ew-toms-eyes · 2 years
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Eddsworld fans, what would you do if this small guy (tom lmao) walked up to you lookin’ like this?
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ew-toms-eyes · 4 years
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
tom s5 please
character + a face (still accepting!)
awe man, I didn’t make it in time for goretober, but still, have my first day entry!
a bit of an art experiment!
Keep reading
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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After a (admittedly not very long) search of the ‘net, I couldn’t find a Goretober list for this year that I actually liked; so I made one myself! You’re welcome to use this, just make sure you link this post or tag me (I’d love to see what y’all come up with~)
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
Are you an art blog/artist?
Rb this and I’ll send you an ask telling you what your art style would be if it was a person
(Make sure your asks are on!)
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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a colour expirment ‘Tilly from @creepsworld-au! She Says: EVERYONE IS VALID
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
call out post for the mod of @creepsworld-au
•types loud
•may or may not actually be a cat
•a really rad being
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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Today’s adventure
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
i found you...........................................
…..you found me
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
A few of my reject clone ideas-
torment- a fusion of edd, tom, and tord. got their name from tormedd sounding like torment, and the edd in them agreeing that’s what its like being stuck with tom and tord when they’re fighting (they kinda stopped fighting so often after that)
their hair resembles edd’s, they have four eyes, the top pair being tord’s and the bottom pair being tom’s and four arms.
probably a mouth on their stomach
they refuse to show anyone
teal- teal is death clone where the machine messed up terribly with an edd clone, giving him a neck mouth in stead of a normal one, ended up without eyes, ect. due to physical stress this clone had died, and when bing decided to reuse dead clones this ‘base’ was merged with a blank base and turned into a tom clone.
they have edd’s overall appearance (with a teal hoodie) with tom’s eyes and a mouth going along their collar bone.
the bases merging did add some extra organs and stuff, causing them pain
they also have four legs
‘conceited’ tord- the machine mixed up a matt and it’s clone, resulting in him. he looks like a regular tord clone, except he was put in matt’s clothes, and is incredibly narcissistic and just terrifying tbh
‘nervous’ matt- a matt clone that looks and acts just like matt except, just a little bit more... /nervous/ than the others. bing saw that he wasn’t enjoying the movie and the claw picked him up and put him in a reject room with torment, teal, and ‘conceited’ tord.
they all wondered why he was there because he didn’t look like a reject. he didn’t know why either.
‘conceited’ tord then decided to mess with him and scared him-
and he started to change
nobody knows how the machine made him like this, but he’s actually a fusion of matt and tom, and they ‘switch’ to have complete control over the body
they can only communicate during the ‘shift’ period of time.
tom only gets control when matt’s heart rate goes up, and his appearance is tom’s half shifted monster form, but in matt’s body (the one eye, horns, claws, tail, matt’s chin and hair, freckles, ect.)
it’s assumed that this happened because it was the beginning of bing’s experimentation with their monster dna (like @some-weirdo-person’s idea, go ask them about it!)
whatever emotion matt is feeling when he shifts, is what tom feels full force when he shifts
matt believes that since its ‘his’ body, he should always be in control and tries to avoid shifting
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
most of em be cursed, i’m warning ya
hhhh got some
reject clone ideas if anyone wants to hear em
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
some scribs
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blurry pictures of scribs
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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collab w @endragoneel!!
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
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HAPPY BIRTH @sky-rose-arts !!!!!!
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ew-toms-eyes · 6 years
hhhh got some
reject clone ideas if anyone wants to hear em
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