Fandomz & Shiz
21 posts
I'm going to be doing some imagines and one shots for many different fandoms. I DO NOT write smuts but I don't mind implying it.REQUESTS ARE OPEN - Supernatural, TVD, TO, Teen Wolf, Riverdale, Sadowhunters
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
current sexuality: dylan doing this
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
This is a ship respecting blog
I will never ever judge you for what you do or don’t ship. No matter how much I dislike a ship, I will never put you down for it. They are fictional characters and are here to make you happy. If your ship makes you happy thats all that matters.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Re-blog if you're accepting anonymous asks from anyone about anything.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
I am completely against hate on the internet but I thought I needed to acknowledge the TVD ending. I am not at all satisfied. I do not think that it was a good way of ending these fantastic 8 years: everyone is alone: Bonnie lost her love, Caroline lost her ,what about a week old husband, Alaric's alone and Delena is the most awkward thing I've seen in while and Stefan's death was quite simply unnecessary ( as was Enzo's). And yeah sure they have each other and all but they deserved better. This could have been a way to end a season but definitely not the whole show which is why I am really disappointed. I was expecting a lot more as were many. Please do not spread hate towards the shows creators, this is simply my opinion.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
When someone reminds me that all my crushes are fictional:
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
i made a thing
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Shout out to riverdale for adopting all the teen wolf fans that need a new show to obsess over now that teen wolf only has half a season left that’s not until summer
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Archie Andrews - I believe you
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Archie Andrews x Reader
Words: 1308
Request: by @deepestdreamlandinternet 
May I request an Archie Andrews imagine we’re you both dislike each other for some reason but kiss or something like with Veronica and him the closet????
A/N: Thank you so much for the request, I had so much fun writing it. I really hope you enjoy it. This imagine corresponds more to the first part of your request but I do think I might make another one inspired by him and Veronica in the closet.
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First day of school and already I managed to bump into him. Him and I were… complicated. He was the classic jock type, well build, especially after this summer, star football player and music prodigy. And even though every girl drooled over him I did not feel that way for the least bit. Back in the day maybe, just maybe I might have considered looking at him that way. What really made me mad was that a few years ago I called him a friend. Since my parents were close with his, I spend practically my whole childhood around him, he was the closest thing I had to a brother and as we grew I guess my feelings started shifting. But then as we were about to enter the high school world he got offered a seat at the popular table. He tried to fit me in his new lifestyle but I guess it just wasn’t my scene so we started seeing each other less and less. But there was this one night, everything was going south in my life at that point and I really needed him to be there just this once for me, to have a shoulder to cry on… I guess I was out of luck since I waited and waited in front of Pop’s dinner for him to show, until I got tired of waiting and returned home to the comfort of my bed. It was that night that my hatred for Archie Andrews officially embedded itself in my heart.
So today, almost 3 years after Archie had ditched me at that diner I was doing great. I skipped town for the past two years and went to live with my dad in Cali but I decided I was finally ready to come back and face my past in Riverdale. What I hadn’t expected was to be facing it so soon. Just as I was walking down the hall towards my new assigned locker I heard a group of loud boys coming round the corner, I hadn’t even bothered looking up to see who it was until one of them bumped into me while they were talking about an upcoming game. I was just about to let out a snarky comment but he spoke first “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” When I heard the voice my face instantly drained of colour. Fortunately, I was still looking down trying to pick up my scattered books so he couldn’t actually see my face. I quickly glanced at him grabbing my last book right from his hands and walked as fast as you could to get away from him. I wasn’t really sure if he had recognised me. To be fair he wasn’t the only one who had experienced and sudden ‘glow up’. During my time away I managed to work a little on myself and my feminine assets had finally appeared. Plus I had gotten glasses that just made me look smart in the hottest way possible.
Thank God this day is over. I thought waking towards my locker, earphones in my ears after the end of my last lesson. The day wasn’t really that bad, I’ve already managed to get a couple of friends around here but seeing Archie this morning threw me off and I was just eager to go home. “I knew it” I heard over your music. I looked around and there he was, leaning against the lockers staring me down. “What do you want Archie?” I asked annoyed. “I knew it was you. I could recognise you anywhere.” he stated proud of himself. “Well, congratulations, that’s amazing that you managed to recognise the girl who used to be your best friend. Allow me to get you a trophy to add to your already big collection of hurting Y/N 101.”I spat out sarcastically. “Hey, why are you mad at me? You were the one who left town without even saying goodbye. What was I supposed to think?” he asked suddenly hurt. “Oh that’s rich coming from you…” I muttered angrily walking away as I felt the tears rolling down. Get yourself together. He doesn’t deserve your tears.
