famousfromnowhere · 3 years
coming back to tumblr after being on tiktok for a few months it’s literally the same
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famousfromnowhere · 3 years
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i'm right and you know i am
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famousfromnowhere · 3 years
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i'm just in love with this little guy, this little fella
they are
they is
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famousfromnowhere · 3 years
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famousfromnowhere · 3 years
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I flew by earth again today.
you know, it's funny, sometimes i think these letters will actually get to you.
i hope that maybe they reached the earths gravity and floated down to your backyard.
but i know that even if they did, they would burn up before they reached you.
i know you think i'm dead, and that i abandoned you.
i promise that isn't true.
i'm almost out of paper, though, i used so many to write for help
but i know it's not coming.
i've accepted my fate at this point, my only regret is not knowing my final goodbye was so.
i love you. if by some miracle you get this, i love you.
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