extested Ā· 3 years
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š€ Ā  š‚š‘š˜ Ā  š…šŽš‘ Ā  š‡š„š‹š Ā  šš„š‚šŽšŒš„š’ Ā  š€ Ā  š‚š‘š˜ Ā  š…šŽš‘ Ā  š–š€š‘ Ā  ā€¦Ā Ā Ā ā€” Ā  #INLOATHE Ā  , Ā  an Ā  ind. Ā  & Ā  priv. Ā  ( Ā  mutuals Ā  only Ā  ) Ā  all Ā  female Ā  multimuse Ā  centered Ā  around Ā  horror. Ā  featuring Ā  canon Ā  characters Ā  and Ā  ocs Ā  from Ā  dead Ā  by Ā  daylight, Ā  saw, Ā  & Ā  more Ā  ! Ā  ā€” Ā  haunted Ā  by Ā  micah Ā  ( Ā  23Ā Ā Ā ā™” Ā  she/herĀ Ā Ā ā™” Ā  est. Ā  )
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extested Ā· 3 years
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12K notes Ā· View notes
extested Ā· 3 years
dead by daylight starters
ā iā€™ve jumped from higher places. āž Ā  ā no excuses, no equivocationsā€¦ no crying. āž Ā  ā youā€™ve fooled them, havenā€™t you? but not me. āž Ā  ā be kind to one another. weā€™re all in this together. āž Ā  ā the paint is still fresh but iā€™m long gone. āž Ā  ā i am old and have wasted this life, but i cannot bear to destroy yours. āž Ā  ā you remind me of someone. someone i used to be. āž Ā  ā iā€™m not sure what you hope to find here. most stay away from this place like the plague. āž Ā  ā have courage. courage will put the odds in your favor. āž Ā  ā apple doesnā€™t fall far from the tree, eh? āž Ā  ā though my heart beats, i feel emptiness where it should reside. āž Ā  ā truth is no one is really in charge in this shitstorm and we all gotta take the lead in some way or another.Ā  āž Ā  ā thatā€™s my line. find your own. āž Ā  ā bad luck, strange things and unexplainable accidents seem to follow you. āž Ā  ā i was born with a wonderful curse. āž Ā  ā i didnā€™t get a good look and i really donā€™t want to! āž Ā  ā what does it matter if you gain the world if you lose your humanity? āž Ā  ā you called death to your door the instant you done me wrong. āž Ā  ā just like iā€™ve always said: live slow and die old. āž Ā  ā nothing here but the eyes, and theyā€™re probably watching us right now. āž Ā  ā when all else spills out, cling only to your honour. āž Ā  ā youā€™d be surprised what tools can save a life. āž ā it is no coincidence that man is so familiar with demons. āž Ā  ā weā€™re not safe anywhereā€¦ āž ā whateverā€™s in thereā€¦is meant to stay in there. āž ā it isnā€™t that i donā€™t like adventure. it is more that i donā€™t like graves, tombs or places that feel dark, creepy and dangerous. āž ā well, this was pleasantā€¦pleasant as a funeral. āž ā know who you are so you may shield your heart. āž Ā  ā it disheartens me. all this knowledge and effort and yet nothing usable to get out of this nightmare. āž ā sometimes a manā€™s best work is what puts him in the grave. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve kept my head down since birth. āž Ā  ā wellā€¦you donā€™t see that every day, do you? āž ā itā€™s entirely possible that if you were to understand all that this place is that you would go insane. āž Ā  ā i have failed you, but no more. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve seen the look on a manā€™s face when he realises heā€™s going to die. āž Ā  ā people are remembered for the challenges they overcome. āž Ā  ā i relied on others to protect me once and i lost everything. never again. āž Ā  ā slow down, donā€™t rush and try not to worry so much. āž Ā  ā just stay there. iā€™ll come for you! āž Ā  ā iā€™m goodā€¦donā€™t need a doctor. āž Ā  ā donā€™t play with powers you donā€™t understand. āž Ā  ā iā€™m becoming my father and iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a bad thing. āž Ā  ā you have passion and passion is everything. āž Ā  ā youā€™re very upset and i understand, but donā€™tā€¦donā€™t stoop to their level. āž Ā  ā the only luck you get is the luck you make. āž Ā  ā empathy is what makes us humanā€¦if you lose this you are just a machine. āž Ā  ā words are more than words. they can build. they can destroy. āž Ā  ā maybe your need to prove yourself is killing something in you that doesnā€™t want to die. āž Ā  ā donā€™t apologise, no need for that. iā€™m just glad youā€™re okay. āž Ā  ā what the hell was i thinking? oh yeahā€¦i wasnā€™t. āž Ā  ā whatā€™s the use of winning if you lose all your friends? who are you going to share your victories with? āž Ā  ā you want revenge? best revenge is success. āž Ā  ā enough stupid