ezra-loves-flowers · 17 days
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"Oh..." He flushed. "Pardon. I was just trying to find the title."
"You know..."
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"The way you're lingering over my shoulder is making it rather difficult to concentrate."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
The emotions that came pouring out of Danny hit Ezra like a physical blow. But Ezra was used to taking hits like that, so he was ready for it. Pulling harder as Danny crumbled under the weight of it all. And Danny felt it all. All the things. And some of them weren’t even things he had any business taking on.
“I will never leave you.” Ezra said with a fierceness that scared him. But it was true. So true. Ezra would fight all the evil in the universe and beyond to stay by Danny’s side. And that firm resolve gave him such peace. A peace he extended towards Danny. Willing it to wrap around him and hold him close.
Ezra pulled him impossibly closer to him. So that they touched at every point they could. Because he needed Danny to know he was here. And even though Skylar was gone. Ezra was not. And Ezra could take the world on his shoulders if he needed to. “I love you.” He told him firmly. Stroking his face with steady fingers. A steadiness he never knew he possessed. “You have me.” He cooed to Danny in a breathy whisper. “For always. You are my love. My precious one. My sunshine.”
He held onto Danny as he cried. Cooing to him with his gentle affirmations of love. Of comfort. He didn’t need his thanks. Because it wouldn’t have changed a thing. Ezra would still be by his side. “I would fight eternity for you.” He told him with absolute certainty. “I would fall get a million Malachi’s for the right to stay by your side.” It was a truth Danny needed to hear. To understand. “We will find him. I swear to you.” He pulled back to lovingly stroke his face. “Then we should go to him. To Eric.”
Danny was resting next to his soulmate when his phone rang with a call from David. He could feel how upset David was even before he accepted the call and slipped out of bed as to not wake Ezra. He needed his rest after all he had been through.
"Malachi has him." Was all David said once Danny made it clear he could talk.
It felt as if all the air left his lungs as he sank down onto the couch as David told him what happened. About how Atti, who Danny did not blame, snuck out to meet with his boyfriend Kwan and for attacked by Malachi. He went on to say Skylar went after Atti and Kwan was gravely injured trying to protect both of them but Skylar gave himself to Malachi to save Kwan. It was expected, really, Skylar was too selfless for his own good. He and Eric already talked him down twice when he insisted he turn himself in to save them all.
He was about to speak when he felt it. An almost unbearable amount of devastation, fear and anger.
"Eric knows now." Danny managed to choke out through such thick emotions and David said he felt it too.
"We will meet tomorrow to come up with a plan. Magnus is calling Gryffin to tell Joel because maybe he can talk him down better. We need a plan and we need to be smart if we want to get him home safe. Take care of my darling Ezra please. I will keep you updated."
Danny hung his head when he hung up the phone, not realizing Ezra had joined him until his soulmate spoke. Danny looked up at his beautiful gem with watery eyes and held out a hand to him, pulling him into his lap and just holding him close for a moment, drawing comfort from him.
"He has Skylar." He chokes out, tears falling freely now.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra took Danny's hand the instant he'd offered it to him. Because there was no force in the universe that could keep him from going to him. Not when he'd wanted him there. Danny pulled him to him, and Ezra went willingly. Finding himself cradled on his love's lap. The grip that held him was tight. But not in a way that hurt. And Ezra yearned for him. Reaching out to him with his whole heart. Knowing deep in his soul he'd never keep anything from Danny. Never.
The tears gripped Ezra more so than the words did. Because the tears spoke of an inconsolable pain. And it threatened to suffocate Ezra with the intensity of it. A familiar fear settled inside him. A debilitating fear. A fear for Skylar, for Danny, for all of them. Because Ezra knew what that meant. Knew what Malachi wanted. Could see it vividly in his mind. There was a time when Ezra had believed in Malachi. Believed that he was right to go after Skylar. That Skylar had left him. Had hurt him deeply. But he'd come to realize that the ones being hurt, were not Malachi at all. He reached up for Danny then. Pulling his crumbling face close to him. And he kissed his tears. Willing his sadness and his fear to come to him. Because Ezra knew it well. And he could hold it for him. He could comfort Danny. He could love him. He could keep him safe from that pain. Because Danny didn't have to bear it. Not while he had Ezra with him.
And he sent waves of comfort to him. Crashing over him like the water he commanded. "It will be alright." Ezra crooned to him. Kissing his cheeks with gentle care. "You can break. I'll make you whole again." He promised. And it was a promise made with such love he could barely stand it. Because Danny needed the release. He needed to fall to pieces. Because there was nothing else for him to do. Malachi had taken something from him. Something important. He'd stolen it. And Danny needed to ride that wave. And Ezra would be there to pull him back on shore.
Danny was resting next to his soulmate when his phone rang with a call from David. He could feel how upset David was even before he accepted the call and slipped out of bed as to not wake Ezra. He needed his rest after all he had been through.
"Malachi has him." Was all David said once Danny made it clear he could talk.
It felt as if all the air left his lungs as he sank down onto the couch as David told him what happened. About how Atti, who Danny did not blame, snuck out to meet with his boyfriend Kwan and for attacked by Malachi. He went on to say Skylar went after Atti and Kwan was gravely injured trying to protect both of them but Skylar gave himself to Malachi to save Kwan. It was expected, really, Skylar was too selfless for his own good. He and Eric already talked him down twice when he insisted he turn himself in to save them all.
He was about to speak when he felt it. An almost unbearable amount of devastation, fear and anger.
"Eric knows now." Danny managed to choke out through such thick emotions and David said he felt it too.
"We will meet tomorrow to come up with a plan. Magnus is calling Gryffin to tell Joel because maybe he can talk him down better. We need a plan and we need to be smart if we want to get him home safe. Take care of my darling Ezra please. I will keep you updated."
Danny hung his head when he hung up the phone, not realizing Ezra had joined him until his soulmate spoke. Danny looked up at his beautiful gem with watery eyes and held out a hand to him, pulling him into his lap and just holding him close for a moment, drawing comfort from him.
"He has Skylar." He chokes out, tears falling freely now.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra dosed for what felt like hours. He had gone home with Danny. Or really, Danny had insisted. And Ezra was more than happy to stay at the faerie knight's side. For as long as he'd have him there. Ezra had no one else. Not anymore. But he didn't feel lonely. Not really. Because now he had Danny. And it felt like he was more complete now. More whole. The sound of Danny's voice faded into his awareness. Waking him from his slumber.
