eyesmadeofpearls · 7 days
Was it really that necessary to make professor Callaghan attractive with a mask on.. be honest with me pixar 😭😭 years later and I'm rewatching this for him, i have 0 shame
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
suddenly i'm beginning to feel my eyelids close by themselves i think it may be a ghost im not doing this i swear (a loud thud is heard as my head hits my computer keyboard and i drool comically from being so tired)
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
OH THANK GOD its unfindable 😭😭
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
i feel a deep sense of fear and regret churning in me balls
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
guys guys guys how do we feel about my dads mugshot being used as a meme is it a nay or a yay
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
sometimes i really just switch personalities like they're collectibles.. never let them know your next move
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
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english/british miku!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧 i saw a few people draw a modern english miku so i thought i'd try a more traditional one ^v^ 🍃🪻🥧
her hair is inspired by maypoles! & she is wearing a morris dancer costume :3 the items are the green man (an english folklore) & a traditional pork pie !!
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
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i didn't find the trend, the trend found me
(breton miku ftw! featuring the quimper updo :], only a little tweaked to properly befit the miku)
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
South Florida Hatsune Miku (it's early and shes at the beauty supply store by my neighborhood)
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eyesmadeofpearls · 8 days
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Florida Miku, specifically Orlando
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eyesmadeofpearls · 16 days
i'm getting more increasingly upset with the people who claim that anyone (even poc/people generally not even british, irish, scottish, etc) can practice celtic religions, indulge in the culture, and wear the clothes. they do it for the "aesthetic" and they cherry pick the things they like, like foods and clothing. not only this, but half of them don't learn the languages or know the history at all.
it's really simple to understand, if you can respect native americans when they tell you not to wear certain things or do certain things if you don't know the true meaning then why do you constantly disrespect native celts when they say no? i've seen people say because we're white it doesn't matter and i find that funny. culture isn't exclusively a poc thing, culture is music, food, practices, religion, language, clothing, and so much more. you need to respect all races and all ethnicities. and you can't use "well my ancestors were enslaved-". okay well please tell me how i am responsible for that? how every white person born, is responsible for that? "youre privelege!-" you mean the privelege that nobody has? true privelege is money, if you have it you can pay yourself out of jail even if you've actually killed someone. in america, people get paid depending on their jobs and its literally illegal to descriminate against any race in the work place. if you work at somewhere with low pay, that has nothing to do with a white person because theres a 99% chance other white people work there too. either way, two wrongs dont make a right especially when the white people you target dont even have history with slave masters.
so, on to the originaly topic, just.. stop. stop stealing things that dont belong to you. and for gods sake, dont try to make it okay by saying "the british museum" because thats the government, not the people. didn't we learn about this already? do you know how it feels for your government to go to wars with people even if you disagree on that? you learn the hard way you can't convince them what they're doing is bad because theyre so brainwashed. you can fight it, but you can't make a real impact unless you're willing to be called terrorist. oh and, also don't say "but you voted those people in!" because my answer will only be to you; you don't know how voting works. you can't just choose who's going to be the candidates, your best bet is to just find someone who's slightly less worse than the other but you can't be certain they're going to be the best of the best. obviously there's a need for a reform because of this but doing that would cause many people to die and literally nobody could ever be ready for that even if we know it's what has to be done. do you know how much damage riot police would cause? undercover cops? the fbi? a lot. so yeah, just respect native celts. and ps, no, a poc can't be a native celt. thats not how that works and us original native celts have never been black. if you're white with mixed ancestry like italian, spanish, german, or any nord you're an exception because during the invasion and colonization of old britannica the anglos and saxons, norwegian & swedish vikings, and romans invaded. spain is only an exception because of galicia and only if you're from that area.
Here's proof im celtic, by the way. This is after i downloaded my complete raw data from 23 & me and placed it into my true ancestry for results.