talk and more drinking. āž Ā  ā i want this to be over. canā€™t this just be over? āž Ā  ā i donā€™t want to think about it. thinking about it hurts. āž Ā  ā iā€™m losing my mind if i havenā€™t lost it already. āž Ā  ā the weak are sacrificed first. itā€™s nature, itā€™s businessā€¦itā€™s the truth most refuse to face. āž Ā  ā you can run away and forget what youā€™re capable of or you can face your fears and remind the world who you are. āž Ā  ā i pity you. itā€™s as though every action you take brings the opposite of what you intend. āž Ā  ā and you? would you kill for me? āž Ā  ā i feel alive with you. more than alive. complete. āž Ā  ā iā€™m losing my grip on reality and maybe thatā€™s a good thing. āž Ā  ā am i okay? will i be better? i donā€™t know. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve lost my edge. my anger. my rage. my hate. was that all i was? āž Ā  ā i never really had friends. not real ones, anyway. āž Ā  ā something is happening. i canā€™t see myself succeeding anymore. āž Ā  ā a curse is upon you. it will cause your ruin. āž Ā  ā never stop moving and hope youā€™re always two steps ahead of the beast. āž Ā  ā i was raised by a strict man who taught me how to make the best of a bad situation. āž ā enjoy this moment, few get so close. āž Ā  ā i feel wrecked. i am wrecked. āž Ā  ā shining in the darkest dark, your eyes pierce the night and sting my soul. āž Ā  ā ok, look. if we survive the next 24 hours, then iā€™ll take you out on a real date. āžĀ  ā come here little friend, i wonā€™t hurt you. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve always felt like a cat. āž Ā  ā forgive me for waking you, but without you, i just canā€™t go on. āž Ā  ā iā€™m gonna be here when you wake up. youā€™re gonna make it. āž Ā  ā iā€™m not dying here in this hellhole. āž Ā  ā homeā€¦i donā€™t even remember where home is. āž Ā  ā we have to work as a team. i need you to survive so that i can survive. āž Ā  ā damn them as they would damn us. āž Ā  ā greed isnā€™t just about money. itā€™s about wanting more of anything.Ā  āž Ā  ā you have no control. people like you never did. āž Ā  ā just stay there. iā€™ll come for you! āž Ā  ā if a father sacrifices not for his children, then who does he father? āž Ā  ā donā€™t run away, donā€™t say weā€™re through. āž Ā  ā what kinda ruckus you stirring? āž Ā  ā iā€™ve never been so scared in my whole life! you couldnā€™t care less about meā€¦could you? āž Ā  ā i donā€™t like this game anymore. āž Ā  ā donā€™t let them turn you into what youā€™re not. āž Ā  ā please, donā€™t do thisā€¦ āž Ā  ā know your place. know your damn place. āž Ā  ā you call these tools? ā€¦really? āž ā if you think youā€™re beaten, you are. if you think you canā€™t, you canā€™t. lifeā€™s battles arenā€™t won with speed and strength, but mind and will. āž Ā  ā it doesnā€™t matter who i am. iā€™m here for you. āž Ā  ā thereā€™s what is easy and then thereā€™s what is right. if you confuse the two, thereā€™s no telling what you become. āž Ā  ā basic botany knowledge could save your life someday. āž Ā  ā only a fool would spit in a demonā€™s face and declare victory. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve never missed a race. i always reach the finish line. āž Ā  ā they will never catch me! āž Ā  ā you never leave a broken home. you only run away until the memories stop haunting you. āž Ā  ā in my restless dreams, i see that town. āž Ā  ā i dropped my precious ring, but iā€™ll never ever go back there. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve been watching you for a while. āž Ā  ā paying attention is what kept me alive through the years. that, and my good looks of course. āž ā all this time iā€™ve been trying so hard to pretend like everythingā€™s fine, but itā€™s not. āž Ā  ā what can i say? iā€™m just a very lucky guyā€¦iā€™m sure some of it will rub off on you. āž Ā  ā everything that glitters isnā€™t gold. but gold isnā€™t worth a damn in this place, so this should come in handy. āž Ā  ā your whisper on me, warm as can be. āž Ā  ā shit! i dropped the gauze! āž Ā  ā maybe winning isnā€™t everything. maybe youā€™re greedy. āž Ā  ā you are torn between right and wrong, good and evil. āž Ā  ā iā€™ve dealt with psychopaths in suits. youā€™re just uglier and worse dressed. āž Ā  ā when they come with a wrecking ball, build stronger