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Shin Yeong, also known as 'Muffin' | 19 | Sophomore at Seongnam University | Gangjeon Complex 4th floor, Room 410 | Loves food ♥
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
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1 year Birthday on the 22nd August
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
You are sooo pretty *__________* Who can resist you?
Omo, thaaank you soo much! Er... I think a lot of people can, haha ^^"
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
At his question she held her index finger to her lips, thinking. “Maybe we could do something dessert-like? I really like sweet things! But I’m okay with anything, really. Since I already made something, I think you should decide!” she answered him brightly smiling, while helping him with the cleaning. She didn’t have much of a problem cleaning. She didn’t like it – who actually does? – but she wanted to help; that was just her nature.
“But since we don’t have that much time left I think we shouldn’t do anything too hard, right?” This really was a mess, but since they were working together the cleaning luckily didn’t take too long. The girl was lucking forward to working with him. He looked a lot nicer than her previous partner. Also he didn’t seem to be the kind of person to order her around like she was some slave. She was sure they would get along quite well.
{ Stop the fire! // MinSeok & ShinYeong
Minseok couldn’t retain a wide smile when the girl said her nickname, she did look like a muffin, with her round face, big eyes and petit structure. Not to mention; she seemed as cute as a muffin, so there was no better name to call her other than “Muffin”.
"No, really, it’s okay~" he said in the middle of her phrase, trying not to be too much troublesome to her, but stopped and watched her running back to her station, widening his eyes, worried. "Wow!!! You almost burn your food because of me, I’m so sorry…" And, to avoid more accidents or "almost" accidents, Minseok decided to let her help, at least they could finish it soon and start cooking.
"So… Since I will have to start from zero, what do you want to do?"
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
She didn’t really know what to do or to say. He still made her feel nervous and she was wondering if he would accept her gift for him… or if he maybe even would get angry. “It’s… because you helped me last time…” she said shyly, not sure if he actually would be able to hear her, since she was talking with a quiet voice.
His question, though, surprised her a little, but before she could find something to answer, he stated that he would get something to drink. The girl then answered quickly. “Well… yeah, for what else? It could fit a small dog, though… but it’s meant for a cat…” being nervous she stuttered a little, which she normally never did. But at least she talked in a normal tune now and not totally quiet.
“I hope you like it… I know it may not really fit a man, since it’s baby blue, but since it’s meant for a cat... Either way, please accept it. I don’t know if you have a cat… but I guess I had the feeling you do when I bought it.” She smiled at him to make the atmosphere less weird, but it probably looked a little awkward anyways.
“Oh, right, you said you wanted to get something warm to drink…” she started but didn’t really know how to end that sentence. After a few seconds the brunette just said “Sorry.” Ah, what am I doing? He’s probably thinking I’m some weird weirdo now! I just wanted to thank him properly but now this turned into such an awkward situation!
🐾 Baby Blue Cat Collar || Woo Bin & Shin Yeong 🐾
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
The girl smiled back at him. She wasn’t really sure where this would be going, or if they would be a good team. She had the feeling that this could get quite complicated. She wanted to draw or paint her way but as well as she wanted that, she hated complicated situations.
She observed him as he took out a sketchbook and pencils and started to tell her some of his ideas. Me being ripped apart? She supressed a sigh and just continued to smile and listen to him. Situations like this were always tiring her and she felt like she’d rather go back to bed and cuddle her cat. But no going back now. Not like I have much of a chance, right?
His words took her out of her thoughts, she had just listened to him with half an ear but she was sure there had been something about his ideas that she wouldn’t approve of. “Well…” she started. Her expression hadn’t really changed, except for the moment he pulled her out of her thoughts. “I think…” her brain worked hard to make up something she could say even though she hadn’t heard everything he had said. “I’m not really sure about your idea… I mean it’s a good idea, but… there’s something missing. Something that makes me feel excited about doing this.”
Thinking she leaned back in her seat – if she wouldn’t start thinking they would eventually end up with his ideas which she didn’t want. She at least wanted to see a bit of herself in this project. Otherwise he could also just do everything himself – and that wasn’t the task. But she simply had no idea. She wasn’t good with coming up with something just out of nothing when she needed it. An idea would appear sometime during the next day when she was doing something completely different – not exactly the best. Then she looked back at him, thinking that he probably had some other idea either way.
