Fantastic Tower
34 posts
An independent multimuse RP Blog run by Starfle. Click around to get the lay of the land. Follows back as starflethegreat. Art up above by my friend @slightlygaypogohammer.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fantastictower · 3 months ago
obligatory kiss prompt!
 send an emoji to give my muse a…
💛 platonic kiss
💟 hand kiss
💖 cheek kiss
💕 forehead kiss
💓 mouth  kiss
💞 french kiss
🖤 angry kiss
💔 forced kiss
💘 reunion kiss
💙 awkward kiss
💚 drunk kiss
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fantastictower · 6 months ago
tell me either one good thing about the first three people you see on dash or three good things about the last person you interacted with
((the last person i interacted with was you! let's see what we can pick out in the plethora of good things about you... hmmm...
You always say what's on your mind. You're direct, but never mean about it. I don't have to guess what you're feeling, and that feels really nice.
I really love hearing about your interests! you always have an interesting and amazing analysis on what you're reading/watching/playing, and I really enjoy hearing your thoughts on things.
You're very thoughtful. You always check in on other people, and you're always really sweet. I appreciate you taking so much time out of your day to talk to me!
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fantastictower · 6 months ago
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. . . you delved too deep . . .
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▬ι═[ rules ]═[ muses ]═[ tags ]═[ credits ]══ﺤ ʚɞ
▬ι═[ permanent starter call ]═[ interest checker ]══ﺤ ʚɞ
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⇄ if you’re interested!! personals don’t interact
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
A new friend joins the Fantastic Tower!
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NAME: Dong Huanjiang
AGE: 21
TAROT CARD: King of Swords
PART: Stomach
LIKES: Reading, Baozi, Expensive Things
DISLIKES: Durians, Jokes at his expense, Mud
BIO: Dong Huanjiang was once a prized scholar and court mage to a wealthy and powerful king. However, after an “incident” (he refuses to elaborate on it if asked), he was nearly executed, spared only because the prince pleaded for mercy on his behalf. Now he lives in the Fantastic Tower, spending his time researching magic and being more than a bit bitter about his circumstances… But while he is haughty and a bit spoiled, he genuinely means well and wishes for those around him to prosper.
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
Alma quietly nods.
"Alright... I see. I'll go to her now." She mumbles, preparing to sit up and do just that. But while she may have accepted this conversation's death, Florian, who has been watching, has not. He sets down the daisy chain he was weaving for his lady to stride across the meadow, folding his arms.
"Excuse you sir, but surely you know to treat others with a bit more respect?" He huffs.
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A deep inhale. Oh, boy.
"Aye, look. Th' only kind o' herbs I might be interested into are those ye put in cigars 'n pipes, lady.
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Ye'll have more luck wit' th' weirdo in th' plague mask" he waves absent-mindedly, already checked out from this conversation "I'm sure she's gonna have th' time of her life pickin' poisonous flowers 'n lucky charms."
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
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commission for @starflethegreat!!
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
Alright, perhaps floriography was lost on this man. He seemed a more pragmatic sort... Perhaps she could point out the more practical aspects of these flowers? It was worth a shot.
"Erm... Are you sure you wouldn't like to gather herbs with me? We might find something that would be useful in your journeys."
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"Aye. Clovers. Weed."
Arms crossed, a single eyebrow lifted, the Highwayman just. Sighs. Very loudly.
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"Look, don't care, miss. Have fun wit' yer flowers I guess."
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
Alma is... Alright, she's going to be honest, that stung a little bit. But still, she smiles for Dismas/
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"No, sir! I have a book all about it. It's incredible the messages you can convey with a handful of flowers. See here, the humble clover carries wishes of good luck..."
"To whoever in this coterie wishes to answer: Floriography is the elegant language spoken by flowers. Which blossom do you feel best describes you?"
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He just... stares. Lifts an eyebrow. Takes a deep breath.
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"...are ye high or somethin'?"
Who the fuck talks about flowers in the middle of their current situation? Clearly someone who's hiding all the good stuff to smoke!
