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fanfics-or-dragons · 2 days ago
Oh Danny going to kill a clown. Painfully then make his afterlife worse than hell.
After retiring from being a hero, Danny moves to Gotham and opens a little mechanic workshop. He doesn't only fix cars though. Bring anything broken to him and he'll fix it. Upgrade it a bit as well if you're nice.
He's a good guy, much better than your average Joe on the street. But there was something about him that was just... unsettling about him. Maybe it was the way he smiled? It did look a bit weird when you stared at it for too long. Or was it because he was always happy? No one was ever always that happy. No one but...
Anyway, it didn't matter. When people came to him it was to get a job done and to leave. They didn't do much chatting which he didn't seem to mind, he was just happy to do his job. Always happy.
One day Danny closed up shop early. That was unusual. He was open pretty much 24/7. Some people were pretty sure he didn't even sleep. They watched as Danny walked. They noticed that Danny wasn't smiling. He wasn't happy... well fuck.
There's a new psychologist in Arkham Asylum, and apparently, she's very good at her job. Joker has already heard a lot about her. Like how she's tall, very tall. With fiery red hair that falls to her knees, and sparkling blue eyes that speak to your soul. She was a hot commodity around the Asylum. A very pretty doll that he just couldn't wait to break.
He knew that he didn't have to wait long. People like her were cocky. They get bored after figuring out a few crazies and decide that they need a bigger challenge. They think they need to break him.
They never do though. They all either quit the profession after a few weeks or fall into his trap. In the end, they all end back up here and become just like the people they were trying to help.
He couldn't wait to do it. To corrupt her mind and watch her spiral into a web of insanity of their making. What? You didn't think he did it by himself, did you? Both parties were willing participants, he spoke and they wanted to listen. It was an equal exchange. An exchange that never came.
He waited, for days and weeks. He waited for months, and there was no sign of the red-head that plagued his thoughts. He waited for almost a year... she wasn't coming to him, was she? It was a bit strange, insulting really. Was she not intrigued by him? Wasn't his case the least bit interesting? What if it was that... she found him... well... boring? The thought pissed him off a bit. That couldn't be the case, could it? Well, he wasn't going to know like this. She wouldn't come to him so he'd just had to go to her, didn't he?
It was quite easy to find out where she lived. She was with the Robin he killed. And wouldn't it be a cruel twist of fate if your girl were to die the same way you did? Who knows, maybe she'd come back wrong too?
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fanfics-or-dragons · 13 days ago
OH please universe please grant us this request
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Here is your mission.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 13 days ago
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fanfics-or-dragons · 13 days ago
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This could have been a moment when the Democrats stood up as one in a great Spartacist moment of political resistance... instead we got Al Green with the bravery to not back down.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 15 days ago
I love the idea of Feral Child Danny just randomly biting one of the bats because they’re in his Alley. Like, Dick is just trying to follow a criminal and suddenly Danny just latches onto his leg and refuses to let go.
Love this idea by @sabrieterrhisken,
Also part 2 is available.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 16 days ago
I get the same thing also when I try checking my bookmarks. The rest seem to be working fine it's only when I try looking at my bookmarks?
AO3 will be down for 3 hours of maintenance from 09:00-12:00 UTC on Friday, March 7. Check what time that is for you.
Posted: 09:00 UTC March 6, 2025
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fanfics-or-dragons · 17 days ago
Child Vigilantes are Just That—Children
Dpxdc Prompt #65
Danny took a deep breath in before knocking on the door, just because the Waynes are influential does not mean child labor laws don't apply.
An elderly man in a suit answered, probably a butler—the Waynes were certainly rich enough for it.
"What is your purpose for visiting Wayne Manor?" A posh, British voice inquired.
Well, too late to go back now.
"I'm Danny Fenton from Child Protective Services and I'm here to investigate Bruce Wayne for violations of child endangerment and labor laws."
"Vigilante work is still work, sir, and it would do well for Batman to remember that before bringing his kid partner out during the night."
The most-likely-a-butler's eyes narrowed as he spoke evenly, "I do believe this is a conversation better had in the privacy of the Manor, would you care for a cup of tea Mr. Fenton?"
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fanfics-or-dragons · 17 days ago
Muscle Memory (DpxDc)
Jason barely remembered getting back to his safe house or even finding his way to bed. The night had been so tiring, so busy, and so many parts of his body hurt.
