evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 gevie
Gigi: Sounds good, lady! Whatever works for you works for me, I'm just happy to be here for the ride with you!
Gigi: Oh.
Evie: Oh?????
Evie: You can't just say 'oh.' after I tell you who my boyfriend is! There's a lot riding on an 'oh.'! What does 'oh.' mean??
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 gevie
Gigi: It sounds like we're going to be a badass team, then. Between your clothes and my looks? We can't lose. Quick q, does that mean I can get some free samples from you?
Gigi: Everyone always thinks that the boy they've plucked from the crowd is the one exception lol. Who is it?
Evie: Sure, BUT only after the first few shows just so I can cover for the new employment. You'll actually be my first official model. And I'll have to run the numbers by Doug too, you know that's more his thing.
Evie: Well, he's just charming in the least expected way?? So much better than a lot of the other losers I've seen around. But you do already know him. The lucky gentleman Nuka 😋
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 📲 carvie
Carlos: Okay, I know it's wrong to pick favorites at the shelter but just look at this face!
Carlos: https://www.pixieproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/IMG_1897-215x287.jpg
Carlos: How could you not love it?
Evie: Are you thinking getting a lovely little friend?
Evie: I can imagine it's hard not to if you're there a lot
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
Chad: That depends, is that YOUR way of asking ME to be a brand model? Because let's face it, I'm doing the work for you already with how much I expose people to your skills.
Evie: Yes, I style for you and you are one of my best customers. But being a brand model is something entirely different. For one, I would be paying you instead and you would have to come to shoots and showings. Is that something you'd be able to commit to?
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
Chad: You want to hear something funny? Someone saw me in one of your pieces earlier and said they were going to run home and buy ten. They also said I should be a model for you because of how amazing it looked on me. Hilarious, right?
Evie: Chad, is this your way of asking to be a brand model for my line?
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 nuvie
Nuka: Hey, I'm with you, so whatever's your kind of thing can be my thing too, or at least enough anyway. Besides, I'd do just about anything to get to hang out with you, you know that. Especially if I get some comfort ❤️ which I'm sure I'll need lol. And okay, cool! Fair warning but eh there's not much to choose from my clothes, but I'm sure you've noticed that by now.
Nuka: Let's lock your crew and my room in a room and see who comes out on top. We can have a romantic ass date while they do that, it'd be fun!
Evie: This is one of the reasons I like you so much! Cuddling and kissing you happens to be a favorite pastime of mine. And I'd be more than willing to hand them out to you especially if you need it. Yes, I am aware. We have enough time that we could try to go shopping too but I want you to be comfortable so we can work with what we have.
Evie: That sounds completely insane, but I think it would be just a little fun to watch. And I would never turn down a romantic date with you.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 gevie
Gigi: I'm so in! I really can't thank you enough, E. I've been dying for a shot like this.
Gigi: Yeah, well, ALL men suck so I don't think there's a solution there. ALL men. Remember that, babe.
Evie: Oh, please! The pleasure is mine. I need a good model to help my fashion get out there and for people to want to wear it. You're such an influencer you know?
Evie: All of them except for maybe one of them? A particular one who just so happens to be my new proclaimed boyfriend. 🥰
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 gevie
Gigi: That's pretty ambitious, I love it. Are you serious? Of course I'd be a brand model! Fuck, that's so exciting, I'm kind of shaking now.
Gigi: I KNOW. I swear, all men are trash. I need to stop giving them a chance, all it does is bite me in the ass and not in the fun way.
Evie: Ah!!! That's just perfect!! I just think you would be the best fit for the role you would do amazing
Evie: well forget him!! yes, he is trash! i wish i knew a way to help you need non-sucky men!
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 nuvie
Nuka: A dinner party, huh? Sounds kinda fancy but I guess for you I'd be able to get through it. And Gigi's already threatened me with bodily harm if me or any of the other guys let anything happen to Sookie while she lived with us so if she threatens me for YOU, then I'm ready and will probably only cry a little bit! I'm in! Any chance I could get away with wearing a t-shirt to this thing though?
Nuka: Also, whenever you're down for me to meet Mal and the gang, I'm there too. I like you, a lot. And besides, it's not like your friends could be worse than mine.
Evie: oh my goodness, thank you! I was hoping you would say that 🥰 I know it's not really you're kind of thing, so I can host at my and Jess' apartment. If she threatens you, just try not to think about it! I would say don't take it too seriously but she's a woman of her word and I understand how she could share others. She's fierce. But I'll be there to comfort you! As for the t-shirt, could I pre-approve t-shirts from your wardrobe?
Evie: I like you too! So much! Oh, I don't know about that. Our friends may compete for that title. I mean I love them until my last sequin but they can be a little too much sometimes or not enough... they're special.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 nuvie
Evie: okay so, what do you say to having a dinner party this weekend to meet my friends? it'd be gigi and jess and probably doug since those two are dating. i would also say mal but dinner parties don't really seem like her thing so that might be weird. you can meet her and the gang another time.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 📲 harvie
Harry: nobusy tolf ,e thsy these girly drimks wit teh umbella wers so string
Evie: okay I only understood like half of that. Do you know which drink you got?
Evie: and just because a drink has a color other than brown or clear and comes with an umbrella doesn't make it a girly drink.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 nuvie
Nuka: I've been thinking about that one since I said it too. I think you'd look great in a nurse costume, but then again you'd look great in anything. Unless you want ME to be the nurse, which I'd still try, but you'd look better in the costume than me.
Nuka: HE REALLY IS! It's like he wants me to be as hot as him or something but it's just a lot.
Evie: You really know how to give a compliment 🥰 and wow, you know we need more male nurses in the field to lessen the stigma. it'd be an absolute statement if you dressed as a nurse. even if it's just for me.
Evie: You're hot on your own! I mean, my girlfriends and I all want each other to look sexy of course. but we're not going to make each other look like one another. we encourage individuality so we can feel like the hottest versions of ourselves.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
Kylie: A bleaching incident may have gone kinda wrong...
Kylie: And LIKE I COULD wear hats instead but it's summer and I'm already trying to wear as few clothes as possible, hats don't help me in my mission to be basically nakey!
Evie: oh dear- okay no, hats certainly won't do. and it could make it abundantly clear you're trying to hide something. Honestly babe, i'd say just rock it.
Evie: as you know, confidence is EVERYTHING. and if there's anyone who could make it look good, you can.
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
Rosalie: There isn’t enough cookie dough ice cream at home, so I’ll be heartbroken tomorrow instead.
Evie: oh my godmother, rosalie! why is your heart broken?
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
do you think your mom would be proud of where you are right now? why or why not?
oh! what a question, that is! well, my mother did raise me as "royalty" with the expectation i would become a queen or marry royally. so there is a high probable chance my mother would not be proud.
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honesty hour!
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
how would you describe your "type"?
as time progresses and i take a look back at my list of past and current males i have had feelings for i have come to discover it is about the heart. whoever makes me feel happy and if we have a good time together. that's my 'type'
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honesty hour!
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evie--grimhilde · 3 years
text 💬 gevie
Gigi: Girl, don't ever stress about it, especially not with me 💞 I got you. And good! What does real business look like for you? Because it's got to be more fun than what I'm doing. I'm waiting like an idiot for a guy in a club who hasn't shown up yet.
Evie: Discussing possible lines for the upcoming season! I have this idea to change auradon's fashion style. And when needed, would you do me the honor of being my brand model?
Evie: Who in their right minds would stand you up?? You are the It girl!
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