faridmazlan · 4 months
Happy birthday S.r! Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Hope that one day we'll cross each other paths again.
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faridmazlan · 10 months
28/11/2023 and i still like her and still thinking about her. Its been 10 years.
its about this one girl , i really like her , but i dont really know her , what should i do ? should i confess my feelings towards her? everyday i can’t stop thinking bout her
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faridmazlan · 1 year
Oh to come here to look back at all my drafts. Wow just wow, it hits the spot just fine. Guess i should start writing again.
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faridmazlan · 1 year
Happy birthday S.R! I know you will not be able to see this wish, but just know that i'll still wish and will continue to do so, cause it's your day today. Hope you have a blast! I wish nothing but the best for you.
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faridmazlan · 2 years
I guess i wont be able to see you anymore, or vice versa. I wonder why, what's the reason for this. Reminds me of the first time i had this feeling. Feeling lost. Im so sad seeing that we're not mutuals anymore. Still remember the happy feeling on 3/8/21 when i saw your request at 3-4 in the morning. Thought of reaching out to you on your birthday this year to start a conversation with you.. maybe some other time perhaps. Always thought that we were meant to cross each other's path. I guess i was wrong. In the future, if you feel like coming back just request, i'll be here, waiting for you like always. P
-30/1/23- not a good start for 23...
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faridmazlan · 2 years
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faridmazlan · 2 years
As you grow older, birthday feels just like any other normal day. You're not that excited like you were 5 years ago. Now, only your truly closes friends wishes you without you telling them or reminding them (before they see your story or post on ig). Your special day. It's not that special to them. It's just like any other day. That's why when you see someone celebrates their birthday, wish them. I swear it'll make them feel happy. At least i did. Thank you to those who wished me yesterday. I really appreciate it. I really do with all my heart. Thank you.
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faridmazlan · 2 years
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faridmazlan · 3 years
That is when you realized that all you need is someone to talk to.
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faridmazlan · 3 years
Every night when i go to sleep, i'll pray and hope that i can sleep with dreams. The one that when you wake up in the morning you feel that there is another you in the other world. I really love that kind of sleep and not the one which you don't dream anything, the one that you feel empty in the morning. I realised that when I dream of something and if it is a good dream, it really makes my day, woke up with a smile on my face. I rarely dreams these days. I wonder why.
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faridmazlan · 3 years
Sometimes i wish for the days i can't ever return to
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faridmazlan · 3 years
I'll wait for you.
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faridmazlan · 3 years
“How strange was it we wanted the same thing but we were never meant to have them together”
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faridmazlan · 3 years
When i saw the vid, i think i felt relieved and sad at the same time. Can't quite explain how i felt, but yeah maybe relieved is the word for it. I kind of suspected that you have somebody in your life and i was right. I felt relieved because at least you're with him. I can accept that because it's nothing new. Well i'm happy for you. These feelings that i feel, i must try hard to suppress it. Bury it deep down inside of me. I don't want to stand in between you and him. I'm not that kind of person to meddle with other people's relationship. I'll stand aside. He won your heart. Maybe in another time, in the future or in another lifetime if i am meant for you, i'll get the chance to be with you. As for now please pray for me to get through this phase. Thank you.
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faridmazlan · 3 years
Right now I'm trying to learn to deal with acceptance. I'm trying to teach myself that if it's not going to work, learn to know when to let go. Because sometimes holding on to something that is not meant for you will hurt you. Redha. That is the word. Always pray and believe that eventually Allah will guide you to your path. The best one in sha Allah. I realised that when I started to think like this, my mind has become more peaceful. If it's for you, it will be for you. No one and nothing can change that. Yes, I will work hard for it which in my language we would say, "usaha, doa dan tawakkal". It means "work hard, pray and trust and have faith in Allah's plan.
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faridmazlan · 3 years
“Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say, or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.”
— John Green
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faridmazlan · 3 years
!!! 🥺😭 after all these years ... im so happy! Hi? 🥺
-4.00 am, 3/8/21.
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