The moment his head hit the pillow, he was out like a light. Drifting off into dreamland for some much need sleep.
That was until a noise stirred him up from his sleep. It was a soft creak of one of his many loose floorboards.
It was in a flash that Jason was up, eyes still heavy with sleep, and a gun held to his thigh as he exited his bedroom. The soft light coming from his bathroom was the first hint.
When he pushed open the bathroom door, the sight before him had him holstering his weapon. Black hair, blue eyes, and blood. That's all Jason needed to see.
Jason would swear he wasn't still half asleep, that he knew this wasn't one of his brothers. In reality, still sluggish from a hard night and sleep deprivation, Jasin's brain had automatically assumed it was one of his baby brothers.
As he immediately settled into patching up the wounds, holding back questions for now. It wouldn't be the first time one of them came to him for aid when they didn't want Bruce to know they were hurt yet.
It was pure muscle memory as Jason worked. Yes, he didn't like the injuries, reminding himself to ask which rogue did this in the morning.
Now wasn't the time for an interrogation. Not with the barely concealed tears in those eyes, or the dark bags that decorated beneath them.
He barely grumbled for the teen to take the couch, reminding that there were extra blankets in the hallway closet. Dropping a few pills into the boy's hand to help with the pain he was surely in.
Jason left the mess in the bathroom, leaving it a problem for more awake him. He waved the boy off when he tried to speak, telling him they'll talk in the morning.
In the end, Jason was glad to finally face plant back into his bed. Barely bothering to curl up under the covers before sleep took over once again.
When morning came, Jason almost forgot about letting one of his brother's crash in his place. Stumbling out of his bedroom to immediately notice the lump on his couch.
He put a pot of coffee on, grabbing his phone, ready to let Bruce know that whoever came to him last night was safe and sound.
Except, when Jason moved over to confirm who it was, he finally noticed. This wasn't one of his brothers. And last he heard, Bruce hadn't taken in any new strays.
Jason stood over the sleeping boy, phone in one hand, and mind figuring out what to do. His mind replaying the half-asleep memories from last night.
It made sense, now that he thought about it. The boy had seemed so scared, so surprised that Jason was helping. The boy hadn't done anything either by the looks of it.
He didn't seem to have taken anything or even snooped. The boy seemed to have just crashed on the couch like Jason had told him to. He didn't come here to rob him or cause trouble. The kid had broken into his safe house only to raid his first aid kit.
The kid had broken into his safe house only to raid his first aid kit.
Well, Jason wasn't about to put Alfred's teachings to shame by being a horrible host either.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 17 days ago
Dead on Main Sugar Daddy
AKA "Ghost King Danny unintentionally becomes Jason "Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss" Todd's sugar daddy" prompt!
This is kind of a continuation of Graveyard Favors, but not really lmao.
I just love the idea of Jason coming back from the dead, wearing all Expensive Clothes and literally ancient cursed jewelry, and Bruce is just like, "Where did you get that? I didn't buy it for you. You haven't used your allowance either?" And Jason's obviously not going to admit he has the High King of Infinite Realms, Space, and the Dead as a sugar daddy. (Maybe he would, he's a dramatic theatre kid at heart, but it's funnier if he just straight up lies.)
He says, "I'm literally a crime lord, old man, keep up?? Jesus."
But the more he thinks about it, the more he actually likes the idea. Jason wants to help people, make sure they never experience the same fate he did, and where else to do it than the place he grew up? He knows there are tons of kids he can help, families who have a lack of resources. He's not afraid to get his hands dirty - he's already killed the Joker.
So, Jason calls up his Ghost King sugar daddy, points to Crime Alley, and is like, "I want that."
Danny, in Tucker's ratty Amity-U hoodie and ripped jeans, cheesepuff sticking halfway out of his mouth, "What???"
Danny declares Crime Alley as Jason's Haunt. It's officially Jason's territory in both the human realm and the Ghost Zome; conveniently, that also means that no supernatural (dead or alive) can enter the territory without Jason knowing. It also makes Crime Alley emit major Do Not vibes. Bad guys feel this Dread of being watched constantly, residents feel a bit safer knowing there's somebody who will help if they're in danger, and Jason patrols often enough that everybody starts to associate him as the local crime lord. He also uses Danny's money to invest in some social programs in Crime Alley, like open access food pantries, shelters, domestic violence & sexual assault support, a community garden, little libraries, funding for after school activities, etc.
