Primary account because I messs up and did not understand tumblr///This is where I will put my excess thoughts///Closeted Bisexual in real life/// Dick Doing and Pussy Playing online///
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A part of me love sleep
And the other part love consuming my hyper fixation
But they both hate the exchanging of time
#excess thoughts#they both hate when I wake up#or when start to go to get ready to bed#cursed existence#what a shame
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Hella fuckup dream
So we were travel a city right with a group of my classmates for like a trip right
But suddenly they all lost their memories (gravity falls style) and so they gain memories the more i interact with them and sometimes when other close friends interact
So it started off just gathering a group of friends and talking to them with good old greetings and they remember me
One funny moment is that i have a friend that into bo6 and that he was a really outgoing dude so it was just casual saying some dumb bo6 meme with “Rick tophin how he create the dark aether”and that dude basically double my numbers of getting friends with memories cuz as I said he was a out going dude so took care of most of the problem
But here is where the fuck up part my ex gf was there for some ungodly reason and soo I kinda didn’t want to interact with her cuz see didn’t remember and I thought it would be better if she never remembered me at all but she interacted with my friends and gain memories of me exist
And now I am in state of panic that since oh no she remembers me and aaaaahhhh so first instinct was to run from her( didn’t know why that was the first thing I did )
but the strange thing about her memory was it was slow to come back to her so each time we interact like little amounts of memories got remembered
And so she confronted me corner me and we had a talk, and I only spoke in one word sentences because if I spoke too fast I know what the end result would be(she gets all her memories) and so me being a little selfish I just wanted to have a little more time with her before the break up and so
We were sitting face to face and each word I said her memory would pop in and she would see me slowly tear up and cry as I saw her remember each moment we spent with each other
And how she tries to comfort when I cried was so bittersweet and lastly once she got her memories all back and in pile of tears she looked at me Melancholy look and went closer whisper something ( what Idk what heard but I think it was) Thank you memories, and wrapped a jacket around me kissed me goodbye and that when that dream ended
But holy shit that made me feel like shit but it gave me hella closure and that was insane
Like that felt like that dream had and actually plot and this on any show would be a banger episode but that was something to go through too
#excess thoughts#txt post#long post#one time i dreamt#this dream gave me such closure#like I wasn’t coping with that properly#but now I feel free#also that this would be a great arc in a show#my unconscious mind really made fire
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I was cringe in the past and that is ok
I was cringe in the past and that is ok
I was cringe in the past and that is ok
I was cringe in the past and that is ok
I was cringe in the past and that is ok
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I think I understand what it feels to be in your own world again
Just outside in the sun, hair in the wind and dam I feel amazing and mysterious like a elf in the woods enchanting adventurers with my beauty
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Starting to love to say “are they yaoi/yuri” to just cuz a bit of flustering moments
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Yall nothing hits me harder than being alone in bed at night reading cutesy manga and acting feral at each cute scene
#excess thoughts#txt post#something so liberating#I am just abusing my pillows with hugs#and i love it
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The more I understand about Eva by just talking to other people, the consensus I’ve been getting is that so many interpretations can be made from this and I just love that about the series is that so many people could interpret it as in different ways And I think that why I came to love this series is that it can be soo thoroughly researched and that doesn’t have to be the definitive way to view it, and the more I just communicate with other people views the vast differences between each perspective can be seen
Like with the reblog from the top image I really didn’t think much on why there was so much more brutality than OG Eva ending and just think oh it a movie they have a bigger budget to do these brutal scenes, but the view on that being a response or more of a retaliation against fans who wanted more action and sex makes a lot of sense and put it a just greater emphasis on why the brutality( malicious compliance to the fans is how I see it)
But yea seeing how people consume this franchise is just so interesting to me and with the big way Evangelion has such a open interpretation makes each take feel so fresh
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As the year came in I watched the Rebuild movies and oh boy there is something’s I have to say before I explode cuz the movies made this series a top ten for me and aaaahhhh
So again this gonna be my excess thoughts and spoilers for Evangelion
This was an amazing movie just a little recap. I definitely didn’t need it, but I appreciate the tiny little changes that like set up to the following movies, at first I thought that this series was a like direct sequel because of what Kaworu said and like holy shit I love that he gets introduced so much earlier (cuz I love that gay little dude sooooo much)
But the only change I dislike is that they cut out the Kensuke and Shinji camping scene cuz that was just my favorite part of his but overall the movie was really great and I think rei is less creepy in this and felt way more cuter not in just this movie but this whole saga but I will get into this a lot more later
But this movie subtly shifts my thoughts to this new universe by a little bit and was a great intro to the new universe
This is where like a lot of changes like the new character intro and just like a whole departure from the original universe but I love all of the changes