Few days later
I was walking home from the gym listening to my favourite playlist. Things had gotten back to normal, relatively speaking. I was doing good at Riverdale’s high, I had made real friendships and Archie hadn’t talked to me since that first day. I finally turned to my street and saw my house, and someone sitting on my porch. At first I didn’t recognise the man, but as I came closer I realised it was a desperate looking Archie. “I thought I made it pretty clear that I didn’t want anything to do with you Archie.” I sated firmly. “Y/N, I really don’t know what happened between us… I just… I wish I knew so I could fix it” He responded weakly. “There’s nothing to be fixed.” I was trying my hardest not to break. “You really hurt me when you left, d’you know that?” he said regaining confidence. “Good.” I simply said. “I can’t believe you! You come back after 3 years of no letters, no emails, no nothing and when I confront you about it all you have to say is ‘good’?!” he stared getting mad. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get into my home now.” I tried going around him to get inside but in vain. “Oh no, you are not going anywhere until you explain what the hell is wrong with you?” this let your bottled up rage free. “Excuse me?! What is wrong with me?!” I shot back pointing a finger to my chest to emphasise my point. He stared at me confused. “Oh you really don’t know do you?” I asked a little shocked. “Know what?” “Gosh Archie, are you really so full of yourself that you hadn’t even noticed that I desperately needed you?! You were my best friend! I was counting on you! You were supposed to be there the one damn time I needed you. Damn it Archie I freaking loved you I looked up to you! You made me feels things no one ever has and I was always there when you called! But the one time, the one time I was in a bad place and needed you, you left me standing there, in the rain for 5 hours waiting for my alleged best friend to show up. So yes I think I earned the right to be pissed don’t you?!” I was out of breath after that confession. We just stood there staring at each other for what felt like an eternity and then suddenly he grabbed my face in his hands and his lips came crashing onto mine. No one had ever kissed me like that, so passionately yet so sweetly. I was backed against the door forcefully, I couldn’t keep my hands off of him. 
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I couldn’t tell you the thousands things that raced through my mind during those few seconds but all I know is they all ended with him and me kissing on my porch. “I’m so incredibly sorry for what I’ve put you through Y/N… I had no idea… I got really drunk that night and when I finally came to my senses the first thing I did was looking for you, I went to your house but your mum had told you had left town for good. I love you, so much it hurts and when I thought I’d lost you I… well let’s just say it wasn’t pretty.” I just stared deeply in his eyes, unable to utter a single word, I kept searching for something to tell me was lying, that he didn’t deserve that second chance you were so compelled to give him but yet the only thing you managed to get out was “ I believe you”  before joining your lips again.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Archie Andrew - Help me paint?
Fandom: Riverdale
Pairing: Archie Andrews x Reader
Words: 1088
Y/N is going through a rough time with her family and gets to a breaking point. But fortunately Archie’s there to pull her back in and cheer her up. Basically lots of fluff.
A/N:  I know Riverdale only has two episodes at this point but I am already completely obsessed so I though why not write a one shot about it because let ‘s be honest the whole cast is freaking smoking. This is only loosely inspired by the series I doesn’t really follow the real plot. Hope you like it and make sure to let me know if you’d like more of this sort of imagines.
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Rough, rough is the only word that came to mind when you thought about your life right now. You always told yourself that you could, no, more like you had to handle everything but sometimes even your nerves broke. And unfortunately this was one of those times. Archie had been your rock throughout this whole mess. He was always there to cheer you up, everyday he’d stop by just to ask if you were okay, it was becoming kind of a ritual. But today, today you were really pissed, hell you were fuming. To say there was tension in your household would be an understatement. Everybody walking on their tip toes too scared to say or do the wrong thing that would set off another argument. You had had just about enough of this nonsense, and being the hot headed person you were, you got into an argument with pretty much everyone today. You parents had just gone out to dinner, which by the way was a freaking miracle that they even talked to each other after their constant disputes and your sister/brother had just stormed off after the heated discussion you had indulged her/him in.
Reader’s P.O.V.