Because the former Ghost King is absolutely loaded. Danny has eons of old stuff piled in his throne room in the Ghost Zone from Aztec Gold to alien technology. He's not using it and nobody's gonna miss it, so if Jason asks for it, Danny gives it to him. (Does he know Jason is selling it for an absolute shitton of money? Maybe, maybe not. He doesn't really care where it ends up as long as it won't cause the apocalypse.)
So, yeah, that's how Jason actually becomes the crime lord of Crime Alley.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 18 days ago
The United States government, seemingly out of nowhere, has declared anything supernatural to be illegal. It's all due to something called the Anti-Ecto Acts, and it started in Illinois.
The Justice League has pulled all members that deal with the Supernatural into the Watchtower, getting them off of American Soil. Other countries are offering sanctuary to heroes that need to get out.
Unfortunately, some members of JLD are unaccounted for, and it's impossible to say whether or not that's due to their own proclivities or if they've been captured.
Meanwhile, in an isolated city in Illinois called Amity Park, local heroes Red Huntress and Phantom are working together to rescue some heroes they'd seen being thrown into one of the GIW HQ.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 18 days ago
Danny steals Jason
Danny was the newbiest of noobs on the street rat scene. Poor kid isn't cut out for the cut-throat culture of Gotham homelessness. His soft heart and mid-western manners means he ends up giving up the lion's share of what he does manage to scavenge.
It concerned Jason. Being soft like that was a great way to get killed. Danny was chum in the shark infested waters. Hood asked one of the older alley kids how Danny hadn't gotten eaten alive.
"It's like taking candy from a baby" she confided in Hood. "Easy as fuck, but you can't help but feel bad about it."
Now, Red Hood has a deal with the alley kids. If anyone manages to steal from all of the Waynes without getting caught, he will pay for all their necessities until they turn 18.
Really, it's a win-win. Bruce and his brood get extra awareness training and more incentive to stay out of Jason's territory. The kids get bought a meal after they're inevitably caught. Jason gets to laugh at his family.
He never expected his deal to be taken advantage of by Danny of all kids.
"Psst! Red Hood!"
Jason glanced over to see Danny beckoning him over. Curious, and a bit wary at the nervous look on the boy's face, he approached. "What's up kid?"
"C'mon! Over here!" Danny insisted, moving further away.
Jason followed. "What's this about?"
Danny didn't answer. Instead he just grabbed his hand and sped up. He kept glancing back at him and it was making Jason nervous. Did the kid get in over his head and coerced into luring Red Hood into a trap?
"Kid?" He asked again, tension leaking into his voice.
"Not yet. Almost there."
Abruptly they stopped on a random street corner. Jason noted that it was tactically a poor place for an assassination. Still, if something was gonna go down, he'd have to make sure the kid made it to safety.
"I abducted you." Danny interrupted, confirming Jason's suspicious. "I used persuasion to get you someplace you don't wanna be," He pointed at the ground at that, presumably for emphasis. "Which counts as abduction. And I didn't get caught by the Bats."
"Okay? Danny, you-"
"You're sort of a bat which means I stole you from the bats!" the kid interrupted again. "And the bats are the Waynes. So I stole from all the Waynes without getting caught! I won the challenge!"
As Jason's brain rebooted all he could manage to say was, "What makes this spot someplace I don't wanna be?"
Danny just grinned and pointed at the ground again.
Jason looked down. He was standing in a chalk outline with lots of arrows titling it the "Stupid Circle"
Based on these two posts:
Pickpocket for Hire:
Jason gets 'kidnapped':
@queeniewithabeanie @apatheticsunday @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
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fanfics-or-dragons · 19 days ago
Short DPXDC Prompts #1002
Dash has been working with STAR labs for 3 years now. His coworkers are lovely, the pay is great, and he loves what he does and everything is perfect. Until Dash’s boss gets a message from the Teen Titans that they have a blood sample of an unknown alien they’d like to be studied to hopefully find any potential information about them. Dash thinks nothing of it. He’s had multiple encounters with various hero organizations and has done the best he can at every request given. The blood sample arrives. Dash’s heart turns to ice. He hoped he would leave Amity Park behind for good. But before his very eyes in a container with a note next to it that says “Run tests to see Lazarus Water similarities”, is a vial of ectoplasm.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 20 days ago
GIW get beat down by all of Gotham.