walls. āž Ā  ā we can write our own story and decide how it really ends. āž Ā  ā that sound when you bleedā€¦let me hear it again. āž Ā  ā attack an enemy with precision and their allies will feel it. āž Ā  ā within your enemyā€™s strength is weakness. āž Ā  ā ainā€™t no mess can stain a hard-working manā€™s soul. āž Ā  ā eatā€¦eat. youā€™ll feel better when itā€™s down. āž Ā  ā this is my world. and you canā€™t ever leave. āž Ā  ā showing up when things get rough, listening to peopleā€™s problems, and supporting those in need; thatā€™s how you become stronger, thatā€™s how you grow. āž Ā  ā death is only the beginning. āž Ā  ā it is impossible to describe the horrifying scenes i have witnessedā€¦death and misery, in every shape of terror, rule this place.Ā āž Ā  ā knowledge without wisdom leads to self-destruction. āž Ā  ā donā€™t lose all your strength focusing on the negative. āž Ā  ā now why donā€™t you just fucking die? āž Ā  ā youā€™re struggling to maintain your humanity as you chase your dreams. āž Ā  ā monsters arenā€™t born. theyā€™re made. āž Ā  ā your face is both beautiful and hideous at the same time. evil veiled by beauty. āž Ā  ā an eye for an eye and the world plunges into infinite night. good. āž Ā  ā better go back to sleep, there is no moon this night. āž Ā  āi barely escaped with my lifeā€”and wounded my arm in the process. āž Ā  ā pray all you want, your words are getting lost somewhere up here, in this place. āž Ā  ā iā€™ll hit you with everything iā€™ve got. then iā€™ll do it again. āž Ā  ā so, remember once you get in thereā€¦ pretend like you donā€™t care. there you go, youā€™re learning my friend. youā€™re learning. āž Ā  ā what happened? you were supposed to keep a look out. you were supposed to warn us! āž Ā  ā iĀ couldnā€™t be mithered with it all anyway, you know what i mean? canā€™t be arsed. āž Ā  ā dance with me, until sunā€™s up. āž Ā  ā your hands just canā€™t keep ahold of me. āž Ā  ā one small dose can cause severe hallucinations. āž Ā  ā the night assists me and itā€™s endless here. āž ā there wonā€™t be nothing to fear soon. till then, fear me. āž Ā  ā get your prayers in, youā€™ll be swinging by noon. āž Ā  ā deals made in desperation are paid for in madness. āž Ā  ā thatā€™s not enough to beat me. not even close. āž Ā  ā i promised to keep you safe, and thatā€™s exactly what i plan on doing. āž Ā  ā something i learnt in the industry: when the axe is swinging, keep your head down. āž ā i wanna finish what we started. i want to kill it. āž Ā  ā these monstersā€¦ they adapt! they emerge with strange new abilities. āž ā ok, stay calm. donā€™t overthink it and just keep moving forward: you got this. āž Ā  ā that song, it drives me crazy! āž ā iā€™ll stop this. i promise. āž Ā  ā get outta my face! āž Ā  ā sorry i got a little jumpy there. didnā€™t know quite what to expect. āž Ā  ā i can do this. āž Ā  ā let them know youā€™re the best even at your worst and that will be their worst fucking hell. āž Ā  ā an image is worth a thousand words. āž Ā  ā thereā€™s no need to worry. iā€™ve been preparing my whole life for this. āž ā smartasses get killed. i always see to that. āž ā there are moments when we cannot believe that what is happening is really true. pinch yourself and you may find out that it is. āž Ā  ā it doesnā€™t matter. it just doesnā€™t matter. all that matters is surviving. āž Ā  ā this is not how i imagined my first day. āž ā i want to return home. i must return home. āž Ā  Ā Ā  ā the silence is so deafening it hurts. āž Ā  ā lookā€¦just so you know, this is the last fucking time. āž Ā  ā it knows what it wants and wonā€™t stop till it gets it. āž Ā  ā i donā€™t mind a little detective work. āž Ā  ā thatā€™s what this place is. the embodiment of madness. āž Ā  ā most of the city has been reduced to shit. smoke and fumes seep through the streets. the air reeks of burning civilization. burning humanity. āž Ā  ā being brave doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not scared. it means youā€™re scared as hell, and then you pick up the shotgun anyway. āž Ā  ā does anyone else see that? just me? āž Ā  ā itā€™s likeā€¦a nightmare. āž Ā  ā in the end, weā€™re nothing but captive hearts. āž ā wishing longevity in a realm of terror and torture may be more akin to a curse. āž Ā  ā itā€™s my turn, bitch. āž Ā  ā stick to the shadows