When Jumping Is Your Sole Option, You Jump.
503 posts
Artist, Animator, and a girl who stays awake at night, dreaming of a fablehaven movie premiere...   "Admonishing herself to think like Seth, which to her meant to not think at all, she leaped…” pg 219 of Grip of the Shadow Plague
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fairykam · 3 years ago
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My boy Seth went through a lot the past few books 🗡💚
(Aka I got a homework assignment that I could get away with making fan art for 😬)
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fairykam · 3 years ago
Hi I am so sorry I haven’t opened tumbler in a LONG TIME. I have been crazy busy and I’ve been learning and doing so much.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I am so grateful for all the sweet messages and requests. 💕
I am sorry to say that I am currently not taking requests. I am doing school full time, working, and I am on a team making a short film, so I haven’t found time to do any fun drawing.
So I guess this post is just a thank you and an apology for not being active. And also an apology because I don’t see myself becoming more active on tumblr in the future.
So thank you all 💕
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fairykam · 3 years ago
hey Love the artwork!! I'm a wannabe author I'd like to use one of your pictures, I have an account on Wattpad, for aspiring authors. I love Fablehaven and I'm going to do a fanfiction would I be able to use your picture?
Yes! Just mention I made it and of course you can use it!
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fairykam · 4 years ago
I am so excited for this! If you’ve ever thought, “man I would love to choose what fairykam draws next.” Look no further! This is going to be so much fun!
Trivia Contest!
Hey everyone,
On Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 5pm US PST, I will be holding a trivia contest. Here’s how it’ll go:
1. I will post questions to my blog and will add them to the Fablehaven and Dragonwatch tags for the event. (I’ll remove the questions from the Fablehaven and Dragonwatch tags once the event is over.)
2. Anyone who wishes to participate will have 2 minutes to answer the questions. Answers will only be counted via replies to a post; not reblogs. The first 3 people to reply with a correct answer will earn 1 point each. At the end of the 2 minutes, I will reply to my own post with an announcement that time is up and the question is now closed. No additional answers will be taken under consideration once I’ve stated the question is closed.
3. There will be a total of 20 questions. I will keep a tally of who gets which answers correct within the allotted timeframe, and will announce the winner after all 20 questions have been asked and answered.
But, hold on, AerinM. Surely there must be a prize for the winner? What could you possibly offer which would possess sufficient value for me to hop onto tumblr and give up 40-60 mins of my time on a Saturday evening?!
Let’s be real, y’all, where else are you gonna go during quarantine? ;) bahahaha
Say no more. The winner, my dear friends, will get the opportunity to commission a piece of artwork from the wonderful @fairykam​. For real! You work out the details with her regarding what you’d like to request, and I will pay for the commission. 
Sound like fun? I hope so! Mark your calendars! 
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fairykam · 4 years ago
What is my favorite scene from Chapion of the Titan Games?
This one. Definitely this one.
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fairykam · 4 years ago
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A Chapion of the Titan Games fan art with only minor spoilers.
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fairykam · 4 years ago
aaaaaaAAAAAHHHHHHHH Your art is so GOOD! I am seriously in love with the way you draw, it's just amazing! wow
Thank you!!!
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fairykam · 4 years ago
(idk if you've answered this before, so sorry if you have aa) So I noticed you're mormon/LDS (sorry if neither of those are the correct term eep.), and I'm just wondering what your stance is on the LGBT+ community. You seem like you aren't homophobic, but I just want to check. Btw this isn't, like, me accusing you of anything.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). I have many LGBTQ+ friends who I love and cherish and wouldn’t change for the world. I try to live my life as Christlike as I can, and to me, that means selfless love and compassion. Christ would not stand to see people attacking his loved children. Especially people attacking others using his name as justification.
Many Christians view taking the Lord’s name in vain means saying OMG. What is really means is using the Lords name to justify non-Christlike things. Like saying ‘Jesus hates gay people’. That is a prime example of using Christ as a moral high ground. It shows people thinking pridefully and selfishly. And it’s blatantly not true. One of the first songs I learned at church is “I am a Child of God”. We believe that every person on the earth is a beloved child of our Heavenly Father. So I think it is completely Anti-Christian to hate anyone. I cannot stand individuals who use their faith as justification for predudice and supremacy.