Something Like Picasso | Shinyeong & Jaewook
Jaewook was pleased yet for some reason irritated that girl simply agreed with him. Hesitated a bit, but that’s whatever. Because Jaewook wanted to be the usual pretentious prick and say that of course she’d agree with him because he knows what he’s talking about. Art required thought, and good art put up a good fight with society. Here she was just agreeing with him, and he almost rolled his eyes. But he didn’t want to be outright mean about it, so he was going to be nice, because he liked being questioned a few times about his ideas. Art was meant to be hated, argued over, and loved. Let’s see where this goes, “Of course we’re going with my idea.” Jaewook chuckled playfully at the girl, “It’ll be smashing.” He said in english then flashed a smile. 
Then again he could just simply not be a prick and let it go, then just have him do his idea and be happy. But that was way too simple for Jaewook’s mind that ran about a mile a minute. He’d rather verbal wrestle than Shinyeong than to simply get his way, “I think we paint you being ripped a part..” He said get out his sketchbook and a few pencils, “Or maybe no paint? Maybe we can try some charcoal? Oh so many ideas.” He said getting a bit excited, “I mean being ripped apart would be a bit boring so let’s draw some loved ones in there, they can rip you apart.” Jaewook tapped his lips with the pencil sighing. Hoping to see Shinyeong’s expression change and for her to object. 
"What do you think Shinyeong hm?" He finally thought he should pretend to be a bit considerate and ask her what she thought. Then again he did want to hear her true and honest opinion. If she simply agreed again, he’d roll his eyes and sigh because that was just so— boring. 
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
“Well… I like long books as long as they’re good.” The girl stated. She watched him as he took a sip of his coffee. Judging by his look it seemed to already be cold, which reminded the girl that she didn’t have anything left to drink. I shouldn’t get anything else, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep tonight.
She thanked him again and nodded. “That’s a good idea!” she had planned to go shopping in the near future either way. Maybe he could help her pick something. She wasn’t that much into fashion, hence it always took her years to decide what she should choose or if she should choose something after all.
As they were finished with the last two questioned Shin Yeong leaned back in her seat and sighed. “Finally! Should we get going, then?”
Coffee Shop | ♠ Kevin and Muffin ♠
Kevin chuckled. “Nah, not really awesome. It’s really long,” he said, resuming his work and sipping his coffee. Making a face, he set his coffee far to the side. “Disgsuting,” he stated under his breath. He hated cold coffee and his coffee had gone cold. He stretched a bit and resumed writing the assignment.
As Shinyeong muttered that it was tiring, Kevin grinned and looked at her. “Well, let’s finish the last two questions and hit the mall or something,” he said, smiling at the girl across him. As she blushed at his compliment on her dress and said thank you, Kevin laughed slightly. “It’s cute, really.” he said. Not many people could pull offf what she was wearing but she rocked it.
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
She didn’t know where her sudden courage to address him had come from but now it was gone again. Looking up to him she realised that she at least wasn’t scared of him anymore – still he was sort of intimidating. Taken aback by his cold appearance the girl suddenly didn’t know what to say anymore.
“U- umn… pardon?” she asked, not really being sure what he meant with “Can I help you now?” She still held the present towards him in both her hands, feeling awkward since it seemed that he hadn’t noticed it. “Umn… well this is for you… it was meant to be a Christmas present but I didn’t have the chance to give it to you and well, now it’s already New Year’s Eve.” As fast as the girl blurted this out, she stopped talking again. Looking into his eyes the brunette blinked a few times, then continued to talk. “Please accept it and… and thank you! I- I mean because of that other day.” Shin Yeong added – bowing.
The student felt quite awkward and hoped that he wouldn’t see this situation as oh-so awkward like she did. Oh lord, what exactly am I doing here? “Oh… and I’m sorry for my inappropriate behaviour back then…” she was a bit more polite than she needed to be which wasn’t just her being nervous, but also because she had never really been completely able to adjust herself to how all that was working here in Korea. The girl didn’t make many mistakes, but every now and then it still happened.
Oh boy, what exactly am I doing here? I'm sure he won't kill me, so why does he still intimidate me? The girl continued to look at him, an a little insecure expression on her face. She was worrying what would happen now if he wouldn't accept her present. Well she could use it for her own cat, but she doubted that he would like that. Moreover she was rather worried about how idiotic she then would stand there.