I was pacing in my living room trying to get all my rage out when I heard the knock at the door. I opened the door forcefully “What the hell do you want?!” I snapped at the person standing at my doorstep without even looking, figuring it would have been my annoying sibling. When I finally lifted my gaze guilt flushed over me as I realised there was a confused and sorry looking Archie staring back at me with flowers in his hands. “I… I just wanted to check if you were okay… I’m sorry did I do anything-” but I didn’t let him finish as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a much needed kiss. “I’m so sorry babe, I didn’t know it was you. God I’m SO happy you’re here.” You quickly explained leading him inside. He stared looking around the house with a questioning tone “They all left don’t worry.” I answered before he could even ask. I went to sit on the kitchen counter while I watched Archie put the flowers in a vase “I thought these would cheer you up a little, he smiled making me melt, and they’re your favourites, right?” “Aw, hun that so sweet! What would I do without you?” I laughed “You’d be a total train wreck” he smirked walking towards me. I wrapped my legs and arms around him and looked at him daringly “See now that’s mean” I pouted. He just gave me a cheeky grin leaning in to kiss me passionately. “So what d’you wanna do tonight?” I asked my forehead still resting on his. “Don’t really know, would you like to watch something?” he kissed my forehead since he was about to break out of the hug but I held him back “Eh… not really I mean we’re already seen everything.” He nodded “Well maybe if you’d let me go I could find something for us to do?” he smiled “But I don’t want to. Could we just stay like this?” I asked seriously starting to consider it. “Unfortunately no” he laughed.
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Archie’s P.O.V.
I practically saw the lightbulb turn on over her head “Oh I know we should finally paint my room, I mean everything is ready but I have just been putting it off for the past week. But since you’re here now…” she grinned. Gosh she was adorable. “Yeah sure that could be fun.” I simply replied taking her hand to go upstairs “I should warn you though, there is a strict policy of only shirtless men allowed to paint in my bedroom.” she smirked “Is that so? And what about you then huh? How’s that fair?” I laughed and shook my head “My bedroom, my rules Andrews.” her smile grew even wider and I couldn’t help but stare at her beauty. “I’ll quickly change and we can get started” she yelled already half way in her closet.
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Readers P.O.V.
I opted for my old cute denim overall and my Calvin Klein sports bra just to tease him a little. As I walked out of the closet he was mixing the paint. He was already shirtless and even though I had already had the chance to admire his abs, my breath was taken away every time I saw him without his shirt. He turned to me to say something but his jaw dropped seeing me. “Please don’t drool on my carpet” I joked. He quickly brushed it off and stood up to put his hands on my waist. “You can pull off anything can’t you” he smiled “yeah basically” I laughed throwing my hair into a quick ponytail. He tried to kiss me but I dodged him “Ah Ah Ah you got to earn it this time.” I pointed at the empty walls. He pouted a little but quickly got back to his energetic self “Let’s get to work then.” We were about halfway done when suddenly he came up to me from behind and wiped his paint full finger on my neck and cheeks “Oh it’s on!” I yelled chasing him with the brush. I managed to paint several strokes on him before he dipped his fingers in the paint and started chasing me around the room.
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Archie’s P.O.V.
“Oh God look at the mess we’ve made!” she said almost horrified by the realisation. “Don’t worry we’ll clean it up and look at the bright side at least your walls are finally done.” I sat down on the floor admiring the work we had just accomplished. “Yeah I guess so, and it was pretty fun wasn’t it?” she let out a small laugh as she laid down in my lap. “Yeah totally, I hadn’t laughed this much in so long!” I looked down at her and for a moment we just looked at each other in the most comforting silence. She was the first one to break it “Hey Archie?” she looked deep into my eyes. “Wassup?” I asked stroking her hair. It took her a minute to respond “Thank you… I mean thank you for everything. For being there when I need you and basically just for being you.” She opened up to me. “Anytime. You know I love you right?” this brought the biggest smile on her lips “Yeah I do and I love you too”.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Jace Wayland - Who would have thought
Fandom: Shadowhunters
Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Words: 1322 (yeah I think I got a little carried away… Oops…)
Warnings: I guess there is some sexual tension (but nothing too graphic)
This is a cute, fluffy and really flirty imagine for Jace Wayland. The reader is a shadowhunter and she/he has been friends with Jace for as long as she/he could remember but their relashionship always felt like more... full of flirting and glacing at each other every chance they got. 
