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fanfictionera · 1 year ago
My Queen (BuckyxReader) Smut
A/N: I have always wanted to write a Sex Pollen fic but every time I tried to write one it didn't feel right. Finally I started writing and the vibes started flowing. I wanted filthy smut but with emotion and feeling and I hope that I achieved that. Either way I am super proud of this and I hope readers enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Synopsys: The reader and Bucky are sent on a mission where they are exposed to what is referred to as Sex Pollen. Their feelings for each other are forced to be faced.
Word Count: 6,218
Warnings: Sex Pollon, Friends to Lovers, forced sex (due to drugs), sprinkle of Angst, Bucky, SMUT, SMUT SMUT SMUT. SO LITTLE PLOT.
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My Queen
Bucky stood in the back of the Quinjet, checking over his person. It was like a ritual for him, starting from the top he would check every strap and belt, double check each gun and knife blade. His body swayed, compensating for the slight lurch of the Quinjet before it leveled out.
“And we have touched down,” Y/N said from the pilot's seat, with a press of a button her chair spun around. She came up behind Bucky gently tugging on his back harness. The back of the Quinjet dropped down, revealing several structures in a clearing, surrounded by trees. They began to make their way to the larger building in the center. The clearing was shrouded in a dark gray filter as the misty fog creeped its way through the trees, under a sky blanketed by cloud cover, reclaimed by nature. A scan showed no signs of human life, which was little in the way of relief.
They silently approached the front door before stepping into the building. A home. The remnants of one anyway. They entered the kitchen, with a table still made. Flowers in a porcelain milk jug left dead, wilted and dried in the center. A plate sat next to a folded newspaper. Y/N could feel the shift in the air as soon as they walked in. The weight of the secrets of the house, hidden behind the semblance of a quiet life, mixed with the pure evil that seeped from its walls in tendrils made Y/N uneasy. 
They progressed through the first and second level of the home. Although every surface was covered in a thick layer of dust each room sat pristine, frozen in time as if the owner just ceased to exist. One of many of Hydra’s calling cards.
They made their way back outside and to the side of the house. Y/N turned scanning the tree line as Bucky yanked and cleared away brush that covered the storm doors nestled against the house. Nature revealed the chained and padlocked metal doors.
Bucky pulled the chain, breaking it in his metal hands. The parts slipped through his fingers like sand. The doors opened with a gut dropping creek revealing a set of stairs leading down into a dirt floor cellar. 
“Ladies First.” He waved his hand as he motioned his hand forward, his eyes scanning behind Y/N. 
She walked forward, “What a gentleman.”
The cellar was packed hard, the air was stale and stagnant. The wooden shelves that lined the stone wall held glass jars full of canned food. 
Bucky walked to the corner, moving a basket out of the way, revealing a hatch. 
The ladder led down to a concrete room, with the only doorway being a gated elevator shaft. An electrical box was mounted on the wall. Bucky opened it and began to check it over before pulling the large handle down. It made a large metallic thunk as Bucky forced the handle down. A soft wiring noise began to buzz.
Bucky pulled the metal gate to the side, ushering Y/N into the car, he closed the gate after he stepped on and reached for the hand crank on the side. Slowly the metal gears began to move and creak as the elevator descended. “Why does every Hydra base have a creepy elevator?” Y/N asked as she took in the rust-streaked walls of the shaft illuminated by dingy yellowing lights that flickered as they warmed up. 
“Günter did suggest rainbows and butterflies, but as you can see, he was outvoted.” Y/N tried to hide her smile as she rolled her eyes.
The elevator came to a stop as it reached the bottom of the shaft, pulling the gate aside again, they found themselves in a storm of destruction “What is this place?”
“It's a lab, was a lab.” Bucky looked around, “I don't believe I was ever here, but it's where they developed all kinds of fun.”
They began to clear the room, flashlight in hand. Tables sat disheveled and tipped over, their contents scattered. Papers littered every surface like confetti. Various medical equipment and hardware mixed and mingled with the papers, while every box of a computer was shattered or broken. As if someone punched every screen. Several lighting fixtures hung from the ceiling, attached by a few wires, while others found their way to the floor. Bucky held a dangling light to the side, letting Y/N walk through before following.
She scanned the room as she took another step, a loud popping crunch noise made her jump, she looked down, lifting her foot, to see the glass shards sprayed across the floor. 
Bucky laughed as he pushed past her. “You’ve been playing to many zombie games,”
“Shut up.” She walked behind him.
Bucky laughed again as he held his arms out, doing his best zombie impression, ‘Brainsss.” He turned to grab her head. “No brainsssss”
Y/N shoved him playfully, "Can we just do this and get the hell out of here?" Bucky chuckled as he clicked on his flashlight and continued sweeping the lab with a smug smile on his face. Y/N wasn't going to lie, nothing about this place made her feel good. She wasn't sure if it was because of its history or its current state, either way she was very much looking forward to leaving. 
As they continued into the next room, Y/N eyes came to rest on Bucky’s back. They trailed across his harness, how it spanned across his wide shoulders. The dim lights still highlighted the muscular lines built into the metal of his arm. Bucky paused for a moment, pivoting on his heel to double check a dark corner. His face was concentrated, eyes trained. She couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have them trained on her. 
She shook her head, focus, she mouthed to herself. With the room cleared they were moving forward again; her eyes came to the back of his head and down his back. They slowly trailed down to his ass, framed perfectly in his tactical pants, the seams accentuating his curve. 
Suddenly Bucky stopped, looking up at a mess of chains, “Let’s see what's behind door number one.” He put his flashlight between his teeth as he began to roll his sleeve up his flesh arm. 
Y/N watched, entranced by the simple action, she glanced up to see Bucky watching her. He smiled around the flashlight; he reached up with this metal hand taking the source of light. He took several steps toward her before bringing his hand up to her jaw.
“That’s what does it for you?” he swiped his thumb against her bottom lip before swiping his thumb down, pulling her lip with it. “Is it my arm?”
She nodded.
“Or is it my fingers?” Her eyes dilated as Bucky chuckled leaning forward, “Do you want my fingers?” She could feel his breath against her skin as he walked behind her, his flesh hand reaching around, grasping the toggle of her zipper. She could hear each tooth unzip as he pulled the zipper down its full length. The coolness of the metal left a tingling sensation as he followed in the zipper wake, his palm slid down her stomach, closer to her aching core. Her breathing became heavy as her head began to spin.
“Hey,” Bucky’s voice sounded firm, the look of concern evident “Are you okay?”
The world came crashing back in a blink of her eye. Her eyes snapped open to find Bucky standing in front of her, still messing with the chains. She shook her head trying to shake off the ghost feeling of his touch. Y/N took a deep breath, her brow began to pull together, "Do you smell that?” She takes another deep breath through her nose, “It's almost sweet, floral, its faint.”
Bucky looked at her puzzled, the air around them smelled musty and old. Then the realization hit him. "Shit.” With the chains forgotten, Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her back down where they came, “Where is that vile you stepped on?”
His touch was distracting, “Over, over there, I think?" He let go of her, "What's going on?” Y/N asked as Bucky began searching the ground.
He turned still looking, “Just, please, we need to find it.”
She walked back over a row and kicked a pile of papers, a cracked vile rolled out, “It's right here.” The end was still intact, the label holding the shards together.
Copulation Stimulant 
Y/N’s eyes read over the label, “Is this?” She looked back down again hoping she read it wrong, “This is, oh my god--no-no-no-no.” She dropped the vile again, the realization setting in, her hands coming to her face as she rambled, “I can't do this, this has to be some cruel joke. Yeah? It’s labeled wrong? I can’t actually fuck my best friend…I can't--”
“Oh, come on now,” As Y/N began to spiral Bucky knelt down to confirm his suspicion, "Best Friend!?" He tried to joke, to keep Y/N with him. "Nat might fight me for that title."
"Stop. I'm serious. You don't understand," She began shaking slightly, overwhelmed as the tears began to fall down her cheek. 
Bucky's smug smile dropped from his face as he took in Y/N’s state, his eyebrows knitted together.
Y/N's chest tightened as she looked up at him. “I can’t fuck my best friend because I’m in love with my best friend."
"Sweetheart" The word came out of Bucky’s mouth like an exhale as he took in her words. 
“Oh my god, am I going to fuck my best friend, who I’m in love with, for the first time in a dingy old Hydra base." Y/N's mind was moving a million miles a second. A heat began to spread from her core, she took a deep breath. 
“Come on,” Bucky gently grabbed her arm, "Not here, let's get back to the Quinjet, okay?”
Y/N shook her head as she let Bucky lead her out of the bunker. She could feel the heat spreading throughout her body, like water slowly trickling down through the soil, saturating each grain as it was pulled down by gravity. It felt invasive. 
The Quinjet bay door began to close as Bucky climbed into the pilot's chair. Y/N sat in the back, her breath becoming heavy. "I'm getting really hot." 
“Like little pin pricks of heat all over your skin?" The Quinjet shook slightly as it rose into the sky.
"Yeah-h" Y/N said as a sheen of sweat began to cover her face. 
"It's hitting you faster." He quickly flipped some switches before getting up out of the chair, he grabbed a med kit duffle bag out of the closet before kneeling in front of her.
Y/N's brow slowly pulled together, "Why?"
"It's designed for super soldiers." Bucky began as he pulled out and cracked a jelly ice pack, instantly making it cold before placing it on her neck. "Which means it's stronger for you."
Y/N felt the sting of the cold radiate, "Okay, okay…okay. What's going to happen?" Her head swirled as she placed her hand over his that held the ice pack, grounding herself. “Be honest.”
Bucky took a deep breath, unable to pull his gaze from her pleading one. "Your adrenaline will slowly rise, until your heart feels like it's going to burst and every cell in your body is vibrating." He flipped the ice pack to the other side of her neck. "It's going to alter chemicals in your brain, driving up your sex drive and arousal." His chest began to heave as he began to feel the effects. “At the same time, it will lower your inhibitions and block all sense of self control.”
Y/N took a deep breath through her nose. "And sex is the only way?"
"No, we can ride this out." Bucky said as he also breathed deep. "It will be torture, an ache of a pain that will thunder through your existence. Every second you resist will feel like one second closer to death, but it won't kill you."
Y/N fought through another wave of heat before responding, "I don't know what to do. It's getting hard to think."
"Yeah." Bucky knew what was to come. How many hours they would have to endure if they waited it out. He dropped the ice pack, now warm, before bringing his hands up to the sides of Y/N's face, pulling her focus back. "Listen to me," He took a moment, “Never in a million years would I have wanted this to be our first time." He let out another grunt as he fought another wave, a smirk appeared through it. "I planned on asking you out, on a real date, before I led you to my bed. To treat you like a queen. My queen.” Tears threatened the corners of Y/N's eyes. Her heart was beating in her ears, and it felt like years as they leaned forward, their foreheads resting against each other. “If we do this now, it won't be like that, you need to know once I start, I will not be able to stop. You will not be able to stop."
Her fingers came up dragging down the edge of his scruff-covered jaw line. “I understand. I trust you, please, I trust you.”
The moment his lips touched hers everything stopped. Bucky physically felt Y/N's body relax as her lips began to move against his. She snaked her hands up his chest and behind his neck before pulling herself off the back of the chair and as close to him as she could. 
Y/N got lost in the intense high created, everything slowed down and hazed over. A dull, mind numbing, wave of emotions swirled in her brain as all sense of time was lost till eventually it wound itself into a ball and exploded against the back of her eyelids. The heat began to fade, leaving a chill across her skin. Her head felt empty and tired. Mentally she couldn't string two coherent thoughts together. Her body felt loose, and her eyes watered as a tear slid down. 
"Hey, it's over." Bucky was catching his breath as he held her head in his hand, looking into her eyes, "it's over," her gaze was distant. 
"Shit." Bucky held onto her, held her close as he began rummaging through the duffle bag, "Come on, there you are." Bucky returned to Y/N, "Y/N, doll, I need you to take this. It will help, can you do that?"
Y/N Glanced down at the small syringe in his hand, "What is it?" The words slurred and tired.
"It will let you sleep till we get back and Bruce can help." Bucky replied softly. 
The tears began to stream down her face, "I'm feeling everything. At once."
“I know. It’s the drug, a side effect.” Bucky took her hand, “Sleep will help.”
“Okay,” Y/N shook her head as she sniffled. Within moments of the liquid entering her blood stream, Y/N's eyes became heavy, and her body relaxed as she drifted off. Bucky gently maneuvered her, placing her on her side across several seats. He fixed her suit, now ripped wide open from navel down to her exposed thighs, her breasts out on display. He pulled the sides of the fabric, covering her the best he could before he grabbed one of the packs of the on-board pillows and blankets, ripping it out of its packaging. He positioned the small pillow under her head and draped the blanket over her body before cleaning himself up and making his way to the cockpit. 
