factoriprince · 6 years
DEAN - Instagram
This damn information age There is definitely a problem These days, knowing more Makes you more miserable
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factoriprince · 6 years
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factoriprince · 6 years
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"Good grief!" A hand flies to massage his temple at the incessant ramblings, thinks to make a snarky remark, but sighs in defeat. "Then get yourself something if you so please. Take it as a... courtesy meal,” Then adds with a deadpan voice. “For annoying me to death."
What did it take this guy to leave!? Thorton thought calling security might have been the right choice after all. Of course, wHeRE’s tHe fUN iN tHaT?
He pauses at the question, a little taken back that Fire would even bother confirming his own order- didn't seem like the kind of guy to give a crap, especially when there was his own stomach to fill. What was that thing he said, about men and their food? That, and he wondered if he should even trust Fire to not mess with his drink.
"Strawberry." Thorton stands as well- no, his foot is asleep!- and awkwardly hobbles out the door, making sure not to make any sort of eye contact on the way. He does pause before he turns the corner, and calls over his shoulder.
“Well then. I expect my shake at the battlefield and don’t be long~”
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“I hate it melted!” And he disappears to prepare for the battle that will really test this insufferable Kanto champion. Maybe even leave him speechless with a well earned defeat!
high score 🕹️
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factoriprince · 6 years
melted enigma ; open
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“Hand over your shoe, if you will, please. Every piece, or should I say drop, of evidence is highly invaluable.” 
An outstretched gloved hand waits patiently for a beat when a thoughtful expression momentarily flickers across his weary face. 
“On second thought, that could prove to be dangerous so, with your consent, I can remove it for you.” He says, tone all businesslike and normal. 
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It was melted metals, or more specifically drops of mercury, they were working with and the last thing he needed was this person to harm themselves. Then again...
"Oh. Pause that thought." Just as quick, his nose scrunched up. The thought of someone else's open foot close to his person had him shiver in disgust- not at all because it was simply weird for him to remove someone's shoe in the first place, but he didn’t know where this person has been and anything bodily function related, Thorton would prefer not to know at all. Instead, he straightens up from kneeling and rummages through his tool kit. 
"Never-mind. Here." He then attempts to hand over a pair of gloves, spares he always had in his tool pouch, and a plastic bag. "I hope this doesn't interfere too much of whatever plans you had going on today. But this is more important, you see." 
His voice seemed to imply that he didn't really care either way, however, he did try to extend some sympathy. He was all too familiar of the annoyance that can form when someone tries to stop him and his daily task, after all.
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factoriprince · 6 years
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“Shine” // 180403
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factoriprince · 6 years
Most of Thorton’s frantic explanation was lost on her as he spoke through tears and wild hand gestures. Lucy still didn’t fully understand the sentimental attachment to a device, but one thing was clear – it meant a lot to Thorton. She didn’t have to understand the reasoning to know that he had his own reasons for being so upset.
The wistful mention of his father didn’t go unnoticed as he shrunk down on the sidewalk, as if he was trying to disappear. A pang of sympathy tugged at Lucy’s insides as she slowly crouched in front of him, still holding the broken bits in her palms. His voice thick with tears, Thorton urged her to drop the pieces on the floor and leave him to mourn the loss of his precious device alone.
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“I would, but – that would be littering. As a cop I’d be setting a pretty lousy example if I did something like that, especially in uniform.” Lucy’s voice was a hint gentler than before as she pulled a handkerchief from her pocket and set it on the concrete between them before gathering all the pieces in the center of the square of cloth. “Also, I’m pretty convinced at this point that you can’t walk two steps without hurting yourself even on a good day. In your current state I’d say you’re a danger to yourself and those around you, so, um… I have no choice but to stay with you until I’m sure it’s safe to leave you alone. That’s the least I can do – as an officer of this fine city.”
Lucy finished collecting all of the pieces she could and then neatly tied the corners of the handkerchief together. She reached out her hand and tentatively patted Thorton’s bony shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting gesture. “You can stay here and, um… mourn this soulless hunk of plastic for a little while more if you want to. I still don’t get it but I guess it was pretty important to you.” She paused before adding sheepishly. “But not too long because we’re kind of obstructing the sidewalk here.”
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The calming tone that came from the police officer was annoying, as it reminded himself of the blubbering state he looked when compared to her. But Lucy’s attempt seemed to work… somehow. Her no-nonsense words felt like tiny slaps to his ego, which did perfectly in reviving his normal temper. It was enough for him to stop his tears- out of spite- and stand up with some semblance of dignity.
