famus · 3 years
At times, there is a darkness
At times, there is a darkness
That engulfs me
A feeling in the gut that upends me
Questioning every breath
As to why, i choose life, over death
Then, i realize, an all familiar sight,
A new day
Keeps the darkness at bay,
A few precious hours
In which i can see my way
To figure out all the reasons
I need to stay.
All the selfish thoughts fall away
When i think of leaving loved ones
By my hand
And not in God’s time
Worse of all,
Giving them, the impression,
It’s ok to leave this way
Even in another world
I don’t think my soul would survive
A loved one following my untenable actions
To myself i say
The storm will fade,
The tide will turn
The darkness will retreat
A new day will dawn
A chance to try again
The time of trail, is temporary
The best medicine
Is another day
The time of death, is permanent
No regret will revive you,
No tears or kiss will bring you back
I choose life,
Every step of the way
If not for me
Then for my loved ones
Who make we know
I have to stay
And only go
When God selects the day
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famus · 3 years
Reflections in the mirror, imperfections i see Reflections in the mirror, one day, a better version of me Reflections in the mirror, memories to hold Reflections in the mirror, even bad ones can be gold
The past is where memories were made The good, the bad, there is where they all will stay Stamped in the brain for all eternity Life's curveballs, throw you for a loop Some do their best to take control Those are the memories you wish you could eradicate And start again on a blank slate Heartache is best forgotten, when embracing the one, God sent Death no one chooses, but when God calls, no one refuses Loved ones gone, and the living grieve Make no mistake, it is hard to believe Friends surround and hold you through the pain Making you whole and new again
The present day and memories to make A house, a home, spouse and kids, make a brighter day Kids nurtured into beautiful souls God’s gotta keep those moulds True friends never desert They lift us up out of the dirt The present is current, for us to try again Live each day as your last and without a stain For God does not always ask when he takes you in his grasp Sometimes without warning and in a flash So always be ready, Make peace, forgive and love unconditionally
The future holds the key, so listen carefully Choose wisely and be caution with your dreams Release the chains that bind you to a single frame Throw away the baggage and lighten the load Fly free as a bird, soar high up into the unknown Travel forging friendships along the way Eat, drinking and be merry I pray i live to see the day My Children bound to companions who embrace them in a loving way Couple grandkids would be nice To keep us young and full of life The future holds no guarantees God’s canvas, a blank page waiting to write your memories
Reflections in the mirror, imperfections i see Reflections in the mirror, one day, a better version of me Reflections in the mirror, memories to hold Reflections in the mirror, even bad ones can be gold
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
My Valley home
The crack of dawn A mist and greyness Blankets above and around me The sun rises and lifts the mood Searing through the dullness in my sight It clears and from my house i can see Green mountains and houses dimly lit Dotted tightly across the valley Buzzing with activity
Midday and a hazy scene Continues to greet me Sahara dust covering the atmosphere Bringing with it, a discomfort in the air That stings the back of the throat Burns the eyes and blocks the nose All too difficult to breathe in this stuff Retreat inside to a sealed room Is definitely the only solution this afternoon
Evening and the sun begins to slip Behind the horizon and incoming ships The daily heat subsiding, replaced now by A refreshing cool breeze that blows across my face Comfort now, a welcomed grace Birds noisy chatter add to a relaxed atmosphere Enriching our lives, to be fair Darkness creeping in gently across this land A hundred thousand candlelight glows flickering Emitting from houses, peacefully settling in for the night Once again captivating all who see Our land in its entirety
This island is my haven This valley is my home My piece of heaven on earth My earthly material love My safe comfort space My salutation of these better days When waking and sleeping is all a gift In this matrix ting, we call life To the painter i thee praise A canvas with a priceless view Ensuring all that witness Are left in awe, wondering What’s next in store for these beautiful shores
Copyright © 2020 Faye Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
Fire within me
There is a fire that rages within me Not so plain for all to see It quietly consumes my thoughts On my own mortality Of dying and being set free Of earthly limitations That bounds me here, for an eternity The flame, all orange with tinges of blue A reflection of the feelings Good and bad, all hidden from view
There is a fire that rages within me From the moment i wake To the end of day, when i sleep It shepherd’s my emotions Sometimes keeping them in check Other times exploding effortlessly Not the appropriate place to be At least not intentionally Eventually winding down gradually Ready for another day gratefully
There is a fire that rages within me My mind racing like a train Wrecking havoc with the rest of my body A vessel that needs to be treated sacredly Because someday, to our Lord We will need to render accountability For this gift, God has given thee Pray he shows mercy For all transgressions For all imperfections That make me unworthy
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famus · 3 years
My safe place
In days when conversations were a religion And yuh didn’t’ need a television D talk was deep with no bleep Good clean fun, felt like an ace Friends always invited to taste The sweet hand of her grace Gwendolyn made sure you did not waste This was my safe place
In days when no social media prevailed Everyone had d chance to ventilate Face to face interaction Was the essence of good communication No emo relays Burdening yuh screen displays OO made sure, Maths was no chore He played dem numbers, hard core Making sure This was my safe place
I look towards the heavens Picturing dem two Running d angels ragged Hurting dey head making sure D incoming are well fed And anti social behavior not tolerated So leave yuh technology Just bring d plate It gonna be an awesome date This is my safe place
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
Meditation high
Meditation, my morning high, my afternoon pill The reason why, my life has become so chill A brain relaxation of epic proportions Each layer pulled away Unmasking all that lingers and  invades my day
My mantra, i am that The universe is my claim Blocking all rampant, continuous traffic Messing in my brain Clearing the fog and stopping my runaway train
Peace at last, the ultimate gain Unleashing all that negative energy To finally reclaim my sanity And ride a wave of immense stability
Darkest is no longer my retreat The light shines though  with each breath and heartbeat A new day dawning, so to speak One i look forward to No questions asked so long as my meditation weapon continues to peak!