The LDS church supports marriage between a man and a woman. I see and support that value in my own life. So someday if I choose to get married, I hope to marry a man who loves me and shares my hopes and values. But I also believe in agency and individual freedoms. I don’t want my faith and personal beliefs mandated by the government. If my friend wants to marry her girlfriend, I will be so happy for her and I would 100% support her and love her and excitedly go to the wedding. My faith is something I chose. Its not something I want to force on anyone else. It’s not meant to take anyone else’s agency to choose away.
As you can see I am not afraid to express my beliefs and bear my personal testimony of Jesus Christ. I love the gospel. I have a strong testimony of it. And it brings me so much joy and hope. But more important than my words, I want my actions to reflect Christ. I want to serve and love my neighbor. I want to bring people up and show them what God sees in them. (Without specifically giving a talk in church)
I have a lot of love for the LGBTQ+ community. I am so grateful to people in the community for showing me love, compassion, and guidance. I am learning everyday how to become better; how to show compassion to others, who I am, and where do I fit in my faith and my relationships with others.
Thank you for asking. This is a difficult question to ask and to answer and I hope I expressed my feelings well. I hope that more people will act in compassion and empathy, we need more of that in the world. 💕
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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How many times have I drawn Kendra “glow-in-the-dark” Sorensen and Seth “idiot-points” Sorensen? Too many to count, but I just can’t stop! I just love them so much!!!
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fairykam · 5 years ago
Cottg theories?
Seth, recently on his own, who no longer trusts Ronodin but still doesn’t believe Kendra decides to go off on his own to figure out who he is. He reaizes that many strings are attached to Fablehaven, so he sneaks in (he’s still in the book that allows people in). While rummaging through things he hopes for memories to come back.
He pulls out gear, small trinkets, and documents. He finds a passport. A passport with his photo.
Kendra lied to him. His name isn’t Seth Sorensen.
His name is Mike McDonald.
(Remember the fake passport Vanessa uses to get him over the Canadian border? 😂😂)
But seriously I think Seth will be on his own a lot in cottg. And I think he will find his way to Talizar (that demon he met in the dreamscape thing in the first Dragonwatch book) or another demon. I really want him to figure out his shadow charmer abilities.
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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Branching out and tried my hand at Smaug
My hand is fire. My hand is DEATH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
(Actually I lied but I can’t resist a good joke 😂)
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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A boy and his golem
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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The scariest part about living at fablehaven? Not the creatures, not the inevitable betrayals, not even festival nights. Whenever Viola moos, you are thrown right back into ptsd of sliding down a giant cow teat that first summer.
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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To celebrate both of these VERY EXCITING pieces of news, I drew our favorite Fablehaven villians!
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fairykam · 5 years ago
HELLO. hello. omgsh. i was just looking at my notifs for bookofmormonmemes and i saw you and was like 'wait..FAIRYKAM?? THEEEEE FAIRYKAM?????? ON MY HUMBLE BLOG?????????' idk if you remember me but i followed you for a while forever ago ago cus fablehaven was like one of my first main fandoms, idk why im surprised at all that you're lds because fablehaven is a Very Lds Thing, but oh my gosh!!!! hello!!!!! you are singlehandedly suddenly making me wanna do fablehaven stuff again after 400 years
HELLO! NO WAY! YOU FOLLOWED ME FIRST? YOUR MEMES ARE SOO GOOD! The kronk +waters of Mormon in the land of Mormon meme was so good I had to show my mom and we were both dying! Keep up the excellent BOM memes!
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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Submitted my application to my DREAM PROGRAM, so now I’m just anxiously waiting to find out if I got in. In my panicky state, I figured drawing some Fablehaven characters would help me chill out. But I couldn’t choose who to draw.
So I drew like... a lot of them
Enjoy 😅
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fairykam · 5 years ago
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Preparing my sketchbook for my application to the animation program and finding old Fablehaven sketches.
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