Bucky listened and waited for her to fall into a deep sleep before grabbing the headset. "Friday, please connect me with Steve and Bruce."
"Right away," Friday responded as two small transparent screens appeared in front of Bucky's face. 
Steve's face was scrunched as he slowly woke up, "Hey, what time is it?"
"Two." Bruce replied as he did a double take, pulling on his glasses, "In the morning."
"There's been a situation," Bucky's voice was low, Steve's attention was immediately caught, and he finally took in Bucky's appearance, "We came into contact…with a substance," Bucky looked back again making sure Y/N was still out, "It was developed by Hydra for their breeding program, they called it copulation stimulant, but everyone referred to it as sex pollen." As the Quinet silently made the trek back to the compound, Bucky filled them in.
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Bucky tossed and turned in bed, he rolled over, sheets tangled around his legs and stared up at the ceiling. Taking a deep breath he reached over for his phone, the screen turned on showing it was only mid-morning. 
He rubbed his face before kicking his sheets off and sitting up on the edge of the bed. He stared down at his floor, his mind taking over sucking him back into that moment. Flashes of Y/N's face, filled with fear, overwhelmed with emotions and emptiness played on repeat. 
He blinked away the images as he made his way out of his room. Bucky walked down the hall towards Steve's room. 
Steve sat at his table; papers strewn about as he caught up on his paperwork. He heard the knock before Bucky walked in. 
"How are you feelin'?" Steve asked as Bucky slumped into a chair, aimlessly picking up a piece of paper, setting it back down, not interested. 
"How is she?" Is all Bucky asked. 
Steve pushed a tablet towards him, "Medically speaking, she's okay, nothing more than a few bruises."
Bucky looked down at the screen, a mission report, currently on the recorded incidents page. His eyes instantly skimmed and settled on Y/N's list of injuries before swiping through the rest of the report.
"I decided not to include the details." Steve continued as Bucky sat the tablet down with an exhale. Steve slowly set down the pen as he leaned back in his chair slightly. "Buck, how are you?"
"Angry." Bucky shook his head. "For me to go through it again, fine. But not her."
"Did Hydra use this stuff often?" Steve's brow pulled up softly. 
Bucky's lips flashed a sad smile with a huff of a laugh, "It cycled through. They called it a compliance tool." He looked at his friend, "Sometimes they would call it a reward." 
"Jesus." Steve let out under his breath. 
“They had an endless supply of compliance tools and rewards.” Bucky shrugged slightly, "I'm okay Steve, honestly.”
"I was going to go check on her in a bit.” Steve leaned forward and picked up his pen again as he glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Bruce gave her something to help her sleep more, rest is probably the best for her right now, so she probably won't be stirring for another hour or two." Bucky nodded his head slightly as Steve spoke.
Steve watched as Bucky began to slip back into his thoughts. "Hey," His voice pulled Bucky's eyes to him. "You guys will be dancing around each other again soon enough."
"I told her." Bucky's confession came out softly. "How I feel, right before I railed her brains out in a fit of uncontrollable horny rage." 
“I’m sorry, what?” Steve sat staring at his friend, “You thought, that after being exposed to a chemical weapon used to sexually exploit their victims, yeah this is a good time to confess my feelings to the woman I’ve been absolutely obsessed with since the first day I saw her?”
"Yup," Bucky popped the p, "In my defense she confessed first.”
“Unbelievable,” Steve pinched, “Why are you two like this?”
“In love? Or Insane?” Bucky asked back with a shrug,
Steve crossed his arms as he leaned back, “Go talk to her you jerk."
Y/N’s room was dark, every curtain pulled tight and not a single light was on. She had woken up several times only to roll over and fall back asleep, not wanting or ready to face the world yet. She lay on her belly, letting herself lay there, her head spiraling with thoughts. She grabbed for her phone, the brightness from the screen making her recoil, it was already close to two in the afternoon. She rolled back over onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. 
“What's wrong with me?” She asked quietly to herself. 
She never wanted to experience sex pollen again, it scared her to her core to have her own free will taken away. Her heartbeat picked up as she thought about it, a panic slowly bubbling. She took a deep breath, “We can ride this out.” His words echoed in her head. “I wanted to take you out on a date. Treat you like a queen. My queen.” Her heart stuttered a moment as she took another deep breath. 
A knock at her door drew her attention. Slowly she rose from her bed, just as she approached the door another soft knock came. She reached for the handle and opened it to find Bucky standing with a paper bag in hand.
She stared at him, her words stuck in her throat, “Team ordered out, I got your favorite.” Bucky held the paper bag up. “I, um, I wanted to check in and.."  He paused as he shrugged.
Y/N could see the anxiety and pain behind his eyes. She stepped closer to him, her hands coming to the sides of his torso and sliding back, as she hugged him. 
As if on que Y/N stomach growled and she let out a small laugh. She pulled back, taking the bag from Bucky. “Thank you, I don't think I ate anything in the med bay when we got back.” She turned into the room, “Wanna come in?"
As Y/N walked back in, she flicked on a few lamps, creating a soft glow. Bucky closed the door behind him, unsure of what to do. Her desk was sitting just far away to be awkward but the only other place to sit would be her bed, somewhere he had never thought twice about before as he would just sit down or jump in. Now? He was acutely aware of his actions, and it created a ball of anxiety in the pit of his stomach.
“Bucky, you're welcome to sit on my bed.” Y/N noticed his hesitation.
He shrugged. “I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You aren't” Y/N said as she pulled a plate down from a cabinet in her Kitchenette. 
Bucky paused for a moment before taking a deep breath, "What's going through your head?" Y/N stopped what she was doing, food forgotten as he continued. "Be honest."
Y/N turned, leaning against the counter, to face him. She crossed her arms as she took a moment to bring her words forward, "Did you mean what you said?" her question was soft and quiet. "Your queen." She blinked her gaze up to his.
Bucky let out a huff of a laugh, the corner of his mouth pulling up, “I remember the day you arrived at the compound.” He continued. “That morning Steve and I were set to leave to go on a recon mission. We were going back to the Siberian Hydra base; I hadn't been back since the airport incident. I was an absolute mess leading up to it.” Bucky looked down at his hands as he absentmindedly followed the lines and seams of his metal finger with this flesh. “I probably shouldn't have gone.” He paused again. “I had come so far, the words out of my head, a family around me and I had finally thought I found peace. Yet the moment I stepped back into that room, I looked upon that pit with that monstrosity of a machine still sitting there. I lost it. It instantly triggered a spiral of anger and I felt pushed right back down to my lowest existence.” Bucky kept his eyes trained on the floor. “Steve watched as I destroyed the machine, before helping me calm down. We got the answers we needed, well Steve got the answers we needed. When we got back, I was so far stuck in my head, but then I heard this laughter, it was light and contagious.” Bucky looked up at Y/N who was giving him her full attention. “Your laughter.”
“I followed that sound, until I saw you. Sitting at the counter, a smile on your face and I swear I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life. For the first time since I could remember I could feel this spark of a flame ignite inside of me.” Bucky continued. “This spark that created light and hope and feeling. It only grew. Day after day. It grew with your kindness and confidence. Your strength and your intelligence. That day you took Steve down, he played it off, but I knew that you had genuinely taken him by surprise, I could see it in his eyes. So, I let myself fall in love, I let that light grow into a raging blaze. Until I found myself trying to muster up the courage to tell you while simultaneously trying not to take you where you stood. Ask me again, ask me if I meant what I said.”
Tears were building up in Y/N’s eyes, “Did you mean it?”
"Every word." There was no hesitation in his response as he didn't look away. "I would worship every inch of your mind and body, if you'd let me."
The world began to fade away as Y/N's heart began to beat faster. Bucky's words swirled in her head as she tried to comprehend their meaning as if she couldn't believe them. Bucky sat patiently watching as Y/N slowly walked up to him. Her gaze uncertain, he could feel the tension in the air, as the line they both were hesitant to cross was quickly approaching.
Y/N tentatively stepped between his legs. She could feel the tug of war between her anxiety and adrenaline as she reached to touch his face. She moved her thumb across his jaw, Bucky could see her mind taking off.
He brought his hands up to rest on her hips, "Look at me." Y/N stood quiet for a moment as she took in his unwavering gaze. "What do you need?”
Y/N took a deep breath, "To be your queen.”
He gently pulled her closer. His lips pressed against hers, a tingling sensation ran through her body. Y/N felt Bucky’s hands gently slide down to the crook of her knees. He pulled her up onto his lap, sliding his hands over her thighs following the curve of her ass, before pulling her flush as he deepened the kiss. His lips moved against hers with a gentle urgency as they began to get lost in each other. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no past or future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between them.
Y/N let her fingers sink back into his hair, tugging slightly, as a low moan tumbled from Bucky’s mouth. “I need more.” Y/N said as Bucky kissed down to the nape of her neck.
He slid his hands up under the hem on her shirt, letting them slowly trail up her sides. Her chest heaved as his thumbs ghosted the underside of her breasts. 
She pulled herself off him, sliding herself back to stand between his legs again, slowly she pulled her shirt up and over her head. He reached up and pulled his own shirt over his head, discarding it. He leaned back, picking up his hips as he pulled his pants down, kicking them off. His length sprung up to full attention and Y/N’s eyes dilated. She stood back admiring Bucky, taking in his sheer size, she bit her lip as her core began to pulse. 
“Come here,” Bucky’s words pulled her in like a lure.
As she climbed back on his lap her hands came to the side of his face and pulled him into her lips. A breathy sigh of a moan escaped Y/N. She lifted herself up on her knees, pushing him slightly back to get to the right angle. She could feel his tip resting at her entrance.
Bucky nudged her nose with his, getting her to look at him. She held eye contact as she slowly slid down, feeling herself stretch around him until she bottomed out. A broken gasp fell from Y/N as the feeling of fullness made her body shutter, Bucky’s stomach twitched in response. She slowly began to roll her hips. His hands squeezed her thighs as he let out a swallowed moan. Her pace quickened until her hips began to fall out of rhythm as she desperately chased her release. 
"That's it sweetheart," His words of encouragement doused in an aroused tone. He felt her sides flutter. He could feel her pressing down on him. He kissed the edge of her jaw as his other hand cupped the back of her head before slowly sliding his lips down her neck. Grazing over her nipples. Another flutter. Her hand slid up into his hair and gently pulled him closer, pressing her nipple to his lips.  The way she took what she wanted made him feral. "Fuck" Bucky whispered. The sound was low and guttural, skittering over her skin like wildfire. 
With every heavy breath a moan escaped. With the last roll of her hips her orgasm exploded through her. Y/N's let out a choked moan as her knees clenched together on either side of Bucky. She felt his metal fingers splayed across her back and his flesh held onto her waist. 
Still fully seated, She let her head fall onto his shoulder as she attempted to catch her breath. Bucky pressed his lips to the other side of her neck before tipping her head back up to see her face. She felt like she was floating in euphoria.
"Feeling good?" Bucky's hand cradled her head. 
A smile spread on her face as she nodded into his hand. "I need more."
Bucky pulled her face to his, guiding her to his lips. Kissing her slowly as he reached his hands behind her, sliding them down her back. He began kissing down her neck and chest as she leaned back slightly. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, feeling Y/N pulse around his sheathed member. He let it fall from his mouth watching the soft skin bounce slightly before latching on again. Y/N squirmed, grinding down, desperate for any movement. 
Bucky gripped her hips and pressed her down further as he worshipped her chest. "James," His name came out as a broken whine. 
"Say that again." Bucky instructed, "Say my name."
"Ja-ahhhh-mes" He sucked her nipple again as she spoke. 
He smirked slightly as he slid his hands under her ass and stood up, Y/N held on as Bucky turned them around and dropped her on the bed. Y/N rubbed her thighs together from the loss of friction. Bucky watched for a moment before Y/N let her legs fall open. Splayed fully open for him, Bucky instantly crawled over, his breath against her sex making her shutter. His lips trailed kisses up her stomach. 
“How many nights have you imagined me like this?” A low chuckle came from Bucky, “Not just nights, and not just this.” He sucked her nipple between his teeth, making her gasp, before he soothed the shock away with his tongue. Y/N’s fingers ghosted over his hairline as she slid them back into his hair, he looked up at her and his eyes darkened as he sunk down and ran his tongue flat against her core. 
Her fingers curled, pulling his hair as her back arched off the bed. Electricity buzzed and exploded up over her body. His hands gripped her hips, keeping her from going too far.