A/N: I have been wanting to write one like this for so long and I’m pretty proud of the outcome so I hope you like it. (btw Y/F/N: your friend’s name)
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It’s about the time nearly everyone has left the main area of the Institute and had gone to the living quarters. I can finally go train in peace. I put my music on at nearly full blast just enough not to bother anyone still near my area and I start my stretching – I’ve always wanted to be a dancer when I was a kid even though Jace always made fun of me because of it, I even took classes so I guess that’s why the long stretching stuck with me, t found it relaxing. Well, usually I did, but when you feel someone staring at your ass while you’re bend over it’s… well… a little uncomfortable “Hey hun, I know it’s hard because my ass looks great from over there but would you mind not staring?” I heard a chuckle and instantly knew who it was “Don’t flatter yourself, I just came to ask you to lower your music.” Jace said with a smirk on his face. “Oh! Oh right! So you were standing there for a full five minutes cause you couldn’t decide whether or not the music is good, is that it?” I replied cockily which made him put his hands up in innocence “Hey, a boy gets distracted!” “Obviously.” I laughed as I got up and came up to him.
 “So what? You gonna ask me to train with you or not?” he asked as he leaned on the doorframe. I made the fakest look of shock I could “Oh… My… God… no, no there is no way! The great Jace Wayland would honour little old me with a training session?! This makes me so emotional! Thank you your majesty! Thank you!” I said sarcastically as I simulated a reverence. He chuckled “Well you’re welcome” “But hey you keep bending over like that you’ll get more than a training session.” he quickly added and I could just feel the huge smirk on his face. “Shut up.” I nudged him in the arm. “I didn’t know we’ve already started to fight.” he pouted rubbing his hand on the stop where I had just hit him. “That’s because I’m not fighting with you” I shot back returning to the punching bag. “What? You’re afraid that your biggest crush would kick your ass?” he replied following me. “You wish.” I back away and stick my tong out at him mockingly. “Oh just you wait till I catch you” he said as he took of his hoodie and started chasing me through the gym. When he finally caught up to me he grabbed me from behind and tried to pick me up but I kept trying to get out of his grip which made me lose my balance and fall with him right on top of me. I could feel my cheeks turning pink as we just stared at each other until we burst out laughing. “I got you” he said in a quieter voice “not for long” I replied still trying to escape but he pinned me down. Oh God is he really leaning in?! No way is he going to kiss me?! Wait… do I want him to kiss me?! My thoughts were interrupted by a loud cough. We both looked up at the same time and saw Maryse’s annoyed face staring down at us as we quickly got up. “May I remind you that this is a training hall not a speed dating area” she commented while we were looking down at the floor trying to hold our laughter. “Is there something you needed?” Jace managed to blurt out. “As a matter of fact, Jace I need to talk to you, it’s important.” “Sure I’ll be right there” then he turned to me “Rain check on… that whole thing…?” he motioned to the place where we were lying a few minutes ago. “Which part?” I asked biting my lip. “You’ll see” he smirked running to catch up with Maryse letting me return to actual training.
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1 hour later
I had finally finished all my sets and I was just about to clean up when a voice made me jump. “Oh no! Don’t tell me I missed staring at your cute but while you train?” “By a few minutes” I laughed letting my hair down. “Now I’m really disappointed…” he made me smile “Yeah unfortunately, but since you’re here could you help me clean up? I need to take a shower.” I through the boxing gloves at him so that he’d put them away. “If you wanted to get in shower with me you should have just asked.” He grinned “You wish, you perv… I meant clean up this room while I go get rid of all this sweat… alone…” I glared. “Oh don’t worry you don’t need to you’re hot when you’re all sweaty like that” he winked “Oh honey, but I’m always hot, no matter the situation” I replied with a posh accent which made him laugh as I exited. “Good night!” I yelled before disappearing behind the corner. I just saw him shake his head and smile.
Few days later
I blasted the doors of the Institute and headed straight to my room. As soon as he heard me Jace went after me. I didn’t even notice him since I was so pissed, at myself mostly, until I nearly slammed the door in his face. “Wow… what did that door ever do to you?” he commented with his usual smirk that immediately faded when he noticed my face. Something was not right… “Hey, he said in a softer voice, what’s wrong? Did you get hurt on the mission?” he asked slightly worried. That’s when I couldn’t hold it in anymore I felt the tears pushing trough but I tried as hard as I could to hold them back “It’s all my fault… I should have never agreed to it… she… she just wasn’t ready…” I mustered weakly. “What are you talking about” he came closer. “Y/F/N… she got hurt Jace… badly… on a mission where I allowed her to go… I was responsible for her… I should have known she couldn’t go in the field yet and now her wounds are on me…” he put his hand on my cheek wiping away the single tear that had managed to escape my eye. “Hey… hey… look at me… it‘s not your fault, the head of the Institute shouldn’t have pushed untrained Shadowhunters in the field like that. You could have done nothing about it.”  “But I could have protected her… been there to defend her… I ‘m just so pissed at myself!” “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. She’s gonna be fine, don’t worry.” He reassured me, his hands on my shoulders. He slowly glided them down my arm and his soft touch brought back that weird tingly feeling. When he finally got to my hand he intertwined his fingers with mine and I squeezed his hand making sure it was actually real. I looked at our hands then back up in his beautiful eyes searching for some sort of answer or approval but what I got was far better. I felt his lips touch mine hesitantly at first but when he noticed I didn’t back away he made it deep and passionate and just like that everything around me crumbled I could feel my whole body getting numb, with every touch I kept craving more. And I could tell that he felt exactly the same. When I finally pulled away I stood there in awe “Wow” “Wow indeed” he smirked returning back to his cocky self. 