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
I didn't compare myself to jesus, i said it because it was a joke, I saw it on a meme once and i copied it because i thought it was funny It's not an interpretation, I shared article information, I didn't call your friends ideas delusional, I said there are people out there who grasp at straws.
izuku blushing at katsuki, who is not a girl.
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
I'm sorry.
izuku blushing at katsuki, who is not a girl.
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
okay hi, hello, I'm sending this and then I'm blocking you because this is getting ridiculous.
This isn't a question of who's right or wrong. I don't care whether you think my friend's post is bullshit or not. I don't care what you think is canon, I don't care who's right here because this isn't the problem.
The problem is that you are going on someone's post, being rude, and then trying to justify it by saying you're "just stating facts". And then you desperately try to reword what you're doing ("suggesting" my ass) and play victim when you're clowned on for being an asshole. So I am going to be very clear.
It is basic fandom courtesy. If you don't like the take, you go make your own post. You do not respond to the person saying it's bullshit. You do not insist you are right and compare yourself to Jesus or whatever the fuck.
I'm even gonna go ahead and say something to make you happy: I don't particularly think Izuku blushing in the last chapter is romantic either. I think the part where Katsuki spent eight years of his life leading an effort to bring Izuku back his dream is more convincing, but I can even interpret that as platonic. Because that's what it's about - interpretation.
Next time, please make your own post or even block the person who made the take you dislike. Don't act like you're doing God's work by "correcting misinformation". We're all fanon here. You included. Get your head out go your ass and have a good day. If getting clowned on is genuinely hurting you, block everyone involved and go read the manga or look at some izuocha fanart.
Thank you, I want to say sorry again, I really am trying not to be rude or mean so im sorry if i did sound that way, I think its okay for me to be upset when people clown on me because its mean and i dont think people should normalize it, People don't have to listen to facts if they dont want to like i said thats why i called it suggestion, Im sorry it came to a point where you blocked me. I genuinely had no clue it's fandom courteousy, When im passionate about something i make it known
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
There isn't a thing that i can say to you that would make you understand me and im okay with that but i'll still really try
I do in fact believe that publically embarassing me by replying to my comment with a picture of me reblogging with "I hate it here" and taking it out of context as a "win" is mean, Im not victimizing myself as there is no hidden definition behind my words, Im pointing out that something rude was done and said
I replied, I said what i wanted to say, I got a reply, so i replied! I thought me and that person were having fun which is why i replied with uno reverse, I did not think they would write in the tags "Go away for your own sake man. It's sad" because i thought it was playful banter, Rightfully it made me upset when they said the situation was sad, It's also rightful for me to get upset since you called me "Fucking annoying", I am not mad at you, So why are you mad with me?
izuku blushing at katsuki, who is not a girl.
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
I do, it means that i don't think bkdk would ever be canon and im against their dynamic because it promotes harmful ideas of romance, but i wouldn't blatantly hurt others or try to make others feel bad for shipping it! You can be anti izuocha, you cant be any anti ship without trying to cause real harm!
I'm reading your tags, I never said once that i think izuocha is better, it just makes more sense. And i had stated before that yes, no ship is canon! I said that when i mentioned this was a shonen, but i also said that Izuocha is more likely to become canon considering uraraka has already exclaimed she likes him.
I apologize for wording it by using "Allow", I wont do that again, what i meant to say is people are free to do what they want and i have no say in it! But i'd at least like to also have the same right by spreading factual evidence!
I am bisexual, if you are going to call me homophobic for shipping a straight ship, please know that i wont hear you out and i think that you stating its gay doesn't make any difference to me.. Sorry.
I didn't really know there was a fandom ettiquitte! Sorry!! I'm always just passionate, I reposted because i wanted to spread the truth, if this person is having fun thats ok! But it seems their post is more of a statement!
izuku blushing at katsuki, who is not a girl.
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eyesmadeofpearls · 25 days
I fear your profile picture ☹️
izuku blushing at katsuki, who is not a girl.
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