Y/N fell further into bliss as Bucky explored her folds with his tongue. Soft moans spilled between her breaths. She gasped as he slowly inserted a finger, moving it in and out, then two, he felt her walls constrict as he slowly moved and curled his fingers. Y/N began to rock her hips against his face. His lips captured her clit sucking softly before pulling back, letting it fall from his lips. Y/N’s mouth fell open as the filthiest moan fell from her lips. 
He began rubbing his lips and tongue against her in a smooth pattern that felt like a love letter. Her hands gripped his, slipping back to his wrists as she writhed with him, completely letting him guide her over the edge. 
A choked moan came as Y/N’s legs squeezed Bucky’s head. She involuntarily curled up. Bucky wiped his mouth as he sat back on his knees, bringing his fingers up, sucking them clean.
He reached down and grasped her thighs, pulling them up and over his. He leaned back down, letting his hands slide up her torso, up and under her breasts, as his lips found hers once more. 
Y/N could feel his tip at her entrance, and it sent a shiver down her spine. 
She clung to his shoulders, nails dragging across his skin as he slowly pushed himself to his base. She felt the stretch as Bucky began to roll his hips, slowly dragging himself in and out. He began to pick up his pace, to read her body and follow her needs. Y/N hand snaked back around Bucky’s neck, as he sat back up on his knees, she clung to him as he continued his relentless pace. Y/N gripped onto the back of his neck with one hand as she found his knee with her other hand, propping herself up. There was no need however, as Bucky held her up, with his metal hand firmly on her ass and his flesh arm wrapped around the small of her back. He watched as her eyes rolled back into her head, his lips catch and dragged up her neck before sucking on her pulse.
Y/N’s body trembled as she fought to hold back, selfishly wanting more yet not knowing if she could take it. 
She felt her core wound as tight as it would go, unable to hold on to it any longer, she let go. Her body shuttered and Bucky could feel her orgasm pulse around him, squeeze him. He continued, fucking her through, dragging her out as far as he could. He was close and couldn't take it anymore. He let Y/N fall back onto the bed, as he pulled out and finished on her stomach. 
Their breathing was heavy as Bucky leaned over once more, bringing his hand up to Y/N face, her eyes glossed over in euphoria. “Are you okay?’
“Yeah,” She shook her head as she let out a sigh, “More than,”
A smile spread across Bucky’s face as he kissed her, “I am going to go get the shower ready for you, is that okay?”
Y/N Shook her head again before gently pressing her lips to his. “I need to lay here for a moment.”
“You just lay here and look pretty,” Bucky pulled himself off the bed.
Bucky walked into the bathroom, turning the water on to let it warm up. He quickly washed himself and cleaned up before setting up the bathroom for Y/N. He pulled a fresh towel out, placing it in the warmer next to the shower. A purchase that at first, he thought was ridiculous but has since rescinded that opinion. 
He heard Y/N soft pitter pats as she walked in, the steam beginning to form and build. “All set, towel is in the warmer.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said as she made her way to the shower.
“Don't be too long, your food will get cold.” Bucky kissed her forehead before he left Y/N to clean up as he went back out and continued to reheat the food, he had gotten for her. While the microwave hummed, he stripped the bed and stretched new sheets from corner to corner. Laid out the blankets and pulled them back slightly ready for Y/N to crawl in. 
He pulled down another plate for himself before playing up the food. Just as he finished cleaning up Y/N walked out. “Smells good.” She came up to Bucky’s side, wrapping a hand around his arm, leaning against his shoulder. “I am so hungry,” a laugh escaped Y/N, her head moved slightly as Bucky moved his arm. “Go eat, I’ll be right there with some water.”
“Thank you,” Y/N grabbed the plate and took a deep smell through her nose and smiled. “You really did get my favorite.” She said as she settled in on the bed and took a bite.
Bucky sat a cup of water down on her side table before crawling in to join her, “I know. I know all your favorites.”
“Oh?” Y/N asked as she took another bite. 
“And I have the rest of the night to figure out the ones I don't know.” A blush spread across Y/N’s cheeks. 
“I am looking forward to it.” She smiled as she glanced over at Bucky. “I could get use to this queen shit.”
“Oh, you just wait Doll,” Bucky replied. “I am just getting started.”
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fanfictionera · 2 years ago
Taming Shadows (AzrielxReader) Smut
A/N: This is my first ACOTAR related fanfiction! I read the series and fell in LOVE with it. I just wanna say that though this fic is about Azriel my heart belongs to all three bat boys...I just had this idea first. 🤣
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Synopsis: When Azriel returns from a rough trip to Hewn City, the reader takes it upon herself to pick the Shadowsinger apart. 
Word Count: 2,745
Warning: Smut, little plot, M/F, slight exhibitionism
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Taming Shadows 
It was just past Midnight as Velaris still hummed with life. Cassian sat opposite Nesta and Y/N, his face set in a neutral façade. He brought his hand up and pushed another hand full of coins and jewels towards the center of the table. Y/N looked between the two mates, she had been pulled into playing cards. With Azriel gone Y/N had her own suspicions as to why they chose this night to play.
With a ghost of a smirk Y/N sat her cards down before pushing every piece she had into the middle. Nesta's mask dropped as her mouth parted slightly and shook her head, "Fold."
"On three?" Cassian cocked an eyebrow.
"One." She started. 
"Two." He continued. 
"Three." They said in unison as they revealed their hands. 
"How!?" Cassian asked.
Y/N chuckled as she reached over her royal flush to claim her prize. "Let's just hope the fate of a war never comes down to a card game." 
Nesta snorted before she laughed, "Ouch." Cassian feigned a wound to his chest.
"Or a dance off." Nesta added as she collected the cards.
"Okay, okay" Cassian exclaimed with a laugh, "I get it I'm practically useless!"
Their laugh echoed out of the room and past the balcony. A small thud pulled their attention as the laughter faded out. Azriel had come back early from Hewn City. Pure exhaustion emanated from his person as his shadows drooped with his posture. The darkness under his eyes spread low and deep. 
Not a word came from Azriel as he walked past them and down the hall towards his room. Cassian and Nesta looked to each other then to Y/N, her gaze still with Azriel. 
"Keep playing, I'll be right back." She said as she stood up. 
Making her way into the kitchen, "House, may I please have a kettle of hot water." She continued to gather items as she heard the clink of a kettle on the table. "Thank you."
Cassian watched as Y/N placed everything on a tray and disappeared down the hall. He looked down at his hand.
"What are you thinking?" Nesta asked as she rearranged hers.
Cassian looked up, catching her gaze. "She's perfect for him." His smile softened.
Y/N came to the last door on the right, balancing the tray in one hand, she brought her other hand up and knocked. No answer. She knocked again, a little louder. No answer.
She reached down and tried the handle. The door was unlocked. She peered in, slowly stepping into the room.
"Az." His name was soft on her lips. 
His bathroom door was ajar, no lights on, his bedroom sat still. She looked out the archway that led outside. He must of flown off. Y/N brought the tray over to a table and sat it down facing the archway.
The door to the bathroom opened fully as Azriel came out, the sound of draining water behind him. A pair of soft pants hung on his hips, his chest was bare as his shadows slowly swirled across his skin. Y/N spun around as he froze, staring at her. 
"I did knock." She said, "I was just dropping off some tea and snacks." She motioned to the tray, "I put some milk and sugar on the side."
Slowly she walked up to him, his eyes following hers, "Thank you." His voice was barely a whisper.
She came up on her tiptoes, her fingers ghosting his chest as she balanced. "Come find me when you are ready." She kissed his cheek before exiting the room.
Several hands later Y/N had cleaned out Cassian and Nesta. They excused themselves for the night as Y/N collected her winnings into her satchel. "Goodnight" she yelled out after them as they left.
She picked up the cards, leaving them neatly in a stack before she made it back to her room. Her winnings made a satisfying noise as she tossed her satchel onto the chest at the end of her bed. Y/N walked into her bathroom and emerged moments later changed into a nightgown. The hem came just to her knees and fabric felt soft and thin against her skin. She walked around, blowing out the various candles, letting the light from the stars flood her room. She stood in the archways of her room, taking in the mesmerizing beauty of Valeris at night. A quiet knock came from the door before it opened and closed. 
Azeriel's footsteps were near silent as he came up behind her, snaking his arms around her middle. His lips connected with her shoulder. "I don't deserve you." 
"Says who?" Y/N let her head fall back to rest on his shoulder. She could feel him relax into her, taking on his weight little by little. "You need sleep." They stood for a moment, slowly swaying, Azeriel's wings fell, nearly brushing the ground as he danced on the edge of consciousness. Y/N grabbed his arms, easily guiding him towards the bed. 
Azriel crawled into the sheets. Laying on his stomach he stretched his wings big, they trembled before he let them drape across the bed and down onto the floor. Y/N loved how comfortable he was, she would never tire of seeing him like this. 
She slowly came up his body, straddling his waist. Her hands roamed his bare back, up and down his spine. Y/N added pressure gradually, pressing deep into the tissue where his wings connected to his back. She could feel every crinkle of a knot as she smoothed it out. Azriel's body twitched fighting sleep as she finished. 
He pulled his wing back as she climbed in beside him, he re-extended his wing shielding them from the outside world. His arms wrapped around her waist as he nuzzled into her neck. Y/N's fingers found their way into his hair, dragging her nails lightly across his scalp. Within seconds Azeriel's breath evened out and he finally fell asleep. 
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The soft morning light slowly creeped across the floor as the sun rose, the shadows of the night pulling back to the deepest corners of the room. Y/N's eyes slowly fluttered open. She glanced down to find the space next to her empty, she reached and ran her hand over the empty spot. Cold.
She took a deep breath before pulling herself out of bed and grabbing her long robe. The silky fabric swayed and pooled around her legs as she walked down the hall. 
Azriel's sat at a large wooden desk, multiple books and papers scattered across its surface, the shadows jumped between various papers. Azriel's finger traveled from word to word as he tried to keep up with his eyes. He slumped back into his chair, the shadows draping back off his shoulders, as he hit another dead end. He took in a deep breath, closed his eyes and let it out. 
The soft touch of fingertips dragging across his jaw drew his attention. His eyes slowly opened as his head was turned upwards to meet Y/N's gaze. 
"You need to rest." She leaned down pressing her lips to his, fingers dragging down his neck, the shadows dancing with the movement.
He glanced over to the table, "I can't." He shook his head slightly as he grabbed her hand. "I can't stop thinking, going over every detail, image, word. If I can just figure it out we could have an upper hand."
"What can I do?" Y/N asked.
He chuckled, "Figure out how to turn my mind off." He kissed her hand.
Y/N accepted the challenge with a soft smile. She stepped behind him, between his wings, letting her free hand slide across his back and over his shoulder. Her hands came together, dragging across his chest before slowly trailing down the exposed skin of his un buttoned tunic. She leaned forward, dipping under the fabric, she let her hands roamed down his abs as her lips pressed just before his ear, to his neck.
Y/N's hands slid across his skin as she continued to step around and in front of him, coming to stand between his legs. She leaned forward, bracing herself on the arm rests, she could feel the edge of the table pressing into her skin.
"Y/N" his voice pulled her eyes to his.
She paused, "Do you want me to stop?" The question came out soft and gentle. 
Azriel took a deep breath, "No."
He grasped her face and pulled her into a kiss, a twinkle in Y/N's eyes could be seen as she slid down his body and onto her knees, his bulge at her eye level. She looked up from under the table, holding his gaze as she untied his pants, pulling the laces loose. Y/N laid her hand against his bulge, pressing her palm into him. She worked the laces until there was enough room for her hand to slide into his pants. 
She felt his hard member pulse against her hand, she wrapped her hands around his shaft and pulled his length out before sliding her fingers back in to gently cup his balls, pulling them out, putting him on full display. With a smirk Y/N continued to hold his gaze, he gripped the armrests as he watched himself slowly disappear into her mouth. 
"Hey Az!" Cassian's voice boomed down the hallway.
Azriel looked to the open door and then down to Y/N with a hint of panic in his eyes. In response Y/N brought her head up letting his tip tug at her bottom lip. She let the tip of her tounge run up the sweet spot on the underside of his head before letting her mouth sink down the entirety of his shaft. His shadows swirling and carrasing her cheeks and neck. "Fuck."
Cassian turned the corner into the study, "Thought I would find you here." He came to the opposite side of the table holding out a scroll. "Rhys told me to give you this." 
As Azriel leaned forward to grab it, he felt himself sink even deeper, Y/N swallowed, constricting her throat around his girth. "Thanks." It came out with a strain to it. As he leaned back Y/N slowly began to bob, up and down his shaft. 
Cassian smirked as he looked down to the table then back to Azreil's and his blown out eyes. Cassian could tell he was fighting to keep his heartbeat steady and if it weren't for the smell that spilled out of the room and into the hallway, Azriel's shadows would have gave him away as they peaked from the underside of the table.