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
Love is Love
Yes, this one is controversial Maybe even hypocritical Whether you tick the box Straight or Queer Love should be the only winner here Love is Love
Judgement, should be held in check Amongst us, walks wolves in sheep’s clothing Never too late to change yuh thinking Holding closely, all who need some loving Love is Love
Some religious divisions cry foul at some unions Best they remember, Yuh Cyar Play Sailor Mas and Fraid powder A history check will certainly reflect a mentality hell bent on dividing society On expectations of normalcy Love is Love
Queer relationships are fuh real And are here to stay But pushing loving beings to closet and bottle up feelings Making most surpress public affections For fear of discrimination and hostile reactions Are true crimes in the making Hats off to the brave souls Living their truths and leading by example Paving the foundation for a better world Love is Love
In this modern world Changing times demand acceptance Tolerance and understanding No judgements should be forthcoming Even if someone else’s life Don’t align with yuh way of thinking Gender unions can have different themes We need to get better at embracing dem scenes Love is Love
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
My sanctuary, my safe place Walls of steel lined with wool A place where fears and tears Disappear into the ground The soul is nourished Happiness can be anywhere Happiness is right here
My sanctuary, my good feel moments Riding on the wave of an epiphany A letting go of clutter on the mind A freedom like no other Feeling all will be good Feeling all will be enough
My sanctuary, my conversations with GOD Comfort knowing he is not far away Thoughts that flow effortlessly In the early morning stillness in the late evening tiredness Grateful for another day Grateful for more time to stay
My sanctuary, when God has blessed me with his time and grace No mortal entity will invade this precious space No wavering thoughts can defeat my faith It is in the unknowing I believe unconditionally It is in the blindness I see the light It is in the deafness I hear his voice It is in his likeness I strive to adhere
Copyright © 2021 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 3 years
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Wildlife in the Wells back yard! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKuaMmopXYJCWYKH926HjDWpRl7K76lJxhseUc0/?igshid=ybe6b93sfcjc
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famus · 3 years
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Home sweet Home ! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKuK113JNHxtuEYh7g3Hfnqyu738BtLkseLD0M0/?igshid=cz115izjw8eq
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famus · 4 years
Cayso Affair
Cayso is a rapsody Stripping yuh identity Sometimes intentionally Other times, ah name does slip in casually All for a bit of comedy D Calypsonian’s speciality Syphoning laughter from patrons As ah result of dey presentation
Political and Social expositions Does make dey way in d calypsonian’s annotations Foreign and Domestic commentary Does make for good liturgy D author’s delivery on point, in summary Picong and bacchanal, does come with d territory Dey have we bamboozle and basodee Implying we is still all one famalee
Truth in jest is d common approach Leaving many a mind,  in a quandary Manoeuvring truth from distortion Often leads to passionate allusions D Calypsonian’s story, has merit in it’s insinuations Under all d ole talk, Dey ram cram d stadiums to capacity To hear their melodies, regardless of trajectory
A Cayso affair, dramatic with flare Cayso, Soca and Ex tempo Dimache Gra  to Road mach D calypsonian does leave dey mark Rampaging and Palancing On stage, in d street and in d big yard A testament stamped in history For those who take d Glory!