🐾 Baby Blue Cat Collar || Woo Bin & Shin Yeong 🐾
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
🐾 Baby Blue Cat Collar || Woo Bin & Shin Yeong 🐾
It was past Christmas. Actually it was already New Year’s Eve. Shin Yeong had given away every present that she had bought except for one. The one for the professor that had helped her the other day.
While they had been walking towards the building where she lived, she had introduced herself eventually. The girl still felt a little nervous while thinking back to that day. But she had thought of him as a thug even though he had helped her, so the brunette had decided to buy him a Christmas present.
It wasn’t something big and she didn’t even knew if he’d like it… well after all her little thank-you-Christmas-present wasn’t really something he could wear himself. It was a cute collar for a cat. She didn’t know if he had a cat but she had a feeling. Moreover the girl had no clue what else she could’ve bought for him – after searching for 2 hours without finding anything she was near to give up, but then she found this collar. Still; it was probably too cute for his taste. Well, at least it’s not pink…
Even though so many days had passed until this day, she still hadn’t seen him even once. Shin Yeong really wanted to give it to him and show her gratitude, but besides his name and that he was teaching at the university she went to, she couldn’t find out much about him. But the one other thing other students had told her was that he wasn’t really a funny person. Being a cold and sarcastic person he was called the “ice face professor”.
But after helping me… he can’t be that bad of a person, right? This hope lingered in the girls mind as she was walking around the campus on New Year’s Eve. It was already quite late and she was walking out of her apartment building, having planned to go to a party to celebrate a little. She wasn’t someone to drink much alcohol or get wasted in any way but a little bit partying was still in her mind.
Shin Yeong was wearing a pretty dress with a fitting jacket and accessories. She was good with clothes even though she didn’t dress up that often. As she was already out of the building she saw a familiar figure. Kim Woo Bin! I’ve finally met him!
“Professor!” she called out to him, walking towards him a little faster than she usually would. At just the moment she stood in front of him she realised that she wasn’t even sure if she had the present with her. Getting a little pale she searched through her pocket. Ah, there it is! Phew!
She took the present out of her pocket and held it towards him with a big smile on her face. The box in which the cute baby-blue collar was, was wrapped in a skull patterned gift wrap. She had chosen it, because she had been a little afraid of him and because of what he had heard of her professor. Still she hoped he wouldn’t get that idea. She’d decline that – but she was a bad liar.
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
🍩 Keeping Track 🍩 || 15.12.
I owe
Kevin - Coffee Shop
Jaewook - Something Like Picasso
Qri - Chicken Fried Rice
Waiting for:
Himchan - Lunch
Joon - Ringing In My Ears
Luhan (Nikuya Shin) - Walking On Thin Ice
Woo Bin - Slight Misunderstanding
Jongjin - Raspberry Kiwi Cream Tart
Shou - Artistic
Minseok - Stop The Fire
Yunho - Wrong Step
Yongguk - Intentional Run-In
Plotting with:
I replied to every message I got so if you haven’t received it, please tell me! If I forgot someone; Sorry ;q; please tell me so! If someone would like to plot; my inbox is always open!~
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
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Merry Christmas my lovelies! <3
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
She chuckled at his comment. “But it is, actually it’s delicious! And I wouldn’t be able to do half my recipes without it.” She was happy that Yongguk didn’t seem to think of her as weird now, so she was able to laugh.
Now the girl smiled softly. He was always there for her; always. How could she even doubt for a second that he would get angry with her because of that? Of course he wouldn’t. He always understood her. “Thank you, Teddy!” she said smiling brightly.
And also she was glad that he could wait for those news for last, they were the ones she’d need the most courage for. “Hmmm… what else… I’ve met many nice people here! Actually – until now – there hasn’t been one person that wasn’t nice to me! … No there was one, but I’m not too sure what to think about that.” The brunette began to babble happily, talking fast, almost without taking a break.
“I guess these kind of count to the good news, though I didn’t really count that in. Though it’s really stressing! All the college things I have to do… all the assignments… I don’t like those!”
She chuckled again, as he whined about the good news. “Okay, okay. Well, first thing: I have a cat again! You know that I love cats and was really sad about having to leave mine at home! But now I have a cat again! He’s a cute little one. Still quite young! And loves to play and cuddle!” She was looking at the restaurant in front of her. “I can’t wait to get inside! I’m so hungry!”