Gotham TikTok
AKA "Danny moves to Gotham and records TikToks with absolutely deranged captions. He films Get Ready with Me in Gotham videos, fit checks, and even A Day in the Life of a Ghost in Gotham! Except everybody is freaking the fuck out in the comments" prompt idea!
No, you don't understand, I'm obsessed. Like, what if Danny's idea of "safe" is just... anything that doesn't actively try to kill him? So Metropolitians, Star City, and Central City citizens are literally biting their nails and sweating bullets every time he posts, because what if he gets merc'd by the "Eight Heads in a Duffel Bag" Red Hood?? And that's one of the nicer villains in Gotham. And Danny's just like wow, this place is niiiiiice, I haven't even been murdered yet!
Maybe Jazz took a 12-year-old Danny to Gotham to escape their parents. Gotham's cheap, dirty, and doesn't ask questions: it's the best place to go to disappear because damn near half the city's population are either super villains, hostages, dead, or vigilantes. She gets a job at an understaffed hospital as a clinical psych intern. She enrolls Danny for online schooling because she's scared a public high school would be too easy for their parents to track.
Which leaves Danny alone for hours. He makes a TikTok account called "Danny Phantom" because, c'mon, he's a kid. And, like most kids, he doesn't really comprehend the idea of a digital footprint or that his account is public, accessible by literally anybody.
He's also a little shit. So, the first TikTok he uploads is of a man getting carjacked, but the caption reads: love to see people helping each other. remember it's always okay to ask for help! it's okay, I don't know how to parallel park, either :)
And you just see this guy in a mask shove a businessman away from his car, gesturing with his gun, before getting into the driver's seat. Except the car is parallel parked so the carjacker just slowly inches back and forth between a Prius and a Honda until he can wedge himself out of the parking space. And then gets stuck in stand-still traffic. The TikTok goes viral. It's talked about on the Gotham news and Gothamites are losing their shit, pointing out the exact moment you can see the carjacker start to soundlessly cuss through the car's windshield or the way the businessman is just... standing on the side of the road, watching with a deadpan look.
Danny doesn't know about it being on the news, but he sees all the comments, likes, reposts, and feels something. He wonders if this is what Ember feels every time people listened to her music. So, he keeps posting. Usually, it's short three-second videos of a hilariously unexpected situation with an even more deranged caption. But then he's accidentally caught in the reflection of a store front while recording and doesn't know, posts it like he always does; only for this TikTok to go viral, too. Because "Danny Phantom" is a child??
He doesn't notice the shift in his comments, but the public opinion quickly changes from wow, Gothamites are just like that huh lol to what the FUCK, kid, get inside!!! anytime he posts.
Except Danny never gets hurt. Even in the most dangerous situations, when you'd think this kid is a goner for sure, he's just happily yapping in the background. He's so different from Gothamites because he lacks that dead-eyed, despair-inducing aura of someone who's lived in a hellmouth their whole lives. (A couple people post that Danny kind of reminds them of Golden Boy Brucie Wayne, all air-headed and unrealistically optimistic, and suddenly there's memes of "what happens when you've never gotten shot in Gotham" or "how i act when Commish Gordie accuses me of shoplifting again" with them side-by-side.)
And then Danny's posts go viral again and again. Danny doing a fit check with a blond-haired woman with a checkered outfit, she ruffles his hair and kisses him on the cheek. A picture of him wearing an old jean jacket with a bright red lipstick smear on his cheek is trending for weeks. Spoiler, fully suited up in an all-purple vigilante attire, and him shoving gas station hotdogs in their mouths. He even has videos of him clearly in Killer Croc's lair, with comments of are you in the sewers??? DANNY??? and he responds, no, i'm in mom & dad's basement :) (Waylon Jones is actually sitting behind him in one of the videos, intently watching a TV show on an iPad.)
Everybody adores Danny - Rogues, Gothamites, even the Bats. (There's at least six videos of Nightwing teaching Danny how to do backflips, handstands, and other acrobatic moves. Even the youngest Robin has been caught on camera quietly talking with Danny, a shocking lack of violence that left half the city's population suffering from cuteness aggression for the kids.)
