105 posts
Egypt attracts millions of visitors every year, Explore Egypt Tours is a group of travel experts; tour guides, and tour operators who have experience in organizing Egypt tours
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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3000+ year old mummy of Queen Henuttawy, Egyptian Museum, Cairo #Explore_Egypt_Tours #Egypt #kemet #black_travelmovement #blacktravelclub #travellingthroughtheworld #bloggerstyle #Mummy #travelegypt #exploreegypttours www.exploreegypttours.com (at Explore Egypt Tours) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd_VAgJwQ_/?igshid=1rtlx8v1q1xd2
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Ancestors' creativity ✍️ "The ceiling of Sennfer tomb is considered one of the most beautiful tombs in Egypt! The ancient Egyptian artist enabled his creativity to use every space in the tomb in the right way! Also he used the nature of the place to depict the work of the deceased, Same thing our ancestors did with the Sphinx of Giza." "After the workers carved this cemetery, they were surprised by the nature of the fragile and irregular stone in the ceiling, and it is impossible to refine and level of the ceiling due to the fragile and unfit nature of the stone, so the front of the two options was either to leave the whole place and search for another place to sculpt the tomb or turn these defects into something Beautiful "🤔 "Here the skill of the ancient Egyptian sculptor appears in showing defects in the quality of the stone and transforming it into this beautiful view of grapes , which is consistent with the work of Sennefer, who was working as a supervisor on the gardens of the Temple of" Amon "during the reign of King Amenhotep the Second and was in the era of Tuthmosis the third he assumed the position of director The fortunes of the king and the bearer of the king's seals. This tomb is known as the Grape tomb! #Egypt #exploreegypttours #kemet ابداعات الاجداد ✍️ " يعتبر سقف مقبرة سنفر من أرو�� وأجمل ما صنعه الاجداد وتدل علي براعة وأبداع الفنان المصري القديم في تحويل السلبيات الي أيجابيات تتماشي مع طبيعة المكان وايضا عمل المتوفي علي غرار تمثال ابو الهول بجبانة الجيزة " 👌 " فبعد ان نحت العمال هذه المقبرة تفاجئوا بطبيعة الحجر الهشة والغير منتظمة في السقف وانة يوجد استحاله في تهذيب وتسوية سقف المقبرة نظرا لطبيعة الحجر الهشه والغير صالحة للنحت والتهذيب فكان امامة خيار��ن اما ترك المكان كله والبحث عن مكان اخر لنحت المقبرة او تحويل هذه العيوب الي شيئ جميل " 🤔 " وهنا تظهر براعة النحات المصري القديم في اظهار العيوب في نوعيه الحجر وتحويلها الي هذا المنظر الجميل من عناقيد العنب وهو ما يتماشي مع عمل سنفر الذي كان يعمل مشرفاً على حدائق معبد "آمون" في عهد الملك أمنحتب الثانى وكان في عهد تحتمس الثالث يتقلد وظيفة مدير ثروات الملك وحامل أختام الملك" 💓 " تزين سقف الحجرة الرئيسية لمقبرته تشكيلات من عناقيد العنب المتداخلة وهى في غاية الوضوح والجمال https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBfCNspXN2/?igshid=18yrmif1zd2cr
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Test pregnancy in the Egyptian civilization 😯 They used to bring two containers one with wheat and the second one with barely then the lady will put her urine test in the two vessels, if the wheat grows first that means she will give birth a female, but if the barely grows first that means she will give birth male 😍 Really interested 😯😍😷 #exploreegypttours #Egypt #black_travelmovement #blacktravelclub #blackwomentravel #blogger #Luxor #pregnant #prettygirls #pregnancy #test #Cairo #visitegypt #hathayoga https://exploreegypttours.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4E-G0JQc4/?igshid=zqsin7qlilnc
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Nefertiti #cairo #blackbloggersunited #holidayplanning #traveller #cairotour #tourguide #egypt #travel #blackwomen #blackwomentravel #blacktravelmovement #blackbloggers #pyramids #visitegypt #americantraveler #blogger #trip #vacation #instatravel #photography #photooftheday #travellingthroughtheworld #passionpassport #blackmentravel #womenempowerment #womentravel #womenempowerment #valleyofthekings #Luxor Https://exploreegypttours.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwrvZMpgQ7/?igshid=1nzause0cvvnq
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Love was real and pure in heart of ancient Egyptians,😍 - king Akhinaton and his beloved wife Nefertiti 😍👇 <I swear by you my God, to make her a light in my heart that would never turns off , and make me a stick in her back that will never be broken, I'm from her and she is from me, and we are both the secret of the existence of each other> This is What the King Akhenaten wrote to his wife, Nefertiti, on the walls of the temples of Tel el-Amarna. Come to visit egypt.🤗 www.exploreegypttours.com #cairo #blackbloggersunited #holidayplanning #traveller #cairotour #tourguide #egypt #travel #blackwomen #blackwomentravel #blacktravelmovement #blackbloggers #pyramids #visitegypt #americantraveler #blogger #trip #vacation #instatravel #photography #photooftheday #travellingthroughtheworld #passionpassport #blackmentravel #womenempowerment #womentravel #womenempowerment #valleyofthekings #Luxor Https://exploreegypttours.com "أقسمت بك يا الهي أن تجعلها نوراً في قلبي لا ينطفئ، وتجعلني عوداً في ظهرها لا ينكسر ، فهي مني وأنا منها، وكلانا سر وجود الآخر." ما كتبه أمنحوتب الرابع (اخناتون) لزوجته نفرتيتي و المنقوش على جدران تل العمارنة. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCo9sGZpARy/?igshid=1al67oboerot1
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
Tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV66) was discovered in the Queen’s Valley - Luxor - Egypt, by Ernesto Schiaparelli, Director of the Turin Museum, in 1904. Nefertari Mery-en-Mut, whose name means ‘most beautiful, beloved of the goddess Mut’, was the Great Royal Wife of Rameses II.