and cover your tracks. āž Ā  ā probably stings like hell, but it ainā€™t gonna kill ya. up and at ā€˜em soldier. āž Ā  ā youā€™re doing it wrong! let me show you how itā€™s done. āž Ā  ā you have to stay smart. stupidity gets you dead. āž Ā  ā we canā€™t just leave them there! āž Ā  ā try this, itā€™s better than anything youā€™ll find in a pharmacy. āž Ā  ā something wicked pierces the shadows of this frightful night. āž Ā  ā now we find a safehouse and get some rest. āž Ā  ā lose the tie. lose the god damn tie. āž Ā  ā words wonā€™t work on this thing. āž Ā  ā in a wasteland of forgotten dreams and endless routine, the only man with a way out is god. āž Ā  ā listen, there are rules. āž Ā  ā to plan subterfuge, begin with a counsel of none. āž Ā  ā thereā€™s no getting out of this now. weā€™re too good at it. āž ā this is no place for cowards. āž ā it is a trap. but a trap one must step in. āž Ā  ā thereā€™s nothing to be scared of. āž Ā 
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extested Ā· 3 years
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@thebabysitter HORROR EVENTĀ ā™” favorite final girl shawnee smith as amanda young SAW I (2004) & SAW II (2005)
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extested Ā· 3 years
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0 notes
extested Ā· 3 years
My muse is dead. Tell me how yours is dealing with it.
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extested Ā· 3 years
The first 5 Asks to sendĀ šŸ’‹ get a kiss
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extested Ā· 3 years
i apologize for the lack of activity and lack of responses to ims and such </3
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extested Ā· 3 years
heyā€¦howā€™s my portrayal?Ā ā™”
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extested Ā· 3 years
šš’š…š– šš‘šŽšŒšš“š’.
i said iā€™d do them and here we are, a list of prompts set either before or during sex. as always, if you want to reverse the roles, add ā€œ+ REVERSEā€ to your chosen meme! so, [ STRADDLE ] + REVERSE would mean the receiver straddles the sender! okay, now, have a wonderful day!
[ UNZIP ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender unzips/unbuttons receiverā€™s dress/shirt - s l o w l y
[ STRADDLE ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender straddles receiver.
[ PULL ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender pulls receiver closer to them.
[ PUSH ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender pushes receiver against a wall during foreplay.
[ PIN ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender pins receiver in place during foreplay/sex.
[ TRAIL ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender presses a trail of kisses from receiverā€™s chin down to their waist.
[ HOIST ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender lifts receiver on top of a counter as they have sex.
[ BENEATH ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender moves a hand beneath an item of receiverā€™s clothing to touch their skin.
[ SCRATCH ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender trails their fingernails against receiverā€™s skin during sex.
[ TUG ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender tugs receiverā€™s hair while making out or having sex.
[ TILT ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender tilts receiverā€™s head to the side to kiss their neck.
[ NECK ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender wraps a hand around receiverā€™s neck during foreplay/sex.
[ LIFT ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender lifts receiver up, so receiverā€™s legs wrap around senderā€™s waist.
[ LAP ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender pulls receiver into their lap.
[ BEHIND ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender arrives behind receiver and begins to kiss them from behind.
[ DOWN ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender gives receiver oral sex.
[ HUSH ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender and receiver try to keep quiet during sex.
[ PUBLIC ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender and receiver have sex in a public place.
[ YANK ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender rips off an item of receiverā€™s clothing.
