farrvw-blog · 6 years
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“ the truth comes out ! “ the boy announced feigning shock. “ i’m quite certain that i’m the one that makes your life more fun, but i suppose i’ll let that slide for the sake of getting shitfaced.” a playful smirk formed as his lips as he began to feel excitement about being back at school.
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     ❛   agree  to  DISAGREE.   ❜   june  uncorks  the  bottle  of  firewhiskey  and  shoots  him  a  challenging  look  before  taking  a  long  swig.  she  can  feel  the  heat  of  the  alcohol  flooding  through  her  veins,  and  it  makes  her  feel  invincible.  she  grins,  handing  him  the  bottle.   ❛   YOUR  turn.   ❜ 
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
A playful, almost childlike wine escaped Olivia’s plump, pink lips. She had never been the rule breaker, finding it hard to swallow her fear. “Wait- first you stole something and now-?” laughter broke out gently before sincerely weighing her options. “What if we get caught?” 
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     an  amused  grin  spreads  across  june’s  face  at  the  other  girl’s  naiveté.   ❛   i  NEVER  get  caught.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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         ❛ je bent gek ! — you know you’re asking the wrong person right ? why don’t you go back to those sixth years & drink it with them ? i’m sure they’d be thrilled to have it back. ❜
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     ❛   no  such  thing  as  the  WRONG  person  to  get  smashed  with.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
JUNE  /  ALI  !
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“was it melvin eyre? he’s a bit of a twat, yeah,” ali remarked, scrunching her nose. “don’t tell anyone i said that. i got some dragon barrel brandy– i’ll share if you do.”
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❛   nah,  it  was  that  cadwallader  guy,  but  eyre’s  a  TWAT  too.   ❜   she  raises  her  eyebrows  with  a  grin.   ❛   you  had  me  at  BRANDY.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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“None for me!  No one should see me drunk,it’s not pretty. I can still party though!”
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❛   if  you’re  pretty  when  you’re  SOBER,  you’re  pretty  when  you’re  DRUNK.  come  on,  just  one  drink.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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“oh please, the more fire whisky the merrier ! ” jensen exclaimed with a brazen grin before his eyes did a dramatic roll at her words, “of course, how could i forget that your a good girl who steals fire whisky from sith years and cheats at quidditch ! “ 
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❛   well,  maybe  i’m  not  a  TOTAL  good  girl,   ❜   she  admits,  not  looking  sorry  at  all.    ❛   but  good  thing  i’m  not,  otherwise  your  life  would  be  a  lot  less  fun.  what  say  we  pool  our  resources  and  get  fuckin’  SMASHED  ?   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
there was a brief moment of silence, in which laurel looked at her now empty suitcase, the mess june had made, at june, and then back again to the suitcase. if she were anyone else, june would have a face full of hexes right about now but alas, laurel had spent the last six years with the girl and was too used to her antics by now. she sighed and packed up her quill and stationery, placing it tidily next to her bed - and most importantly, away from hurricane june. “ you’re picking all of that up in the morning. ” she stated before holding out her hand for the bottle. “ but fine. one drink, that’s all. i am not getting a hangover my first day back. ”
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     ❛   that’s  a  problem  for  MORNING  june.   ❜   june  grins  wickedly,  passing  laurel  the  bottle.   ❛   alright,  alright,  just  one  drink,   ❜   she  promises,  although  it’s  clear  she  doesn’t  believe  her.   ❛   if  you  SAY  so.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
laurel relaxed when she recognised the voice “ ha ha, very funny ” she replied with a sardonic smirk before nodding at the girl “ but speaking of beaters, a little birdy told me you were thinking of replacing somebody in the team this year … any truth to that ? ” 
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     june  smirks,  neither  confirming  nor  denying.  ❛   added  incentive  to  prove  your  worth  at  tryouts,  don’t  you  think  ?  besides,  if  people  think  there’s  going  to  be  an  open  spot,  means  more  people  will  come  and  try  out.  there  could  be  some  real  TALENT  there.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
sluuurred words
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     ❛   OH,  this  guy.  what  an  asshole  !  fuckin’  SUCKS  on  the  quidditch  pitch  !  heard  his  mum’s  a  right  good  FUCK,  though  !   ❜   she  tosses  her  head  back  in  a  laugh,  only  getting  herself  under  control  after  a  full  minute.  ❛   nah,  jenny’s  a  PEACH.  love  that  man.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
slurred words from both ali & will.
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     ❛   ayy  –  she’s  my  GIRL  !   what  a  muthafuckin’  G  !  is  she  drunk  too  ?  i  bet  she  fucking  IS  !  ay  ali,  why  are  you  letting  me  drink  all  by  myself  ?  come  over  here  and  let’s  get  liiiit  !   ❜
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     ❛   good  fuck,  good  friend,  good  guy,  NICE  fucking  accent  –  think  that’s  all  i  need  to  say  about  THAT  !   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
Send “slurred words” to hear my muse describe yours whilst ridiculously drunk.
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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“stealing and drinking? june this is an awful way to start the school year which is exactly why i like it so much. pour me a glass, baby sister.” robbin told her leaning against the outside wall with a nod of his head. they were twins but he was born two minutes before her therefore it became something he would never let her live down ever.
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     ❛   a  glass  ?  you  think  i’m  that  CLASSY  ?  we’re  drinking  out  of  the  BOTTLE  tonight,   ❜   june  says  with  a  grin.  she  takes  a  swig  of  the  firewhiskey,  hardly  even  grimacing  at  the  taste  anymore,  before  passing  her  brother  the  bottle.
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
laurel rolled her eyes at the other girl but didn’t look up from what she was doing. “ as much as i love it when a gryffindor’s night is ruined at the expense of one of our own, i have way too much to prepare for tomorrow - i haven’t even fully unpacked yet. ” she replied, in the process of creating a new, more efficient timetable than the ones the staff had given her.
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     june  strides  over  to  the  other  girl’s  suitcase,  upending  it  over  the  floor  and  then  taking  a  seat  on  the  now  empty  case.  she  tilts  her  head,  giving  laurel  a  challenging  look.   ❛   now  you  HAVE.  come  on,  lockwood,  don’t  be  a  PUSSY.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
“wow june stealing from a poor defenceless gryffindor ? see i actually like to come prepared myself.” jensen teases a smirk lining his lips. “i’ll even share with you if you admit that we’re gonna win the house cup this year.”
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     ❛   why  would  i  do  that  ?  i  just  told  you  i  HAD  firewhiskey.   ❜   june  rolls  her  eyes  at  his  idiocy.   ❛   besides,  i’m  a  GOOD  girl  who  doesn’t  lie,   ❜   she  says,  lying.
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
laurel had just finished showing some stray first years to the great hall and, turning around, bumped into someone. before realising who it was, she had already snapped out a sharp “ watch it ” and an icy glare.
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     ❛   DAMN,  bitch,  maybe  i  should  put  you  on  BEATER  this  year,   ❜   june  says,  unfazed  by  laurel’s  icy  tone.   ❛   who  needs  bludgers  when  we’ve  got  that  GLARE  ?   ❜ 
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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      ❛   oh,  come  ON.  it’s  the  first  night.  we’re  basically  REQUIRED  to  break  curfew.  i  stole  some  FIREWHISKEY  from  some  sixth  year  gryffindor.   ❜
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farrvw-blog · 6 years
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