Like the more slice of life focus was great and expanding of the romances was sooooooo cute like ahhh I love cute side plots like this, and just more characters interacting is always great to watch
The characters changes here was such a joy
Kaji expanding on his eco friendly side is sooooo goooood I am just so happy that his character gotten more expanded than this mysterious man of Misato past (also how they got rid of that Asuka obsession with him is such a win( kinda did take a lost with that trying to kiss Shinji scene tho like thought we would break away from those creepy jokes from him ( but also half win for him accepting all peeps love)))
More on the changes I like is Toji just winning in life sister healed and him not almost dying is just soooooo heart warming but what was even more heart breaking is Asuka being in his place instead and still that scene is still as brutal as the original to me and just soul crushing and I thought I wouldn’t had go through that scene but wow
To my original thoughts like I thought this was a still in the same universe as original universe cuz the sea was red and that how the end of Evangelion was like but that was just wrong
And now for more Rei thoughts, I love this depiction of Rei cuz of the romances and it just made her sooo much cute just her trying to be a great cook for that dinner sub plot and her wanting Shinji to not pilot a Eva is just aaaaahhhhh my heart can’t take this sweetness and that how she got bump way up on my favorite characters like above Asuka but I will put a new ranking at the end of all this
Just finishing this part with Shout out to my goat Kowaru for just being the one who stop the third impact (didn’t last long but yea) and new parachute girl is soo cool with that beast form ( I love woman who will bite my head off )
This saga keeps getting better for each movie and I love it for that, I love this just having so much kaworu and he is just continuing to be my favorite character of the whole dang series, I think it just because he is just sooo gay and genuinely nice and cares about the world ( and his world)
This is just felt so different from the original universe and it just feels so goood too
Also parachute girl is just a really fun character and her dynamic with Asuka was great they bounce of each other better than the original trio
I don’t have really much to say but it did feel really short and but it did make up for it with the Kowaru scenes
This was sooooooooo amazing and it took my half a day to really gather my thoughts on this but I want to just say that this series is really amazing and I am glad to experience such a tremendous show and the amount of power and passion that I feel throughout this show has made such a special impact to me,
(This part get a little personal so if this makes yall uncomfortable you can skip the next paragraph)
like the message that show gives made me feel so seen at times like trying to accept myself and especially with this mini message of not having to rely on escapism as much because recently I been just stuffing my mind with a bunch of amazing series cuz I went through my first break up and so I thought of either crying for self pity or just fill that pain with great shows to escape that pain, so been just consuming shows for a while but none till Eva made me question was it wrong to cope this way but seeing Shinji characters evolve into someone who better himself in most iteration of Eva made me realize I can do the same, and the message of hope that Shinji represents in this movie really makes see that former pathetic little guy who just follow orders change to the guy who stands up and stands strong and does things for himself, and that hope that change is possible makes me have hope for myself and that a big reason Shinji gotten a major boost in my rankings
Other things that made this movie sooooooo amazing is that first part where they were in that village and you see everyone grown up and I just love to see them being adults, like wow they have became such great people and I wish for them to be in a a better world(they did get that wish) but they did make great for what they had, like seeing them grown up had me with such a dumb big grin that my mouth hurts for a bit
Rei in this movie was soooooooo cute like her learning about everything from words to work and those kind village people are just wholesome and I can’t believe that been just pulled away like that but as it did felt sad the bittersweet feeling that Shinji got from that and that motivated him was soooo good and long hair Rei is just so cute for trying to have Shinji not pilot the Eva it make me go “aaaaahhhhh” but they really(technically) did say “this was truly Neon Genesis Evangelion “ made me laugh, really didn’t understand what they were really referring but if anyone can provide and explain what they were meaning there please telll me pleaseeeeee
Speaking on that last scene that fight and just the depiction of how it just like a stage performance and being filmed was soo good, don’t know what it trying to say but it felt very familiar to End of Evangelion animation change and the stage scenes but again if any explanation for those moments please telll meee and idiot head
Final thoughts for now is that this has been those brain chemically altering pieces of media to me and motivates me thing to better myself and I want to just give thanks to how it change my mindset, I truly have so much love for this series and glad to get into such greatness
Before I forget character ranking from best to least favorite
Also if anyone has any fan fics recommendations for this series tellll meeee pleasee

#excess thoughts#txt post#this is a part of me now#long post#neon genesis evangelion#rebuild of evangelion#i love them#this alter my brain chemistry
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Last post of the year 2024 and why not end it with Evangelion
Just watched neon genesis Evangelion up to the end of Evangelion and I have some stuff to just wanna spout out cuz it really brain melting to me
And before I start this going to have spoilers for NGE anime and end of evangelion
NGE anime
NGE is such a beautiful series like the vibe of the show captures this world that is both ours but slightly curved to a different direction
Just seeing the clash of old technology and the sci fi stuff creates this atmosphere of what a world could have been.