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
Fuck it. ♥LIKE♥ or 🗨REPLY🗨 with your muse for a starter.
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fantastictower · 7 months ago
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((i intend for Alma to get pregnant somehow, so here's a cute lil doodle!
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fantastictower · 8 months ago
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some bg practice with Alma!
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fantastictower · 10 months ago
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ASK & RP blog for a modern, non-fantasy fighter OC based on Street Fighter! run by gio, follows as infernalpursuit!
[ RULES ] // [ ABOUT ] // [ CREDITS ] // [ TAGS ]
⇄ if you’re interested!! personals please don’t interact!!
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fantastictower · 10 months ago
[ something something temporary pinned/promo hehe
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hi hi here's gio again with yet another himbo OC obsessed with fighting and based on Street Fighter, this time mostly for modern/non-fantasy settings!! 18+ only, okay with non-mutuals, crossovers and of course other OCs, i follow back from infernalpursuit!
[ RULES ] // [ ABOUT ] // [ CREDITS ] // [ TAGS ]
please reblog if you wanna interact!! ]
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fantastictower · 10 months ago
For a few milliseconds, everything is silent as the bridge is cut. Alma and Florian share a terrified glance as she falls.
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Florian ignores everything else. His eyes are only on his princess as he closes the gap between them, reaching out with a hand to grab her--
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Somehow, by a hair's breadth, he gets hold of her hand, and yanks her out of the air and back onto land. His hands tremble as he holds her.
"It's alright. I'm here."
...Isn't there something you two are forgetting?
...well. This is almost laughably easy.
That damn bridge is a safety hazard with or without him, and yet the lady immediately trusts him and goes right ahead? Karl almost feels bad, taking out his boredom on someone so delightfully stupid! Arma lands on the same hand he raised to wave, right above one of the ropes miraclously holding that OSHA violation somewhat straight, and transforms in a sword.
Yeah, there's no way he walks after her over that damnable crevace: he might as well get rid of it and give Castle one more thing to fix while getting rid of an intruder! With the right prespective, he's doing the park a big favor, taking care of people who shouldn't be there and a bridge a gust of wind away from crumbling. Everybody wins!
...of course, it's too easy. Karl isn't sure if the arrival of the girl's literal knight in shiny armor ( so exaggerated! Are we sure they aren't two new statues for an incoming medieval renovation of the park?! ) is welcome or just annoying, but one thing is clear, given his current about-to-throw-his-lady-to-her-doom pose.
"...this is awkward.
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Well! Might as well cut to the chase, eh?"
Aaaand snap! There goes the bridge!! Hopefully she has enough brain to jump back... or hold onto it for a little longer!
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fantastictower · 10 months ago
Alma doesn't laugh with the stranger. She merely frowns, wringing her hands.
"...I don't think it's ugly."
But then he takes her by the elbow, and leads her off to a bridge. His hands are cold... But she has little time to think of that as she observes the bridge itself.
...There is no way that's safe.
Still, if this is her only way to find Florian, she must press on! She nods, smiling.
"Thank you, sir. I really do appreciate it!"
And then she turns, leaving her back open to Karl.
But then...
"I'm sorry, but do you have business with my lady?" Asks Florian, having arrived just in time.
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"Ah, yes, yes! They're quite the pests!
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And let me tell you--" is he taking her by the arm to make her move? Why, sure. Of course. This is how we're rolling, today "--being mistaken as some of them is so annoying. It's not my fault if these clothes are so comfortable! Or maybe it's the ugly scar on my face? Haha!"
A chuckle, and Arma flies up, making sure nobody would stop him as they walk closer and closer to a ravine, tall and dangerous, with nothing but a small bridge between the pirate cove and the graveyeard area. Just the time of a little push, right in the middle of that wretched thing, and she'll be shark bait! Not quite as bloody, but still a classic. She doesn't look like a fighter, anyway. It's not realy as fun is they don't fight back.
"Hold tight now! This dinky little thing can be a little dangerous to walk on, but it's the fastest way to your buddy!"
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fantastictower · 10 months ago
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((updated Florian so he'll be more expressive.
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