He rolled out of the bed. A little disconcerted that he'd woken alone. He hadn't done that since he'd been saved from Malachi. And it felt a little worrisome to wake without Danny by his side. The sound of his love's voice though, called to him, and he went towards it.
He found Danny in the sitting room, a phone pressed to his ear. But it was his expression that startled Ezra. He looked....stricken. Much the way he'd seen him when Malachi had taken him from him. He could feel it in his chest. The fear. Something had scared his love. He moved quietly, appearing by Danny's side as he hung up the phone.
"Danny?" He asked, uncertainty in his tone. "My sunshine....what is wrong?"
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
The tears in David's eyes surprised him. And Magnus didn't know why they had. Of course this was how David would react to a child. It was so silly of him to not have realized this sooner. "Yes." He told him gently. "I'm pregnant." He repeated for him. To help him process it better. Magnus was still a little uneasy about it. Almost afraid. Because he didn't know the how or the why. But standing here now, with David. And David looking at him like he'd just gifted him one of the 12 wonders of the world. It made sense to him then.
The life growing inside him was very small. The size of a peanut. And Magnus liked that. He would refer to the baby as his peanut. He brought a ringed hand to his stomach, glancing down at it with an odd sort of awe. Because it really didn't make sense. But that didn't matter really. Not anymore. Not because it made David so happy. And Magnus would never, could never deny the fae anything. Ever.
"I love you too." He told him, a little misty eyed himself.
Magnus placed a comforting hand on David's arm as his lover took in the bruises that littered Ezra's fair skin. He knew that feeling. That helpless rage. He hadn't known what Danny told them. It made sense then, the injury he had healed. And he thought it was a very good thing that he hadn't known. Because in that case Magnus might have actually simply killed the fae on the spot.
Ezra hovered on the edge of awareness. The soft voices, the gentle touches, the steady beating of Danny's heart beneath his cheek. It felt warm in this place. Safe. He made a soft sound before opening his eyes and blinking up sleepily at Danny. Like he was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.
The look Ezra gave Danny settled inside Magnus like a warm cup of hot chocolate. Wrapping him up and giving him comfort. He knew that look, it was the same look that he gave to David in the throws of passion. He gently pulled the blanket up higher on Ezra, giving Danny a pleased smile. Yes. This was the reason they protected. Why they loved.
Nyx could only stare at Isaac. His words of affection ringing in his ears. Oh. Nyx had gotten love confessions before. One or twelve times, he didn't really know. Nor cared to know. But this was the first time he'd actually ever wanted to say it back. The words caught in his throat and his lips would not form the syllables. So instead, he caught the fae behind the neck and pulled him to him. Kissing him with all his might. With everything in him. With every damn look, touch, or word they exchanged over the years they'd known one another. Because by the angel did he love Isaac too. And his kiss reflected that love. That seering intensity of Nyx's heart. His battered, bloodied heart. But it was his to give, and he gave it to Isaac.
He allowed Isaac to lead him up the stairs to the loft. It was quiet, eerie as they stepped accross the threshold. Nyx's eyes instinctively found David first. Then Danny. The fae cocooned in Danny's arms and then Magnus. He felt then, suddenly very unsure of himself. Like he'd walked into something he had no business being in. And normally, that wouldn't have bothered him at all. But tonight. In the echoes of a confession of love, he felt afraid. He felt vulnerable. He felt like any gust of wind would carry him away. Pressing in tighter to Isaac's side, he cast a wary glance at the fae and the warlock.
David wasn't sure what to expect when his love told him he had something to tell him but he could feel his lover's distress about it and that part worried the Fae. He wasn't expecting, however, for Magnus to tell him he was pregnant and David was sure the shock was evident on both his face and in his emotions.
"You're pregnant? Really?" David asks softly, his hand coming to caress his cheek as his eyes watered. "Whether it be an underhanded attack or simply an act of fate, you have no idea how happy it makes me that you are carrying our child, my love. I promise I will be with you every step of the way in this journey."
David leaned in and kissed Magnus deeply, a tear of happiness rolling down his cheek as his hand came to rest over Magnus's stomach where their child currently grew. He pulled back and gave Magnus a brilliant smile as a couple more tears rolled down his cheeks. "Just when I thought I couldn't love you more, you give me something I thought I would never have. Regardless of how it happened, thank you, my love." He says kissing him again "I love you so much."
David looked down at the young Fae currently sleeping in his platonic soulmates arms and frowned when he saw all the bruises that littered his beautiful skin. He had a sort of parental pull toward the younger Fae and he wanted Malachi to pay for hurting him, for hurting Skylar, for hurting so many other people. "Malachi will pay one way or another." He says.
"I agree. Eric will still get his wish of ending him but we do need to protect everyone involved.' Danny agrees as he holds Ezra close. "He already tried with Ezra. He expected my attack and grabbed Ezra as a shield. He... He hurt my gem because of me. I won't let him hurt anyone else. He is dead set on bringing someonr down with him and I fear it will be... " he trails off, not saying Skylar's name.
Isaac sighed when Nyx conceded and said he would stay with them, stay with him where he could better protect him. "I love you, Nyxie, I hope you know that. I know we haven't been together long but I do." He says as he kissed him gently "I just don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. You have come to mean everything to me." He adds before nodding "We will end this once and for all so he can't hurt anyone else."
Isaac leaned into Nyx's touch, kissing him back deeply before shivering at the thought of making love to his soulmate again. "Soon, my love, we should probably check in with the others first before we disappear." He smirks before giving his lips a peck, taking his hand and guiding him upstairs to the loft.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Magnus sighed. He really shouldn’t be telling David about this at all. Not until he was sure or had answers to the How of it all. But he was amiss to say he wasn’t bothered by it. It took a lot to ruffle Magnus Bane. Oh he put on a good show of it. But underneath all that glam and glitter there was a very competent warlock. One who rarely didn’t have the answer to a problem. The answer wasn’t always the most compelling one. But he had one, just the same.
This though. This had completely disarmed him. Had taken all the rhyme or reason and thrown it out of the metaphorical window. And that just made him sizzle.
“Something’s happened.” He said to David. Keeping his voice light. Conversational. “Something that I can’t explain. But that you need to know. Now… don’t freak out, darling but…” pausing because this really was so distressing to him. “I’m pregnant.” He let that sit in the air for a moment. “I don’t know how and I don’t know why but i assure you I will find out. And if this is meant to be some underhanded attack I will turn the culprit to ash.”