[ COVER ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender uses fabric to cover receiverā€™s eyes during foreplay/sex.
[ ICE ] :Ā Ā Ā Ā  sender uses ice cubes against receiverā€™s bare skin.
[ MARK ] : Ā  Ā  via gentle biting or hickeys, sender leaves a mark on receiver.
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extested Ā· 3 years
š˜®š˜°š˜³š˜¦ š˜¦š˜®š˜°š˜µš˜Ŗš˜°š˜Æš˜¢š˜­ š˜±š˜³š˜°š˜®š˜±š˜µš˜“.
continuing from this list i made earlier!
ā€œ i miss you. ā€
ā€œ i donā€™t think i can do this anymore. ā€
ā€œ were you really about to leave without saying goodbye? ā€
ā€œ please donā€™t make me say it. ā€
ā€œ i need you. ā€
ā€œ please donā€™t goā€¦ ā€
ā€œ you know iā€™m never going to let anything happen to you. donā€™t you? ā€
ā€œ are youā€¦ are you afraid of me? ā€
ā€œ youā€™re a good person. ā€
ā€œ donā€™t worry. iā€™ll stay. iā€™m not going anywhere. ā€
ā€œ ā€¦is what theyā€™re saying true? ā€
ā€œ i donā€™t care about any of that. i only care about you! ā€
ā€œ iā€™m here. ā€
ā€œ you have no idea how glad i am to see you. ā€
ā€œ justā€¦ tell me how to fix this. ā€
ā€œ please. now is not the time for lies. please, justā€¦ tell me the truth. ā€
ā€œ you know you can tell me anythingā€¦ right? ā€
ā€œ heyā€¦ there is nothing in this world that you can tell me, thatā€™ll ever make me hate, fear, or leave you. please, rest easy in that knowledge. ā€
ā€œ i never thought iā€™d see you again. ā€
ā€œ pleaseā€¦ you have to understand why i did what i didā€¦ ā€
ā€œ why didnā€™t you tell me? ā€
ā€œ everyone has secrets, donā€™t they? iā€™m sure youā€™ll tell me yours when youā€™re ready. ā€
ā€œ youā€™re not alone. ā€
ā€œ you can trust me. ā€
ā€œ i canā€™t believe i ever trusted youā€¦ ā€
ā€œ itā€™s okayā€¦ everythingā€™s going to be alright. ā€
ā€œ iā€¦ Ā i Ā donā€™t know how to fix this. ā€
ā€œ thereā€™s no other way, is there? ā€
ā€œ no. absolutely not. no way. iā€™m not letting you do this. ā€
ā€œ you donā€™t know what it was like. ā€
ā€œ for gods sake, donā€™t do this! donā€™t you dare make me lose anyone else! not today! ā€
ā€œ i canā€™t lose youā€¦ ā€
ā€œ havenā€™t we suffered enough? canā€™t we have this one good thing? ā€
ā€œ you know, i think this might be the first time iā€™ve ever seen you frightenedā€¦ ā€
ā€œ goodbye, my love/old friend. ā€
ā€œ you didnā€™t honestly expect me to let you do this alone, did you? ā€
ā€œ you lied to me. ā€
ā€œ you abandoned me. ā€
ā€œ promise me. ā€
ā€œ you promised! ā€
ā€œ please donā€™t do thisā€¦ ā€
ā€œ we were one hell of a pair, werenā€™t we? ā€
ā€œ perhaps i am a little frightenedā€¦ ā€
ā€œ weā€™re a team. remember? so letā€™s face this one together. ā€
ā€œ sorry. youā€™re stuck with me, iā€™m afraid. itā€™s part of the whole friendship/relationship thing. wherever you go, i go. ā€
ā€œ youā€¦ you must know, before anything else happens tonightā€¦ you must know that you were the greatest thing that ever happened to me. ā€
ā€œ i love you. ā€
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extested Ā· 3 years
iā€™m Ā  finally Ā  a Ā  lil Ā  more Ā  awake Ā  so Ā  like Ā  this Ā  for Ā  a Ā  few Ā  ask Ā  memes Ā  ! Ā  if Ā  you Ā  feel Ā  like Ā  sending Ā  some Ā  to Ā  mandy Ā  ( Ā  which Ā  would Ā  be Ā  much Ā  apreesh Ā  <3 Ā  <3 Ā  <3 Ā  ) Ā  ,,, Ā  our Ā  meme Ā  tag Ā  is Ā  HERE Ā  ! Ā  smooches Ā  u Ā  all Ā  on Ā  the Ā  forehead. Ā  tiptoes Ā  out Ā  >:)