"Pot calling the kettle black, Az?" A shit eating grin spread on Cassian's face. 
"To be fair." He took in a breath as Y/N ran her tongue flat up the underside of his penis, "You've never used this table in your life."
Cassian chuckled as he turned to walk out of the library. "Well you two have a roaring good time" He nodded as he closed the door behind him.
A soft moan fell from Azriel as he looked down. Y/N pushed his chair back slightly as she stood up, his dick hard, standing taught in front of her. Azriel reached up to swipe his thumb across her slick, swollen bottom lip. Y/N wrapped her fingers around his wrist. She glanced up, taking in his gaze as she slowly sunk her lips down, taking his pointer and middle finger into her mouth, letting her lips glide across the dips and pattern of his skin.
Azriel's pupils darkened as his mind went feral, his shadows swirling and flowing between them, unable to contain themselves. He watched as she took his fingers and guided them down. In one movement he brought his knee up inside hers, pressing her stance wider. His fingers slid through her folds, Y/N was dripping, they reached her entrance and he paused. 
With a nudge of her hips, his fingertips pressed into her, she sank down further taking in the length of his finger. Slowly she moved her hips as she rode his fingers.
Azriel leaned up to kiss down her neck, Y/N's fingers slid into his hair. As his lips met the base of her neck, he gently sucked, she let out a moan as her walls fluttered. Azriel pulled his fingers out as Y/N came to straddle him, her slick smeared across her thighs as he gripped onto her supple flesh. Her core slid up the bottom side of his penis as she came up onto her knees.
"Tell me Shadowsinger." Y/N's entrance barely brushed against his tip, "Still able to think?"
He swallowed before his words began to form, "You're go--ghh." His words dying as Y/N slowly lowered herself down his length. With a hand in his hair and the other on the back of the chair for leverage, she began to grind down on him, slowly as far as she could take him. 
Azriel's hands roamed across her ass and up her nightgown, his shadows danced behind his touch. She gripped onto his hair pulling him back, forcing his head against the top lip of the chair, making space for her to lean forward. Her silk covered breasts swayed in front of his face as she moved her hips up and down. As she plunged tip to base she licked up his neck into a kiss.
Her pace faltered, skipped for a moment and Azriel took his que. He bucked his hips up into her causing her to sit up, taking in as much as she could as he continued to rut up into her. She leaned back, her robe falling between his knees, as her shoulders kissed the table. Unable to contain himself, he slid her fully on the table as he stood, still keeping pace. 
Y/N reached up, gripping the edge of the table, his shadows swirling around her wrists and down her arms. They slid under her nightgown caressing her tits. Azriel's set a relentless pace as Y/N reached up clinging to his neck and shoulders, the shadows moving towards the connection. She had not been aware how loud she was until she let out a low guttural moan.
"Look at me," Ariel's voice was low as Y/N looked up, through her lashes, a blissed out haze clouded her eyes. With several pumps her walls clenched down, squeezing him, the pressure pushing him over the edge.  His roar made the room shake and echoed out into the morning.
He leaned down, gently kissing Y/N. Their chests heaved as they caught their breaths. Soft touches came between them as they both came down. Slowly he pulled out of her, Y/N sighed from the overstimulation, but felt instantly empty. 
She sat up, letting her legs dangle over the edge as Azriel placed his hands on either side of her hips, bracing against the table.  His shadows slowly draped and flowed around them.
She reached up and pulled him into a soft gentle kiss. "Will you please come rest now?"
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Azriel woke to the stars of Valeris greeting him. The night was clear and crisp as a warm glow came from the city below. He slowly moved, his limbs stiff from how hard he slept, turning over onto his back. His shadows lazily swam over the folds and creases of the sheets. He could hear soft humming coming from the bathroom, a warmth blooming in his chest.
The humming slowly stopped as she emerged from the bathroom, “Feeling better?”
Azriel sat up as Y/N walked into the room. “Gods, so much better.” He pulled himself to the edge of the bed.
Y/N walked into the starlight, “Good.” She untied her robe and let it slip off her shoulders, his shadows danced down her body as it chased the fabric to the floor.
His pupils dilated, as he took in Y/N’s naked form, her curves being accentuated by the night. He reached down as he stood, undoing his pants as he stalked towards her. He grabbed her waist as he kissed her, pushing her backwards out onto the balcony.
He pressed her back into the rough stone of the balcony railing, “I like the lighting better out here.”
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fanfictionera · 2 years ago
Just Us (BuckyBarnesxReader) Smut
A/N: The final part, very spicy and a fitting end to this little trilogy of writing. Thank You to everyone and anyone who has read any part of this, liked it or even reblogged. You guys are awesome. Enjoy!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Synopsys: The time is right, it feels right and between the two of them they can decide what to do. After a lovely meal Bucky and Y/N make a decision that solidifies their feeling for one another. 
Word Count: 2,279
Warnings: SMUT. SMUT. SMUT. Alcohol consumption and just smut. 
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Just Us
Y/N walked into the common area, changed into a comfy pair of shorts and one of Bucky's shirts. "What are you making, because it smells fantastic!" she said as she walked up behind Bucky wrapping her arms around his waist.
Bucky chuckled, "Welcome home and spaghetti, how was the rest of your day?"
"Meh, it was okay." Y/N pulled herself up onto an unused section of the counter, picking up a piece of paper that was laying there, "Mostly just boring paperwork and meetings that could have been an email. Where is everyone?"
"Got called out on a mission." Bucky replied as he walked over the fridge and pulled out some ground meat.
Y/N hummed in response as she looked over the paper, an old index card of sorts, with very neat and whimsical handwriting on it. She flipped it over to see initials scribbled in the corner. "Who's S.R?"
Bucky smiled, "Sarah Rogers." He stirred the contents of the pan making it sizzle louder.
"This is Sarah Rogers' spaghetti and meat sauce recipe?" Y/N's eyebrows shot up, "As in Steve's mom?"
Bucky shook his head, "Uh huh"
"I would have loved to meet her." Y/N started, “Honestly, I could not have been Steve’s mom, that's a level of motherhood reserved for literal saints.”
Bucky laughed as he turned the burner down before coming to stand in front of Y/N, "You remind me of her." He gently took the paper from her fingertips, to read the next step. "She was kind and thoughtful but beware the moment you crossed her.” He let out a short whistle, “She was a hell of a woman."
"Sounds like you had a crush on Steve’s mom." Y/N teased.
Bucky hit the tip of her nose with the paper, "She definitely had an influence on my type." She took the paper as he turned his attention back to the stove. “Steve got a box from the museum, all filled with random pictures and letters. There was also a recipe box tucked away in the bottom.”
“Does this mean you’ll be cooking more?” Y/N hopped off the counter.
Bucky started to add the noodles to the sauce, “Will that be a problem?” It came out as a teasing tone.
“Did I say it was?” Y/N grabbed some plates down and sat them on the counter, “I very much like the view.”
"Uh huh, well take these to the table and experience the view from over there." Bucky smirked as he handed her the plates.
Y/N brought them to the table as she heard the clinking of glasses behind her. Bucky placed a glass down before pouring out some wine.
He held the red liquid up, "To Sarah"
"To Sarah." Y/N replied before she took a sip of wine.
 Two clean plates and an empty bottle of wine later Bucky held Y/N close as he swayed with the soft music playing. In one move he pulled and twirled Y/N who let out a giggle.
"Is this what you did to get all the ladies back then?" Y/N asked as they continued to dance.
Bucky shook his head with a chuckle "Yup, every single one of them."
"I knew it!" Y/N exclaimed, with a playful smile.
Bucky pressed against Y/N's back, pulling her towards him. He pulled her close, her cheek ghosted beside his chin, with one hand still around her waist his other danced over hers as it rested on his chest.
"Now this, I only do for the ladies I really like." Bucky's breath tickled her skin.
Slowly he guided her towards the kitchen island, letting his hands slide down to her thighs, lifting her up onto the counter.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she glanced up and was instantly enraptured by his gaze. "How many do you really like?" Y/N's question a whisper.
"Just one." Their faces slowly drifted closer until their lips met, this time felt different. It was slow and intense. It was addictive. His hands came up to cradle her head as he deepened the kiss.
He pulled away, letting his head rest against her forehead, their breathing heavy as time seemed to stop. Waiting for the other to move.
“Come on,” Bucky leaned forward giving a gentle kiss before helping Y/N off the counter.
Y/N climbed up on the bed as Bucky closed the door. She took in the familiar comfort of Bucky’s room. Slowly Bucky walked up to Y/N, leaning down to look her in the eyes. "Right here, it's just us," Bucky leaned in as he brought his hand up to cradle the side of her face, "What do you want?"
The way he looked at her, like nothing else existed, that the world truly stopped at the walls of his room. She could feel the heat grow on her skin and her heart pounding in her ears as time seemed to stop. A nervous excitement bubbled through her body following the words rising up her throat, "You. I want you."
Y/N saw Bucky's pupils darken as he captured her lips. Y/N leaned into the kiss, instantly addicted to the energy. Slowly Bucky guided her back towards bed as his lips trailing across her jaw. She lulled her head to the side, giving him more room. Bucky turned them, so he could sit on the edge of the bed before pulling Y/N onto his lap. His hands slipped under her shirt, dragging across her skin, before he pulled the fabric up over her head.
His eyes instantly fell to the tops of her breasts and slowly he leaned in to kiss the soft plump skin not contained by her bra. Y/N's fingers danced up the back of his scalp at the sensation before she grasped onto the strands, pulling his head back to kiss on his neck. A breath of a moan left Bucky's lips.
He grasped his shirt pulling it off, making Y/N break contact for a moment, and obstructing his view. Once discarding his shirt his gaze fell back on Y/N, her eyes wide and excited, a small smile pulled at her lips.
She slid off his thighs and stood within arm’s reach, Bucky leaned back and watched as she slowly unclipped her bra. Y/N let the delicate fabric slide down her arms and to the floor before hooking her fingers into her waistband and giving her bottoms a tug. As her clothes hit the floor, leaving her completely bare, she took a breath before looking back up at Bucky propped up on his elbows drinking in the site in front of him.
He took in every curve and line that made up her body. It made his cock throb. Before he could do anything about it, Y/N came between his legs, she leaned over, her breasts ghosting over him. She ran her hands up his torso before dragging them back down, Bucky lifted his hips as she pulled his sweatpants and briefs down.
He groaned at her eagerness. He sat up and grabbed Y/N by the back of her head, pulling her into a heated kiss. He felt a shiver run through her body as she was maneuvered back onto his lap.
Her hips began to grind back and forth, rubbing herself up and down the length of the underside of his member, coating it in her slick. Pulling back, she rested her forehead against his. Their breathing heavy. Rising onto her knees, Bucky's cock sprung up, his head just at her entrance.
A pause, her hooded eyes met his. "You look drunk." A smile pulled at her lips.
"I am," He captured her lips in a slow dance, slowly Y/N sunk down, letting herself adjust to his girth. "Dear Go--I have never drank anything as strong as this--aghhh." He felt himself bottom out and had to fight the urge to take control.
Y/N let her head lazily fall to his shoulder, placing a kiss to his collarbone, "Don't move, not yet." She rolled her head to face his neck, "I feel so full."
"Let's compromise," She could feel his voice rumble as he spoke, "I'll go slow." His large hands palmed her hips and began to lift her up before sliding back in.
Y/N picked herself up off his shoulder in response and gently pushed him back onto the bed. Using his chest for leverage Y/N began to roll her hips.
"F-fuck," He let his fingers clench down on her thighs. Y/N slid her hands on top of his as she sat up. Letting herself sink further down, the new depth sending a wave of pleasure prickling over her skin. Bucky watched Y/N fall into a high like trance as she found her rhythm.  
He could feel his adrenaline begin to release and his stomach twitched as she picked up the pace. Her hand slid off his, trailing it across her thigh, to her core.
Taking a mental picture of her before he all but snapped. Bucky's hands slid behind Y/N's thighs. He pulled her in, making her brace on his chest again before he began to rut up into her. A moan ripped from her throat.
Bucky picked her up completely before repositioning them both on the bed, Y/N arched up, her shoulders pressing into the mattress as he began to take over. He leaned back slightly and watched himself disappear inside her before moving his hips in a slow and steady rhythm. He kissed up her chest, letting his thumb and forefinger graze the underside of her breasts. Her eyes fluttered shut as she slipped her fingers into his hair.
His nose brushed the bottom of her chin before he kissed her again, "Tell me if it's too much,"
Y/N opened her eyes to meet his, she saw a flicker of anxious reassurance. "I will," She kissed him again, "Don't hold back."
He leaned down, supporting himself on his forearms, on either side of her head. With every thrust he began to pick her apart. He felt Y/N respond to him as she raked her nails over his thighs.