Magnus listened to Danny with a pensive frown on his face. He ran gentle fingers through Ezra’s hair. Smiling sadly when he turned in towards his touch. He truly was very innocent. Tearing his gaze from Ezra he met Danny’s eyes. Danny was a warrior. He was used to this sort of thing. So, Magnus decided it would be worth talking it out with him. That and he had connections with Eric and Skylar both.
“I think we need to pivot. So to speak. I do not doubt my son can end Malachi. And I would never think to keep him from doing something that he’s owed. But I do worry. He is emotional. My Eric. I do not think he would be able to hold himself back in the way you did today. To protect your little one.” He told Danny kindly. “I think we ought to consider the bigger picture. To ensure Malachi does not have the opportunity to take anyone with him when he meets his end.”
Nyx cocked his head at the intensity behind the look Isaac was giving him. It ought to have flustered him really. But Nyx never had been one to fluster easily. So he just smiled back at him. Showing him just how much he reflected his sentiment. He shivered a little at Isaac’s tease, thinking why yes, he was a naughty, naughty boy wasn’t he?
The kiss cooled his jets though. As such attention from Isaac typically did. It was an interesting effect to be sure. One Nyx found he wasn’t so disagreeable to. His eyes softened as Isaac spoke. And by the angel… he loved the man even more than he had already. It was a difficult situation to be in surely. And Nyx did know what his safety meant to Isaac. What it would cost him if anything happened to him. Love was a hard pill to swallow sometimes. He pressed his fingers to Isaac’s lips shushing him. “No.” He told him gently. “I appreciate the sentiment more than you will ever know. But… there are plenty of nephilim in Chicago.” And it was unbelievably hard to let go of. “I’d rather be turned into a mundane trophy wife than to ever cause you pain. I’ll stay by your side, Isaac. Which incidentally is where I’m meant to be.”
Nyx nuzzled him. “Shh my love. We will make it right. I promise.” He paused at Isaac’s request. And who could ever say no to a request like that. He took Isaac’s face in his hands, kissing him back with intention. When he pulled back he offered him a seductive little smile. “When and where, baby. When and where.”
David allowed his love and comfort to wrap around the high warlock, soothing the worry that tightened his chest and his very being. He knew how hard it was for Magnus to let anyone close enough to comfort him but David could feel the moment he let him in, let him feel everything. David let out a soft gasp as he felt all of the man be loved and it warmed his heart that he allowed him closer than he had anyone else.
David looked up at Magnus with watery eyes as they completes each other, completely intertwined their souls and essences together as one. It was overwhelming, it was intense but oh so beautiful. David finally felt whole for the first time in forever. "I love you." He murmurs as he kisses him back, pouring every ounce of love and support into the kiss and their bond. Neither of them woukd ever be alone again.
Danny felt a tear slip down his cheek as be felt his soulmate's pain and longing as he spoke of Malachi trying to impregnate him and growing angry when a child never came. "You were not meant for have a child with him just as Sky was not meant to. Your fates and futures are not tied to Malachi and he hates that. But you can't force fate." He said softly as he strokes his arm and kisses his temple. "You deserve to be loved and treated with love and care. Maybe one day you and I can try for a family. Once all of this is settled. Since we are soulmates, maybe it will happen for us. If not there's always adoption. David has done that." He says softly.
Danny held Ezra close as he slept, watching as the glamour fell and his healing bruises came into view. He looks at David and Magnus as he gently kisses his bruises. "I want him dead. I want him to burn for what he did to my Ezra, what he did to Sky." He tells his friends "I want to make sure no one else has to suffer the way they did because of that lunatic."
Isaac was upstairs in the loft with his brother and the others making sure that everything was taken care of for the moment when be felt Nyx's flustered emotions, closer than they had been moments before. He had long since closed the restaurant made sure to leave the staff door unlocked for Nyx to come in.
Isaac heard his lover's voice and came to the top of the stairs to greet him and let him know where they were. He met his lover at the bottom of the stairs, pulling him into his arms and just relishing in the feeling of having him there for a moment before speaking. "I'm alright but all of this has me on edge. My family is in danger and I don't know what to do about it. We could have killed him right then and there but we all promised Eric could do the honors. And Danny's soulmate was with him, he was using him as a pawn to find... Well you know.... Ezra was hurt and scared but my brother and Magnus took care of him. Malachi is afraid of Magnus. Malachi underestimated us all but it still worries me. Eric is mentally stronger than be once was but he isn't a killer and I think that's one thing my brother and Magnus worry about. I do too, honestly." He sighs as he pulls back and looks at Nyx "Having you here helps though, my angel." He says kissing him deeply and showing him how grateful he was for his presence. "I'm ok. I promise. He didn't hurt me."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Magnus stared back at David. His emotions in his eyes. Because gods....did he love the fae. With his entire being. Even the broken bits. He loved him completely. Irrevocably. Magnus rarely showed true emotion. It was easier to hide behind a grand facade. But he was through hiding from David.
He pressed a kiss to the fae's lips when he professed his love. "I know..." He said back with a teasing, glittery little smile. "I suppose..." He drawled, pretending to actually think about it. "I must love you too." He twirled his fingers and a circular black curtain fell around them, shielding them from the rest of the loft. "David." He said. "There is something I must tell you."
Ezra wanted to argue with Danny. Because he knew it had been his fault he never conceived. Somehow. It had to be. Because Malachi told him so. Seeing the tear slide down Danny's cheek though, made him ache. He wiped it away with a gentle touch to his face. He leaned against Danny, letting his comforting words wrap him up tight, like they were meant to. Ezra never knew true affection before. His mother left when he was very young, and his father raised him more to be subservient. To do as he was told. To make someone a fine mate. Because that was what he was good for. So it made sense that he ought to give himself to Malachi when the knight had asked it of him. But now, he was confused. Because Danny was telling him otherwise. And he felt a connection to Danny that surpassed anything else. So he ought to listen to him instead.
But sleep came, welcoming him to the darkness. And he felt safe and warm. Wanted. In a way he never had felt before.
Magnus had emerged from his cocoon with David. He caught sight of the bruises under Danny's lips and stiffened. He hadn't noticed them before. A blue flame sparked to life around him as he sizzled. "Those are from him...I presume?"
He listened to Danny with intensity. Moving to the couch, her perched on the corner. Snapping his fingers and conjuring a soft blanket into his hands. He draped it over both Danny and Ezra. Touching the sleeping fae's head gently. "I think..." He said. "Perhaps a death by fire is to simple an end. For someone who has caused much pain. Hmm?"