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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مدخل مقبرة الملك تحتمس الثالث KV34 واحدة من أكتر المقابر تعقيدا في وادي الملوك .. Entrance to the Tomb of Thutmose III located at the valley of the kings at luxor 😍 the tomb is considered the most complicated one at the valley!! Come to visit egypt with explore Egypt tours www.exploreegypttours.com #cairo #blackbloggersunited #holidayplanning #traveller #cairotour #tourguide #egypt #travel #blackwomen #blackwomentravel #blacktravelmovement #blackbloggers #pyramids #visitegypt #americantraveler #blogger #trip #vacation #instatravel #photography #photooftheday #travellingthroughtheworld #passionpassport #blackmentravel #womenempowerment #womentravel #womenempowerment #valleyofthekings #Luxor Https://exploreegypttours.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CCejGuapLmr/?igshid=om4q9jlp1m9q
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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I pu Tourists returned back home after spending wonderful trips to South Sinai and Red Sea Governorates without a single Case of infection along the duration of their stay in Egypt. Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Swiss tourists who came to the South Sinai and Red Sea Governorates have begun to return to their home countries after spending a warm and sunny week on Egypt’s beautiful beaches. Tourists praised the preventive measures, hygiene safety regulations that were put in place in Sharm al-Sheikh’s and Hurghada’s hotels, and which did not in any way negatively affect the enjoyment of their stay or keep them from these cities’ beautiful sites. They also commended everyone for the regulations that Egypt sent to other countries through diplomatic missions, major tour operators, and renowned tourism companies. According to Tamer Makram, the President of the South Sinai Investors’ Association, none of the members of the tour groups that have begun to return home or of those that are still in Egypt, enjoying their stay, have fallen ill. During his visit to Sharm al-Sheikh on Thursday, the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities was keen to visit a number of hotels and to meet with beachgoing tourists in order to check how well preventive measures and hygiene and safety regulations such as social distancing were being followed. Tourists ensured the Minister that they were having a wonderful time in Sharm al-Sheikh, and that Egypt’s warm weather and open spaces, in combination with the measures put in place by the Ministry, together engendered the ideal atmosphere of hygiene. They added that, upon their return to their home countries, they would tell their friends, families and colleagues about how well hotels followed the health and safety regulations put forth by Egypt, and that they would definitely recommend going on a touristic trip to Egypt. #kemet #black_travelmovement #bloggerstyle #Explore_Egypt_Tours #exploreegypttours #Egypt (at Explore Egypt Tours) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCcMlmyJsYd/?igshid=su2x3uszvuzq
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Khaled Al_Nabawy(an Egyptian actor) and a portrait of a man from the portraits of Fayoum. What a resemblance #fayoum #Egypt #black_travelmovement #bloggerstyle #blogger #travellingthroughtheworld #Explore_Egypt_Tours #Tour_Guide #tourism #blacktravelclub #blackwomentravel #blackwomen # (at Explore Egypt Tours) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbSdxKJRPY/?igshid=1j887p4get0v6
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
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Love story between king Tutankhamen and his wife 😍😍 #explore_egypt_tours #Egypt #blacktranslivesmatter #black_travelmovement #blacktravelclub #america #travel #tourism #kemet #keto #travellingthroughtheworld #Luxor #gizapyramids https://www.instagram.com/p/CA7Q1YLJybO/?igshid=xa0vw47r2us7
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
Facebook post (2020-05-29T02:08:39.000Z)
قبل انتشار فيرس كورونا كان حالنا مع الله اسوء ما يكون فكان لابد من وقفه شديده تزلزل الكل ليفيقوا و يعلموا ان الله حق . و لذلك مع بدايات فيرس كورونا تذكرت حديث النبي (ص) اللي فيما معناه ان الله يرسل علي رأس كل مائة عام من يجدد لهم دينهم. و علي هذا كله فليس لها من دون الله كاشفه و استعينوا بالصبر و الصلاة.
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
Facebook post (2020-05-24T04:13:01.000Z)
كل عام و كل اهلي و اصدقائي و مصر كلها بخير و سلام ، و نتمني من الله ان ينتهي الوباء و البلاء و ترجع الحياه لطبيعتها 😍😍
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exploreegypttours · 5 years ago
Facebook post (2020-05-18T05:53:15.000Z)
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