falling-angel-art · 3 days
Salvis is my favorite toxic doomed yaoi
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falling-angel-art · 3 days
Gizmooo :33
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
little-big sally face, defensive
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
strangers by ethel cain you will always be sam winchesters song… is he making you feel sick??? is he??? sam is obsessed with being pure; he’s tainted by the demon blood and it makes him feel dirty— and he knows dean doesn’t see him as pure anymore, either; he’s contaminated. he makes himself sick and he knows that everyone around him gets sick upon being in his presence as well. “how funny, i never considered myself tough,” and he never has been. he has always been one to use his words and compassion to reach someone. empathy has always been his friend. he even has empathy for the monsters he kills; it doesn’t matter if they would kill him cold in a heartbeat— all he can see is someone that is alive, a beating heart, a person— if they can even be considered a person. he’s only ever been strong in loving, and never in actual strength
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
Scorpius with a lopsided toothy smile. I can't stop imagining it. His laugh is an obnoxious shreek or hiccup. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Dork. Dork. DORK.
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
My dad walked in on me playing Sally face during the ONLY scene with nudity I'm cooked
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falling-angel-art · 5 days
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also i made this like a few days ago is the fandom even alive today
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falling-angel-art · 6 days
// bright colors
Finally started playing Sally face :33
(click image for better quality)
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+ the brothers doodle :p
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Reference used:
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falling-angel-art · 29 days
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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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sometimes i think about them and then i just start crying
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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stupid doodles lol
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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varian cant take his girlfriend anywhere bc every five minutes he has to interrogate her like you’re asking a dog what they have in their mouth
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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I'm gonna punt them into the sun
(After harvesting star apples and relocating a snake in my hibiscus garden, this piece is finally finished.)
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
Why do we as a fandom ignore Galcrest.
I know nothing happens in the outline and everyone wants to get to Nuru, but there is so much we can do with Galcrest.
It's a water kingdom so what does it look like, is it covered in fog, are the lakes covered in ice and are the roads snowed over, or is it covered in large fountains and ponds with mile-long irrigation systems.
Is it a part of the mainland or is it an island? What is the culture like, who are the people there and how do they dress, what is their food like, what is their music, what are their dances?
And even though the outline doesn't have anything in Galcrest you can make things for it.
Maybe a weather machine needs fixing.
A large festival could be going on.
Perhaps a supply run gone buck-wild.
Isn't it annoying when you run out of money and have to do the weirdest jobs to get paid.
I know people like to focus on the character relationships but skipping out on Galcrest takes away opportunities for character challenges and growth that build those relationships. Galcrest allows a smoother transition from Varian and Hugo hating each other to friends. And allows Varian And Hugo to build a more parental role for Yong.
What I'm trying to say is that Galcrest is important.
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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Apparently it’s #IzzyIsThriving day, so excuse me while I pause my mental health break to throw a tipsy doodle of a crew cuddle pile at you guys
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falling-angel-art · 1 month
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hes been running around in my head like a mouse
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