So, yeah, Danny belongs to Gotham.
But the internet is widely accessible and Danny made it so, so easy to find him. Jazz obviously didn't know he was posting videos of himself publicly; she was too tired after back-to-back 12 hour shifts at the hospital that she hadn't even checked social media in months. Otherwise, she would've told him to be careful, to never show his face or post his real name on the internet. Then again, Jazz would never have expected all of Gotham (and Superman himself, totally endeared by the kid after Kon and Jon showed him a couple TikToks) would beat the absolute shit out of anybody going after Danny.
Imagine GIW's surprise when they track down Amity's former residential Ghost only to find an entire city frothing at the mouth to protect their Phantom.
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fanfics-or-dragons · 20 days ago
The Return of the First Hero
Danny was the first superhero. He started when he was 14 and there were no other heroes around.
He did what he could during natural disasters and global threats but he was only one kid.
Sure things got a bit easier when he leaned how to make clones but he never felt like he was doing enough.
Because of his status as a ghost he never got worldwide recognition but he didn’t care, that wasn’t why he did it.
Danny was getting ready to go to college when clockwork approached him with devastating news.
With Pariah being defeated and him taking the throne, unrest had spread throughout the different dimensions.
Danny would have to help stop the destruction of reality and protect and maintain the stability of the realms.
So Danny left. He left knowing he was doing what he had to do to protect everyone, but knew he was leaving his world without protection and knew there would be consequences.
When Danny left, life moved on. Disasters happened and people died. There were no heroes to save the day.
Until there was.
Slowly but surely they came out of the woodwork. The Batman in Gotham. A man of steel in metropolis. The scarlet speedster in central city.
But they never truly left their cities. They never took responsibility of the earth.
And then they had to. Aliens invaded and a team formed bringing even more heroes into the light.
There was controversy the world over whether or not they should trust these heroes.
All except from a small town in Illinois.
Not much happened in amity park. There was hardly any crime. There hadn’t been any recorded natural disasters in years. There was not a single supervillain to be seen nor any hero. There were no corrupt cops and the wealthy not only paid their taxes but were actively involved in the community and charity.
No one understood the adamant support of these heroes. You could always find a few at any anti hero protest yelling their screams of support.
Eventually the cries of invaders and aliens died down and the voices of support outweighed the cries of hate.
One day a large green portal appeared above amity park and the heroes of the world took immediate notice. The Justice league immediately deployed to come to the aid of the little town that had stood beside them for so long.
The energy levels were off the charts. No one knew what was going on but they did their best to do what they could. Try as they might though, none of them could persuade the civilians to leave the area.
No one was panicked as the crowd grew larger, though it parted like the Red Sea when a large van pulled up.
Five adults exited the vehicle (if it could be called that) 2 appeared to be in their late 60s while the young woman with them looked to be in her mid forties with the two others not much younger than her.
They didn’t say anything. They just approached the portal, ignoring any hero that tried to protest.
Suddenly the portal grew brighter as a figure emerged from the green abyss.
A boy, no, a young man exited the portal. He couldn’t be more than 18-19 by the leagues guess.
Not a moment later did he charge at the group immediately being wrapped into a group hug as the portal vanished behind him leaving behind only a single bag.
When they finally let the man go they turned to face the crowd with a smile and he simply said.
I’m home.
The crowd went wild shouting cheers of joy and welcome homes.
The heroes were well and truly confused.
It was flash that approached a man at the edge of the crowd.
“What’s going on? Who is that?”
The man smiled.
“That’s Danny Fenton. The greatest hero this world will ever know and after 30 years he’s finally come home.
Flash immediately rushed over to relay what he was told to the rest of the team and they started to discuss the implications. It wasn’t long though before they were interrupted by the man of the hour.
“Is it true?” He asked, his expression torn and his eyes wet with unshed tears “are you the ones that have been protecting earth?”
The league was silent until superman stepped forward “we are members of the Justice league and we have done everything we can to protect this planet for the last 10 years”
The man grinned as the tears fell down his face.
“All this time, after everything I’ve done, I was terrified there would be nothing left when I came home.”
