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The hellscape where I store random thoughts, cute animals mainly cats, my many fandoms, and whatever else. She/They. Bi.
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fandomscatscomics · 2 days ago
me: care about people
half the notes: youre the real oppressor for telling me what to do.
the other half: cut out this useless liberal proselatizing. you are an invertebrate and you will perish in the revolution.
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fandomscatscomics · 7 days ago
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fandomscatscomics · 7 days ago
For some reason the Justice League and all of their associates need to boost their public opinion, so they decided to open tiktok accounts for the respective hero teams, in hopes that showing the more 'regular' side of the heroes will change public opinion of them.
Never has a single idea worked so well and backfired in such a miraculous way.
Originally, the Justice League's page was the leaguers attempting to do whatever popular trend that was happening, but failing in the kind of way that parents or older people who don't fully get the trend do. Like, they get the concept of the trend, but they really don't understand why it's a trend of what the actual point of it is.
It's not until the account gets taken over by Hal, Oliver and surprisingly, Bruce that it actually starts to go viral with its content. Instead of adhering to trends, its a lot of behind the scenes content. Embarrassing moments of the league caught on camera without them knowing, a few bits of scripted comedy.
The most popular video on the page is Batman reading over the 'dumbest budgetary requests from each member of the league' with a monotone voice and expression. Lots of questions are raised as to where the hell the league get's all their money. None get answered.
The Titan's also start off with trends, but are doing a lot more dance trends than anything. They're all just a bit too good at dancing to not absolutely kill every trend. If there is a song going viral, you can bet your life on it that the Titans have already choreographed and filmed something for it.
A few trends also spawn off the Titan's tiktok, but they are mostly people trying to recreate some of the dumbest tricks they have seen them do in their videos, and fail spectacularly because 'there's no way a human can actually move like that'. The Trend "The Reason I'm not a Titan" (similar to the not make the olympics trend) goes mega viral, and even has some of the younger heroes doing it, including videos of them all fumbling during hero work and patrols.
It's Young Justice's account that makes the league regret this entire idea, because unlike the older heroes, they actually understand the trends, and they are fully aware as to what they're doing. Trauma Candy Salads. We Listen and We Don't Judge. Hear Me Out Cake, all of them are done by Young Justice much to the amusement of the public and absolute horror of the rest of the hero community.
The infamous clip of Slobo putting Lex Luthor on their hear me out cake, only to have Superboy screaming "MY DAD?!" and have the video sharply cut off with Red Robin and Wondergirl loosing their absolute shit in the background goes insanely viral because 1) people didn't know Lex Luthor was Superboys Dad and 2) Is that infamous bounty hunter and known adversary of superman Lobo?
Young Justice proceeds to loose access to this account for a week, while the Justice League and Lex both try to do PR Damage control. From that point forward Young Justice needs to have their tiktoks approved by either Red Tornado or a member of the league before they post it. (That also only lasts a week. But the public love it)
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
Uh do you like any of your disciples?
This question implies I like people outside of those under my tutelage.
Rather disturbing notion but no
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
How do you make your hair look like that all the time?
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
Which peak lord do you like?
Qing jing
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
Which of the 4 arts is your favorite? Do you have a least favorite?
Qin is most pleasent when played perfectly, but it is horribly insulting when an inept person attempts to play go, is horrible at it, and you can't quite make a new board from their skin.
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
How are you?
Who's asking?
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
If you could stop being Shen Qingqiu while retaining your wealth, would you choose to? Or would you remain a Peak Lord?
A rouge cultivator that's a scholar.
Or someone from the liu bloodline except qingge
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
Dick: *into a mic* is the target in sight? Cass: negative Tim: I’ve got him. Dick: okay. Move in. Tim: Roger that. *starts speed-walking towards jason* Jason: what the fu— Cass: *grabs him from behind* Jason: what— dick: *shoved Jason into a chair while Cass ties him to it* we have to talk, Jay. Jason: about fucking WHAT??? Tim: this is an intervention. Cass: *nods seriously* dick: *dramatic pause* we think you need glasses. Jason: Jason: all this for THAT dick: it wasn’t like you’d listen if we just told you! Jason: YEAH, BECAUSE I ALREADY HAVE GLASSES. Tim: Dick: cass: Jason: I JUST DONT WEAR THEM AROUND HERE BECAUSE Y’ALL BREAK SOLID BULLETPROOF ARMOR, LET ALONE THINK WIIRE GLASSES FRAMES Tim: *meekly* then why don’t you wear contacts? The other day we saw you reading a report while it was like, two inches from your face— Jason: BECAUSE CONTACTS SUCK, TIM
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
The annoying thing about Batman is that he takes the option of short-circuiting dumb powerscaling arguments by pointing out that those two characters would logically never fight each other completely off the table when he's in play. "Batman wouldn't fight" yeah, he would. There's a non-zero chance he canonically did.
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
Kon has self control I never would
You're telling me his "friend" cloned him out of grief and mourned for him so harshly he went kinda coocoo
I'd be on my knees so FAST
I'd manifest a ring
Motherfuckin pull some metal off a doorknob and make a ring out of it
(I am a Tim drake apologist and NOT sorry about it, I love his crazy ass)
kon: you . . . brought me back to life? because you like me???? tim: i mean . . . yeah? kon: can i s- let me f- l love y- CHAPEL tim: tim: im not religious kon: BEACH tim: i hate sand kon: LEX LUTHOR'S BACKYARD tim: . . . can you put the ring on my middle finger so I can flip him off as we get married? kon: ANYTHING tim: deal
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
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Robins with robins with robins or something like that
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
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Dadzai is feeling happy
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
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just a little detail from a comic (to cure or worsen your broken heart)
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
seeing art of Kon with piercings makes me imagine Tim trying to create a kryptonite piercing gun of sorts. I know that is probably not how it happened but it would be so fucking funny.
Bruce sees this and thinks Tim is trying to create a device as a contingency, but he doesn't want to tell his son that he already has several contingencies and ruin his fun, so he lets him be.
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fandomscatscomics · 8 days ago
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Cale who ate another rock before: welp
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