fate/stand cross
23 posts
sideblog for organizing fate verse
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fatestand · 7 years ago
“Participants of the Holy Grail War, heed this announcement.” The sister stands at the altar once more to impart her message, a message that she regrets she has to make. “As you are aware, Servants summoned to fight in the Grail War are not weapons to be wielded recklessly, pointed at civilians that take no part in the battle. Unfortunately, we have received reports of the contrary.” 
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She pauses, her voice grows stern. “Master of Caster, Leo Nohr. Master of Assassin, März von Ludowing. Both of you have been found guilty of misconduct. It has been brought to our attention that you have commanded your Servant to take civilian life and our investigations have confirmed this. As penalty, the church hereby decrees that you are to relinquish one of your command seals. I shall collect them here at this church.”
“You will be given one week to comply. Should you refuse, we will request that all other Masters take action against you. The church hopes that this serves as fair warning to all Masters that further violence perpetrated against civilians will not be tolerated.”
ooc context is here, plus the relevant threads, basically the two accused had ordered their servants to kill some ppl for personal reasons towards the start of the war and it was decided that there would be consequences from the church. I’ll provide another update on the resolution to this after both parties have responded!
@recklessmoon @juniperblooded @dersunder @fearfulfracture​ @heroes-and-lords​ @soulreviver​
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fatestand · 7 years ago
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So I have confirmation from everyone that we want to proceed with this verse! I’m thrilled! It means a lot to me that there is still interest. I’ll endeavor to spark some life into this verse and will get a starter/plotting call for my muses soon so look out for that. (here it is!) You guys are free to stir things up as well. It’s a good time to start thinking about building alliances. There will also be a church announcement shortly. 
Do you guys think we should have a chat to discuss/plot? My go-to would be discord, but I’m not sure everyone uses that.
Rei (Ludger mun)’s blog is at @fearfulfracture now so please follow there. The accounts I’m tagging below is what I assume everyone’s main point-of-contact blog is, if that’s changed let us know!
@dersunder @heroes-and-lords @recklessmoon @juniperblooded @soulreviver
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fatestand · 7 years ago
Interest check
Hi everyone in Fate/Stand Cross! Sorry I (tesseracs) have been on semi hiatus lately and activity kind of fizzled. I wanted to see if there is still interest in this verse and how to proceed from here. Can you let me know
Are you still available to rp in this verse? (and for which muses, if that’s changed)
If yes, how do you feel about inviting new ppl to fill in potential inactive slots vs. continuing from where we left off 
If no, would it be okay if we assumed your muse withdrew from the war or was defeated in battle? 
No pressure either way. If the cast ends up too small, I may relaunch a new HGW or Fate/ styled group verse in the future. If everyone wants to continue, I will do my best to support it. :)
@juniperblooded @lifedenied @isaaccecilbryant @cravenwill @heroes-and-lords​ @musaem
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fatestand · 7 years ago
Update 1/08!
Hinoka invites all Masters and Servants to a banquet at the Hoshido estate 
März and the quiet Assassin are attending
Koe, accompanied by a wary Lancer, is attending
Anastasia and Archer, also guarded, are in attendance
Raine, with her family and Saber, are in attendance 
Leo and Caster arrive at the banquet belatedly
Asutsuo and his servant Rider are absent
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fatestand · 7 years ago
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As the sky darkens over Fuyuki, the path to the Hoshido residence is lit up with the warm glow of lanterns. At the promised time, Hinoka stands at the entrance greeting each pair as they arrive.
“Welcome. I know everyone’s probably feeling a bit tense, so why don’t we get the formalities out of the way, yeah? My Servant and I will be your hosts tonight and we pledge our utmost hospitality. I promise you’ll be in no danger on my family’s grounds. We ask that everyone entering tonight also take a pledge of nonviolence. Will you and your Servant agree to this truce?”
Once she hears your confirmation, Hinoka breaks into a grin and gestures the way inside.
“For most of you this is your first time in Japan, so my family’s prepared our best traditional dishes. Feel free to help yourselves and eat as much as you like! Our servants will be around if you need anything, and I’ll come by after I finish welcoming the others.”
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Keep reading
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fatestand · 7 years ago
@resonatingmuses​  @recklessmoon​ @dersunder​ @heroes-and-lords​ @juniperblooded​ @cravenwill​ @tesseracs​​
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“Masters and Servants, heed this announcement. My name is Silque and I speak on the behalf of the Church. I shall be your overseer in the war to come.” 
From a church in the heart of Fuyuki, a message is transmitted to all participants. The enchanted circle at her feet ensured that her voice carried far beyond the walls of the holy building to wherever the pairs may be.