Bucky could feel her squeezing him, he reached down. Letting his hand splay and slide down her stomach until his thumb brushed across her throbbing core. Y/N let out a strangled moan as her hips shot up. Bucky could feel the hardened bundle of nerves glide against the pad of his thumb. With every swipe her walls fluttered.
He began rubbing in circles making her squirm under him while he set a hungry pace.
Y/N wasn't even going to attempt to contain the moans that fell from her mouth. She could feel a heat building inside her and with each thrust it grew brighter and warmer. A flash of white-hot energy surged through her body as a string of moans fell from her mouth.
He felt her clench down. A groan came from Bucky as he pushed the pace, fucking Y/N through her orgasm. With several more stuttering movements Bucky followed, pulling out and climaxing on her torso. He turned over, collapsing beside her. He glanced over to see Y/N’s eyes were glossed over as a tear fell from the corner of her eyes, disappearing into her hairline. Bucky faced her, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/n shook her head as she met his gaze, “That felt amazing. It was an intense release I didn't know I needed.” A soft laugh followed her words as she wiped away the tears.
Bucky brought his hand up to caress her jaw as he kissed her temple, “Good. Is it alright if I go start the shower?”
“Mh-mm, I don't wanna move yet.” Y/N replied.
“Alright, I’ll be back for you in a minute.” Bucky kissed her again before getting up.
The hot shower continued the feeling of euphoria. As the water trickled down their skin they explored one another, tracing the others’ skin in abstract paths. As they climbed back in bed Bucky pulled Y/N closer, tucking her in beside him. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight. Love you.” Y/N said as she began to drift off.
“Love you too.” Bucky followed Y/N into slumber.
 It was late in the morning when the rest of the team arrived back. Sam, Steve and Natasha looked exhausted as they walked into the common room.
"What's going on here?" Sam was the first to question.
They looked around to see the remnants of cooking scattered around, plates and forgotten wine still on the table. As they looked at one another, two voices danced their way down the hallway, pulling their attention.
Y/N walked in first, clearly wearing Bucky's shirt as it fell to barely cover her rear. She stopped dead in her tracks as she instantly saw the team.
Bucky ran into her, "What is-" His question answered as Sam started a slow clap. Steve and Nat joined in as they tried to keep from laughing.
Y/N's face instantly reddened as she tried to hide her smile against Bucky. "Omg, please tell me this is not happening."
Hoots and hollers carried on as they walked past them, Steve patted Bucky's shoulder as he walked by before Sam tried to give Bucky a high five that he did not reciprocate. "Rude man," Sam's laughter echoes down the hallway.
"Congrats," Nat said as she walked away, "Have fun kids!"
"If only we stayed in your room." Y/N shook her head.
"Eh," Bucky replied. "They would've found out anyway, breakfast?"
"Please." Y/N said before Bucky led her over to the space of the counter she was sitting on the night before.
He picked her up, helping her onto the counter, "Now you just sit there and enjoy the view."
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fanfictionera · 2 years ago
Love You (BuckyBarnesxReader)
A/N: Here is the long awaiting part 2 to Missed You! There will be a part 3...much sooner than when this was posted....mainly because part 3 spoke to me much more than part 2 so I had to write that first before my brain would focus on part 2. 😅😆
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Bucky and Y/N have crossed the lines that they where fearful to take. Not with a plunge or with a leap but in slow steady strides they take in sync. Or do they? What happens when reactions from the outside question what's happening on the inside? 
Word Count: 2,687
Warnings: Where a helmet, please. Be safe. People in love. No smut but tune into part 3 😉
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Love You
Y/N slowly blinked awake before rolling over reaching for her phone that was charging on the nightstand. Just as the phone screen lit up, she was pulled back by Bucky's strong arms. He kissed the back of her neck, where it met her shoulder.
"I don't want to know what time it is," his voice was deeper in the morning, more gravely, right after he woke up. 
It was one of Y/N's favorite sounds. "What about Sam and Steve?"
"Who?" Y/N could hear the smirk in his voice. "Never heard of em'" 
Y/N snuggled back further "Alright, if you say so." 
The room fell into a warm silence as they took in the last few minutes before their bubble would be popped. All too soon there were the soft tones of the alarm going off. 
"Oh I remember now." Bucky let out a laugh through his nose. "The two pains in my ass who make me go with them to the VA."
"Come on, you like going." Y/N smiled. 
Bucky shook his head against the pillow, "Not when there's an exceptionally gorgeous woman in my bed." He captured her lips with his before climbing out of bed.
Y/N could feel the heat dance across her cheeks as she watched him begin to pick out his clothes. 
Unabashedly, she watched him change, "Are you working out after?"
Bucky turned, pulling his shirt over his head and down his torso "Yeah I think so. We'll be at the VA till three-ish and then probably will go on a run or something." Y/N hummed in response as she shifted flat onto her stomach, wrapping her arms firmly around her pillow. "You still hanging with Nat today?"
"At some point." Bucky sat down on the edge of the bed to put his socks on as she spoke. "She got back late last night so I'm going to enjoy a lazy morning before I go bug her."
"Lucky." Bucky said before getting up to go into the bathroom.
A few moments later Bucky walked out and came up to the side of the bed, leaning over onto his hands, he hovered for a moment above Y/N.
He leaned down giving one last final kiss to her exposed shoulder. "Alright, I gotta go. I'll see you later and we'll figure out something to do."
"Sounds like a plan, have fun." Y/N watched Bucky leave, closing the door behind him. She rolled back over attempting to fall back asleep but only achieving a dreamy lethargic state.
Y/N finally began to wake up a short while later. She curled her arms up and out, her limbs pulling into a deep involuntary stretch. She grabbed her phone and opened her messages.
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Jk come over whenever
Y/N: Solid. I'm gunna shower first
N: Door will be unlocked 😎
 Y/N pulled herself out of the bed and made her way to the door. With a click behind her she closed Bucky's door and trudged down the hall to her room. She quickly refreshed herself before pulling on comfy clothes. As she walked out the door, she grabbed her phone. 
Y/N opened Nat's door to find her propped up in bed, a controller in hand, her attention on the TV. "Hey, I just started a match." 
"Are you going to wear this or can I take it?" Another voice pulled Y/N's gaze. "Cuz it's really cute and I think I would wear it more." Yalena stood in front of a mirror, holding one of Natasha's shirts up to herself.
"Yalena!" Y/N said in shock.
She turned around, "Here and present."
Y/N all but launched herself at Yalena, wrapping her in a hug. "What are you doing here? How longs your stay!?"
"I had some work in New York, okay, okay, that's enough, you are suffocating me" Her voice strained slightly as she pushed Y/N back playfully, her phone notification rang out, "and only tonight." Yalena said as she pulled her phone out. "So spill, you and Barnes?"
Y/N looked at her with a slight squint to her eyes as she silently questioned Yalena. "It's going really well."
Nat held back a smirk as Yalena turned her full attention fully back to Y/N, deadpan. "Wow. I came all the way here--"
"From New York." Y/N interjected.
Yalena sighed, "Yes, I came all the way from the New York, and that's all I get? come on!"
Y/N fell back on the bed as Yalena sat down next to her sister. "I mean, yeah? What do you want to know?" 
"You've must of gone on dates? Done things together? Have you found out what his favorite movie is? Food? The sex must be fantastic--ouch!" Yalena was interrupted by Natasha's elbow in her side. "What!? He's a super soldier, tell me I'm wrong." Yalena directed her question back at Y/N as her phone went off again.
"Y/N you do not have to answer that and who's that Ms. Popular?" Nat tried to grab for her phone.
"Hey!" Yalena quickly moved it out of reach, "If you must know its Kate Bishop."
"Who's Kate Bishop?" Y/N asked as she sat up.
Yalena quickly stashed her phone away, "Oh no, this is not about me it's about you and Barnes."
"Look all I can tell you is he's amazing." Y/N began, "We just exist on the same frequency, we get each other and can read each other. It's a feeling I've never had with anyone else."
"Oh my god." Yalena smiled. "You guys haven't done it yet!"
"Yalena," Nat exclaimed.
"No, we haven't!" Y/N exclaimed, "Ya happy?"
Both Nat and Yalena stared at you for a second, "Wait, really?" Nat asked as her brows furrowed slightly.
"Yeah? Why?" Y/N replied as her gaze fell.
Yalena's phone dinged again, "You have more patience than me," Yalena spoke as she typed, "There's literally nothing stopping you from just climbing on that man and--ouch--HEY!" Yalena recoiled again as Nat tried to take her phone. "What? I'm giving her girl advice. You told me to make more friends and I did, I have Kate bishop and Y/N Y/L/N." Natasha glared at her, "I am just doing what you said, gosh." 
"What my sister is trying to say," Nat smiled, "Is, you look very happy and we love that for you."
"Give me this. What are you even playing?" Yalena asks as she takes the controller from Nat. "Car soccer?"
"This map, yes." Nat raised an eyebrow slightly as she spoke. 
The day continued on as they lounged around and relaxed. At some point their game was forgotten as they sunk back into the mattress, scrolling on their phones.
"We were talking about going out tonight, you should come with." Yalena said to Y/N.
Y/N thought for a moment, "Like how out?"
"We are going to the Wiggle Room." Nat answered back.
"Yeah, thank you but no.” Y/N laughed slightly, “I did not mentally prepare for that."
Yalena climbed over Y/N as she got out of the bed, “Whatever, you’re lame, moving on, seriously can I wear this shirt?” Y/N and Nat burst out laughing, “What? It's cute, I’m wearing it.”
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"Hey," Bucky's voice was soft as he placed a kiss on Y/N's cheek before making his way to his dresser.
Y/N didn't even hear him come in, She smiled back, "Hey."
Bucky was pulling clothes out of his drawer when he stopped what he was doing and turned around. "What's up?"
"Huh," Her smile widened and she let out a shaky laugh as she let her head fall slightly. Of course he could tell. "If I said nothing would you believe me." Bucky grabbed a shirt and paused waiting for her to look back up at him.
She glanced up, "Didn't think so."
"I'm going to clean up, then we can go get some food." He said as he headed towards the bathroom. "Or watch a movie."
Bucky knew by not pushing the subject she would come around quicker and by distracting her, would give her a moment to forget about whatever was swirling in her head. 
Y/N sat at the edge of the bed trying not to let her thoughts overwhelm her. Taking several deep breaths she focused on her breathing, inhaling and exhaling.
She heard the shower turn on before Bucky walked back into the room, throwing a dirty towel into the basket. He could see Y/N drowning. He walked over, letting his hands slide up her arms, pulling her out of her head. "Food or Movie?"
"Food, I think." Y/N responded just as her stomach growled slightly.
Bucky gripped her hands and pulled her up off the bed, "Food it is, why don't you go change and then meet me in the garage."
"Not the kitchen?" Y/N face scrunched in confusion. 
Bucky chuckled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, "I'm taking you out to get food. If that's okay with you?"
A bubbly sensation of excitement grew in Y/N, "Yeah, um, I guess I'm okay with that." A smile grew on her face.
"Then go get changed and meet me in the garage." He guided her towards the door and she let him lead her. He opened the door and stood to the side. 
Just before Y/N made it through the doorway she spun quickly to face him, "Can we take your bike?" He could see the glint of excitement in her eyes. 
Y/N felt his hands come to either side of her face and pull her lips to his. She hung onto his forearms as he slowly pushed her back into the hallway, never breaking the kiss. "Yes, yes we can." 
Y/N smiled before making her way back to her room. Bucky closed the door before rubbing his hands down his face, "She will be the death of me." His lips pulled at the corners as he grabbed a new towel and walked into the bathroom to finally take a shower.
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The late afternoon sun was warm and hazy as Bucky navigated his bike down nine west. The road weaved around and through the rural tree filled area. Small pockets of civilization popped up, reminding them they were still very much in New York. 
Y/N loved feeling the wind tug at her strands of hair, the air on her face and the bike rumbling beneath her. As the world zoomed by her hands lazily clung to Bucky's sides. A feeling that would always make his stomach flutter. 
He remembered the first time Y/N had gone for a ride with him. He remembers how flustered she was and how she tried to hide it. Yet by the end of the ride she had relaxed and let her guard down. He had lost count how many times they would just go for a drive. 
Before long the Mid-Hudson bridge came into view. After they crossed the river, Bucky took a few side roads until a small restaurant came into view. The white box-shaped building had blue accents and a sign reading River Station Steak and Seafood, with a swordfish in the center. It sat right on the river and the bridge was in full view from the parking lot.
"You ready for some good food?" He asked after shutting his bike off.
Y/N pulled herself off the bike, "Always!" She leaned over to give him a kiss before he got up as well. 