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extested Ā· 3 years
iā€™m Ā  finally Ā  a Ā  lil Ā  more Ā  awake Ā  so Ā  like Ā  this Ā  for Ā  a Ā  few Ā  ask Ā  memes Ā  ! Ā  if Ā  you Ā  feel Ā  like Ā  sending Ā  some Ā  to Ā  mandy Ā  ( Ā  which Ā  would Ā  be Ā  much Ā  apreesh Ā  <3 Ā  <3 Ā  <3 Ā  ) Ā  ,,, Ā  our Ā  meme Ā  tag Ā  is Ā  HERE Ā  ! Ā  smooches Ā  u Ā  all Ā  on Ā  the Ā  forehead. Ā  tiptoes Ā  out Ā  >:)
8 notes Ā· View notes
extested Ā· 3 years
āœ° āø» Ā  Ā š’š‡šˆššš˜ Ā  š€š”š“š”šŒš Ā  šš‘šŽšŒšš“š’Ā  Ā  ! Ā ą¼„
someĀ  reallyĀ  cute ,Ā  shippyĀ  autumnĀ  themedĀ  promptsĀ  forĀ  theĀ  cosyĀ  autumnĀ  feels !Ā  feelĀ  freeĀ  toĀ  editĀ  asĀ  youĀ  seeĀ  fit .Ā  addĀ  [Ā  +Ā  ]Ā  toĀ  reverseĀ  theĀ  rolesĀ  forĀ  theĀ  wordĀ  prompts .Ā  haveĀ  fun !
šš€š‘š“ šŽšš„.
[ TACKLE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  tackleĀ  receiverĀ  intoĀ  aĀ  freshlyĀ  accumulatedĀ  pileĀ  ofĀ  leaves.
[ PUMPKIN SPICE ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  shareĀ  aĀ  pumpkinĀ  spiceĀ  latte.
[ COLD ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  giveĀ  receiverĀ  theirĀ  glovesĀ  orĀ  scarfĀ  becauseĀ  itā€™sĀ  chilly.
[ FOREST ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  goĀ  onĀ  aĀ  walkĀ  inĀ  theĀ  forest.
[ LOST ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  comfortĀ  receiverĀ  afterĀ  bothĀ  getĀ  lostĀ  togetherĀ  inĀ  aĀ  cornĀ  maze.
[ FACE PAINT ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  doĀ  sendersĀ  halloweenĀ  makeup.
[ FIRE PLACE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  getĀ  cosyĀ  byĀ  aĀ  woodĀ  burningĀ  fireĀ  place.
[ HAUNTED HOUSE ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  guideĀ  theĀ  scaredĀ  receiverĀ  throughĀ  aĀ  hauntedĀ  house.
[ CONKERS ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  collectĀ  conkersĀ  together.
[ SHOP ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  helpĀ  senderĀ  outĀ  withĀ  buyingĀ  appropriateĀ  autumnĀ  attire.
[ CHESTNUTS ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  roastĀ  someĀ  chestnutsĀ  andĀ  eatĀ  together.
[ GHOST TOUR ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  goĀ  onĀ  aĀ  ghostĀ  tourĀ  together.
[ ORCHARD ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  visitĀ  anĀ  orchardĀ  together.
[ DECORATE ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  walkĀ  inĀ  andĀ  seeĀ  senderĀ  hasĀ  decoratedĀ  theirĀ  houseĀ  forĀ  halloween.
[ JACK Oā€™ LANTERN ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  carveĀ  pumpkinsĀ  together.
[ HORSE RIDING ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  rideĀ  togetherĀ  throughĀ  theĀ  woods.
[ COCKTAILS ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  makeĀ  &Ā  drinkĀ  DIYĀ  autumnĀ  /Ā  halloweenĀ  cocktails.
[ MONSTER MASH ]Ā  forĀ  theĀ  senderĀ  andĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  danceĀ  togetherĀ  toĀ  funĀ  halloweenĀ  music.
[ SCARED ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  buryĀ  theirĀ  faceĀ  inĀ  receiversĀ  shoulderĀ  atĀ  aĀ  scaryĀ  sceneĀ  inĀ  aĀ  horrorĀ  movie.