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 4 years
Family, is not of your choosing A simple liaison with no consultation Resulting in a family production On a birth paper You need the creators But in raising, Parenting, don’t need ah blood relation
It takes a village To raise d children, when parents are delinquent Children need unconditional love No judgement, name calling or belittling They need nurturing and plenty loving They also need a firm voice of encouragement On topics of morality and integrity boosting A footprint to the soul’s immortality A source of compassion and unity for all humanity
Family is not about blood It about d ones that really take care To embrace you as your are To carry you in living your truth Ensure you leave deep roots Destined to be a legacy set in memory for d next century Moulding and enhancing anyone that enters its fraternity
© 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 4 years
Toxic behaviours affect us all Taxes our brain and Squashes our cares To believe that love is rare Soul destroying and often humiliating Crushes our trusting radar, to be daring
Harmful relationships add to the despair Wrecking havoc making it a noxious affair Saying you love dem, Just adds to d sick atmosphere Leaving one emotionally scared, is so unfair
Lethal is a possibility Excuses on responsibility Casting aspersions Leads to a dereliction of sincerity Virulent and baneful displays Can lead to self-harm tendencies
Jealousy and guilt tripping Pernicious and mephitic in nature Is a very exhausting encounter Constantly seen as a victim Overly defensive with backhanded compliments Signs to evade in any relationship developments
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famus · 4 years
My Song
This song’s for you, a memory of me Never too late to make some history We started out shady, many many years ago Made up my mind to never let you go A one night chance turned into my greatest, longest and most lovable stance Across the street, I saw you stride I told my friend, that's the man whose gonna be mine
This is my life, the journey’s  so sweet Been through good times And rode some bad ones too Wouldn't trade a single day You never let me down You always stick around My love, my life, my everything My hero, my morning high, my evening pill God, please, never let these feelings chill
It happened right, in our own time Little pressure from those around Eight years in and our time was here We took the plunge, two as one onto to better things All tied up by a little thing called a ring We bought a house and called it our own A few years later, we added more joy to our home
Gave me two more worlds and a new role A mother's story added to the fold Nearly three decades in and counting we're both still here together and continuing life’s great, you know what i mean You’re in it and i just want to scream LOVE YOU BABES, always, even in my dreams Know, you are my ROCKSTAR!
Where you go, i will go Where you lodge, i will lodge Where you die, i will die And there i will be buried May the Good Lord embrace our souls and cover us Precious blood from the crowns of our head to the soles of our feet I pray that at the end no other will come between And only death will separate us, for the time being
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 4 years
Ah donno why
Ah donno why D life of d party Being a donkey And insist on talking loud Above and over d maddening crowd
Ah donno why D life of d party Being dope And need to intake so much liquor and smokes To enjoy a comfort poke
Ah donno why D life of d party Doh understand Dem ting does affect d brain And make yuh do stupid tings
Ah donno why D life of d party Cya learn to love dey self And know dey antics Is not d reason dey find favor
Ah donno when D life of d party Will one day know Is living dey truth With a virtuous soul That makes us love dem Without being told
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 4 years
D Journey
Not about d destination It’s  about how you get there D journey is your diary tale Wagging, full of woe and hail D journey start from birth Creeps, crawls, walks, gallops, runs Towards d finish goal
D journey could be sweet Or a total bleep bleep Cherish and celebrate each milestone Leaving footprints before you reach the gravestone Lay the foundation to eternal gratification A legacy in history Destined for glory
Never spurn ill words to or about anyone For hurtful words Can never be undone Never shed light on your almsgiving It is the the righteous way for living
Breathe the precious air Enjoy the God given sights The sun, the moon The earth, the sea D journey is an open book Just waiting for d author’s hook
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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famus · 4 years
Cricket Caribbean style!
Cricket in d Caribbean Is a sight to behold CPL a global fest , big and bold Tanti Merle and she Pink Parasol Entertaining d audience with her soul Jumbo selling his nuts to d patrons Antics include throwing dem across d stands Spreading joy where he can Picong and small talk up and down d stadium stairs Laughter and excitement fill d air A nigh to forget all worry and despair Tassa drums beating and cheerleaders dancing To d rhythm of d Soca music blaring
Shahrukh Khan d TKR owner Supporting dem fellows Helping d sport with some much needed dollars Trinidad Knight Riders are on a wave Swatting away d competition to dey graves Dey hitting sixes outta dis place Dey scattering fours to every corner with grace Bravo and Polly putting runs on d board galore Narine and Ali Khan skittling d opponent’s core Dey have d fans jumping up wildly Trini Posses, chanting ecstatically TKR forever Fuelling d rivalry
Jamaica Tallawahs Guyana Amazon Warriors ST Lucia Zouks Barbados Tridents St Kitts & Nevis Patriots One, after another they fall Trinidad Knight Riders Beating them all! Yes, folks, I am a TKR fan for sure TRK to d end, I will adore!
Copyright © 2020 F.E Wells. All rights reserved.
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