Nyx found himself gathered into Isaac's arms. It startled him with its suddenness. He was still getting used to belonging to someone. But he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. Every minute of it, actually. Nyx wanted to pull away, to get a better look at him. But something in the tightness of Isaac's voice kept him right where he was. He listened to him, rubbing his back in soothing circles, cooing to him gently. And none of the rest of it even mattered anymore. Because he was right where he was supposed to be. And knowing that, made all the difference he decided.
The hug ended when Isaac chose for it too. Nyx let his arms fall back to his sides. He opened his mouth to speak, but then Isaac was kissing him. And he'd forgotten anything and everything he'd wanted to say. Grasping Isaac's face with a ferocious intensity, Nyx kissed him back. It ended much too soon. And Nyx pouted a bit when it did. The need to be sultry and bothered outweighing the need to be the competent shadowhunter he was. But Isaac did at least appear to be alright. And the stiffness in Nyx's shoulders eased a bit.
He smiled a little at the pet name. "I am...aren't I?" He mused, running a hand over the bulge of Isaac's shoulder. "And very naughty...practically sinful." But the smile didn't reach his eyes. The humor being a mere mask of how Nyx was actually feeling. He didn't like knowing people like Malachi existed. And he didn't like knowing Isaac was mixed up in this either. "He's sending out scouts." Nyx said thoughtfully. "Hayden is. To make sure he doesn't hurt anyone...." Then he paused, biting his lip. "Anymore." He took a breath to steady himself. "They aren't to engage him unless absolutely necessary. Unless there is imminent danger." And Nyx gave Isaac a pointed look. Because he was angry at being left out. Of being here, where it was safe and not out there doing what his people did best. Protecting. It didn't well with him to be included in the protected. But still he came anyway. Because Isaac asked him to.
David allowed his love and comfort to wrap around the high warlock, soothing the worry that tightened his chest and his very being. He knew how hard it was for Magnus to let anyone close enough to comfort him but David could feel the moment he let him in, let him feel everything. David let out a soft gasp as he felt all of the man be loved and it warmed his heart that he allowed him closer than he had anyone else.
David looked up at Magnus with watery eyes as they completes each other, completely intertwined their souls and essences together as one. It was overwhelming, it was intense but oh so beautiful. David finally felt whole for the first time in forever. "I love you." He murmurs as he kisses him back, pouring every ounce of love and support into the kiss and their bond. Neither of them woukd ever be alone again.
Danny felt a tear slip down his cheek as be felt his soulmate's pain and longing as he spoke of Malachi trying to impregnate him and growing angry when a child never came. "You were not meant for have a child with him just as Sky was not meant to. Your fates and futures are not tied to Malachi and he hates that. But you can't force fate." He said softly as he strokes his arm and kisses his temple. "You deserve to be loved and treated with love and care. Maybe one day you and I can try for a family. Once all of this is settled. Since we are soulmates, maybe it will happen for us. If not there's always adoption. David has done that." He says softly.
Danny held Ezra close as he slept, watching as the glamour fell and his healing bruises came into view. He looks at David and Magnus as he gently kisses his bruises. "I want him dead. I want him to burn for what he did to my Ezra, what he did to Sky." He tells his friends "I want to make sure no one else has to suffer the way they did because of that lunatic."
Isaac was upstairs in the loft with his brother and the others making sure that everything was taken care of for the moment when be felt Nyx's flustered emotions, closer than they had been moments before. He had long since closed the restaurant made sure to leave the staff door unlocked for Nyx to come in.
Isaac heard his lover's voice and came to the top of the stairs to greet him and let him know where they were. He met his lover at the bottom of the stairs, pulling him into his arms and just relishing in the feeling of having him there for a moment before speaking. "I'm alright but all of this has me on edge. My family is in danger and I don't know what to do about it. We could have killed him right then and there but we all promised Eric could do the honors. And Danny's soulmate was with him, he was using him as a pawn to find... Well you know.... Ezra was hurt and scared but my brother and Magnus took care of him. Malachi is afraid of Magnus. Malachi underestimated us all but it still worries me. Eric is mentally stronger than be once was but he isn't a killer and I think that's one thing my brother and Magnus worry about. I do too, honestly." He sighs as he pulls back and looks at Nyx "Having you here helps though, my angel." He says kissing him deeply and showing him how grateful he was for his presence. "I'm ok. I promise. He didn't hurt me."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Magnus generally didn’t allow anyone close enough to actually comfort him. Having a mother who committed suicide rather than love him had seen to that. But, Magnus was not at all unhappy with the life he’d created for himself. Just lonely at times. He’d had many great loves in his life. Because when Magnus loved, he loved with his whole heart. It always seemed sort of uneven though. Until now, until David.
And it felt right. To let David take his worry and his pain into his gentle hands. Protecting it. Perhaps he would allow David into those unmentionable areas. Because it seemed as though he was meant to be there.
It had shaken him. Finding Malachi so close. Because he had so many things to protect. But. He allowed David’s soft voice to wrap around the tightness in his chest and soothe him. He wasn’t alone this time. He’d never be alone again.
Magnus had never once been considered a prude. So when he returned David’s kiss, it was intentional. It was deep. It was his essence. What made him who he was. And he was giving it to David. In a way he’d never given himself to anyone before.
Ezra rested against Danny. He’d told him what he could. About Malachi’s intentions. It felt strange to trust in someone as easily as he trusted in Danny. In his knight. His question made him stiffen in his arms. “It wouldn’t work.” He whispered, clutching at Danny. “I tried to give him what he wanted.” He shivered at that. Because love making with Malachi hadn’t been pleasant for him. He was not gentle. And Ezra yearned for a more careful approach. “But a baby would not come. And he grew impatient with me.” He buried his face in Danny’s neck. Intending to hide there. The next question made him ache with sadness. “Yes.” He said softly. “So so much. A family would be a treasure. A gift. A true gift. Crafted by true love.”
When Danny released him to rest, he sagged against him. Having needed that reassurance that he was safe. That Danny would watch over him. Keep him safe. He rested his cheek against the older fae’s chest. Closing his eyes.
Nyx was still a little flustered by the time he slunk into the restaurant. It had been an hour or so since he’d spoken to Isaac. Having gone to see Hayden. And subjecting himself to interrogation. Which hadn’t been particularly fair. Because telling Hayden anything at all had been a mere courtesy really.
It was quiet inside. A little eerie. “Isaac!” He called out. Knowing the fae would come to him. He appeared at the top of the stairs that led to the loft. Nyx sighed at the sight of him. It hadn’t really been a terribly long time since he’d seen him last. But it felt like a life time had passed anyway.