Intentional Run-in | Yongguk & Yeongie
"couver-what chocolate?" he made a face trying to pronounce it  "sounds not edible muffin" he grinned playing dumb.. or maybe not so much playing but attempting to make her laugh. He was more than determined to make his little sister smile. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being hurt over this. 
"Things happen Yeongie, I’m just glad you’re okay" he said out loud with a smile on his face "don’t worry too much, okay? I’m actually glad he disappeard otherwise.. " Yongguk turned to look back up at her. "after all I’m here for you, if anything happens I’ll be sure to handle it" Yongguk said with a deep voice and chuckled right after..
"good for you bad for me…" he squinted his eyes "those are the ones im most curious for and you’re leaving them til last?" he sighed "alright i’m really" a smile spread across his lips "start from whatever!" Yongguk noticed the pass byers starring at them, he was carelessly walking with a beautiful, tiny girl on his back. 
"we’re almost there" Yongguk said as they were fast approaching the restaurant he was taking her to."I don’t want to  wait to hear the good news though… so tell me nooow" he whined 
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
🍩 Keeping Track 🍩 || 15.12.
I owe
Waiting for:
Himchan - Lunch
Yongguk - Intentional Run-in
Joon - ringing in my ears
Luhan (Nikuya Shin) - Walking On Thin Ice
Woo Bin - Slight Misunderstanding
Qri - Chicken Fried Rice
Jaewook - Something Like Picasso
Jongjin - Raspberry Kiwi Cream Tart
Kevin - Coffee Shop
Shou - Artistic
Minseok - Stop The Fire
Yunho - Wrong Step
Plotting with:
I replied to every message I got so if you haven’t received it, please tell me! If I forgot someone; Sorry ;q; please tell me so! If someone would like to plot; my inbox is always open!~
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
Shin Yeong was sure she would get her professor to dance with her, she would find some reason after all, there had to be a reason, didn’t there? She walked out of the room. Her next destination would be her apartment where her cat was waiting for her. Since the classes of the next two hours were cancelled she’d spend time cuddling her cat, even though she should do some assignments.
The brunette was on her way to the dancing hall. Today would be the first training with her professor for the contest. She was nervous – she knew she wouldn’t do too well, after all it was her first training for this.
Moreover she was getting nervous about what would happen if her professor really wouldn’t join her in the end. She had just considered that he would until now, but what if not? No, no, no, no, no! I’ll just concentrate on the training now, I’ll worry about the other things later!
She got there a little early to do a bit warming up. After she got changed she entered the dancing hall.
⌠Wrong Step - Yunho & Shin Yeong⌡
Yunho just nodded at her thanking and waved his hand to her.
When hearing her footsteps fading he looked up, watchign the door she went out through his eyelids. He couldn’t help but let his lips form a smile. he liked kids like her, determinated to get their dreams come true. To get the things they wanted to really come true.
He knew Shinyeoung had another plan, she woudln’t let this go by this fast. She was too smart for that. but for now Yunho was just going to help the girl and see how she will do it.
he knew if she would practice more and everyday she’d be able to win the dance contest. He was sure of that.
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exseongshinyeong · 11 years ago
“Oh, right. I’m Shin Yeong, but you can also call me Muffin!” she replied him smiling, "It's nice to meet you!" She looked at him starting to clean and took a few steps forward, intending to help him. “Oh, but that really wouldn’t be a prob-” the girl cut herself off, her eyes widening. Running back to her oven, she hastily took out what had been in there. “Saved!” she let out a sigh of relieve. Her food didn’t burn and this wouldn’t be second accident today.
As she was sure that nothing else could happen anymore now, she went back to the other student. “I’m sorry.” She excused herself for suddenly running away. “Either way, if I’m going to help you now, the cleaning will be over sooner!” She smiled again, determined to help with the cleaning.
{ Stop the fire! // MinSeok & ShinYeong
Minseok chuckled and nodded, “I’m used to things burning in the kitchen, but I never act properly in these situations.” He sighed once more, staring the situation of his station, and then looked again to the girl, smiling sweetly. “Ah~ really? Don’t bother cleaning it, I did the mess, so I should clean it alone. But I do accept to cook with you!” Minseok showed both of his thumbs up, excited to have help.
He didn’t take any minute more and started watering the pan, hoping that the cold temperature of the water would cool it and make it possible to clean with no problems — with no more problems. ”Ah, what’s your name? I’m Minseok.” 
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