chest, "Cry if you feel the need to. I want you to let it all out and then relax.. Loosen into my arms."
If only his mask hadn't been in the way, he would have moved closer to them, rested his cheek upon theirs and kissed their forehead, even. But perhaps it was for the better. That odd involvement he was so fervently feeling could have led him too far; yet, his connection with Pinn was clear and compelling. In that very moment he promised to himself he would have taken care of them, in every way possible, in every way Pinn allowed him to.
Pinn’s eyes landed on the tall figure. They couldn’t help but look him over. He was… odd, but no more odd than the bird twins currently poking around, they supposed- or Pinn themself, for that matter.
“Uh, hey,” they murmured, deciding that they’d better just talk now that they’d stared long enough to make it weird. “…what’s with the bdsm mask?”
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father-mercury · 6 years
Her compliment came out unexpected and a light chuckle escaped him. "Ohh, well.. Thank you very much dear. I am glad you have noticed it and that it is to your liking", he placidly muttered as he gallantly moved the book aside, placing it on the grass beside him, before shaking his head a little, "No need to apologize. It is always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of someone new.. especially when it comes to meet a beautiful woman like yourself."
He looked back at her, a gentle smile printed upon his lips, "Why don't you come sit here next to me?", he asked, as he patted on the ground beside him, "There is enough room for the two of us under this huge three. Besides, I don't want you to sit out there under such a burning sun."
🤨 ((if you're still accepting. If not, feel free to ignore ^^))
🤨  Sit down across from my muse 
Mercury was enjoying a break from his duties, sat under a shade three, back against its trunk and nose buried in a book. As he was turning yet another page, totally absorbed in his reading, a rustling noise drew his attention and he abruptly lifted his head up. His eyes instantly met the ones of a woman as she was sitting down right accross him. He wasn’t sure about her intentions nor did he seem to recognize her, even though she looked somehow familiar.
Once the pastor realized he had stared at her long enough, he lightly cleared his throat and quizzically tilted his head to one side, as he gently addressed her, “Hello there?“ 
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father-mercury · 6 years
The pastor's eyes widened in surprise, "Oh! He is your father? I wasn't aware of it.. nor I thought he had sons, to be honest." He paused, looking him over. Now that he knew, he could see the resemblance between the two eccentric men.
"Why do we wear them, you ask?", he remarked, flashing another faint smile, "It is our image... our Master's design." His smile grew wider as his eyes lingered on the other's odd make-up, "Besides, it is the same as asking you about your blood."
Mary looked at the strange man who just bumped into him. “Watch where you’re going you gimp pineapple.. And watch it with those damn spikes.”, He said while making sure none of the fake blood got onto the man’s expensive looking suit.
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father-mercury · 6 years
Mercury swallowed hard, his throat felt extremely dry, his breathing was labored. His body shivered several times ever so slightly as the damp air made contact with his exposed skin. Both hands moved on the table, clinging onto its sharp sides as another long shaking sigh escaped his lips.
"I do this. I do it willingly", he stated in a calm but solemn tone, "the Master only whispers inside my head to make sure I know how keenly disappointed in my behavior He is. What I do is admit my misconduct and punish myself for it."
A strange rustling caught his attention and he instantly lifted his head up. Soon he noticed the needle and the thread Sulphur was now holding, before his gaze slid up on the other's face, directly looking at him for the first time since he entered the room.
"Sulphur... why am I like this?", he innocently asked, his voice sounded incredibly weak, broken by the tears that were starting to fill his eyes, "Why am I this... abomination?"
Mercury knocked hesitantly on the open door of Sulphur's laboratory. His eyes rapidly scanned the room before resting on his companion. "Hey Sulphur, am I interrupting anything?"
Sulphur looks up from his table, eyes fixed on Mercury before he smiles beneath his mask. Mercury hardly ever bothered to come into his laboratory, so he wondered why the man was there now.
“No, you’re not. I’m just working on a new prototype for something,” he replies as he covers said prototype with a white sheet, “What brings you here today?”
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father-mercury · 6 years
[[ ohhhhh goshhhhh! This is the c u t e s t thing everrrr!! Thank you so much dear @unwillingvessel 💜 ]]
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((a doodle for @father-mercury!!! i never draw anymore but i like these two))
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father-mercury · 6 years
"You remember my fellow leaders but not me? Heh, that's fair. I guess they are more.. theatrical in appearance than me", he chuckled lightly, as he retreated his hand too, resting it over the upper part of his stomach. "If may I ask...", he paused, tilting quizzically his head as he looked intently at him, "Who is your father? Do I know him?"
Mary looked at the strange man who just bumped into him. “Watch where you’re going you gimp pineapple.. And watch it with those damn spikes.”, He said while making sure none of the fake blood got onto the man’s expensive looking suit.
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father-mercury · 6 years
Mercury borrowed the lighter, gently taking it from their hand before moving it to his lips, lighting is cigarette. He took a long puff as well, then handed back the zippo as a smile curled up his lips once again. It was odd how extremely at ease he was feeling in Pinn's presence, although they had just barely met. They were special, unique; Mercury was looking forward to getting to know them more deeply.
It was his time now to listen to them talk. His eyes lingered on their cheekbone, scanning said bruise; he couldn't imagine how much suffering they were enduring and if only he could, he would have gladly soaked up all their pain to put an end to their agony.
He felt his heart ache at the mention of people's behaviour towards them, along with the heartbreaking condition they had to live in. It saddened him so much. All he wanted to do was engulf their little body with his arms and show them the affection they truly deserved. He hesitated at first, not sure if they would have welcomed a hug from a stranger, but then he moved closer, carefully and delicately pushing Pinn's body against his, strong arms wrapped around their back.
Pinn’s eyes landed on the tall figure. They couldn’t help but look him over. He was… odd, but no more odd than the bird twins currently poking around, they supposed- or Pinn themself, for that matter.
“Uh, hey,” they murmured, deciding that they’d better just talk now that they’d stared long enough to make it weird. “…what’s with the bdsm mask?”
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