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For the rest of the evening we just sat in my room and had the deepest conversations about anything and everything making sure to add in a few make out sessions here and there of course. I still couldn’t believe it, Jace Wayland, the constant pain in my ass Jace Wayland… I mean who would have though…
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Dean Winchester - I just saved your ass
Fandom: Supernatural 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female reader
Words: 697
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Sorry for not posting for so long but I have been swamped with work for my mid-terms but now they’re finally over so now I’m able to bring you a new series of imagines from one of my favorite TV shows: Supernatural. This is a story about how the boys met you. It is told from different point of view (P.O.V.). Hope you like it. Let me know if you want part 2.
Reader’s POV
I was sitting in the back of the bus feeling pretty awkward with my duffle bag full of weapons since my car broke down. A little old lady was smiling at me for about 10 min now while I was rereading the facts about my new job for the hundredth time. I was pretty sure this was a simple vampire case nothing too hard to handle but my gut was telling me that there is more to the story.
Dean’s POV
We needed to clear our heads after the harsh battle we had been trough and this easy case was exactly what we needed. I mean how hard can it be to put down a couple of vamps. ‘Sammy, let’s hit the road.’ I shout as I put my jacket on and head out the door. ‘How far is it?’ he asks rushing to catch up to me. ‘’bout a half our drive…’ I answer as the engine roars to life.
Reader’s POV
I tracked the vampires to an old warehouse and that’s when I figured it out, it was a trap, it wasn’t just a few vamps out there but it was a whole nest swarming with vampires. Suddenly I noticed a car, a 67 Chevy Impala to be precise. I knew exactly who it belonged to… the Winchester brothers, I had heard a lot about them; they had done a lot of good but they were a little hotheaded apparently.
Dean’s POV
I realized once we walked in, it was a trap… I should have known… I quickly glanced at Sam as we stared chopping heads of the vampires that attacked us from every corner. I turned around just to see a dozen of these monsters ambushing me. I try to run but there’s nowhere to go, then suddenly I heard a loud slash and saw the heads drop along with the bodies. Then I noticed her, she was standing behind them, breathing heavily, probably because she had just killed a dozen vampires. Even with the blood splattered on her, she was really hot. ‘I know it’s hard not to stare but we still have some sons of bitches to behead, so let’s go!’ she smiled cockily as she walked past me. ‘Euh… I wasn’t…I mean…’ I tried to recover while Sammy couldn’t hold back a laugh behind me, I just glared at him.
Reader’s POV
As I finished off the last of them the brothers came up to me ‘so you’re the famous Winchester brothers, huh…I thought you’d be…tougher’ I smirked. The older one looked at me fake scandalized ‘me? Not tough enough?’ I laughed ‘well I did just save your ass, so there’s that. Oh and btw you owe me one.’ ‘Well I love a girl who can kick ass also my ass is worth saving don’t you think?’ he smirked. I knew I already liked him. ‘I’m Y/N’
Dean’s POV
‘You need a ride? Sam asked her as we walked towards the Impala. ‘Yeah…Sure, thanks.’ She flashed us a smile’. Damn she’s beautiful, I thought. ‘Nice car... but I prefer the 1969 model. The engine has something more to it.’ I just looked at in awe. ‘Who are you and where have you been hiding all this time?’ ‘A girl has to have her secrets' She laughed at my question. As fate would have it she was staying at the same motel as us. We spend the whole evening talking about our hectic lives and compared how many monsters we had ganked.    