“Are you alright?” He asked. A vulnerability in his voice that hadn’t been there the moment before. Because looking at him now. He seemed just a little on edge. A little unsettled. And it made Nyx wonder if maybe he hadn’t told him everything. “He didn’t find him.” He said with absolute certainty. Because if he had found Skylar. Things would be so much more… well so much more than they were. Nyx bit his lip. His eyes taking in Isaac. Studying him to be sure he was completely whole still.
David let out a soft chuckle as he nods his head. "Infuriating indeed. My darling is much stronger now that he's found Eric than be was when he first met Malachi but it enrages me that he preys on such vulnerable people." He says eyeing Ezra with Danny "I made sure to keep our darling Atti as far away as possible during all this. I want him no where near him. He fits his type and I will not have another one of my darlings hurt by that monster. Two is enough." He sighs, trusting Magnus more than he trusted anyone in the world. "Eric will end this once and for all. Malachi knows nothing of the power he holds, especially when it comes to protecting the people he loves. It's actually amusing when people underestimate him."
Danny could feel how touched Ezra was at his worry for him but he couldn't help his tears since it was him losing control and not realizing Malachi had grabbed Ezra until it was too late. Hearing Ezra's raspy voice tell him not to cry as he wiped his tears made him ache for him as the other man reflected his own pain back on him. Danny reached up to caress his cheek. "I promise no one will ever hurt you again, my angel." He says softly "I promise. Not even me. You're safe now he tried, with us, with our family." He says placing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Isaac could practically hear Nyx's cute little pout over the phone and chuckles. "But the promise of the first two you know I will ways honor and leave you more than satisfied." The Fae teased before sighing "He's dangerous but more irritating than anything. He's delusional so he thinks his power is greater than it actually is. Though for weaker Fae like S or Ezra or Atti.... Yeah he's pretty bad. I think you guys can take him though just watch his energy orbs. He likes to throw those." He says "I know you don't want to sit out so I probably wouldn't tell Hayden you learned it from your soulmate. He might think you are too close to the situation and could be easily compromised. You and I both know that's not the case. Besides we could have killed him just now but his death is not ours to hand out. That honor belongs to Eric. It's his soulmate he's here for." He says "But I do hope you tell him quickly because I would love to see you, love."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
"Indeed." Magnus had to agree with him about Skylar. He seemed to have blossomed recently under Eric's careful hand. And it was refreshing to see Eric so happy. Magnus' had never known him to be happy before. And he enjoyed getting to see it. And if Skylar kept that smile on Eric's face. Magnus would do whatever it took to keep both of them safe. He did worry though. About Eric killing Malachi. What it could do to the younger warlock. But he feared not doing it, would cost him even more. Magnus let out a little sigh, leaning into David a bit. He made a sound of agreement with David about Atti. Him being safe from Malachi was of utmost importance. He spared a look down at Ezra being cradled by Danny. Soulmates were...hard. Sometimes. Magnus knew. But the good always outweighed the bad in any case.
Ezra caught Danny's hand, holding it to his cheek. It felt cool against his feverish skin. He felt achingly tired. Like he hadn't slept well in weeks. Which, he supposed was true. Ever since Malachi had met with the Oracle. He'd been manic. Ezra's eyes fluttered closed at the gentleness in Danny's kiss. And it was the most intimate kiss he'd ever experienced. There was no pain, no anger, no fear. It was just a slight brushing of lips. But it meant more to Ezra than anything else in his left up until now. Opening his eyes, he stared at Danny. A small gasp escaping him. "He wants a child." He told him, horrified now at the implications of it. "He thinks Skylar will give him a child. That is why he's so hell bent on finding him. The oracle...he told him there would be a child." And then Ezra sagged into Danny. The weight of that finally being lifted from him. He had so much to tell them all. So much. But he was so tired. He buried his face in Danny's neck, clinging to him.
Nyx clicked his tongue, but he couldn't very well argue that. In the very short time he'd been with Isaac now he'd never left anything but ultimately satisfied. And that was saying something. Considering Nyx was insatiable mostly. He blew out a breath. "Fine." He acquiesced. "But if I am going to breach the gates of mordor tonight then you better be baking me a pie." He told him darkly. "So I can lick it off you." He added as an afterthought. He chuckled at this. "Darling...." He purred. "I know we can handle him." Sobering a bit he sighed. "Very well. I'll tell Hayden that the fae have it handled and that we're only to assist if needed. Shall I?" Nyx took a breath at his last statement. "I'll be quick. The night has always been my playground." But his voice was a little breathless, and then he hung up.
David let out a soft chuckle as he nods his head. "Infuriating indeed. My darling is much stronger now that he's found Eric than be was when he first met Malachi but it enrages me that he preys on such vulnerable people." He says eyeing Ezra with Danny "I made sure to keep our darling Atti as far away as possible during all this. I want him no where near him. He fits his type and I will not have another one of my darlings hurt by that monster. Two is enough." He sighs, trusting Magnus more than he trusted anyone in the world. "Eric will end this once and for all. Malachi knows nothing of the power he holds, especially when it comes to protecting the people he loves. It's actually amusing when people underestimate him."
Danny could feel how touched Ezra was at his worry for him but he couldn't help his tears since it was him losing control and not realizing Malachi had grabbed Ezra until it was too late. Hearing Ezra's raspy voice tell him not to cry as he wiped his tears made him ache for him as the other man reflected his own pain back on him. Danny reached up to caress his cheek. "I promise no one will ever hurt you again, my angel." He says softly "I promise. Not even me. You're safe now he tried, with us, with our family." He says placing a gentle kiss to his lips.
Isaac could practically hear Nyx's cute little pout over the phone and chuckles. "But the promise of the first two you know I will ways honor and leave you more than satisfied." The Fae teased before sighing "He's dangerous but more irritating than anything. He's delusional so he thinks his power is greater than it actually is. Though for weaker Fae like S or Ezra or Atti.... Yeah he's pretty bad. I think you guys can take him though just watch his energy orbs. He likes to throw those." He says "I know you don't want to sit out so I probably wouldn't tell Hayden you learned it from your soulmate. He might think you are too close to the situation and could be easily compromised. You and I both know that's not the case. Besides we could have killed him just now but his death is not ours to hand out. That honor belongs to Eric. It's his soulmate he's here for." He says "But I do hope you tell him quickly because I would love to see you, love."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Magnus hummed against David's lips. He enjoyed the way the fae melted into him at his touch. He had to roll his eyes. "Oh good. Let's go enrage the air-bender while we're at it. Goodness. I'd forgotten of infuriating he is." Malachi had always been beautiful in a dangerous sort of way. But that did little to add any appeal. Once you spent enough time with him the desire to throttle him outweighed wanting him in your bed. Unless of course.... Magnus cast a wary eye towards Ezra. Yes. Malachi had a type it seemed. And that also angered Magnus. "Yes." He smoothed a hand over David's chest to soothe him. "We won't let him find him, darling. Don't you worry."