“Thank you”
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fanfics-or-dragons · 22 days ago
Meeting the uncle
Later: Danny hands Jason two small roundish disk shaped bloody bones. Jason knows exactly what they are. Jason: "Who did these come from?" Danny: smiles, turns on the news News: "Joker has been admitted to Gotham general due to having his kneecaps forcibly removed with a crow bar." Jason: feels equal parts pride and horror at his adopted son's behavior. "Let me get these framed for you to put on the wall." Later: Dick pops into the living room through the window, gets kneecapped by an invisible nephew he hasn't met yet. Danny: "Tell me who you are and why you are breaking in or I will take your knee caps." Dick: "A kid like you wouldn't steal knee caps." he says with a pained grin. Danny: points with the baseball bat to the frame on the wall. Dick: "My mistake." 'This answers one question I had and raises several others.'
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fanfics-or-dragons · 22 days ago
Clark Kent is firmly in his civilian persona. This is a problem, given that the airplane he's on with Lois is about to collide with another plane on the runway.
He can see the other plane about to t-bone them, and is fully prepared to...somehow fumble his way through an explanation as to why he disappeared and superman took his place, but the meta kid sitting next to him has a different idea.
The meta kid let's out a strangled shriek, grips the armrests of the seat, and the entire plane goes intangible.
The other plane delicately just...glides through their plane, and everyone on their plane and everyone on the other plane just stare at each other as they pass by in horrified silence.
The people seated where the other planes engines are passing through harmlessly initially let out a few terrified screams, but they taper off when they realize that nothing is happening.
Then it's over.
The kid, hyperventilating, lets go of the armrests once the other plane has completely cleared them, and immediately goes for one of those little baggies to empty the contents of his stomach.
His nose is bleeding, his ears are bleeding, and he looks dazed. He clearly overdid it.
Clark is running a hand up and down his back, trying to get him comfortable, while the other passengers and crew stare at the kid in awe.
After all, there's only one person acting like this after something as insane as making every single person intangible. It has to be the kid. The kid has to be a meta, and that meta just saved all of them.
But the kid peeks up at Clark, eyes full of fear, and says something that makes his heart drop into his stomach.
"Please don't tell my parents."
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fanfics-or-dragons · 22 days ago
Retired hero Danny
Danny has saved the world more time than he could count and they would never know. He didn’t care
Ancients! He preferred it.
He retired from being a hero when the Justice league came into the picture. Ever since he was crowned the ghosts don’t really threaten humanity anymore so he’s more than happy to leave the non ghost threats to earth get handled by the Justice league
He runs a repair shop in amity park, he’ll fix anything and everything at affordable pricing
The only member of the Justice league that knows about Danny is Diana. She didn’t know about him until some enemy trying to summon chronos succeeds and she gets frozen in time
Luckily clockwork has mellowed out over the years and takes this time to tell her how proud he is of his favorite granddaughter following in her uncle’s footsteps.
He did tell her he was retired but would help if it was truly needed.
As far as everyone else is concerned the ritual was a dud
One day a major threat approaches and the team has beaten down time and again. Batman is getting desperate.
Wonder Woman asks to borrow a phone
She makes a call in the meeting room
Danny’s dead device depot: you kill it I fix it, how can I help you today.
“My name is Diana of themascyra. I was told you could help….we have run out of options.”
“What seems to be the problem?”
“A new god by the name of Darkseid intend to bring our world to ruin. His army is without end and we cannot hold them back much longer”
“Hmmmm sounds like a tough job” tinkering is heard in the background “ tell you what, get me some of those cookies like yer mom makes. The nutty ones and we’ve got a deal”
“Kourabiedes? That’s it? But-“
“No buts, you just get those started while I take care of this creep. I should be done by the time they cool down.”
The line goes dead.
The team looks at her defeated. Certain that was a dead end, but Diana gets up and heads to the kitchen. If half of what her grandfather had told her was true then she would need to start baking
Meanwhile on Apokalypse….
The doors to the throne room fall to the ground before Darkseid
A large humanoid man stands in the doorway holding a large club like weapon with glowing text on the body
“So you’re the creep that’s been messing with my niece, huh? Don’t worry I have just the thing for creeps like you.”
Later that same day
Danny sits down at the table across from his niece as she tells him all about her friends and their adventures while he enjoys his slightly crispy cookies.
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