As a respectful Frontier Brain, Thorton accepted the handkerchief and thanked her with poise and dignity.
“Eeeeeeeu uug hhhhh.” The feel of the broken bits had his skin littered with goosebumps and out came the strangling sound of something like an animal mourning death from deep within his throat. He would’ve continued, content at reverting back to crouching in the middle of the sidewalk if not for Lucy’s comment.
“Well, weren’t you kind… kind-of insufferable. Where do you suggest we go since I’m such an obstruction to the public?” The insult comes out defeated, lacking his usual crude bite, as if he wasn’t really thinking of what he was saying anymore. He looks away, eyes scanning the ground for patterns as he tried to distract himself from what just happened. He does comply, following the police officer in a hurried, anxious pace- perhaps she was right and there was some hope in salvaging… well, something.
“I am merely frustrated.” He finally lets on, though this was no surprise. But, there was something liberating with admitting how shitty the task placed on him was. “I shouldn’t be here, in Unova, that is.”
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“This city and region is unlike anything to what I’m used to. For one, the people in Sinnoh are more tolerable, something about the cold makes people stay humble.” He coughs, remembering how deceptively strong Lucy was- he’d rather her not punch him. “Perhaps, you’re tolerable enough. For a Unovian. Could use some improvement in your people person skills, as an officer.”
no use crying over spilled coffee;
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factoriprince · 6 years
sure, I don’t get a “healthy” amount of sleep like SOME PEOPLE do but can they do THIS *stands up, blacks out for a second*
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factoriprince · 6 years
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factoriprince · 6 years
44. Legend
send a number for a drabble
44. Legend
“ Legends say that there isn’t always a stick up his ass. ” 
There is revulsion in the sideways glare Thorton jabs him with. But Gold could care less, winning a giggle that is smothered as quickly as it came from the head nurse of this Pokemon Center. 
Keep reading
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factoriprince · 6 years
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This was new. Though his attention was directed at the game,-- Fire was hardly making this game any fun, it was like playing against a blind toddler-- from his peripheral he could tell the other was looking at him, uncharacteristically quiet, and Thorton suddenly felt like he was on the defense in the conversation. This made him feel agitated so he glares at the screen and starts to really attack the Toxicroak. 
“And you make yourself sound like such an insufferable individual.” He quips right back. 
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Yup, he really can’t stand guys like him. Then again, there were many things Thorton didn’t like. He certainly didn’t like Fire’s tone; as if he already knew the outcome of a battle that hasn’t even started and the cockiness of someone who truly believed he was above everyone. First of all, that was his job and there was only room for one.
Also, he shivered? ...
The AC must be on too high. It wasn’t like he was built for any temperature below 75°F.
“Do you want to be beaten that much?” Was his impassive reply as he orders his character the final death blow. An animation plays out of an epic Horn Drill to finish off his opponent, but the hype blaring of victory didn’t seem to match the vibe of real life. This wasn’t correct at all! But he refused to let his distress show. “If by ‘someone on your level’ you mean a champion, I wouldn’t boast too soon. That’s hardly impressive as, oh, did you know! We have one in Sinnoh and they frequent the frontier to test their skills as well.” 
“But, if you so insist.” 
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Finally, Thorton turns his body to face Fire and crawls close. The bean bags squish has him lose balance a bit but nothing comical. Out of habit, he pulls out his analyzer and-- snap! a picture was taken. Well, not so much a picture but a scan of the pokemon he had on his person right now. Then he retreats and starts to review for a while...
“Oh. You’re still here?” It’s not like he didn’t notice, no, he was highly aware but didn’t expect Fire to stay much longer. He makes a Shoo Shoo gesture with his foot. “There’s a cafe area around the corner, say twenty paces. Just say I sent you and you won’t have to pay. A strawberry shake for me.” Another Shoo shoo to seal the order~
high score 🕹️
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factoriprince · 6 years
His ingame reaction isn’t the best: while an opponent slamming into you first thing is no surprising feat in a fighting game, and though he has some sense to know that pressing down = ducking, a duck isn’t a block, and so he still takes some damage.
Damage that isn’t boiling his blood or anything, but he’s doing more than simple button bashing in testing out the buttons. It’s to find out what each one does, is that shoulder button a protect? yes, thank Arceus, and to find his best way to put up some of the fight in the game.