River Station was a local restaurant that Bucky and Y/N visited quite often. It was about twenty minutes from the compound and allowed them to get away without going all the way into the big city. Bucky opened the door for Y/N and followed her in, his hand naturally finding its way to her lower back as they walked through the restaurant. Past the small groups of families and dates sitting in the dining area inside and the handful of people at the bar watching a game on the large flat screen tv's. 
They continued out onto the outdoor porch seating area. Large bulb string lights swayed across the space. Mesh metal tables accompanied by dual matching chairs scattered across the wood slatted deck. Their usual spot, with the perfect view of the bridge, was open and they sat down. 
"Hey guys," The server came up, "Starting with the usual drinks?"
"Kaitlyn!" Y/N exclaimed, "How's Po doing?" Kaitlyn's shoulders relaxed down as she sighed in relief. "He's doing great! He's back to his normal self."
"Oh good!" Y/N replied. 
Bucky could only watch the interaction completely enamored. He knew that Y/N had been wondering how Po was doing after his surgery. Kaitlyn had found the injured puppy wandering around the restaurant after her shift one day and took the little weenie dog in. What Y/N didn't know was after they had found out Kaitlyn had picked up some extra shifts to pay for the surgery, Bucky found out which vet clinic Po was at and paid for the surgery. 
"I'll be right back with those drinks!" Kaitlyn smiled before walking away. 
Y/N looked back across at Bucky, finding a lazy smile on his lips and soft sparkle on his eyes, "What?"
"Nothing." Bucky picked up his menu, "Can I not appreciate my girlfriend?"
Before long they were a few drinks in and food scattered the table like a feast. Y/N stared out over the river watching the reflection of the bridge and sky dance and travel across the water's surface. Completely entranced, she slowly took a sip of her drink. 
"Penny for your thoughts?" Bucky asked as he popped a piece of calamari in his mouth. 
Y/N eyes slowly came in contact with his, she took a deep breath. "Just Nat and Yelena." 
"Today?" Bucky clarified.
Y/N sat her drink down, "Yeah, I haven't seen Yalena since we started dating so of course she wanted to know everything." Y/N playfully rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "We were just talking, well, she was gently interrogating."
"Unfortunately she knows her own power." Bucky replied.
"Fortunately for me she doesn't work on me." Y/N shook her head slightly as she let out a sigh, "they had a reaction to something I said and I wasn't expecting it."
"About what?" Bucky pressed.
Y/N shrugged slightly, "They found out we haven’t had sex yet."
"Oh," Bucky's response was soft. "And it bothers you?
"Not at all." Y/N was looking at him, "It's just- they seemed shocked we haven't. Like genuinely shocked, I think they got in my head." Y/N shrugged her shoulders defeatedly before taking another sip of her drink.
She looked out over the water and Bucky could see her eyes glassing over. He reached over and took Y/N's hand in his, his thumb slowly ran the ridges of her knuckles. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm just enjoying this." Y/N smiled, "I don't know if where we are at is considered a stage but, --" Y/N tried to find her words.
Bucky's heart felt like it melted in his chest, "You're not done experiencing it." Bucky finished for her. He could feel her body tone shift, her body relax and her shoulders ease down.
Bucky squeezed her hand, "You know I didn't think I would ever get to experience this kind of love." He paused, "With you everything slows down, time doesn't exist. It's almost like I'm getting some of those years back through you."
A bubbly feeling rose through Y/N's chest as a smile grew on her face, "You could have just said you love me." 
"I love you." Without missing a beat he replied. 
Bucky's gaze was unwavering as he held hers. "Ready to head back?" 
"Back where?" A smile grew behind the glass she held in front of her lips. 
"Oh, just the Compound, where we live." Bucky chuckled slightly.
Y/N shook her head, "Never heard of it."
"Alright." God Bucky loved her. " Well, if we have nowhere to go, how do you feel about a sunset drive?" An instant wave of glee spread through Y/N as she shook her head. “Then let's get out of here.”
Part 3 Coming Soon
Tag List: @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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fanfictionera · 2 years ago
Hi, hun! Hope you're doing well! :) I was wondering if you're still planning on posting Part 2 of 'Missed You'. It's one of my top comfort Bucky x reader fics, I love it so much!
Omg it is! 🥺🥺🥺 have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you ♥️.
I will be honest I have been in this writers block/the writing vibes have been off kinda mood for far too long. Not sure if it's stress or anxiety or just general living ya know, but it's mostly written and I am going to do my best to get that out.
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
Phone. Only my phone.
I will do a final edit and upload on the laptop but everything is on my phone. So I can pretty much write anytime I feel like it.
Grocery Shopping. Car Rides. Family Gatherings. Chillin' on the Couch. Taking a Bath. Sometimes in the Shower. My urge to write strikes and any and all times of the day so I must be prepared.
sorry someone irl just told me that they write all of their stuff on their phone and like. that's psychotic behavior....reblog and tell me if you write on your phone or a laptop more
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
But like, yes.
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
Okay...people hear me out. I found this old war poster and can we just!?!?!?
I need this to be Sam, Steve and Bucky. Just imagine it, Bucky in the shower, Steve toweling off and Sam behind him probably ribbing someone.
If only I could draw! 😅😭😭
If you are an artist person who decides they like this idea enough to do it, please tag me so I can cry and tell you how amazing you are. ❤❤❤ Until then I will imagine it and be happy. 😂🤣
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
His Face:
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Y/N: Do you trust me?
Bucky: No
Y/N: *mumbles* Smart man.
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fanfictionera · 3 years ago
Missed You (BuckyBarnesxReader)
A/N: I had a few very foggy and rainy days where I live and I was inspired to write this. I haven't been able to write a lot lately so I took advantage of the inspiration. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Bucky is off on a mission, not a long one by any means but long enough for tY/N to unwittingly succumb to her feelings. But once the realization of those lines being crossed are acknowledged, will it be okay?
Word Count: 2640
Warning: Friends to lovers, making out, things get heated but no smut. 
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Missed You
The light pitter patter of rain against the large windows of the common room created a soothing pattern of percussion.  The world was blanketed in a filter that muted colors and toned down the landscape. Wisps of fog rolled in off of the lake, dancing between the trees and creeping across the tall grass.
Y/N stood in the kitchen, looking out the window, as she waited for her tea to steep. She hadn't turned on the lights leaving her in a blue hue from the storm. Once her tea was done she crawled into place on the couch, to watch the rain come down and let her mind wonder.
With so many out on missions, the compound seemed to relax with Y/N. Usually Y/N looked forward to being the one holding down the fort. It gave her the alone time she loved and craved. However this time felt different. Wanda was off with Vision while Steve, Bucky, Sam and Nat were off on a recon. It was only a three day mission and it was already day two, but Y/N felt off. She felt bored and her indecisiveness wasn't helping her current mental state.  
She forced herself to keep busy but every activity was missing something. Or someone. 
Y/N started in the gym, thinking a good workout would be just what she needed. However it was too quiet and no volume of music could fill the void. Bucky was loud when he worked out. Grunting and breathing through everything he did. He was always Y/N's spotter and could always sense when she needed a push or help focusing. Pulling her ear bud out of her ear plunged Y/N into the stilled silence of the gym. 
Frustrated, Y/N abandoned her workout and hit the showers as the water washed over her, she felt the underlying agitation throughout her body. Pulling on an oversized sweater after her shower Y/N decided to make some food and distract herself with a movie. Her indecisiveness was still strong as nothing looked good, nothing sounded good. Checking and rechecking every cupboard and the fridge, Y/N finally gave up and retreated to the couch. 
In the darkness of the storm the light from the TV formed a beacon. Flashes of light in an even pattern skipped within the room as Y/N browsed titles. Nothing grabbed her attention and the ones that did were on the list to watch with Bucky, he had become a movie connoisseur of sorts. Most nights the team could find Y/N and Bucky in front of a TV, Bucky was always up for any genre and any story. Once the credits rolled he would give his honest opinion and if he liked the movie enough he would write it down in the movie journal Y/N had gotten him for his birthday. Y/N realized she had been scrolling through titles and not even reading them. 
Turning off the TV, the room plunged back into its stormy mood. That's when Y/N decided to make herself a cup of tea. Pulling herself off the couch, Y/N sauntered up to the glass window until she could see her faint reflection like a ghost drifting across the pane. Her sweater that once belonged to Bucky, fell mid thigh and hung askew off her neck leaving a shoulder exposed. She clutched the warm ceramic to her chest as she stared at herself. 
After a deep breath Y/N sat her tea down and began to let herself roam. Each step brought her closer to who her heart wanted to be with.
Y/N came to a stop in front of Bucky's door. Gently she placed a hand on the smooth surface, splaying her fingers out, before letting it slide down to the door knob and turned it. 
The door clicked open much to Y/N's surprise. She stepped into the darkness of his room. Closing the door behind her Y/N felt like she was in some forbidden garden. But rather than being surrounded by plants and flowers she was surrounded by Bucky.
Y/N let her fingers glide across the spines of Bucky's ever growing collection of books as she walked passed. 
Several old journals sat in a stack among papers on his desk, another, his newest sat on his bedside table. A well worn couch sat on the other side of the room, across from a TV. A record player sat nestled in the corner. 
Y/N slowly circled around Bucky's room, finally coming to a stop at the foot of his bed where a long old trunk sat. Bucky's sweatshirt lay out, along with a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, something she guessed he sat out before he left.
Picking up the sweatshirt, she brought it up to her face, inhaling his familiar scent of sandalwood, oakmoss and a hint of lavender. Y/N smiled as she sat it down and took in his bed. 
Mostly made, with some of the blankets not quite pulled tight and his pillows haphazardly strewn in front of the headboard. Before Y/N realized it she was crawling into his bed and nestling down into the covers. She rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. Taking in all the details. The way the shadows casted across the smooth surface and the striking flashes the lightning created. There was a start of a spider web in one of the corners and a small crack in the paint, very faint, branching from the light fixture. Y/N wondered how much more she was missing and if Bucky had it all memorized. For the first time in two days she felt still.
Engulfed by the safety of the blankets Y/N began to drift asleep as the rain continued and thunder rolled softly in the distance.
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"We're twenty minutes out." Nat announced as she flicked a few more controls into place. 
Steve sat down next to Bucky, "I can't wait to get back." Bucky said as his friend got comfortable.
"To see Y/N?" Sam teased. 
"No." Bucky's response was a little too quick, "I mean, yeah but, not like that."
Everyone went quiet, Bucky watched as they gave each other a look, a silent conversation that they all agreed on. 
"Stop," Bucky said as he noticed.
"What?! We all see how the two of you are." Steve replied. 
Sam chuckled. "I would put money on the two of you feeling the same exact way about each other."
"How much?" Nat shot back.
"Guys!" Bucky almost sounded exasperated. "Look, I'm just enjoying this with Y/N and seeing what happens." Bucky looked down at his fidgeting fingers. "For the first time when I blink, five, ten, twenty years haven't passed. When I blink Y/N's still there and I'm not done experiencing that feeling."
Sam shook his head, "You know when I met you, you ripped the steering wheel off my car, through the windshield, while I was going like 80 on the freeway? Now look at you, all soft and in love."
"Sam, I say this with every fiber of my being, fuck off." Bucky shot a thin lipped smile back at his friend as laughter filled the quinjet. 
"Alright, alright." Sam held his hands up in defeat. He got up and joined Natasha at the front of the quinjet. 
"For what it's worth, I'm really happy you have Y/N" Steve said as he nudged Bucky's arm. 
"Me too." Bucky replied.
After landing, the quinjet was secured and supplies put away. Everyone was free to do their own thing. Bucky began to unclip and unzip his suit as he walked towards his room. He was itching to peel his suit off and take a nice long hot shower, scrub away the filth that clung to his skin. After mission showers were his favorite. He could stay in the hot water for hours if he wanted. He was debating if after he would see if Y/N was still awake, or if he should just wait till tomorrow, he could feel how tired he was. He chuckled to himself knowing full well she would scold him for choosing her over sleep.  
As he opened his door his thoughts ceased to exist. His smile faded into shock as he blinked several times. Bucky almost didn’t believe the sight of Y/N, in one of his old sweaters, fast asleep in his bed. Bucky felt his heart thud in his chest and his brain go into overdrive to process what he walked in to see. 
Slowly he closed the door, then carefully and silently he gathered his clothes from the trunk and made his way into the bathroom. As he walked he couldn't stop glancing back at Y/N, almost as if he thought she would disappear in a blink. As he realized it was real, that she was actually there in his bed, his lips pulled into a smile and he couldn't help the wave of emotions that crashed over him. 
No longer wanting to take a shower, the water took far too long to heat up, his hair one too many washes, and the grime that coated his skin felt like pine tar. With a final rinse and check he turned the water off and stepped out of his all but fifteen minute shower. 