In the beginning The Monster of the week feeling was a great felt like this Saturday morning cartoon/ power rangers show where they fight monster and I kinda missed watching those but what made me like it was how the problem was really more earth shattering scary than how those old shows made it seem, like each threat had a real possibility to end the world and destroy the city pretty quickly if not stop
The episode that had more slice of life elements really drew me into the world like the Asuka and Shinji synchronized episode was probably one of may favorite cuz it expand the relationship between the characters so nicely
I love how terrifying the anime is like how they made the Eva 01 eat that angel like a ravenous beast was so creepy and unsettling
And speaking of unsettling just the ending it was such a departure from the beginning of monster of the weak world is ending stuff to this inner turmoil that was brewing in the back of story finally pops it lid, like from the characters problems just show out and just leave me in a state of shock cuz these characters problems are way deeper than just “I want to not fight” and I love it for that
Other creepy things is just that killing Rei clones scene and wow it just makes my skin crawl with all of those smiles from that usual emotionless character and death how all of them
Shoutout to the mini au world I love those in story to see how the world would have been with the apocalypse (please tell me if the fandom have more stuff in that mini universe)
But yea from the monster of the week to the strange ending I love it all
Charters now time ranked from best to least favorite
Best gay person ever I love this character so much, He is so cool and I wish I that there was more of him in the show, but his inclusion in his ending pretty solid like I want so much more romance with him cuz he was sooooo kind and nice in the cruel world of NGE
Shout out to the Problematic girl boss she’s an amazing character very deep and all of just her She feels like an actual person who went through stuff and knows the hard decisions in life and want to go past She’s only human and her hypocrisy shows and I think that’s why she is my second favorite character
You’re starting to probably see a pattern on this list, All of the more loud characters are my favorite because it’s just more personality to them in this world like as Asuka would say, but these characters bring the life to the show and that’s why I really like like Asuka in introduction generates conflict to the other characters and really needed in a show like this
This used to be my favorite character when he was introduced, but the others took his place real fast once I got to know them, but this guy has a soft place in my heart because it was like the first person to feel like a human like you excited to see these robots, he genuine when talking to his friends, but I feel like his hidden sadness of like I know I’m gonna die so I wanna die seeing this really hits hard
He is a mess, Boy failure in the highest degree but its problems really is compelling to me, just wanting to run away from all of these pains and responsibility is so real, but his constant need to the story the role of the robot that gets him back to fight all of these monsters is really sad because he does suffer so much by being inside that robot and it’s sad to see each time he’s being forced not just by everyone by the world to fight is deeply saddening, and the world would’ve ended each time he doesn’t go into that robot so he is genuinely needed as it constantly shows the anime that without him, people will die so he is truly needed would’ve been higher up, (but that scene I expected worse because of how the Internet was infamously saying about that scene, but I’m glad it was just that and not anymore worse that it could’ve been still that was a terrible thing that he did disgusting but the Internet made it out to be way worse than I thought so yeah that was really yucky and made him a less like character to me)
Rei just creeps me out like when there is the moments of just that whole movie and that scene of those bodies getting ripped by the science lady was terrifying she is definitely I see the appeal of that type of character of this emotionless person, but I feel like it just creeps me out way more than it does for the other people I do not see that much of an appeal for her, make definitely has some cute moments but yea, I can’t say much (also it creep to put her face everywhere at the end of everything I think that my main dislike about her)
I definitely dislike his first appearance of him punching Shinji and also him flashing, but overall, I feel like his depth like his backstory is really interesting and that brings them up to my favorites
The first part, oh my God brutality, one of the first pieces of media made me sick to stomach like wow the robot fighting and eating each other like creep me out but the horrors truly show when it was humans fighting humans, cuz it was easy for me to see the robot fights as yea that destruction was definitely crazy but that just an anime fictional thingy but the human war that happen was so cruel and the display of violence was so real like people can do that and that unsettling thought really just makes my stomach disgusted.
