fantasy-elisa · 13 days
*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*
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fantasy-elisa · 22 days
This is sort of a reply to the anon who asked for the personal interpretations. I'll just set this out as a small appetizer. (Also, to dear other anon, do you live anywhere close to me? I recognise that... Idk what one calls it... native word?)
I might be immediately called out with the pronouns I give Cyalm and possibly many other factors, but oh well. (I apologise for this mushed-together interp being compressed and flattened due to my laziness)
I look at Cyalm as a simply complex and multifaceted character. Add emphasis on the 'simply'. Because, at a glance, Cyalm is a simple character. A divine being, possibly a God, obsessed and being powered by a creation of Theirs otherwise known as the narrative. I don't know, I just see the narrative as a metaphor for fate; a cosmic, omnipotent force developing each being out of his or her control, predetermined and ethereal. The narrative is already laid out in perfect harmony letting those bound by its strings play out in stellar synchronisation. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
In terms of Their relationship with other Points? I'd imagine very multifaceted, though from here on out are just theory as we dont really see Cyalm meeting eye-to-eye with the other Points a lot in-game.
A prime example of that is the Second Star Savior. Hypothetically, aren't such creations as though it's your very own child? Cyalm had created them, had built them originally from the fringe of their hair to the very end of their toes (if they have any). Cyalm had mapped out their preferences, their tastes, their personality from a mere space in reality. Cyalm had finessed their quirks; small, insignificant details that no one would even recognise. Now, Cyalm is just standing at the front of the emporium, gazing expectantly at the horizon, watching Their little go-getter run around, collecting stars to defeat the supposed Celesteal. They may have built the emporium, the worlds and pointified sorry sobs for Their narrative. But what would hypothetically happen if They are gone, inevitably, as the narrative demands? The honour would go on to the Star Savior. Their Star Saviour. This dynamic may or may not go with the other Points, maybe less for most because after all, Cyalm didn't need to bother with creating them from scratch. Just re-use whatever the world has to offer. But despite all of that, Cyalm's creations, whatever cog They had placed for the narrative to keep moving, are still Theirs.
Though, I sometimes wonder, if Cyalm somehow did, hypothetically, have these stupid interpretations, what would They feel in W10? They have just killed off the unnecessary, unwanted distractions that are Ixol's so-called 'friends'. They've disappeared to worry the Points and lead them to the great hallway. All so that once the pieces are put into place, the Points will turn against Them, and the Star Savior - Their beloved Star Savior, and all of Their best creations, do the honours of putting Them and Their narrative to an end. They think of Cyalm as a monster. Cyalm is a monster. Centuries of hard work, just to dig Their own grave. Was it all worth it, though?
The message Cyalm gives through Their true symbol really gives me chills. They are one messed up creature. Was it all worth the rubble? Absolutely. Stratosfear had survived through endless torture to get his peace with his besotted angel. The pre-Points had found out Cyalm's secrets, and thus Cyalm had pointified them to teach them a lesson. And yet, despite losing their memories and identity and having never been in civilisation since they still found out about Cyalm's secrets. And Star Savior? Still keeping his sanity in check (probably...), gone through all the narrative mess and was strong enough to survive Cyalm's narrative and defeat Their backup, that is Voixer, who They had prepared to test Star Savior as a final, and to look after the narrative if Star Savior had failed.
Even if Cyalm wasn't a perfect Point, They had still created a perfect narrative. One where, despite all the hardships they've endured, Their creations still get their happily-ever-after, somehow surviving the mess They have made. Knowing that They've made perfect creations, thus a perfect narrative, thus a perfect self, They could shut Their eyes with a smirk on Their face, let Themself fade from existence forever, and the book finally close with a quiet snap.
I feel like this is a hodgepodge of an interpretation more of just Cyalm Themself (in the game) and less of Cyalm's dynamics with the other Points... ah, well this is still a silly interpretation nonetheless.
My, I think this is an understatement for a "Small Appetizer." Nonetheless, I am incredibly amazed and interested by your interpretation of Cyalm now, Star Savior. This is one of the best descriptions/Interpretations I've seen. Thank you for submitting this. :]
My, I think this is an understatement for a "Small Appetizer." Nonetheless, I am incredibly amazed and interested by your interpretation of Cyalm now, Star Savior. This is one of the best descriptions/Interpretations I've seen. Thank you for submitting this. :]
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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go play detriment
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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Fantastic news everyone, Detriment is having its first official release!! Bear in mind it is not 100% complete, however what will be seen in this release is brilliant!! It is visually appealing, lively, and very fun gameplay wise!!
We are an artist* and playtester for this game, and it has been in development for approximately over 6 and a half years. I highly recommend the game once it releases!!
*We drew the crystals in that image!! Along with other things for the game!!
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
this took me WAAAYY too long to finish...
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(i don't think strato's liking this)
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
“im gay” “im straight” ok??? I am part of a group of celestial beings called the points??? I have summoned you here because I believe that you are the second coming of the star saviour???
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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play block tales
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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Fantastic news everyone, Detriment is having its first official release!! Bear in mind it is not 100% complete, however what will be seen in this release is brilliant!! It is visually appealing, lively, and very fun gameplay wise!!
We are an artist* and playtester for this game, and it has been in development for approximately over 6 and a half years. I highly recommend the game once it releases!!
*We drew the crystals in that image!! Along with other things for the game!!
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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this marks the start of my insanity
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fantasy-elisa · 2 months
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the 2nd star savior.. my guy
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fantasy-elisa · 3 months
[ ☁️✶ ]
cyalm + claud sprite au edits
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+ extra doodle
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fantasy-elisa · 3 months
@cyalmaf2 hey :p
new twitzor post
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fantasy-elisa · 3 months
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fantasy-elisa · 4 months
emergency comms are open??? i guess??? PLEASE REBLOG!!!!
my account is in the negatives rn so pls pls pls help support a broke lesbian this pride month. anyway heres my carrd with prices, dm me for examples. i do lineless art, lined art and animated tweened art. ask for inquiries and dm if interested.
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PRICES AND EXAMPLES: honeyhiiive.carrd.co
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fantasy-elisa · 4 months
wait, so it's not... prague after all..?
Confession time! i always thought your username was prague. Not plague. Ive been calling you prague for weeks now.
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you're the second person this has happened to. tho the first guy went almost a year lol
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fantasy-elisa · 4 months
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Happy 10th Anniversary
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fantasy-elisa · 4 months
i didnt find a way to add the af1ss characters without them looking out of place. happy 10 years to the af franchise
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