He toweled off and grabbed his sweatpants. As he pulled his shirt over his head he heard a knock at the door. Bucky's eyes bulged in panic. Silently he entered his room to see Y/N still asleep. Another knock and Bucky immediately was at the door and opened it. Steve waltzed right in.
"Here's the paper--" He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyebrows shot up and he looked at Bucky.
Bucky came beside him, "Look I don't know, I was just as surprised as you." He whispered. 
"Just get the paperwork to me sometime tomorrow." Steve handed Bucky the thick ream of the report, slapping his chest with it before Bucky grabbed it.
Bucky rolled his eyes as he could feel his friend's excitement for him as he left. As the door shut Y/N began to stir. Her eyes slowly blinked open and she turned her head to see Bucky standing there. Instantly her eyes shot open wide as she remembered where she was.
"Oh my god." She immediately began to pull the covers off of herself. "I am so sorry, this is --"
As she talked Bucky casually tossed the paperwork onto the trunk with a thud and climbed over top of Y/N. She instantly froze.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked as he settled behind her.
He pulled her back down onto the bed, "Joining you." 
"Oh, okay." Y/N could feel her heart beating against her ribs.
Bucky pulled her in close flat against his body, "Not that I'm complaining, but how did you find your way into my bed?" Y/N could feel his breath on her shoulder as he talked. 
"Um, I don't know." Y/N's stomach was in knots as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say. "I just missed you."
She felt Bucky's lips on her bare shoulder pull into a smile, "I missed you too." 
All the tension and butterflies seemed to lift out of Y/N's body. Bucky could feel her body begin to relax back into him.
The rain still beat against the window and as Y/N lay there she had an urge that began to bubble up from her stomach. Her heart sped up and she knew this was her chance. She lifted up Bucky's arm as she turned over to meet his gaze. 
Without giving herself another second to think about it she leaned forward, capturing his lips. His arm tightened around her waist and pulled her in. Their lips danced and the kiss deepened. Bucky rolled them both over, his hand supported his weight as hers pulled him down by his neck. They broke apart breathing heavily. Between much needed breaths their lips found each other in short bursts. 
Y/N slid her foot up, making her knee brushed up against Bucky's side, she used the leverage to push herself closer to his body. Shifting his weight onto the arm underneath her, Bucky trailed his hand down the length of her torso, letting his hand slide under her sweater making contact with her soft skin. His hands ventured down leaving a trail of heat, fully cupping her ass over her spandex underwear before moving down further, splaying his large hands on the back of her thigh, just under the shelf of her butt. 
Y/N arched into him, letting her head lull to the side as Bucky trailed across her chin and down her neck. She slid her hand up into his hair, letting her fingers drag across his scalp. His hand roamed back up under her sweater to the small off her back. 
"Buck," Y/N's voice was breathy as she all but moaned his name. "I need a moment."
He kissed the corner of her jaw, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."
A smile pulled at her lips. "I really don't want to stop," She pulled his lips to hers again, "but we really just went zero to a hundred."
Bucky let out a chuckle, "Yeah, we did." He glanced down. 
Y/N followed his gaze to see the tent that was currently erected in Bucky's pants, "Oh no!" They burst out laughing as Bucky let his head fall into the crook of her neck. "I'm so sorry, that's on me." Y/N caught Bucky's eyes. 
"Don't apologize." Bucky rolled over to lay flat against the mattress, the move not helping the visual. 
Y/N unabashedly took it in, "Do you want me to help?" She had propped herself slightly up. "I mean, I just feel bad and--"
"Its okay, I'll go take care of it." Bucky interrupted her. "But thank you."
Bucky took in her genuine concern and guilt, "Well um, I also need to go clean up," A blush spread across her cheeks. "So how about I do that and give you a moment."
"Okay," Bucky reached up and pulled her back into a kiss. "Won't take me long."
He felt the shiver through her body. She pulled herself away and as soon as the door to the bathroom closed a sigh left Bucky as he reached down to grope himself through his sweatpants. 
Y/N stood in front of the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh boy, I think he feels the same way." Y/N took in another breath. 
She could feel the excitement growing inside her, a smile grew on her cheeks and she could feel herself practically vibrating. 
She took a quick shower, cleaning her body and washing her slick down the drain. It wasn't till she was re-dressed and just about to grab the door handle she realized she had no idea how much time she had been in the bathroom for. Five minutes or a half an hour, she was too caught up in the thought of Bucky that time became irrelevant. 
Y/N hoped she had given him enough time and when she re-entered the room, she was answered by a dazed looking Bucky. He had moved under the covers and was pulling the corner back inviting her in. 
"Everything go well?" She asked as she cuddled back into his warm. 
Bucky kissed the top if her head, "More than."
They laid there, facing one another, completely comfortable in the silence. Just taking the other in until the pitter patter of the rain and the rumbles of thunder lulled them both to sleep for the final time that night.
Part 2 Coming Soon
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fanfictionera · 4 years ago
Hello! Can you please write prompts 12 and 17 with fatws Bucky x reader? :)
♡ Hi, anon! I’ll gladly do these prompts for you (they go quite well together, if I may add). You happen to be the first person to ever submit to my ask box, so thank you so much for this request. I hope you enjoy!
♡ Prompt 12: “Your hands are cold—don’t slip them up my shirt!”
♡ Prompt 17: “Oh, so you are ticklish.”
♡ To make a request for my one month Tumblr-versary, check out my Fluffy Prompt List :)
Cold Little Paws
There was a comfortable ambience to the room when you woke up; the soft hum of the AC inside and birds chirping melodies outside. Yet, no one to enjoy it with, you realized. There was no dip in the bed, no leg intertwined with yours. Bucky wasn’t lying by your side. But in the passing seconds as you gained more alertness, the sound of his voice registered from somewhere else within the apartment. He was still home. That truth brought a wave of relief that carried you through brushing your teeth and washing your face.
You ended up finding him in the kitchen. He was standing at the island with his vibranium hand resting on the granite and the other holding his phone to his ear. Every few beats, he either nodded or hummed. It wasn’t until you went and embraced him from behind that you were close enough to hear the familiar voice on the other end of the line.
Bucky felt you perk up in interest, and put the phone on speaker just long enough for you and Sam to exchange a quick greeting. It was always nice to hear his voice. And when the two men returned to their conversation, you sighed and nuzzled into the space between Bucky’s shoulder blades, breathing him in. Thank God he was still home. The affection prompted him to switch the phone to his other hand so he could use his real one to caress yours as they were secured around his waist—that’s when he noticed they were cool to the touch.
The conversation eventually dwindled to an end, their dialogue becoming a less formal and more casual. “Alright. Thanks for the updates. I’ll see you in a couple days. Tell Sarah and the boys I said hey. Alright, bye.” Bucky hung up soon after and set the phone down.
Instead of moving to turn around in your hold, he remained still to preserve the moment. There was something nice about having you pressed against his back.
“Sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up,” he said. “I had to take this call. Didn’t wanna disturb you.”
“It’s fine.” You gave him a squeeze. “We’re together now.” Bucky felt your fingers begin to play with the hem of his shirt as they often did before venturing further.
“Wait, your hands are cold, doll—don’t slip them up my shirt!” But, nevertheless, you did, pressing them flush against the warmth of his stomach. Perhaps, it was payback for making you think, just for just a second, that he’d left on assignment without saying goodbye. He drew in a sharp breath. “My goodness.”
However, it didn’t take long for the transfer of heat to make your touch feel less striking. And because he made no effort to get away, you let your fingertips wander further up his torso, before dragging them back down with enough pressure to feel the scratch of your nails. The small jolt of his body made a satisfied smile pull at your lips.
“I love you,” you murmured, kissing the back of his neck, and feigning oblivion to your effect. Bucky, ever the good sport, said it right back while trying to keep his voice from faltering. In his case, it was no help that it was early and his guard was down.
When you did the same drag of your fingertips a second time, a stifled sound escaped him. “Doll,” he managed to say with the slightest edge to his tone.
What he wasn’t expecting was for you to give you a few final squeezes to his sides, gentle kneads right at the bottom of his rib cage. That’s what finally made him hang his head and laugh, low and unrestrained. It was one of your favorite sounds.
Bucky turned around before you could do anything else, his steel eyes sparkling as they gazed down at you. You didn’t even try to stop your chuckle when he touched his forehead to yours with a huff. “You torture me, you know that?” He said just loud enough for you to hear, resting his hands on your hips.
“That’s what you get for scaring me,” you reasoned.
Half a smile appeared on his face. “C’mon. You know I wasn’t trying to,” he said. “Yet, here you are tickling me with your cold little paws. That’s not very nice of you.”
“Oh, so you are ticklish?” You said with a smile. You knew his body well enough to know that he was—adorably, so. It just wasn’t something he verbalized for the sake his pride.
Instead of confirming or denying your words, his lips captured yours in a brief kiss that made your entire body grow warm. And after pulling away, he asked, “What are we doing for breakfast?” There was a hint of smirk on his face because he knew he’d evaded a question.
But you didn’t mind. You leaned back in to peck his lips, realizing again how happy you were that he was there, and with you. “Whatever you want,” you told him.
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fanfictionera · 4 years ago
I need to share what just happened.
Okay, I have a friend who reads over my writing, for feedback and proof reading. She is NOT a big Marvel fan, like shes watched it was entertained but not IN LOVE with it.
She just told me that MY FANFICTION makes her appreciate Steve Rogers more.
The way I see Steve Rogers and how I write him made someone feel. They genuinely had an emotional response to my writing.
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fanfictionera · 4 years ago
hi, I was wondering if you did any requests for DC's Legends of Tomorrow! 🥺
Unfortunately no, I use do stuff for the Flash but I have since sorta fazed out of the fandom. I'm sorry! 😭
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fanfictionera · 4 years ago
Veterans Home Pt.2 (SteveRogersxReader)
A/N: Part 2 of Veterans Home, Part 1 can be read as a Oneshot but I wanted to give this one a little extra.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Synopsis: Living with eleven other people, who you spend the majority of your time with, can get a little overwhelming. So everyone gets personal time within the compound. Whether people use it to workout, site see or just take a nap, it’s time that is uninterrupted. Steve has been leaving the compound lately and you become curious as to where he is going. You finally find out.
Word Count: 3401
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Veterans Home Pt. 2
Steve weaved in and out of the Brooklyn streets. You clung onto his sides as you peered up and around, taking in the atmosphere of people mingingling and children playing while zooming past all the houses butted up next to each other. 
Steve brought the bike to a stop in front of Spiazio Slices and an instant smile spread across your face. “Pizza! How did ya' know that is exactly what I wanted?”
“Because who doesn't want pizza?” He replied as you got up off his bike and worked on getting the helmet off your head. 
Steve turned his bike off and got off himself as he took the helmet from you, “Psychopaths” You smiled as he placed a hand on your lower back as the two of you walked in. 
As you entered the building it was like walking back in time. A handful of small two person wooden tables were scattered around the black and white tiled floor. The red walls were outlined with dark wooden panels and decorated with a collage of frames and memorabilia. You look over to the open kitchen where several people were busy mixing, tossing and topping pizza before sliding them into a wood burning pizza oven. The smells of fresh pizza wafted in the air and made your mouth water. The deep sweet acidic smell of tomato laced with a plethora of spices was thick in the air. Cut by the salty whey of the fresh mozzarella cheese being shredded and added to what could only be assumed to be a secret blend of other cheeses. 
“Steve!” A young man with a clean shaven face and combed back hair yelled out as he wiped his hands on his apron that was folded in half and tied around his waist.
“Vinny, how's it going?” Steve replied. 
Vinny came out from behind the counter, “Just got done with a rush, you came at the right time my friend, and who's this?”
“Hello, Y/N.” You gave him a smile as you held out your hand. 
Vinny laughed, “Forgive me outta uniform it didn't click, you're an Avenger, and I don’t do handshakes.” He came in giving you a quick friendly hug. “Pick a spot and I’ll bring out the slices, what ya wanna to drink?”
Vinny was already walking back into the kitchen as he asked, “Lemonade, if you have it.” You replied as Steve walked over to what you assumed was his usual spot. 
Vinny nodded as he disappeared to grab your food, “So you come here often?” You asked as you sat down in the chair Steve pulled out for you.”
“I knew his great grandad,” Steve replied as he sat down across from you. “His original shop was small, tucked into a spot between buildings, just enough room for two people and an oven. But it was the best damn slice of pizza you could get any place in the world.”
“Still is the best damn slice of pizza you can get anywhere in the whole wide world.” Vinny said as he approached the table showing off the skills one could only acquire from working in the industry. He balanced two plates on his left arm, one with two slices of pizza the other with what looked like an entire pizza stacked on a plate. “Here you are and the drinks.” He set down the two drinks he was holding in his other hand. “Enjoy, let me know if I can get ya anythin' else.”
