The bear from eidolon
169 posts
Made this mostly to look at fanart, asks are open, art by @nan-blank
Last active 3 hours ago
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Thank you for making MAID so thoroughly Fucked ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ your contributions to this scifi dystopia are making this transfem cackle madly about how sad it is that she would take up the offer
Thank you and keep listening, I've spent alot of time thinking about MAIDS and maid, I can't wait to see what you think ๐Ÿ’—
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
I feel so happy seeing this, we did it chat
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eidolon playtest is crazy good
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Incase you dont know me and my wife have a patreon podcast where we cover every doctor who, columbo and ultraman and kamen rider episode in cronological order, we have 33 episodes so far 31 are FREE and the other two are in the $1 a month tier
new episode just came out!
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
I got an ask about when I was doing wrestling so now I'm thinking about it, here are some pics
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I try to keep this blog focused on eidolon, but fabby can have a little nostalgia as a treat
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
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eidolon spoilers but guess who loves evil gay women and is eating well
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Do you prefer being a heel or a baby face? What is your wrestling signature style?
I only ever was a heel in actual shows, being a baby face is fun too but being a heel let's you do so many shortcuts to keep the audiences attention and keep the flow of the match going, I am not the most athletic person in the world but being able to poke eyes, step on feet, rake the back etc helps me keep the momentum of a match
And style wise I was training to be a brawlers tyle. Trained to have a spinning backfire as my finisher the spinning bear fist.
I also was working on a helicopter spin aka the attack helicopter and was practicing the curve stomp as another big move I can't remember the name I was using, it was probably trans related, stomping the brainworms out or something
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Been listening to Eidolon Playtest, and I thiiiiink its you who has that very chatty cat? It's mostly edited out, except for when you're talking. If I guess is correct and it is your cat, may we see it?
Nah, that's probably either Zoe's cat, Fabby's cat, or Molly depending on the episode. (My roommate has a cat but she's pretty quiet and doesn't generally come into my room.)
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Is Anna the name she would have chosen herself, or was it determined ahead of time by M.A.I.D.?
Anna is the name she was given once The Maids were made public and she was made the face of the company, she had no input or choice in the matter
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fabbybear ยท 1 day ago
Was relistening to SPICE and heard that you were using a gummy bear tarot deck. Gotta see pictures of that!
so since then I moved apartments and I'm not to sure where that deck is, thankfully I did take a couple of pictures back then
Including one comparing that and the metazoo tarot deck I also have
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fabbybear ยท 2 days ago
Thank you for making MAID so thoroughly Fucked ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ your contributions to this scifi dystopia are making this transfem cackle madly about how sad it is that she would take up the offer
Thank you and keep listening, I've spent alot of time thinking about MAIDS and maid, I can't wait to see what you think ๐Ÿ’—
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fabbybear ยท 2 days ago
Eidolon EDM #3: Eternal September, Part 1
The third episode of Eidolon EDM is available RIGHT NOW!! The revolutionaries of GLITCH MOB try to relax after barely surviving an attack from the EIDOLON Corporation... but they find themselves stranded in the even more dangerous waters of Toxic Yuri. ๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ’ป๐ŸŒท
If you want to start from the beginning, check out EDM #1!
If you want to follow the corpos fighting the cyberpunks, check out Eidolon VGM!
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fabbybear ยท 4 days ago
MAID Corporation Employs "Skill Issue" Defense In Legal Case After Video Of Employee Slaughtering Squad Of Runners Is Leaked
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fabbybear ยท 4 days ago
How well would Paul Bunyan fair against other Kaiju like King Kong and Godzilla? Would his odds improve he had Babe the Blue Ox by his side, and Nanabozho and him put their differences aside for 'zilla fightin'?
probably pretty good, but also I tought we had all agreed to feminize bunyan, mtg did it, eidolon queen and Montreal also did it.
Society has evolved past the need of masc bunyan
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fabbybear ยท 4 days ago
Incase you dont know me and my wife have a patreon podcast where we cover every doctor who, columbo and ultraman and kamen rider episode in cronological order, we have 33 episodes so far 31 are FREE and the other two are in the $1 a month tier
new episode just came out!
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fabbybear ยท 5 days ago
Experts Warn Unsafe Disposal Of Toxic Yuri May Be Devastating To Lunar Air Quality
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fabbybear ยท 6 days ago
"you think people should be allowed to PIRATE my BOOKS" Yes. "how would you feel if YOU made art and someone pirated it" 1. i do 2. i would say 'badass'. and give htem a high five
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fabbybear ยท 6 days ago
I got an ask about when I was doing wrestling so now I'm thinking about it, here are some pics
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I try to keep this blog focused on eidolon, but fabby can have a little nostalgia as a treat
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