If he can survive longer than a minute, then that’d be a victory.
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“That is disgusting.” And he wasn't talking about the Toxicroak fact.
He makes a face, nose scrunched up and lip pulled to a thin frown at the horrid sound which distracts him enough that Fire’s character got a few punches in. But not too much. Before Heracross receives too much damage, Thorton parries the damage back with a satisfying combo and a soft ‘heh heh!’. As much as Fire’s technique seemed erratic at first glance, Thorton could easily tell it was only a trick and switches up from attack to defense when it was appropriate. 
What a bore this is turning out to be, he thinks. That is, until Fire reveals that he did claim the title as champion but it was said so flippantly he wasn’t sure if he was joking.
“You di-?” He hardly got a word out! Now he was left to scramble back from surprise land-- this yammering simpleton? a champion?? what did he do, annoy the previous champion to forfeit just as he was doing now? -- only to be buried with incessant conversation, filler words after numbers with an obvious jab at his speech patterns and tops it all off with a dig at his side. Literally. “Guh-!” He flinches away and almost lands on the arcade rug which annoyed him- if Fire kept hogging all the space he won’t have anymore beanbag to sit on!
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“Don’t do that!” He doesn’t disclose why, not that there had to be a reason for not wanting to be touched so carelessly even in jest, but people knowing one was ticklish tended to encourage the behavior more. So he just sticks with his usual defensive answer, shoulders all hunched together as his fingers jammed the controls. “I thought I told you to refrain! From! Further! Physical contact!” 
Each word translated into an attack, his fighter’s animation spazzing out as it struggled to keep up with his commands. Heracross’s energy bar was low and it seemed to remind Thorton to stay calm himself. He sighed. What was with this guy? Usually, it took a lot more to truly annoy him and get him to act as he did, but today was really testing his patience!
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“You’re being redundant, and only half correct.” He rolls his eyes, wondering if he should even bother trying to explain himself. This guy already proved what an annoyance he is, so maybe boring him to death with a serious conversation might placate him. “My inventions only serve to push my own limits so that I may ensure a perfect battle. See it as a simulation. It’s my job, believe it or not, to be able to test the skills of my opponent and their level of battle intelligence. It wasn’t my intent for the process to seem so... videogame like. But it’s not!” 
“You must think so highly of yourself, having defeated the champion in your region and now you believe you run the world, don’t you.” Clearly, since he broke into a part of the facility he wasn’t meant to even discover.  
“But it gets boring, doesn’t it. Always at the top, waiting for your next challenger, the same process everyday only to be let down. So you begin traveling, looking for the next rush, the next big win.” He half expects Fire to go ballistic again, but watching the screen with a bored expression on his face, Thorton just wants to win at the game at this point and go back to work. Somehow this break wasn’t the break he was expecting to have. 
high score 🕹️
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factoriprince · 6 years
Lucy felt her heart drop to the floor as she watched Thorton struggle to open a nearby window. What a shameless coward – of course he would want to leave after getting what he was after. Lucy was a mess of emotions, both anger and disappointment; she couldn’t believe Thorton would abandon her so easily, and in fact shew wasn’t about to let that happen.
Just as the beam of the flashlight approached the door of the classroom Lucy grabbed Thorton by his shirt sleeve and dragged him to the floor with her. Hiding behind the teacher’s desk, she held her hand to the traitor’s mouth to keep him quiet as she pinned him against the wall, watching the yellow light beam scan the room before finally leaving, the softening sounds of footsteps signaling the night guard’s retreat. Once she was sure they were safe (for the moment) she turned her wrath fully onto her friend.
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“Listen you little twerp, I would rather die than let Yoichi read that dumb, stupid note. You promised to help me and if you go back on your promise I’ll make every day of the rest of your life an absolute, living hell.” Lucy’s face was dangerously close to Thorton’s as she hissed her threat through her teeth.
She glared at her watch before finally removing her hand from Thorton’s face and backing away. “We have a little under five minutes before the cameras reboot. Are you going to help me or not?”
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Okay maybe he didn’t expect Lucy to react quite like this. Wasn’t she a little selfish to think a single stupid letter was worth all this effort? worth the potential wrath of their parents? their friendship? Thorton wasn’t sure anymore as Lucy pointed out what was wrong with what he said, or more what was implied. Oof. Perhaps his delivery wasn’t the best. 
