Have you?
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Have you ever wondered about the beauty of rising sun, edge of the universe, twinkling stars and planets alone? Have you wondered about the secret of colorful flowers, empty cosmos, dark nights and asteroids for hours? Have you relaxed in peace, staring at the setting sun, played with the kids, danced, and did you find it fun? Have you got lost in the beauty of, ocean, deep and blue, living eyes, the shinning moon and looked for a clue? Have you stared at a dog's eye, and got licked at your face, stopped for a moment in life, just to get out of the race? Have you swam in a river, a pond, and smiled with a mountain, ever been so joyful that you went out and danced in the rain ? Have you truly loved someone and felt it in your heart, ever wondered about the beauty of body and soul apart? Be true to yourself,ask, and the answer is No , if I am afraid, Dear friend, you haven't lived the life.
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Food for thought
How often do we explore within? There is a lot going on behind the scenes that our five sense organs just can't comprehend. How open are we to transcend? There is a system, a society and the imposed boundaries that influence even the way we breathe. How ready are we to think beyond? There is "You" . There is "Me". How well do we understand these words? Light, Air, Heat, Water, Ions etc make up you. How important is it to know beyond "You" and "Me"? The Start and the End are already fixed. How worthy is it to study " In between" ? Answers are good and important. How daring and brave are we to ask the right questions? A line has already been drawn and we are asked to follow it. How patient are we to think beyond and through? Do we just want to step on the line that's already drawn and reach the end point? Or do we want to draw a new line and reach the end point? Do we have anything beyond " It is the way it is" in our bag of wisdom or are we just not bothered to find more? Why have " I don't care ", " I don't want to think" , " It is the way it is " become the default sentences when we are equipped with what can take us beyond?
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questions, questions and questions. is it good to have a lot of questions crossing your mind? questions of all kind. questions about who we are, where we are and why we are where we are. is it worth pursuing answers to these questions? is truth relative? or is it absolute? from where i stand and see, there is only one certainty after the birth. it is the death. should it be questioned? the cosmos is infinite and the concept of existence is abstract. 
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