Ezra let out a startled squeak as Danny pounced on him. But his hands were gentle, the kiss to his forehead light. And Ezra found himself leaning into his touch. But the tears, Danny's tears, made him stiffen. Because they didn't belong there. Ezra searched the knight's face. Wishing he could stop them. He reached up to gently touched his wet cheek. "Do not cry..." He whispered hoarsely, voice still a little pained. He felt it then. The fear Danny had been caught in. The fear for him, for Ezra. And it touched him in a way that nothing else ever had before. He made a soft, pained sound. But it wasn't his pain, it was Danny's. "I am alright..." He promised him. Wrapping his arms around him. Holding him against him.
Nyx made an exasperated sound. "Only you can put orgasms, food and Hayden all in one sentence." He pouted. Though he didn't sound particularly worried about a rampaging fae. Even though he probably should have been. "A rampaging fae could be sort of fun. Am I keeping you out of it?" He asked, needing to know if he was telling Hayden where he got the intel from of merely coming up with some fabricated story.
David laid the tired Fae down on the couch in the loft and made sure he was comfortable before turning to his lover who pulled him in for a proper kiss, David melted against his lover with a soft sigh against his lips. "At least until we can lure Malachi somewhere where he can take care of the issue once and for all. I suspect Malachi will try to track down Joel next and that won't be pretty. He will be beyond angry and Malachi will no doubt feel his wrath and leave their even more enraged than he already is. He will do something stupid." David says before sighing "I don't know how long he's been here. Danny couldn't get an answer out of Ezra before he ran from him at the party. I suspect since that night but is just now making his presence known since he can't find our darling." He says, not saying Skylar's name because he didn't know if the other had a tracking spell on his name.
Danny scrambled over to Ezra once he was upstairs, gently kissing his forehead as he checks him over and saw that Magnus had healed him. "I am so sorry, my angel. I did not want him to take you with him. I am sorry that he hurt you because of me. Please forgive me, my soulmate." He sobbed.
Isaac sighed into the receiver. "I promise that I will feed you and give you as many orgasms as you want. Unfortunately I need you to do something first before you come over here." He says "Malachi paid us a visit. I won't say who he's looking for because we believe he has a tracking spell on his name but we have the one he was using with us, Danny's soulmate, Magnus got him away from Malachi. So he's extremely pissed and on a warpath. I believe he's going to S's platonic soulmate next and that won't end well. You might want to give Hayden the heads up there's a deranged and delusional former Fae knight on a warpath in Chicago. Then bring your sexy self here when you're done."
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Magnus felt the surge of affection come at him from David, and it momentarily distracted him. He cast the fae a heated look from under his lashes. Promising to show him later just how much he intended on loving him in return.
The gentle fingers through his hair made Ezra sway a little sleepily. The warm blue light encompassing him and Magnus. The warlock touched his throat gently, and the touch sent a rush of heat through him. It made his eyelids droop even more and he slumped a bit against Magnus. Finally able to breathe easier. He took in a great gulp of air and it sent him into a coughing fit. Magnus gently patting his back as it subsided.
Magnus waited for David to help him get Ezra situated up in the loft. The little fae, exhausted, tried in vain to stay upright. But as soon as David settled him on the couch he melting into the cushions, his eyes already closed.
Once he'd been settled, Magnus turned his attention to David. He grabbed him by the front of the shirt and jerked him forward to kiss him properly. The peck earlier did little to satiate him after all. "Good." He said, keeping his voice low so he didn't disturb the drowsing fae. "Eric will need to lock down for a while I expect. How long has he been in Chicago?"
Danny came barreling up the stairs. The noise roused Ezra and he'd been awake again when the faerie knight entered.
Nyx sighed into the receiver. Though he couldn't help himself and asked: "Is this the sort of problem that ends with me being naked writhing with unadulterated passion?" Then he paused. "Or is this the sort of problem that's going to send me to the market for sausage?"
David couldn't help the smile that graced his features as he felt Ezra relax in his arms and giggle at Magnus. He watched as the young Fae warmed up to Magnus, allowing him to treat his wounds as he spoke softly to Isaac, being gentle with the young Fae that was now in their care and treating him like his own child. If David wasn't already in love with Magnus, he would be in this moment as he watched him coo at and take care of Ezra. He projected just how much he loved him through their bond which only grew every moment.
"They are at the studio with our other little one." David says simply, knowing that Magnus would know how safe they were since he helped Eric with the wards on the studio himself.
Isaac had just gotten off the phone with Danny who was on his way when Magnus told him to call Nyx and let him know what was going on. Nyx was supposed to join the three of them for dinner with Austin and Austin's surprise guest but Malachi put a damper on their plans for the moment. "Let's take this to the loft upstairs so we aren't so out in the open." Isaac suggests and watches his brother nod as he steps away to call Nyx.
"Nyxie, we have a problem." Isaac sighs into the phone as he called his soulmate., gesturing a frantic Danny toward the loft upstairs when he rushed in.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra stared up at the fae holding him. He mentioned Danny. That eased something in him. Would he get to see Danny again? It seemed so. He cast another glance at Magnus who did his best to look less menacing. Which wasn’t really that hard considering he looked like a wayward teenager clad in skin tight leather pants and covered in copious amounts of glitter. Which brought back an image of Malachi covered in that same glitter. And Ezra actually giggled a little.
The giggle touched Magnus in a deeply intimate way. He smiled gently at the fae. “There you are, darling.” He cooed to him, holding out his hand for him to take. He gave David a meaningful look that said he thought the boy would be alright in the end of it all.
Ezra considered the hand for a moment. Then he looked at David’s hand that held his. He was still terrified. And still unsteady. But his throat did hurt. And now that the adrenaline had worn off it was getting harder to get in a full breath. So he left the safety of David’s arms. And took the warlock’s hand.
Magnus relaxed a bit. Guiding Ezra towards him. Well aware that any sudden move or sound could send him back over the edge. A memory of Skylar on that same edge made his blood boil. But he didn’t let the disquiet touch his features. He gave one of his rings to Ezra to play with while he assessed the damage. His jaw tightened and he met David’s eyes again. “Where are they?” He asked of him. Meaning Eric and Skylar. Not wanting to say their names in front of Ezra.