“As of today, all participants have assembled. Whatever paths have led you here, you now stand on the same stage, chosen by the Grail who has heard your heart’s desire. Masters and Servants, without further ado, allow me to hereby declare the start of the Holy Grail War. ” 
Silque is our NPC overseer. If your muse is new to the grail war business feel free to assume she will answer your questions about how the war works
If you have a more specific request involving Silque or the church, drop me a note @tesseracs.
You may begin fight threads! We aren’t implementing any sort of dice-roll system to determine outcomes, so please discuss with muns of the opposite party. Ongoing threads can of course be continued, take it at your own pace. 
If your muse is taking an action that you want other participants to notice  (like say, picking a fight or setting up a reality marble in the middle of town), notify this blog and I’ll spread the word.
Kind of like how we have an Intel post on Masters, as the war goes on I’ll be checking in with teams and updating this blog with Intel that becomes “public knowledge”. Such as which Servants have revealed their powers and which pairs are in alliance if their alliance is made public.
Questions? Suggestions? Send them to this blog! Note that I will be on hiatus Oct 7th - 22nd but can respond when I return.
Lastly, have fun!! I’m always looking for ways to make this verse more engaging so if you have ideas please share. 
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fatestand · 7 years ago
Update 9/11 !!
Asutsuo has summoned Rider
Koe has summoned Lancer
Update 8/06 !!
Anastasia has summoned Archer
März has summoned Assassin
Leo has summoned Caster
Hinoka has summoned Berserker
Raine has summoned Saber
Two Servants have yet to enter the war
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Update 8/28 - Everyone please welcome Rei who will be playing Ludger (Lancer)! His info page is here.
We now have a complete cast! 
We’ll give the last two Masters some time to summon their Servants and I’ll make a formal announcement when fight threads can begin. The Church (a.k.a this blog) will be overseeing the war. A reminder to please tag #fate stand verse in your initial starter posts. If you have questions / feedback on the verse feel free to hit me up @tesseracs. Look forward to threading with you all!
@recklessmoon @dersunder @juniperblooded @isaaccecilbryant @heroes-and-lords @cravenwill
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Update 8/25 - Please welcome Tails who will be playing Link (Rider). His info page is up!
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fatestand · 8 years ago
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Update 8/25 - Please welcome Tails who will be playing Link (Rider). His info page is up!
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fatestand · 8 years ago
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Fate/ fans on the dash!! We are seeking a last Lancer class Servant for our crossover Holy Grail war verse. We welcome AU versions of muses who can even be loosely defined as the Lancer class! Even if you aren’t looking to join, could you do me a favor and reblog to spread the word?
                          Fate/Stand Cross       |     The Cast      |     The story thus far…
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Master Intel-gathering post
I believe I’ve contacted all the muns of the Masters individually, but the plan is to put together a list of publicly known information you want to reveal about your muses to the other Masters! It can include anything about their abilities and/or personal life. If there’s little that would be known about your muse, that’s fine too just say so! 
I’ll add to this Intel post and reblog it as we go. No rush on this.
Leo and Hinoka
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Master Intel-gathering post
I believe I’ve contacted all the muns of the Masters individually, but the plan is to put together a list of publicly known information you want to reveal about your muses to the other Masters! It can include anything about their abilities and/or personal life. If there’s little that would be known about your muse, that’s fine too just say so! 
I’ll add to this Intel post and reblog it as we go. No rush on this.
Leo and Hinoka
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Master Intel-gathering post
I believe I’ve contacted all the muns of the Masters individually, but the plan is to put together a list of publicly known information you want to reveal about your muses to the other Masters! It can include anything about their abilities and/or personal life. If there’s little that would be known about your muse, that’s fine too just say so! 
I’ll add to this Intel post and reblog it as we go. No rush on this.
Leo and Hinoka
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fatestand · 8 years ago
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Fate/ fans on the dash!! We are seeking a last Rider class Servant for our crossover Holy Grail war verse. We welcome AU versions of muses who can even be loosely defined as the Rider class! Even if you aren’t looking to join, could you do me a favor and reblog to spread the word?
                          Fate/Stand Cross       |     The Cast      |     The story thus far...
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Update 8/06 !!
Anastasia has summoned Archer
März has summoned Assassin
Leo has summoned Caster
Hinoka has summoned Berserker
Raine has summoned Saber
Two Servants have yet to enter the war
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Master Intel-gathering post
I believe I’ve contacted all the muns of the Masters individually, but the plan is to put together a list of publicly known information you want to reveal about your muses to the other Masters! It can include anything about their abilities and/or personal life. If there’s little that would be known about your muse, that’s fine too just say so! 
I’ll add to this Intel post and reblog it as we go. No rush on this.
Leo and Hinoka
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fatestand · 8 years ago
Update 8/06 - The grail has selected Asutsuo as the final Master! We are still looking to fill the Rider class Servant. 
“The number of identified Masters rise in number. The great battle is close at hand.”
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Update 7/04 - Added info pages for Anastasia, Wolfram/Ansel, and Hinoka.
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