[ COSTUME ]Ā  forĀ  receiverĀ  toĀ  revealĀ  theirĀ  halloweenĀ  costumeĀ  toĀ  sender.Ā Ā (Ā  writeĀ  whatĀ  theirĀ  costumeĀ  isĀ  ifĀ  reversed !Ā  )
[ FANGS ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  playfullyĀ  biteĀ  receiverĀ  withĀ  plasticĀ  fangs.
[ STICKY ]Ā  forĀ  senderĀ  toĀ  wipeĀ  stickyĀ  candyĀ  fromĀ  receiversĀ  faceĀ  afterĀ  theyā€™veĀ  eatenĀ  aĀ  candyĀ  apple.
šš€š‘š“ š“š–šŽ.
ā€œĀ  ohĀ  myĀ  ā€¦Ā  Ā howĀ  scaryĀ  ā€¦ ā€
ā€œĀ  yourĀ  handsĀ  freezing ,Ā  hereĀ  holdĀ  ontoĀ  mine.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  ouch -Ā  ouch ,Ā  helpĀ Ā !Ā  iĀ  canā€™tĀ  getĀ  myĀ  costumeĀ  offĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  shallĀ  iĀ  biteĀ  youĀ  andĀ  turnĀ  youĀ  immortalĀ  soĀ  weĀ  canĀ  liveĀ  togetherĀ  foreverĀ Ā ? ā€
ā€œĀ  youĀ  haveĀ  whippedĀ  creamĀ  onĀ  yourĀ  topĀ  lip.Ā  here ,Ā  letĀ  meĀ  just ā€¦Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  youĀ  lookĀ  reallyĀ  cuteĀ  inĀ  warmĀ  clothes.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  thisĀ  pumpkinĀ  kindaĀ  looksĀ  likeĀ  you. ā€
ā€œĀ  didĀ  youĀ  justĀ  biteĀ  meĀ  inĀ  theĀ  neckĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  theĀ  ghostĀ  isnā€™tĀ  real ,Ā  heā€™sĀ  anĀ  actor.Ā  iā€™llĀ  stillĀ  punchĀ  himĀ  ifĀ  youĀ  want -Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  no ,Ā  itĀ  looksĀ  fineĀ Ā !Ā  weĀ  canĀ  carveĀ  anotherĀ  oneĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  rainyĀ  morningsĀ  makeĀ  itĀ  impossibleĀ  toĀ  getĀ  up ā€¦Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  letĀ  meĀ  practiceĀ  myĀ  halloweenĀ  make - upĀ  onĀ  youĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  youā€™veĀ  beenĀ  paintingĀ  myĀ  faceĀ  forĀ  hours,Ā  canĀ  iĀ  seeĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  itĀ  getsĀ  darkĀ  soĀ  earlyĀ  nowadays.Ā  wannaĀ  goĀ  forĀ  aĀ  walkĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  itā€™sĀ  soĀ  romanticĀ  whenĀ  itā€™sĀ  darkĀ  likeĀ  thisĀ  inĀ  theĀ  evening ,Ā  donā€™tĀ  youĀ  thinkĀ Ā ?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  ifĀ  weĀ  getĀ  anyĀ  moreĀ  pumpkinsĀ  theyā€™llĀ  needĀ  toĀ  closeĀ  theĀ  pumpkinĀ  patch.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  mmm ā€¦Ā  iā€™mĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  watchĀ  theĀ  movieĀ Ā !Ā Ā ā€
ā€œĀ  weĀ  totallyĀ  matchĀ Ā !Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  oh ,Ā  aĀ  leafĀ  justĀ  fellĀ  inĀ  yourĀ  hair.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  iĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  allĀ  toĀ  myselfĀ  thisĀ  halloween.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  iĀ  toldĀ  youĀ  toĀ  wearĀ  moreĀ  layers.Ā  here ,Ā  wearĀ  myĀ  jacket -Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  heh ā€¦Ā  yourĀ  noseĀ  isĀ  red.Ā  ā€
1K notes Ā· View notes
extested Ā· 3 years
Ā who made this,, i just want to talk
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2 notes Ā· View notes
extested Ā· 3 years
affectionate prompts
ā€œĀ  iā€™m happy when youā€™re around.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i like having you here.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ Ā iā€™m glad you came.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  just tell me what you need.Ā  let me give it to you?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  why are you smiling at me like that?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i trust you with parts of myself iā€™m afraid to show anyone else.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  you have a good heart.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  your eyes look so beautiful in this lighting.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  iā€™m all yours.Ā  not going anywhere.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  you have my full attention.Ā  ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œĀ  i never want you to stop looking at me the way you are right now.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  follow me,Ā  i have a surprise for you.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  you make me feel brave.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  come walk with me.Ā  letā€™s get some air.