He cast another glance at Isaac. “You may want to call your little nephilim friend.” He said friend in a way that hinted that he knew exactly what the nephilim actually was to him. “Let them know they have a rampaging fae knight loose in the city. Hayden will appreciate the heads up.”
He summoned blue fire into his hands. Ezra, who had been marveling over the sparkling jewel in his fingers jumped at the sight of it. Magnus held the fire in one hand, using the other to comb through the little fae’s hair to soothe him.
David held the young Fae close, rubbing his back gently. He could see why Danny was so protective of this tiny slip of a Fae. He felt protective of him as well, a paternal instinct to care for him like he does his darling Atti. He may be his platonic soulmate's forever love but David vowed to care for Ezra as he did his other adoptive son. "You're safe now, little one. We won't let him hurt you anymore." He coos softly, chuckling softly at the look Magnus gave his brother and following statement.
Isaac chuckles softly at his brother's lover. "Of course. You are fantastic at it."
David and Isaac watched in amusement as Magnus dealt with Malachi, embarrassing the ancient Fae without a care in the world. David couldn't help but fall even more for the glittery warlock, if that were even possible, and he was sure his love could feel it through their bond.
Isaac couldn't help his chuckle at the look on Malachi's face at the second coat of glitter, clearly amused by Magnus's antics. He was glad that his brother found a soulmate in the High Warlock because he knew his little brother would always be taken care of and protected. This instance just proved it.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Tears burned in Ezra's eyes. And he couldn't pick out one emotion that had caused them. Having so many of them all at once. Fear, Relief, Guilt. He glanced up at the fae holding him, eyes still wide and frightened. But...no one else in the room was frightened but him. And it felt sort of silly for him to feel that way. Cocooned in strong arms as he was.
The sight of Malachi covered in glitter startled him. Because he hadn't been expecting it at all. He made a soft sound of surprise, pressing his face to David's chest. Content to just watch now. Because whoever these people were. They were strong. And he thought maybe, just maybe he could lean on that for a little while.
Malachi shook with rage, angrily swiping at the glitter. But the amusing part about glitter was the more you tried to subdue it the more it spread. One of the reasons Magnus loved it so much. He stood for a moment, just enjoying watching the elder fae struggle.
"Stay out of this!" Malachi snarled, seeming to give up the pointless fight. The power around him though, started to build. Ezra made a little squeak and tried to burrow into David further. He gathered it to him, forming into a ball of energy. Intent on using it against the warlock.
Magnus, who didn't appear bothered by the power play, sniffed indignantly. "No." He stated firmly. "I don't think I will." Because Malachi had done several things to irritate Magnus. And a ruffled Magnus was never a good idea. He was generally agreeable most of the time. But there was nothing agreeable about Malachi.
But, and Magnus realized this with a touch of disappointment. Malachi's death, belonged to his darling Eric. Because Skylar ultimately belonged to him. And was his to protect. Magnus would never deny his little pyro anything he wanted. Eric had never said it, but Magnus knew him well enough. With a resigned little sigh, Magnus waved a flippant hand, sending a wave of blue at Malachi, effectively extinguishing his little energy ball.
Malachi blinked blankly at his now empty hands. But was hit with another rush of magic that sent him hurtling back out the door in which he came into. And Magnus hoped with much vengeance that he ended up in the middle of the street and got hit by an oncoming bus. It wouldn't kill him, but it would hurt. And from the haunted look in Ezra's eyes that closely resembled the one he'd seen in Skylar's, Magnus wished much pain on him.
Once the fae was effectively outside, Magnus turned back to the three remaining. He gave David a pleased, cat-like smile. Before turning his attention back to Ezra. "Come here..." Magnus told him gently, beckoning to him.
Ezra let out a frightened little squeak and clung tighter to David. Magnus sighed a little. He was expecting that. David was after all the least terrifying one of them. But he was hurt, and Magnus needed to see him healed.
"I think..." Magnus said to David directly. "He's injured." He tapped his own throat to communicate to David where. "He's not breathing very steadily."
Ezra jumped, not realizing that himself until just now. But he was still much too frightened to take a step away from David. And certainly not towards the warlock.
David held the young Fae close, rubbing his back gently. He could see why Danny was so protective of this tiny slip of a Fae. He felt protective of him as well, a paternal instinct to care for him like he does his darling Atti. He may be his platonic soulmate's forever love but David vowed to care for Ezra as he did his other adoptive son. "You're safe now, little one. We won't let him hurt you anymore." He coos softly, chuckling softly at the look Magnus gave his brother and following statement.
Isaac chuckles softly at his brother's lover. "Of course. You are fantastic at it."
David and Isaac watched in amusement as Magnus dealt with Malachi, embarrassing the ancient Fae without a care in the world. David couldn't help but fall even more for the glittery warlock, if that were even possible, and he was sure his love could feel it through their bond.
Isaac couldn't help his chuckle at the look on Malachi's face at the second coat of glitter, clearly amused by Magnus's antics. He was glad that his brother found a soulmate in the High Warlock because he knew his little brother would always be taken care of and protected. This instance just proved it.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra was a little dazed and confused by the disturbance. A little unsteady on his feet. He was gently pushed against the other fae. Finding himself wrapped up in a warm embrace and not sure how he'd gotten there at all. But, he sagged into him. Suddenly very sure he was now safe. He wrapped trembling arms about him, clinging to him.
Magnus accepted the kiss with an amused little smirk. Knowing exactly what he'd just done and not at all apologetic about it. He touched Ezra's shoulder gently, feeling the little fae relax against David. Pleased by that, he gave David a glittery wink. Because really, he was a beautiful man and Magnus just couldn't help but take a moment to admire that fact. "Disgusting little vermin." He agreed, giving Isaac a once over just because he was Magnus Bane and he could. "Easy enough to squish though...I find."
Now that the innocent was safe, and Magnus' ego properly stroked, he turned back towards Malachi. "Oh come now, Malachi." He put the three fae behind him, fulling intending on taking care of this little situation himself. Not that he felt David and Isaac couldn't handle it themselves, but Magnus never had liked Malachi. And Magnus took great pleasure in reminding those who chose to throw their weight around needlessly just how weak they actually were. "Did you really expect I wouldn't show up? Really. You are in Chicago."
Malachi had regained his composure and cast Magnus a sourly look. "I would expect you to keep your nose out of business that doesn't concern you."