Part two was something y’all the surreal thing about was everything that the last parts of Eva was all about, the the realization of what does it mean to be a person and like all those meanings and constant asking of questions was sooooooooo both so confusing but I feel like i understand what it was doing and i think the meaning is that as who you are is made made by both the perception of others and your self which yea makes sense when said like that but it the fear of being perceive is in that meaning too
( This last paragraph probably either was said in this fandom millions or times of probably some nonsensical string of words )
Ending think right up
But yea NGE is in my top ten anime’s cuz like all of the messages how they made the characters and definitely the cool fights and action pieces
And i definitely want to get more into this media and I know the those rebuild movies so probably will watch that next year(hehe that tomorrow) but I know there is like dozen of analysis videos on the internet so please tell which ones I should watch or non at all
#excess thoughts#txt post#long post#neon genesis evangelion#nge#koworu is my favorite little gay dude
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Finished another amazing series Mob Psycho 100
And it was a exceptional experience y’all, ( Spoilers a head for the non telepaths and psychics)
So the last season I heard it was just meh till the end from my friends who whatched it and DAMN they were dead wrong on that mark I LOVE BEGINNING TO END THIS SEASON
Want to talk about each arc that blown me away
Which I don’t have a single clue what the fandom name these arcs so I gonna make some simple names for it
Back to mob arc (1-3 episode)
Was really amazing as a starter for what to come for those school elements that was every episode that was ther. I related to mob so good dam hard that first episode from just his fear of the future and that advice gave at the really helps me get my head looking forward at the future without fear but with excitement for the possibility. Just speech from the teacher was soooo reassuring and I could just understand on that feeling so hard then that yokai hunter episode was just hilarious and cute having mob solves his own problems in such a way that incorporates his passion and reliability was just a real fun time to watch. Having that yokai king( the one that mob made) was cute to seee all of that effort that been put together. And now what I I would say the last place episode and by no means I think it was bad I just felt incomplete but with that next arc it has been a amazing to hint at and show what to come .
The divine tree arc (4-6)
This arc was just sooo good and for it was too reason the eeriness of the first part like how everyone started to ignore mob and starts to be more of a out cast while the religion starts to slowly take over. Like this what was One of favorite YouTuber videos Supereyepatch wolf video about social anxiety horror was about ( and yall should watch that video if you want to explore that same feeling with mob) but yea having that feeling of slowly becoming a outcast is just a fear that now looms over me. And then having those little scary moments of just the spread will linger in my mind for a while. The other part of why I love this arc is dimple from how he was in the beginning and end. I don’t know what the opinion on the beginning of the arc about dimple but I loved how unnerving it was about. The concept of someone takes your place is equally as scary as the becoming a outcast to your friends and I think it went hand by hand perfectly but the ending with dimple was sooooooooooo good like I thought oh easy back stab here but the genuine kindness that mob showed actually made him change and I love that soo much and how he made mob go home made me cry actually tears with that wave because aaaaahhhh I can’t really explain it in words but if anyone can explain please do but it was so gooood.
Space arc( 7-8)
This was just a cute nice simple arc. I just love how it expanded so much with occult club members and it just so cute and wholesome having them together, and the message of make memories is resonating to me sooo hard. Wanting to make a friend dream a reality is real heartwarming and how it explored more on a different psychic is really interesting and love that new character so much with his excitement for the adventure. And the aliens was just a treat to because having them there made sense in that strange world of mob psycho and having them either real or not really didn’t matter but just making them real felt so complete.
Final (9-12)
Okay ao I. I don’t want dismiss the other parts of this great season but wow this is the best way to end a series like this one from the amazing action to the most heart felt speeches and the overall tone of this felt soo right. Having experienced this was great bringing back last season big bad was a treat and the fights were great but that running scene from Reigan was just immaculate just him running towards Mob as the world turns to ruins it just amazing. And I love how each character ending was felt so complete like with Teruki Hanazawa him with that scene calling himself mobs rival was soo good he save everyone because he knew that fighting mob wasn’t the main thing but protecting mob from killing people was. And there were so many more great moments like this to round out most characters in this great story. But we have to talk about tumblr sexy man Reigan and his speech and I don’t know how many people are said this but I just love how he was honest to mob and helped him accept himself to become more of a complete person and it just makes me have goosebumps from just listening to him admitting to his faults it just soooo god damn good.