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  cā€™mere.Ā  sit down.Ā  tell me whatā€™s going on.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i want you around.Ā  if i didnā€™t,Ā  i wouldnā€™t be here would i?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  itā€™s okay,Ā  you can sit here with me for as long as youā€™d like.Ā  ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œĀ Ā here,Ā  take my hand.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  stay stillā€”Ā  iā€™m trying to hug you.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  do you like my new dress?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  do you like my new suit?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  could you hug me again?Ā  i think i need it.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i like hearing your heart beating when i put my head on your chest.Ā  ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œĀ  i like watching you work.Ā  ā€Ā Ā 
ā€œĀ  just sit there.Ā  iā€™m going to make you something to eat.Ā  ā€Ā 
ā€œĀ  why donā€™t you tell me what i can do to make your day better?Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  whatā€™s on your mind?Ā  i want to listen.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i sure you hope you donā€™t think youā€™re walking out that door without giving me a kiss first.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i know i need to go butā€”Ā  one more kiss.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  here,Ā  take my jacket.Ā  you look like you need it more.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  keep the jacket,Ā  looks better on you.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  you just make me feel good when youā€™re here.Ā  i feel better any time youā€™re around.Ā  ā€
ā€œĀ  i donā€™t feel whole unless iā€™m touching you.Ā  ā€
[ GRIN ]Ā  for one muse to reach out and playfully push the otherā€™s cheeks up to make their lips curve into smile.Ā 
[ PRESS ]Ā  for one muse to poke either side of the otherā€™s cheeks where smile dimples would be.Ā 
[ BOOP ]Ā  for one muse to playfully tap the otherā€™s nose with their finger.Ā 
[ LIGHT ]Ā  for one muse to kiss the otherā€™s cheek.Ā 
[ WARM ]Ā  for one muse to take off their jacket and drape it around the other who is cold.Ā 
[ COMFORT ] for one muse to place a jacket or blanket around the otherā€™s shoulders because theyā€™re upset.Ā 
[ TEASE ]Ā Ā for one muse to squish the otherā€™s face between their hands.Ā 
[ SCOLD ]Ā  for one muse to gently pinch the otherā€™s cheek in response to something they said.Ā 
[ REST ] for one muse to rest their head against the otherā€™s shoulder while they talk.Ā 
[ REASSURE ]Ā  for one muse to place their hand on the otherā€™s back as a subtle comforting gesture.Ā 
[ SAFE ]Ā  for one muse to wrap their arm around the otherā€™s shoulders and kiss their temple.Ā 
[ LEAP ] for one muse to run and jump into the otherā€™s arms because theyā€™re excited to see them.Ā 
[ SEEK ] for one muse to track down the other at a crowded function because they noticed they slipped away.Ā 
[ COMPANY ] for muses to sit on a balcony or roof together sharing a drink/food/joint etc.Ā 
[ HELD ]Ā  for one muse to offer their hand out to the other to hold to comfort them.
[ REACH ] for one muse to reach out and take the otherā€™s hand to comfort them.Ā Ā 
[ LACE ]Ā  for one muse to hook their arm around the otherā€™s while they walk.Ā 
[ INTERTWINE ]Ā  for one muse to offer their arm to the other while they walk.Ā 
[ DIRECT ] for one muse to pull the other into that kind of hug where their hand rests against their head and they tuck them under their chin.Ā 
[ SLEEP ]Ā  one muse discovers the other napping and simply joins them.Ā 
[ EQUAL ]Ā  for a taller muse to pick up the other and place them sitting on a counter/table so they can be eye level.Ā 
[ URGE ] for one muse to move their arm to be around the otherā€™s shoulder or over the back of a chair so the one sitting next to them can scoot closer.Ā 
4K notes Ā· View notes
extested Ā· 3 years
send me a āœ for a random sentence starter from my muse (1-1500) ā€” tw: profanity, mild nsfw, long list
generator here quotes compiled from here inspired by
feel free to change to fit your preferences as need.
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