fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“You do it the most often, or you have a hand in it.” He said with a smile, “You are no fun, I wanted to get them back. I suppose I shall just get you.”
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“I didn’t expect company, next time I’ll be sure to make it just for you.”
“I am not the only fairy who pranks you. I will not tell you. It’s no fun if I do.” She giggled slightly her voice going up at the end.
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“Did you enjoy the fact I made your bed? You should do it more often.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Unfortunately, I automatically blame you in these things.”
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“Wait, who dared you??”
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“I thought it would take you longer to figure it out. Someone dared me too.” 
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Why is my bedroom now on the roof? I didn’t do anything to you this time.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“No, I just thought pants were stupid.” He lied, excited about that ability, “I was showering when the curse spell thing hit.” He amended, because he couldn’t be a sarcastic ass to the Queen. He took the jacket though, and tried to fashion a way to cover the jewels. “Thank you.”
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“Why don’t you have pants? Did you lose them or do you just not own any?”She pulled her jacket off handing it to him. “Here.” 
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Yeah, I uh, was showering when that spell it. Not the best time, I guess.”
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She looked down.  “oh…OH.  Oh you’re not wearing pants…at all.  Wow.. WOW.  That is…wow.  Um… Good job though?”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“I can’t find pants.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“I, uh, I can’t find pants. So, you’re already better off than me.”
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“I hate this.  I can’t even feel anything.  Like, the earth.  Nothing.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Absolutely no clue.”
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“Okay.  What the fuck is happening and why can’t I feel anything?”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“I never turn down a dinner date, for the record.” He responded with a cheeky smile of his own. “Sure! I bet mine are better though.” He mock challeneged.
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“True, and I like the way you think. I mean the family I have now well, they are weird, very weird but I consider them more family than my actual family. Sorry getting a little deep on you there. Should probably buy you dinner first rather than tell you my troubles and woes,” he winked. “Talking about family do you want to see a prank I pulled on one of the members?” he asked with a cheeky smile.
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Sounds like it.” He said, nodding softly. “Families are whatever you consider them, don’t have to be blood related.” He said with a shrug, considering he wasn’t blood related to any of the fae, but they were all his family, especially Tati.
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“Yeeeah kind of. It was a weird weekend,” he shrugged. “Ah same as me kind of?” he said higher pitch. one year as a vampire and he met his vampire family and they were more of a family than his own. Even Bella and that handsome boyfriend of hers. His old family not so much. So controlling and he wanted to get away from them.
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Happy to please.” He said with a wink. “Knives? Sounds like an interesting story.” He shrugged, immediately hating this truth shit. “I have friends and family here, people who are important to me that I’d like to stay near.” 
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“You are evil, I like you,” Ash smirked. “And that is exactly what they are doing. At least it is better than knives last weekend,” he shrugged. Strange things happen on this island. “So handsome, what brings you to yonder island? I bet it was the excitement wasn’t it? Maybe for the locals? I can tell you it will not be for the local attractions. Though there is a lot of strip clubs and bars,” Ash shrugged. 
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“I’d joke about a first date, but I really don’t want you to take me seriously on it.” He said with a chuckle, “I’m Jasper, pleasure to meet you.”
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“Okay, prince charming, we’ve only just met and you’re already on the fourteenth date. Let’s take this slowly, shall we? Now tell me, what’s the name of our latest addition to the force?”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“You could say that, I’ve never been able to explore before. I tend to stay on people’s good sides, so be prepared to love me.”
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“I’m assuming you’re new to town? ’m Cyrus. Either your best ally or your worst enemy in that place, so let’s hope you stay on my good side.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Well, I’d hate to be a friend you’d avoid.” He said with a laugh. “Unless it’s because said friend is chasing you with something, in which case, I do the same.” He said, “Jasper, nice to meet you. Thanks, by the way.”
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“Oh I have the time. I was just avoiding a friend of mine for a bit,” he told him. What he did not tell him Jinx was chasing him with another fucking rubber duck. “I’m Ash, and the station is this way. Join me on the magical tour of Tartarus,” he smirked. 
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
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“I mean, to be fair, they never gave me the address, and the interview was on the phone.” He said, hopping into the passenger seat quickly.
“Which proves we are in desperate need of a new head officer…” He scoffs, “Hop in, kid.”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“Thanks! Yeah, wouldn’t be a great impression to make if I were late.”
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“Sure,I go pass it everyday on my way to work,it’s not to far from here anyway. Come on,wouldn’t want you to be late on your first day”
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fae-boy-jasper · 9 years
“If you have time, that’d be great.” He said, adding a wink.
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“Uh police station,” he paused to remember where it was from where they were “sure that’s on Edden,  I’ll take you there if you want handsome,” he told the guy with a smile. 
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