He wasn’t shocked, more muted was his demeanor as all his answer to Lucy’s question was a single nod. Shame started to creep in. Something he had not felt in a long time and it made him want to... again, run away. Instead, he grabs Lucy’s hand and, after making sure the hallway was clear, quickly made his way to the locker section. The trip was uneventful, maybe an odd sound here, or a shadow there but Yoichi’s locker was soon in view.
Well aware of the remaining time left, Thorton gets right to work. Sweat starting to break out, his hand clammy- he forgot his gloves, dammit!- but he only needed to try out 8 different combos before he could narrow it down, so he whips his hands clean and tries the second combination.
The silence was deafening except for the lock’s clinks and frustrated huff when the next combo doesn't yield access to the hall monitor’s stinking locker. But it wasn’t too long before he was down to the last few numbers, perfectly narrowed down to the only possible combinations did Thorton speak.
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“..’m s-rry.” Okay, this time maybe he should elaborate instead of leaving his vague words up to interpretation. A quick glance at Lucy, he tries again. It was as if admitting was too painful, but he pushes. “Sorry. For trying to leave when the mission was clearly not complete. Though, I only had another idea in mind, but...” He pulls the lock. Nope. Then it had to be 8...22...
“Perhaps another part of me wasn’t opposed to simply leaving. I had no qualms about your object of puppy love finding out about your letter because- er, w-well whatever! Either way, I couldn’t let your academic reputation be tarnished because of something so stupid.” He goes with the easiest explanation instead of the more... gushy and complicated one.
16 and.. click! Thorton sighs and opens the locker. He pulls out the letter, grinning at the decoration. “Really, Lucy? I never took you as a pink hearts, cursive kind of girl.” But he saves his friend from further teasing and hands it over. “Ready to go? We have 102 se-... about a minute and 42 seconds left.”
the delete button; school au event
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factoriprince · 6 years
     i think there’s a FLAW in my code;                these VOICES won’t leave me alone.
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factoriprince · 6 years
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factoriprince · 6 years
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Lips set in a thin frown, Thorton stared at those who rushed to the scene of the crime along with the maid who so tearfully announced it. She was already a suspect in his eyes; but, crossed her out immediately as that would be too obvious. Instead he thinks to follow the rest to examine the body himself and see what data he could gleam from it. A voice stops him- well, he thought to ignore the person speaking as usual but it’s what they said that stopped him.
vernacular: french, kalos region. a medium? there seems to be a trend, among the language most of the guests.
“Easy, you say.” He pivots on his heels to face the one who spoke. A hand propped under his chin as he stared with unimpressed eyes. “In theory, that would solve the crime immediately, the killer would be captured, and the rest of the population would be safe. Sounds straight-forward.”
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“If spirits were real, that is.” And his frown twitched to a smirk, but he forced it down to humor Jayden. “Let’s go see if Casper wishes to ‘speak’ with you where he is most likely to linger. I want to witness this.” 
He started a brisk walk to the crime scene and his pumpkaboo cape flaps as he goes. Being semi-late to the viewing meant there would be less people crowding around the body, but it also meant the evidence could be tampered with. Regardless, he throws some words over his shoulder. 
“Let’s say you did speak to the dead. It’s hardly solid proof and not many people would simply take your word for it. What’s I’m saying is that, you would be the first to be suspected with your crazed delusions.”
where are all the ghosts? middot; event open
The second he entered the mansion, something was off. He couldn’t hear his parents and the bear he was holding was just that – a stuffed bear. How weird. But that didn’t stop him from having a good time.
Jayden explored the lounge. Not much happening, to be honest. Just one of the several hosts –Ferro, he believe– was relaxing. Jay found it quite creepy. Why weren’t they with the other hosts hosting? That didn’t matter. What came next was surprising.
Everyone was asked to gather to the mansion’s ballroom for some announcement, except the announcement was never spoken once everyone had gathered. Instead, a scream and the announcement of the death of one of the hosts, Casper.
Jayden looked around. If this was a haunted mansion, it sure wasn’t haunted enough. Where were the ghosts? Why couldn’t he see them? Or even hear them? If his abilities weren’t working, were his brothers? He wanted to investigate.
“Vous savez,” he said to the nearest person, “this would be très facile if I could speak with the spirit of Casper.”
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factoriprince · 6 years
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factoriprince · 6 years
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49연승 하고싶다..
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