Reader’s POV
Dean was really…fun? I mean we talked a lot, I made fun of him and he made fun of me. I was staring to like him a little bit too much. Plus he was incredibly hot. He went trough some crap and I could understand because my baggage was heavy as well. It was weird how easily we opened up to each other.
2 a.m.
So maybe we had drunk some beers…and maybe I was a little tipsy…and just maybe I was starting to reallyreally like him… god what am I thinking, I really shouldn’t…
Dean’s POV
Yeah sure we had had a few drinks but nothing I couldn’t handle. And she was even cuter when she laughed so much.  Suddenly she took a pillow and slapped me right across the face. For a split second I stood there in shock. Then she just started laughing uncontrollably as I chased her trough the room. When I caught up to her I grabed her from behing and twirled her in the air.
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Reader's POV
I just stood there, breathlessly staring into his beautiful green eyes. And maybe it was the alcohol but right then and there it felt so right... so I kissed him.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
Stiles Stilinski - Summer - PART 2
This is the second part of a series about Stiles Stilinski. In this series the reader has just finished high school and is going on a senior trip with all her friends where she meets a cute boy. Will sparks fly? Or will the growing love story be crushed by a rocky past or an uncertain future? Read below to find out.
(a/n: in case anyone doesn’t know Y/N = your name, Y/L/N = your last name) 
Warnings: lots of fluff?
Pairing: female reader x Stiles Stilinski
 Fandom: Teen Wolf
 Words: 672
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I’ve been spending all my time with Stiles and I’ve enjoyed every single moment but, unfortunately everything comes to an end. Today is supposed to be our last date before I leave since I‘m going back to school in a couple of weeks. We haven’t really talked about the future nor what’s our relationship going to become.
I’m supposed to meet Stiles on the pier next to the beach, he said he had a surprise. So when I saw him walking with a skateboard and a huge smile on his lips, I immediately knew what he was up to. “You remembered?” I asked kissing him on the cheek. “Well of course, how could I forget that my girlfriend’s biggest wish is to learn how to skateboard…” he said pulling me into his chest. “Oh so I’m your girlfriend now?” I replied, a smile forming at the corner of my mouth. “Euh…I mean, if you want to... I just thought that…” he scratched his neck nervously. I stop his blabbering by kissing him passionately “I like it”. He flashed me a smile and took my hand “so let’s go skateboarding”
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I fell a couple of times but he was always there to catch me, it was the best afternoon I had ever experienced and it wasn’t even over. After our fun on the pier he led me to the beach, we had a picnic and watched the sun set with the feeling of the hot sand under our feet. 
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Stiles suddenly got up took his shirt off and started running towards the ocean “Last one in the water gets a dare!” he yelled already half way from the ocean. Gosh, he is so attractive, I thought to myself before quickly getting up and running after him, when I was close enough I jumped on his back to try and slow him down but he just swung me around so he could hold me bridal style and stared dancing in the ocean while I laughed hysterically.
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The night was coming to an end quicker than we would have expected. We decided to start a bonfire, just stare at the stars and talk. We discussed everything, I told him where I was going to college and he said he wasn’t really sure what the future held for him and then finally the dreaded conversation popped up. I could see he didn’t want to talk about it and to be honest neither did I. But we both knew this was the right time:
-          So… I think we should…, I started hesitantly
-          Yeah… probably, he responded looking away. I brought my hand to his cheek so that he would face me.
-          Stiles, we have to talk about what’s next for us. I said with a sad smile.
-          I know, I just… I can’t lose you, you’re the best thing that has happened to me in a long time and believe me when I say, I have been through some crap. He confessed making me blush.
-          So what, do you think we should try that whole long distance relationship? Do you even know what you want to do after the summer ends?
-          I honestly don’t know. I have several college options and most of them are not that far from yours but I still don’t know if I’m going to be able to leave my hometown.
-          So that means we could try? , I asked hopeful.
-          Yeah I’d like that. he replied with a grin
-          I am warning you though, I might, unintentionally take some of your clothes. I say  making him laugh
-          God, I love you Y/N  Y/L/M “
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Everything froze for a second, I could feel he was staring to regret what he had just confessed so I just kissed him and he kissed back immediately. The kiss was more passionate and heated than ever. I was happy, I forgot everything, nothing mattered except us in that moment. “i love you too” i whispered in between kisses.
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
I have new imagines from the shadowhunters , supernatural and part 2 of the stiles series coming real soon 🙌🏼😍🔜
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
If there's one way I want to be kissed ...
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
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My bbys❤️ 
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
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fadomsandshiz · 8 years ago
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