“Thanks Vin.” Steve said as he pulled his tower of pizza in front of him.
You picked up a slice and folded it in half before taking a large bite. "Oh my god," You spoke with your mouth full. "This is really good. Like I'm not even exaggerating."
"I told ya," Steve said as he also dove in. "So, I guess I'll bite, did you follow me to the veterans home or?"
"I'm sorry, that's super top secret information that you most definitely don't have clearance for." You grabbed a paper napkin out of its dispenser to wipe the grease from your mouth and hands before reaching into your bag, pulling out the white envelope. "But, if you promise not to tell anyone, I found this in a hallway." You slid it across the table with your fingers.
Steve's eyes softened as he picked up the envelope, "I couldn't find it, I looked everywhere."
"I opened it to find out its owner," You continued. "Steve, I'm so sorry. My comment and the situation, its--"
"Hey," Steve cut you off, "There's nothing to apologize for, please."
"I still said it and even though I had no idea, it still affected you." You said before taking another bite.
Steve took a drink, "How about next time I just tell you what's happening in my head."
"Only if you bring me here to tell me." You had finished your first slice and had begun to dive into the second. 
Steve chuckled as he placed the envelope in his inner jacket pocket. "I agree to your terms, even if they are outrageous."
"It's my golden rule of negotiations Rogers, go big or go home and settle for what you want." 
The two of you sat and talked long past the last bite of pizza. Your laugh filled the room as Vinny and his crew began to wipe down the tables and stack the chairs. As the laughter died down, Steve finished off his drink and for a moment the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. 
Steve shook his head slightly as his smile grew, "Come on, I wanna show you somethin'." He pulled out his wallet as He stood up and left a sizable tip on the table. "See ya next week Vin!"
Steve grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door. The sun had gone down and twilight began to take over the city. You found yourself clung to the back of Steve once again as he made his way back towards the Brooklyn Bridge.
Steve brought you down close to the banks of the East River, to an area that opened up, giving you the most amazing view of the city you had ever seen.
You climbed off his bike and ran up to the railing. You stood at the New York City Skyline Lookout, the smell of the water wafted passed your face, you could hear the lapping of the waves and the dull hussle and bussle of the city around you. You loved seeing the city at night. It was a whole other world. A different kind of vibe that took over from the day. It had grown to be your favorite version of the big city you now called home. "This is an amazingly overwhelming view."
"Ya know, this view has never changed." Steven spoke as he joined you. "It may have gotten bigger and has a few more lights, but it still feels the same."
"I read that comic by the way." You said as you leaned over, resting your cheek on Steve's shoulder, your hands came up to wrap around his arm.
Steve leaned into you, "And?"
"If you didn't have the people you do have right now, it may have been accurate ," You looked up at him. "But the idea of time, in regards to you, was painfully on point."
"I know, " Steve's voice had a sliver of sadness to it. "I knew this time would come, when my old life would slowly start to disappear, I just didn't realize how hard it would be." 
"However hard it may be, your old life will never disappear, as long people still have memories to share and pass down, it will never die." You looked up at Steve. "And I plan on listening to every single story you can remember." Steve looked out to the water. Taking in your words.
You reached up and placed a kiss to his cheek. The silence took over again as you leaned back into Steve and looked back over the water. Steve however was looking at you. 
Just as you watched a boat slowly putt away you felt Steve's large warm hand gently slide across your jaw, turning your head to bring his lips to yours. The butterflies began to instantly swirl as you kissed him back. Steve moved the two of you so that your back was pressed against the handrail. His hands came down to rest on your hips, pulling you into him. Your hands slid up over each ripple of his chest and over his neck, until they came up to either side of his face pulling him towards you. 
You were drunk on the energy that the kiss created. The competition of who wanted more and both of you were going to win. Breaking apart, you sucked in the air that you didn't know you needed. Still holding one another with your foreheads pressed together, you took in the moment.
Steve's small laugh broke the silence, "I think we should head back to the compound."
"Yeah," Your voice came out a little breathy as you were still trying to pull yourself together. "Or we could, right here, or no, yeah your right." You smiled.
Steve gave a playful look of disapproval, "Of course yeah, what was I thinking?" He took your hand and led you back to his bike as he spoke.
"I mean I thought getting railed by Captain America, under the glow of the Brooklyn Bridge, covered by the veil of night was on every ladies bucket list." You teased back as you pulled the helmet on. 
Steve mounted his bike, you followed suit, he turned his head back to you, "I mean, if it's what you want, but I was thinking of something a bit more romantic." 
The ride back to the tower felt like a dream. You clung to Steve and let your hand wonder up and under his shirt. Your hand roamed over his torso until it was joined by the other. Your fingers began to explore lower and Steve pushed his motorcycle faster. 
There was something magical about being in such an intimate bubble while the city surrounded you. People flew by in a blur unaware of the sweet hunger being created.
When you arrived back to the compound you made your way back to Steve's room like two teenagers out past curfew. You were giddy as you couldn't keep your hands or lips off each other. 
As soon as the door closed your lips connected again and you began to peel the clothes off each other. You pulled away as Steve reached for you. You shook your head as you grabbed his hand, leading him to the foot of his bed. 
Steve had a smirk on his face as he relished in the confidence and power you had over him. You giggled slightly as you leaned up giving Steve a slow kiss. Your hand came up to splay across his mountain of a chest before giving him a playful shove. He willingly fell back onto his bed. 
Steve laid back supporting himself on his elbows. He watched as you slowly crawled up his body and kissed him. It was slow and deliberate. Steve balanced on one arm as he slid the other up and around to your back. He dragged his fingertips down your spine, sending a crackle of energy through your body, making you arch forward. He brought his lips between your breasts kissing down your center. 
Your hand came up and carded through his hair as he pulled soft moans from your mouth. You leaned back up onto your knees before reaching down between you. You wrapped your fingers around his thick shaft and slowly pumped it. Steve watched as you played, he wanted to keep this image forever. The way your eyes were blown out and how you were on a mission to pick him apart, how you were succeeding. 
You gently reached down, cupping Steve's balls, letting them fall from your fingertips as you dragged them up his shaft, forcing his penis against his stomach. You took note of every shiver as you ran your fingers over him again, applying more pressure.
His stomach twitched as you went over the base of his penis. 
You pressed your thumb gently onto his frenulum, getting a jolt from Steve, slowly you slid your thumb down to the base of his penis. Feeling the groove of his vain, you went to the left of it and began small circles. Steve's head fell back in a moan. It made your core throb. You kept even pressure as you dragged up his shaft towards his head. Another moan.
You lined him up with yourself before slowly sinking down onto Steve until you bottomed out, you swear Steve's eyes rolled to the back of his head.
You sat down further, "God, you feel good." Steve tipped his head back up, the tips of his ears were beat red.
"I haven't even started." You reply as you slowly begin to gyrate your hips in a circular motion. 
"Hrrgggaaah," Steve was breathing hard, "Well would ya start, you're not the only one who has things they want to do."
You leaned forward, supporting yourself on Steve's chest, you kissed him briefly. "Careful what you asked for." You brought your hips up slowly before slamming yourself back down. 
You sat up slightly without missing a beat and continued your sinful movements. Steve fell fully back onto the bed in bliss. You took your confidence in stride as you pushed him over the edge. You felt his large hands roam up your legs leaving a trail of fire behind them, they came to rest on your hips and you felt his fingers dig into your skin as he pulled you closer. Wanting more of you.
You sat up, head tilted off to the side completely enveloped by the overwhelming feeling building inside. Steve sat up and gently cupped the side of your head. You leaned into his touch as he gently brought your lips to his. He slowly kissed you, letting his lips drag over yours as you both took deep breaths.
"My girl has tricks." You could hear the smirk in his voice.
You let out a breath laugh, "If you thought those were tricks." 
In one fluid motion, Steve was up on his feet, supporting your weight. Steve's lips never left yours and he stayed buried in you. Before you could string together two brain cells you felt a cold smooth surface on your back as Steve pressed you into the wall.
With the leverage of the wall Steve began to slowly rut into you as his lips found their way to your neck. He pulled small whimpers from you as your breath grew heavy. Steve hooked his arms under your knees and gently spread your legs out. His pace quickened and a moaning sigh came from you.
Letting your arms fall onto his shoulders, you carded your fingers through his hair, up his scalp. He dropped his head to rest on your shoulder as he continued his pace. 
The knot in your stomach grew and you could barely process the stimulation that tingled its way across your skin. 
"That's it doll face." His voice was deliciously low and it's what did it. "Oh,ah, god." He could barely speak as he felt you begin to flutter around him. 
You let yourself go, letting the wave of ecstasy crash down over you. By the strangled moan that Steve let out, you knew he was right there with you. Steve slowed to a stop, letting himself fall out of you and the only noise that filled the room was your heavy breathing. Steve lazily brought his mouth to yours as he brought the two of you over to his bed. He sat down bringing you down on his lap. 
"I thought you wanted romance?" You looked at Steve with a smile.
He looked back, "I thought you wanted to get railed by Captain America."
You laughed as he helped you off of his lap. Your legs felt reminiscent of a newborn giraffe as you steadied yourself. "Wanna take a shower with me?" You asked as you slowly made your way towards his bathroom. 
Steve watched you a moment before he followed you. You cleaned each other as you shared languid touches and kisses. After you were done and had toweled off, the two of you crawled into bed. Steve wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in close. 
"How are you feeling?" His voice was just above a whisper. 
You turned slightly to meet his gaze, a smile pulling at your lips, "Like the entire cosmos is celebrating." 
"Yeah, that's an understatement." Steve placed a kiss on your temple, "Goodnight doll face."
"Mmm, goodnight." After the activities of the night and a hot shower, your body slipped off into a blissful sleep.
The kitchen was a chaotic place come Sunday mornings, as it was usually one of the days everyone could make breakfast and or dinner. Usually the first person up would start cooking and as the others stored and made an appearance, they would begin helping to make the feast fit for the Avengers. 
This particular morning, all who were at the compound was up, Sam was up first and started making the pancakes while Bucky was on egg and toast duty. Nat and Wanda took care of the bacon and sausage as well as cutting up a variety of fruit. Clint was grabbing condiments and toppings for the pancakes and Vision was in the process of setting the table.
Everything was coming together, platters and dishes steaming with hot food were being placed on the table, drinks were being poured and the chaos dwindled as everyone began to settle down. It was then that you and Steve made your entrance. 
"Well look what the cat dragged in," Same exclaimed as he made his way to his seat. 
"May I remind you of the rules," Bucky began as he reached for a pancake, "You two have dish duty."
"Yeah, yeah," You responded as you grabbed the pot of coffee. 
Steve simultaneously grabbed two mugs and sat them down for you to fill, "Creamer?"
"Please," You felt his hand on your lower back as he walked behind you to open the fridge. You stepped to the side to place the almost empty pot back on the coffee maker as Steve poured the creamer in your coffee, he handed you your mug. 
"Thank you." You say with a smile.
He placed a quick kiss to the top of your head as he grabbed his own before the two of you turned to see everyone at the table watching. 
Silently and instantaneously everyone began to rummage in their pockets or quickly leave the table before returning with wallets and change purses. 
"Okay, Sam you owe me eighty" Nat said as she pulled out a bundle of cash, "What do I owe you Barton?"
"Fourty," he said as he shoved a piece of bacon in his mouth before pocketing the money. 
Vision handed his take to Sam while Bucky took his from Wanda and Sam, "I mean he is my closest and best friend," He fanned the visually larger money bundle he took from Sam, "But nice try."
"Really guys?" Steve's voice was playful as he went to sit down.
You narrowed your eyes at Nat before setting your mug down, "I'll be right back." Everyone watched and waited with confusion as you disappeared for a moment. When you returned you came up to Nat and handed her a twenty, "You called it." 
Hoots and hollers filled the room as everyone was shocked and extremely interested as to what the bet between you and Nat. As everyone began to eat, they settled into a rare bubble of normalcy, friends and family alike enjoying their morning. 
You looked at Steve who had a smile on his face. As he continued his conversation he nonchalantly reached over entangling his fingers with yours. You took a moment to relish in the feeling of the moment, surrounded by all the love and support you could ever ask for, holding the hand of the man you adore and you couldn't help but think of how happy you were.
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fanfictionera · 4 years ago
Tag List
Hey guys! With me deciding to attempt to write and post more, I decided to create a Tag List for anyone who would like to be tagged in any of my works. 
So here is the link to a doc, all you have to do is follow the link and add your tag to the list! I also have a link to my Tag List in my BIO. 
For now its a single list but if I get enough people I can start creating several depending on what people specifically want to be tagged in. Have a good day! 
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