I don’t have any good ending statements but I am just glad to experience this amazing show and I hope yall have similar experiences with this great series
#excess thoughts#mob psycho 100#txt post#i ramble#this show is so good#I am glad to experience this great show#btw#reigan arataka#is such a banger#character#and dimple tooo
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I just finished Ouran Highschool host club and man I am bawling my eyes abit and dam I just want to just talk about it (spoilers for the 20+ years show)
I love alll the main squad they are all sooooo amazing, they all have their funny quirks and personalities and they are all cute the damn time
I want to talk about my Favorite out the club and that is the main guy, the one who bought his dad company and thrown back harder than ever, KO Kyoya Ootori. He is just the guy to me he exudes this confidence that I aim to have and this drive to be the best out of spite of his shit ass father. From the start he soo evil and petty and money hungry and I already like them FICTIONAL manipulator and love the trope of these manipulators actually like being good but has to look evil just for the theatrics. He has the only backstory that made me weep a bit just because how his problems to me seem realistic with parental pressure and stuff and the ways he felt with it amazing.
Now probably me second and third favorite keep on battling each other in my mind on which is second and that is our Crossdressing Trans ally drag king Haruhi Fujioka and the over the top, baby girl and girl failure coded Tamaki Suoh. These two are such engaging characters that I love them both and each time I see them are just such hilarity, having the straight and funny man bit ( this also extends to KO) but the way how this rich money man is just the most sweet glue of a dude is just so comforting and then haruhi peasant poor girl being the most realistic and kind just make both a real good protagonist and helps put a self into her mind for most of us poor dudes.
Now the mischievous tall goobers the Twins themselves self Kaoru Hitachiin and Hikaru Hitachiin, at first I was off put by the incestive suggestion but from how the story goes on I can now understand that it just a over exaggerated bit but they still do care for each other and they are just both are fun characters to annoy the rest, each of the episodes they have really draws a great difference in characters and love how they interact with the world
( also I can still not tell them apart but they’ve different personalities)
Now the mountain of man Mori(Takashi Morinozuka) he just a really cool tall dude who just very sweet and socially awkward as teens I know are and there is nothing much to talk about but he reminds of ferb( Phineas and Ferb) and that just makes him cooler.
Now for the final dude the tiny yet the strongest out of the group the humanoid typhoon wrong moniker I meant the human super weapon Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka. He has such a funny bit and just a wholesome little guy. And that episode with his brother calling him an alien is just had me dying of laughter from the strangeness of this little dude.
Overall this is gonna be on my top favorite anime’s for slice of life for just how much fun the characters are. They embrace the concept they are and feel like they are being the extra people they are for cash money. And how seriousness of that last couple episodes was sooo good, and still have such great comedy tooo. I just this series soooo much
#excess thoughts#ouran high school host club#this is a part of me now#txt post#kyoya ootori#is my blorbo now
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#excess thoughts#I love these gimmicks#these little post are so silly to me#like yes I am a loud loving gambler with a god complex who has no thoughts
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Back to school ice breaker are so hilarious too me because they now include a give me a boring fact about you and my now go to is
“I am human I think” or other variation like I am still human, and it been hilarious to see them respond to that
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Back to school happened and now I have force my horrid sleep schedule to a “normal sleep cycle” and now I am fighting for my life to stay awake
How did 6 year old me handle this Herculean struggle
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Oh noo ships is down
congratulations! you’re now a pirate. your seventh most recent emoji is the symbol on your flag. mine is ™️
#aaaaaa#boom#the hull is breached#abandon this ship#but I#will stand with this fallen ship#a captain goes down with the ship#excess thoughts
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Love to start minor silly arguments with both parties go full of passion
Like I just started an one about if Attack on titan was a magical girl anime
And dam that went for a good minute
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The greatest bit that I do is that each time I play game with my friends I say something on the lines like
“this is going pretty great. We might win this game. “
They all freak out just because I said that because I jinx them and then I’d say like
“what’s the worst that could happen”
and then not even five seconds we die and that all hilarious 
#bits#I love tempting fate#I am not arrogant#I just love to spite the#peaceful#times#chaos#txt post#excess thoughts
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