"Hmmm...." Magnus preened a bit. "I could explain to you just how much of my business this is but you are a weasel and I don't like you." He replied, wiggling his fingers at the fae and covering him in a copious amount of rainbow glitter. "Hmmm..." He assessed him again with a bored expression. "Well that doesn't help much at all...does it? And you really aren't even a particularly attractive weasel. I've met a few of those." He told Malachi with a flippant wave of his ringed fingers. Another mound of glitter fell on his head.
@Silver Spoon
Malachi pushed his way inside the Silver Spoon restaurant. His hand, still wrapped tightly around Ezra's tiny wrist, tugged the younger fae in behind him. He stalked further inside, dragging Ezra along behind him. He supposed he could have allowed him to follow at his own pace, but Malachi was tight on temper and wasn't feeling particularly affectionate towards him currently. He caught the doe eyes of the hostess and offered her a dangerous smile. "I'm looking for the one who owns this place." He told her. "Bring him to me."
Ezra yelped as he jerked him to his side. Wrapping a possessive arm around his waist. He pressed his lips to his temple promising him that if he tried to run he would be forced to do something they would both regret.
"Now!" He snapped at the girl who went scurrying away.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra held Danny’s gaze. Those eyes seemed to pierce his soul. But he wasn’t angry with him. Danny wasn’t. He was sending him comfort, understanding. And Ezra didn’t deserve such things. Because he’d given Danny up. Given Skylar up. The one Danny was trying to protect. And Ezra had run from him when he’d offered him that same protection. A wave a guilt threatened to buckle his knees. “I’m sorry…” he croaked, voice pained. His attention only for Danny in that moment. “I’m so sorry.”
And those words ignited a fury in Malachi. Because Ezra was his. And Skylar as well. “He’s always been mine!” Malachi snarled. “And he will be mine even in death!” And Ezra wasn’t sure if he’d meant him or Skylar. Maybe he meant both.
Ezra watched with fascination as Danny seemed to transform before his eyes. His eyes glowing, his body elongating, the markings on his skin. He was beautiful and terrifying. He let out a pained gasp as Malachi stiffened behind him.
Malachi who had been expecting the attack, jerked Ezra against him. His fingers tightening on his throat. Digging into the soft flesh as he crushed his windpipe. If he was going to die, he’d be taking his little one with him. Ezra seized in his hold. Clawing at his hand, unable to breathe. And yes. Malachi laid the challenge at the other knight’s feet. He might still die. But his would leave a mark. And that made it worth it in the end.
@ Hope World Dance Academy
Malachi was angry. Very angry. He'd been making stops at all the possible places he could think of that Skylar might be. Ezra had clammed up and stopped talking to him entirely. Apparently too frightened by his ire to be of much good to him. But that didn't mean he intended on letting him go. He'd worked hard to charm him and mold him into what he'd wanted him to me. Much as he'd done with Skylar. Only Ezra was not with child either. Which further fed his irritation. But he'd seen an oracle in New Orleans. One who'd told him Skylar would bear a child. He hadn't waited to find out to whom. He'd make sure it was his.
He shoved Ezra through the door of Hope World Dance Academy. Storming in behind him. A looming presence that offset the frailty of the young fae.
Ezra stumbled into the lobby. Eyes wild and searching for anything or anyone. But Malachi was at his back a second later, his fingers closing around his neck and pulling him against him.
Malarchi turned an eye towards the fae behind the desk. "Where is he?" He demanded. Intent on finding Danny.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
Ezra jumped when the strange fae met his eyes. But he didn’t look away. There was something comforting about him. It made Ezra want to try. But he didn’t. Because Malachi was still angry with him. And tears generally just made it worse.
Malachi opened his mouth to snarl back at the two fae when the door behind them burst open and Magnus Bane waltzed in. He broke through Malachi and Ezra like they weren’t even there at all.
The force of him sent Malachi back a step. But the warlock caught Ezra by the shoulder before he stumbled. Shocked, Ezra blinked up at him. A piece of glitter fell on his nose and he sneezed.
Magnus turned fluidly, keeping Ezra with him. He ignored Malachi completely. His kohl rimmed eyes finding David and narrowing a bit. He cast a side eye at Isaac too, though his lips turned up a bit. “David, my darling.” He cooed, giving Ezra a little push in the elder fae’s direction. “The company you keep.”
“Bane!” Malachi snarled. His body tense and ready for a fight. “What are you doing here?”
Magnus who paid no real attention to the enraged fae, met David’s eyes. “You…” he poked a glittering finger nail into his chest. “Are late.”
Ezra stared wide eyed between the two of them. Finding them much more interesting than Malachi at the moment.
@Silver Spoon
Malachi pushed his way inside the Silver Spoon restaurant. His hand, still wrapped tightly around Ezra's tiny wrist, tugged the younger fae in behind him. He stalked further inside, dragging Ezra along behind him. He supposed he could have allowed him to follow at his own pace, but Malachi was tight on temper and wasn't feeling particularly affectionate towards him currently. He caught the doe eyes of the hostess and offered her a dangerous smile. "I'm looking for the one who owns this place." He told her. "Bring him to me."
Ezra yelped as he jerked him to his side. Wrapping a possessive arm around his waist. He pressed his lips to his temple promising him that if he tried to run he would be forced to do something they would both regret.
"Now!" He snapped at the girl who went scurrying away.
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ezra-loves-flowers · 2 months
“My business?” Malachi laughed. And it was a sinister sound. It made Ezra shiver and gasp. “Seems to me if it were merely my business you wouldn’t have gotten so ridiculously involved.” He spat, “You know what I’m here for. Who I’m here for. And you’d best to just return him to me and maybe I’ll leave this little hut in tact.”
Ezra stiffened a bit when the strange fae referred to him. He stared at him, then the other of them. Skylar had many allies. More than he’d ever realized. And it made him sick to his stomach. Ezra never wanted any of this. All he’d wanted was to love and be loved. That thought brought tears to his eyes. Because he wanted it still. But he was alone in this. Desperately alone.
@Silver Spoon
Malachi pushed his way inside the Silver Spoon restaurant. His hand, still wrapped tightly around Ezra's tiny wrist, tugged the younger fae in behind him. He stalked further inside, dragging Ezra along behind him. He supposed he could have allowed him to follow at his own pace, but Malachi was tight on temper and wasn't feeling particularly affectionate towards him currently. He caught the doe eyes of the hostess and offered her a dangerous smile. "I'm looking for the one who owns this place." He told her. "Bring him to me."
Ezra yelped as he jerked him to his side. Wrapping a possessive arm around his waist. He pressed his lips to his temple promising him that if he tried to run he would be forced to do something they would both regret.
"Now!" He snapped at the girl who went scurrying away.
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